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1、精选12套完形填空试题赏析 (高三用)(一)湖北孝感一中 Computer hackers(黑客)have now got their hands on mobile phones. A phone virus(病毒)can 36 your phone do things you have no control over, computer security experts 37 . It might 38 the White House or the police, or forward your personal address book to a marketing company. O

2、r it could simply eat into the phones operating software, turning it 39 and erasing your personal information. Similar viruses have already made mobile phone owners 40 in Japan and Europe. Ari Hypponen, chief technical officer of a computer security in Finland, said a virus “can get your 41 and send

3、 them elsewhere. And it can record your 42 . Mobiles are now able to surf the Net, send emails and 43 software, so they are an easy 44 for the same hackers who have sent viruses to computers over the last decade. “Its technically 45 now,” said Stephen Trilling, director of research at anti-virus 46

4、maker Symantec Corp based in the US. “If the phone is connected to the 47 , it can be used to transmit threats and 48 targets, just as any computer can.” In Japan, if you opened a certain email message 49 your mobile, it would cause the phone to repeatedly 50 the national emergency number. So phone

5、operators had to 51 emergency calls until the bug was 52 . In Europe, mobiles short message service, 53 SMS, has been used to send codes that could damage phones. Mobile users can 54 viruses, of course, by sticking to their traditional phones 55 Web links, some experts said.36. A. get B. force C. ma

6、ke D. damage37. A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say38. A. leadB. cause C. control D. call39 .A. off B. out C. down D. on40 .A. interested B. angry C. excited D. terrified41. A. messages B. passages C. news D. information42. A. voice B. passwords C. music D. address43. A. makeB. destroy C. download D. de

7、velop44. A. job B. task C. mission D. target45.A. impossible B. possible C. useful D. valuable46. A. hardware B. software C. computer D. equipment47. A. computer B. television C. Internet D. radio48. A. strike B. visit C. inquire D. attack49. A. in B. by C. on D. with50. A. send B. dial C. count D.

8、press51. A. cancel B. ban C. stop D. prevent 52. A. removed B. cleaned C. called D. clear53. A. and B. nor C. or D. but54. A. stop B. avoid C. kill D. find55. A. beyond B. with C. over D. without解析“电脑病毒”这个词大家都熟悉,本文讲述的是手机感染电脑病毒。乍听起来好像不可能,但是读过本文后你就会明白了。本文不偏不怪,选项以动词、名词、形容词等实词为主,重在考查词或短语在上下文中的运用,重在上下文的联

9、系。很多地方与我们的思路不一样,是一篇比较好的完形填空试题。36.C 从四个选项来看,get/force要用带to的不定式作宾补,而cause的含义与上下文不吻合,用make sb to do sth结构。37.D电脑专家这样说。用及物动词say。前面的直接引语是它的宾语。38.D从下文第50空所在的句子可知这里用call,指手机感染病毒后乱打电话。用call 或dial表示“拨打电话”。39.A是用turn off还是turn on?前面有operating, eat into等词表明是在手机处于工作状态是攻入,关闭你的手机,消除其中的内容。40.B使用手机时遇到这种情况,会引起诸多不便,这

10、让你觉得害怕还是生气呢?当然是后者了。41.A message 和information都可以用,关键是后面的代词them。42.B本句的大意是“病毒会到处散发你手机上的信息,还会记下你的密码”。43.C上下文讲述手机病毒,而这里讲的是手机的功能,它能上网、发邮件,还能下载而不是毁坏软件。44.D正是由于手机有上述功能,才能成为黑客的攻击目标。本题在下文也有提示。45.B it指上文所讲的事,手机受电脑病毒攻击这件事从技术角度讲是可能的。46.B既然是anti-virus,当然是“杀毒软件”。47.C“如果电话上网就会和电脑一样”,与本文最后一句“电话不和网络连接”形成对比与呼应。48.D攻击

11、目标,这里和上文第44空形成呼应。49.C手机上的信息、电视画面等都用介词on,messages on the mobile。50.B表示“拨打电话”。这里和第38空所在句子一样,指手机受到病毒袭击后就会不断地拨打白宫、急救等电话。51.C这种情况下急救中心的接线员就只好关闭系统以免受到干扰。52.A直到这令人讨厌的东西被清除掉。动词clear表示“清除”。53.C本题用or表示“或者说,换句话说”。54.B手机用户也可以躲开病毒。55.D本空的上下文表示用传统的电话功能,不与网络连接。(二)(湖北华师一附中高三模拟试题) Every year on my birthday, from the

12、 time I turned twelve, a white gardenia was delivered to my house. No card or note came with it. 1 to the flower shop were always useless-it was a cash 2 . After a while I stopped trying to 3 who the sender was and just delighted in the beauty and perfume of the white flower. But I never 4 imagining

13、 who the sender might be. Some of my 5 moments were spent daydreaming about it. My mother asked me whether there was someone for whom I had done a(n) 6 kindness who might be showing 7 . Perhaps the neighbor I helped when she was 8 a car full of groceries. Or maybe it was the old man 9 the street who

