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1、2008年高考重点词组复习归纳汇总PhraseTranslationSample Sentence or Explanationbe about to 即将I am about to learn Japanese. 不能加表示时间的词或短语.但be going to 后可加 according to 按照,根据According to the radio, it will rain tomorrow.He came according to his promise.by accident偶然by chance : I made a grammer mistake by accident.in

2、accordance with一致;按照;根据I sold the house in accordance with your orders.account for解释,说明How do you account for all these mistakes ?on account of因为,由于because of : Li Ping was late for class this morning on account of the traffic.accustomed to 习惯于1.The boy soon became accustomed to hard work and poor f

3、ood. 2.I am accustomed to this sort of worktake . into account考虑You must take into account the boys long illness.in addition to除.之外A new baby is an addition to the family. in addition=另外add up to合计达All this adds up to a new concept (概念)of the universe.in advance事先,在前,预先We always pay the rent in adva

4、nce.gain/have an advantage胜过,优于This system will have an advantage over that one.take advantage of乘.之机,利用to make use of, e.g. by deceiving someone. advantage over : 优于ahead of在.前面,先于Our company is ahead of other makers of soap.in the air在流行中,在传播中above all首先,尤其after all毕竟,虽然这样at all完全I do not agree wi

5、th you at all.all but决不Its all but impossible.all out全力以赴,竭尽全力We went all out to climb the mountain.in all总共,合计allow for考虑到Youll have to allow three days for thatjob.to provide (esp. money or time) leave alone听其自然,不要去管Leave that alone: its mine.let alone听其自然,不要去管 更不用说 1.Let him alone: he is doing no

6、 harm. 2. The baby cannot even walk, let alone run.one after another一个接一个one another互相We made comments on one anothers work.approve of 赞成,同意I can hardly approve of it.anything but根本不The little bridge is anything but safe. I will do anything but that .arrive at到达After many hours talk, the committee a

7、rrived at a decision.as for至于You can have a bed, but as for the children, theyll have to sleep on the floor.as if / as though好像,仿佛as to至于1.Hes very concerned as to whether its the right job for him. 2. correctly placed as to size and coloraside from除.之外(尚有)=apart from Good work, apart from a few sli

8、ght faults.ask after询问,问候He ask after you / your health.ask for请求,要求attached to系,贴,连接;附属;依恋1.I was attached to the naval college as a special instructor for six months. 2. I am very attached to that car.pay attention to注意You must pay attention to the teacher.on (the/an) average平均,一般说来On average we r

9、eceive five letters each day.right away立刻,马上Do it right away!back and forth来回地,反复地The chair rocked back and forth.back down/off放弃,让步,退却I saw that she was right, so I had to back down.back of在.后部,在.背后back up支持,援助; A.倒退,后退The policeman wouldnt have believed me if you hadnt backed me up.based on以.为基础Hi

10、s argument is based on facts.on the basis of以.为基础Society rested on the basis of the family.to begin with首先,第一点=in the first place:We cant go.To begin with, its too cold.Besides, weve no moneyon behalf of代表,为了The president is ill, so Im speaking on his behalf.make believe假装The children are making bel

11、ieve that theyre princes and princesses.at best / at the best最好,充其量At best the company will lose money this year-at worst it may have to close down.get the best of 战胜;从中得到最大益处They got the best of the other team at last.make the best of充分利用,妥善处理to make the best of a bad job; He will make the best of

12、the situation.do/ try ones best尽力,努力We must try our best to overcome the difficulty.for the better好转,向好的方向发展a change for the better= a change with good resultsget the better of胜过,战胜,在.中占上风to get the better of ones opponentshad better最好还是,应该ought to, shouldon board在船(飞机)上They got on board the train.b

13、e bound to必定,一定Its bound to rain soon.break away (from)脱离,逃跑The criminal broke away from the policemen who were holding him.break down损坏;分解,瓦解1.They break the door down. 2. His opposition broke down. 3. The car broke down. 4. Peter broke down and wept when his mother died. 5. Chemicals in the body b

14、reak our food down into useful substances. break in1强行进入,闯入;2 I .打断,插嘴1.He broke in and stole my money. 2.She broke in with some ideas of her own. 3. to break new shoes inbreak into1.闯入; 2.突然发生,突然开始;3突然改变步法 4侵占;5.打开并提取紧急之物1.to break into a house 2. to break into song/ laugh/ tears 3.break into a run

15、 4.Socialduties break into my time/leisure.5.to break into money one has saved.break off中断,中止1.Those two countries have broken off relations. 2. He broke off a branch. 3. A branch broke off (the tree).break out1.2.突然发生,爆发;3.逃跑1.War broke out. 2.She broke out in curses(大怒). 3=escape:to break out of p

16、risonbreak through1.突破;2.克服,征服,压倒1.The sun break through (the clouds). 2. The doctors broke through in their fight again heart disease.break up1.破碎,拆散,瓦解;2.终止;3.婚姻关系结束;4身体衰弱,变弱;1. The ice will break up when the warm weather comes. 2. The police broke up the fight. 3. Their marriage broke up. 4. He m

17、ay break up under all this pressure.(他累垮了)catch ones breath1. 歇口气; 2.屏息 He sat down to catch his breath.out of breath喘不过气来 上气不接下气He ran so fast that he was soon out of breath.in brief简单地说,简而言之In brief he says No. He is brief of speech.bring about导致,带来,招致cause to happen: Science has brought about man

18、y changes in our lives.bring down打倒,降低The pilot brought the plane down gently.bring forth提出What suggestions do you expect them to bring forth?bring forward提出,提议1.The director brought forward a new plan for the company. 2. The election will be brought forward to June instead of July.bring out1.使出现/显明

19、;2阐释,文明; 3A公布,出版;4.帮助消除害羞心理或沉默寡言态度1.to bring out a new kind of soap.2.break out the meaning of a poem. 3. When are the publishers bring ing out his new book? 4.=help to lose shyness or reserve: Bill is very quiet; try to bring him outbring to使恢复知觉They brought the girl to with smelling salts. They br

20、ought her to.bring up抚养,培养1.to bring up children 2. to bring up the question of your holidaysbuild up建立to build up ones strengthin bulk大批,大量to buy in bulkburn out烧掉1.The building was burnt out and only the walls remained. 2. That small fire can be left to burn (itself) out. 3. The engine has/is burn

21、t out.burn up烧尽1.to flame more brightly or strongly 2. All the wood has been burnt up.on business因公,因事Im here on business, not for pleasure.but for除.之外, 倘没有,要不是But for her, I would have drowned.by and by不久以后,将来call for邀约,要求,需要1.to call for the waiter. 2.Your unkind remark was not called for.3. Ill c

22、all for you at nine oclock.call forth1.引起,招致; 2.鼓起,振作起1.His behaviour called forth numerous protests(抗议). 2.You will have to call forth all your energy.call off取消1.The football match was called off because of the snow.2.Call off your dog;it tried to bite me !call on/upon1访问,拜访2A号召,呼吁1.We can call on

23、 Mary tomorrow. 2. The Prime Minister called on everyone to work hard for national unity.call up 1A使人想起;2.I召集,动员; 3 打电话 1.=recall 2. He was called up in 1917. 3. Ill call you up this evening.care (nothing) about关心/对.漠不关心care for照管,关心;A.喜欢,意欲1.He is very good at caring for sick animals.2. I dont real

