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2021-2022学年新教材外研版英语必修第一册课时作业:UNIT 6 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——定语从句(Ⅲ) WORD版含解析.doc

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2021-2022学年新教材外研版英语必修第一册课时作业:UNIT 6 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——定语从句(Ⅲ) WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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2021-2022学年新教材外研版英语必修第一册课时作业:UNIT 6 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——定语从句(Ⅲ) WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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2021-2022学年新教材外研版英语必修第一册课时作业:UNIT 6 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——定语从句(Ⅲ) WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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2021-2022学年新教材外研版英语必修第一册课时作业:UNIT 6 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——定语从句(Ⅲ) WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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2021-2022学年新教材外研版英语必修第一册课时作业:UNIT 6 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——定语从句(Ⅲ) WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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2021-2022学年新教材外研版英语必修第一册课时作业:UNIT 6 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——定语从句(Ⅲ) WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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2021-2022学年新教材外研版英语必修第一册课时作业:UNIT 6 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——定语从句(Ⅲ) WORD版含解析.doc_第7页
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1、课时作业(十七)Unit 6Section Grammar定语从句().阅读理解AAn earthquake is one of the most common natural calamities. It may cause great damage. So it is wise to learn some simple safety tips to protect yourself or your family members.Fragile (易碎的) items, like those made of glass are easily broken and should usually

2、 be placed on a lower surface, near the ground instead of placing them on cupboards higher up. Never place them near your bed, sofas and other furniture where you would be sitting or lying down. When there is a strong movement, these pieces will fall on the floor directly and not on you.There is a s

3、trong chance of short circuits (短路) and fire outbreaks during an earthquake. Make sure you turn off electrical connections and gas immediately when an earthquake happens.During an earthquake, lie beneath an object that is not easily damaged. Do not go near objects that could directly fall on you. Ne

4、ver use the elevator to go down. Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go out. Use the staircases at all times.If you are outdoors, do not take shelter under a tree, streetlights, electric po

5、les or tall buildings. If you are driving, stop your car and stay in a safe place. Do not park your car under a tree or any tall object.If trapped in debris (碎片), cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing. Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can find you. Use a whistle if one is available. Neve

6、r shout for help. Shouting can cause you to breathe in dangerous dust. Do not light a match because you may burn yourself. Do not move about or kick up dust.1What does the underlined word “calamities” mean in the passage?AScenes. BDisasters.CConditions. DSciences.2During the earthquake, people are a

7、dvised to _.Ago out of the building at onceBdrive to a safe place quicklyCtake shelter under a treeDturn off electricity and gas immediately3What should people NOT do when they are trapped in debris?ATap on a pipe or wall for help.BCover their mouths with handkerchiefs.CLight a match for warmth.DUse

8、 a whistle for help.4Whats the passage mainly about?AThe damage caused by earthquakes.BThe rescue work after earthquakes.CHow to prevent earthquakes.DWhat to do during earthquakes.BIf you want to travel from Xian to Chengdu by train, it will take about 16 hours. But starting from December, 2017, the

9、 new XianChengdu highspeed railway has shortened this travel time to three hours.The 643kilometer line is Chinas first highspeed railway to run through the Qinling Mountains, which form a natural boundary (分界线) between Chinas north and south. With a speed of 250 km per hour, its also the first mount

10、ainheavy train line to provide a 4G network. Along the way, the train passes through two areas for rare wild animalsone for pandas and the other for crested ibises (朱鹮)To reduce the railways influence on the animals, workers and experts have designed and built the railway to be environmentally frien

11、dly. There were 345 wild pandas living in the Qinling Mountains. China now has l,864 wild pandas in total, according to the Xinhua News Agency.To avoid disturbing the pandas, the railway was designed to run through tunnels within the area. Protective shields (防护屏) are placed near the entrance of eac

12、h tunnel to stop animals from going in.To protect the thousands of crested ibises that fly near one part of the railway, protective nets have been set up to make sure the birds will not fly into a train.The nets are about 32 km long and 4 meters high. Experts tested different shapes and materials fo

13、r building the nets before making their final choice.5From December, 2017, it takes _ to travel from Xian to Chengdu by the highspeed train.A16 hours B13 hoursC3 hours D1 hour6Why did people build the railway to be environmentally friendly?ATo save money and energy.BTo avoid damaging the mountains.C

14、To avoid harming the wild animals.DTo help the train run through tunnels quietly.7What are experts using to stop the birds from flying into the train?ATunnels. BTracks.CProtective shields. DProtective nets.8What is the passage mainly about?AThe XianChengdu highspeed railway.BHow to protect pandas an

15、d crested ibises.CThe Qinling Mountains.DProtective shields and nets.完形填空As I turned off one of the main roads the other day,I noticed something unusual in the parking lot of the grocery store.Theres a wide grassy land in front of their parking lot where _1_ often put up signs announcing their yard

16、sales or events. But the _2_ in front of me was worthy of a doubletake. A man in a suit was _3_ a sign into the ground and a homeless man was holding the sign while he hammered.I was struck by how the two looked so _4_, one with a soldier suit, snowy white shirt, but the other with _5_ clothing and

17、uncombed hair waving wildly in the wind. And then the _6_ humanity of the moment hit me. So many times we_7_ homeless people and all we see is homeless people. But on this day, I saw the kindness of a man who walked over to _8_ someone. The moment really touched me, and it was a fresh reminder to lo

