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2017年高中英语选修八(外研版)课件:MODULE 6 THE TANG POEMS6.pptx

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1、Section Integrating Skills一二三四一、根据词性及汉语提示写出相关单词1.v.证明是;被发现是 n.证据;证明2.v.赞成;同意 n.赞许;赞成3.n.费用 adj.昂贵的4.n.独立 adj.独立的5.adv.典型地;有代表性地;向来,一向 adj.典型的6.v.装点,美化 n.装饰,装饰 adj.装饰(用)的7.n.想象力 v.想象 adj.想象的 adj.富有想象力的8.v.警告;劝小心 adj.小心的,谨慎的prove proof approve approval expense expensive independence independent typica

2、lly typical decorate decoration decorative imagination imagine imaginary imaginative caution cautious 一二三四二、短语翻译 1.对上瘾 2.瞥一眼 3.呈现 4.面对面 5.成就感 6.用填空 7.approve of sth.8.a chorus of 9.cater for 10.correspond with be addicted to glance at take on face to face a sense of achievement fill.with 赞成某事;满意某事 异

3、口同声的 满足的要求 与通信 一二三四三、阅读课文Poems on the Underground,判断正“T”误“F”1.The purpose of the Poems on the Underground was to entertain the travelling poets.()2.Poems on the Underground was officially launched in 1986.()3.The choice of poems was specially chosen.()4.The success of the Poems on the Underground en

4、terprise showed that British people loved poetry.()F T T T 一二三四四、阅读文章The Golden Age of English Poetry,选择最佳答案 1.Who devoted his life in the war to gain independence?A.Wordsworth.B.Byron.C.Keats.答案A2.What was the typical feature of the Romantic poets?A.Travelling a lot.B.Being to addicted to drugs.C.L

5、iving hard and dying young.答案C 12341.The school has collected some of the students poems andpublished them in a book which is being sold to raise funds for alocal hospital.The book has proved very popular,giving students asense of motivation and achievement.学校搜集了学生们的一些诗歌,出版在一本书上,卖书款捐给当地的医院。这本书已经证明了是

6、非常受欢迎的,给学生鼓舞感与成就感。考点一:raise vt.筹集,募集 Many famous singers held an evening party to raise funds for the poor children.为了给贫穷的孩子们筹款,许多著名歌唱家举办了一个晚会。1234考点延伸 阅读下列句子,辨析raise/rise/arise。How did the quarrel arise?争吵是怎么引起的?They are talking about problems arising out of the lack of communication.他们正在谈论由于缺乏交流而产

7、生的问题。The river has risen by several metres.河水上涨了好几米。The boss promised to raise her salary.老板答应要给她加薪水。1234归纳:arise(arose,arisen)vi.呈现,出现;发生,产生;起身,起立。无被动语态。常用短语:arise from/out of sth.由引起;因产生。rise(rose,risen)vi.上升,升起,升高;上涨;站起来。说明主语自身移向较高位置,常用于日、月、云、雾、烟、蒸汽、河水、温度、物价以及人的职位等的上升,无被动语态。raise(raised,raised)vt

8、.举起,提起;抬高;筹集。说明主语发出的动作是要作用于其他事物的,往往有使物体达到其应有的高度的含义。可用于被动语态。1234考点二:prove v.证明是;被发现是 The lawyer proved the innocence of his client.律师证实了他的当事人的清白。考点延伸 阅读下列句子,体会prove的用法及含义。Can you prove that you were at home yesterday afternoon to the police?你能向警方证明你昨天下午在家吗?用法:含义:prove that.证明 1234Being a part-time la

9、wyer,at 48.98 an hour,would prove to be the most profitable of the“Mum jobs”,with psychologist(心理学家)a close second.作为兼职律师,每小时薪金48.98,将证明是最挣钱的妈妈兼职工作,心理学家紧随其后。用法:含义:It is proved that the baby play mat is one of the best toys weve ever bought.据发现这个婴儿玩具垫是我们买过的最好的玩具之一。用法:含义:prove to be.证明是 It is proved t

10、hat.据证明,据发现用 raise,rise,arise 适当形式填空(1)Last yearthe advertising rate by 20 percent.(2)The sun when we got tothe top ofthe mountain.(3)They glasses tothe friendship betweenthe two peoples.(4)The birds also attack crops whenthe opportunity .完成句子(5)结果证明她可能是最适合干这项工作的人。She may the most suitable personfor

