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1、山东省滕州市第一中学2020-2021学年高二英语9月开学收心考试试题(含解析)第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is coming to Louise?A.Her big party. B.Her birthday. C.The first day of work.2.Where are the speakers?A.In an office. B.At home. C.At a bus stop.3.What might the wom

2、an be?A.A parking attendant. B.A librarian. C.A teacher.4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Childrens health. B.Normal hobbies. C.Their sons bedtime.5.When does the man leave for the office on Tuesday?A.At 7:00. B.At 7:30. C.At 8:00.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对

3、话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What did the woman do on her vacation?A.She mainly sat by the pool.B.She had to rest most of the time.C.She stayed on land for the whole trip.7.What was Sams vacation like,according to the woman?A.It was enjoyable. B.It was rest

4、ful. C.It was a waste of time.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.How does the man feel about movie reviews?A.He has doubts about them. B.He finds them ridiculous. C.He mostly agrees with them.9.According to the woman,what qualifies a person to be an expert?A.The ability to speak out ones opinion.B.Years of experienc

5、e in ones field.C.Logic and influence on others.10.What does the man probably do for a living?A.Hes a judge. B.Hes a teacher. C.Hes a food critic.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.Why is the man moving?A.He wants a smaller house. B.He cant afford his old house.C.He has finished all his projects.12.What does the w

6、oman think about the plan?A.Its great. B.It sounds comfortable. C.Its crazy.13.What will probably be in the new house?A.Simple furniture. B.A big TV. C.A swimming pool.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14.How many suitcases does the woman want to deposit?A.Two. B.Five. C.Six.15.What color is the suitcase containing

7、the laptop?A.Black. B.Red C.Brown.16.What will the woman do with her digital products?A.Shell deposit them in Room 213.B.Shell deposit them there.C.Shell take them with her.17.Why will she go to the office on the second floor?A.To check some baggage.B.To wait for her friends.C.To make complaints.听第1

8、0段材料,回答第18至20题。18.What is Ngs first novel mainly about?A.Small-town America. B.A family with a missing child.C.The life of a teenager in America.19.What did Ng say about the Asian characters in her book?A.She wanted to write about race.B.She was surprised she wrote about them.C.She wanted people to

9、know they were real people in her life.20.How do most people feel about the book?A.They think its mysterious. B.They think its simple.C.They think its sad.第一部分 阅读第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWe tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse.For my grandchildren,Id k

10、now better.Id really like for them to know about hand-me-down clothes and home-made ice cream and leftover meatloaf.I really would.My cherished boys,I hope you learn humility by surviving failure and that you learn to be honest even when no one is looking.I hope you get a black eye fighting for some

11、thing you believe in.I hope you have to share a bedroom with your younger brother.And it is all right to draw a line down the middle of the room,but when he wants to crawl under the covers with you because hes scared,I hope youll let him.And when you want to see a Disney movie and your kid brother w

12、ants to tag along,I hope you take him.I hope you have to walk uphill with,your friends and that you live in a town where you can do it safely.I hope you learn to dig in the dirt and read books,and when you learn to use computers,you also learn how to add and subtract in your head.May you skin your k

13、nee climbing a mountain,burn your hand on the stove and stick your tongue on a frozen flagpole(旗杆).I hope you get sick when someone blows smoke in your face.I dont care if you try beer once,but I hope you wont like it.I sure hope you make time to sit on a porch with your grandpa or go fishing with y

14、our uncle.I hope your mother punishes you when you throw a baseball through a neighbors window,and that she hugs you and kisses you when you give her a plaster of pared mold of your hand.These things I wish for youtough times and disappointment,hard work and happiness.1. Who wrote the letter?A. A gr

15、andmother.B. A grandfather.C. A father.D. A mother.2. What does the author hope for the boys?A. They learn a lesson from a fight with others.B. They know how to calculate with computers.C. They have a close relationship with one another.D. They burn their hand on the stove and stick their tongue on

16、a frozen flagpole.3. Why does the author write the letter?A. To show the boys its not easy growing up.B. To teach the boys dos and donts on the way growing up.C. To help the boys to avoid making mistakes on the way growing up.D. To encourage the boys to fully experience life on the way growing up.【答

17、案】1. A 2. C 3. D【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章内容是奶奶给孙辈们的一封信,字里行间充满着奶奶对他们的殷切希望,鼓励孙子们在成长的过程中充分体验生活。【详解】1. 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“For my grandchildren,”和倒数第二段中的“I sure hope you make time to sit on a porch with your grandpa”可推知作者应该是奶奶,A选项正确。故选A项。2. 细节理解题。根据第二段倒数后两句“And it is all rightI hope you take him”可知作者希望孙子们能互相照顾,彼此之间好