14、se mail I helped to get during the 10 so he wouldnt have to venture down his icy steps. As a teenager, 11, I had more fun guessing that it might be a 12 who had noticed me 13 I didnt know him. One month before my high school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. He was 14 some of the most im

15、portant events in my life. I became completely 15 in my upcoming graduation and the dance. When my father died, I 16 the dance and the dress for it. The next day before the dance, I found a dress on the sofa. I didnt 17 if I had a new dress or not, but my mother did. She wanted her children to feel

16、18 and lovable, imaginative, believing that there was a magic in the world and 19 in the face of hard times. Actually mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia-loveable, 20 and perfect. The gardenia stopped coming when my mother died.1. A. Calls B. Quarrels C. Messages D. L

17、etters2. A. service B. deal C. bargain D. offer3. A. recognize B. imagine C. wonder D. discover4. A. failed B. stopped C. succeeded D. enjoyed5. A. saddest B. painfulC. happiest D. loneliest6. A. special B. common C. valuable D. important7. A. concern B. attitude C. interest D. appreciation8. A. rep

18、airing B. washing C. unloadingD. starting9. A. across B. through C. from D. onto10. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter11. A. though B. anyway C. therefore D. indeed12. A. friend B. superman C. teacher D. boy13. A. as if B. even though C. in case D. so that14. A. considering B. expecting C. miss

19、ing D. preparing 15. A. disappointed B. uninterested C. discouraged D. concentrated16. A. forgot B. lost C. hated D. expected17. A. wonder B. believe C. care D. know18. A. contented B. respected C. thanked D. loved 19. A. trouble B. beauty C. difficulty D. love20. A. strong B. beautiful C. smelly D.

20、 lucky解析1.A这里作者说“我给花店打电话询问”,用call to the shop,如果表示花店的信息应该是messages from the flower shop,而且不符合上下文的语境。2.B这里用deal表示“交易”,如Its a deal.(咱们成交),这是现金交易,对方也没有留下任何信息。3.D我就不再去探询谁是送花人。4.B我虽然不再去寻找送花人是谁,但是我时刻在想是谁给我送花的。5.C从上下文判断显然用happiest,想到有人给我送的栀子花我就觉得高兴快乐。6.A从上下文判断,这一定是我对某人特别有恩,所以他总是送花给我。7.D送花给我,以表明他对我的感激和谢意。8.

21、C从语境判断,这是我的猜想,邻居买回来一车的日常用品,我帮他从车上拿东西。9.A用across表示街对面。10.D既然是街上结冰了,那么一定是冬天。11.A从上下文判断,这里不是加强语气,也不是表示顺接,而是作者在猜测另外一种可能性,用副词though表示“不过”,也许是另外一种可能。12.D下文有him,而且作者是在作显现实的猜测而不是幻想有什么超人,因此用boy。13.B本句用even though引导让步状语从句表示“尽管”我可能不认识他。这里作者少女怀春,在作各种猜想。14.C就在我要毕业的时候父亲去世了,他看不到我人生重要的一部分了。15.B这时我沉浸在失去亲人的痛苦中,对于毕业典礼

22、和随后的舞会都不感兴趣了。16.A我这时早已忘了这些东西,还在失去亲人的悲痛中。17.C此时我已不在乎穿不穿新衣服出席舞会和典礼了。18.D联想前面提到的有人送花给我,母亲希望我是可爱而又被人爱的孩子。19.B从全文的内容判断,这里作者说就像栀子花一样,在困难时期依然有美丽的存在。20.A上文提到面对困难保持坚强,本空前面有lovely,后面有perfect,那么这里应该填与“可爱”不一样的另外一种素质,因此选A。(三)(贵州省2007年普通高等学校招生适应性考试英语试题)My aunt will come down soon, Mr. Nuttel, said a very calm you

23、ng lady of fifteen years old.Framton Nuttel was 21 to be going through a cure for his disease, but now he22whether this visit to the village would help.“Do you know many of the people round here?” asked the niece 23she thought they had sat long enough24. “Hardly one” said Framton. “Then you know 25a

24、bout my aunt?” continued the lady, “Out through that window,26three years ago, her husband and two brothers went off for their days shooting. In27the country, they were all there28in a bog(沼泽).” Here the childs voice29its calm and became almost human (as she was always good at making up stories). “A

25、unt always 30they will some day walk in at that window just as they used to do. Sometimes on31evenings like this, I almost get a strange32that they will all ”She stopped when the aunt came 33 into the room. “Bera has been 34you? Shes always making up stories.” she said.“She is very interesting,” sai

26、d Framton.“I hope you don t mind the open window. My husband and brothers will be home soon from shooting, and they always come in this way. She talked on35about the shooting and the hopes of shooting in the winter. To Framton it was all quite36in the increasing darkness. He made a great37, which wa

