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1、 北京市宣武区20062007学年度第一学期期末质量检测 高 三 英 语 20071 本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,第I卷1至13页,第卷14页,共150分。考试时间120分钟.注意事项:1答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写,用2B铅笔将答题卡上准考证号对应的信息点涂黑。2答试卷第I卷时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案选中涂满涂黑,黑度以盖住框内字母为准。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案项。在试卷上答题无效。3答试卷第卷时,必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按题号顺序答在指定的答题区相应位置内,未在对应的答题区域做答或超出答题区做

2、答均不得分。在试卷上答题无效。第I卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。1What does the man want to be ?AAn actor .BA doctor .CA musician . 2When does the store close ?AEleven oclock .BEleven thirty .CTwelve oclock

3、. 3Where is the mans passport ?AIn the drawer .BOn the table .COn the desk .4Where does the conversation take place most probably ?AIn a bank .BAt a bus stop .CAt a railway station .5What does the woman mean ?AShe wants to know if the man burned oil last night .BShe wants to know if the man stayed u

4、p late last night .CShe wants to know if the man followed the dorm regulations .第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7小题。6Why did the man call for help ?ABecause the man lost his wa

5、y home .BBecause the man was too old to walk home .CBecause the man was tried and unwilling to walk home .7Who is the woman ?AThe mans wife .BA policewoman .CThe mans granddaughter .听第7段材料,回答第8至9小题。8Why was the woman a little confused ?ABecause she was asked two places .BBecause she didnt know the p

6、lace .CBecause she didnt know the man .9Where did the man want to go ?AGo to the bank .BGo to the post office .CGo to the middle school .听第8段材料,回答第10至11小题。10What is the relationship between the man and the woman ?ACollege classmates .BHusband and wife .CCommon friends .11What will the woman do durin

7、g the National Holiday ?ATo go to the beach .Bto climb the mountains .CTo read a novel at home .听第9段材料,回答第12至14小题。12Why does the man go to see the woman ?ABecause he will go back to England .BBecause his son will go back to England .CBecause he is concerned about his sons studies .13What does the wo

8、man advise the man to do ?ATo leave his son in China .BTo hire a Chinese teacher .CTo take along some homework .14How well is the boys Chinese ?AHe is good at it .BHe is a little weak in it .CHe knows nothing about it .听第10段材料,回答第15至17小题。15Where was the woman born ?AIn Montreal .BIn Harbin .CIn Calg

9、ary .16Why did the woman move from Calgary to Montreal ?ABecause here parents moved there when she was a child .BBecause she went to college in Montreal .CBecause she worked in Montreal .17Which city is the coldest one in the talk ?AHarbin .BCalgary .CMontreal .听第11段材料,回答第18至20小题。18What is the song

10、name written by Irving Berlin ?AWhite Christmas .BHappy Christmas .CBright Christmas .19Why didnt Irving Berlin celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday?ABecause he was Jewish .BBecause he always forgot it .CBecause he was too busy to do it .20Whats the main topic of the passage ?AChristmas Day .B

11、Christmas songs.CChristmas gifts .第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21What about bike ? Do you think it all right to buy him that bike as birthday gift ?Athe ;a Ba; a Ca; 不填Dthe ; 不填22May I remind you that a Mr. Wang is waiting outside ,

12、sir ? Oh, thats right . I about it .Aforget Bforgot Chad forgottenDhave forgotten 23Its an old saying that “It is not you say but you say it that matters” .Ahow ; what Bthat ; what Cwhat ; that Dwhat ; how 24What terrible weather ! Yes . Its been raining for two weeks , completely our holiday .Aruin

13、ed Bto ruin Cto have ruined Druining 25The weather in the south is generally warm , but it be very cold sometimes .Amust Bcan Cshould Dought to 26Why are you looking pleased ? Oh, I just had a job for next year .Abeing offered Boffering Cto offer Doffered 27Please a situation where you can use the d

14、aily expressions .Acome out Btake out Cmake up Dturn up28When I returned to my hometown , I was shocked to find all the apple trees .Ahad been cut down Bbeing cut down Care cut down Dhave cut down 29Everything is ready , ?Aarent they Bis it Cisnt it Dare they 30She is in a poor of health , which wor

