1、定价:9.15元物 流 码批准文号:渝发改价格 2021 832号 举报电话:12315普通高中教科书英 语(选择性必修第二册)主编 杨晓钰责任编辑:罗 亚 版式设计:罗 亚责任校对:邹 忌 责任印制:赵 晟*重庆大学出版社出版发行出版人:饶帮华社址:重庆市沙坪坝区大学城西路21号邮编:401331 电话:(023)88617190 88617185(中小学)传真:(023)88617186 88617166 网址:http:/ 邮箱:(营销中心)全国新华书店经销重庆俊蒲印务有限公司印刷*开本:890mm1240mm 1/16 印张:8.25 字数:356千2021年8月第1版 2021年8月
2、第1次印刷ISBN 978-7-5689-2507-5 定价:9.15元本书如有印刷、装订等质量问题,本社负责调换版权所有,请勿擅自翻印和用本书制作各类出版物及配套用书,违者必究副主编 黄学军 褚修伟参 编 郑加明 吴华军 应 斌To the studentTo the student1亲爱的同学,欢迎你随本书一起继续高中阶段的英语学习。我们希望充满求知欲的你,能喜欢书中所提供的学习材料,喜欢各种鼓励探究和发展思维、注重学习能力和学习习惯培养的教学设计。高中英语学习是初中英语学习的延伸,同时也是新的英语学习生活的开始。在这一阶段,提高基本语言运用能力极其重要,但提高用英语获取信息、处理信息、分
3、析和解决问题的能力,用英语进行思考和表达的能力,以及跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力也必不可少;而掌握有效的英语学习策略,提高自主学习能力,会帮助你更有效地学习,形成具有个性的学习方法和风格,为将来进一步学习英语和终身发展打下良好基础。关于本教材的使用,我们有以下建议:1.请仔细阅读每个主题前的 Guiding Page,它会帮助你熟悉该部分的主要学习内容,激发你思考与之相关的问题,为本主题的学习做好必要的准备。2.只有充分了解了学习目标,你才能在学习中处于主动地位,发挥主体作用,才能使自己的“学”与教师的“教”形成协调发展的合力,从而取得最佳的学习效果。因此,各单元的学习从研读 Loo
4、king Ahead 开始,并在每个单元学习后根据 Self-assessing 帮助自己反思学习效果,调整自己的学习目标、学习方式和学习进程。3.Activating and Predicting 旨在最大限度地激活你与所学内容相关的背景知识,激发你学习的兴趣和动机,为进入下一步学习做好准备。在本板块的学习中一定要勤于思考,积极参与,勇于表达。4.“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”,没有思考、缺乏创造性的学习收获甚少。建议你在进行 Reading,Thinking and Analysing 部分课文的学习时,不要忽略了 Margin Notes 和 TIP,一定要边学边思,学思结合,掌握策略,
5、举一反三,这样你才能真正提高阅读能力,逐渐成长为高效的英语阅读者。5.Exploring and Using 将为你轻松化解阅读课文中的语言知识,引导你通过观察和分析,了解语法形式,理解语法意义,发现语法规则。这将帮助你2在真实语境中运用所学语言知识来理解和表达意义,加强准确、得体地使用语言的意识,深化对语言的理解。6.在进行了大量的听说和阅读后,你一定记住了许多优美的词句、漂亮的段落,一定发现了英语文章与汉语文章在风格和组织结构上的异同,也一定跃跃欲试地想用英语表达自己的所感所想。这的确是一件值得高兴的事!那么,请一定经常读一读、听一听、说一说、记一记一些好的句子和美文,并认真完成每课的写作
6、任务,这样,你的英语写作就会不断进步,逐步达到“行文如流水,落笔如有神”的境界。7.在必修教材的 Recycling Time 和 Word Builder 板块,你已经学习了归纳所学内容、在语境下猜测词义等策略,在选择性必修教材学习阶段,请主动应用和积极调试所学策略,不断提高自主学习能力。Learning Individually 部分鼓励你主动做好阅读课的预习,在 Question Corner 中提出自学中存在的疑惑,在 Learning Cooperatively 部分,与同学和老师一起互动、探究、应用,并且在 Learning Reflectively 板块应用必修教材的多维评价方式
7、,提高反思的意识和能力。8.附录中的 Word Learning Booster 会引导你在学习新词汇的同时,注重对已学词汇的定期复习,逐步养成良好的词汇学习习惯,记忆词汇也将不再是一件难事。“学而时习之,不亦说乎?”古人告诉我们,学习要采取积极的态度,既要时时、处处、事事地“学”,又要时时、处处、事事地“习”;于“学”中积累、丰富、提高,于“习”中求巩固、受启发、得效益;争取日有所新,日有所获。这样你的内心就能充满掌握英语学习真谛的愉悦。我们衷心希望通过本教材的学习,能进一步激发你学习英语的热情和用英语交流的欲望,最终能用英语了解、学习他国优秀文化,同时向世界介绍祖国灿烂的文化。作为学习者,
8、获取知识是一种乐趣,不断克服困难、不断创新也是一种乐趣。记住永远对自己说:“I can do it!”。愿你快乐地度过英语学习的每一阶段,享受克服困难的快乐,享受创新的快乐,享受成功的快乐!ThemeUnit/Title Reading Actively Reading FurtherExploring&UsingListening,Understanding&CommunicatingReading/Viewing,Speaking&WritingLearning StrategiesAPlants and AnimalsP1 1.Plants Bamboo Queer PlantsLang
9、uage FeatureThe lexical chunks with attributive adjectives Grammar LinkNoun clauses as the subjectListeningA dialogue aboutflowersSpeakingGiving examplesWriting a notice1)Locating the details more exactly with the help of a diagram2)Arranging key information to help understanding3)Sharing ideas by u
10、sing the newly-learned sentence patterns from listening4)Being willing to share your writing in class and get advice from your peers2.Animals The Honey Guide A TV Interview with Jane GoodallLanguage FeatureWord networkGrammar LinkNoun clauses as the predicativeListeningA monologue about the wonder o
11、f bird feathersSpeakingClarifying informationDeveloping a passage based on a profile1)Understanding better by making inferences while reading2)Using conjunctions to express ideas more coherently3)Memorising words with the help of a word network4)Being willing to express opinions without worrying abo
12、ut making mistakesChallengingYourself AMan and Pets A Faithful Companion A True Love StoryOrganising information by using key wordsCONTENTSP28P15P1P21ThemeUnit/Title Reading Actively Reading FurtherExploring&UsingListening,Understanding&CommunicatingReading/Viewing,Speaking&WritingLearning Strategie
13、sBIdeals andGoalsP333.Dreams and Dreamers Follow Your Dream What a DreamerLanguage FeatureThe collocations with the key word“dream”Grammar LinkVerb phrasesListeningA conversation about dreamsSpeakingTalking about dreamsWriting a blog entry1)Guessing the meaning of words based on pictures 2)Reorganis
14、ing information by using a flow chart3)Communicating better through explanation and repetition 4)Collecting information through brainstorming4.Perseverance and Success The Daffodil Principle Wild GrassLanguage FeatureThe lexical chunks with compound modifiersGrammar LinkThe past perfect tenseListeni
15、ngAn interview with a swimming starSpeakingTalking about perseveranceWriting a story based on a dialogue 1)Distinguishing the main idea from the supporting ideas and facts 2)Predicting the main idea based on the given words and expressions before listening 3)Applying the newly-learned grammar rules
16、while role-playing4)Improving your writing by peer-correctionChallengingYourself BGreat Figures A Great Man in a Wheelchair The Old Man and the SeaOrganising information by using a mind mapP36P49P35P622ThemeUnit/Title Reading Actively Reading FurtherExploring&UsingListening,Understanding&Communicati
17、ngReading/Viewing,Speaking&WritingLearning StrategiesCSports and Sportsman-shipP655.Olympic History The Olympic Games Chinese Seal,Dancing BeijingLanguage FeatureWord families with different parts of speech Grammar LinkThe infinitive as the subjectListeningA song:Hand-in-handSpeakingSharing ideasDes
18、igning a poster for a football match1)Developing a logical idea by following time sequence2)Scanning for specific information3)Memorising a new word by linking its phonetic symbol with its spelling4)Enlarging vocabulary by grouping words under the same theme6.The Spirit of Sports Why Is Tai Ji the P
19、erfect Exercise?To Be a Champion,More than a ChampionLanguage FeatureVerb phrases with adverbs and prepositionsGrammar LinkThe infinitive as the predicativeListeningAn interview with Cristiano RonaldoSpeakingTalking about ambitionWriting a script of a mini-lecture1)Understanding the authors viewpoin
20、t better by finding the supporting examples 2)Defending yourself by using quotations3)Understanding the meaning of grammatical forms by comparing two tenses4)Converting the information of pictures into words ChallengingYourself COlympic Pioneers Two Great Figures in the Olympics Why Are Marathons 26
21、.2 Miles Long?Using a table to organise information Notes Word Learning Booster Glossary Personal DictionaryP70P83P96P69P108P102P122P1233 What plant or animal do you like most?What can we learn from them?What is the relationship between plants,animals and human beings?Theme APlants and Animals Natur
22、e is a grand teacher with plants,insects and animals providing us with important life lessons.Besides the benefits of bamboo,the guidance of the honey bird and the waiting dog,we have more to be grateful for.While listening to the silent lessons provided by plants and animals,we cant help asking our
23、selves,“What value am I bringing to others and the world around us?”learn more about bamboo;get information about some special plants;talk about plants and their character.learn about the interesting bird called the honey guide;learn something about Jane Goodall;talk about the wonders of bird feathe
24、rs.read a story about a faithful dog.ChallengingYourself AIn this theme,you will:Unit 2Unit 1Theme A Plants and Animals2Lon AeaBy the end of this unit,you will be able to:illustrate bamboos symbolic meanings in different cultures;describe plants using simile and personifi cation;use noun clauses as
25、the subject in context;give examples in different ways in a conversation;write a notice about a fl ower show;introduce an interesting or a curious plant.Knowing trees,I understand the meaning of patience.Knowing grass,I can appreciate persistence.Hal BorlandUnit 1PlantsReading Actively Activating an
26、d Predicting Read the following statements and predict what plant they are describing,guessing the meanings of the words in bold type.1)Although it is really a kind of grass,it looks more like a tree.2)It grows up straight and thin,with branches at the top.3)It has long leaves that sway in the wind
27、like slim fi ngers reaching to touch something.4)Chinese and Japanese poets write poems and songs about it,and artists paint it in pictures.5)It grows best in places where it is warm and rains often.6)Some bloom and have seeds every year.Some never bloom at all.7)But the most interesting thing about
28、 this remarkable plant is what people do with it after it is cut down.According to the descriptions,the plant might/may/must be .Based on the above statements,predict which aspects of this plant will be talked about and then skim to check your prediction.2Unit 1 Plants3 Reading,Thinking and Analysin
29、gBambooHave you ever seen grass growing as high as a treeeven a tall tree?Bamboo is this kind of grass.It grows up straight and thin,with branches at the top.Although bamboo is really a kind of grass,it looks more like a tree.It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fi ngers reaching to to
30、uch something.Chinese and Japanese poets write poems and songs about bamboo,and artists paint it in pictures.Not all bamboo grows tall.There are more than 500 different kinds of bamboo in all,and some grow no higher than your ankles.Bamboo can survive with minimum light exposure.It grows best in pla
31、ces where it is warm and rains often.Some kinds of bamboo grow very fast.If they grow near a house,their slim leaves brush the roof gently and cool the house with their shade.Some bloom and have seeds every year.Some never bloom at all.Some bloom only once,after living about 40 years,and then die,al
32、though new shoots of bamboo will come up from around the roots of the old ones.But the most interesting thing about this remarkable plant is what people do with it after it is cut down.Bamboo probably has more uses than any other plant in the world.Bamboo is not a tree,so the long straight stems of
33、bamboo are not like tree wood.They are hollow,which makes them very light.You could lift a big piece of bamboo with one hand.At the same time,bamboo is so strong that it is often used to build houses and bridges.In warm countries,many people have their houses made almost entirely of bamboothe walls,
34、the roof,and the floor.Nearly everything inside their houses is made of bamboo,too.The chairs,tables,beds,flower vases,drinking cups,birdcages What does ones refer to?anklesway(vi.):move slowly from side to sidehollow (adj.)Guess its meaning from the context.1)species 2)cultivation 3)habitat/distrib
35、ution 4)symbolic meaning5)use 6)fl owering 7)appearance 8)commercial valueTheme A Plants and Animals4and many other things are all made of bamboo.And the fence around their garden is made of bamboo,as well.Because bamboo is hollow,it can be fi tted together and used as pipes to carry water brought f
36、rom a river or lake.Bamboo is used for more than building.People eat it.The tender young shoots of bamboo are crisp and tasty.They are often found in Chinese or Japanese dishes.Some are put into cans and shipped to all corners of the world.Bamboo is also made into paper.The soft pulp inside the hard
37、 stems is taken out and sent to a factory.There it is made into fi ne paper.Bamboo can also be made into good walking sticks and fi shing poles.Who can tell what new use someone may fi nd for this special kind of grassbamboo?Comprehending,Integrating and Creating Read the text and complete the infor
38、mation about bamboo.Work in groups to discuss the questions below and then share your ideas in class.1)What features make bamboo different from any other grass?2)How does the author illustrate his viewpoint that bamboo probably has more uses than any other plant in the world?Ship here is a _.A.noun
39、B.verb What does it mean?Appearance features like a tree rather than being straight and with at the top with long leaves with long,and stemsWide uses stems for building ,making furniture and ,and made into tender young shoots used as pulp made into Growth characteristics survive with light exposure
40、grow best in and places may grow very bloom and have seeds ,bloom ,or bloom grow with new coming up from around the roots of the old onesUnit 1 Plants53)How does the author arouse the readers interest at the beginning of the text?What do you think of the method?4)According to the text,Chinese and Ja
41、panese poets write poems and songs about bamboo,and artists paint it in pictures.Can you give some examples?5)The author thinks that the most interesting thing about bamboo is what people do with it after it is cut down.Do you agree?Why or why not?Work in groups to fi nd out more uses of bamboo at p
42、resent and imagine how it might be creatively used in the future.Then share your ideas in class.Based on Activity 1 and your discussion,work in groups of three to retell the text.Then discuss what you can learn from bamboo.Do the activity by following the steps below.Step 1 Read the following passag
43、e and then work in groups to fi nd out the symbolic meanings of bamboo in Chinese culture.More uses at presentNew uses in the futurePossessing more bamboo than any other country in the world,China is well known as the Kingdom of Bamboo.The Chinese love bamboo,and bamboo culture has already been root
44、ed in their minds throughout their long history.To the Chinese people,bamboo is the symbol of virtue.It refl ects peoples soul and emotion.Bamboo has the title of“the gentleman of plants”.It is always closely related to people of positive spirit.For example,its deep root symbolises determination and
45、 its straight and hollow stem represents straightness and modesty.Bamboo culture always plays a positive role in encouraging Chinese people to hold on when facing tough situations.Student ADescribe what bamboo is like.Student BExplain how bamboo grows.Student CIntroduce how bamboo is and will be use
46、d.What we can learn from bamboo:Theme A Plants and Animals6 The symbolic meanings of bamboo Step 2 With the help of the Internet or other sources,investigate how bamboo is used in different countries and what symbolic meanings it has in various cultures.Step 3 Note down your fi ndings.Step 4 Share y
47、our fi ndings in class.Exploring and Using Language Feature Match the adjectives with the nouns to form lexical chunks based on the text.Then use the same adjectives to create your own chunks.The fi rst one has been done as an example.Study the examples to fi nd out the fi gures of speech used in th
48、em.Then describe bamboo or other plants in the same way.Adjectives1)tender2)slim3)soft4)warm5)remarkable6)tasty7)fi ne 8)hollowNounsleavesplacesplants shootsstemspaperpulpdishesYour lexical chunks1)tender grass2)3)4)5)6)7)8)In English,an attributive adjective usually comes before the noun in a simpl
49、e phrase.It describes the thing,the person,the state or the action the noun refers to.TIPCountries Uses Symbolic meanings Unit 1 Plants7 Example Grammar LinkNoun Clauses as the SubjectUnderstanding the meaningRead the following dialogue and pay special attention to the coloured parts.Think whether t
50、he structures of the red parts are the same as those of the blue ones.A:Hi,Jimmy.What are you doing?B:I am reading an article about bamboo.A:Bamboo?Yes,I know that it grows up very straight and thin.B:Do you know that it is a kind of grass?A:Grass?Youre kidding me!It looks more like a tree.B:But it
51、is a kind of grass.A:Really?Er.It is said that bamboo will die after it blooms.Is it true?B:You know,there are more than 500 different kinds of bamboo in all,and only some of them will die after blooming.However,new shoots of bamboo will come up from around the roots of the old ones.A:Thats amazing.
52、B:How people make use of it is really amazing.It has more uses than any other plant in the world.In warm countries,people have their houses made almost entirely of bamboothe walls,the roof,the fl oor,and the furniture in the house.A:What a wonderful plant!A figure of speech is also called a stylisti
53、c device or rhetorical device.It is the use of a variety of techniques to provide emphasis,freshness of expression or clarity.TIPWhat is its function?It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fi ngers reaching to touch something.What do they have in common?Their slim leaves brush the roof g
54、ently and cool the house with their shade.Can the subject“slim leaves”behave like a person?Grammar LinkMy description:1)2)Theme A Plants and Animals8Discovering the rule Study the following examples to fi nd out what a subject clause is with the help of the TIP.Then share your ideas with a partner.E
55、xample Work in groups to discuss and to complete the table below.Then ask and answer questions about the subject clauses in order to know them better.PlaceExampleFormat the 1)That the earth travels around the sun is known to all.2)That we lost the football match was a pity.+clause1)When we should st
56、art the meeting has not been decided yet.2)Who cleaned the classroom is not known yet.3)What you said frightened all of us.wh-word+clauseat the end1)It is quite clear that money is not everything.2)It doesnt matter whether we will go together or separately.+predicative+clauseApplying the rule Analys
57、e the other noun clauses in the dialogue in Understanding the meaning by following the example in Activity 1,Discovering the rule.Read the following dialogue to identify both the subject clauses(SC)and the object clauses(OC).Then mark them out.Sandy:Hello,Joe.The speech contest is around the corner.