18、好相处,C选项正确。故选C项。3. 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文是奶奶写给孙辈的寄语,充满着奶奶对孩子成长各方面的殷切希望。根据最后一段“These things I wish for youtough times and disappointment,hard work and happiness.”可知,奶奶写这封信是想鼓励孙子们在成长的过程中尝遍生活的酸甜苦辣,充分体验、享受生活。故选D项。BIn George Bernard Shaws Pygmalion,the storyline centers around three main characters:Eliza Doolitt

19、le,Professor Henry Higgins,and Colonel Pickering.Eliza Doolittle is a flower girl who is under the instruction of Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering to learn proper grammar and phonetics.Eliza can be characterized as a very sensitive(敏感的)and emotional person.She seeks to be treated like a duche

20、ss by men.Her personality clashes(冲突)with the personality of Professor Higgins in an extreme way.Professor Higgins is an arrogant(傲慢的),work-obsessed expert in phonetics who views Eliza simply as an experiment.He is a bachelor who has never found a place for women in his life due to his obsession(痴迷)

21、with language.Colonel Pickering is a gentleman from India who is also an expert in language.He is gentler than Higgins and treats Eliza with respect while maintaining a professional interest in her.These three characters make up the main action of the play as Eliza learns speech of the upper class f

22、rom them.She manages to pass herself off as a Hungarian princess at a formal party.This achievement makes Eliza give credence to the efforts of Higgins and Pickering.After experiencing life in the upper class,Eliza settles for a lower-class life with a man who loves her for who she is and wants to m

23、arry her.After some small and unimportant disputes,Eliza and Higgins remain friends later.Other memorable characters include Mrs Higgins who maintains an authoritative(权威的)figure over her grown son and Mr Doolittle who rises from a dustman to a respected speaker in the community.I think that this is

24、 a good book because it shows that happiness can be achieved without wealth and fame,I highly recommend it due to its emphasis on grammatical and phonetic correctness.4. Eliza learns speech of the upper class because_.A. she wants to do an experimentB. she wants to marry a gentlemanC. she has to pla

25、y a princess at a partyD. she wants to be treated respectfully5. The author highly recommends Pygmalion because it can teach people_.A. to use and speak English in the right waysB. the right attitude towards lifeC. the ways to deal with different peopleD. the determination to succeed6. What does the

26、 underlined part“give credence to”in Paragraph I mean?A. Believe.B. Change.C. Fancy.D. Obtain7. The passage is probably_.A. a research paperB. a teaching planC. a book reportD. a diary【答案】4. D 5. A 6. A 7. C【解析】本文是一篇读书报告。作者分析了戏剧皮格马利翁中主要人物之间的关系,谈了自己阅读本书的体会,并向读者推荐这本书。【4题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中的She seeks to be

27、 treated like a duchess by men.(伊莱扎杜利特尔想让人们像对待公爵夫人那样对待她)可知伊莱扎学习上层阶级的语言,是因为她希望受到尊重。故D项正确。【5题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一句I highly recommend it due to its emphasis on grammatical and phonetic correctness.(我强烈推荐它,因为它强调语法和语音的正确性)可知作者极力推荐皮格马利翁,是因为它可以教人们正确地使用和说英语。故A项正确。【6题详解】词句猜测题。根据上文She manages to pass herself off as

28、 a Hungarian princess at a formal party.可知,伊莱扎杜利特尔想让人们像对待公爵夫人那样对待她,因此推断划线句说明通过希金斯教授和皮克林上校的努力后,她成功地冒充成了公爵夫人。由此可知,这次成功使伊莱扎杜利特尔相信希金斯教授和皮克林上校的努力。划线部分意思与A项“相信”相近,故A项正确。【7题详解】推理判断题。作者首先分析了皮格马利翁中各人物之间的关系,然后,谈到了自己阅读这本书的体会,并向读者推荐这本书,因此这篇文章可能是一篇读书报告,故C项正确。CGrowing pains and gainsIts not easy to grow up. Actua

29、lly its far from easy. Growing up can be a real pain for some of us. We are always doing things that someone else makes us do and arent allowed to do all the things we like. Sometimes we feel trapped, sometimes we are fearful, and sometimes we just dont understand why we cant stay young forever. Whe

30、n we look back on all the hardships in life with a positive attitude(态度), we realize that all of our growing pains actually turn into growing gains!As a young girl my parents forced my sisters and me to do so many things that I never liked. They made me learn to play the violin and then the piano. A

31、t that time I hated music, just because it was what they wanted me to do. But looking back now, I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons. Music has enriched my life in so many ways. I realize that my parents and teachers were always pushing me along, not because they wanted m

32、e to suffer but because they wanted me to succeed in life. Theyve always wanted me to have a better life than they did themselves.Every moment of our lives we are either living or dying, so live life to its fullest!We are all going to experience growing pains, but they are just small pains in life.