15、ries her parents much .Astate Bsituation Cposition Dcondition 31It will be quite a long time she is back again , so dont be too cross with her .Athat BsinceCbeforeDuntil 32Would you like another sandwich ? Another sandwich ? I my first one yet .Ahadnt had Bhavent had Cdidnt have Ddont have 33The goa

16、ls he fought all his life no longer seemed important to him .Afor which Bwith which Cagainst which Dabout which 34Will you serve me another coffee ? ! Black or white .AFor pleasure BWith pleasure CAt your pleasure DMy pleasure 35 I am concerned , some other arrangement would have been better .ASo fa

17、r BAs for Cso far from DAs far as 第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When Phillip was on his way to the airport one afternoon , he asked the driver to wait outside the bank while he collected some travelers checks .The plane was to 36 at 5:30. Fro

18、m there was still a 37 journey to the airport 38 Phillip merely watched the scene along the way . Shortly before arriving , he began 39 the things he would need for the 40 : tickets , money , the address of his hotel, travellers checks Just a moment . How about his passport ? Phillip went through hi

19、s pocket . He suddenly 41 that he must have let his passport 42 .What could he do ? It was now five past four and there would be too little 43 to return to the bank . This was the 44 time he was representing his firm for an important 45 with the manager of a French firm in Paris the following mornin

20、g . Without a passport he would be 46 to board the plane . At that moment , the taxi 47 outside the air terminal (候机楼). Phillip got 48 , took his suitcase and paid the driver . He then 49 a good deal of confusion in the building .A 50 could be heard over the loudspeaker .“We very much 51 that owing

21、to a twenty-four-hour strike of airport staff ,all flights for the rest of today have had to be called off.” Passengers are 52 to get in touch with their travel agents or with this terminal for 53 on tomorrows flights . Phillip gave a 54 . He would let his firm know about this situation and , thank

22、goodness , eh would have the opportunity of calling at his bank the following morning to 55 his passport .36Acheck in Blead off Cleave Dfly 37Along Bshort Cpleasant Drough 38Aas BsoCbut Dbecause 39Acounting Blooking over Cthinking about Dchecking 40Aplane Btrip Cmeeting Dflight 41Arealized Bremember

23、ed Crecognized Dlearned 42Aat home Bat the bank Cat the office Din the taxi 43Atime Bchance Cpossibility Duse 44Agolden Blast Conly Dfirst 45Ajourney Bvisit Cbusiness Dmeeting 46Asad Bunable Cimpossible Ddifficult 47Astopped Bwas driven Creached Dwas parked 48Aoff Bback Cout Daway 49Astarted Bcaught

24、 Cnoticed Dwatched 50AspeechBsignal Ccall Dvoice 51Aapologize Bannounce Cworry Dregret 52Aadvised Bforced Ctold Dpersuaded 53Aideas Bplans Cinformation Dtime 54Aloud laugh Bdeep sigh Cbig smile Dsharp cry 55Areturn Bfind Crecover Dgather 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,

25、选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOne sixth of undergraduates (本科生) in Beijing this year have registered at a driving school . The students , mostly from majors such as business management or international trade , will finish there driving courses within 20 days or so .Training costs have dropped to ,2,600yuan fo

26、r students , according to the Haidian Driving School in Beijing . The price is not really low , but students will accept it , seeing it as an investment (投资) in their future . Familiarity with the operation of computers and fluent English are the basic skills graduating students need to find a job .

27、 But a drivers permit has become another factor. “In the job market , owning a drivers permit sometimes strengthens a graduating students competitiveness for a good position ,” says Zhou Yang , an undergraduate at the China University of Political Science and Law .Cars will become a necessary part o

28、f many peoples lives in the coming years , and its difficult to get a permit out of campus because of the pressures on working peoples time . “Having a full-time job after graduation offers limited time to learn to drive . We senior students have plenty of spare time , plenty of opportunities to lea

29、rn.” Xu Jian , an official at the driving school, said undergraduates were very able and serious , and could grasp in an hour what it took ordinary people four hours to learn . In this driving school, middle-aged people , young women and college students are the main customers .To get a drivers perm