58、Are you ready for it?Joe:Not yet.I cant fi gure out what I should talk about in the contest.Sandy:Oh,come on!Didnt they give you a topic?I heard that it was about environmental protection.Joe:You are right.But its still such a big issue.Sandy:Why dont you talk about endangered plants?I found them re
59、ally interesting.Joe:Yes.But Im afraid many contestants will choose this topic.Sandy:You know,what you say is important in the contest,but how you say it alsoWhen a noun clause plays the role of an object,it is called an object clause.TIPYes,I know that it grows up very straight and thin.a clause us
60、ed as the objectHow people make use of it is really amazing.a clause used as the subject1)2)A subject clause is .Unit 1 Plants9 matters.If you can persuade other people into taking action to protect endangered plants,I bet youll be the winner.Joe:Sounds good!Yet I am not sure whether I can persuade
61、the judges.Sandy:Keep this word in mind:“KISSER”.It means“Keep It Simple,Short,Engaging,and Real”.Remember:whoever can attract the attention of the audience will win the prize.Joe:Thank you so much.Sandy:Youre welcome.Wish you success.Put back in the passage the choices(A-G)which contain subject cla
62、uses.Orange Trees1).People love them because they are sweet.Besides,2)makes them easy to eat.And some oranges even do not have any seeds.Orange trees are very beautiful with a lot of bright green leaves.They have small white fl owers in the spring and give fruit in the autumn.However,3)is their long
63、 history.4).They probably came from China.It is believed that Chinese people started to plant orange trees around 2400 B.C.E.5).Then they taught Europeans,and the Europeans then planted orange trees in North and South America.6)is not so certain.However,7)is known.They took them to Florida fi rst.To
64、day,oranges are a very important crop in Florida.Listening,Understanding and CommunicatingGiving Examples Match the names with the fl owers.Then tell a partner which you like best and why.A.It is also thought that farmers in other parts of Asia and the Middle East learned to grow oranges from the Ch
65、ineseB.When the Europeans began to grow orange treesC.what really impresses me about orange treesD.It seems that everybody loves orangesE.where they began to grow them F.It is said that there were orange trees twenty million years agoG.that they are in partsTheme A Plants and Animals10 Listen to a d
66、ialogue,and choose the best answer to each question.1)What are the two speakers talking about?A.Their favourite fl owers.B.Their favourite proverbs.C.Their favourite roses.D.Their favourite colours.2)What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Shopkeeper and customer.B.Teacher
67、and student.C.Friends.D.Customers.3)What are their attitudes towards fl owers?A.Both of them like fl owers.B.Only Jenny likes fl owers.C.Only Daisy likes fl owers.D.They dont express their attitudes directly.Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1)Daisy like
68、s fl owers in bright colours.2)Daisy has called herself Daisy because she likes daisies best.3)Jenny loves fl owers like lilies because they are very sweet.4)Both Jenny and Daisy like roses because they have different colours.5)Angela is the rose of the party,which means that Angela is the one who c
69、an bring you love.6)The proverb“no rose without a thorn”suggests that nothing is perfect in the world.Listen for a third time and complete the following sentences.Then look at the words or sentence patterns you have fi lled in and work out when you will use them.1)Flowers sunfl owers,roses and daisi
70、es are my favourites because they have bright colours.2)I would say I like fl owers with a sweet smell,roses,lilies and the like.3)roses .They can always make me feel happy and comfortable.4),roses come in different colours:red,pink,yellow,white.and even purple.5)That sounds interesting!?Work in pai
71、rs to talk about your favourite fl owers by using some sentence structures in Activity 4.lily sunfl ower daisy roseUnit 1 Plants11Reading,Speaking and WritingWriting a Notice Read the following two notices and the TIP to understand what a notice is.Tick the statements you agree with,and then fi nd t
72、he corresponding examples in the above notices.()1)The purpose of a notice is to inform the public.()2)A notice is made up of four basic parts:heading,body,signature and date.()3)A brief notice is usually written in either notice form or letter form.()4)The language in a notice should be brief and c
73、lear.()5)Passive voice is usually used in a notice.Suppose a fl ower show will be held in your school.Write a notice for it.The following sentence structures may help you.will/is going to be held There will/is going to bePlease attend it on time.Do be present on time.Everyone is expected.All are wel
74、come to attend.Post your notice on the wall of your classroom and then let your classmates proofread it and give some suggestions.Improve your notice according to the suggestions from your classmates.Dec.5th,2018NoticeSpeaker:Prof.John Smith of Oxford UniversitySubject:The Magical Plant WorldTime:Fr
75、iday,Dec.16,at 3:00 pmPlace:Lecture HallAll are warmly welcome.The Students Union Dec.5th,2018NoticeProfessor John Smith from Oxford University of the U.K.will give a lecture on“The Magical Plant World”in the Lecture Hall at 3:00 pm on Friday,December 16.All the teachers and students are warmly welc
76、ome.The Students UnionABA notice is a short written statement of information or direction to the public.There could be a notice for a lecture,a sports event,a lost item,a meeting,a fi lm,etc.TIPTheme A Plants and Animals12Reading Further Getting Ready Look up the word“queer”in a dictionary and then
77、defi ne“a queer plant”by yourself.“Queer”means .A queer plant refers to .Decide whether the following plants are queer or not and give your reasons.Then read the passage to check.Namedandelionsunfl owerpitcher plantsbambooQueer or not?Why ReadingQueer PlantsHave you ever heard of plants that eat ins
78、ects?That may sound strange,but there are some plants that really feed on fl ies and bugs.Among these are the pitcher plants.Some pitcher plants have leaves in the shape of a Have you ever seen a seed fl ying along like a bird or an airplane?You may know that when the dandelion blossom becomes white
79、 and light,seeds are getting ready to fl y away.On the end of every dandelion seed is a tiny umbrella that helps it to float off on the wind.Watch the dandelion blossom as it turns white and gets light,and one day you will see the fl y-away seeds go travelling on the wind.Most plants have roots that
80、 grow in the ground or in the water.But there are some plants that grow in the air.Some people think that such plants have no food except the air,but that is not true.The plants also get food that is carried on the dust and the fog.In the warm,moist,southern part of our country many of the trees hav
81、e a great deal of hanging moss.This is really not moss,but just a great many air plants growing close together.The young air plants grow from leaves.Put one of the leaves of an air plant on the ground,or hang it up in a room,and you will fi nd that a lot of little baby plants will soon grow from the
82、 edges of the leaf.Unit 1 Plants13 Comprehending Read the fi rst two passages and complete the following diagrams.Read the last passage and complete the fl ow chart with the missing information.pitcher.Others have pitcher-like growths at the ends of the leaves.The pitcher is green with spots of purp
83、le.The lid and mouth of the pitcher are brighter in colour than the other parts.This pitcher is really a trap.There is water in the bottom of the pitcher,and the lid and the inside wall of the pitcher is juicy.It is sweet and sticky and fl ies and bugs like it.On the inside there are little hair-lik
84、e growths pointing down.When the insect gets down to the water,it is unable to go back because of the hair-like growths and it falls into the water and drowns.The insect soon becomes good food for the plants,so we say these plants eat insects.A pitcher plant has The pitcher is On the inside,there ar
85、e also In the pitcher,there is When an insect gets down inside the pitcher,After the insect dies,How a pitcher plant eats insectsIts queernessWhen it fl ies:Why it fl ies:How it fl ies:Its queernessWhat it eats:Where we see it:How it grows:Theme A Plants and Animals14 Do the activity by following th
86、e steps below.Step 1 Work in groups to fi nd out one plant which you think is interesting or queer.Step 2 Surf the Internet to fi nd more information about it.Step 3 Draw a mind map or diagram to help yourself to get a clear idea about the plant.Step 4 Write a passage based on your mind map or diagr
87、am.Step 5 Introduce the plant to your class.Sl-a esnRefl ect on your learning in this unit and rate each of the items according to the following rating scales.Then decide what you should do for further progress.5=Exceeding expectations 4=Meeting expectations 3=Approaching expectations2=Partially mee
88、ting expectations 1=Not meeting expectationsItemRatingImprovement I can illustrate the symbolic meanings of some plants in different countries.I can use the noun clauses as the subject in context.I can use simile and personification to describe plants and other things.I can use examples to support m
89、y ideas while I am having a conversation.I can write a notice about a fl ower show.I can introduce an interesting plant in my own words.Checking list:name looks places to grow uses symbolic meaningspoems about the plant special stories about the plant songs about the plant pictures of the plantLon A
90、eaBy the end of this unit,you will be able to:describe how the honey guide gets beeswax;use conjunctions to link ideas logically;introduce bats using noun clauses as the predicative;clarify information by using newly-learned structures while talking;write a passage about the Yangtze River dolphin ba
91、sed on its profi le;write a report about Jane Goodall based on an interview with her.Every animal knows more than you do.AnonymousUnit 2AnimalsReading Actively Activating and Predicting Look at the following pictures and the words below them and try to work out the relationship between the pictures.
92、Look at the title of the text and predict which information is true about it.Tick the best choice and read the text to check your prediction.1)It is a bird that honey.A.loves B.helps people or animals to get15a bees nest hidden in a tall treea honeycomb with wax insidea honey birdTheme A Plants and
93、Animals16 Reading,Thinking and AnalysingThe Honey GuideHoney is not only a good source of natural sugar;it is also delicious.Most people and many animals like eating it.Unless people build beehives,however,the only way for them to get honey is to fi nd a wild bees nest and take the honey from it.Oft
94、en,these nests are high up in trees,and it is diffi cult to fi nd them.In parts of Africa,though,people and animals looking for honey have a strange and unexpected helpera little bird called a honey guide.The honey guide does not actually like honey,but it does like the wax in the bees honeycomb.The
95、 little bird cannot reach this wax,which is deep inside the bees nest.So when it fi nds a suitable nest,it looks for someone to help it.The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people.Once it has their attention,it flies through the forest,constantly w
96、aiting for the curious animals or people as it leads them to the nest.When they fi nally arrive at the nest,the followers reach in to get at the delicious honey as the bird patiently waits and watches.Some of the honey and the wax always falls to the ground,and this is when the honey guide takes its
97、 share.Scientists do not know how the honey guide digests the wax,but it is very determined in its efforts to get it.The birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long distance away.They will quickly arrive whenever a local beekeeper is taking honey from his beehives,and will even enter churches whe
98、n beeswax candles are being lit.If a person follows a honey guide to a nest,the bird is especially sure of getting a good share of the honeycomb.Tribesmen in Africa are very grateful to the honey guide for leading them to good sources of Do beehives and bees nests have the same meaning here?What doe
99、s share mean?tribesman(n.)=+It means in Chinese.C.hates D.prevents people or animals from getting2)It lives on .A.honey B.honeycomb C.bees D.beeswaxUnit 2 Animals17honey,but they are also afraid of the little bird.They believe that if they do not open a bees nest and leave some honeycomb for the hon
100、ey guide,the next time the bird cries to them through the forest,it will lead them to a snake or a leopard in revenge.Guess the meaning of in revenge from the context.Comprehending,Integrating and Creating Read the text and complete the following fl ow chart.How does a honey guide get beeswax?Read t
101、he text carefully and infer whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).Then work in pairs to tell your partner why you think so.1)Honey can be found in both beehives and bees nests.2)Not all wild bees nests are high up in trees.3)A honey bird is patient and ready to help people.4)A hone
102、y guide is always willing to share the honey it fi nds with other animals and people.5)The mystery of how a honey guide digests the wax hasnt been solved yet.6)A honey guide can be regarded as a determined bird.7)A honey guide fi nds the wax inside a bees honeycomb most probably by using its sense o
103、f smell.8)A honey guide must be a bird that will pay you back blow for blow.Work in groups to discuss the following questions and briefl y note down your answers.Then share your ideas in class.1)What do you think of the way a honey guide fi nds the wax it wants?A honey guide fi nds a/an .looks for b
104、y .waits and while the animals or people .takes its share when ;takes revenge if .leads the animals or people through to .While you are making an inference,you should hunt for the clues or the supporting details.Your conclusion should be reasonably and logically arrived at based on those clues.TIPTh
105、eme A Plants and Animals182)How do you understand the word“share”after reading the text?3)In your opinion,what should the tribesmen in Africa do if they are grateful to the honey guide?4)Do you think human beings and wild animals can co-exist in perfect harmony in the world?Why or why not?5)If you c
106、ould communicate with a honey guide,what would you say to it?Work in groups to fi nish drawing the fl ow chart below.Then retell how people get honey with the help of a honey guide.Do the activity by following the steps below.Step 1 Look at the following pictures and try to understand the given info
107、rmation.Then fi nd out the common feature of the three animals.The common feature:Step 2 Choose one which you are most interested in and find out more information about it.Note down the key information.Step 3 Share your fi ndings in groups and then write a short passage to introduce it.Step 4 Report
108、 your fi ndings in class and then discuss how humans should live together harmoniously with animals on the earth.Exploring and Using Language Feature Study the following word network and design your own centring around“animal”.How do people get honey?people look for honeyto eat various insects,inclu
109、ding mosquitoes,which can carry diseasesto help predict climate change trendsto clean up the oceans and fi ght climate changeUnit 2 Animals19 Read the text again carefully and complete the following table by following the example.Then write a passage to introduce the honey guide by using some of the
110、 conjunctions below.Para.Conj.Sentence from the textMeaning1andMost people and many animals like eating it.as well as1if not1despite the fact that 2at the time that 2as soon as 2during that time 4on condition that Grammar LinkNoun Clauses as the PredicativeUnderstanding the meaningRead the following
111、 dialogue and pay special attention to the coloured parts.Think whether the structures of the red parts are the same as the blue ones.A:Hi,guys.Have you ever heard of a honey guide?B:Yes,I know that a honey guide is a good helper for people to look for honey.C:And the truth is that it is a kind of l
112、ittle bird.And what a honey guide likes is not honey.B:Yes.The fact is that it likes the wax in the bees honeycomb.A:But it is well known that the wax is deep inside the bees nest.How can a honey guide get it?C:Thats a good question.That is why it is called a honey guide.When it fi nds a suitable ne
113、st,it gives a loud cry to attract the attention of the passing animals and people.We can memorise a new word better by associating it with others which are closely related to each other.TIPbeekeeperbeehoney guidebeeswaxhoneycombhoneybeehiveConjunctions are words or groups of words which can join par
114、ts of sentences or phrases.TIPThe Honey GuideTheme A Plants and Animals20Once they are attracted,it will guide them to the nest.When they reach in to get at the delicious honey,some of the honey and the wax may fall to the ground,and this is when the honey guide takes its share.A:What a smart and lo
115、vely bird it is!Discovering the rule Study the following examples to fi nd out how the predicative clause is used.Then share your ideas with a partner.Example Work in groups to discuss and complete the table below.Then ask and answer questions about the predicative clauses so as to understand them b
116、etter.TypeExampleFormA1)The truth is that he has never been to New York.2)The good news is that we have enough food for all the guests.be+clauseBThe question is whether people will take action to save these endangered animals.be+clauseC1)The question is how you can persuade your parents.2)Our proble
117、m was when the meeting would start.be+wh-word+clauseDIt sounds as if/though someone is knocking at the door.sound+clauseEThats because he didnt understand me.be+clauseThe basic sentence pattern:subject+the predicative clauseApplying the rule Rewrite each of the following sentences by using a predica
118、tive clause and then decide on its type.The fi rst one has been done as an example.1)Whether the fi lm is worth seeing is still a question.(B )The question is whether the fi lm is worth seeing.2)That is the place where I met Diana for the fi rst time.()3)Who will chair the meeting is a problem.I kno
119、w that a honey guide is a good helper for people to look for honey.a clause as the objecta clause as the predicativelinking verbAnd the truth is that it is a kind of little bird.verb1)2)Unit 2 Animals21 ()4)He talked as if he had known Jenny for years.()5)That they are short of both money and hands
120、is the truth.()6)I suggest that we should start earlier tomorrow morning.()7)The reason why I was sad was very clear.()Underline at least two facts about the honey guide in the text and rewrite the facts by using predicative clauses on the following lines.Write a paragraph to introduce bats based on
121、 the pictures below and the given information in the box,using at least fi ve predicative clauses.Listening,Understanding and CommunicatingClarifying Information Read to understand the following expressions,guessing the meanings of the words in bold type.Then predict what the coming monologue is mai
122、nly about.the only fl ying mammals in the world hang in some dark places in the daytimego out to look for food at night look on them as bad animalshave no trouble fl ying in the darkest night fl y by radar make a sound when fl ying come back when the sound hits a thingreceive the message like the ra
123、dar system in a plane the way to tell a bat where something isthe most noticeable features be unique to birds have feathersperform a number of functions the primary force to drive the evolution ancestral birds refi ne the structure the opposite sex Theme A Plants and Animals22The most probable title
124、 of the monologue should be .A.The Wonder of Bird Feathers B.The Wonderful Feathers of BirdsC.The Mystery of Bird Feathers Listen to check your prediction and fi ll in the blanks with the information youve gained.Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1)Feath
125、ers can help to keep a birds temperature at around 40.2)Most scientists think ancestral birds developed feathers to keep themselves warm.3)According to scientists,it is the feathers that allow birds to fl y.4)Birds became larger and stronger through evolution.5)Birds can make use of the colours of t
126、heir feathers to avoid being killed.6)Birds that have feathers in bright colours use them to attract birds of the opposite sex.Listen for a third time and complete the following sentences by fi lling in the blanks.1),they are unique to birds.2),ancestral birds developed feathers to keep themselves w
127、arm.3),feathers made birds larger and stronger,and refi ned their structure during the process of evolution.4)Thirdly,colourful feathers can help birds in other ways,helping them to hide,and helping them to attract birds of the opposite sex.5),he says“Here I am!”to the female peacock by spreading hi
128、s colourful tail feathers.Read a brief introduction to the white-tailed eagle and then talk about it in pairs,using the expressions and structures in Activity 4.The white-tailed eagle could be found in huge numbers across the globe,before humans started to pollute its wetland habitats with insectici
129、des and other chemical sprays.The bird fl ies long distances in search of its food,fi sh.Feeding on poisoned fi sh,however,has led to the bird laying thin-shelled eggs that break apart easily.Furthermore,All the expressions in the blanks are used to clarify what you mean by saying things in a differ
130、ent way.TIPFeathers:one of the most features of birdsFunctions of feathers:1)protecting birds from 2)allowing birds to 3)helping birds to and the birds of the opposite sexUnit 2 Animals23their nesting places have also been destroyed by modern forestry techniques.Although the bird became completely e
131、xtinct in Britain during the 1900s,it is now present again in Scotland after it was reintroduced in the year 1975.You may begin your dialogue like this:A:Look at the picture.Do you know what it is called?B:Yes.It is the white-tailed eagle.A:The white-tailed eagle?B:Yes.That is to say,the eagle has a
132、 white tail.Reading,Speaking and WritingDeveloping a Passage Based on a Profile Read to understand the profile of the Yangtze River dolphin,one of the worlds rarest mammals,in the chart below.Namethe Yangtze River dolphin Distributionlower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River down to the rivers m
133、outhSizeweigh 135230 kg(300510 lb)and measure 2.5 m(8.2 ft)in lengthDietfeed on various species of small fi shDatarecordednumber200 in 199021 in 19977 in 1998last confi rmed sighting in 2004none found in survey,declared“extinct”in 2006Threatwill become completely extinct in the near futureCausesThe
134、Yangtze River has been degraded in many ways,including chemical and noise pollution,physical damage due to oil leaks and so on.Make an outline for your passage by writing down the topic sentence of each paragraph according to the given key words.Then share your ideas with a partner.Para.1:(brief int
135、roduction)Para.2:(threat)Theme A Plants and Animals24Para.3:(causes)Para.4:(measures)Work in pairs to ask and answer questions based on the chart in Activity 1.Some questions have been given as examples.Para.1:1)Where does the Yangtze River dolphin live?2)What is the size of this animal?3)Para.2:1)W
136、hat can we learn from the recorded data?2)Para.3:1)What are the reasons for the Yangtze River dolphin to become extinct?2)Para.4:1)What can we do to help the Yangtze River dolphin?2)Write your passage based on your outline in Activity 2 and the answers to the questions in Activity 3.Proofread your o
137、wn passage and then exchange your passage with your partner to peer-edit.Polish it before you hand it in.Reading Further Getting Ready Look at the picture and the given words,and predict what stories may have happened between them.Then share your ideas with a partner.Jane Goodall chimpanzeebehaviour
138、 observein East Africa 40 yearsa part of the forest an institute Suppose that you have the opportunity to interview Jane.Write down some questions you would like to ask and read the coming passage to check whether you can fi nd the answers.Unit 2 Animals25The questions I would like to ask:ReadingA T
139、V Interview with Jane GoodallInterviewer:Id like to welcome someone special to our programme this evening to tell us about chimpanzees.Weve discovered a lot about chimpanzees over the last 30 years,and this is mostly because of the work of one person,Jane Goodall.Good evening,Jane.Jane Goodall:Good
140、evening,Steve,and thank you for inviting me to your show.Interviewer:When did you fi rst become interested in chimpanzees,Jane?Jane Goodall:I began studying their behaviour in 1960 when I was only 26.Id always wanted to work with animals,although I didnt have any special training or knowledge.Interv
141、iewer:Where did you go to study their way of life?Jane Goodall:I went to Tanzania in East Africa and worked in the Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve.Its now called the Gombe National Park.Interviewer:That must have been quite an adventure.Did you go there alone?Jane Goodall:No.I took my mother and we
142、had an African cook.Interviewer:Did the chimpanzees accept you immediately?Jane Goodall:No,it took a long time.I used to spend all day with them,observing them and learning about their way of life.I found them fascinating and wanted to know as much as I could about them.It was a long time before the