24、ly care for tea, I like coffee better.take care当心,注意=be careful Take care (that) you dont get drowned when you have a swim.take care of照顾,照料;Take care of the baby when Im out.carry off拿走,夺走1.She carried off her part in the plan with no difficulty. 2. Jean carried off all the prizes.carry on继续,坚持下去;I

25、从事,经营Well carry on (with) our discussion tomorrow.carry out执行,贯彻to carry out a planin any case无论如何,总之In any case, youll need to be at station by nine.in case假如,以防万一She took a spoonful and tasted it carefully in case it was hot.in case of假如,如果发生;防备In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.in no case无论如何不,

26、决不In no case shall we surrender(投降).catch on1.受欢迎,流行起来; 2理解,明白1.The new song caught on really quickly. 2. Hes always the last to catch on.catch up with追上,赶上Will we catch up with Japan in industrial production?catch at 设法抓住 cave in 下陷,坍陷per cent百分之.Five per cent got full marks.by chance偶然,碰巧It happen

27、ed quite by chance.take a chance冒险一试The rope might break but thats a chance Ill have to take.in charge (of)负责,主管Im in charge of your class tomorrow so you must do as I tell you.take charge of开始管理,接管She took charge of the family business when her father died.in no case无论如何不,决不In no case shall we surr

28、ender(投降).catch on1.受欢迎,流行起来; 2理解,明白1.The new song caught on really quickly. 2. Hes always the last to catch on.catch up with追上,赶上Will we catch up with Japan in industrial production?catch at 设法抓住 cave in 下陷,坍陷per cent百分之.Five per cent got full marks.by chance偶然,碰巧It happened quite by chance.take a

29、chance冒险一试The rope might break but thats a chance Ill have to take.in charge (of)负责,主管Im in charge of your class tomorrow so you must do as I tell you.check in办理登记手续You must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves.check out1.结帐后离开; 2.3A检验,核查1.The last guests checked out of their roo

30、ms in the afternoon; 2 to check out his theory;3. How does his story check out with the facts?check up/(up)on校对,检验,检查The police were checking up on what the man had told them.cheer up高兴起来,振作起来Cheer up! The news isnt too bad.clear away把.清除掉,收拾The rubbish must be cleared away.clear up1.I.解释,澄清 2A.整理,收

31、拾;3天气变晴1.to clear up the mystery 2. Would you clear up (this room) before our visitors arrive? 3. I hope the weather clears up before Sunday.around/round the clock昼夜不断地,连续24小时地We worked around the clock to finish the e off1.落,分开 ; 2.成功;发生,举行1.A button came off my coat. 2. The wedding came off as e o

32、n1A.开始,来临; 2.进步,进展;3.快,来吧1.I can feel a cold coming on. 2. How is your work coming on/along?come out1.3出现,显露;2出版,发表; 4.结果是The stars came out as soon as it was dark.2.The news came out that king was very ill. 3. Mary always came out very well in pictures. come round / around1.苏醒,复原; 2.顺便来访; 3.再现,再来,再

33、临; 4.走弯路,绕道而行1.=to regain consciousness:Pour a jug of water on his face-jell soon come round. 2.Hell come round to our way of thinking sooner or later. 3.Its coming round to Christmas again. 4.We came round by the fields as we didnt want to go through the e through经历, 经历.仍活着, 脱险1. Have your examinat

34、ion results come through yet? 2. John was so ill he was lucky to come through (his operation).come to苏醒,复苏; 共计,达到,等于1. It has come to my notice that some money is missing. 2. When it comes to politics I know nothing. 3. Suddenly the words of the song came to e true实现,达到come up1.2出现; 3走上前来Your questi

35、on come up at the meeting. 2. Ill let you know if anything comes up. 3. He came up and said, pleased to see e up to等于,比得上,达到,及于Your recent work hasnt come up to your usual high e up with提出,提供He couldnt come up with the e up again遇到,遭到in common共用,共有John and I have nothing in common.keep company with与

36、,交往,与,结伴Dont keep company with dishonest pare.to .把.比作Poets have compared sleep to death. Mans life is often compared to a candle.by comparison in comparison with比较起来,相形之下 和.比起来By/in comparison with London, Paris is small.so far as . be concerned就.而言As far as Im concerned, the whole idea is crazy(荒唐

37、的).be concerned in/ with与.有关He was concerned in the crime.in conclusion最后,总之In conclusion, Ive enjoyed staying here.on condition that在.条件下Ill come on condition that John is invited too.in connection with / to与.有联系In connection with your request of March 18th we are sorry to tell you.in consequence因此

38、,结果We hadnt enough money to pay our bus fare, and in consequence we had to walk.in consequence of由于,因为.缘故 In consequence of your laziness and rudeness,I had to dissmiss you.in contrast with / to和.形成对比/对照In contrast with/to your belief that we shall fail, I know we shall succeed.on the contrary相反,反之H

39、e is not stupid, on the contrary , he is very intelligent.out of control失去控制The car went out of control and crashed.under control被控制住It took the teacher months to bring his class under control.al all costs不惜任何代价,无论如何We must avoid war, at all costs.at the cost of以.为代价She saved him from the fire, but

40、at the cost of her own life.count on依靠,指望1. You cant count on the weather being fine. 2. I didnt count on John arriving so early.count up算出.的总数,共计Count these figures up once more.of course自然,当然,无疑in the course of在.过程中The enemy should be defeated in the course of the year.cover up掩饰,掩盖She tried to co

41、ver up her nervousness / her guilt by lying.cross out删去,取消I crossed out the mistakes in my sentence.cut across走捷径,抄近路,对直通过1.=to take a shorter way across 2. a new group of MP that cuts across party lines.cut back消减,减少,降低1=prune 2. We oppose any plans to cut back (on) production.cut down消减,减少1. to cu

42、t down a tree 2. I have to cut down (on)smoking.cut in 1A插嘴,打断;2I超车抢挡1=to interrupt 2. You nearly caused a crash by cutting in (on me) like that !cut off1I.切掉,剪去,删去; 2打断,停止 3.4.A. 阴隔,隔绝1. Cut off a piece of cheese, will you? 2. We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation. 3. If you m

43、arry that girl Ill cut you off without a penny. 4. Mary felt cut off from her friends when we moved.cut out割去,删去1.She cut the advertisement out of the newspaper. 2. The rain and wind have cut out a deep valley. 3. I must cut out smoking. 4. Every time I got my car started the engine cut out.cut shor

44、t打断(讲话),中断(活动)in danger在危险中,垂危He is in danger of losing job.out of danger脱离危险She had been very sick, but now she was out of danger.out of date过时的,陈旧的,不用的My passport(护照) is out of date.up to date现代化的She wears a new dress that is right up to date.a good / reatdealE.许多,大量 I.得多deal with1.与.交易; 2处理; 3.论述

45、,涉及1. Ive dealt with this person for 20 years.2. How do you deal with the problem? 3.This new book deals with the troubles in Ireland.in debt欠债,欠情Im heavily in debt at the moment but hope to be out of debt when I get paid.take (a) delight in以.为乐=delight in : He takes delight in annoying me.derive fr

46、om从.中得到,由.而来, 源出于.1.He derives a lot of pleasure from meeting new people. 2.The word deride derives from Latin.in detail详细地Well talk about the plan in more detail later.die down渐渐消失,平息The fire is dying down.die out消失,灭绝The practice of children working in factories has nearly died out.make a/the diff

47、erence有影响,很重要Flowers make a lot of difference to a room.in difficulties处境困难He is in difficulty with his school work.do away with废除,消灭,去掉We should do away with those customs.do without没有.也行, 将就I havent enough money to buy a car, so I just have to do without (one).have something / nothing to do with和.