30、it , a beginner is now required to have at least 86 hours practice before the final road test .56The undergraduates are learning to drive because . Athey like to drive cars Bthey need this skill to find a good job .Cmost of them will be able to buy cars in the future Dthey want to become full-time d

31、rivers after graduation 57Which of the following is Xu Jians opinion of students learning to drive ?AHe decided it was a waste of money and time .BHe thought they must learn it at school .CHe thought they would spend three times more time .DHe agreed that young people had an advantage in learning to

32、 drive .58Which of the following would be the best title of this passage ?AStudents Learn to Drive BWelcome to Driving School CIts Better to Learn to Drive at College DStudents Pay Less to Learn to Drive Now BIn 1939 two brothers , Mac and Dick DmcDonald , started a drive in restaurant in Sna Bemadi

33、no , California . They carefully chose a busy corner for their location . They had run their own businesses for years , first a theater , then a barbecue restaurant , then a barbecue restaurant , then another drive-in . But in their new operation , they offered a new , shortened menu: French fries ,

34、 hamburgers , and sodas . To this minimal selection they added one new concept : quick service , o waiters or waitresses , and no tips .Their hamburgers sold for fifteen cents . Cheese was another four cents . Their French fries and hamburgers had a remarkable uniformity (相同性) , for the brothers had

35、 developed a strict routine for the preparation of their food , and they insisted on their cooks sticking to the routine . Their new drive-in became incredibly (非常地) popular , particularly for lunch . People rove up by the hundreds during the busy noontime . The self-service restaurant was so popula

36、r that the brothers had allowed ten copies of their restaurant to be opened ; they were content with this small success until they met Ray Kroc .Kroc was a salesman who met the McDonald brothers in 1954, when he was selling milk shake mixing machines . He quickly saw the unmatched appeal of the brot

37、hers fast food restaurant and bought the right to franchise (出售特许权) other copies of their restaurants . The agreement signed included the right to copy the men , the equipment , and even their red and white buildings with the golden arches .Twenty years after the day Ray Kroc watched people rush up

38、to order fifteen cent hamburgers , McDonalds had over $ 1 billion in total sales a year . today McDonalds is a world famous name . Its first twenty-two years is one of the most incredible success stories I modern American business history .59Mac and Dick McDonald had experience in managing all of th

39、e following business except . Aa theater Ba drive in Can ice-cream shopDa barbecue restaurant 60What is this passage mainly about ?ARay Krocs business abilities .BThe development of fast-food service .CThe business careers of Mac and Dick McDonald .DHow McDonalds became a billion-dollar business .61

40、How did the McDonald brothers keep the uniformity o f the hamburgers ?AThey asked help from Ray Kroc .BThey allowed other copies of their restaurant .CThey had strict rules for the preparation of the food .DThey added a new concept to the selection of the food .62We can conclude from this passage th

41、at .ARay Kroc was a good businessman Bforty years ago there were a lot of fast-food restaurants CMac and Dick McDonald never became wealthy because they sold their idea to Ray Kroc DThe location the McDonalds chose was the only source of the great popularity of their drive-in CParis in the springtim

42、e was , is and always will be , something rather special . Why not experience it for yourself with this excellent break for four days ? This attractive city has something to offer to everyone and with prices at just 129. Your break begins with comfortable bus transfer (运送) from local pick-up points

43、and travel to Paris is via cross-channel ferry , arriving at your hotel in the evening . The Ibis is an excellent quality hotel with private equipments in all rooms : satellite TV, radio , telephone and alarm clock . It has a bar and restaurant and is situated about two miles south of Notre Dame ena

44、bling you to explore Paris with ease .The following day , after continental breakfast (included), the bus takes you on a comprehensive sightseeing tour of the city , during which you will see the Eiffel Tower , Champs Elysees , LArc de Triomphe , the Louvre ,in fact almost every famous landmark you

45、have ever heard of . You then leave Paris and take a short drive to the magnificent Palace of Versailles , the home of Louis XIV. The tour ends mid-afternoon back in Paris where you will have the remainder of the day at your leisure (闲 暇). In the evening there is a “ Paris by Night” tour showing you