27、s only partly successful, to turn the talk on to a cheerful subject. His hostess was giving him only a part of her38, and her eyes were frequently39him to the window. It wasnt certainly 40 that he had paid his visit on this sorrowful day.21. A. ready B. supposed C. sure D. worried22. A. doubted B. r

28、ealized C. argued D. discovered23. A. as if B. unless C. even though D. when24. A. all the time B. in silence C. with pleasure D. in that case25. A. nothing B. something C. all D. anything26. A. exactly B. about C. over D. almost27. A. escaping B. crossing C. entering D. marching28. A. sunk B. hidde

29、n C. swallowed D. struck29. A. kept B. returned C. got D. lost30. A. determines B. insists C. thinks D. suggests31. A. lonely B. magic C. quiet D. mysterious32. A. dream B. idea C. feeling D. thought33. A. angrily B. worriedly C. eagerly D. busily34. A. troubling B. amusing C. examining D. complaini

30、ng35. A. anxiously B. sadly C. cheerfully D. calmly36. A. pleasant B. terrible C. attractive D. difficult37. A. effort B. suggestion C. decision D. fortune38. A. interest B. sorrow C. attention D. opinion39. A. glaring at B. fixed upon C. kept on D. looking past40. A. comfortable B. successful C. ea

31、sy D. fortunate解析21.B 从四个选项判断,这里用be supposed to表示“被期待,应该”,表示作者猜测他到这里来的目的。22.A 但是他这时开始怀疑到这里来是否有助于他治病。23.D 用when/as引导时间状语从句,当她觉得时。24.B 从四个选项判断用in silence。这个年轻人沉默寡语,25.A 从上下文判断,既然谁也不认识,那么当然就对这个家庭的主人一无所知了。26.A27.B 上下文说出去打猎,穿过一片沼泽地带,那么这里应该用cross表示“穿越”。28.C 这里这个小孩在编故事吓唬来访之客,三年前他们在穿越沼泽地带时被沼泽地吞噬了。29.D 既然是撒谎

32、,有时候会有破绽。讲到这里她的声音有点不自然了。30.C 阿姨始终认为他们会回来的。31.C 在安静的时候,我就开始想入非非,以为他们会奇迹般的回来。32.C 我有这种感觉。33.D 女主人这时登场了,面对客人当然不会是生气、忧虑,而是风风火火地进来招呼客人,同时还等着丈夫回来。34.B Bera在阿姨忙碌时帮助招呼客人,因此其他项不对,用B表示“逗乐,逗笑”,这表明小女孩刚才说的都是假话,她是不是又在拿你开心?35.C 谈到丈夫的打猎,女主人当然就是兴致勃勃了,而且讲个不停。36.B 从上下文看,女主人把窗户打开等丈夫,现在天快黑了,这时他联想到小女孩的故事,心里觉得害怕,觉得这里阴森森的。

33、显然他把小女孩的谎话信以为真了。37.A 本题用make an effort to do sth,表示他现在想转移话题。38.C 但是女主人没有完全关注他的信息,用attention表示“注意力”。39.D 还是一边说话一边看窗外。这里说她的目光飘过他看窗外。40.D 看来他的到来是不受欢迎的,真不该来。( 四 ) 河北平泉一中As China faced up to a battle against bird flu, the government announced a range of control measures it believed would bring the diseas

34、e under control. This bird flu 36 more than 16 people across Asia and was made certain in China in late January, 2004. No37 cases had been found in the mainland but at least 13 of the countrys 31 provinces, autonomous regions(自治区) and municipalities had 38 the disease in poultry(家禽).“It 39 a difficu

35、lt task for China to prevent and control the disease, 40 the government is confident in the fight,” said a Vice-Minister of Agriculture. He gave details of a range of measures designed to 41 the disease spreading. Poultry within 3km of infected farms was to be killed and those within 5km vaccinated(

36、接种疫苗). 42 , there would be constant monitoring(监控) and daily 43 on the disease across the country, and 44 production of bird flu vaccines.Among the 11 Asian countries and regions 45 by bird flu in animals, only Viet Nam and Thailand had reported human cases. The people infected were reported to have

37、 46 the disease from poultry.While the World Health Organization said there was 47 proof of human transmission(传播) of bird flu, it admitted that two sisters who died of bird flu in Viet Nam48 have caught it from their brother.The big49 was that the disease could combine with a human flu virus(病毒) to

38、 create a deadly50 disease that would kill millions of people across the 51 . Many Asian farmers live closely with their animals and sell 52 chickens on the market. This greatly increases the 53 of human being infected with bird flu.An official from WHO said Asian countries affected by bird flu shou

39、ld introduce a more 54 way of raising and selling chickens. They have to completely 55 their lifestyle and attitude towards animals.36. A. hurt B. hit C. struck D. killed37. A. animal B. bird C. human D. poultry38. A. shown B. reported C. struck D. said39. A. remains B. leaves C. stays D. continues4

40、0. A. but B. and C. while D. so41. A. fight B. control C. keep D. stop42. A. However B. Meanwhile C. Therefore D. Instead43. A. controls B. treatments C. reports D. vaccines44. A. started B. improved C. increased D. attempted45. A. affected B. destroyed C. connected D. introduced46. A. held B. cover

41、ed C. carried D. caught47. A. some B. much C. no D. more48. A. should B. might C. must D. need49. A. accident B. problem C. task D. flu50. A. new B. strange C. serious D. bad51. A. country B. area C. mainland D. globe52. A. killed B. many C. dead D. live53. A. speed B. possibility C. introduction D.