48、有(点)/ 毫无关系Their job has something to do with computers.next door隔壁的,在隔壁My brother lives next door (to us).out of doors在户外=outdoors : It s rather warm out of doors.double up弯腰,把.折起来They all doubled up (with laughter) when I told my joke.no doubt无疑,必定,很可能No doubt she means to help, but in fact she jus

49、t gets in the way.draw in(火车,汽车)到达,到站The bus drew in to let the cars pass.draw up1.写出,画出,草拟; 2.(使)停住1.to draw up a plan/contract 2.The car drew up (at the gate) and three men got out.dress up穿上盛装, 打扮得漂漂亮亮1. 2. He dressed the facts up to make them more interesting.drop by / in顺便来访,非正式访问Drop in when y

50、ou are next in London. drop in on sbdue to 由于Her success is entirely due to hard work.drop off1.减少,下降;2.入睡; 3.下车;4.把.放下Interest in the game has dropped off.drop out退出,退学,弃权,放弃He dropped out of college after only two weeks.on / off duty下班/值班,当班When Im off duty I play tennis.dwell on凝思,详述Dont dwell so

51、 much on your past.carry/bring/put into effect实行,生效The plans will soon be carried into effectcome/go into effect实行,实施The new tax regulations came into effect last week.in effect1.生效; 2.实际上,事实上1.The rules will remain in effect until October. 2.Although he is her employer, she has, in effect, full con

52、trol.take effect生效,奏效,起作用=to come into operation;start to have resultsor else否则He must pay $100 or else go to prison.in the end最后,终于=at laston end 连续地two hours on endenjoy oneself过得快乐Did you enjoy yourself of the party?in essence本质上,实质上,精华=essentiallyeven if / even though即使,纵然Even if we win the game

53、, we should not be conceited.even now/ then到这/那时,虽然情况如此Even then he would not admit his mistake.at all events无论如何,在任何情况下I hope to go tomorrow, at all in an any event/case无论 如何Ill probably see you tomorrow, but in any event ll telephone.in the event of如果.发生,万一In the event of rain, the party will be h

54、eld indoors.in excess of多余,超过Never spend in excess of your income;Changchun has a population in excess of one million.catch ones eye引人注目You really catch my eye.keep an eye on注意,监视,留意,照看face to face面对面地Ive often talked to him on the telephone,but Ive never met him face to face.face up to大胆面向to face u

55、p to ones responsibilitiesin the face of1.在前面; 2.不顾,即使1.=in opposition to;2=in spite ofmake a face做鬼脸in fact 实际上,事实上He doesnt mind. In fact,hes very pleased.matter of fact实际情况,真相fall behind落后to fall behind with ones workfall back on求助于,转而依靠Even if he is not successful as a singer,he has his training

56、 as a teacher to fall back onfall in with+sb/sth1.偶遇;2. 同意1.=happen to meet; 2=agree to : He fell in with my views at once.fall out吵架,失和Jean and Paul have fallen out with each other again.fall through落空,失败The plan felt through.as far as / so far as 到.程度; 远至by far.得多by far the smallest/heaviestfar fr

57、om决不,与非=rather than; instead ofso far1.到目前为此; 2. 至某一指明地点1.=until now : So far we have learned five lessons. 2.=up to a certain pointfind fault埋怨,挑剔,找毛病Shes always finding fault with the way I do things.in favor of赞成,支持; A有利于Are you in favor of workers control of companies?feed in输入,进(料)feed on 靠吃.维持

58、生命The horse feeds on grass.be fed up with对.感到厌烦I am fed up with your empty promises.feel like想要Do you feel like a coffee?feel like doing sthfigure out 算出,估计,推测find out发现,查明,找出at first最初,首先flare up突然烧起来,突然发怒catch fire着火,烧着The pile of papers caught fire.set fire to使燃烧,点燃Someone must have set fire to i

59、t/ set it on fire.on fire起火,着火The house is on fire!in force大批地The police were out in force to stop any e/go into force开始生效and so forth等等=and so onset free释放He opened the cage door and set the birds free.make friends交朋友,友好相处He made a lot of friends in Chinabe friends with对.友好,与.交上朋友make fun of 取笑,嘲弄I

60、t is wrong to make fun of the disabled.in (the) future将来,未来the immutable when used in giving a warningget across解释清楚,(使)被了解Our teacher is clever, but not very good at getting his ideas across.get along/on with1.进展; 2.继续干; 3.与.友好相处1. 2=go on well 3. have a friendly relationship (with.)get around/roun

61、d1.=be able to move again after illness 2. =travel 3. =spreadget around/round to找时间做,开始考虑After a long delay, he got around to writing the letter.get at够得着,触及; 意指,意思是1.Put the food where the food cant get at it. 2.What are you getting at? 3. Stop getting at me!get away逃脱,离开1. The thieves got away .2.

62、How did he get away with cheating?get by通过,过得去,过活1.She cant get by with so little money. 2. Your work will get by, but try to improve it.get down1.咽下;2写下;从.下来1.Try to get the medicine down. 2.Get down every word he says. 3. This continual wet weather is getting me down.get down to开始,着手to get down to

63、 work / businessget in1.到达,进站;2.进入;参加;收回;插入(话)1.The plane got in late.2.=come in(4) 3.Get the doctor in 4.May I get a word in? get into对.发生兴趣;卷入;(使)进入1.They got into the car and drove off. 2. Ive got (myself) into trouble. 3.Ill soon get into the way of things.get off1.动身,开始;2.离开,下车3.逃脱惩罚1. When do

64、you get off (work)? 2.Get off (the bus) at the hospital.get out of逃脱,改掉1.He tried to get out of helping me.2.to get out of a bad habit 3. The police got the truth out of him. 4.I cant understand why people smoke. What do they get out of it?get over克服困难,解决问题,从(病,失望.震惊)中恢复过来1.Youll be glad to get your

65、 operation over (with). 2.to get over an illnessget the better of占上风,胜过get through1.2接通电话;3.完成;4.通过(如考试);花光金钱等,克服困难,解决问题1.I tried to telephone you, but I couldnt get through. 2.I cant get (it) through to him that he must rest. 3.When you get through with your work,lets go out. 4.to get through an ex

66、amination.get together (with sb)集会,聚会When can we get together?get up1,起床,起立;2.振作,奋发; 3.到达; 4.专心于1.What time do you normally get up? 2.get up steam 3. What page have you got up to? 4.The children are very quiet; I wonder what theyre getting up to.give away1.赠送,捐献 2.出买,泄露,暴露1.She gave all her money to

67、 the poor. 2. Mary was given away by her father. 3.He tried to pretend that he wasnt worried, but his shaking hands gave him away.give back送还,恢复1.Give me back my pen. 2. Give me my pen back.give in1.认输,让步,屈服; 2.交上,呈上1.The boys fought until one gave in. 2.Give your examination papers in (to the teach

68、er) when youve finished.give off发出,放出to give off steamgive oneself away泄露,露马脚give oneself up自首,投案,投降He gave himself up (to the police).give out1.分发; 2.耗 尽1.Give out the examination papers. 2.His strength gave out.give up停止,放弃,辞去1.to give up ones studies 2.Give your seat up to the old lady.give way t

69、o让位于,被.代替; 给.让路,对.让步go after追逐,追求to go after a job / girl/ prizego ahead前进,领先,开始Work is still going ahead on the new bridge.go along with赞同,支持Well go along with you/your suggestion. go around/round流传,足够分配1.There are a lot of colds going around. 2.Why do you go around with such strange people?3If the

70、re are not enough chairs to go around,some people will have to standgo back on违背=to break or not keep(ones promise,agreement,etc.)go by1.经过 2.依照,遵守1.A car went by. 2.to go by the rulesgo down下降,减少; 被接受,受欢迎1.The floods are going down. 2.Three ships went down in the storm. 3.My ankle has gone down. 4.