46、 the beautiful buildings with bright lights .Day three takes you to Montmarter , Perhaps the most attractive quarter of Paris and home of the Sacre Coeur and the Moulin Rouge . In the afternoon you are free to explore this beautiful city as you wish , perhaps a pleasure voyage on the River Seine , w

47、ander around the beautiful gardens or look among the antique shops (古董店). In the evening you will have the opportunity to visit the best nightclub in the city , the splendid Paradis Latain . On the final day its back to the UK via channel ferry .Included in the price of 129 per person :Return comfor

48、table bus travel to Paris Return ferry crossings 3 nights housing in a twin bedded room in a Central Paris hotel with private facilities Continental breakfast during your stay Guided sightseeing tour of “Paris by Day” and Paris by Night” Visit to the Chateau of Versailles (admission not included )To

49、ur around Montmartre Services of experienced bi-lingual tour guide at all times 63What is the purpose of this passage ? ATo show the price of traveling to Paris .BTo tell tourists the routs to Paris .CTo introduce the city of Paris .DTo attract tourists to Paris .64During the stay in Paris , the tou

50、rists will .Ahave a “Paris by Night” tour on he first evening Blive in a hotel two miles away from Paris Chave free time for half a day Dhave a pleasure voyage on the River Seine together 65What does the underlined word quarter mean in the passage ?AAn area of a town .BA period of 15 minutes .CA coi

51、n used in the US and Canada worth 25 cents .DOne of four equal parts into which something ca be divided .66According to the passage , which of the following is true ?AThe Palace of Versailles is not in the center of Paris .BTe tourists can telephone in the Ibis without paying .CIt will take you a lo

52、ng time to got to Montmartre from Paris.DThe tourists will spend the night in the antique shops on the third day .DProtests (抗议) at the use of animals in research have taken on a new and fearful character in Britain with the attempted murder of two British scientists by the terrorist (恐怖分子的) techniq

53、ue of the pre-planted carbomb .The research community (社团) will rightly be alarmed at these developments which have two aims :to draw public attention and to frighten people working in research with animals . The scientists insist that everything should be done to identify those responsible for the

54、crimes and to put them on trial . The Defense Research Society has taken the practical step of offering a reward of 10,000 for information leading to those responsible , but past experience is not encouraging . People are unlikely to be attracted by such offers . The professional police will similar

55、ly be challenged by the problem of finding a needle in a haystack .That is why the intellectual (知识分子) community in Britain and elsewhere must act more strongly in its own defense . There are several steps that can be taken , of which the chief one is to demand of all the organizations that exist wi

56、th the declared aims of defending the interests of animals that they should declare clearly where they stand on violence towards people . And it will not be enough for the chairman and chairwoman of these organizations to make placatory (安抚的) statements on behalf of all their members . These people

57、should also promise that it will be a test of continuing membership in their organizations that members and would-be members should declare that they will take no part in acts of violence against human beings .67The words “these developments” (Linel , Para .2 ) most probably refer to .Athe use of an

58、imals in research Bthe acts of violence against scientists Cthe techniques of planting bombs in cars Dsetting up of new animal protection organizations 68Which of the following is true according to the passage ?AThe police gave up their efforts to find the criminals .BThe terrorists escaped with the

59、 help of their organization .CThe attempted murder caused great anxiety among British scientists .DPeople supported the animal protectors in spite of their extremist acts .69The authors purpose in writing this article is to demand that animal-protecting organizations .Agive up the use of violence Bd

60、eclare their aims clearly Ccontinue the dialogue with the scientific community Dhelp to fid those responsible for the attempted murder 70In the authors opinion , .Aanimal-protecting organizations should be declared illegal Bthe scientists should take effective measures to protect themselves Csince p

61、eople can lie , the problem about eh rights of scientists cant be solved Danimal-protecting organizations should help the police to fight against the acts of violence against scientists ETrees should only be pruned (修剪) when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and , he number of such reaso

62、ns is small . Pruning involves the cutting away of overgrown and unwanted branches , and the inexperienced gardener can be encouraged by the thought that more damage results from doing it unnecessarily than from leaving the tree to grow in its own way .First , pruning may be done to make sure that t