42、 experience54. A. healthy B. useful C. simple D. gentle55. A. stop B. change C. form D. keep解析36.D从上下文判断这里不是说全亚洲有16人感染禽流感,而是16人由于禽流感而死去。37.C下文说“但是13个省市区报道有家禽感染”,与此对应,这里说没有出现人员被感染的情况。38.B这里说的是据报道这些地区有家禽感染禽流感。39.A如何预防和控制这一疾病,这仍然是我们的一个艰巨任务。40.A从上下文判断这里表示转折关系,尽管任务艰巨,但是我们充满信心。41.D用stop/prevent sb (from)

43、doing sth,或keep sb from doing sth。keep sb doing sth表示“让某人持续做”显然不符合语境。42.B这里讲述人们采取的一系列措施,一方面另一方面,用副词meanwhile表示与此同时。43.C不是日常的控制,而是全国各地的疾病动态的报道。44.C这里说增加疫苗的生产,用increased表示增加产量。45.A动物感染禽流感。46.D这里说人感染禽流感都是从家禽感染的。用catch (the illness)表示感染某疾病。47.C从上下文的连贯用C,尽管没有证据,但是事实证明人可以互相传染该疾病。48.B既然没有直接的证据,那么这只是人们的猜测,用

44、情态动词might表示微小的可能性。49.B最大的问题/威胁。50.A既然是create(创造),那么一定是一种新的疾病。51. D与上文呼应,这里说的都是全球范围内的疾病传播和控制。52.D在时常出售鲜活家禽。正是鲜活的家禽传染疾病。53.B这就加大了人感染疾病的几率54.A要预防和控制疾病就必须有更科学的喂养和销售方式。55.B要改变原来的生活方式和喂养动物的方法。 (五) 丰台区2007年 Weve heard it before-weve heard it on the news, from teachers, from parents-children and teenagers t

45、oday are growing up too fast. There are not too many people that will 36 with that statement. Teenagers are faced with serious problems and decisions at an early 37 . In fact most teenagers daily schedules(日程表)are as 38 as those of an adults. I have been working since I was thirteen, and always in 3

46、9 in which I was working with adults (成年人). I have had to learn to think and 40 like an adult to be taken seriously. So, I count myself as one who has grown up too fast. I just graduated from high school, and have recently spent some time reflecting(反思)on the 41 eighteen years-thinking about myself,

47、 what I have gained, and what 42 I have yet to achieve. We are expected to work hard, get excellent 43 , be in a good relationship, and know what we want to do 44 . The list goes on and on. But the 45 is clear: We live in a society today that is 46 our childhood. We no longer have many years to be c

48、areless and fancy-free. We are expected to 47 the strict school rules and to excel(擅长)in everything we do. Ive known these things for a long time, and knew that they 48 me. But, I never really admitted it until last night, when I learned a 49 lesson, taught to me by my boss where I work. We had fini

49、shed a job at a remote(遥远的)site. It was about 11:30 at night, and we had 50 to his house. We were talking about the 51 he had been making to his home. One of the things he said was “I 52 my basketball hoop(篮圈).” Then he threw a basketball to me. I hadnt 53 a basketball in five years. We proceeded to

50、 shoot hoops for about 40 minutes. Both of us were terribly bad at it, but we spent the whole time 54 like children. Then I realized something: I am still a child. Oh, the law says Im an adult. But, we are still really and truly children. We all need to have 55 once in a while. 36. A. argue B. disag

51、ree C. satisfy D. discuss37. A. age B. stage C. year D. grade38. A. certain B. busy C. careful D. perfect39. A. companies B. places C. positions D. offices40. A. study B. speak C. work D. act41. A. last B. other C. rest D. coming 42. A. purposes B. success C. goals D. jobs43. A. textbooks B. grades

52、C. teachers D. schools44. A. in life B. in time C. for ages D. for ever45. A. information B. message C. notice D. idea46. A. ruining B. correcting C. envying D. shortening 47. A. respect B. accept C. learn D. follow 48. A. inspired B. disappointed C. affected D. frightened49. A. valuable B. serious

53、C. important D. useful50. A. walked B. flown back C. gone back D. driven 51. A. furniture B. improvements C. equipment D. arrangements52. A. moved B. fixed C. sold D. broke53. A. played B. caught C. touched D. held54. A. laughing B. shouting C. running D. shooting55. A. a rest B. a talk C. fun D. sp