71、He/his speech went down well (with the crowds). 5.This day will go down in history.go for选择;袭击;适用于1.=go at 2.=go after 3.I dont go for men of this type. 4. I find this report badly done, and this goes for all the other work done in this office.go in for从事,致力于,追求,沉迷于1.Several people went in for the r

72、ace. 2.I dont go in for sports.go into1.叙述;2.研究,调查;3从事; 4(钱,时间,精力等)被用于 1.Lets not go into details.2.to go into town1A,响起,爆炸; 2变质,变坏;1.=explode,be fired;The alarm went off when the thieves got in. 2.=lose good quality, deteriorate; The milk has gone off. go off3表演等进行良好;4.(睡眠或晕倒时)失去知觉; 5.下降 6.(尤指)带走,拐

73、带(某人或某物)3. The party went off very well. 4. Has the baby gone off yet? 5.The heating goes off at night. 6.=go away with . Hes gone off with my car!go on1.I发生进行; 2. E继续,保持; 3.过去;1.=happen,take place,be in progress: Whats going on here?2.=continue:Go on with your work.3.=pass. As the day went on,it be

74、came hotter. 4.5.责骂,埋怨,挑剔; 6.接受(作为证据)4.The light went on at six oclock;5.=rail,nag,scold: Hes always going on at his wife. 6.=take or accept ,eg as evidence: All the police had to go on was a torn letter.go out1外出;2.经常陪伴某人,与异性交往; 3.离开而去;4.熄灭 1.Shes gone out for a work. 2.Theyve gone out together for

75、 2 years. 3.=leave:My friends went out to Africa. 4.There was a power cut and all the lights went out.go out5.结束; 6.过时,不再流行; 7A.参加社会活动5.=end: The year went out gloomily(悲惨地). 6.=become unfashionable:Short skirts went out some time ago. 7.attend.: She still goes out a great deal,even at seventy-five.

76、go over1.浏览,2复习; 3仔细察看,检查,审查1.We went over the list of names and chose two. 2.=review:Lets go over this chapter. 3.=examine the details of : We must go over the accounts carefully before we settle them.go through1.经历,遭受; 2.被通过被批准; 3.审查,搜查 1=undergo,suffer: The country has gone/been through too many

77、wars. 2.=get through, be passed or approved: The Bill did not go through. 3.=search: The police went through the pockets of the suspected thief.go under下沉,破产After he got into debt, his business went under.go up1.上升,增长; 2.被建立; 3.被炸毁,被烧毁1.=rise:Prices have gone up again. 2.=be erected: How many houses

78、 have gone up this year? 3.=be blown up, be destroyed by explosion or fire: The whole house went up in flames. go with1.与.调和,与.一致 2.陪同前往1.Marys blue dress goes with her eyes. 2.=accompany: Happiness doesnt necessarily go with money.go without不享受,缺乏,没有.也行,没有.而将就对付1.Im afraid theres no coffee, so well

79、 have to just go without (it). 2.go without saying :不用说,不待言: It goes without saying that shes a good cook.for good永久地,一劳永逸地=for ever :permanently,finally: We will be here for good.good for有效的,适用,胜任,值.on guard值班,站岗,警惕,防范There are soldiers on guard to prevent anyone getting in or out.in half成两半Cut the

80、 apple in half.at handI.近在手边,在附近; A即将到来Election day is at hand. Christmas is at hand.by hand用手,用体力It was written by hand.hand down传下来,依给Such knowledge was handed down from father to son.hand in交上,递交Please hand in your books at the end of the lesson.hand in hand手拉着手,联合The walk down the street hand in

81、 hand.hand on传下来,依次传递Please read this notice and hand on.hand out分发,发给hand out the pencilshand over交出,移交,让与The thief was handed over to the police.in hand撑握Dont worry, I have the matter well in hand.on hand在手边,临近,在场=ready for use or to take parton (the)one/other hand一方面,另一方面hang about闲荡,徘徊,逗留I hung

82、about/around for an hour but he didnt come.hang back畏缩,犹豫,踌躇We all hang back when he saw how old the car was.hang on1抓住不放;2坚持;3等会儿; 4.取决于; 5打电话时不挂断1.Hang on, the bus is starting. 2.Much hands on your decision;3.=hold onhang on to /onto紧握住,坚持下去=try to keephang up挂断电话I was so angry that I hang up on h

83、er.happen to碰巧;发生I happened to see him yesterday.=It was happened that I saw him yesterday.hardly any几乎没有Theres hardly any coal left.Hardly anybody(=very few people)came to the meetinghardly . before /when刚.就.Hardly had the game begun when it started raining.have sth back要回,收回某物You shall have it bac

84、k(=It will be returned to you) next month. have on穿着,戴着He had nothing on except a hat.have to do with和.有.关系head for驶,向,走向Where are you heading for? We are heading for the same destination.head on迎面地.正面地keep ones head保持镇静=to remain /keep calmlose ones head慌乱,仓皇失措You musnt lose your head.at heart在内心,实

85、质上He is kind at heart.; He looks rather fierce,but he is kind at heart.by heart牢记,凭记忆get / learn by heart记住,背诵I learned the poem by heart.heart and soul全心全意地,完全地=completely: I am yours heart and soul.lose heart丧失勇气,失去信心He lost heart when he failed the exam.help oneself自取所需(食物等)The money was on the t

86、able and no one was there,so he helped himself.here and there到处He saw flowers here and there.get hold of抓住Take/get/catch hold of the rope, and well pull you up.hold back阻止,抑制,踌躇We built banks to hold back the flood waters.; I could not hold him back.hold on握住不放 ,等会儿hold onto紧紧握住=hang onto He held on

87、to the rope.hold out坚持,不屈服I dont hold out much hope that the weather will improve.hold upE举起,云承 I阻挡The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather.in honor of为向.表示敬意,为.庆祝/纪念a party in honor of the visiting presidenton ones honor以名誉担保He was (put) on his honor not to tell the secret.keep

88、house管理家务,做家务hurry up(使)赶快Hurry up, its getting late.in a hurry匆忙,立即He was in a hurry to go home.improve on / upon改进,超过=to produce or be something better than; better; It is hard to improve on the plan.at intervals不时,每隔.时间或距离The bell rang at 20-minute intervals.by itself自动地,独自地The machine works by i

89、tself.in itself本质上,就其本身而言=without considering the rest; The existence of human beings is a miracle in itself.be keen on 喜爱,渴望He is keen on short stories.keep away (from sth)远离Keep away from the waters edge! or keep sb/sth away from.keep back1.阻止.抑制; 2.隐瞒 3.保留1.keep sb back from doing sth =prevent sb