63、rees have desired shape or size . The object may be to get a tree of the right height , and at the same time to help the growth of small side branches , which will thicken its appearance or give it a special shape . Secondly , pruning may be done to make the tree healthier . You may cut out diseased

64、 or dead wood , or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus cause wounds . The health of a tree may be encouraged by removing branches that are blocking up the center and so preventing the free movement of air .One result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree and this pro

65、vides an easy entry for disease , but it is a wound that will heal (愈合) . Often there is a race between the healing and the disease as to whether the tree will live or die , so that there is a period when the tree is at risk . It should be the aim of every gardener to reduce that risk of death as fa

66、r as possible . It is important to make the area , which has been pruned , smooth and clan , for healing will be slowed down by roughness . You should allow the cut surface to dry for a few hours and then paint it with one of the materials available from garden shops produced especially for this pur

67、pose . Pruning is usually done in winter , for then you can see the shape of the tree clearly without interference (妨碍) from the leaves and also it is very unlikely that the cuts you make will bleed . If this does happen , it is , of course , impossible to paint them properly .71Why should running b

68、e done ?ATo make the tree grow taller .BTo improve the shape of the tree .Cto get rid of the small ranches .DTo make the small branches thicker .72Trees become unhealthy if the gardener .ATo help a wound to dry .BTo cover a rough surface .Cdamages some of the small side branchesDAllows too many bran

69、ches to grow in the middle 73Why is a special material painted on the tree ?ATo help a wound to dry .Bto cover a rough surface .CTo make a wound smooth .DTo prevent disease entering a wound .74A good gardener prunes a tree .Aseveral times throughout the year Bas quickly as possible Coccasionally whe

70、n necessary Dregularly every winter 75What was the authors purpose when writing this passage ?ATo discuss different methods of pruning .BTo introduce some common knowledge of pruning .CTo explain how trees develop disease .DTo give practical instruction for pruning a tree .第卷(共35分)第四部分:书面表达(共两节,满分35

71、分)第一节 情景作文(20分) 假如你是班长,你们学校本周日将组织一次参观首都博物馆的活动,请你写一个口头通知。相关内容如下:安排:8:00 在学校大门口集合,集体乘车去首都博物馆; 8:40 在导游的带领下参观首都博物馆; 12:00参观结束,集体乘车返回学校。要求:1参观过程中请自觉遵守公共秩序; 2馆内禁止拍照; 3参观后每人写一篇感想。注意:1词数不少于60; 2可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3通知的开头已为你写好,作答时请将其抄在答题卡上。Dear students attention , please . 第二节 开放作文(15分)请根据下面的提示,写一篇短文。词数不

72、少于50。Your friend Tom showed you a sentence “To find a friend one must close one eye.” Now you are telling Tom how you understand this sentence and why you think so . 参考答案第一部分:1C2A3A4B5B6C7C8A9B10C11B12C13C14B15C16A17B18A19A20B第二部分:21A22B23D24D25B26D27C28A29C30A31C32B33A34B35D36C37A38B39D40B41A42B43A

73、44D45D46B47A48C49C50D51D52A53C54B55C第三部分:56B57D58A59C60D61C62A63D64C65A66A67B68C69A70B71B72D73D74C75B第四部分:第一节 情景作文One possible version :Dear students , attention , please .I have something to tell you . In order to know more about Beijing , we are going to pay a visit to the Capital Museum this Sund

74、ay . Be sure to arrive at the school agate before 8:00 a.m. We will go there by bus altogether . At about 8:40 a.m. , well visit the museum following a guide . The visit will be over at around 12:00, and then well return by bus . Please observe public order , keep quiet and avoid running . Video rec

75、ording and flash photography are forbidden in the museum so youd better take some notes since we have to write a composition after the visiting . Hope you enjoy the visit . Thats all . Thank you .第二节 开放作文Possible versions :(1) I think this sentence tells us that we should learn to be tolerated when

76、we make friends . As we know , nobody is perfect . If we want to make friends with somebody , we should try to accept his or her weaknesses . We cant be too demanding with people , otherwise we will have no friends.(2) I think this sentence tells us that when we choose friends , we should not only c