54、orts解析36. B从下文的内容判断作者说很少有人会对这一说法表示异议,有不同看法。37. A既然是孩子们长的快,那么作者说十来岁的年轻人就要年纪轻轻就面对重要的抉择。38. B时间表的安排很忙碌,和成人的一样。39. C40.D 41.A 42.C 43.B 44.A 45. B 46. D 47. D 48. C 49. A 50. C 51. B 52. B 53. D 54. A 55. C(六 )Koko is the first gorilla to have been taught sign language . Koko lives in the Aanta Cnuz mou

55、ntains. She has her own house and an outside enclosure where she spends her 36 when it is not raining.“Cold bad, Gorilla hate,” Koko tells me, as I stand outside her house. But 37 Koko was interested in me, and told me “Visitor good”, it is her conversations with Dr Penny Patterson, 53, that are 38

56、.Patterson was a psychology student when Koko was born in San Francisco zoo in 1971. Language 39 had been made using chimpanzees before, but 40 with a gorilla. “At first my expectation was Id 41 with Koko for four years,” she says. “But after a few evenings together, I couldnt put her down , I ended

57、 up staying with her 42 shed fall asleep .When she began 43 Koko the sign language that deaf-mute people 44 ,forcing the little fingers of the one-year-old gorilla into the 45 positions for “drink”, “eat”, “more” and rewarding her with 46 , she had no idea how quickly Koko would 47 .Now Koko is so g

58、ood at sign language that if she doesnt know a word, she 48 one. For example, she didnt know the word 49 “ring”, so she joined the signs for “finger” and “bracelet” to express it .What has been unrecognized by science is that gorillas also have complex emotions-Koko was seen in an upset state when s

59、he heard her carers 50 the events of September 11. When Patterson asked her what she would 51 for her 11th birthday, Koko 52 She wanted a cat . The story of Kokos cat enabled Patterson to learn 53 about her emotions. The cat was 54 by a car and Patterson had to 55 the news to Koko , who signed “Cry

60、, sad , frown (皱眉头)”.36.A.holidays B. nights C. days D. afternoon 37.A.what B. since C. when D. although 38.A.boring B. exciting C. useful D. meaningful 39.A.courses B. learning C. studies D. tests 40.A.once B. always C. usually D. never 41.A.work B. live C. study D. help 42.A.unless B. until C. so

61、that D. because 43.A.telling B. showing C. teaching D. improving 44.A.need B. have C. use D. speak 45.A.correct B. normal C. wrong D. possible 46.A.money B. food C. music D. flowers 47.A.pick it up B. find it out C. give it up D. pick it out 48.A.makes B. invents C. finds D. borrows 49.A.as B. of C.

62、 for D. with 50.A.discussing B. watching C. learning D. escaping 51.A.have B. buy C. like D. keep 52.A.wrote B. admitted C. signed D. said 53.A.much B. nothing C. less D. more 54.A.hit B. carried C. sent D. run 55.A.keep B. break C. spread D. report 解析3640 CDBCD 4145 ABCCA 4650 BABCA 5155 CCDAB(七)六安

63、一中(A)In the U.S. today, the cost of housing is very high. It is _36_ to pay one fourth or one third of familys income on a place to live. The price of a house depends on its size and _37_. Big houses are more expensive than smaller ones, and houses closer to the center of big cities are more expensi

64、ve than _38_ in the suburbs or in small towns. For Americans, it is _39_ for them to buy their houses over a period of time. When a family buys a house, it is _40_ to borrow money from a bank to pay for it. Families can take 30 years to _41_ the mortgage (抵押贷款). Many Americans dont _42_ their homes.

65、 They pay landlords to _43_ their homes. Usually, it is cheaper to rent than it is to buy and to pay a mortgage. _44_, when something needs to be repaired, it is easy for the renter to ask the landlord to _45_ it. 36. A. appropriate B. common C. extraordinary D. commercial 37. A. quality B. style C.

66、 shape D. location 38. A. these B. ones C. which D. that 39. A. usualB. rare C. awful D. ridiculous 40. A. unbelievable B. sensible C. necessary D. temporary 41. A. pay out B. pay off C. pay back D. pay for 42. A. keep B. own C. leave D. love 43. A. borrowB. buy C. stay in D. live in 44. A. However

67、B. Otherwise C. Also D. Therefore 45. A. improve B. discuss C. check D. fix (B)GLOW-WORM GROTTO(火萤洞)Down the centre of the North Island of New Zealand, and for some _46_ through the South Island, are vast reefs of limestone (石灰岩矿脉). In the Waitomo District of the King Country these are _47_ with und

