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四川省乐山外国语学校2016-2017学年高二上学期英语期末复习学案:BOOK 5 MODULE 2 .doc

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1、Book5 Module 2知识点识记:1. be well/badly paid受到良好/不好待遇2. manual/intellectual labor 体力/脑力劳动3. offer sb sth=offer sth to sb 向某人提供某物offer to do sth 主动提出做某事 I made an offer of 30,000RMB for the house我愿意出30万元买那幢房子。4. at (an altitude of) 3,500 meters在海拔3,500米处 at high altitude 在海拔较高处5. in condition= in good c

2、ondition 状况良好/身体好in bad/poor condition 身体不好6. in particular 特别,尤其be particular about/over sth 对讲究 7. a sheer drop 陡峭悬崖8. on average=on the average=on an average平均地9. come off (sth) (从.) 脱落,come off the road 冲出公路10. every two weeks=every second week=every other week 每两周11. go uphill/downhill 上山/ 下山12

3、. in theory理论上13. in practice 实际上14. respect sb=show/have respect for sb尊敬某人respect sb for sth 因.尊重某人respect law/rules 遵守法律/规定send/give ones respects to sb向某人问好pay ones respects to sb 拜访某人 in one respect 在某一方面in some respects 在某些方面in /with respect to (sb/sth)关于15. the death toll 伤亡总数16. direct the t

4、raffic指挥交通17. stand on the bend 站在弯道处18. give sb a tip 给某人小费19. take sth/sb for granted 认为理所当然take it for granted that.自以为.20. encounter sb/sth 遇到.have a close encounter with 与擦肩而过21. a lorry load of bananas 满满一卡车香蕉a bus load of passengers 满满一车乘客22. have an effect on对.产生影响have a profound effect on 对

5、产生深远影响have much/little/no effect对有很大、几乎没有、没有影响23. a mission in life 人生中的一项使命24. week in, week out 一周又周25. from dawn to dusk= from sunrise to sunset从黎明到黄昏26. take up ones place 站好某人的位置27. temporary job临时工作permanent job 长久工作28. career prospect事业前途;晋升机会29. apply for sth申请某物apply to sb for sth 向.申请某物app

6、ly to 运用于/应用于apply sth to把运用于apply oneself/ones mind to sth 专心于.30. take-home salary 税后薪水31. have a day off () 休息一天32. administrative assistant 管理助理、行政助理 33. travel agency 旅行社/ travel agent旅行代理商34. organizational skills 组织技巧 35. full-time post 全职岗位 36. catering company 餐饮公司 37. short-term renewable

7、contract 短期可续合同 38. have a good knowledge of熟练掌握39. over the summer= during the summer40. on location外景拍摄 41. get some good shots n. 拍摄,镜头 42. in response to sth.回复43. meet/satisfy ones demand(s)满足某人的需求44. in (great)demand for sth 需要某物45. rapidly ageing population 迅速老化的人口 46. under the age of 18 18岁

8、以下47. leisure industry娱乐产业 48. open (up) to 向开放 49. common sense 常识50. outgoing personality 开朗的个性51. suffer pain/defeat/death/loss/injury/hunger/ suffer from 52. be qualified for sth/to do sth 有资格做53. He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred m

9、eters down the mountain. be doingwhen某人正在做.这时突然be about to dowhenbe on the point of doingwhen某人正要做.这时突然had donewhen某人刚做完.这时突然知识点过关单词:1.志愿者;v.自愿_2.令人满意的adj._ _感到满意的adj _使满意v._满意n. _3.主动提出做某事 _4.会计_账目;叙述_5.尊敬_6. 指挥v._方向;指挥n._7.合格的adj._赋予资格v._资格n._8.冻僵vi._极冷的adj._9.挣钱_ 10工资._11.签字_12.申请vi._ 申请n._13.组织的

10、adj._ 组织v._ 组织n. _14.感激的adj._15.可获得的adj._16.传统的adj._传统n._.17.遭受_.18.外向的_19.sressful_ stress_20.electrician_21.signal_22.sheer _23.toll _24.encounter_25.require _26.profound_27.mission_ 28.vertical_ 29.temporary_30. permanent_31.contract_. 32.staff _33.agent_34.analyst_35.post_36.essential_37.shot_38

