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2022秋新教材高中英语 Unit 2 Success Writing教案 北师大版选择性必修第一册.doc

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1、Unit 2 Success Review Articles & Writing Workshop教学目标与核心素养:知识目标:To review articles and learn some information about writing a life story.能力目标:To grasp how to write a life story.教学重难点教学重难点:Students shall grasp how to write a life story.课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔教学过程:一、Pre-class1. Greeting学生活动:教师和学生们问候,然后让学生打开课本3

2、9页,首先结束一下之前的一个遗留问题:冠词。复习一下学习过的冠词的用法。教师让学生们来完成下面的的两个题,然后教师和学生再来一起来看。完成后,教师对冠词作一下总结。. Complete the sentences with definite article the or zero articles.1. Why do Olympic athletes push themselves tolimits?2. I missbirthday parties, ruin family holidays and skip nights out.3. Were worried about you. sai

3、d my friend from acrosstable.4. Dont they know how hard it is to be attop in sport?5. because I was too busy hiring a car in downtownJohannesburg.6. I was born with an enormous amount ofdrive and determination.7. I wasonly girl in a rugby club of 250 boys.8. But if your dream is to bebest and reach

4、the winners platform, you had better be totally committed to your sport.Find examples for the rules about definite article the and zero articles from the sentences in Activity 10.We use the definite article the: when there is only one of something (e.g. the top). when we refer to something unique (e

5、.g.). for superlatives (e.g.). for known things that co not need to be introduced or explained (e.g.). for certain idioms (e.g.).We use the zero article: with proper nouns, i.e. the names of people and places (e.g.). with plural countable nuns referring to things in general (e.g.). with uncountable

6、nouns referring to something in general (e.g.).活动目的:让学生回顾并巩固冠词的一些用法。学生活动:在完成上面的所有任务后,教师让学生举手回答下面的问题。然后教师和学生一起来看这些题。. Complete the sentences with the or /.1. How far is it fromcapital city?2. Did you seelast episode of Heroes?3. Ive bought a new phone.phones got a fantastic camera.4. Who isbest singe

7、r at the moment?5. All children should dosports when they are atschool.6. Is thathouse where you grew up?活动目的:看看学生们对之前的学习,学生对其的掌握程度如何,然后再制定相关教学计划。2. Leading-in学生活动:在完成了上面的复习内容后,进入下一个模块,要求学生以小组的形式讨论下面的问题。Pair Work You are going to write a life story of a person you like or admire. Discuss with your p

8、artner.Who are you going to write about?What is special about him/her?What big events did he/she experience in his/her life?活动目的:引出这一部分即将要学的内容,把学生们的注意力吸引到新的学习内容上来。二、 While-class 1. 学生活动:要求学生阅读课本40页的文章内容并来回答下面5个问题。Read the article. Answer the questions.1) Who is Lang Ping?2) Why was Lang Ping named I

9、ron Hammer?3) What is Lang Pings experience as an athlete?4) What is Lang Pings experience as a coach?5) Why do people like Lang Ping?活动目的:锻炼学生的快速获取信息的能力,初步了解文章内容,为后面的写作教学打下基础。2. 学生活动:要求学生完成课本41页的第3和第4题。Label the paragraphs (a-c) in the boxes of each paragraph.a important life or work experiences of

10、 the person b general introduction of the person c major awards and commentsWrite 2-3 sentences about the person that you are going to write about. Use the Sentence Builder to help you.活动目的:为一步的写作奠定基础。3. 学生活动:按照步骤,一步一步进行,来进行写作。Find more detailed information about the person you are going to write ab

11、out.Outlining Complete the outline of the persons life story based on Activity 3.Drafting Use your outline and the Writing Help to write your first draft.Editing Edit your essay in pairs. Then share what you have written in class.活动目的:让学生们掌握如何写一篇人物介绍类的文章,明白其具体流程。三、After-class教师活动:对上面学生们的文章进行有针对性的讲评,指出优缺点。活动目的:让学生明白自己文章的优缺点,使其能针对性地改正自己出现的问题,提高自己的写作水平。四、Summary 总结课上所学冠词和写一篇人物介绍类的文章的具体流程。作业布置。


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