90、 from doing sth. 2.She can keep nothing (back) from her friends. 3.They keep back $20 a month from my salary for National Insurance(国民保险费).keep down控制,压低(声音)He couldnt keep down his anger .; Chemicals are used for keeping insects down.keep from使.不进入Cant you keep your dog from coming into my garden?k

91、eep in1.继续烧着,不熄;2.控制1Shall we deep the fire in or let it out. 2.He couldnt keep in his indignation.keep in with与某人保持友谊You must keep in with your customers, retain their goodwill.keep off不接近,避开The parents are advised to keep children off the street. Keep off the grass!keep on (doing sth)继续,反复地做Prices

92、 keep on increasing. Susan got a bad cold and kept on caughing all night.keep out of躲开,置身.之外Danger! Keep out! Keep out of their quarrels,Dont get involved in them.keep to遵守,信守,坚持1.Traffic in Britain keeps to the left. 2.keep to the subject /point at issue: 把握讨论的主题/要点. 3.He kept the news to himself.k

93、eep up1.继续,坚持, 2.维护 3.4.A使迟睡.1.Will the fine weather keep up?2.How do you keep up this large house? 3.Its wrong to keep the children up so late, They should go to bed. 4.I dont want to deep you up; you look sleepy and ready for bed.keep up with1.跟上,不落后; 2.保持联系. 1.I had to run to keep up (with the gi

94、rls). Dove couldnt keep up with the rest of the class. 2.try to keep up with old friends far away.knock down1.撞倒,击倒; 2.拆除1.Alex was knocked down by a bus yesterday.2. Our house is being knocked down to make way for a new road. knock out击倒,击昏A rock falling down from the mountain knocked a tourist out

95、.at large1.一般地,大多数; 2.未被捕获的1.in general,as a whole: Did the people at large approve of the governments policy? 2. free, uncontrolled: The criminals are still at large.(凶手依然逍遥法外)lay aside1.放下,把.搁置一旁; 2.留存,储存; 3A.放弃,抛弃1.=put down: Lay the book aside and rest your eyes for a while. 2.Lay aside money fo

96、r ones old age. 3.Lay aside bad habits.lay down1.放下; 2.规定,制订1. to lay down arms 2.to lay down the law.You cant lay down hard and fast rules.lay off(临时)解雇,休息They laid us off for 3 months.lay out1.安排,布置,设计; 2.展开(以便使用或易见)1.=make a plan for ,arrange: lay out a printed page/an advertisement. well paid-ou

97、t streets and avenues.(设计良好的街道和马路). 2.The magnificent scene that was laid out before the climbers when they reached the summit.in the least一点,丝毫He is not in the least worried.leave behind不带,忘了带,遗留,留下Dont leave your coat (behind)!leave out省略,遗漏I left out the important point.lend itself toat length最终,

98、终于=at last ,finally: After two hours drive they arrived there at length.let down1.使失望,不帮助; 2.放下,降低1.disappoint, fail to help :Harry will never let you down.(You can rely upon him to help you always.) 2.Pleast let the window down.She let down her hair. 3.make(clothes) longer: This skirt needs letting

99、 down.let go (of )放开,松开Dont let go (of) the rope /handle. Let me go!(Take your hands off me,dont hold or keep me.)放开你的手,不要拉我,让我走!let in / into让.进来There is someone at the door;let them in,will you? Who let you into the building?let loose放开,释放,放松(喻发泄)Dont let that dog loose.let off1.原谅,宽恕,从轻处理,免除(工作,责

100、任,约束) ; 1.The police let him off, but warned him not to do it again. You let him off lightly. 2.to let off a fireworks放(枪炮,烟火等): The boys were letting off fireworkslet out1.放出,发出 ; 2.放大,放宽1.He let out a cry of pain. Let the water out of the bathtub. 2.=to make (clothes)bigger: Shes getting so fat th

101、at her trousers need to be let out round the waist(腰).lie in1.睡懒觉; 2A. 分娩,待产1=to stay in bed late in the morning; lie-in n: have a nice lie-in on Sunday morning 2. The time had come for her to lie in.in the light of鉴于,由于=taking into account;considering: The book was written in the light of the new t

102、heory.throw/cast light on/upon阐明某事,使人了解某事=to make clear;explain: Their findings throw some light on what has happened.in line成一直线,排成一行in line for the job ; The students stood in line to welcome us .in line with与.一致,与.符合That isnt in line with my ideas at all.line up使排队, 使排成一行1.He lined up behind the

103、others to wait his turn. 2.Ive lined up a famous singer for the school concert.little by little一点点地, 逐渐地If you keep studying hard, you are certain to make progress little by little.live on/by靠.生活,以.为食 They live on meat,fish, milk and vegetables.live through度过The old man lived through two world wars.

104、live up to1遵守,实践(诺言,原则);2.符合,不辜负The teacher hopes that his students will live up to his expectations. 2.Did the film live up to your expectations?as long as只要,如果,既然=if;on condition that:We can finish the task ahead of time as long as we work hardfor longWere you there for long?look after照料,照管,关心,注意W

105、ho will look after the baby?look at看,朝.看,看待He looks at work in a different way now he is in charge.look back回顾,回头看After he won the first game,he never looked back.look down on/ upon蔑视,看不起=to have a low opinion oflook for寻找=try to findlook forward to盼望,期待;预料=to expect to enjoylook in顺便看望,顺便访问look int

106、o窥视,调查,过问There is a fault in the machine, and were just looking into it.look on旁观,观看, A看待,视作=to watch while others take partlook out注意Look out! Youll crash the car.look over检查,查看=examine quicklylook through浏览,温习=examine,esp. for points to be notedlook up查阅1.Things are looking up! 2.Look up the word

107、in the dictionary. look up to尊敬,敬仰=respectat a loss困惑,不知所措=confused; uncertain what to do or make for1.走向,朝.前进; 2导致,促成1. It started raining, so she made for shelter. 2. The large print makes for easy reading.make out1.理解,了解; 2. 开列,写出; 3.看出,辩认出1. Can you make out what hes trying to say? 2. Make the c

108、heque out to me. 3.How did he make out after he finished school? 4. He makes out hes younger than me. 5.He makes himself out to be very important.make up1组成,捏造,编造故事/谎言; 2.化妆; 3.整理; 4.5补充,补足;1.=invent, esp to deceive 2.She makes herself up /makes up her face in the morning. 3.Bring the sheets and mak

109、e up the bed. 4. You must make up the money. 5.Lets kiss and make up.make up for补偿,弥补1. The beautiful autumn makes up for the wet summer.in memory of纪念Chairman Mao wrote a famous article in memory of doctor Bethune.at the mercy of任凭.摆布,完全受.支配They were lost at sea, at the mercy of waves.bear/keep in

110、mind记住Ill bear your suggestion in mind.have in mind记得,意欲,打算,想到Keep what your mother said in mind.make up ones mind下定决心,打定注意He has made up his mind to go to the seaside.mix up混合,混淆,搞混1.Its easy to mix him up with his brother; theyre so alike. 2.If you mix up those papers we shant find the one we need

111、 quickly.at the moment此刻=at the present time;now: I dont have that much money at the moment.in a moment立刻,马上Ill be back with you in a moment.for the moment暂时,日前the moment(that)一.就I recognized him the moment (that) I saw him.at (the) most最多,至多Shes at most 25 years old.make the most of充分利用, 尽量利用Weve o