143、y accepted me and let me get very close to them,however.It was after 18 months of waiting that the chimpanzees fi nally decided I wasnt going to hurt them.Eventually,they took me as a part of the forest.Interviewer:And how did you feel about that?Jane Goodall:It was one of the proudest and most exci
144、ting moments of my life.When you are asking questions,you should 1)ask in a polite way;2)consider not taking too much of the interviewees time.TIPTheme A Plants and Animals26Interviewer:And now,40 years later,youre still studying the chimpanzees in Tanzania?Jane Goodall:Yes,I believe its the longest
145、 continual study of any animal in the wild ever conducted.Interviewer:I understand youve also set up centres in other African countries to look after chimpanzees which have been mistreated by people.Jane Goodall:Yes,thats right.These centres take care of many baby chimpanzees whose parents have been
146、 killed by hunters.They give these little orphans the chance to live in peace and safety.Interviewer:Now,if anyone would like to help Jane in her work,they can join the Jane Goodall Institute,which raises money to help chimpanzees.Jane Goodall:Id just like to add,Steve,that the Institute now has a b
147、ranch specially for young people called Roots and Shoots.The aim of Roots and Shoots is to help young people learn more about their environment and to show that everyone,no matter who they are,can help to bring about change in the world.Interviewer:So,if you want more information on the Jane Goodall
148、 Institute and Roots and Shoots,you can write to:The Jane Goodall Institute(US)1595 Spring Hill RdSuite 550Vienna,VA 22182 Comprehending Read the script of the interview and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1)What is mainly talked about in the interview?A.The life and work o
149、f Jane Goodall.B.Stories of chimpanzees in Africa.C.The Jane Goodall Institute.D.The Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve.2)Why was Jane Goodall invited to the interview?A.Because she is an expert on chimpanzees.B.Because she is famous for studying chimpanzees in the past 40 years.C.Because she is specia
150、l for her work on chimpanzees.D.Because she cares for baby chimpanzees patiently in the centre.3)Why do you think Jane Goodall went to the TV interview?A.To make herself known to more people.B.To make her institute well known.C.To call upon more young people to join her institute.D.To introduce the
151、stories of chimpanzees to more people.Unit 2 Animals27 Scan the script of the interview again and complete the following fl ow chart.life experience,achievements,personality.Based on the flow chart and the information in the passage in Reading Box,work in groups to talk about what happened between J
152、ane and the chimpanzees.Write a report about Jane Goodall by following the steps below.Step 1 Add to the following list which will be included in your writing.Step 2 Find the relevant information from the passage and note down the key information.Step 3 Search for more information by surfi ng the In
153、ternet.Step 4 Write your report and then share it with your group members.Sl-a esnRefl ect on your learning in this unit and rate each of the items according to the following rating scales.Then decide what you should do for further progress.5=Exceeding expectations 4=Meeting expectations 3=Approachi
154、ng expectations2=Partially meeting expectations 1=Not meeting expectationsItemRatingImprovement I can introduce the wonderful features of the honey guide.I can use conjunctions to link ideas logically.I can use the noun clauses as the predicative to introduce bats and other animals.I can use newly-l
155、earned structures from this unit to clarify information while talking.I can write a passage about the Yangtze River dolphin based on its profi le.I can write a report about Jane Goodall by referring to an interview with her.In the early yearsWhen she was only ,she began .In East AfricaShe spent all
156、day them and their way of life.months later,the chimpanzees accepted her and took her as .40 years laterShe still her study on them,which is the continual study of any animal ever conducted.She has set up in other African countries to look after chimpanzees by people.Lon Aea After completing this pr
157、oject,you should be able to:interpret the dogs faithfulness based on its action and behaviour;deepen your understanding of the relationship between humans and animals;understand the meanings of some idioms related to dogs by surfi ng the Internet;strengthen awareness of cooperation with others in le
158、arning English;refl ect on the learning of the whole theme from the aspect of applying various charts and diagrams to learning.Learning Individually Look at the following picture and complete the paragraph with the help of the given questions.1)What can you see in the picture?2)What may be the relat
159、ionship between them?3)Where may the statue be located and why?There are in the picture.The dog is .Their relation may be and ,because .Thestatue is located in because .Look at the title of the story and predict what it is mainly about.Then read to check your prediction.The story is mainly about .Su
160、ch short little lives our pets have to spend with us,and they spend most of their time waiting for us to come home each day.AnonymousSuch short little lives our pets have to spend with us,and they Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us,and they Self-directedLearning Project Challengi
161、ng Yourself AMan and Pets28Challenging Yourself A Man and Pets29 Reading and ThinkingA Faithful CompanionImagine walking to the same place every day to meet your friend.Imagine watching hundreds of people pass by every morning and every afternoon.Imagine waiting,and waiting,and waiting for almost te
162、n years.This is what Hachik did.Hachik,a golden brown Akita,was born on a farm in Japan.Hidesabur Ueno,a professor in the Agriculture Department at the University of Tokyo,took Hachik as a pet and brought him to live in Tokyo.Hachiks new owner soon became his best friend,and Ueno loved his dog above
163、 all and treated him as his son.Over the next year or so,they became close partners.They played,bathed and slept together.As Hachik grew older,he started to see his owner off to work in the morning at the nearby train station and went to meet him up in the afternoon when he returned from work.The pa
164、ir continued the daily routine until May 21,1925,only two years after Hachik was born.Hachik was as usual sitting by the exit at the station waiting for his dear master,but his owner never showed up.The professor had been struck by a very serious illness while he was giving a lecture,and died withou
165、t ever returning to the train station at which Hachik waited.Each day,for the next nine years,nine months and fi fteen days,Hachik kept going to the train station every morning and afternoon,appearing precisely when the train was due at the station and waiting in vain for the return of his beloved o
166、wner who sadly never came.Hachik attracted the attention of other commuters.People working at the station offered Hachik treats and food to nourish him during his wait.Ten years having passed,Hachik became a dirty and rather old dog.Over these years,everything had changed but Hachiks endless waiting
167、 and loyalty had never changed.Maybe ten years time is just one-eighth of a human life,but for a dog that means its whole life.Hachik passed away peacefully and alone on the street near the station at the age of 11.This is Hachiks whole life.He spent almost all his life only doing one thingwaiting f
168、or his friend Ueno,waiting Akita(n.):a large Japanese powerfully-built dogGuess the meaning of commuter from the context.Nourish here means .A.drive B.feedTheme A Plants and Animals30to complete the uncompleted engagement.Hachik became a national sensation.His legendary faithfulness became a nationa
169、l symbol of loyalty.After his death,Hachik was cremated and his ashes were buried beside those of his beloved master.A bronze statue based on his likeness was erected at the station.Today it still stands and is a popular attraction with hundreds of people every day having their photographs taken wit
170、h it.It is said that humans take a long,long time to learn how to love,but dogs are born that way and thus do not need to live as long as man.A dogs love and loyalty are truly unconditional and Hachiks story is perhaps the perfect example of that.Analysing and Questioning Read the article and comple
171、te the fl ow chart.Then retell the story based on it.Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the article.1)Why did people erect a bronze statue at the station?2)Whats your understanding of the title A Faithful Companion?3)Have you ever met a faithful companion?If yes,share your
172、 story with your classmates.Use the adverbials of time consciously when you are retelling the story.TIPfaithfulness(n.)=faith+-ful+-nessIt means in Chinese.cremate (v.):burn something to ashesunconditional(adj.)=un-+condition+-alIt means in Chinese.After he passed away,Ten years having passed,When h
173、e grew older,When Hachik was a puppy,he was taken as a pet and then became a close partner with his master.After his master ,Challenging Yourself A Man and Pets31 Choose one situation and write a letter.Reflect on how well you have learned about the article and write down questions or problems for f
174、urther discussion in class.Question CornerLearning CooperativelyPhase 1 Sharing the individual work1)Check and discuss your answers in Learning Individually and improve them.2)Come up with your questions and work on them with your group members.Phase 2 Exploring further1)Do the following activities
175、and share your understanding.Activity 1:Retell the story according to the flow chart in Analysing and Questioning.Activity 2:Discuss whether Hachiks waiting for his master is meaningful or not and state your reasons.2)Listen to your teacher for his/her comments and suggestions.Phase 3 Utilising reso
176、urces1)Watch the video Dogs Idioms in Video Bank and try to understand the meanings of the following idioms.We use the past tense to tell a story that happened in the past.TIP1)2)Write a letter to the professor in heaven.Situation 1Situation 2Write a letter to Hachik from heaven.Theme A Plants and A
177、nimals32 to be in the dog house the hair of the dog to make a dogs dinner of something Add more idioms related to dogs:2)Read the story Amazing Pet in Reading Box between people and animals,and tell your classmates how you understand the relationship between man and pets.Learning CreativelyLook at t
178、he title of the story and the pictures inserted in it,and then predict what the story is mainly about.Read it to check your prediction.A True Love StoryThis is not another version of Romeo and Juliet.This is a beautiful story about Croatias most famous animal couple,storks Malena and Klepetan.It is
179、a story of longing,waiting and overcoming one of the hardest obstacles in any relationshipdistance.The tale of Klepetan and Malena started 15 years ago on a red rooftop in Brodski Varo,a small village in Croatia and they have been together ever since.Even though Klepetan migrates to the warm south a
180、t the end of August and Malena cannot join him because a hunter broke her wing 22 years ago and she hasnt fl own since,each spring around March 24,they are reunited despite the 13,000 km journey Klepetan has to make to get home to his beloved one.One man,a former school caretaker Stjepan Voki has be
181、en taking care of Malena ever since she was injured and,of course,her beloved Klepetan.Each year he prepares a bucket of fi sh to greet Klepetan upon his return so he can recover from the long journey and take his place in the nest next to Malena.The faithful couples long-distance relationship has m
182、ade them celebrities in Croatia.Each year the media travels to the small village of Brodski Varo to see whether Klepetan will return to the stork of his life.No one is questioning his fi delity,but everyone is anxious to see whether he will survive yet another dangerous journey from South Africa to
183、the Challenging Yourself A Man and Pets33Horn of Africa,Somalia,Sinai and the Iraqi deserts,all the way to Croatia.And for the last 15 years,he always managed to find his way home,proving that true love really does return in spring.Over the years,the lovers have reared dozens of chicks.But comes the
184、 winter.Klepetan fl ies south to Africa with the other storks,leaving his fl ightless partner behind.Migratory birds brave numerous threats every time they embark on their epic travelsfrom storms to starvation,predators to power lines.But theres one particular stretch of Klepetans journey that has h
185、is supporters particularly concerneda 161 km stretch that takes Klepetan over Lebanon.The African-Eurasian Flywayone of the most important migratory routes in the entire worldruns straight through Lebanon,and it is here that the journey ends for around 2.6 million birds as they are felled from the s
186、ky by irresponsible hunters.As one of the larger migratory birds,storks are an obvious target for poachers.Voki is so concerned about Klepetans welfare that he has taken the extraordinary step of writing a letter to the President of Lebanon,Michel Aounusing a pen fashioned from one of Klepetans own
187、feathersa symbolic gesture that the feather is mightier than the sword.The heartfelt letter was delivered to Aoun in a box containing the very same featherwhich Voki urges Aoun should use to pen a law offering stronger protection for birds during the critical migration seasons.An excerpt from the le
188、tter says:“In my country,there is a belief that storks bring children and that they bring new life.These two storks are my whole life.You do not have to believe in stories for little children,but you can believe in the fact that in Croatia every spring,via live stream camera,over a million people aw
189、ait Klepetans return and that the moment of his return brings happiness and joy reminding many of what love means and what it means to love.”Fortunately,there is every chance that Vokis emotional plea will tug at Aouns heartstringsjust last month,the Lebanese Prime Minister himself pledged to stop t
190、he annual slaughter in his country,stating:“There should be a peace treaty between Man and the tree as well as Man and birds,because we continue to transgress upon them”.It follows a letter by BirdLife CEO Patricia Zurita,addressed to Claudine Aoun Roukoz,the presidents special advisor,thanking Aoun
191、 for his commitment and urging for closer collaboration with the BirdLife Partnership on this matter.It is only a matter of months until Klepetan will begin eyeing the long journey south once more.For the lovestruck stork who returns to his partners nest every year like clockwork,the clock is tickin
192、g.Theme A Plants and Animals34Do the following activities.1)Work in groups to discuss why Klepetan and Malena are considered the most famous animal couple.2)Share what you know about the story of Romeo and Juliet,and then discuss how you understand the fi rst sentence in this story.Learning Reflecti
193、velyRefer back to Guiding Page and Looking Ahead in Theme A to refl ect on your learning.Write down your discoveries.1)Did you use different charts,diagrams or mind maps in your learning?2)How do they work?3)How will you make better use of them in your future study?How I am using them:How I will use
194、 them better:What is your greatest dream?How do you plan to realise it?What difficulties might you meet with?Theme BIdeals and Goals Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy goal or ideal.All successful people,men and women,are big dreamers:they set their goals high and then they work ever
195、y day towards their distant vision.The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams and pursue those dreams with perseverance,no matter how unattainable others think they are.Unit 3 get to know the importance of keeping dreams;learn about how to be a dreamer and doer;talk about dreams.Unit 3U
196、nit 3 understand the daffodil principle in a story;learn about the power of wild grass;talk about how to overcome difficulties with perseverance.Unit 4Unit 4Unit 4 learn about a great man,Stephen Hawking.In this theme,you will:ChallengingYourself BLon AeaBy the end of this unit,you will be able to:i
197、nterpret the power of a dream and explain how to realise it;expand your vocabulary by using collocations and prefi xes;write about a picture by using verb phrases appropriately;talk about your dreams with your classmates;write a blog entry by following a format;explain your understanding of a dreame
198、r.Every great dream begins with a dreamer.Harriet TubmanUnit 3Dreams and DreamersReading Actively Activating and Predicting Study the pictures,try to fi gure out in what way they are related to“dreams”and then fi ll in the blanks.Then work in pairs to share your ideas and defi ne“dream”.As far as“dr
199、eams”are concerned,A.fi sh and submarines are closely related because.B.birds and planes are closely related because.C.the moon and space exploration are closely related because.Dream:CAB36Unit 3 Dreams and Dreamers37 Reading,Thinking and AnalysingFollow Your DreamI have a friend named Monty Roberts
200、 who owns a horse ranch in San Isidro.Once when I was there,he told me a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable,farm to farm and ranch to ranch,training horses.As a result,the boys high school life was continually interrupted.When he
201、was a senior,he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be when he grew up.That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch.He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a ranch.He put a great deal of his heart into the pr
202、oject and the next day he handed it in to his teacher.Two days later he received his paper back.On the front page was a large red F with a note that read,“See me after class.”The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked,“Why did I receive an F?”The teacher said,“This is an un
203、realistic dream for a young boy like you.You have no money.Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money.Theres no way you could ever do it.”Then the teacher added,“If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal,I will reconsider your grade.”The boy went home and thought about it long and
204、hard.He asked his father what he should do.His father said,“Look,son,you have to make up your own mind.It is a very important decision for you.”Finally,after a week,the boy turned in the same paper,Look at the picture to predict what Monty Roberts dream was.Then skim the text to check your predictio
205、n.Guess the meaningof itinerant from the context.Guess what a red F means.What does read mean here?Do these two words mean the same?Are the two words(long,hard)adjectives here?A ranch refers to a large farm,where cattle or other animals are bred,especially in the Western U.S.and Canada.A Horse Ranch
206、Theme B Ideals and Goals38making no changes at all.He said,“You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream.”Monty then said,“I tell you this story because you are sitting in my horse ranch.I still have that school paper over the fi replace.”He added,“The best part of the story is that two summers ago that
207、 same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch.When the teacher was leaving,he said,Look,Monty,I can tell you this now.When I was your teacher,I was something of a dream stealer.During those years I stole a lot of kids dreams.Fortunately you had enough courage not to give up yours.”No m
208、atter what,follow your heart and dont let anyone steal your dreams.Comprehending,Integrating and Creating Read the text and complete the following diagram.Then check the information with a partner.Work out the different attitudes towards Montys dream and complete the following diagram.How do you und
209、erstand the underlined sentences?Stealer means in Chinese.A dreamerA dream stealerMontys dream:wrote a/an paper drew a/an about it didnt know he got an F went to the teacher turned in the paper decided to his dream gave a large wrote a/an to ask Monty to see him after class considered the dream agre
210、ed to reconsider the boys if he the paper with a realistic goalkept the succeeded in owning realised he was a/an Follow your and dont let anyone your dreams.Unit 3 Dreams and Dreamers39Now work in groups of four to retell the story about Montys dream from different points of view.Read the following
211、sentences from the text,paying special attention to the coloured words.Then write down what each of the pronouns refers to on the line.1)He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher.2)On the front page was a large red F with a note that read,“See
212、me after class.”3)This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you.4)The boy went home and thought about it long and hard.5)The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch.6)Fortunately,you had enough courage not to give up your
213、s.Work in groups to discuss the following questions and share your answers in class.1)What would you do if you were in Montys situation?2)Did you have any dreams?Have you made them come true?Why or why not?3)Have you ever come across any“dream stealers”?If yes,share your stories.4)Have you ever been
214、 a“dream stealer”?Why do you think so?Do the activity by following the steps below.Step 1 Read the following sayings about dreams and try to understand them with the help of your dictionary.TIPIt is necessary to understand the meanings of pronouns while reading.This may help you to get the authors c
215、oherent ideas.Attitudes toward Montys DreamMontys DreamMonty RobertsMontys teacherThe authorMontys father1)Dreams are whispers from your soul.2)Laughter is timeless.Imagination has no age.And dreams are forever.Theme B Ideals and Goals40Step 2 Share your understanding in groups and discuss what a dr
216、eam can do and how you can achieve your dreams.A dream can We can realise our dreams by Step 3 Based on your discussion,write a draft of a speech on“Being a Dreamer”.Step 4 Give your speech in groups.Exploring and Using Language Feature Complete the following table and check your answers in groups.T
217、hen use some of the words to complete the sentences on Page 41.Change the forms if necessary.The original wordThe word with a prefi xMore examplesrealistic unrealistic unimportant,unhappylegalregulardisadvantagedependentimpossible smokeranti-heroTIPThe prefi xes un-,im-,in-,il-,ir-,dis-,non-,or anti
218、-can be added to a word to form a new word that is opposite in meaning(called an antonym in English).3)When you wake up in the morning,you have two choices:to sleep and continue to dream or to wake up and chase your dreams.4)Dream it.Believe it.Achieve it.5)Dont let todays disappointments cast a sha
219、dow on tomorrows dreams.6)You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.Unit 3 Dreams and Dreamers411)is the state of being in a better position than others who are competing with you.2)A/An is someone,especially a man,who has done something brave,new or good,and who is therefore
220、 greatly admired by a lot of people.3)He has been charged with membership of a/an organisation.4)If one thing or person is of another,they are separate and not connected,so the f irst one is not affected or infl uenced by the second.5)She was taken to hospital suffering from a/an heartbeat.6)“Live a
221、s you like;leave home if you want”was never when I was young.7)Nobody will be allowed to smoke in an off ice if there are present.8)Its only to acknowledge that something,some time,will go wrong.Select words from the boxes to make collocations with the word“dream”.Then improve your speech draft in A
222、ctivity 5,Comprehending,Integrating and Creating.You may work in pairs to talk about your dreams by using some of the collocations.Grammar LinkVerb PhrasesUnderstanding the meaningRead the passage below and pay special attention to the coloured parts.Monty Roberts had a dream when he was young.He wa
223、nted to own a horse ranch.After he had written about his dream in his school assignment and handed it in,however,the teacher thought that it was too unrealistic a dream for a young boy.The teacher asked Monty to rewrite his paper with a more realistic goal,saying that he would then reconsider his gr
224、ade.Monty thought about it long and hard.He fi nally decided that he must keep his dream.In the following years,Monty didnt stop following his dream.And fi nally,Monty had his dream come true.So,no matter what,follow your heart and dont let anyone steal your dreams.Discovering the rule Study the fol
225、lowing examples to fi nd out how a verb phrase is used.Then share your ideas with a partner.Verb/Verb phraseAdjectivea/anwrite about steal achieve give up followawake from keep hold on to realise fulfi llifelong distant big vivid greatunrealistic fond great awful impossible+ones dream+dream+Theme B
226、Ideals and Goals42Example Work in groups to match the verb phrases with their forms.Applying the rule Reread the second paragraph of the text carefully,underline the verb phrases in it and analyse their forms.Use the words given in brackets to form appropriate verb phrases and then complete the foll
227、owing passage.If you feel limited and tired,you (begin,may,realise)your dreams.You can ask yourself what you really wish for and then go for the biggest thing you have(want,ever).Certainly,you (believe,must,in)yourself and (yourself,encourage,move)in the direction of your goals.Though barriers (stan