33、They might seem so huge at the time but we must be strong. Think about how we would feel if we had no fear and live life like that. The future is ours!A little hard work and sweat never hurt anyone!If we realize that these pains are just small bumps(凸块)on our road to success we will realize that our

34、 growing pains are actually growing gains!8. According to Paragraph 1, we learn that when we are young, _.A. life is full of joyB. life is easy for usC. we know we can stay young foreverD. we sometimes cant do things we like9. When the author was young, she was forced by her parents to _.A. take mus

35、ic lessonsB. turn gains into painsC. look back on hardshipsD. live a successful life by suffering a lot10. What does the underlined phrase to its fullest mean?A. Directly.B. Completely.C. Carefully.D. Terribly.11. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Growing pains are necessary for us to

36、grow up.B. We all have to experience growing pains.C. A little hard work and sweat are harmful to us.D. Life without fear is a better choice for us.【答案】8. D 9. A 10. B 11. A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者从自身的角度向我们讲述了成长中的一些烦恼,并告诉我们,如果我们意识到这些烦恼只是人生成功道路上的小障碍,它们就会变成收获。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中的We are always doing things

37、 that someone else makes us do and arent allowed to do all the things we like可知,小时候,有时我们不能做自己喜欢的事情,故D项正确。【9题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段中的At that time I hated music及But looking back now,I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons可知,作者小时候,她的父母强迫她上音乐课,故A项正确。【10题详解】词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“Every moment of

38、our lives we are either living or dying”可知,我们的生活只存在两种状态生或死,所以我们要充分过好我们的人生,由此可知画线词词义为“充分地”,故B项正确。【11题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段尤其是最后一句可知,成长中的烦恼是我们成功路上的一些小小的绊脚石,它们终将成为我们成长中的收获,因此这些烦恼对我们的成长是很有必要的,故A项正确。【点睛】词义猜测题的难度较大,对画线词上下文的理解是关键,例如本篇第3题,so表明画线词前一句是原因,所以抓住画线词前一句是关键,根据画线词前的“Every moment of our lives we are either

39、 living or dying”可知,我们的生活只存在两种状态生或死,所以我们要活得充实,即:充分过好我们的人生,由此可知画线词词义为充分地。DGrowing PainsThe term adulting started as a sort of joke 一一 whenever a millennial(千禧一代)would do something age-appropriate, this was an act of adulting. Now, though, millennials obviously require training in being an adult.Rache

40、l Flehinger has co-founded an Adulting School, which includes online courses on simple sewing, conflict resolution and cooking. The cause for such classes is that many millennials havent left childhood homes 一一 in America 34 percent of adults aged 18 to 34 still lived with their parents as of 2015,

41、up from 26 percent a decade before.Theres a good deal of truth to this. If youre living at home, with Mom and Dad doing their best to spoil((溺爱)you, youre less likely to know how to do laundry, cook or balance a checkbook. Dependency breeds enervation.But heres the catch: Living at home doesnt neces

42、sarily lead to dependency. As of 1940, more than 30 percent of 25- to 29-year-olds lived at home with parents or grandparents. They were adulting, even while living at home. Parents expected their kids to do chores, to prepare for life. Instead of blaming living at home, then, we have to blame our s

43、tyle of parenting. The truth is that weve simply become lazier as parents.So whats the real problem?Were more likely to let our kids crash on our couches(长沙发)than tell them to get a job and pay rent. We dont push our kids to build families of their own, as life expectancy has increased, so has adole

44、scence. Americans arent expected to start building a life, particularly middle- and upper-class Americans, until theyre nearing their 30s. Then the question is how we can encourage young people to adult in non-circumstance-driven fashion.12. What does the last sentence in the third paragraph Depende

45、ncy breeds enervation. mean?A. Parents would like to do housework by themselvesB. Present kids are too lazy to do housework.C. Dependency makes kids unable.D. Kids depend on their parents.13. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Millennials would like to be trained in being an adult.B. Paren

46、ts are too lazy to do chores.C. Millennials dont adult because they still live in their childhood homes.D. In the 1940s kids were adulting even when they were living at home.14. Which of the following statements is the main idea of the passage?A. Adulting is hard, but only because parents are too la

47、zy to teach their kids.B. Millennials should leave home early to adult.C. Americans arent expected to start building a life until theyre nearing their 30s.D. Adulting schools with online courses are popular.15. According to the passage, what will be written about next?A. The government should push o