112、nly got one day in London, so lets make the most of it and see everything.in nature性质上,实际上,究竟Its (in) her nature to be generous. / She is generous by nature.nothing but只有,只不过Hes nothing but a criminal.(every) now and then有时,偶尔,时时=sometimes : I go to see my aunt now and then.now that既然,由于Now that Joh

113、n has arrived; we can start our work.on occasion(s)偶然,不时=from time to time; occasionaly: On occasions we go to the movies together.occur to想起,想到Just as I was leaving the house, it occured to me that I had forgotten my keys.off and on断断续续地,不时地=from time to time;occasionally: It snowed off and on for

114、three days.all at once突然,同时,一起=suddenly: All at once we heard a knock at the door.once(and) for all一劳永逸地,永远地Once and for all, I wont go.once more再一次,又一次You should take medicine once more at ten.by oneself单独地;独自地=alone; without helpcome/go into operation实行,施行,生效When does the new law come into operati

115、on?put/bring into operation实施,使生效,运行The new machines will be put into operation next week.out of order发生故障,失调=not in accordance with the rules of a formal meetingput in order使.整齐,秩序井然every other每隔一个的We go to visit our friend every other week.over and over (again )再一次,重新The teacher has pointed the mi

116、stake out to you over and over again.on ones own独立,靠自己的力量I cant carry it on my own; its too heavy.keep/hold pace with与.齐步前进/并驾齐驱She works very fast: I cant keep pace with her.take pains尽力,煞费苦心The hostess took great pains to make her guests at home.play a part (in)扮演角色,参与,起作用Luck played a part in her

117、 success.in particular特别,尤其I noticed his eyes in particular,because theyre very large.pass away去世,逝世When the police arrived, he had passed away.pass off中止,停止1. The rain passed off. 2.The meeting passed off well. 3.She passed herself off as a doctor.pass out失去知觉,昏倒1.faint 2.=hand outin the past在过去,从前

118、 pay back偿还,回报,向.报复1.Have I paid (you) back the $10 you lent me? 2.Ill pay you back for what you did to me.pay off1还清债;2给清工资后遣散 3得到好结果,取得成功1.=pay the whole of (a debt) 2.=pay and dismiss from job 3.Our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea.pay up全部付清=pay a debt in full, often unwillingly.in p

119、erson亲自,本人I cant come in person, but Im sending my secretary.pick out选出,挑出; 辨认出,分辨出;1.=choose 2.He picked out his sister in the crowd.pick up1.2拿起,捡起;3好转,改进,增加;4.获得,学会;5车等中途搭人or中途带货;6.(借着仪器)看到,听到侦得1.Pick up the box by the handlers. 2.Please pick up all your toys when youve finished playing. 3.Trade

120、is picking up again. 4.Where did you pick up that book? 5.Pick me up at the hotel. 6.Can you pick up Radio Beijing with your portable radio?in/out of place适当的/不适当的=in/not in the proper positionin place of代替=instead of: We use gas as fuel in place of coal.in the first/last place起初,首先In the first plac

121、e I didnt want to go,and in the second place I cant afford to.take the place of代替Electric trains have taken the place of steam trains in Britain.play with以.为消遣,玩弄come to the point说到要点,扼要地说Ive come to the point where I cant listen to her any longer.on the point of即将.的时候We were on the point of leaving

122、 when you telephoned us.point out指出,指明He pointed her out to me.to the point切中要害,切题What my father said was much to the point.bring/carry into practice实施,实行We must put the plans into practice.in practice在实践上,实际上It sounded a good idea, but in practice it didnt work.out of practice久不练习,荒巯She has been ou

123、t of practice on the piano for a long time.at present目前,现在She is in Beijing at present.for the present日前,暂时=now but not necessarily in the future : That will do for the present.in proportion (to)均衡,对称,与.杨比例1.This drawing isnt in proportion;the car is larger than the house. 2.Are you paid in proporti

124、on to the number of hours you work?in public公开地,当众=in the presence of other people : She does not seem to mind speaking in public.pull down拆毁,拉倒;拉下,降低They are pulling down the houses in the street.pull in(车)停下,进站,(船)靠岸=arrive at a station : The train from Shanghai will pull in at 10 a.m.pull off脱(帽,

125、衣等)The trick looked impossible,but she pulled it off.pull on穿上,戴上It is very cold outside. Pull on more clothes before you go out.pull out(车,船)驶出=leave a stationpull up(使)停下The car pulled up outside the station.for (the) purpose of目的,意图, 打算,企图Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your fami

126、ly,or for business purposes?on purpose故意,有意It wasnt an accident; you did it on purpose.with the purpose of目的,意图, 打算,企图put across / over解释清楚,说明Im not putting my meaning across very well.put aside储存,保留He has a little money put aside for a holiday.put away把.收起来,放好Put the books away neatly in the cupboa

127、rd.put down记下,写下1.put down the opposition 2.=make feel humble put forward提出May I put your name forward as a possible chairman of the committee?put in1.2花费,付出(时间,精力等 3.正式提出,申请1.The ship puts in at Bombay. 2.put in an hours work;3.If the goods were damaged in the post, you can put in a claim to the po

128、st office. put in forTheyve put in for more money.put off推迟,拖延; 劝阻,阻止1.Ill have to put off my visit till tomorrow. 2.I put him off with a promise to pay him next week. 3.The people kept putting the speaker off by shouting. 4.His bad manners put her off. 5.Dont talk,it puts him off his game.put on1.穿

129、上,戴上 ;2.上演; 3.增加(体重等), 1.She put her hat and coat on. 2.Shes not really ill;she put it on to gain attention. 3.to put on speed 4.=perform on a stage 5.So many people wanted to go to the match that another train had to be put on. 6.=turn on 7.=addput out1.2熄灭,关灯3.发布,公布;4伸出;5生产1.She put the light out.

130、 2.She was so put out by the mans rudeness that she didnt know what to say. 3.The government will put out a new statement next week. 4.She never puts herself out to help people.put up1搭起,建起,支起 2.张贴 3.堤价 4.为.提供食宿,投宿;5.提供1.to put up a tent 2.put up a notice 3.=increase( a price) 4.Im afraid I cant put

131、 you up;youll have to go to hotel. 5.What a coward;he didnt put up much of a fight. 6.Shes putting her house up (for sale).put up with容忍,忍受I cant put up with your rudeness any more; leave the room.in question正在谈论的=under consideration;being talked aboutat any rate无论如何,至少in any case;whatever happensby

132、 the reason of由于as regards关于,至于As regards (doing) that, we havent decided yet.with/in regard to关于,至于=regarding; as regardsin/with relation to有关,关于,涉及,.相比I have a lot to say in relation to that affair.with respect to关于,至于I am writing with respect to your recent letter.as a result of由于,因此He was late a

133、s a result of the snow.ring off挂断电话, ring up打电话Id better ring off now;the babys crying.give rise to引起,造成Unhealthy conditions give rise to disease.on the road在旅途中(to)在.过程中I must stop and rest; Ive been on the road for 12 hours.all round周围,处处He works all (the) year round.rub out擦掉,拭去,磨去to rub out a wo

134、rdas a rule通常,照例=usually;generallyrun down1I.撞倒,撞沉;2A.追捕,追获,追查出;3说.坏话,贬低;4.减少,缩减1.=knock down and hurt with a vehicle 2.to run down a criminal run for竞选,追查,探究run into1.碰撞上;2共计,达到.之多; 3.偶然遇见,撞见1. to run ones car into a tree 2. a debt running into thousands of pounds 3.=meet (someone) by chancerun off

