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1、2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-情态动词和虚拟语气精练一1、I often see lights in that empty house.Do you think I report it to the police?A、should B、may C、will D、can2、-The room is so dirty. we clean it? -Of course.A、Will B、Shall C、Would D、Do3、My EnglishChinese dictionary has disappeared.Who have taken it?A、should B、must C、could

2、 D、would4、It is suggested that a doctor immediately.A、be sent for B、send for C、is send for D、should send for5、When he was there,he go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.A、would B、should C、had better D、might6、Mary never does any reading in the evening, .A、so does John B、John does

3、too C、John doesnt too D、nor does John7、-The computer is still on,could you have forgotten to turn it off? -Yes,I .A、could have B、could C、must D、might have8、Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night,no matter what we during the day.A、may have done B、would have done C、must h

4、ave done D、should have done9、Its 4 p.m.now and weve covered most of the distance.We arrive before dark.A、would B、should C、would rather D、have to10、When the police took the suspect to the police station,he insisted that he the ladys purse and that he free.A、not steal;be set B、didnt steal;was set C、no

5、t steal;should be D、didnt steal;be set11、Jenny have kept her word.I wonder why she changed her mind.A、must B、should C、need D、would12、 he knew nothing about her.A、He appears as if B、It seems that C、It appears as if D、It seems as if13、Peter come with us tonight,but he isnt sure.A、must B、may C、can D、wi

6、ll14、Helen go on the trip with us,but she isnt quite sure yet.A、shall B、must C、may D、can15、-There were already five people in the car,but they managed to take me as well.-It a comfortable journey.A、cant B、shouldnt be C、must have been D、couldnt have been1-5ABCAA 6-10DDABD 11-15BDBCD精练二1、-Is John comi

7、ng by train?-He should,but he not.He likes driving his car.A、must B、can C、need D、may2、-I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.-It true because there was little snow there.A、may not be B、wont be C、couldnt be D、mustnt be3、I was really anxious about you.You home without a word.A、mustnt l

8、eave B、shouldnt have left C、couldnt have left D、neednt leave4、 so hard,he wouldnt have passed the exam.A、Hadnt he worked B、Hasnt he worked C、If he didnt D、If he doesnt5、I wonder how he that to the teacher.A、dare to say B、dare saying C、not dare say D、dared say6、Its high time that he settled down in t

9、he city and a new life.A、start B、started C、to start D、starting7、How I wish I to learn Japanese when I was ten.A、would begin B、began C、should begin D、had begun8、-Excuse me,but I want to use your computer to type a report.-You have my computer if you dont care of it.A、shant B、might not C、neednt D、shou

10、ldnt9、-Isnt that Anns husband over there?-No,it be himIm sure he doesnt wear glassesA、cant B、must not C、wont D、may not10、-Who is the girl standing over there?-Well,if you know,her name is Mabel.A、may B、can C、must D、shall11、But for your timely help,the boy his life.A、will lose B、has surely lost C、mig

11、ht have lost D、shouldnt have lost12、What would you say if I you the truth.A、am going to tell B、were to tell C、have told D、would tell13、-I didnt go to see the doctor yesteday.-But you .A、ought to B、should C、ought to go D、ought to have14、-Mary hasnt come home yet.-Well,where on such a night?A、must she

12、 have gone B、would she have been C、could she have gone D、ought she to have been1-5DCBAD 6-10BDAAC 11-14CBDC精练三1、-I hear youve got a set of valuble Australian coins. I have a look?-Yes,certainly.A、Do B、May C、Shall D、Should2、Oh,Im not feeling well in the stomach,I so much fried chicken just now.A、shou

13、ldnt cut B、mustnt have eaten C、shouldnt have eaten D、mustnt eat3、It has been anounced that candidates remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.A、can B、will C、may D、shall4、He has always insisted on his Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner.A、been called B、called C、having called D、being

14、 called5、He made a suggestion that the English test until nest Wednesday.A、will be put off B、be put off C、will put off D、put off6、I insist that a doctor immediately.A、has been sent for B、send for C、will be sent for D、be sent for7、 the party,we would never have todays happiness.A、If only B、Only if C、

15、But for D、If8、I would love to the party last night,but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.A、to go B、to have gone C、going D、having gone9、In fact,you have shown me to this stationyou know,Im not a new comer.A、couldnt B、shouldnt C、neednt D、mustnt10、-Guess what?I drove my new car at a speed of

16、 100 km this afternoon.It was fun.-Were you crazy?You yourself.A、can kill B、might kill C、would have killed D、could have killed11、The teacher ordered a lot of exercises three days time.A、be finished B、would be finished C、to finish D、being finished12、The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but

17、everyone get out.A、had to B、would C、could D、was able to13、-Are you coming to Jeffys party?-Im not sure.I go to the concert instead.A、must B、would C、should D、might14、They must have taken party in labor yesteday, ?A、didnt they? B、mustnt they? C、havent they? D、neednt they?1-5BCDDB 6-10DCBCD 11-14ADDA精练

18、四1、-Be sure to get there on time, you?-Of course,we .A、will;will B、wont;shall C、dont;do D、can;must2、Jim to speak with them but they seemed to be in a hurry.A、would stop B、could stop C、must have stopped D、would have stopped3、Although diet drinks,such as diet cola,dont contain so much sugar and calori

19、es,they replace healthy drinks in the diet.A、can not B、may not C、should not D、mustnt4、-Do you think the rain will affect the results of the football game?-Well,the players are used to such rainy weather,so it make any difference to them.A、shouldnt B、neednt C、mustnt D、shant5、-Daddy,would you buy me a

20、n MP3 player if I do well in the first English speech contest?-I ,I promise.A、would B、will C、shall D、do6、- you be sent abroad for further studies?-Well,I have !A、Shall;no such luck B、May;not so lucky C、Will;no such luck D、Must;not such a luck7、His failure in the experiment suggested that he the teac

21、hers instructions properly.A、shouldnt have followed B、should not follow C、mustnt have followed D、hadnt followed8、-Were you shown around Venice in a boat with those American tourists?-No,but I wish I .A、am B、were C、had D、should9、-He seems to be a student.-No,he .A、used to B、used to be C、used to have

22、D、used to have been10、Sorry,Im late.I have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.A、might B、should C、can D、will11、I wish to go home now, I?A、may B、cant C、must D、do12、The taxi only hold six passengers.It is full.You take the next one.A、may;may B、can;may C、may;can D、must;can13、Johnny,

23、you play with the knife,you hurt youtself.A、wont;cant B、mustnt;may C、shouldnt;must D、cant;shouldnt14、-Why didnt come to my party?I was so disappointed at your absence.-Im very sorry.I but I had a visitor at the last minute.A、would like have B、would like to C、would like to have D、would like15、- I go back before lunch?-No,I dont think you .A、Need;must B、Do;need to C、Must;have to D、May;ought to1-5ADCAB 6-10CDCBA 11-15ABBCC


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