228、d,sometimes,may)in the way of your dreams,remember that your destiny (hide,be,behind)them.Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices youve made,have faith in your judgment,catch the star that twinkles in your heart,and it(lead,will,you)your destinys path.Follow that pathway
229、 and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you.A verb phrase is the main verb plus its dependent(s).It can function as the predicate of a sentence or a clause.TIPthe main verbIn the following years,Monty didnt stop following his dream.a verb phrase in a simple sentencethe main verbHe fi nally decide
230、d that he must keep his dream.a verb phrase in a subordinate clausea verb phrase in a main clause1)had a dream when he was 2)wanted to own a horse ranch3)stop following his dream4)thought about it long and hard5)had written about his dream6)must keep his dreamA.v.+-ing formB.v.+noun phraseC.v.+prepo
231、sition phrase+adverb phraseD.v.+to-v.E.modal verb+v.F.auxiliary verb+v.1)2)Unit 3 Dreams and Dreamers43 Look at the following picture carefully and write a short passage on the topic“Dream and Light”,paying attention to the verb phrases you use.Then read your passage in groups and share your ideas a
232、bout“dream”.Listening,Understanding and CommunicatingTalking about Dreams Read the following short passage and guess the meanings of the coloured parts according to the context.Marys parents would like her to study in the Department of Economics.She doesnt like studying economics,however.She likes k
233、ids very much and her childhood dream was to become a teacher.She decided to major in Preschool Education when she was accepted by a university.She is planning to become a teacher in a kindergarten after she graduates from college.She hopes that she can realise her dream soon.Predict the answers to
234、the following questions based on the coloured parts in the above passage.Then listen and check your prediction.1)Who may the speakers be in the conversation?A.Undergraduate students.B.New graduates.C.New college students.2)What are they talking about?A.Choosing majors.B.Fulfi lling dreams.C.Finding
235、a good job.Listen again and complete the following table with the information you have gained.NameMajorDreamIntentionJackbecoming a/an to do some work his major in a/an or to to further his studyMarybecoming a/an to do to become a very good teacherSamto the worldto New York fi rst and then to TokyoT
236、heme B Ideals and Goals44 Listen for a third time and complete the sentences by fi lling in the blanks.1)When I was young,I becoming a teacher.2)I hope I can soon after my graduation.3)You may soon.4)I becoming a CEO of a big company when I was a little boy.5)Ha,travel around the world.And I expect
237、Ill go to New York fi rst and then to Tokyo.6)I am sure your dream someday.Write down your dreams and talk about them with your partner by using some of the sentence structures in Activity 4.My dreams in the past:My dreams at present:Reading,Speaking and WritingWriting a Blog Entry Read the followin
238、g short passage and try to understand what a blog entry is.A blog is a webpage with short entries on a specifi c topic such as fashion,politics,and sport.It is a regularly updated journal or diary made up of individual posts shown in reversed chronological order.Some blogs are like diaries,with entr
239、ies about the writers daily activities and thoughts.They are different from diaries,however,because they are meant to be shared with an audience.Blogs may work like stories.They have a title and body.Anyone can view them and comment on them.Be aware that anyone can comment on what you might say.Some
240、 blog entries might be promoted to the front page by the editor if the editor feels it has particular insights or instructions that might benefi t the whole community.Read to understand the following blog entry,paying attention to its format.DateTitleOct.9th A Special DayIt is a very special day tod
241、ay.Ive decided to write blog entries in English to improve my English.This morning,my English teacher had a talk with me.She advised me to do more practice in English writing since I am poor at it.Oh,yes!She is right.Can I fi nd a good way?An idea came into my mind.Practice makes perfect.So I should
242、 practise writing in English every day.OpeningparagraphUnit 3 Dreams and Dreamers45 Read the blog entry carefully and fi nd one example of each of the following language styles,and then mark them in the blog entry.1)It is written from the writers point of view.2)Vivid adjectives or adverbs are often
243、 used to express the writers feelings.3)Interjections are sometimes used.4)Short statements are easily found.5)Conversational questions can also be found.6)Punctuation is sometimes used instead of words.7)Contractions can usually be found.Do the activity by following the steps below.Step 1 Select an
244、 unforgettable or exciting day in your life and then note down the reasons why you think so.Why the day is unforgettable/exciting:Step 2 Write a blog entry by following the format given in Activity 2.Step 3 Post your blog entry or put it on the classroom wall.Step 4 Invite your classmates to give th
245、eir comments.Step 5 Have the best blog entry promoted to the front page or select the best blog entry.Reading Further Getting Ready Read to understand the explanations of“dreamer”and share your comprehension with a partner.A dreamer is someone who .A.is dreaming in his sleepB.has ideas or plans that
246、 are not practical or realisticC.does not pay attention to what is happening around him,but thinks about other things instead Look at the following words from the coming passage and predict what it is mainly about.Then skim to check your prediction.Body paragraphsClosing paragraphSo,from now on,Ill
247、keep an English diary here every day.You know,Im eager and excited to read the comments from others.These comments may encourage me to keep going.After all,Im a girl with a strong will.I wont give up easily.I hope that Im one step closer to my dream every daybeing a successful lawyer.Fighting!Theme
248、B Ideals and Goals46 Reading What a DreamerWhen I was nine years old and was living in a small town in North Carolina,I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back of a childrens magazine.I thought to myself,“I can do this.”I begged my mother to let me send for the cards.When the cards arrive
249、d two weeks later,I tore off the brown paper,and dashed from the house.Three hours later,I returned home with no cards but a pocket full of money,shouting,“Mama,all the people couldnt wait to buy my cards!”A salesperson was born.When I was twelve years old,my father took me to see Zig Ziegler.I reme
250、mber Mr.Ziegler raised everyones spirits up to the ceiling.I left there feeling like I could do anything.When we got to the car,I turned to my father and said,“Dad,I want to make people feel like that.I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr.Ziegler.”A dreamer was born.Recently,I began follo
251、wing my dream of motivating others.After a four-year relationship with a major company beginning as a sales trainer and ending as a regional sales manager,I left the company at the height of my career.Many people were surprised that I would leave after earning a six-fi gure income,and they asked why
252、 I would risk everything for a dream.I made my decision to start my own company and leave my secure position after attending a regional sales meeting.I realised that everything I had accomplishedthe graduate degree,the successful sales career,speaking engagements,training and managing for a company
253、had prepared me for this moment.When I tearfully told my boss my plans,this incredible leader whom I respected so much replied,“Stick to it and you will be successful.”Having made that decision,I was immediately tested.One week after I gave my notice,my husband was laid off from his job.We had recen
254、tly bought a new house and needed both incomes to make the monthly payment and now we both had no income.It was tempting to turn back to my former company,knowing they wanted me to stay.But I was certain that if I went back,I would never leave.I decided I still wanted to move forward rather than end
255、 up with a mouthful of“if onlys”later on.A motivational speaker was born.When I held fast to my dream,even during the tough times,the wonders really began to happen.In a short period of time my husband found a better job.We didnt miss a payment.And I was able to book several speaking engagements wit
256、h new clients.I discovered the unbelievable power of dreams.I loved my old job,my fellow workers and the company I left,but it was time to get on with my dream.To celebrate my success I had a local artist paint my new offi ce as a garden.At the top of one wall she painted,“The world always makes way
257、 for the dreamer.”salesperson motivational income risk secure position career payment tough incredibleUnit 3 Dreams and Dreamers47 Comprehending Read the passage and complete the diagram.Then work in pairs to check your ideas.Read the passage carefully and decide whether each of the following statem
258、ents is true(T)or false(F).Correct the false one(s).1)I begged my mother to let me send for the cards because I loved those cards very much.2)When the cards arrived,I took them and dashed out of the house so as to share them with my friends.3)Zig Ziegler was a motivational speaker who made people fe
259、el cheerful.4)I had been doing very well in the company.5)As I started to follow my dream of becoming a motivational speaker,I felt I was well prepared for it.6)My boss did not agree with my decision because he just couldnt believe it was true.7)The way to the realisation of my dream was not tough a
260、t all.8)I felt a little bit regretful about the decision to leave my former company when I fi nally realised my dream of being a motivational speaker.Time Her dream How to fulfi lNine years oldTwelve years oldResigning as a regional sales manager One week after her resignationA short period of time
261、after thatDreams may bring us power.The world always makes way for .Theme B Ideals and Goals48Step 1 Read the following saying to understand what a dreamer,a doer,or a dreamer and doer is.Step 2 Discuss the possible strengths and weaknesses of a dreamer,a doer and a dreamer and doer.A dreamerA doerA
262、 dreamer and doerStrengthsWeaknessesStep 3 Decide what kind of person the author is and give your reasons.Step 4 Work in groups to share your stories about being a dreamer,a doer,or a dreamer and doer.Step 5 Tell your group members what kind of person you are.Sl-a esnRefl ect on your learning in thi
263、s unit and rate each of the items according to the following rating scales.Then decide what you should do for further progress.5=Exceeding expectations 4=Meeting expectations 3=Approaching expectations2=Partially meeting expectations 1=Not meeting expectationsItemRatingImprovement I can introduce th
264、e power of a dream and illustrate how to realise it.I can use collocations and prefi xes to expand my vocabulary.I can talk about my dream with my classmates.I can write about a picture with appropriate verb phrases.I can write a blog entry in a proper format and language patterns.I can introduce ho
265、w to be a dreamer and doer.The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers.But above all,the world needs dreamers who do.Sarah Ban Breathnach Do the activity by following the given steps.Lon AeaBy the end of this unit,you will be able to:interpret the daffodil principle and apply it in your daily
266、 life;form compound modifi ers by using hyphens;make up a story based on a picture by using the past perfect tense appropriately;talk about how to overcome diffi culties with perseverance;write a story based on a dialogue;exchange your understanding of perseverance.There are but two roads that lead
267、to an important goal and to the doing of great things:strength and perseverance.GoetheUnit 4Perseverance and SuccessReading Actively Activating and Predicting Look at the picture and try to understand the given words.Then check your understanding with a partner and describe the garden with these wor
268、ds and the given information.49daffodil ribbonslopepeakA Daffodil Garden in the mist of all that glory pour it down over the mountain peak and slopes swirling patterns great ribbons of coloursTheme B Ideals and Goals50 Write down some questions about this daffodil garden.Then read the text to check
269、whether you can fi nd the answers to your questions.Question 1:Question 2:Question 3:Reading,Thinking and AnalysingThe Daffodil PrincipleSeveral times my daughter had telephoned to say,“Mother,you must come to see the daffodils before they are over.”I wanted to go,but it was a two-hour drive to her
270、home.“I will come next Tuesday,”I promised,a little unwillingly,on her third call.The next Tuesday,when I fi nally walked into Carolyns house and hugged and greeted my grandchildren,I said,“Forget the daffodils,Carolyn!The road is invisible in the fog,and there is nothing in the world except you and
271、 these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch!And then Im heading for home as soon as it clears.”My daughter smiled calmly and said,“Oh,Mother,I promise.You will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience.”After about twenty minutes,we turned onto a path and I saw a s
272、mall church.On the far side of the church,I saw a hand-lettered sign that read,“Daffodil Garden”.We got out of the car.I followed Carolyn down the path.Then,we turned a corner of the path,and I looked up and gasped.Before me lay the most splendid sight.It looked as though someone had taken a great b
273、arrel of gold and poured it down over the mountain peak and slopes.The fl owers were planted in grand,swirling patternsgreat ribbons of deep orange,white,lemon yellow,pink,and butter yellow.Each different-coloured variety was planted as a group so that it swirled and fl owed like its own river with
274、its own unique colour.There were fi ve acres of fl owers.“But who has done this?”I asked Carolyn.“Its just one woman,”Carolyn answered.“Thats her home.”Carolyn pointed to a small house in the midst of all that glory.We walked up to the house.On the door,we saw a poster.“Answers to the On here means
275、_.A.at the time ofB.being engaged inGasp here means take a quick deep breath for being _.A.surprised B.exhaustedGlory here means _.A.great beautyB.great achievementbarrelswirlingUnit 4 Perseverance and Success51inspiration(n.)=_+_Here it means _ in Chinese.Baby-step here means _ in Chinese.Guess the
276、 meaning of accumulation here.Questions I Know You Are Asking”was the headline.The fi rst answer was a simple one.“50,000 bulbs,”it read.The second answer was,“One at a time,by one woman.Two hands,two feet,and very little brain.”The third answer was,“Began in 1958.”There it was.The Daffodil Principl
277、e.For me,that moment was a life-changing experience.I thought of this woman whom I had never met,who,more than thirty-fi ve years before,had begunone bulb at a timeto bring her vision of beauty to a remote mountain top.Just planting one bulb at a time,year after year,this unknown woman had forever c
278、hanged the world in which she lived.She had created something of unbelievable beauty and inspiration.The principle her daffodil garden taught,is,learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a timeoften just one baby-step at a timeand learning to love the doing,learning to use the accumu
279、lation of time.If we follow this principle,we,too,will fi nd we can accomplish splendid things.We can change the world.“It makes me sad in a way,”I admitted to Carolyn.“What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a wonderful goal thirty-fi ve years ago and had worked away at it one bulb at a
280、time through all those years?Just think what I might have been able to achieve!”My daughter summed up the message of the day in her direct way.“Start tomorrow,”she said.Comprehending,Integrating and Creating Skim the text and complete the following diagram.Then check your ideas with a partner.seeing
281、 the daffodils,I felt seeing the daffodils,I felt seeing the daffodils,I felt Part 2:Paragraphs Part 3:Paragraphs Part 1:Paragraphs bulbTheme B Ideals and Goals52 Read the fi rst two parts and complete the following table.Main ideaSupporting ideas/factsI was unwilling togo to see the daffodils.1)I p
282、romised to .2)I told Carolyn to .3)I told Carolyn .I was really moved and shocked by the splendid sight.1)It looked as though someone down over the mountain peak and slopes.2)The daffodils were planted .3)Each ribbon like a river with its own unique colour.4)There were daffodils,bulbs.5)The beginnin
283、g of planting the daffodils was ,at a time,by .Read the last part carefully and write down“the daffodil principle”which the author has found out.Then work in groups to work out your own principle based on the experiences of the author.Discuss with your group members how you can apply the daffodil pr
284、inciple to your own life and complete the following diagram.Then share your ideas in class.Its very important to tell the main ideas from supporting ideas and facts.Sentences containing supporting ideas and facts explain or give more information about the main idea.TIPThe authors daffodil principleO
285、ur daffodil principleThe Daffodil PrincipleEnglish vocabularylearningUnit 4 Perseverance and Success53 Do the activity by following the steps below.Step 1 Share your experience of doing something with great perseverance in groups.Step 2 Work in groups to discuss the correlation between perseverance
286、and success.Step 3 Draw a diagram to summarise your own ideas.Step 4 Add some supporting evidence after searching for more relevant stories on the Internet.Step 5 Share your ideas in groups.Exploring and Using Language Feature Read to understand each of the sentences from the text and choose the bes
287、t choice that can replace the underlined part.1)Mother,you must come to see the daffodils before they are over.A.die B.wither C.end2)I saw a hand-lettered sign that read,“Daffodil Garden”.A.said B.wrote C.looked3)More than thirty-fi ve years before,she had begun to bring her vision of beauty to a re
288、mote mountain top.A.dream B.imagination C.sight4)What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a wonderful goal thirty-fi ve years ago and had worked away at it“one bulb at a time”through all those years?A.worked hard at B.continued to work at C.stopped to work at5)My daughter summed up the mes
289、sage of the day in her direct way.A.calculated B.concluded C.expressed briefl y Study the following example and then join the words in the two boxes to complete the following lexical chunks based on the text.Then work in groups to create your own lexical chunks with such compound modifi ers.Theme B
290、Ideals and Goals54Example Grammar LinkThe Past Perfect TenseUnderstanding the meaningRead the following passage and pay special attention to the coloured parts.We got out of the car and walked down the path.Then,we turned a corner of the path,and I looked up and gasped.Before me lay the most splendi
291、d sight.I stood there and enjoyed the sight.It looked as though someone had taken a great barrel of gold and then had poured it down over the mountain peak and slopes.The fl owers were planted in grand,swirling patterns.Each different-coloured variety was planted as a group so that it swirled and fl
292、 owed like its own river with its own unique colour.I couldnt help asking myself who had done this,and how he/she had changed the remote mountain top into something of such unbelievable beauty and inspiration.Discovering the rule Study the following timeline to understand what the past perfect tense
293、 means.A hyphen is a punctuation sign which is often used to join words together to make a compound modifier.TIPbabyhanddifferentlifethirtychanging lettered stepcolouredfi ve1)a sign2)each variety3)a experience4)years5)a effortnowThe past perfect tenseThe simple past tenseSomeone had taken a great b
294、arrel of gold and then had poured it down over the mountain peak and slopes.I stood there and enjoyed the sight.futurea two-hour drivehyphena compound modifi er before a nounnoun pastUnit 4 Perseverance and Success55 Work in groups to match the examples with the meanings they suggest.Then fi ll in t
295、he blanks.Applying the rule Reread the text and underline all the sentences with the past perfect tense.Then analyse them by following the example in Activity 1,Discovering the rule.Complete the following passage by using the appropriate tense of each given verb.James Stoker was fi fteen years old w
296、hen he (become)the youngest fully qualifi ed doctor in the United States.James was a genius.By the age of two he (learn)to read and write.Before his sixth birthday his father (teach)him to speak three languages fl uently and he could play the violin and the piano perfectly.James (spend)all his time
297、reading and studying.After he (pass)his school-leaving exams at the age of nine,he went to college.When he (fi nish)his study at college,only one year and a half (pass).By the age of twelve,he (further)his study at a medical school.Nobody (expect)that he would become a doctor when he (be)only fi fte
298、en years old.Role-play based on the given situation.Then write a story based on your role play,using the past perfect tense appropriately.Situation:Mr.Black found that his house had been broken into when he arrived home after work.Place:at a police station1)When we arrived,the film had already begun
299、.2)We had been in the classroom for half an hour when he fi nally came.3)By the time I got home,A Bite of China had already fi nished.4)She said(that)she had never been to Paris.A.An event occurred before a past time point.B.An action started and then the state lasted for a period of time in the pas
300、t.C.Two actions happened in the past,one before/after the other.D.The action in the dependent clause happened before the action in the main clause.Example MeaningThe basic form:The common meaning:Theme B Ideals and Goals56Roles:a policeman and Mr.Black You may begin like this:Policeman:Hello!Can I h
301、elp you?Mr.Black:Yes.I come to report on a burglary.When I got home from work,I.Listening,Understanding and CommunicatingTalking about Perseverance Look at the words and expressions from the interview between Sally,a swimming star,and Tom,a reporter.Predict what they will mainly talk about.Listen to
302、 check your prediction and then tick the best choice in each statement.1)The interview is mainly about Sallys(most wonderful memories/being too old to swim any more/keeping on swimming and enjoying it).2)Sally is basically expressing her(excitement/complaint/discouragement/hope).3)Tom,the reporter,i
303、s basically expressing his(understanding/surprise/sympathy/encouragement).Listen again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1)What is the most probable reason for Sally not to swim any longer?A.She is too old.B.She is already 20.C.She may not win.2)Did Sally use to enjoy swi
304、mming?A.Yes.B.No.C.Not mentioned.3)When did Sally use to be trained?A.After getting up at 6:00 a.m.B.After 5:30 p.m.after school.C.At weekends.4)What cannot be inferred from the dialogue?A.Sally has been famous for quite a few years.B.Sally has visited many other countries.an international competiti
305、on wonderful memoriesharden or shame sb.into inaction annoying keep on tryingwhether you choose to persevere hold on to the last award cupsYou should try to use the past perfect tense as much as possible.TIPUnit 4 Perseverance and Success57 C.Sally has won medals at the Olympics.5)According to Sally
306、,which of the following statements is true?A.She did have some wonderful memories.B.She did miss some more important things.C.Growing up like other girls is more important than swimming.Listen for a third time and complete the following sentences.List out the current diffi culties you have come acro
307、ss in your study.Then work in pairs to talk about how to overcome them with perseverance and note down the ideas from your partner.My current diffi culties in my study:The ideas from my partner:Sally Tom1)Thats old for a swimmer.2)So Id swim at all.3)But gradually I was totally !4)I getting up at 6
308、a.m.to go to the pool.5)That was very !6)It was !1)If I were you,Id keep on !2)It would be a/an idea for you to3)You know,making your mark on the world is .If it were easy,everybody do it.4)It takes patience,it takes commitment,and it comes with sweats,failure and discouragement along the way.5)The
309、real test is whether you let it or shame you into inaction,or whether you choose to persevere.6)So if I were you,I would hold on .While you are talking,it is wise to use the information and sentences you have just learned from listening.TIPTheme B Ideals and Goals58Viewing,Speaking and WritingWritin
310、g a Story Based on a Dialogue Look at the picture and try to understand the following dialogue.Then work in pairs to role-play.Girl:Hello!What are you doing?Old woman:I am making this iron into a needle.Girl:But the piece of iron is so big and a needle is so tiny.Old woman:Yes,I know.Girl:Then how l
311、ong will it take you to f inish making the needle?Old woman:I dont know.But if I die before I f inish,I will leave this work to my son.And if my son dies before it is fi nished,he will leave this work to my grandchildren.Someday,this piece of iron will be a needle.Based on the above dialogue,note do
312、wn the key words after each item.Share your ideas with a partner and then improve your plot.Write a story based on your plot outline.You may begin your story like this:A long time ago,there lived an old woman who was very determined.Every day,she sat in front of her house doing the same job,patientl