135、复印,打印run away with1.(感情等)战胜,不受.约束; 21. Dont let your temper run away with you. 2.He ran away with his teachers wife. 3.Hes run away with all my jewels.run out of用光,耗尽We are running out of time.run over(车)碾过,撞倒 1. The water/cup ran over. 2.He was run over by a bus.run through1.浏览;2贯穿,普遍存在Lets run thr

136、ough the exercises orally before writing them down.in the long run最终,从长远观点看来Itll be cheaper in the long run to build it in stone.for the sake of为了,看在.的份上Hes just talking for the sake of hearing his own voice.all the same仍然,照样地They want to thank you all the same.on sale出售,廉价出售on a large/small scale大/

137、小规模地on schedule按预定时间,ahead of/on/behind schedule The train arrived on schedule.scrape through勉强通过She just scraped through the examination by one mark.start from scratch从头做起,从零开始=start from the beginning or with nothingin secret秘密地,私下地The meeting was held in secret. They arrange for me to meet her in

138、 secret.see off给.送行He saw his friend off at the bus station.see through看穿,识破enough money to see him through ( a year abroad)see to照料,负责,注意,留心Will you see to the children?send for派人去请,召唤,索取Send for a doctor!send off邮寄,发送send in呈报,提交,送来in a sense从某种意义上说You are right in a sense,but you dont know all th

139、e facts.make sense讲得通,有意义,言之有理1.No matter how you read it,this sentence doesnt make (any) sense. 2.I cant make sense of it.in sequence顺序地Please keep the cards in sequence;dont mix them up.serve right活该,给应得的待遇After all youve eaten itll serve you right if you feel ill.set about +doing开始,着手She set abou

140、t complaining as soon as she arrived.set aside1.挑出,留出,拨出;2.把.置于一旁,不理会1.She set aside a little money each week. 2.Setting aside what I think, what would you like to do?set back1.2推迟,延缓,阻碍; 3 使花费1. a house set 15 meters back from the road 2. The bad weather will set back our building plans (by three w

141、eeks). 3.That new car set me back quite a lot.set down1.记下,写下;2下车1.I have set down everything that happened,as I remember it. 2.The bus sets the children down just outside the school.set forth1.启程,动身;2.提出,(正式用语)宣布,发表1.=set out : begin a journey(set out is more use) 2.make known; declare: set forth o

142、nes political views.发表政见.He set forth a new theory about natural evolution.set off1.动身,出发;2. 使爆炸,3使爆发,引起;41.She set off on a trip across Europe. 2.The bomb could be set off at any time. 3.The discovery of gold in California set off a rush to get there. 4.a white belt to set off her blue dressset out

143、1.动身,启程;2.开始;3陈述,阐明;4.摆出1.=set off(1) 2He set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front.3.The reasons for my decision are set out in my report.4The meal was set out on a long tableset out to开始see set out (2)set upE.建立,设立,树立 I.资助,使自立,扶持1.Roadblocks were set up by the police to catch th

144、e escaped prisoner. 2.The council set up a committee to inquire into local unemployment.settle down定居,过安定生活1.She settled (herself) down in chair with a book. 2.I want to get married and settle down. 3.He soon settled down in his new school.in the shape of 呈.形状,以.的形式a cake in the shape of a heartbe s

145、hort of 缺乏Im short of money this week.cut short中断,打断Her nap was cut short by a loud noise from outside.run short用完,耗尽,不足,不够for short简称,缩写My name is Alexander, Al for short.in short简而言之,总之You cant make me! I wont do it. In short-no!show in领入show off炫耀,卖弄Dont look at him! Hes just showing off!show up使

146、显现,使醒目;来到,露面1.This bright sunlight really shows up the cracks in the wall. 2.=make known the esp. unpleasant truth about 3.Did everyone show up for the party? 4.My husband always shows me up at parties;he always gets drunk.shut out关出,把.关在外面shut off关掉(煤气等);切断,脱离Shut off the radio please.sick of厌烦Im s

147、ick of listening to your complaints;be quiet! on the side作为兼职,正事以外Hes a teacher, but he makes a little money on the side by repairing cars in his free time.side by side肩并肩,一个挨一个The lined up side by side for the photograph.side walk人行道=pavementat first sight乍一看,初看起来=at the first time of seeing or mee

148、tingin/out of sight看见/看不见,在视野以外He never lets his children out of his sight.catch sight of发现,突然看见I caught sight of her hurrying away.sit up迟睡,熬夜1.The loud noise made her sit up in bed. 2.Dont sit up for me if Im late.sit for参加to sit (for) ones A levelssit in列席,旁听The president is ill so the secretary

149、is sitting in for her at meeting.on the sly偷偷地,冷不防地=secretlyever so非常,极其Its ever so cold.or so大约,左右five dollars or soon the spot当场,立即,马上,在现场Wherever shes needed shes quickly on the spot.(go) on the stage上舞台,做演员When she was five years old, she decided that she wanted to go on the stage.at stake在危险中,利

150、害攸关=at riskstand by站在旁边,袖手旁观; 作好准备;站在一起,支持,帮助1.How can you stand by and watch the country go to ruin? 2.Stand by to receive a message.stand for1是.的缩写,代表,意味着; 2.主张,支持; 3.容忍,接受1.What does PTO stand for? 2.Before we elect her to Parliament, we want to know what she stands for. 3.I wont stand for such t

151、reatment!stand out1.清晰地显出,引人注目; 2.杰出,出色1.The road sign is easy to read; the word stand out well. 2.She stood out as the best in the class.stand up (to)勇敢地面对,抵抗,经得起stand up for维护,支持,保卫You must stand up for your rights.in step / out of step齐步,合拍(with)与.一致, 协调 /不=stepping with the left and right leg at

152、 the same time as a different time than the othersstep up加快,加速; 增加,逐步提高to step up the workstep in插入,介入Mother stepped in and forbade me to go camping.stick out突出,伸出,坚持到底,继续1.Her ears stick out. 2.It sticks out a mile that we arent welcome here.stick to坚持,忠于,信守to stick to ones plansin stock现有,备有Have y

153、ou any blue shirts in stock?all of a sudden突然=unexpectedly : He left home all of a sudden.in sum简言之.一言以蔽之sum up总结,概括I cant sum up his whole philosophy in one sentence.take . as把.认为是I took his smile as meaning yes.take after在外貌,性格上与.相像Mary takes after her mother; shes always cheerful.take away减去take

154、down1.拆,拆卸;2.记下,写下1.to take down a dangerous bridge 2.She took down my phone number.take for认为,以为Do you take me for a fool?take in1.2.3接受,容纳,吸收; 4.领会,理解;5.诈骗,欺骗1.He had nowhere to live, so we took him in.2.This is the total cost of the holiday, taking in everything.3.The dress was too big, so I took

155、 it in.4.I didnt take in what you were saying.5Iam aftaid that you have been taken in, This bank note is a forgerytake off1.脱下;2.起飞;3.1.Take your coat off. 2.=rise into the air 3.to take off members of the royal familytake on1.2呈现,具有,装出;3.承担,从事;4.开始雇用;5同.较量,接受.挑战1.The firm took on a new clerk. 2.His