11、the job.(6)中国的经济实力将被进一步证实。The strengthof Chinas economy .(7)医生的检查证明了布莱克身体健康。The doctors tests Black was in good health.答案(1)rose(2)had rose(3)raised(4)arises(5)prove to be (6)will be further proved(7)provedthat即学即用123412342.Some years ago,a few acquaintances who lived and worked inLondon,who used th

12、e Tube and loved poetry,decided that it wouldbe pleasant to read a few lines by their favourite poets as theytravelled around by Tube,instead of just glancing upwards at thetiresome advertisements.几年前,几个居住并工作在伦敦的熟人,他们常乘坐地铁并喜欢诗歌,他们想坐地铁旅行时能读到自己最喜欢的诗人所写的诗句而不是仅仅抬头浏览枯燥的广告该是一件多么惬意的事情。考点:glance at 一瞥,迅速看一眼

13、 I didnt read the whole paper.I just glanced at the headlines.我没有读完报纸,只看了看标题。1234考点延伸 阅读下列句子,体会黑体部分的含义。His father didnt shout or swear,but just glared at him.他父亲不喊不骂,只是怒视着他。含义:Dont stare at meits impolite!别盯着我看这是不礼貌的!含义:怒目而视 盯着看 1234用 glance,glare,stare 适当形式填空(1)John took a atthe beautifulwoman.(2)T

14、he guard at my passport and gave it back to me.(3)Its rude to at otherpeople.(4)She advanced a step or two and atthe enemy.答案(1)glance(2)glanced(3)stare(4)glared即学即用12343.It catered for all tastes and included living and dead poemsfrom the homeland and from all over the English-speakingworld,and esp

15、ecially poems which have associations with London.它满足了所有的品位,包括来自国内和所有讲英语的地方的现存和过时的诗,特别是与伦敦有联系的诗歌。考点:cater for 满足的要求 As a teacher,he ought to cater for what the students want at class.作为老师,他应该满足学生在课堂上的要求。1234考点延伸(1)阅读下列句子,体会cater的相关短语及含义。Now more and more young couples prefer to have their weddings c

16、atered for not at home but in great hotels.现在越来越多的年轻人宁愿在大酒店里,而不是在家里举办婚宴。短语:含义:The nurses catered to my every need.护士们照顾到我的一切需要。短语:含义:cater for 替(某人)办酒席;为(宴会)提供酒菜 cater to 迎合;满足的需要1234(2)辨析:cater for/care for TV programmes must cater for many different tastes.电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好。The mother cared for the s

17、ick child day and night.那位母亲日夜照料着生病的孩子。归纳:cater for care for 满足的要求照顾;照料 1234完成句子(1)我们不能满足你的特殊需要。We arent able to your particular needs.(2)梅诺卡岛是那种适合家庭旅游的地方。Minorca isthe sort of placethat familiestravelling.(3)我不太喜欢骑自行车,宁愿步行。I dont riding a bike very much;Id rather go on foot.答案(1)cater for(2)caters

18、for/to(3)care for即学即用12344.Hundreds of people corresponded with London Undergroundsuggesting poems,or just to say thank you.数以百计的人给伦敦地铁公司写信建议诗歌,或只是说一声“谢谢”。考点:correspond v.通信 Have you been corresponding with him since you graduated from the university?大学毕业后,你一直和他通信吗?1234考点延伸 阅读下列句子,体会黑体部分的含义。I had to

19、 correspond with my friends 20 years ago while the Internet is more convenient now.20年前,我和我的朋友们不得不靠书信交流,然而,现在网络方便多了。含义:These goods dont correspond with my order.这些货物与我的订货单不符。含义:The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.美国的国会相当于英国的议会。含义:通信 与一致 相当于 1234用含有 correspond 的短语完成句子(1)你仍与你的美国朋友通信吗?Are you still your American friend?即学即用(2)这两张伦敦地图很相似。The two maps of London closely each other.(3)这种机器的作用就相当于人脑的作用。The working of this machine that of the human brain.答案(1)corresponding with(2)correspond;with(3)corresponds to


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