313、y sharpening a piece of iron.Discuss what you can learn from the story,and then write a paragraph of your comments on the story.Share your story with a partner and improve it by checking the following aspects.grammar spelling vocabulary sentence structures punctuation tensesTitle:Beginning:Rising Ac
314、tion:Plot Climax:Falling Action:Ending:Unit 4 Perseverance and Success59Reading Further Getting Ready Decide what the most powerful thing in the world is.Then share your ideas in pairs and explain the reasons.My ideas:My partners ideas:Look at the title and the picture,guessing what the coming passa
315、ge is about.Then read to check.ReadingWild GrassThere is a story that goes like this.Someone asked:“What is the most powerful thing in the world?”There were a variety of answers.“Elephant,”someone said.“Lion,”another one said.“The Buddhas guardian warrior,”still another said half-jokingly.As to how
316、powerful the Buddhas guardian warrior was,no one could tell,of course.In fact,none of the answers is correct.The most powerful thing in the world is the seed of a plant.The force displayed by a seed is incredible.Here goes another story:The bones of a human skull are so tightly and firmly joined tha
317、t no physiologist or anatomist has succeeded in taking them apart whatever means they try.Then someone invented a method.He put some seeds of a plant in the skull to be studied closely and provided the necessary temperature and moisture to make them grow.Once the seeds started to grow,they showed a
318、terrible force that succeeded in opening up the human skull that had failed to be opened even by mechanical force.This story tells how powerful the seeds of plants can be.You may think this is too unusual a story to be grasped by the common mind.Well,have you ever seen how bamboo shoots grow?Have yo
319、u ever seen how frail young grass grows out from under debris and rubble?In order to get sunshine and grow,it will wind its way up,no matter how heavy the rocks above or how narrow the space between the rocks.Its roots will drill downward and its sprouts(new leaves or buds)will shoot upward.This is
320、an irresistible force.Any rock lying in its way will be overturned.This further shows how powerful a seed can be.Though the little grass has never been said to be Herculean,the power it shows is matchless in the world.It is an invisible force of life.So long as there is life,the force will show itse
321、lf.The rock above it is not heavy enough to prevent the seed from growing,because it A.elephant B.tiger C.ant D.waterE.the Internet F.grass G.seed H.habit Young grass grows out from under debris and rubble.Theme B Ideals and Goals60is a force that keeps growing over a period of time,because it is an
322、 elastic force that can shrink and expand,and because it is a tenacious force that will not stop growing until it is grown.The seed does not choose to fall on fertile land but in debris,instead.The seed with life is never pessimistic or sad,for it has undergone resistance and pressure.The grass that
323、 begins to fi ght its way out right after its birth is strong and tenacious,and only that grass has the right to smile with pride at the potted plants in glassed greenhouses.Comprehending Read the passage and complete the diagram below.Then work in pairs to check your ideas.Guess the meanings of the
324、 following words in context and support your answers by offering the clues.The fi rst one has been given as an example.WordMeaningCluefrailnot strongly made or builtyoung grasselastictenaciousfertilepessimisticWhat is the most powerful thing in the world?,or the Buddhas guardian warrior are not the
325、most poweful.The most powerful thing in the world is .The growing seeds showed a terrible force that opened up the which had failed to be opened even by .To get sunshine and grow,will wind its way up,no matter how the rocks above or how the space between the rocks.The power of the grass is in the wo
326、rld.Unit 4 Perseverance and Success61 Do the activity by following the steps below.Step 1 Work in groups to discuss the following questions and note down your key ideas.1)What kind of power does a seed or young grass have?2)What does wild grass symbolise?3)How does the writer describe the power of a
327、 seed or young grass?4)How do you understand the last sentence of the passage?5)As for the most powerful thing in the world,do you agree with the writer after reading the passage?If not,what are your ideas?Step 2 Surf the Internet and find out a story about somebody who can succeed or something that
328、 can survive in unfavourable situations.Step 3 Share your story in groups and tell your group members what you can learn from the story.Step 4 Write a passage entitled“The Power of Perseverance”.Step 5 Share your writing in class and give comments on your classmates writing.Sl-a esnRefl ect on your
329、learning in this unit and rate each of the items according to the following rating scales.Then decide what you should do for further progress.5=Exceeding expectations 4=Meeting expectations 3=Approaching expectations2=Partially meeting expectations 1=Not meeting expectationsItemRatingImprovement I c
330、an interpret the daffodil principle and apply it in my daily life.I can use hyphens to form compound modifi ers.I can make up a story based on a picture by using the past perfect tense appropriately.I can talk about how to overcome diffi culties with a partner.I can write a story based on a dialogue
331、.I can exchange my understanding of perseverance with my classmates.Lon Aea After completing this project,you should be able to:predict the theme based on the key words provided;analyse the factors for Hawkings survival and success;put forth good questions based on what has been learnt;overcome the
332、diffi culties in learning English with your perseverance;refl ect on the learning of the whole theme from the aspect of overcoming anxiety.Those who live in the shadow of death are often those who live most.AnonymousLearning Individually Discuss with your partner what may bring success.The following
333、 words and expressions may be of help.According to our understanding,may bring success due to the following reasons:fi rstly,Tick the statements that may be true about the person in the picture.Then read to check.A.He is a world-famous scientist.B.He wrote A Brief History of Time.C.He is considered
334、to be the most famous theoretical physicist after Albert Einstein.D.He is an expert of computer science.E.He is a great man of science in a wheelchair.Those who live in the shadow of death are often those who live most.Those who live in the shadow of death are often those who live most.Self-directed
335、Learning Project Challenging Yourself BGreat Figureshardship diffi culty ups and downs willpower success failure perseverance effort62Challenging Yourself B Great Figures63Challenging Yourself B Reading and ThinkingA Great Man in a WheelchairOn March 14,2018,sadly,the world lost a great mind and gre
336、at icon,Stephen Hawking,the most well-known physicist since Einstein.He was remembered as a“renowned physicist and ambassador of science”.Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford on January 8,1942.He had studied both in Oxford and Cambridge University.In 1962,he went to Cambridge University to pursue a Ph
337、D in cosmology.Life threw a big challenge at this genius,however.At the age of 21,he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease and was given two years to live.But Hawking refused to give up hope of living and went on studying.The disease continually progressed as he grew older.He became clumsier and
338、fell over several times for no reason.By the late 1960s,he had to use a wheelchair to move around and had trouble in writing.By 1974,he was unable to get out of bed or even feed himself and his speech ability began to deteriorate.With three fi ngers left to move,he could only manage up to 15 words a
339、 minute with a special computer program by pressing a switch.Life continued to throw harder challenges to this genius one after another.In 1985,he caught pneumonia and had an operation,which took away his ability to speak altogether.From then on,he spoke through a computer-controlled voice synthesis
340、er,which he operated with his right cheek.It would take 10 minutes for Hawking to make a single sentence,sometimes even longer.In spite of all the diffi culties,the disease still did not stop him from continuing on the path of scientific exploration.Since 1979,Stephen has held the post of Professor
341、of Mathematics,a position that in 1663 was held by Isaac Newton.In 1988,he wrote his first important book,A Brief History of Time,which has sold more than 10 million copies in dozens of languages.During his lifetime,Hawking shook up the world of cosmology with more than 150 scientifi c papers,and ha
342、d written or co-written 17 books.Moreover,he continued to travel the world giving many scientifi c and inspiring public speeches.Over the years,he had received thirteen honorary degrees and was a fellow of the Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences.Apart from his tremendou
343、s contribution to science,he embraced popular culture with enthusiasm and humour,appearing in the TV Icon here means .A.imageB.idolcosmology kzmld(n.):the scientific study of the universe and its origin and developmentmotor neurone disease:运动神经元病 Deteriorate here means .A.get betterB.become worse vo
344、ice synthesiser:语音合成器 Guess the meaning of fellow from the context.Theme B Ideals and Goals64cartoon,The Simpsons,starring in Star Trek,Conan OBrien,The Big Bang Theory,and more.At the age of 65,he fulfi lled a lifelong dream of experiencing weightlessness in zero gravity,tasting the wonderful momen
345、t of freeing from his wheelchair.Whats more,Hawking even opened a Weibo account in April 2016,attracting 1.3 million followers in 8 hours and growing to over 4.6 million followers.Although bound to a wheelchair for most of his life,Hawking composed his extraordinary life with a strong spirit.He inte
346、rpreted that“however bad life may seem,there is always something you can do,and succeed at.”He was a man who pushed the limits and showed the world the truth that physical defects could never prevent the achievement of great souls.He had also inspired millions by a manifestation of amazing willpower
347、 and determination.Analysing and Questioning Read Paragraphs 1 to 3 and complete the following table about the development of Hawkings disease.TimeSituationsAt 211)2)1)He had to use a wheelchair to move around.2)He had trouble in writing.19741)2)3)1)He had an operation for pneumonia,which took away
348、his ability to speak altogether.2)weightlessness(n.)=+It means in Chinese.Defect means _ in Chinese.manifestation(n.)=+It means a clear appearance.Challenging Yourself B Great Figures65 Read the last three paragraphs to complete the following mind map about Stephen Hawkings success.Read the article
349、again and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).Correct the false one(s).1)With the help of medicine,Stephen Hawking could spell out at least 15 words in a minute.2)Isaac Newton had held the post of Professor of Mathematics since 1979.3)Over the years,Stephen Hawking had rec
350、eived 12 honorary degrees.4)Experiencing weightlessness in zero gravity was Hawkings lifelong dream,because it could enable him to taste the wonderful moment of freeing himself from his wheelchair.5)Stephen Hawking showed the world that physical defects could infl uence the achievement of great soul
351、s.Refl ect how well you have learned about the article and write down questions or problems for further discussion in class.Question Corner1)2)Stephen Hawkings SuccessScienceOther aspectsPositionBookSpeech Professor of MathematicsFirst important one:Appearing in many TV Weibo:attracting over Total n
352、umber:papers and booksFellow of the Royal Society honorary degrees Giving speeches worldwideMember of the USNASHe is remembered as .He embraced life with .He is a great icon with a great mind.Theme B Ideals and Goals66Learning CooperativelyPhase 1 Sharing the individual work1)Cooperate with a partne
353、r.Check and discuss your answers in Learning Individually.2)Put forward your questions and work on them with your group members.Phase 2 Exploring further1)Do the following activities and share your understanding in groups.Activity 1:Discuss why Hawking could survive for over 50 years and become such
354、 a successful man,despite his disease.Activity 2:Imagine that you have travelled back in time to have an interview with Professor Hawking.As a reporter from the school newspaper,write down the questions you would ask him.Then role-play with a partner,who will play the role of Hawking.2)Ask your teac
355、her for advice.Phase 3 Utilising resources1)Watch the following movies in Video Bank and get inspiration from them.The Theory of Everything Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking2)Read an excerpt from A Brief History of Time in Reading Box to learn more about Hawkings theory.Learning CreativelyTell
356、a partner what you know about Ernest Hemingway and his writing style,and then read the following excerpt to check your ideas.The Old Man and the Sea There were high cumulus clouds and enough cirrus above them so that the old man knew the breeze would last all night.The old man looked at the fi sh co
357、nstantly to make sure it was true.It was an hour before the fi rst shark hit him.The shark was not an accident.He had come up from deep down in the water as the dark cloud of blood had settled and dispersed in the mile deep sea.He had come up so fast and absolutely without caution that he broke the
358、surface of the blue water and was in the sun.Then he fell back into the sea and picked up the scent and started swimming on the course the skiff and the fi sh had taken.Sometimes he lost the scent.But he would pick it up again,or have just a trace of it,and he swam fast and hard on Challenging Yours
359、elf B Great Figures67the course.He was a very big Mako shark built to swim as fast as the fastest fi sh in the sea and everything about him was beautiful except his jaws.His back was as blue as a swordfi shs and his belly was silver and his hide was smooth and handsome.This was a fi sh built to feed
360、 on all the fi shes in the sea,that were so fast and strong and well-armed that they had no other enemy.Now he speeded up as he smelled the fresher scent and his blue dorsal fi n cut the water.When the old man saw him coming he knew that this was a shark that had no fear at all and would do exactly
361、what he wished.He prepared the harpoon and made the rope fast while he watched the shark come on.The rope was short as it lacked what he had cut away to lash the fi sh.The old mans head was clear and good now and he was full of resolution but he had little hope.It was too good to last,he thought.He
362、took one look at the great fi sh as he watched the shark close in.It might as well have been a dream,he thought.I cannot keep him from hitting me but maybe I can get him.Dentuso,he thought.Bad luck to your mother.The shark closed fast astern and when he hit the fi sh the old man saw his mouth open a
363、nd his strange eyes and the clicking chop of the teeth as he drove forward in the meat just above the tail.The sharks head was out of water and his back was coming out and the old man could hear the noise of skin and flesh ripping on the big fish when he rammed the harpoon down onto the sharks head
364、at a spot where the line between his eyes intersected with the line that ran straight back from his nose.There were no such lines.There was only the heavy sharp blue head and the big eyes and the clicking,thrusting all-wallowing jaws.But that was the location of the brain and the old man hit it.He h
365、it it with his blood-mashed hands driving a good harpoon with all his strength.He hit it without hope but with resolution and complete malignancy.The shark swung over and the old man saw his eye was not alive and then he swung over once again,wrapping himself in two loops of the rope.The old man kne
366、w that he was dead but the shark would not accept it.Then,on his back,with his tail lashing and his jaws clicking,the shark plowed over the water as a speedboat does.The water was white where his tail beat it and three quarters of his body was clear above the water when the rope came taut,shivered,a
367、nd then snapped.The shark lay quietly for a little while on the surface and the old man watched him.Then he went down very slowly.“He took about forty pounds,”the old man said aloud.He took my harpoon too and all the rope,he thought,and now my fi sh bleeds again and there will be others.He did not l
368、ike to look at the fi sh anymore since he had been mutilated.When the fi sh had been Theme B Ideals and Goals68hit it was as though he himself were hit.But I killed the shark that hit my fi sh,he thought.And he was the biggest dentuso that I have ever seen.And God knows that I have seen big ones.It
369、was too good to last,he thought.I wish it had been a dream now and that I had never hooked the fi sh and was alone in bed on the newspapers.“But man is not made for defeat,”he said.“A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”I am sorry that I killed the fi sh though,he thought.Now the bad time is comi
370、ng and I do not even have the harpoon.The dentuso is cruel and able and strong and intelligent.But I was more intelligent than he was.Perhaps not,he thought.Perhaps I was only better armed.Do the following activities.1)Work in groups to discuss what you can learn from the old man in the novel.2)Watc
371、h the fi lm The Old Man and the Sea and write a fi lm review.Then share your ideas with your classmates.Learning ReflectivelyRefer back to Guiding Page and Looking Ahead in Theme B to refl ect on your learning.Write down your discoveries.1)What may usually cause your anxiety in your learning?2)Have
372、you ever used some strategies to deal with it?The causes of my anxiety:Strategies to deal with it:Theme CSports and Sportsmanship We love sports because we love life and sports are one of the basic joys of life.With speed,with skill and with spirit,we cooperate,we compete,and we challenge in the gam
373、es full of friendship,health and glory.Sports shape our character and teach us to play by rules.Unit 5 learn about the history of the Olympic Games;understand the cultural meaning of“Chinese Seal,Dancing Beijing”;share ideas about sportsmanship.Unit 5 learn about the perfect exercise Tai Ji;learn ab
374、out the spirit of the Chinese womens volleyball team;talk about Cristiano Ronaldos ambition.Unit 6Unit 6ChallengingYourself C learn about two great figures in the Olympics.ChallengingYourself CIn this theme,you will:How much do you know about the Olympics?Which sport do you like most?What have you l
375、earned from playing sports?Theme C Sports and Sportsmanship70Lon AeaBy the end of this unit,you will be able to:introduce the history of the Olympic Games based on the mind map you have drawn;memorise words with strategies and use them in context;describe pictures by using the infi nitive as the sub
376、ject;share your ideas about good sportsmanship with the given sentence patterns;design a poster for a football match;introduce an emblem of the Olympics.The Olympic values are participation,equality,cooperation and fair play.AnonymousUnit 5Olympic HistoryReading Actively Activating and Predicting Lo
377、ok at the following pictures and tell your partner what they remind you of.Work in groups to discuss the following questions about the Olympic Games.Then read the coming text to check your answers.1)When were the fi rst ancient Olympic Games and modern Olympic Games held?2)Why did the ancient Olympi
378、c Games arise?3)What are the differences between the ancient and the modern Olympic Games?4)How much do you know about the Summer Youth Olympics?70Unit 5 Olympic History 71 Reading,Thinking and AnalysingThe Olympic Games Ancient Olympic GamesThe first recorded ancient Olympic Games were held in 776
379、B.C.E.in ancient Greece and were closely connected to the worship of the gods and heroes.From 776 B.C.E.the Greeks began to keep their calendar by Olympiads,or four-year periods between games.The ancient Greeks believed strongly in the concept of competition.The ultimate Greek goal was to be the bes
380、t.All aspects of life,especially athletics,were centred round this concept.It was therefore considered one of the greatest honours to win a victory at Olympia.The fact that an olive wreath was the only prize given at Olympia suggested that the athletes competed for honour,not for material goods.Ther
381、e were a lot of games in the ancient Olympics.Many of those games are the ancestors of our modern Olympic Games and had rules and playing conditions modern athletes would not be unfamiliar with.The ancient Olympic Games were held every four years without a break for more than a thousand years.They c
382、ontinued even after Greece had come under the rule of the Romans.In 393 C.E.,a Roman emperor stopped the Games.But the symbolic power of the Games lived on and came to life again in modern times.Modern Olympic GamesThe Olympics started again in 1896 when the first modern Olympic Games were held in A
383、thens,Greece,with 245 athletes from 14 nations.But the fi rst modern Olympics were just for men.Women had to wait until the second Olympics to participate.At the Paris Games of 1900,women were allowed to compete,but only in tennis and golf.The early part of the 20th century was an important time for
384、 women throughout the world.Now,womens sports are more popular than ever.For the fi rst time in the history of the Games,women and men compete in the same number of events.Winter sports were added to the Olympic Games as early as 1908 with fi gure skating.In 1924 the fi rst separate Winter Olympic G
385、ames were held in France.Beginning in 1994,the Winter Olympic Games were decided to be held in different years from those of the Summer Games.So Olympiad (n.)It means according to the words after it.Olympia (n.)It means in Chinese.olive wreath Olympics (n.)It means in Chinese.Athens (n.):the capital
386、 of Greecefi gure skatingTheme C Sports and Sportsmanship72there are the Olympic Games every two years,alternating winter and summer.In 1948,Sir Ludwig Guttmann organised a sports competition involving World War II disabled soldiers in England.Four years later,competitors from Holland joined in the
387、games,and the international movement,now known as the Paralympics,was born.Olympic-style games for athletes with a disability were organised for the fi rst time in Rome in 1960.In Toronto,in 1976,other disability groups were added and the idea of having different disability groups together for inter
388、national sports competitions was born.In the same year,the fi rst Paralympic Winter Games took place in Sweden.On February 21,2008,the decision for Singapore to host the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics was announced.The Games are an international multi-sport event held every four years,consistent with th
389、e current Olympic Games format.They aim to bring together talented athletes between the ages of 14 and 18 from all over the world to participate in high-level competitions,learn about the Olympic values and the benefi ts of sport,and share their experiences with other communities around the globe.Co
390、mprehending,Integrating and Creating Read the part“Ancient Olympic Games”and then complete the diagram below.Read the part“Modern Olympic Games”and then complete the table below.The Development of Modern Olympic GamesYearEventPlace1896The fi rst Modern Olympic Games started with,but only.1900Women p
391、articipate,but only in .1908Winter sports the Olympic Games with .Guess the meaning of alternate in the context.Guess the meaning of Paralympics in the context.Ancient Olympic GamesTimebeing held from being the worship of the gods and heroes competing for honour,not for believing in the concept of c
392、onsidering it to win a victorya/an once every yearsFeaturesReasonsPrize FrequencyUnit 5 Olympic History 73YearEventPlaceThe fi rst Winter Olympic Games were held.1948The fi rst sports competition was held for .The competitors joined in the games for the disabled.1960The fi rst games for athletes wit
393、h were held.1976The international sports competitions with were born and the fi rst winter took place.The Winter Olympic Games began to be held from those of the Summer Games.2008The to host the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics was announced.2010The fi rst Summer Youth Olympics were held with for athletes
394、 .Based on Activities 1 and 2,work in groups to retell the history of the Olympic Games and complete the diagram below.Then discuss why the developments have been made.Work in groups to discuss how you understand the following statements about the Olympic Games.Then note the key words down and share
395、 your ideas in class.TIPArranging events in chronological order helps readers to have a better understanding of the text in a logical way.The Ancient Olympic Games The Modern Olympic GamesThings in CommonStatementThe Summer Youth Olympics Games are held for young people to learn about the Olympic va
396、lues and the benefi ts of sports.Your opinionOlympism is a philosophy of life,honouring and combining in a balanced manner the qualities of body,will and mind.Theme C Sports and Sportsmanship74 Do the activity by following the steps below.Step 1 Draw a mind map about the Summer Olympic Games after y