18、ok _9_ the outward appearance and see the person instead.A friend and I had the _10_ a few years ago to write the study guide to a book. From the first page I read the dedication and it _11_,“To Titus, who taught me to cheer for humanity. ”Wow, what if more of us did that? Can you imagine the _12_ i

19、t would make in our world? In one of the chapters, Sammy tells about sitting in large crowds and _13_ for humanity. It does _14_ things. Just imagine a disobedient teen with the crazy clothes becomes a young man whos crying out for someone to _15_ and a homeless person becomes a real person, someone

20、 who needs concern and a helping hand.1A.soldiers BfolksCdrivers Dkids2A.sight BsignCscenery Dsale3A.burying BtwistingCknocking Dspinning4A.alike BoppositeCcareful Dhardworking5A.traditional BordinaryCbroken Dragged6A.holy BmercifulCwise Dmeaningless7A.give away Bask forCdepend on Dlook at8A.beg Bhe

21、lpCsave Damuse9A.beyond BaroundCvia Dagainst10A.trouble BdeadlineCability Dopportunity11A.wrote BsaidCspoke Daddressed12A.appointment BdiscriminationCdifference Dreform13A.paying BscoldingClooking Dcheering14A.record BenlargeCchange Dconvey15A.fight BcheatCcare Dinterview课时作业(十七).阅读理解A【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文

22、,主要介绍了人们在地震发生时应该注意哪些方面的问题。1答案与解析:B考查词义猜测。依据下文中的“It may cause great damage”可知,地震是一种最常见的自然灾害,故选B。2答案与解析:D考查细节理解。依据第三段中的“Make sure you turn off electrical connections and gas immediately when an earthquake happens”可知,作者建议人们在地震发生时立即关闭电和燃气,故选D。3答案与解析:C考查细节理解。依据题干中的“they are trapped in debris”可知答案出自尾段,依据尾

23、段中的“Do not light a match because you may burn yourself”可知C项正确。4答案与解析:D考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,作者主要介绍了人们在地震发生时该做什么,不该做什么,故选D。B【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了从西安到成都的环保型高铁。5答案与解析:C考查细节理解。由第一段中的“But starting from December,2017, the new XianChengdu highspeed railway has shortened this travel time to three hours”可知,从2017年12月开

24、始,西安到成都的高铁的开通已使得这段行程的用时缩短到3个小时。6答案与解析:C考查细节理解。由第三段中的“To reduce the railways influence on the animals, workers and experts have designed and built the railway to be environmentally friendly”可知,为了减少铁路对动物的影响,也就是为了避免伤害野生动物,人们建造对环境友善的铁路,故选C。7答案与解析:D考查细节理解。由倒数第二段“To protect the thousands of crested ibises

25、 that fly near one part of the railway, protective nets have been set up to make sure the birds will not fly into a train”可知,为了防止鸟飞入火车,专家设置了保护网,故选D。8答案与解析:A考查主旨大意。文章主要介绍了从西安到成都的高铁。为了避免伤害野生动物,专家采用了对环境友善的线路设计,通过各种防护措施来防止动物误入,故选A。.完形填空【语篇解读】作者看到一个衣衫褴褛无家可归的人帮助一个穿着得体的人,想到了人性的光辉。号召大家多给予别人关心和爱护。1答案与解析:B停车场

26、前有一块绿色的草坪,专供人们(folks)挂销售广告招牌用。此处应该指这个社区的所有人都可以用。2答案与解析:Asight是指后面作者所看到的情景。scenery指自然风光和美景,显然不合逻辑。3答案与解析:C根据该句最后的while he hammered可获得提示。knock是hammer的同义词。knock.into把敲进。4答案与解析:B根据下文可知,一个穿着非常正式而另一个无家可归之人衣衫褴褛,可见这种对比特别鲜明,令作者一时缓不过神来。5答案与解析:D根据but可知前后是对比关系。一个是士兵制服外加雪白衬衫,另外一个是无家可归之人,穿的是破烂的衣服。broken表示衣服破了,但不一

27、定不是昂贵不得体的衣服。6答案与解析:A尽管衣不蔽体,两者相差悬殊,但是无家可归者还是在帮助衣着体面者。这就是holy“圣洁”的人性。7答案与解析:Dlook at的结果词是see。大多数时间我们看着这些无家可归之人,往往都没有在意,只是认为他们就是无家可归之人,没有想到他们也是人,也有人性光辉的一面。give away捐赠;ask for要求获得;depend on依靠。8答案与解析:B此处实际上所指的就是前文提到的帮助钉广告招牌的那个无家可归之人。9答案与解析:A看人不要只看外表,要超越外表去看一个人的内心。10答案与解析:Dhave the opportunity to do sth.固

28、定短语,意为“有机会做某事”。11答案与解析:B表达“上面写道”英语只能用say或者read这两个动词。12答案与解析:C大家都能这样做就能对世界带来很大的影响。make a difference有影响。13答案与解析:D根据上文的who taught me to cheer for humanity可知答案。14答案与解析:Cit指前文的to cheer for humanity。作者的意思是说这样做的确会使情况有所改变,换句话说“的确有效”。15答案与解析:C与下文的a helping hand一致的应该是C项。文章所渲染的主要是人性的善与恶不在于外表,因此此题应该选与桀骜不驯的外表形成反差的词语,由此排除A和B。


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