11、.demand_39.pathologist_40.leisure_41.individual_短语: 1.尤其;特别_2.理论上_3.实际上_4.平均 _5.以为理所当然_6.对有影响_7.注意到_8.作为的回应_ 9.站好位置以备_10.处于状况_11.一周又一周_12.了解,掌握_13.许多,大量_14.外景拍摄_15.遭受_16.需要,受需要的_17.向某人申请某物_18.经过_19.与有关_20.做某事有困难_21.请一天假_22.根据_23.把和结合_24.常识_25.很可能_26.在流畅_27.组织技能_28.期望/盼望_Book5 Module2 练习题1We must app

12、ly our minds to_ a solution.Afind Bfinding Cfound Dbeing found2Who do you think is _ to win the game?A. possible B. likely C. probable D. available 3To test which foods are better for a long space journey,the astronauts in Shenzhou had as many as 50 dishes_. Ato choose Bto be chosen Cto choose from

13、Dto be chosen from4On hearing the sound,the birds flew away in every_.Away Bdirection Cplace Dside5You are interested in modern music_,arent you?Ain particular Bparticular Cin common Din special6They use computers to keep the traffic _ smoothly.A. being run B. run C. to run D. running 7. _the projec

14、t in time, the staff were working at weekends.A. Completing B. Having completed C. To have completed D. To complete8. -Whats wrong with your coat?-Just now when I wanted to get off the bus, the man next to me _on it.A. sat B. had sat C. had been sitting D. was sitting9. -The former president was cau

15、ght at last.-Really? Where _ himself?A. had he hidden B. has he hidden C. was he hidden D. has he been hiding10. Mary went to the box office at lunch time, but all the tickets _ out.A. would sell B. had sold C. have sold D. was selling11. I called Hannah many times yesterday evening, but I couldnt g

16、et through. Her brother _ on the phone all the time!A. was talking B. has been talking C. has talked D. talked12. The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _rising steadily since 1997.A. is B. are C. has been D. have been13. By the time you arrive in London, we _ in Europe for tw

17、o weeks.A. shall stay B. have stayed C. will have stayed D. have been stayed14. It was a pity that the director died with his new film _.A. was unfinished B. unfinished C. being finished D. unfinished15.She worked as _ volunteer during the World Expo 2010, which has _ profound effect on her life.A.

18、a; 不填 B. 不填; 不填 C. 不填; a D. a; a16. We cant stay very long. When I look at my watch, its a _ for us to leave. A. mission B. signal C. mark D. model17. Teacher praised some students who _ to remain to help clean up after the meeting. A. managedB. affordedC. refusedD. offered 18. Is the job still _? I

19、 regret to say it has been filled. A. renewable B. satisfyingC. available D. stressful19. Im not a _ employee; Im working here on a fixed-term contract. A. qualified B. permanent C. primary D. traditional20. Mother gave me a promise that if I _ the exam, she would buy me an electric bike. A. passedB

20、. had passed C. would pass D. was passing 21. I saw John in the library yesterday.You _ him; he is still in Japan.A. mustnt have seen B. neednt see C. mightnt see D. cant have seen 22. The students are required by the teacher _ more attention to their handwriting. A. pays B. paid C. to pay D. paying

21、23. The orchestra have _ their positions, waiting for the conductor. The concert is about to start. A. picked up B. taken up C. turned up D. set up24. He was on his way to a lecture _ a tourist stopped him and asked him for directions A. whenB. whileC. where D. which 25. Laughing and talking, they p

22、assed _, without taking notice _ me. A. by; of B. on; to C. by; about D. on; of26. I _ to attend your birthday party the day before yesterday, but my mother fell ill. A. was planning B. had planned C. have planned D. would plan 27. Are you looking for something _?No, thanks. Im just looking around.

23、A. in particular B. in theoryC. on average D. in practice28. Dont take _ for granted that your parents should support you all your life.A. thisB. thatC. themD. it29. Hi, Billy! How was your trip to Xian? _ My car broke down halfway!A. Couldnt be better. B. I managed somehow. C. It was a nightmare. D. Thats a good point.30. I finally received the bike my father promised me for my birthday. Never in my life _ so happy! A. did I feel B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt


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