68、erground steams. Best _48_ are the Waitomo Caves, a group of big caves known _49_ as Waitomo Cave, Ruakuri Cave and Aranui Cave. The glow-worms, actually the larval (幼虫) form of an insect, suspend themselves _50_ the cave roof _51_ a sticky thread which _52_ insects. _53_ from a boat in pitch darkne

69、ss, the glow-worms _54_ as vast constellations (星座) of blue-white lights, _55_ beautiful. 46. A. distance B. road C. traveling D. flight 47. A. expressed B. riddled C. hidden D. puzzled 48. A. noticed B. named C. known D. described 49. A. famously B. beautifully C. naturally D. individually 50. A. f

70、rom B. on C. at D. down 51. A. in B. by C. with D. for 52. A. eats B. removes C. traps D. sucks 53. A. Searched B. Judged C. Surveyed D. Viewed 54. A. appear B. freeze C. group D. jam 55. A. actually B. mentally C. artificially D. unforgettably解析36-45 BDBAC BBDCD46-55 ABCDA BCDAD(八)May Paxton gradua

71、ted from the Missouri School for the Deaf at Fulton near the year 1909. Three years later she went to 36 Dr. Katherine B. Richardson about becoming a nurse. Dr. Richardson was one of the founders of Mercy Hospital of Kansas City, Missouri. She had never 37 of a deaf nurse. Dr. Richardson told May th

72、at her pay would be very 38 and that the work would be difficult. 39, May said that hard work did not frighten her. Dr. Richardson thought well of her, and 40 May as a student nurse.Dr. Richardson never 41 her decision. In fact, she was so pleased with Mays work that she later accepted two other dea

73、f women. The first was Miss Marian Finch of Aberdeen, South Dakota, who was 42 of hearing. The second was Miss Lillie “Bessie” Speaker of St. Joseph, Missouri. These three were called “the 43 angels(天使) of Mercy Hospital” during the time they worked there.May and Marian did not 44 each other before

74、Marian was hired by the hospital. When Marian first 45 to the hospital, Dr. Richardson introduced May to Marian. She showed them to the room they were to share. During the next two days, the two girls wrote 46 to each other. Finally, other 47 asked Marian if she knew that May was deaf. Marian ran to

75、 the bedroom and asked May in sign if she really was deaf. May answered in sign. Then, 48 the joke sunk in, the two girls burst into laughter.May was always conscientious(认真的) about49orders. Only once did she disobey Dr. Richard- son. It took a lot of time to 50 for all the sick children. 51, Dr. Ri

76、chardson asked the nurses not to take the time to hold the new babies when they were 52 . However, May hated to see the babies cry. When 53 was not around, she found time to hold them. This small change helped the nursery to run much more 54 . When Dr. Richardson discovered what May was doing, she r

77、ecognized that Mays 55 had improved the nursery, and decided to overlook Mays disobedience.36Asee BwatchCfindDreport37AspokenBthoughtCheardDtalked38AlittleBlowCmuchDhigh39AThereforeBHoweverCLaterDNaturally40AacceptedBregardedCpraisedDadmired41AmadeBconsideredCregrettedDfollowed42AtiredBproudCashamed

78、Dhard43AsilentBquietCwiseDcalm44AlikeBrecognizeCknowDgreet45AwentBcameCcalledDdrove46AarticlesBpapersCnotesDnotices47ArelativesBdoctorsCpatientsDnurses48AasBbeforeCuntilDsince49Agiving BpassingCcheckingDfollowing50AlookBcareCaskDseek51AWhats moreBStill worseCAs a resultDNo doubt52AcryingBsittingCsmi

79、lingDlying53AMarianBMayCDr. RichardsonDBessie54AquicklyBslowlyCsmoothlyDnaturally55AactionsBviewsCstrengthsDmistakes解析36.A 37.C 38.B 39.B 40.A 41.C 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.B 46.C 47.D 48.A 49.D 50.B 51.C 52.A 53.C 54.C 55.A(九)福建省达标中学 Leroy Columbo left his lifeguard post. He walked slowly down the_36_. Ma

80、ny people were sunbathing on the sand, and they spoke to him. Leroy nodded and smiled to them_37_, he always kept an eye on the water. You see, Leroy was a_38_lifeguard. He couldnt hear cries for help; therefore, he _39_use his eyes. He could _40_ a person in trouble in the water quickly. Leroy was

81、a familiar_41_on the Galveston, Texas beaches. During his_40_years of work as a lifeguard there he _42_ 907 people from drowning in the waters. Leroy was born in 1905. He lost his_43_at seven. Nine years later, because of his fathers death, Leroy left school and helped44_his family. However, Leroy d

82、idnt need much money to swim in the waters around Galveston Island, so he spent most of his free time swimming and became a(n)_45_swimmer. At eighteen, his brother asked him to_46_ the Surf Toboggan Club. He had to take a(n)_47_ first before the club could_48_him. He had to swim three hours without

83、stopping. He couldnt _49_ rest by floating or swimming on his _50_. Leroy took the test and passed it easily. Leroy never won a scholarship. He never_51_ training for sports competition. _52_, he used his talents (才能) to save others lives._53_he died on July 2,1974, members of the Texas State Senate