397、ou have searched for more information about them.Step 2 Share your mind map in groups,and then improve it.Step 3 Suppose China will bid for another Summer Olympic Games,work in groups to invent a slogan based on your mind maps.Step 4 Share your slogan in class and illustrate it.Exploring and Using L
398、anguage Feature Find in the text the related form of each word listed below and then write it on the corresponding line.Then analyse the formation of the words by following the example in brackets and fi nd out the common rule.Exampleconnection connect (connect+-ion)1)suggestion ()2)familiarity ()3)
399、consideration ()4)continuation ()5)disability ()6)popularity ()The common rule:Spell the words in the box according to their phonetic symbols and then use their appropriate forms to complete the paragraph below.1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)TIPA slogan is a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used i
400、n advertisements,or by organisations,etc.“Swifter,Higher and Stronger”is the Olympic Motto.The eternal fl ame of the torch symbolises“the light of spirit,knowledge and life”.TIPRevising the learnt vocabulary on a regular basis can help you take the“ownership”of these words and start using them confi
401、 dently.Unit 5 Olympic History 75The Olympic Games,the multi-sport events,should be traced back to the ancient times.The ancient Olympic Games differed from the ones in some .For example,ancient athletes competed as individuals,not on national teams.The emphasis on individual athletic achievement th
402、rough public was to the Greek ideal of excellence.So those who won a/an through their outstanding deeds would win a prize,an olive wreath.Today,the Olympic Games are the greatest festival of sport in the world.Every four years,a hundred or more nations send their best to compete for the highest in s
403、port.As many as 6,000 people in over 20 sports.For the winners,there are both gold medals and glory.But there is honour,too,for all who compete,win or lose.That is in the spirit of the Olympicsto take part is what matters.Grammar LinkThe Infinitive as the SubjectUnderstanding the meaningRead the pas
404、sage below and pay special attention to the coloured parts.Think what the infi nitive can function as.The ancient Greeks were highly competitive and believed strongly in the concept of competition.To be the best was their fi nal goal.Therefore,it was one of the greatest honours to win a victory at O
405、lympia.The athletes competed just to win glory,so they thought it good to be given an olive wreath as the only prize.While there were a lot of games for men to participate in,women were not allowed to take part.Women had to wait for so many years to enjoy equal rights.They were fi nally allowed to p
406、articipate in the games at the Paris Games in 1900,but only in tennis and golf.The early part of the 20th century was an important time for women throughout the world.Now,women and men compete in the same number of events.It is also the aim for the women athletes to become swifter,higher and stronge
407、r.Discovering the rule Study the following examples to understand how the infi nitive functions as the subject.Then work in pairs to share your understanding.ExampleTIPIt is of great help to memorise a new word by linking its phonetic symbol with its spelling.To be the best was their fi nal goal.the
408、 subjectthe infi nitive(to be)1)Theme C Sports and Sportsmanship76 Study the following examples and complete the table below.Then share your ideas in groups.ExampleStructureFeature1)To say something is one thing,and to do it is quite another.2)To hesitate means failure.+predicate at the of the sente
409、nce usually short 1)It takes two hours to walk to the bus station.2)It is impossible to make up for the lost time.+predicate +at the of the sentence usually with It at the of the sentenceApplying the rule Underline the infinitive structures in the following sentences and write down their sentence el
410、ements.An example has been given.ExampleI hope to see you soon.(object )1)Dr.Bush wants to have a sound sleep.()2)To climb the high mountain seems an impossible task to my grandparents.()3)It is possible to fi nish the work in a weeks time.()4)What do you think is the right thing to do?()5)My wish i
411、s to become a physicist.()6)Tom found it easy to master a foreign language.()7)He often goes to the cyber caf to chat with his online friends.()Complete the following sentences with the infi nitives as subjects,using the key words in brackets.Olympic Games MascotsLook at the following pictures.1)(ea
412、sy,you,guess)the meaning of the word“mascot”.The first mascot in Olympic history made its appearance at the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble,France,though it was not an official mascot.The idea of an Olympic mascot was officially approved at the 73rd Session of the International Olympic Committee in
413、 Munich 1972.Since then,mascots have become a major element of the Olympic brand.2)(easy,us,find out)that most Olympic mascots were created based on an animal unique to the host country.Since 1992,human or invented figures began to be used,andIt was one of the greatest honours to win a victory at Ol
414、ympia.the formal subjectthe real subjectthe infi nitive (to do)2)Unit 5 Olympic History 773)(smart,designers,use)more than one mascot each time since then.The fi ve mascots Fuwa in Beijing,2008 may be our most familiar example.As is known to all of us,4)(necessary,mascots,act as)a vehicle for commun
415、icating the Olympic spirit to the general public,especially children and young people.Mascots have come in many shapes and sizes,but 5)(convey,the same theme)of the Olympic Games is their mutual aim.We love these mascots because they have the distinctive geographical features,history and culture of
416、the host city.Write a few sentences to describe each of the following pictures,using the infi nitive as the subject.Listening,Understanding and CommunicatingSharing Ideas Look at the following pictures and tell your partner what each of them reminds you of.Then listen to a song to see which picture
417、is closely related to it.Listen again and fi ll in the blanks with the information which you have gained.Beijing,2008 Rio,2016 Tokyo,2020 We see the in the sky.We feel the beating of our together.This is our time to above.We know the is here to live forever,for all time.we stand,All the land,Theme C
418、 Sports and Sportsmanship78 Listen for a third time and choose the correct answer(s)to each question.There may be more than one correct answer to one question.1)What is this song mainly about?A.Encouragement.B.Equal rights.C.The Olympic Games.2)What does“fi re”stand for?A.Effort for perfection.B.Str
419、uggle for victory.C.The light of spirit,knowledge and life.3)What does“walls”mean in the song?A.The sides of a room or building.B.The upright structures made of stone or brick,which separate one area from another.C.The barriers to communication and understanding between people metaphorically.4)What
420、can we do by standing“hand in hand”according to the song?A.Light the fi re together.B.Understand each other better.C.Help make a better world.5)Which Olympic Games is this song for?A.Seoul 1988 Olympic Games.B.Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games.C.Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.Complete the bubble map by using
421、some of the words in the box.You may add your own.Use a dictionary if necessary.selfi sh generous persevering honest tough courageous confi dent hateful cheating cooperative modest optimisticunfair sincere peaceful violent equal understandingGood sportsmanshipWe can make this world a better place in
422、 which .Hand in hand we can start to ,down the wallsThat come between us for all time.A-ri-rang!Every time we give it all,We feel the fl ame eternally us.Lift our hands up to the sky.The morning calm helps us to live in harmony,for all time.Unit 5 Olympic History 79 Work in groups to share your idea
423、s about good sportsmanship with the help of the given sentence structures.You may begin like this:A:Lets talk about what good sportsmanship means.B:OK.In my opinion,good sportsmanship means cooperation fi rst.C:.D:.Viewing,Speaking and WritingDesigning a Poster for a Football Match Look at the poste
424、r for a sports meeting below.Think about its function and what elements are included.Tick the attributes which you think are important for a good poster based on the given example.Then share your ideas with your partner and discuss why.A.Layout B.Subject line C.Text D.Visual aidsE.Signature of the s
425、ponsor F.Colour G.Design Read the following dialogue carefully and mark out the important information in it.A:You know,there will be a football match next weekend.B:Oh,really?A:Yeah,I saw the poster by City Football Association.It is on June 25th.B:Which teams?A:Tigers and Youths.Lets talk about It
426、is quite/entirely clear thatIts rather/extremely hard to say.I couldnt agree with you more.I think youre absolutely right.Yes,you are dead/exactly right,butDont you agree with?It is beyond all doubt thatTIPA poster is a bill or placard usually displayed in a public place.It is often decorated with d
427、esigns or illustrations.Here are some reasons why posters are used:To advertise events or products.To display information or instructions.To deliver some kinds of information.Olympic StadiumLocation:Sydney Olympic Park,Homebush BayDistance from Sydney City:14 kmOlympic Games Events and SportsOpening
428、 and closing ceremonies,athletics,footballDatesOpening ceremony:15 September Athletics:22 September1 October Football:30 September Closing ceremony:1 October Love-sports Association Theme C Sports and Sportsmanship80B:Well,I like Tigers.Theyve won six games this season.I think Tigers have a good cha
429、nce.A:But,you know,theyve seldom beaten Youths.And theyve never played in Galaxy Stadium.B:So it should be an exciting game.By the way,what time will it be?A:Seven in the evening.Work in groups to design a poster for the football match mentioned in Activity 3 by following the steps below.Step 1 Writ
430、e the text based on the important information you have gained in Activity 3.Step 2 Proofread it.Step 3 Work in groups to discuss the layout of your poster.Step 4 Make the poster with drawings and decorations.Step 5 Put up your poster on the classroom wall.Step 6 Read the posters by other groups and
431、select the one that you think is the best.Reading Further Getting Ready Choose the proper meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.1)The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem“Chinese Seal,Dancing Beijing”adopts a special form of traditional Chinese art.A.会徽 B.印章 2)The government made a commitment
432、 to public services.A.instruction B.promise 3)His skills as a player dont quite match his passion for the game.A.special need B.strong feeling4)He worked with renewed vigour.A.energy B.speed5)Future generations will be left with a legacy of pollution.A.money or property that is given to you by peopl
433、e when they die B.situation that exists because of events,actions,etc.that took place in the past Look at the emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games called“Chinese Seal,Dancing Beijing”and talk about it with the expressions given in the box.Then read the passage to check your ideas.ReadingChinese
434、Seal,Dancing BeijingEvery emblem of the Olympics tells a story.The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem art of handwriting seal carving people-orienteda running/dancing human Chinese character“Jing”the colour most favoured by the Chinese peopleUnit 5 Olympic History 81“Chinese Seal,Dancing Beijing”tell
435、s about Beijings understanding of and commitment to the Olympic Movement.“Chinese Seal,Dancing Beijing”adopts a special form of traditional Chinese art.It combines the arts of Chinese characters,seal carving and the art of handwriting,and has the rich and great cultural content of the East in the fo
436、rm of a seal.The Chinese character“Jing”on the seal looks like a human fi gure who is running,dancing,chanting and embracing triumph.The Chinese character in the emblem is unique.Its natural appearance,simplicity,smoothness and easiness are in total harmony with the emblem and the Olympic rings,thus
437、 forming a unique style.“Chinese Seal,Dancing Beijing”uses the colour most favoured by the Chinese peopleredas the basic colour of the design.The red colour expresses the Chinese peoples passion for life and the Olympics.Red symbolises the sun in the east,the fi re of life,an ode to luck and beauty,
438、the joy and hospitality of the Chinese people to the world,and is a symbol of the happiness,passion and vigour of Beijing.“Chinese Seal,Dancing Beijing”follows the tradition of the design of the Olympic emblems.It exemplifi es the Olympic spirit of challenging the limits,winning glory and being“Swif
439、ter,Higher and Stronger”.The emblem uses a human fi gure as its major subject and stresses the people-oriented and athlete-centred concept of the Olympic Games.It combines the themes of sports,peace,friendship and happiness,and carries the highest ideals of the Olympics.It is a witness to the Chines
440、e nations admiration for the Olympic spirit,and of Beijings strong desire for the Olympic ideals.The emblem is a symbol of faith,a show of confi dence and a solemn commitment that the host city Beijing has made to the world and human beings.“Chinese Seal,Dancing Beijing”belongs not only to China,but
441、 also to the world.It uses traditional art forms to express the concept of“New Beijing,Great Olympics”.It is dynamic,straightforward and rich in content,deep-rooted in cultural background yet open to modern ideas.As a perfectly designed piece of Olympic art,it will become a precious cultural legacy
442、of the 2008 Olympic Games and fi nd a place in the history of Olympic art design.Comprehending Read the passage and complete the table below.Structure of the textSupporting ideaParagraphIntroductionThe name of the emblem is .The emblem suggests .BodyThe main part of the text includes:1)2)3)Concept o
443、f the design ConclusionIt will become a cultural legacy because .Theme C Sports and Sportsmanship82 Work in pairs to ask and answer the following questions.1)What is the cultural content of the emblem?2)What does the colour red symbolise?3)What spirit does the emblem of the Olympic Games exemplify?4
444、)What concept does the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem express?5)What theme does the emblem combine?Do the activity by following the steps below.Step 1 Look at the following Olympic emblems and talk about how you understand them.Step 2 Surf the Internet to fi nd the stories behind them and share y
445、our fi ndings in groups.Step 3 Select one emblem among the three which impresses you most and write a passage to explain it by using some lexical chunks from the passage you have just read.Step 4 Share your writing with your group members and do the peer-correction.Step 5 Improve your writing.Sl-a e
446、snRefl ect on your learning in this unit and rate each of the items according to the following rating scales.Then decide what you should do for further progress.5=Exceeding expectations 4=Meeting expectations 3=Approaching expectations2=Partially meeting expectations 1=Not meeting expectationsItemRa
447、tingImprovement I can draw a mind map about the history of the Olympic Games and introduce it based on the map.I can memorise words with different strategies and use those words in context.I can use the infi nitive as the subject to describe pictures.I can use the given sentence patterns to talk abo
448、ut my ideas about good sportsmanship.I can design a poster for a football match.I can describe the features and symbolic meanings of an Olympic emblem.adopt a special form bine A and B look like a fi gurebe in harmony with.be a symbol of.exemplify the Olympic spirit of.stress the concept of.be dynam
449、ic,straightforward and rich in content be deep-rooted in cultural backgroundLon AeaBy the end of this unit,you will be able to:illustrate the reasons why Tai Ji is the perfect exercise;support your argument by using quotations;describe a picture by using the infi nitive as the predicative;talk about
450、 your ambitions;write a script of a mini-lecture on healthy lifestyle;share ideas on the spirit of the Chinese womens volleyball team.Sports serve society by providing vivid examples of excellence.George F.WillUnit 6The Spirit of SportsReading Actively Activating and Predicting Look at the following
451、 picture and try to imitate the actions of the fi gures in it.Then discuss with a partner what these fi gures stand for.8384Theme C Sports and Its Spirit Reading,Thinking and AnalysingWhy Is Tai Ji the Perfect Exercise?While it is easy to tell people to make exercise part of their daily routine,it i
452、s not so easy to tell them what to do.Some people like to run marathons or climb mountains,but if you would rather care for your body without risking life or limbs or increasingly creaky joints,the best choice is to practise Tai Ji.This is the ancient martial art that looks like a cross between shad
453、ow boxing and slow-motion ballet.Tai Ji combines intense mental focus with deliberate and graceful movements.Its aim is to improve strength and balance.There are several styles of Tai Ji,but most of them start with a series of controlled movements,or forms,with names like Grasping the Sparrows Tail
454、and Repulse the Monkey.There are many good how-to books to get you started,or you can choose from among the growing number of classes offered at health clubs in the U.S.and around the world.Either way,the goal is to move at your own pace.As the Tai Ji Cultural Center in Los Altos,California puts it,
455、“Pain is no gain.”Practitioners praise Tai Jis spiritual and psychological benefi ts,but what has attracted the attention of Western scientists lately is what Tai Ji does for the body.In many ways,researchers are just catching up to tens of millions of people in China and Chinatowns around the rest
456、of the world,who have already known about Tai Ji.Scientists at the Oregon Research Institute in Eugene reported that Tai Ji offers the greatest benefit to older men and women who are healthy but relatively inactive.Previous studies have shown that practising Tai Ji regularly helps reduce falls among
457、 healthy seniors.The next step,from a scientifi c point of view,is to determine whether Tai Ji can help those who are already weak.Guess the meaning of practitioner in the context.Oregon:a state in the north-western U.S.creaky adj.嘎吱作响的Martial art means in Chinese.What is shadow boxing?People prefer
458、 to practise Tai Ji because:1)2)3)Work in groups to list the reasons why people practise Tai Ji.Then read the coming text to check your ideas.Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports85Chronic means lasting for a long time.Chronic-disease means in Chinese.aero-:relating to air Aerobic means in Chinese.Guess the m
459、eaning of kick in in the context.It can take a few months for the effects of Tai Ji to kick in,but when they do they can act as a gateway to a new lifestyle.“Once people start feeling better,they often become more active in their daily life,”says Dr.Karim Khan,a family-practice and sports physician
460、at the University of British Columbia.Any form of exercise,of course,can do only so much.“For older individuals,Tai Ji will not be the end-all,”says William Haskell,an expert in chronic-disease prevention at Stanford University.“But a very good mixture is to practise Tai Ji plus walking.”Younger peo
461、ple probably need more of an aerobic challenge,but they can benefi t from Tai Ji to reduce stress.The best thing about Tai Ji is that people enjoy it,so they tend to stick with it long enough to get some benefi ts.It helps when something thats good for you is also fun.Comprehending,Integrating and C
462、reating Read the fi rst two paragraphs and complete the following mind map.Read the other parts of the text and complete the diagram below.Tai Ji is the perfect exercise.PhysicallyEspecially for the but healthy people,it helps them to become more ;helps to reduce ;can act as a/an to a new lifestyle;
463、may help to chronic disease.It is the perfect exercise because people fi nd in it,and then may stick with it long enough to get some .PsychologicallyFor people who need more aerobic challenges,it helps to reduce their .Tai JiDefi nitionPopularityAimCombinationStyles/Forms86Theme C Sports and Its Spi
464、rit Tick the supporting details from the text which can illustrate the following viewpoint of the author.Then discuss in groups why they are persuasive.1)Practising Tai Ji will not risk life or limbs or creaky joints.2)Practising Tai Ji improves both strength and balance.3)Researchers have found tha
465、t tens of millions of people in China and Chinatowns around the rest of the world know about Tai Ji.4)Scientists reported about the great benefi ts of Tai Ji.5)Previous studies have shown that it helps reduce falls among healthy seniors.6)Tai Ji can help those who are already weak.7)Dr.Karim Khan,a
466、family-practice and sports physician,said that once people started feeling better after practising Tai Ji,they often become more active in their daily life.8)An expert in chronic-disease prevention at Stanford University said that Tai Ji would not be the end-all for older individuals.Work in groups
467、to discuss the following questions.1)How do you understand“Tai Ji combines intense mental focus with deliberate and graceful movements”?2)Do you know why the forms of Tai Ji have such names as Grasping the Sparrows Tail and Repulse the Monkey?3)We usually believe in“No pain,no gain.”How do you under
468、stand“Pain is no gain”?4)Do you agree with the authors opinion that Tai Ji is the perfect exercise?Why or why not?5)Do you plan to learn and practise Tai Ji after reading the text?Why or why not?Do the activity by following the steps below.Step 1 Work in groups to discuss what the best exercise is i
469、n your mind.Step 2 Surf the Internet to fi nd more information about the exercise and note down the key words.The following list can help you.Step 3 Write a passage based on the following topic and the information you have collected,using details to support your viewpoint.Step 4 Select a reporter to
470、 introduce in class the best exercise you have chosen.name history style categorybenefi t legend cultural background popularityrule famous fi gure infl uence interesting storyViewpoint:Tai Ji does good to our bodies.Viewpoint:is the best exercise in our mind.Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports87Exploring an
471、d Using Language Feature Complete the passage below with some of the verb phrases from the text.Change the form if necessary.Jogging is running at a gentle pace.It may also a warm-up or cool-down for runners.According to a study by Stanford University School of Medicine,jogging does for increasing h
472、uman lifespan and decreasing the effects of aging.A series of studies by the National Cancer Institute suggest that jogging and other types of aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of some cancers such as lung cancer.Besides,if you your weight,you may jogging for it is useful for fighting obesity and
473、 staying healthy.Some people may think that the effects of jogging are too slow to .If you jog for at least 30 minutes fi ve days a week outdoors and it,however,you can fi nd yourself a lot it.Study the following examples to learn how the author makes his writing more believable and persuasive.Then
474、fi nd more examples from the text and analyse them by following the examples.Examplekick in start with combine with act ascatch up with stick with benefi t from care for direct quotation with quotation marks an expert with authoritya marker“Once people start feeling better,they often become more act
475、ive in their daily life,”says Dr.Karim Khan,a family-practice and sports physician at the University of British Columbia.TIPWhen writing a research paper or a report,it is common to include experts ideas and the results of previous studies in support of your argument.1)a markerthe results of other r
476、elevant studiesindirect quotation without quotation marks Previous studies have shown that Tai Ji practised regularly helps reduce falls among healthy seniors.2)88Theme C Sports and Its SpiritNow write a short passage to introduce one sport or exercise which is the most suitable for senior school st
477、udents,supporting your argument by following the TIP.Grammar LinkThe Infinitive as the PredicativeUnderstanding the meaningRead the fi rst paragraph from the text again and pay special attention to the coloured parts.While it is easy to tell people to make exercise part of their daily routine,it is
478、not so easy to tell them what to do.Some people like to run marathons or climb mountains,but if you would rather care for your body without risking life or limbs or increasingly creaky joints,the best choice is to practise Tai Ji.This is the ancient martial art that looks like a cross between shadow
479、 boxing and slow-motion ballet.Tai Ji combines intense mental fo-cus with deliberate and graceful movements.Its aim is to improve strength and balance.Discovering the rule Study the following examples to understand how the infi nitive functions as the predicative.Then work in pairs to share your und
480、erstanding.Example Study more examples and match them with the meanings they suggest.Then share your ideas in groups.1)I think the purpose of learning a foreign language is to broaden our views.2)Their plan is to build a primary school in the neighbourhood.3)What am I to do if I cant arrive in time?
