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2012名师指津 高考英语写作基础技能步步高:9 基本句型六:THERE BE结构.ppt

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1、句型“There+be+主语+定语/状语/同位语”,用以表达在某处或某时“存在”某人某物。其中,there 仅为引导词,并无实际意义;be 与其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致,有时态和情态变化。如:There will be a meeting tomorrow.明天有场会议。There used to be a well in the village.村里过去有一口井。此句型有时不用be动词,而用 live,stand,come,go,lie,remain,exist,arrive等不及物动词。如:There stands the Statue of Liberty at New York H

2、arbour.自由女神像矗立在纽约港口。【注意】There be句型的扩展:1.There+be+主语+(for sb)to doThere are still many things for us to do.我们还有很多的事情要做。There was a meeting to attend the next day.第二天有场会议要参加。2.There+be+主语+现在分词There were many students holding an opposite view.有很多学生持相反意见。Theres a river flowing through the city.有条河在这座城市里

3、流过。3.There+be+主语+过去分词There were trees planted by students all over the mountain.满山都是学生们种的树。There will be a ceremony intended to promote the sales.将有场为促销而设的庆典。4.There+be+主语+定语从句/同位语从句 There are many people who dont agree.有很多人不同意。There exists a rule that all teachers should stay at school during worki

4、ng hours.有条规定要求教师在工作时间里呆在学校。不同时态、情态的there be句型:1.there used to be.曾经有(但现在没有了)2.there is/are going to be.将有3.There has been.已有4.there happens to be.碰巧有5.there seem(s)/appear(s)to be.好像有6.there is/are likely to be很可能有7.there must be.一定有即时练习一、单句翻译:请用There be句型翻译下列句子。1.这个学校有一名音乐老师和一名美术老师。1.Theres a musi

5、c teacher and a painting teacher in this school.2.二月份有二十八天。2.Therere 28 days in February.3.天气预报说下午有大风。3.The weather forecast says that therell be strong winds in the afternoon.4.灯亮着,办公室里肯定有人。4.The lights are on.There must be someone in the office.5.战前这儿有家电影院的。5.There used to be a cinema here before

6、the war.6.恰好那时房里没人。6.There happened to be no one in the house.7.从前,在海边的一个村子住着一位老渔夫。7.Once upon a time,there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.8.山脚似乎有人在砍柴。8.There seems to be someone cutting down trees at the foot of the mountain.9.就只剩下二十八美元了。9.Theres only$28 left.10.在这个山洞前面长着一棵高大的松树。10.

7、There stands a tall pine tree in front of the cave.11.本周有外校老师来我校参观。11.Therell be some teachers from another school visiting our school this week.12.有大约15%的学生认为学习成绩不重要。12.There are about 15%of the students thinking/who think that exam results are not important.二、篇章运用:假如你和你的好朋友约翰之间曾经出现误会。请根据以下内容,写一篇短文

8、陈述产生误会的原因、经过和结果。上个月我们进行了一次数学测试。碰巧有一道数学题除了我以外没有人能做出来。我的好朋友约翰想抄我的答案,他扔给我一张纸条,但我不予理睬。这次测试以后我们吵了一架,自此我们之间一直存在很大的隔阂。我们之间一定有误会,我向他解释我为什么拒绝他的原因,我们又成为了好朋友。写作要求 必须使用5个句子表达全部的内容;尽可能多使用There be 结构。There used to be some misunderstanding between my best friend John and me.We had a math test last month and there

9、happened to be a very difficult problem in the test but there seemed/appeared to be nobody except me could work out the problem.My best friend John wanted to copy my answer and he threw me a piece of paper asking me to give my answer to him.There lied his paper of request in front of me,but I ignored it so after the test we had a quarrel and since then there has been a great distance between us.There must be some misunderstanding between us so I explained to him why I refused to give him my answer in a test and we became good friends again.


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