156、 face took on a new expression. 3.Why dont take on someone your own size?take over接管,接收Our chairman has left, so Peter will take over (his job).take up1.开始从事;2.占去,占据, 3.着手处理,论及;1.John took up writing poetry while at school. 2.The work took up the whole of Sunday. 3.Ill take up the story where I fini

157、shed yesterday. 4.Can I take up on your offer of a meal? 5.I will take this matter up with a lawyer. take to1,对.产生好感,开始喜欢; 2.形成.习惯,开始从事1.Jean took to Paul as soon as they met. 2.Johns taken to drinking a lot. 3.Fathers ill, so he has taken to his bed.talk back顶嘴,反驳talk into说服She talked me into buyin

158、g her car.in tears流着泪,含泪,哭Mary was in tears because her doll was brown.lose ones temper发怒,发脾气=become angry: He often loses his temper for no arrant reasons.in terms of在.方面,就.方面而言In terms of property, were quite rich.thanks to由于,因为,多亏=because of : Thanks to your help ,I passed the exam.for one thing首

159、先, 一则For one thing it costs too much, and for another its the wrong color.think of1.考虑,关心;2.对.有特定看法/想法;3.4.想到,想起1.Were thinking of going to France for our holidays. 2.What do you think of this plan? 3.I thought of the idea first. 4.I cant think of his name.think of . as把.看作是,以为.是The general thinks o

160、f himself as a common soldier.think over仔细考虑Its a good offer, but I must think it over.think better of经考虑对.改变主意/想法I was going to go, but I thought better of it.on second thoughts经重新考虑,一转念I said I wouldnt go, but on throw away扔掉,抛弃He threw away the chance of a good job.ahead of time提前They arrived ahe

161、ad of time.at a time每次,一次The people came in two at a time.at no time从不,决不at one time曾经,一度; 同时At one time I used to like her, but not any more.at the same time同时; 然而,不过He can be very rude, but at the same time I cant help liking her.at times有时=sometimesfor the time being目前,暂时Ill let you keep the book

162、 for the time being.from time to time时常He comes here from time to time.in no time立即,马上Ill be back in no time.take ones time不急不忙,从容进行on top of在.之上He lost his job and on top of that his wife left him.keep in touch保持联系Please write, it would be nice to keep in touch.out of touch失去联系Id like to go back to

163、 teaching, but Im out of touch with my subject now.touch on关系到.涉及In his talk he touched on the state of affairs in Africa.touch up润色,改进=improve by making small changes or additionskeep/lose track通晓事态,注意动向 失去联系=keep/not keep oneself informed about a person, state of affairs,etcin (all) truth事实上,的确=in

164、 fact; really : In all truth ,he is a excellent teacher.try out试用,试验It seems a good idea; Ill try it out.try on试穿Youd better try it on first.tune in(to)收听We always tune in at 10 oclock to hear the news.by turns轮流,轮班in turn依次,轮流We visited the old lady in turn.turn down1.关小, 调低 ;2拒绝,摒斥1. Turn down the

165、 radio at once! 2.to turn down an offerturn in1.上床睡觉; 上交,交还1. =go to bed 2.=deliver to the policeturn into(使)变成turn off1关,关上;2叉开;3拐弯,避开1. Turn off the television. 2. We turned off at Birmingham. 3.He really turns me off.turn on打开,拧开1.He turned on the light. 2.=attack suddenly 3.=excite or interest e

166、sp. sexuallyturn out1.关掉;2.驱逐,使离开;3生产,制造;4.证明是,结果是1.=turn off(1) 2.Crowds turned out for the procession. 3.This factory can turn out a hundred cars a day. 4.His statement turned out to be false.turn over1.孰思,再三考虑;2.翻过来,翻倒 3A.移交,转交1.to turn an idea over in ones mind 2.The car (was) turned right over,

167、comletely upset. 3.=turn in: Ive turned over the management of my affairs to my brother.turn to1.求助于借助于 2.1.go to for help 2.look at (the stated page) in a bookturn up1.2.3.出现,发生,来到; 4.开大,调大1.to turn up new information 2.The missing bag turned up,completely empty, in the river. 3.She turns up late f

168、or everything. 4.=increase the force,strength,loudness,. by using controlstake turns轮流We took turns at driving the car.turn away把.打发走, 拒绝(欢迎,帮助)up to1.从事于,忙于.2A胜任,适于,3该由.轮到.4直到1.What are the children up to? 2.Michaels not really up to that job. 3.Its up to him to do it.make use of利用Make full use of

169、every chance you have to speak English.put to use使用,利用use up用光,花完=finish completelyas usual象往常一样,照例She came late as usual.in vain徒劳,白费,无效We tried in vain to make him change his mind.a variety of一种,种种Everyone arrived late at the party for a variety of reasons.by virtue of借助于,由于She became a British ci

170、tizen by virtue of her marriage to an Englishman.warm up(便)暖起来,(使)加热1.Come and warm yourself up by the fire. 2.The singers are warming up before the concert.by the way顺便提一下,另外in addition: By the way ,give me a cup of tea.by way of经过,经由,通过.方式You can get to Harlow by way of London.give way让路,让步We refu

171、sed to give way to their demands.in a way在某点,在某种程度上In a way you are right .in no way决不in the way ofNothing must stand in the way of our plans.in ones way/ in the way妨碍,阻碍lead the way带路,引路make ones way前进,行进The car broke down and I had to make my way on foot.make way让路, 腾出地方(位置)wear off渐渐减少;逐渐消失The pa

172、in is wearing off.wear out1.用破,用坏,磨损; 2.使疲乏,使耗尽1. Her shoes wore out quickly. 2.If you dont stop working youll wear yourself out.as well同样,也 A.倒不如,不妨Do you think that we ought to go as well?as well as 即.又.,除.之外(还)Mary can speak Chinese as well as German.what about(对于).怎么样What about a cup of coffee ?

173、what if如果.将会怎样What if we move the picture over here? What if they dont agree with you?whether.or.是.还是,不管.还是Maroa has to do the work whether she likes or not.for a while一会儿Just wait for a while and then Ill help you.once in a while偶尔,有时We go to the theater once in a while.while away消磨(时间)The girl whi

174、led away the afternoon reading a exciting story.after a while过了一会,不久on the whole总的来说,大体上On the whole, I like it. On the whole the experiment was very successful.wipe out消灭,毁灭The enemy wiped out the whole nation.no wonder难怪Its no wonder you recognized him.in a word总而言之In a word , he is an outstanding

175、 leader.in other words换句话说,也就是说=expressing the same thing in different words;which is the same thing as sayingword for word逐字地He told me what happened, word for word.keep ones word守信用He always keeps his word.at work从事于,致力于There are men at work mending the road.work out1.2.算出3.解决; 4设计出,制订出1.to work o

176、ut a sum 2.The sum doesnt work out. 3.Things will work themselves out. 4.to work out in the gymnasiumwork up引起,激起 逐渐上升,向上爬1.The politician worked the crowd up. 2.Shes working up to what she wants to say.out of work失业My husband is out of work.in the world究竟,到底What in the world are you doing?at (the) worst在最坏的情况下She remains cheerful even when things are at their worst.write off报废,勾销,注销Well just have to write our plans off if we cant find the money for them.go wrong出错,范错误,出故障/毛病The sum isnt right, but I cant see where I went wrong.and yet虽然.但是as yet迄今It has worked well as yet.


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