481、4)You are to be scolded by your parents.5)You are to fail the exam if you dont prepare for it.A.To express a purpose or wish.B.To show an expected result or bad fortune.C.To ask for advice.D.To express the meaning of a modal verb.E.To express a decision or an order.the infi nitive (to-v.)Its easy to
482、 tell people to make exercise part of their daily routine.the formal subjectthe real subject1)the infi nitive (to-v.)Its aim is to improve strength and balance.linking verbthe predicative2)Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports89Applying the rule Underline the infinitive in the following sentences from the tex
483、t.Then decide their functions by putting the corresponding letters on the lines.1)Some people like to run marathons or climb mountains.2)There are many good how-to books to get you started.3)Either way,the goal is to move at your own pace.4)The next step,from a scientifi c point of view,is to determ
484、ine whether Tai Ji can help those who are already weak.5)It can take a few months for the effects of Tai Ji to kick in,but when they do they can act as a gateway to a new lifestyle.6)But a very good mixture is to practise Tai Ji plus walking.7)Younger people probably need more of an aerobic challeng
485、e,but they can benefi t from Tai Ji to reduce stress.8)The best thing about Tai Ji is that people enjoy it,so they tend to stick with it long enough to get some benefi ts.Complete the following passage by using the proper forms of the given verbs in brackets.Walt DisneyMillions of people have seen D
486、isney films and TV programmes or visited Disney Parks.They have made friends with Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck,Snow White,Peter Pan,etc.which were produced by the Walt Disney Company.It is impossible for any other fi lm company 1)(please)so many children around the world.It is also not surprising 2)(cal
487、l)it a dream factory.The creator of Disneyland,Walt Disney,was born in Chicago.At the age of 16,Disney began 3)(study)art in Chicago.Four years later,he joined the Kansas City Film Ad.Company.He made cartoon advertisements 4)(show)in cinemas.In 1923,Walt Disney moved to Hollywood,California 5)(join)
488、his brother Roy.His dream was 6)(become)a fi lm producer or director,but he failed 7)(fi nd)such a job.So he decided 8)(make)animated fi lms.In these fi lms,Disney wanted 9)(bring)his pictures to life and make the drawings 10)(move)in a lifelike way.We call them cartoons.In 1928,the public fi rst sa
489、w Mickey Mouse in a movie called Steamboat Willy.Walt Disney himself provided the voice for Mickey Mouse.Since then,Walt Disney has become A.Object B.Adverbial C.Attributive D.Subject E.Predicative90Theme C Sports and Its Spiritknown all over the world.He won 22 Academy Awards during his lifetime,an
490、d was the founder of the theme parks:Disneyland and Walt Disney World.Write a few sentences to describe the picture,using the infi nitive as the predicative.Listening,Understanding and CommunicatingTalking about Ambition Look at the following pictures and discuss with your partner what you know abou
491、t him.Then predict what the coming interview with him will be mainly about based on the given lexical chunks.Listen to the interview to check your prediction.Then complete its summary.In the interview,Cristiano Ronaldo admits that he is a person with great .He thinks that both and are very important
492、 factors for one to succeed.Besides,having the ambition to is the key to his success.Since he started playing football,he has never his ambition and his for football.a man of driving ambition achieve ones ambition with a lot of energyones key to success score hundreds of goals harbour the ambition U
493、nit 6 The Spirit of Sports91 Listen again and briefl y answer the following questions according to the information you have gained.1)In Cristiano Ronaldos opinion,what may make everything easier?2)When does he feel full of energy?3)How many goals has he scored in his career?4)Which goal is the most
494、important one in his opinion?5)What is motivating him to carry on?Listen for a third time and complete the following sentences with the words from the interview.1)We know youre a man of ambition.2)What are the necessary factors for you to your ambition?3)My is to try to be better than last year.4)We
495、 can also say that you are a person with the ambition to win.5)We have to ambitions.6)So,whats the next step?Still the ambition?7)Of course,my ambition would always be the ,since I started to play football.Work together with your partner to underline the sentence structures in Activity 4 for talking
496、 about ambition.Then list your ambitions in the past and at present and talk about them by using these sentence structures.Viewing,Speaking and WritingWriting a Script of a Mini-lecture Read to understand the following passage with the help of the given chart,and then share your understanding with a
497、 partner.It seems that everything,cellphones,microwaves,X-rays and so on,causes cancer these days.But how about sitting too long?Yes.Sitting too long increases your risk of getting cancer in a very big way.The American Institute for Cancer Research held its annual conference early in 2012 and highli
498、ghted at that conference were specifi c research fi ndings showing that 49,000 cases of breast cancer and 43,000 cases of colon cancer in the U.S.could be linked to inactivity.My ambitions in the pastMy ambitions at present92Theme C Sports and Its Spirit Work in groups to discuss the following quest
499、ions and note down the answers.1)What is the problem?2)What serious effects may it bring?3)Does this problem exist among your schoolmates?How serious is it?4)Do you have any fun sports or exercises to recommend to your schoolmates?5)Why would you like to recommend them?Suppose there is a“Lets move!”
500、movement in your school and you will give a mini-lecture to encourage your schoolmates to take outdoor activities after school.Work out the outline by following the tips below.Write the draft of the mini-lecture and then give the mini-lecture in class.The following sentence structures from the text
501、may help you a lot.Sentence structures1)Its easy to,while its not so easy to2)But if you would rather care for your body without risking,the best choice is toOutline1)Introducing the phenomenon(a story,familiar examples,fi gures etc.)2)Using facts and evidence to trace back to the core problem(stati
502、stics,reports,etc.)3)Suggesting a solution and explaining why4)Using a strong call-to-action to motivate the audience to join in the movementDear schoolmates,According to the American Institute for Cancer Research held in 2012,Thank you for listening!Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports933)Its aim is to4)The
503、re are many good how-to books to get you started,or you can5)Scientists at reported that offers the greatest benefi t to6)Previous studies have shown that helps7)They can benefi t from to8)The best thing about thatReading Further Getting Ready Look at the following pictures and share what you know a
504、bout them with a partner.Look at the title of the coming passage and predict what it is mainly about.Then read to check your prediction.It mainly tells us that .ReadingTo Be a Champion,More than a ChampionThe Chinese womens volleyball team once achieved a great honour in the last century and their s
505、pirit of never giving up inspired so many people.During the last decade,however,as the old volleyball players retired and the new ones were not strong enough,the team experienced diffi culties,but winning an important match announced their return.Last night,the Chinese womens volleyball team had a v
506、ery important match against Brazilian team in the Rio Olympic Games.The expectation of success was very low because Brazilian team was so strong.They had been the champions in the last two Olympic Games while the Chinese team only won one match in their last 18 attempts.Whats more,almost the whole o
507、f the audience was supporting the Brazilian team.Winning the match seemed to be impossible for the Chinese team,but the girls held a fi rm belief and persisted in fi ghting until the last minute.During the fi nal,both teams fought hard in each set of the match which lasted one hour and 37 minutes.Ch
508、ina started slowly,losing the opening set at 19-25,but the girls made a comeback to take the next three sets at 25-17,25-22,and 25-23 with coach Lang Pings encouragement.Even though they lost the fi rst game,they never gave up.Especially for the last two points,they were so brave and fi nally won th
509、e match.We saw these girls fi ght to the last minute.At the end of the day,as Lang Ping said at a news conference after the game,“womens 94Theme C Sports and Its Spiritvolleyball team spirit”is not the fi nal result,but a process.It has been passing on.This womens volleyball team spirit,which inspir
510、es a lot of people,is the reason for the team being full of positive energy.The spirit has become a symbol of the athletes hard struggle and motto.It has been tightly linked to their gain and loss,and ups and downs.Today,the Chinese need the fi ghting spirit of the womens volleyball team more than e
511、ver.As individuals,living in a time of drastic change with both opportunities and challenges,one needs the spirit to go sure-footed and step-by-step to reach afar.For a big nation,walking forward to achieve development in an increasingly complicated domestic and international environment is never an
512、 easy job,and that makes the spirit of perseverance and the determination to fi ght on more necessary than ever.To be a champion,more than a champion!May the fi ghting spirit of the Chinese womens volleyball team be always with us.Comprehending Read the passage and choose the best answers.1)This pas
513、sage is .A.a news story B.a news commentary C.a piece of news D.a news report2)You may most probably read it in a .A.journal B.magazine C.news network on the Internet D.brochure3)The main purpose of the writer is to .A.inform us of the good news B.express his opinions on the event C.express his admi
514、ration for the girls on the womens volleyball team D.call on the readers to learn the womens volleyball team spirit Read the passage again and complete the following diagram.How did the womens volleyball team win the match?Before the match During the matchLow expectation to win1)2)Fighting and insis
515、ting 1)Holding 2)Losing 3)Making a comeback 4)Being by the coachWinning the match because they fought .Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports95 Do the activity by following the steps below.Step 1 Work in groups to discuss what the womens volleyball team spirit means according to your understanding.Step 2 Read
516、the last three paragraphs again and fi ll in the blanks.In the writers opinion,we can learn a lot from the womens volleyball team spirit.For individuals,For our nation,Step 3 Discuss how you can learn from the girls on the womens volleyball team.Step 4 Hold a class meeting to share your ideas.Sl-a e
517、snRefl ect on your learning in this unit and rate each of the items according to the following rating scales.Then decide what you should do for further progress.5=Exceeding expectations 4=Meeting expectations 3=Approaching expectations2=Partially meeting expectations 1=Not meeting expectationsItemRa
518、tingImprovement I can illustrate the reasons why Tai Ji is the perfect exercise.I can use quotations to support my argument.I can use the infi nitive as the predicative to describe a picture.I can talk about my ambitions with my classmates.I can write a script of a mini-lecture to encourage my schoo
519、lmates to take outdoor activities.I can share ideas on the spirit of the Chinese womens volleyball team with my classmates.The womens volleyball team spirit means*Lon Aea After completing this project,you should be able to:gather relevant information from different sources;predict the structure and
520、the main idea of the article based on the title;make comparisons and contrasts with the help of a chart;keep your interest in learning English consciously;refl ect on the learning of the whole theme from the aspect of taking notes in self-learning and communication.The most important thing in the Ol
521、ympic Games is not winning but taking part;the essential thing in life is not conquering but fi ghting well.Pierre de CoubertinThe most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part;the The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part;the Self-direct
522、edLearning Project Challenging Yourself COlympic PioneersLearning Individually Complete the information about two great fi gures in the development of the Olympics.You may search for the information if necessary.If you are going to write a passage Two Great Figures in the Olympics to introduce them,
523、what aspects are you going to cover?96Name:Nationality:Occupation:Name:Nationality:Occupation:Challenging Yourself C Olympic Pioneers97 Reading and ThinkingTwo Great Figures in the OlympicsPierre de Coubertin was born to a French family in 1863.Infl uenced by the events of the late 19th century and
524、his education,young Coubertin developed a firm belief that sports possessed the power to benefit human beings and encourage peace among the nations of the world.Coubertin got his idea from the ancient Olympic Games,and began to revive the Games in 1892.Two years later,people meeting in Paris voted t
525、o hold the fi rst modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896,and every four years afterwards.As the driving force behind the new Olympic Movement,Coubertin was made president of the International Olympic Committee(IOC)in 1896 and held that post for 29 years.Over that time,Coubertin devoted his life and
526、wealth to the establishment and growth of the modern Olympic Games.He created the Olympic Charters,the Creed,the athletes Oath,and the opening and the closing ceremonies.His great contribution to the modern Olympic Games won him the title“Father of the Modern Olympics”.Thanks to Coubertins determina
527、tion and untiring efforts,more and more athletes and nations of the world are united in this peaceful celebration and competition.Juan Antonio Samaranch,the seventh president of the IOC,was born in Barcelona,Spain,on July 7,1920.In 1956,he became a member of the Spanish Olympic Committee and then wa
528、s appointed vice president in 1967.His great infl uence in the Olympic Movement led him into the IOCs executive board in 1970.Four years later,he was elected vice president.Since he became the president in 1980,the IOC has undergone vast changes.As the fi rst IOC president to work full time at the j
529、ob,he worked hard to push the IOC into the realities of the political and economic life of the late twentieth century.He made frequent trips around the world and increased the IOCs cooperation with the UN as well as with many non-governmental organisations.Between 1983 and 1992,the IOC aid committee
530、 distributed charter (n.)章程creed (n.)信条revive(vt.):bring back to lifeexecutive board执行委员会98Theme C Sports and Its Spirit$95.7 million to humanitarian causes such as drug education and AIDS prevention worldwide.In order to keep the Olympic fl ame alive in the modern world,Samaranch reformed the tradi
531、tion of Olympic amateurism practised ever since the start of the modern Olympic Movement.Today,professional athletes as well as amateurs are allowed to compete in this grand sports gathering.He also made great efforts to promote womens rights for equal participation in the Olympic family,bringing th
532、e womens marathon,womens football and baseball into the Games.Juan Antonio Samaranch is a truly shining giant in Olympic history,as he greatly promoted the Olympic Games and made the sports accessible to billions of people across the world.Analysing and Questioning Read the articles and complete the
533、 following table.CoubertinSamaranchNationalityPersonalexperiences18631920189219561896joining the IOCs executive boardleaving the post of president of the IOC19741980Achievement Read the articles again and describe the personality of Coubertin and Samaranch with the help of the adjectives in the box.
534、Coubertin:Samaranch:warm-hearted hardworking enthusiastic kind creativeenergetic patient fl exible friendly knowledgeableupright strong-minded outstanding ambitiousdevoted sociable peace-loving open-mindedHumanitarianmeans in Chinese.Challenging Yourself C Olympic Pioneers99 Figure out the similarit
535、ies and differences between the two fi gures based on Activity 1 and Activity 2.Similarities:Differences:Refl ect on what you have learned from the article and write down questions or problems for further discussion in class.Question CornerLearning CooperativelyPhase 1 Sharing the individual work1)C
536、heck and discuss your answers in Learning Individually and improve them.2)Put forth your questions and work on them with your group members.Phase 2 Exploring further1)Do the following activities and share your understanding in groups.Activity 1:Use another method to compare the two fi gures,e.g.a do
537、uble-bubble diagram.Activity 2:Select another great Olympic fi gure that has made great contributions to the development or reform of the Olympic Games by surfi ng the Internet or refer to the books in your school library.Then introduce the fi gure to the rest of the class.2)Turn to your teacher for
538、 his/her comments and suggestions.Phase 3 Utilising resourcesWatch the following movies in Video Bank and get inspiration from them.1)2)revived the OlympicsCoubertinSamaranchpresident of IOCpromoted womens rightsmade great contributions100Theme C Sports and Its Spirit Kobe Bryants retirement speech
539、London 2012Countdown to the OlympicsLearning CreativelyWork in pairs to talk about what you know about a marathon race,and then look at the title of the article to see whether you can answer the question.Read the article to check your answer.Why Are Marathons 26.2 Miles Long?So,you want to have a re
540、ally long race that eventually will attract the best runners from around the world.Unlike other races with boring names like the“mile”and the“400-metres,”with their well-defined distances,your race commemorates an ancient Greek town with an unusual route totaling somewhere around 24 to 26 miles.Well
541、,if youre Pierre de Coubertin,the founder of the International Olympic Committee and the Modern Olympics,that was exactly the plan for the marathon at the 1896 Olympics in Athens.In Greek history,the fi rst marathon commemorated the run of the soldier Pheidippides from a battlefi eld near the town o