84、 stood for a moment of _54_in his honor. The Galveston people have had a plaque(牌匾) made in his _55_.His name was included in the Guinness Book of World Records.36. A. beach B. roadside C. street D. riverbank37. A. Obviously B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. However38. A. weak B. poor C. deaf D. strong39

85、. A. had to B. should C. could D. must40. A. describe B. warn C. inform D. notice41. A. view B. sportsman C. scene D. sight42. A. knew B. told C. saved D. separated43. A. eyesight B. hearing C. interest D. voice44. A. support B. comfort C. raise D. keep45. A. ordinary B. expert C. lucky D. special46

86、. A. organize B. set up C. join D. put up47. A. interview B. try C. look D. test48. A. train B. understand C. accept D. recognize49. A. ever B. even C. just D. yet50. A. back B. face C. feet D. side51. A. went into B. went on C. gave up D. insisted on52. it. Meanwhile B. Certainly C. Fortunately D.

87、Instead53. A. Because B. When C. While D. Since54. A. peace B. calmness C. sadness D. silence55. A. favor B. memory C. opinion D. name 解析36A 37D 38C 39A 40D41D 42C 43B 44A 45B 46C 47D 48C 49B 50A 51A 52D 53B 54D 55B( 十 )The night was dark, though sometimes the moving clouds allowed a star or two to

88、be seen in the sky. The poor men held on to any bit of 26 they could find. They called to the Marie for 27 but she was far 28 the reach of the human voice. At one oclock in the morning suddenly some 29 were seen in the distance: another ship! The shouts of the 30 were heard on board, and willing han

89、ds pulled them out of the water. The 31 of the ship that had arrived at the scene 32 to save their lives was the Ellen. What had 33 her to the exact spot 34 the darkness and the pathless sea? Her captain had known 35 of the wreck(沉船) and had, indeed, 36 to sail away from it. But let him speak for hi

90、mself.“ 37 I was forced by the wind to change my course, a small bird flew across the ship once or twice and then flew at my face. I 38 of this until exactly the same thing happened a second time, 39 caused me to think it rather 40 .While I was this 41 ,the same bird, for the third time, make its ap

91、pearance and flew 42 in the same way as before. I was then 43 to change my course back to the original one. I had not gone far 44 I heard a strange voice; and when I tried to 45 where they came from, I found I was in the middle of people who had been shipwrecked. I immediately did by best to save th

92、em.” 26. A. landB. grass C. hopeD. wood 27.A. foodB. help C. restD. stop28.A. offB. out C. beyondD. from29.A. peopleB. lights C. shipsD. houses 30.A .sailorsB. captains C. rescuersD. swimmers 31.A .nameB. owner C. captainD. infer 32.A .ahead of timeB. at times C. on timeD. in time33.A. broughtB. car

93、ried C. kept D. caused 34.A.inB. on C. through D. around 35. A. everythingB. nothing C. somethingD. anything 36. A. attemptedB. managed C. allowedD. demanded 37.A.Just asB. In case C. Only becauseD. Even though38.A. paid no attentionB. took good care C. took no notice D. kept close watch39.A.whichB.

94、 what C .that D .this40.A.interestingB. funny C. friendlyD. unusual 41.A.searchingB. expecting C. considering D. studying 42.A.backB. about C. upD. down43.A.forcedB. decided C. persuaded D. forbidden 44.A.whenB. until C. then D. while 45.A.listen toB. search for C. make sure D. look out解析26 D hold o

95、n to 意思为“紧紧地抓住”。通读全文我们可以知道现在这些人是在茫茫大海里,他们必须抱住能找到的任何一块木头,以帮助自己逃生。27 B 他们向“玛丽号”船求救。联系上下文我们可以知道the Marie是船的名字。28 C beyond the reach of 意思是“在的范围之外”。人们向“玛丽号”求救,然而船上的人们根本听不到他们的呼救声。29 B lights的意思是“灯光”。C项具有一定的干扰性。从该空后的another ship来看,C项不符合题意。30 D 联系上下文,这些人的身份我们一直不知道,因此D项为最佳选项。31 A the Ellen是船的名字,因此,此处选name。3

96、2 D in time 及时;ahead of time 提前;at times有时;on time准时。33 A句意为:“是什么把她(的船)带到这个地点的?”34 C“through the darkness and the pathless sea”意思是“穿过黑夜和茫茫大海”。35 B 从空后的“had,indeed,_ (attempted) to sail away from it”及下一段,我们可以知道,船长对此事一无所知。36 A 因为他不知道这里发生沉船事故,因此他曾经“试图”把船开走。37 A just as 在这里引导时间状语从句。38 C pay attention后搭配