77、hoose those who are similar to us , but also we should try to choose some who are different from us in character , education , jobs and social experience . In the process of making friends with those people we can benefit a lot from them .听力部分录音稿Text 1 M:What do you do , Cathy ?W:I am a doctor . And

78、 you ?M:I am an actor now , but I want to be a musician .Text 2M:Its eleven thirty in the evening , and I am so hungry . Can I buy bread from the store now ?W:No. The store usually closes half an hour earlier .Text 3M:Have you seen my passport , darling ?W:What a poor memory you have ! You put it in

79、 the desk drawer last night .Text 4M:Excuse me , sir . Can I take Bus 105 to the railway station ?W:Sorry , I am also new here . Maybe you can ask someone else .Text 5W:Did your burn the midnight oil last night ?M:Of course not . Its dangerous and against the dormitory regulations . I have a table l

80、amp .W:Oh, you misunderstand me .Text 6W:How are you , grandfather ?M:I am OK .W:Are you OK? Why did you telephone the policeman for help ? He told me that you lost your way in the park .M:I didnt really lose my way . I just got tired and I didnt want to walk home .W:Well , I hope you call me next t

81、ime if you feel tired .Text 7M:Excuse me , could you tell me where the International Post Office is ?W:Go straight on , turn right at the first traffic lights . The post office is about fifty meters away .M:I see . And is the No. 13 Middle School far away from the post office ?W:Not far . Its about

82、150 meters . Where do you ant to go .M:Oh , I only want to pick up my cousin from school. I am told that the school is next to the post office , and that is why I want to know how to get to the post office first .Text 8M:Hello, Betty . What are you doing ?W:I am reading the novel Red and Black .M:Ye

83、ah . The National Holiday is coming . I want to know what you are going to do .W:My husband told me last night that he would be working overtime during the holiday , so I had to cancel the plans of going to the beach with him .M:Dont be sad . Paul called me a few days ago . He invited you and me to

84、climb the mountains with our college classmates . How about you ?W:Great idea ! I havent seen them since we graduated .Text 9M:Good morning , Miss Smith . Im sorry to trouble you .W:Good morning , not at all . Please be seated . What can I do for you ?M:Its about my son .W:He isnt in trouble . I hop

85、e hes doing well in all his lessons . Hell do well in the exams .M:Except in Chinese , Im afraid . He says that he is a little weak in Chinese .W:Is he ? Im sorry to hear that .M:Thats why Ive come to see you . Im worried about his Chinese . He may fall behind when he comes back to school .W:What do

86、 you mean ?M:Well go back to London for a holiday for two months . We havent been back for three years .W:I see . I think that his Chinese teacher can give him some homework to do during his holiday . He wont fall behind the others when he comes back .Text 10W:Where do you come from , Chen ?M:I am f

87、rom Harbin in the north . How about you , Betty ?W:I have lived in Montreal most of my life , but I am originally from Calgary .W:Originally ?W:I mean where I was born .M:I see . W:My parents moved here when I was a child , and I have been here ever since .W:How far is Calgary from here , Betty ?W:R

88、oughly 3,580km . It takes about five hours by plane .M:Canada is very large , even larger than China .W:But our population is much smaller than yours .W:Canada is also a little colder .W:Dont kid yourself . Its much colder .M:I believe the winters in Harbin are as cold as the winters in Montreal . B

89、eijing is a little warmer , not as cold as Haribn , but much colder than Guangzhou in the south . W:But Montreal is warmer than Calgary .W:Oh , I see . It is nice talking to you . Thank you , Betty .Text 11 In many places , a blanket of clean white snow covers the ground on Christmas Day . This is w

90、hat is meant by a “White Christmas”. Of course many places do not get snow at Christmas . In fact , they may be very warm this time of year . People who like snow but live where it is warm can only dream of having a “White Christmas”. American songwriter Irving Berlin captured these feelings in his

91、song “White Christmas”. It is one of the famous popular Christmas songs of all time . Songwriter Irving Berlin was born in Russia in 1888. He did not celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday , as he was Jewish . But his song celebrates an idea of peace and happiness that anyone , anywhere , snowy or not , can enjoy . Over the years , hundreds of singers and musicians have recorded “White Christmas” , but the version most people still know best was sung by Bing Crosby .16


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