542、f Marathon,Greece,to Athens in 490 B.C.E.According to legend,Pheidippides ran approximately 25 miles to announce the defeat of the Persians to some anxious Athenians.He ran without stopping.When he arrived at Athens,he exclaimed,“We have won.”Then he dropped to the ground and died from exhaustion.So
543、,de Coubertin organised the first official race from the Marathon Bridge to the Olympic Stadium in Athens,a distance of about 24.85 miles or 40,000 metres.Spiridon Louis,a Greek postal worker,won that fi rst race in 2 hours,58 minutes,50 seconds,fi nishing seven minutes ahead of the pack.Of the 25 p
544、articipants,only 9 runners hit the fi nish line.In 1896,when the fi rst of the modern Olympics were held in Athens,it was decided to recall the ancient glory of Greece by running a marathon race.Ever since then,it has been a tradition for the Mens Marathon to be the last event of the games and have
545、the fi nish line inside the Olympic stadium.After 1896,the next few Olympic marathons varied in distance with the idea that as long as all runners ran the same course,there was no need to keep the distance exactly the same.For the 1908 London Olympics,the course was laid out from Windsor Castle to W
546、hite City stadium,about 26 miles.However,to locate the fi nish line in front of the royal familys viewing box,an extra 385 yards was added inside the stadium.Challenging Yourself C Olympic Pioneers101Despite the success of that first race,it took 13 more years of arguing before the International Ama
547、teur Athletic Federation(IAAF)adopted the 1908 distance as the official marathon.In fact,of the fi rst seven modern Olympics,there were six different distances.Today,there are more than 800 organised marathons in 64 countries around the world each year,with more than 425,000 marathon fi nishers in t
548、he United States alone.Some of these belong to the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races(AIMS),which has grown since its foundation in 1982 to embrace over 300 member events in 83 countries and territories.The marathons of Berlin,Boston,Chicago,London,New York City and Tokyo form
549、 the biennial World Marathon Majors series,awarding$500,000 annually to the best overall male and female performers in the series.Many big cities now have marathons,which are very popular as tourist attractions.Thousands of people travel every year from all over the world to watch or compete in the
550、marathons.Of course,hardly any modern marathon runners die from exhaustion like Pheidippides,because they prepare properly and drink enough water while they are running.As many of these veterans will tell you,the fi rst 26 miles are easy,but it is that last quarter mile that will kill you.Do the fol
551、lowing activities.1)Work in pairs to discuss what messages you can get from the last sentence in the article.Then share your ideas in class.2)Discuss with your group members whether youd like to run the full marathon if you are offered a chance,and why.Learning ReflectivelyRefer back to Guiding Page
552、 and Looking Ahead in Theme C to refl ect on your learning.Write down your discoveries.1)When and why do you usually take notes?2)How do you do it?When and why:How:102Unit 1 PlantsReading Actively1.It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fi ngers reaching to touch something.它那细长的叶子在风中摇动,好
553、像纤细的手指正伸出去触摸什么东西似的。此句中that从句为定语从句,修饰先行词leaves;reaching to touch something为分词短语作后置定语,修饰fi ngers。2.Not all bamboo grows tall.并不是所有的竹子都长得高。此句为部分否定。“Not all”,意为“并非都”。例如:Not all birds can fl y.并非所有的鸟都能飞。3.although new shoots of bamboo will come up from around the roots of the old ones.尽管新笋总会从老朽的竹根的四周发芽。c
554、ome up 发芽;发生;出现;(问题等)被提出。例如:The problem came up at the meeting.会上提出了这一问题。Reading Further1.On the end of every dandelion seed is a tiny umbrella that helps it to fl oat off on the wind.在每粒蒲公英种子的末端都长着一把小伞,帮助种子随风飘荡。表地点的介词短语在句首,句子要进行完全倒装。2.In the warm,moist,southern part of our country many of the trees
555、 have a great deal of hanging moss.在我国温暖湿润的南方,很多树全身都爬满了苔藓。此句中a great deal of 表示“许多”,后面接不可数名词。修饰不可数名词的还有:much,a large amount of。其后的谓语动词用单数形式。Unit 2 AnimalsReading Actively1.Once it has their attention,it flies through the forest,constantly waiting for the curious NotesNotes103animal or person as it l
556、eads them to the nest.一旦成功地引起了他们的注意,它便展翅往森林深处飞去。一路上它飞飞停停,引着那些被挑起了好奇心的动物或路人来到蜂巢前。此句中once=as soon as/when,“一旦,一就”;constantly=continually“经常地”。2.Scientists do not know how the honey guide digests the wax,but it is very determined in its efforts to get it.科学家们目前还不知道导蜜鸟是怎么消化这些蜡的,但它那种想要吃到蜡的决心十分坚定。句首的it指代t
557、he honey guide,句末的it指代the wax。Reading Further1.Jane Goodall:珍古道尔博士,以研究大猩猩著名。她1960年开始在坦桑尼亚的冈比国家公园工作,在那里生活了近40年。2.No,it took a long time.没有,花了很长一段时间(它们才接纳我)。此句为省略句。完整的句子应为:It took a long time before the chimpanzees accepted me.Challenging Yourself A Man and Pets1.A bronze statue based on his likeness
558、was erected at the station.以八公肖像为原型的铜像被立放在车站。likeness n.相象;肖像2.Today it still stands and is a popular attraction with hundreds of people every day having their photographs taken with it.今天它仍然屹立不倒,成了一个受欢迎的景点,每天都有成百上千的人和它合影留念。it 在这里指的是八公的雕塑。have sth.done 让/找人做某事;让某事发生Unit 3 Dreams and DreamersReading
559、Actively1.On the front page was a large red F with a note that read“See me after class.”在首页上是一个大大的、红色的“不及格”,还有一张纸条写着:“下课后来见我。”这是一个倒装句。正常的语序是 A large red F with a note that read“See me after class.”was on the front page.因为 note 后有 that 引导的从句,为了句子结构的平衡而进行了倒装。F 指 fail 或 failure,意为“不及格”。2.The boy went h
560、ome and thought about it long and hard.男孩回到家里,苦思良久。本句中 long 和 hard 都是副词。long 的意思是“长时间地;长久地;长期地”;hard 的意思是“努力地;辛苦地;费劲地”。Notes1043.No matter what,follow your heart.不管发生什么,跟着你的心走。本句在汉语中相类似的说法是:走自己的路,让别人说去吧。Reading Further1.One week after I gave my notice,my husband was laid off from his job.在我提出辞呈一个星期后
561、,我丈夫被解雇了。give notice:指在辞职前提前通知自己的工作单位。lay sb.off 解雇某人2.I decided I still wanted to move forward rather than end up with a mouthful of“if onlys”later on.我决定我仍然要继续向前,而不要“老来空悲切”。if onlys:是将连接词 if only 转化为名词用,意思是经常假设“要是就好了”,却不采取实际行动。3.The world always makes way for the dreamer.世界总是为梦想者让路。make way for sb
562、./sth.让(某人/某事物)通过;给(某人/某事物)让路Unit 4 Perseverance and SuccessReading Actively1.I said,“Forget the daffodils,Carolyn!The road is invisible in the fog,and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch!And then Im heading for home as so
563、on as it clears.”我说:“别提什么水仙花了,卡罗琳!在大雾里,根本就看不清路。再说,除了我最想看到的你和孩子们,这世界上没有什么能让我再开上哪怕是一英寸的路。雾一散开,我就马上开车回去。”注意:that引导的部分是一个定语从句。Im heading for home.中的正在进行时态表将来。2.Each different-coloured variety was planted as a group so that it swirled and fl owed like its own river with its own unique colour.相同颜色的花被种在了一起
564、,它们就像一条条小河,打着漩涡流淌着,闪烁着自己独一无二的色彩。3.I thought of this woman whom I had never met,who,more than thirty-fi ve years before,had begunone bulb at a timeto bring her vision of beauty to a remote mountain top.我想到我从未谋面的那位妇人。她在至少35年前就已经开始每次一株地种植水仙花,把她关于美的想象带到了这个偏僻的山顶上。句中 whom I had never met 和 who had begun t
565、o bring her vision of beauty to a remote mountain top 是两个并列的定语从句,先行词都是 this woman。另外,在后一个定语从句中 more than thirty-fi ve years before 是时间状语前置,突出这一时间,也使句子语义层次更清晰。4.The principle her daffodil garden taught,is,learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a timeoften just one baby-step at a ti
566、meand learning to love the doing,Notes105learning to use the accumulation of time.她的水仙花园教会我们一个原则:学会每次朝着自己的目标和愿望前进一步通常每次都只是一小步还要学会热爱自己所做的事,学会利用时间的累积。句中 her daffodil garden taught 是一个定语从句,先行词是 the principle;is 后面的 learning to move.learning to love.learning to use.部分是三个并列的表语成分。Reading Further1.Have you
567、 ever seen how frail young grass grows out from under debris and rubble?你看见过被压在瓦砾和石块下面的一棵小草的生成吗?how young grass grows out from under debris and rubble 是宾语从句。debris n.碎片;残骸 rubble n.碎石;碎砖2.So long as there is life,the force will show itself.只要生命存在,这种力就要显现。so long as 意为“只要;如果”,show itself 意为“呈现”。Chall
568、enging Yourself B Great Figures1.Apart from his tremendous contribution to science,he embraced popular culture with enthusiasm and humour,appearing in the TV cartoon,The Simpsons,starring in Star Trek,Conan OBrien,The Big Bang Theory,and more.除了他对科学的巨大贡献之外,霍金还以热情和幽默的态度拥抱流行文化。他出演过电视动画片辛普森一家,在星际迷航柯南脱口
569、秀生活大爆炸等中都有出镜。2.He was a man who pushed the limits and showed the world the truth that physical defects could never prevent the achievement of great souls.不断挑战极限的霍金向世人展示了这样一个真理:身体的缺陷永远无法阻止伟大灵魂的成就。Unit 5 Olympic HistoryReading Actively1.For the fi rst time in the history of the Games,women and men com
570、pete in the same number of events.在奥运会历史上,女子和男子首次在同样数量的体育项目中展开角逐。2.Winter sports were added to the Olympic Games as early as 1908 with fi gure skating.早在1908年,冬季奥运会成为奥运会的一部分,花样滑冰成为冬季奥运会的一个项目。3.So there are the Olympic Games every two years,alternating winter and summer.因此,每两年就有一次奥运会,冬季奥运会与夏季奥运会交替举行。
571、Notes106Reading Further1.It combines the arts of Chinese characters,seal carving and the art of handwriting,and has the rich and great cultural content of the East in the form of a seal.它结合了汉字艺术、印章雕刻、书法的艺术性,以印章的形式体现出丰富的东方文化的内涵。combine and 把和结合起来2.Its natural appearance,simplicity,smoothness and easi
572、ness are in total harmony with the emblem and the Olympic rings,thus forming a unique style.字体自然、简约、流畅、从容,与会徽和奥运五环融为一体,别具风格。be in harmony with 与和睦相处3.It is a witness to the Chinese nations admiration for the Olympic spirit,.它是中华民族对奥运精神的崇拜的见证be(a)witness to sth.目击;看见4.The emblem is a symbol of faith,
573、a show of confi dence and a solemn commitment that the host city Beijing has made to the world and human beings.会徽是信念的象征、信心的展示以及主办城市北京向世界和人类做出的庄严承诺。a symbol(of sth.)的象征。例如:White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures.在西方文化中,白色一向象征着纯洁。a symbol(for sth.)象征;符号;记号。例如:What is the chemical
574、 symbol for copper?铜的化学符号是什么?Unit 6 T e Spirit of SportsReading Actively1.but if you would rather care for your body without risking life or limbs or increasingly creaky joints,the best choice is to practise Tai Ji.但如果你爱惜身体,不愿意让关节磨损、四肢受伤甚至搭上性命,那么最好的选择便是练习太极。risk在此处用作及物动词,意思是“使冒风险”;creaky是动词creak的形容词
575、,意思是“嘎吱作响的”;limb作复数指“四肢”。本句是指上文提到的马拉松等极限运动有可能会损伤身体甚至危及生命。2.There are several styles of Tai Ji,but most of them start with a series of controlled movements,or forms,with names like Grasping the Sparrows Tail and Repulse the Monkey.太极拳分为很多门派,但它们大多以一系列固定的动作或者招式开始。招式的名称包括揽雀尾、倒撵猴等。Notes107本句的style翻译为“门派;
576、流派”。传统太极拳门派众多,常见的太极拳流派有陈式、杨式、武式、吴式、孙式、和式等派别,各派既有传承关系,相互借鉴,也各有自己的特点。3.It can take a few months for the effects of Tai Ji to kick in,but when they do they can act as a gateway to a new lifestyle.练太极的效果要几个月后才能显现,但一旦起效,它们将带你进入一种全新的生活方式。kick in这里是固定词组,修饰句子前面的effects,意思是“发挥作用”。例如:You may suffer an intense
577、 pain before the effects of pain killer kick in.在止痛药发挥药效之前,你可能会遭受剧痛。Reading Further1.Winning the match seemed to be impossible for the Chinese team,but the girls held a fi rm belief and persisted in fi ghting until the last minute.虽然这场比赛中国队似乎没有胜算,但姑娘们还是抱着坚定的信念,坚持战斗到最后一刻。hold a belief:to have a belie
578、f about sb./sth.怀有、持有(信念)the last minute,意为“最后时刻;最后关头”。2.During the fi nal,both teams fought hard in each set of the match which lasted one hour and 37 minutes.决赛共耗时1小时37分钟,双方在每一局中都拼尽了全力。fi nal:the last of a series of games or competitions in which the winner is decided 决赛set:one section of a match
579、in games such as tennis or volleyball(网球、排球比赛等的)盘;局Challenging Yourself C Olympic Pioneers1.Influenced by the events of the late 19th century and his education,young Coubertin developed a fi rm belief that sports possessed the power to benefi t human beings and encourage peace among the nations of t
580、he world.在19 世纪末所发生的事件和所受教育的影响下,年轻的顾拜旦渐渐形成了一种强烈的观念:体育运动有益于人类,有促进各国间和平的力量。此句中Infl uenced by the events of the late 19th century and his education是过去分词短语作状语,that sports possessed the power to benefi t human beings and encourage peace among the nations of the world是同位语从句,与belief是同位关系。其中encourage peace
581、among the nations of the world与benefi t human beings是并列关系。2.Two years later,people meeting in Paris voted to hold the fi rst modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896,and every four years afterwards.两年后人们在巴黎召开会议,投票决定于1896年在雅典举行第一届现代奥林匹克运动会,之后每四年举行一次。此句中meeting in Paris是现在分词短语作定语,可用定语从句who met in Paris替
582、代。every four years:每四年,还可以说:every fourth year。Word Learning Booster109 选手()说服;劝说()采取行动()从事;使订 婚;聘用(),向日葵()美丽;迷人()可爱的;迷人的 刺;荆棘()谚语;格言(),学生会()陈述;声明()飞机()尘土;灰尘()满是灰尘的;灰尘覆盖的 悬垂的;垂下的()生长物;赘生物()盖子()陷阱 困住()粘的;黏性的()苍蝇;蝇 驾驶飞机;飞行()不会的;无能力的;不能胜任的()有能力的;能干的 淹死;淹没(声音)()奇怪的;可疑的 怪人()蒲公英()浮动;飘浮 漂浮物()潮湿的;湿润的()苔藓()猪笼
583、草()虫子;小病;(机器)故障()准备好做()飞走;飞开()(搁浅的船等)浮起()大量;许多(后面接不可数 名词)()许多(后面接可数名词)()把挂起来;挂断电话()听说()落入;陷入()来源;水源()巢;窝()蜂房;蜂巢()梳子;毛刷 不变地;经常地()经常的;不断发生的 有耐性地;有毅力地()耐心的 病人 耐心;忍耐;毅力 养蜂人()Word Learning Booster110 饲养员;看守人 结合;连词()蜡;蜡状物()()蜂窝;蜂箱()部落成员()豹;美洲豹()报仇;复仇()从中取出()吸引的注意()取的份额()决定做()确信()感激()害怕()通往;引向()报复()哺乳动物()雷
584、达(),换句话说()羽毛()执行;表演()(,)推动;驱使()原始鸟类()精炼;改善;使高雅()孔雀()换句话说()湿地;沼泽地()栖息地()林业;林学()再引入(),计量;估计;判断()降低()确认的()由于()训练;培训()训练;教育 火车 储备;保留;预约()连续的;频繁的()实施;处理()管理人;指挥;导体 虐待()对待;治疗 款待 黑猩猩()迷人的()孤儿()(过去)常常做()接近()把当成()建立;建造()照顾;照看()不管()导致;引起;造成()Word Learning Booster111 成语;习语()常规;例行程序()精确地;恰好地()精确的;准确的 (车、船)预定应到的
585、;由于()款待 对待;治疗()平静地;安宁地()完成 完全的;完整的()未完成的()完整的;建成的 约定;约会;订婚()从事;参与 感觉;知觉;轰动()感觉到 感觉 忠诚()忠诚的 信念;信仰 无条件的()有条件的 条件;状态 (远距离)上下 班往返的人()滋养;抚养()忠心;忠诚()传奇的;极其著 名的()火葬()灰;灰烬;骨灰(复数时)()青铜制的;青铜色的 青铜()建造;使竖立()成百上千的()经过;走过()把当作宠物()首先;尤其是()对待;把看作()在接下来的一年左右()送行;送别()在附近的火车站()接某人;捡起()下班回家()像往常一样;照例()出现;露面()做讲座()徒劳()去
586、世()基于他的肖像()与一起拍照片()据说()Word Learning Booster112 培训者;培训师()不停地;一 再地()不断的;连续的 继续;连续 使继续 毕业班学生 较年长 的;年资较深的()不现实的;不切实际的()现实的;实际的(;)重写()重新考虑()考虑 露营 营地()马厩()牧场;大农场()巡回的;巡游的()壁炉()非常详细地()用心于;在上 花心血()做出决定;下定决心()上交(作业、报告等;与 同义)()野营()多少有点()障碍物()命运()赞成 批准()路()发现;揭开()等候;等待(),系;科;部门()经济学()经济的;经济 学的 主修()学前教育()梦想()幼
587、儿园()处理;应付()与有关()去国外深造()目的;意图()东京(),网页()评论()颠倒的;相反的()时间顺序()编辑;编者()洞察力;领悟;了解()Word Learning Booster113 售货员()女店员 售货员;推销员 激励信 心的;激发兴趣的()动力;动机 激发;成为的 动机 关系()关系 安全的;有把握的()安全;保证 职位;位置;姿态()学位;程度()每月的()付账;付款;支付()一口;满口()地区的;区域的()眼泪汪汪地()诱人的;动人的()顾客;主顾()销售培训人员()销售经理()了不起的;令人 惊异的;难以置信的()可靠的;可信的 撕开;撕烂()使 精神振奋()在的
588、高峰;在的 顶点()做出决定()坚持;不放弃()解雇()而不是()以为结束()以后()坚持;不放弃()继续()在顶上()勉强地;不情 愿地()(,)原 谅;饶恕()盛大的;豪华的;重大的;主要的()中间 在中间()幻想;幻影;视力;视野 想象;幻想()灵感;鼓舞人 心的人或事()积聚;堆积物()堆积;积累;积聚;逐渐增加Word Learning Booster114 共计 总数;和;金额()水仙花 水仙花 色的()喘息;气喘;屏息 气喘吁吁地说()桶 装入桶内()斜坡;斜面;山坡 (使)倾斜()漩涡 使成漩涡 打漩;盘绕;头晕()(植)球茎;球形物;电灯泡()出发前往;动身前往()在之中()
589、每次;在某时()在某种程度上;稍稍()概括;总结;计算的总数(),记者()讨厌的;恼人的()游泳运动员()宁愿;宁可()继续()逐渐地;渐渐地()完全地;绝对地()总的;完全的 不快乐的;不幸福的()在周末;周末时光()奖杯()成长;长大(),针()()孙子 女()有一天()变锋利;使锐利()护卫者;保护人;监护人()保卫;监视 警卫 开玩笑地;打趣地()显示;表现 展览()紧紧地;坚固地;牢固地()机械的;力学的()机械师;技工 钻(孔);打(眼);操练()()向下 地;下行地()向上地;上升地()不可抗拒的()抵(反)抗;抵制 反抗;抵抗;抵抗力 (使)翻转(倾 覆;倒下);颠覆;推翻()
590、无可匹敌的;无双 的;无与伦比的()无形的;看不见的()Word Learning Booster115 看得见的;明显的 悲观的;厌 世的()经受;经历()盆栽的;罐装的()温室()佛;佛像()武士()头盖骨()生理学家()解剖学家()潮湿;湿气()虚弱的;脆弱的()芽()蓓蕾()有弹性的;灵活的()(,)收缩;缩水 使缩小()顽强的;坚韧的()肥沃的;丰饶的()在方面成功()拆开;剖析()打开()蜿蜒前进;逶迤前进()防止;预防()保持;继续不断()停止做()寻找解决方法()一笑置之;对微笑()轮椅()悲哀地;悲伤地()理论的()理论 物理学家()物理学 追求;致力于;执行()天才()挑战
591、 向挑战()运动神经的()进步;前进 进步;进程()开关;转变 (使)改 变;转换()完全地()脸颊()(机器)运转;动手术;操纵;经营()操作者;经营者 百万()科学的()科学 论文;试卷;(复数)文献()探测;勘探;探险()探索 激励;鼓舞()荣誉的;光荣的;名Word Learning Booster116 誉的()热情;热忱()热情的;热心的 失重;无重 状态()捆绑;约束()限制;界限 限定()组成;构成;作曲;创作()意志力;毅力()偶像()有名的;享有声 誉的()大使()宇宙学()笨拙的;不得体的()恶化;变坏()然而;鉴于()合作编写的()合成器()专科学校;(通常作)学会()
592、极大的;巨 大的()拥抱()履行;实现()缺点;缺陷()表示;显 示;示威()向投去()被诊断出()跌倒;摔倒()()做有困难()不能下床()接连地;先后;相继地()染上肺炎()动手术()剥夺 某人做某事的能力()从此;从那时起()尽管()摇匀;重组()除此之外()在失重状态下()使摆脱;没有()另外()平等()同样的;平等的 相等物 有记录的()记录;录制 纪录;唱片 纪录保持者 竞争;比赛()竞争的 竞争;比赛;参加比赛 竞争者;参赛者 观念;概念()体育运动(尤指跑 和跳)()Word Learning Booster117 运动员的;运动的 运动员 古罗马人;罗马人 古罗马的;现代罗马
593、的()皇帝;君主()象征的;符号的()象征;符号 象征;代表 分开的;单独的 (使)分开()残障的;有缺陷的()使残废;使失去能力;使丧失能力 残疾;无能 荷兰()瑞典()一致的;符合的()安排;格式;设计;形式()基本的;根本的()迅速的;快的;敏捷的 雨燕()箴言;格言;座右铭()合作;协作()崇拜;尊敬 爱 慕;崇拜()交替;轮流;交替的;轮流的()运动精神()与有密切关联()坚信()把当作中心或 重点()为竞争()对不了解或不熟悉()在的统治下()复活;复苏;变得活跃()被准许做()比任何时候都更()被增加到()使交替发生或出 现;轮流安排()()被称为()符合;与一致()高度地()网
594、吧()吉祥物()被正式批准()会议;一场;一节()烙印;商标()共同的;相互的()与众不同的;有特色的()区域的;地理的(),手拉手()火焰()Word Learning Booster118 永恒地;无休止地()和谐(),体育场()广告()海报;招贴;广告牌()插图;图解;示例()赞助者;主办者;发起 人 赞助;主办()一代;一代人()印;图章()理解;谅解()承担义务;许 诺;奉献()使承担义务;犯(罪);承诺 忠于 雕刻品;雕刻()雕刻 唱歌;歌颂 吟唱()胜利()唯一的;独一无二的;独特的()简单;简易;朴 素;直率()平坦;平滑()容易;轻松()好客;盛情()理想 理想的;完美的()
595、证明;证人;目击者;证据()主人;主办方 主持()有生气的;精力 充沛的;动力的()正直 的;坦率的 坦率地()根深蒂固 的;强烈的()根;根源;起因 (文章、艺术品、音乐作品等 的)一支;一件()珍贵的;贵重的()象征;徽章;符号()拥抱;互相拥抱 拥抱()激情;热情()颂诗;赋()精力;活力()以为榜样;举例证明()以为方向的()庄严的;隆重的()遗赠(物);遗产()使结合或混合形成 一个整体;合并;联合()以的形式()看起来像()与协调;融洽()属于()Word Learning Booster119()富于;在方面很富有()马拉松()人们 民俗的;流传民间的()渐增地()关节;接点 联
596、合的;共 同的()动作()强烈的;紧张的()抓住;控制;领悟 紧抓;领会()从业人员;习艺者()精神的;心灵的()心理 的;精神上的()心理学 近来;不久前()相当地;相对地()不活动的;不活跃 的;无效的()以前的;早先的()途径;通道()内科医生()个人()预防;阻止()预防;防止;阻止 慢跑()慢跑 老朽的()武术()深思熟虑的 仔细考虑()优雅的;优美的()敏捷;灵活()麻雀()驱逐;使厌恶;拒绝()慢性病()有氧的()跑马拉松()宁愿;宁可()关心()玩命()空拳攻防练习()从开始()一系列的()按你自己的速度移动()赶上()数以千万计的()前人的研究已经表明()从科学的角 度来看(
597、)开始生效()充当()变得更加活跃()受益于()减轻压力()Word Learning Booster120 更可能()坚持()有益于()()广 告;宣传(),采访者()雄心;抱负()杰出的()因素;要素()进球得分()生涯;职业()时机;机会()年复一年()逐年地(),草稿 起草()癌症;恶性肿瘤()明确的;详细的()调查的结果()乳房;胸部()结肠;冒号()与有关联()不活动()十年()宣布()巴西的;巴西人的()巴西()决赛;期末考试()失败;损失;丢失()复杂的()国内的;家庭的()毅力;坚持 不懈()锲而不舍的 猛烈的()有一场对的 比赛()对似乎不 可能()具有坚定的信念()坚持做
598、()到了最后()与有关联()沉浮;盛衰()更加;尤其()影响;改变 影响()人类()存在;生命()投票;选举 选票;投票()建立;确立;制定()建立;创办 坚持不懈的;不屈Word Learning Booster121 不挠的()任命;委任;安排()任命;委派;约会 西班牙()西班牙的 西班 牙人;西班牙语()选举()选举;当选 政治的()政治 政治家;政客 经济的()惯常的;时常发 生的()频繁;频率()分配;分发;使 分布()分配;发布;分发 改革;感化 改革;革新()业余性;非职 业的作为()业余爱好者;业余 运动员 比赛;竞争()促进;提升()参与;分享()分享;参 加;参与 可进入
599、的;可使 用的()十亿;大量()(使)苏醒;(使)复兴()副的;代理的()巨人;伟人 巨大的;伟大的()出生于的家庭()把自己的生命和财富贡献给()被允许做某事()积极努力做好()122Glossary The following list of special words from the tips,directions and Grammar Link are helpful for your learning.They are arranged in alphabetic order and their Chinese meanings are given for your refere
600、nce.attributive adjective 定语形容词phonetic symbol音标blog entry博客文章predicative clause表语从句bold type粗体字profi le简介;概况dependent从属的quotation mark引号formal subject形式主语real subject真正主语illustrate阐明rhetoric device修辞手法layout版面布局;设计signature of the sponsor发起人的签名modifi er修饰语simile明喻noun clause名词性从句stylistic device文体表
601、现手法object clause宾语从句subject clause主语从句the past perfect tense过去完成时subject line标题行personifi cation拟人symbolic meaning象征意义123Personal Dictionary根据教育部制订的普通高中英语课程标准(2017版)、由重庆大学出版社组织编写的普通高中教科书英语,得到了教育界诸多前辈、专家和学者的热情帮助和大力支持。在高中英语教科书出版之际,我们衷心感谢从教材修订工作伊始就一直支持我们的各位前辈、专家和学者,感谢各省市的高中英语教研员及一线教师,感谢所有对本套教材提出修改意见、提供帮助和支持的朋友们。希望教师和同学们在使用本套教材的过程中与我们保持联系,及时反馈在使用中发现的问题,提出宝贵的意见和建议,以利我们更好地完善教材。让我们携手同行,为我国高中英语教材建设做出积极的贡献。联系方式:电话:023-88617134 023-88617133后 记版权所有。未经许可,本书的任何部分不得以任何方式在世界任何地区以任何文字翻印、拷贝、仿制或转载。