97、的介词应该是to。39 A which引导非限制性定语从句。40 D 这件事让我感到“不同寻常”。41 C considering 在此处相当于thinking。指船长认为鸟的举动有些异常。42 B fly about 意思是“到处飞”。43 C 船长在这里说“鸟的异常举动劝服我改变了主意”。44 A when在此意思是“就在这时”。45 C 因为是黑夜,在茫茫大海上,船长一时辨不清声音来自何方,因此他首先确定声音的位置。 (十一)American cities are36 other cities around the world. In every country, cities show

98、 the 37 of the culture. Cities contain the very 38 aspect(方面) of a society: opportunities for education, employment and so on. They also 39 the very worst parts of a society. Now American cities are changing, just 40 American society. After World War , the population of 41 large American cities beca

99、me smaller; 42 , the population in many Sun Belt cities increased. Los Angeles and Huston are cities 43 population increased. That people come into and out of the city shows the changing value of American society. During this time, in the 44 1940s, the people of the city became wealthier and they ha

100、d more children. They need more 45 . They moved out to buy their own homes. They bought houses46 the city, areas near a city where people live and there are not many offices or factories. During 1950s the American dream was to have a house outside the city. Now things are changing. The children of t

101、he people who 47 the cities in the 1950s are now adults. They 48 their parents want to live in the cities.49 continue to move to cities in the Sun Belt. Cities are becoming 50 and the population is increasing in 51states as Texas, Florida and Californian.52 are moving to more established cities, suc

102、h as Boston and Chicago. Many young doctors, lawyers and bosses are moving back into the city. They prefer the city 53 the outside of it, because their jobs are there; they are afraid of the oil shortage; or they just 54 the excitement and opportunities which the city offers. A new class is moving i

103、nto the citiesa wealthier and 55 mobile class.36Adifferent fromBsimilar toCbetter thanDworse than37AvalueBworthCimportanceDexpense38AwellBgoodCbetterDbest39AcontentBgetCcontainDinclude40AlikelyBasCwhileDwhen41Aall BmostCfewDmuch42Abut BandChoweverDalthough43Aits BwhichCwhereDthat44Alate BlaterClatel

104、yDlatter45AspaceBspotsCtimeDfood46AbesideBdowntownCcountrysideDoutside47AarrivedBleftCreachedDentered48Aas BlikeCdislikeDunlike49ASomeBAllCSeveralDBoth50Abig BnoisyClargerDwonderful51AsuchBtheseCthoseDmany52AThe othersBThe onesCPeoplesDOthers53AthanBbetter thanCrather thanDto54Awin BenjoyCearnDown55

105、AveryBandCmoreDor解析3640 BADCB 4145 BCCAA 4650 DBDAC 5155 ADDBC (十二)华师附中高三There was once a professor of medicine ,who was very strict with his students .Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee, the students would be in 36 , because he was seldom pleased with the 37 they gave .A student would

106、 be 38 enough if he or she could receive a good 39 from him. At the end of the term, the students of 40 would take exam again .Now a student 41 the exam room and got 42 before the committee. This student was a little 43 as he knew it would not be so 44 to get through the exam at all. The professor b

107、egan to ask. The student was 45 to describe a certain illness, his description of which46 out to be OK .Then the professor asked about the 47 for illness, and the student, too, answered just as 48 . “Good,” said the professor, “and how much will you 49 the patient?” “A full spoon,” answered the stud

108、ent. “Now you may go out and wait for what you can get,” said the professor .At the same time the committee 50 carefully the answers the student had given. Suddenly the student noticed there was something wrong with his 51 answer. “A full spoon is too much,” he thought to himself. 52 he opened the d

109、oor of the room and cried, “Mr Professor, Ive made a 53 ! A full spoon is too much for the patient .He can only take five drops.” “Im sorry, sir” said the professor 54 , “ but its too late .Your patient has 55 .”36. A. sorrowB. fearC. painD. pity37. A. papersB. argumentsC. scoresD. answers38. A. bra

110、veB. lovelyC. luckyD. lively39. A. markB. smileC. faceD. word40. A. scienceB. medicineC. biologyD. arts41. A. passedB. leftC. enteredD. reached42. A. caughtB. arrangedC. stoodD. seated43. A. eagerB. puzzledC. excitedD. nervous44. A. difficultB. easyC. comfortableD. encouraged45. A. requiredB. ordere

111、dC. pleasedD. helped46. A. madeB. lookedC. turnedD. gave47. A. conditionB. descriptionC. cure D. advice48. A. directB. rightC. goodD. wrong49. A. takeB. feedC. giveD. sell50. A. arguedB. discussedC. examinedD. quarreled51. A. lastB. firstC. satisfactoryD. wonderful52.A. AnxiouslyB. ProudlyC. GladlyD. Suddenly53.A. correctionB. mistakeC. speechD. discovery54.A. sadlyB. coldlyC. shamefullyD. angrily55.A. leftB. recoveredC. diedD. returned解析36-40 BDCAB41-45CDDBA 46-50 CCBCB 51-55 AABBC


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