48、ff the age of adulthood.B. Parents should leave kids in charge of society.C. Parents should put responsibility on young people.D. Pushing kids to adult is painful for parents.【答案】12. C 13. D 14. A 15. C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了父母懒得教孩子使千禧一代的成人之道很难。【12题详解】词句猜测题。根据该句话前的“If youre living at home, with Mom and

49、 Dad doing their best to spoil((溺爱)you, youre less likely to know how to do laundry, cook or balance a checkbook.”可知,如果父母在家里溺爱你,你就不太可能知道如何洗衣服,做饭或平衡支票簿,此处总结上文,说的是父母溺爱孩子的结果对父母的依赖让孩子失去(自立)能力,故C项正确。【13题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段中“As of 1940, more than 30 percent of 25- to 29-year-olds lived at home with parents or

50、grandparents. They were adulting, even while living at home.”可知,20世纪40年代,即使与父母同住,年轻的孩子也表现得像成人一样,什么都会做,故D项正确。【14题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据第四段中的“Instead of blaming living at home, then, we have to blame our style of parenting. The truth is that weve simply become lazier as parents.”可知,父母的教育方式(父母变得越来越懒惰)使孩子很

51、难成人,因此本文主要介绍了父母懒得教孩子使千禧一代的成人之道很难,故A项正确。【15题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Then the question is how we can encourage young people to adult in non-circumstance-driven fashion.”可知,接下来的问题是,我们如何鼓励年轻人以非环境驱动的方式成人,也就是像20世纪40年代那时候一样,孩子虽然与父母同住,但父母会让孩子承担做家务、为独立生活做准备等责任,由此可知,文章接下来会介绍父母应该让年轻人承担更多的责任,故C项正确。【点睛】词句猜测题的难度较大,对上下文

52、提到的条件及例子的理解是关键,例如本篇1题,根据该句话前的“If youre living at home, with Mom and Dad doing their best to spoil((溺爱)you, youre less likely to know how to do laundry, cook or balance a checkbook.”可知,如果父母在家里溺爱你,你就不太可能知道如何洗衣服,做饭或平衡支票簿,此处总结上文,说的是父母溺爱孩子的结果,即:对父母的依赖让孩子失去(自立)能力。第二节 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多

53、余选项。Simple Anger Management TipsWhen things or people act in a certain way that is unacceptable to you, you get angry. _16_ Here are some things you can do to manage anger.Do not act when you are angry. To avoid regrets resulting from wrong actions, you must learn not to take action when you are ang

54、ry. A lot of people have done things they regretted later because they acted in anger. _17_ So train yourself to be calm when you are angry.Be silent until your anger dies down. Often you use words to express how you feel when you are angry. People have said things they didnt mean to say. Stay silen

55、t when you are angry, which shows you have self-control. _18_ Avoid people or issues that get you angry Total avoidance is a very good strategy in managing anger. _19_ It is a good way of avoiding the negative outcomes of anger when there is little or nothing you can do to get rid of the source of y

56、our anger._20_ One good way to handle your anger is to find an exciting activity that you can join in. It could be listening to music, reading, seeing a movie or talking to someone. I have found this particular strategy very helpful. It may work for you as well.A. Learn to accept what happened.B. En

57、gage in activities that you enjoy.C. Practice staying quiet when you are angry.D. It is quite necessary to find out whatever causes your anger.E. Know the things that make you angry and move away from them.F. It is important that you learn how to manage your emotions properly.G Anger pushes you to a

58、ct without considering the consequences of your actions.【答案】16. F 17. G 18. C 19. E 20. B【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要就如何管理愤怒提出了一些建议。【16题详解】根据上文When things or people act in a certain way that is unacceptable to you, you get angry.可知当事物或人以某种你无法接受的方式行事时,你就会生气。以及下文Here are some things you can do to manage anger.可知

59、以下是一些控制愤怒的方法。由此可知,本句是一个过渡句,本段先提到愤怒情形的发生,接着应说明控制愤怒情绪的重要性,点明本文的主旨,同时引出下文介绍控制愤怒情绪的方法,故F选项“学习如何正确管理自己的情绪是很重要的”符合语境,故选F。【17题详解】根据上文A lot of people have done things they regretted later because they acted in anger.(很多人因为愤怒而做了事后后悔的事)以及下文So train yourself to be calm when you are angry.(所以训练自己在生气的时候保持冷静)由此可知

60、,本句承接上文说明在愤怒的情形下会不考虑后果而做出一些事情,同时也为下文说明愤怒时要保持镇定提供了原因,故G选项“愤怒促使你不考虑后果地行动”符合语境,故选G。【18题详解】根据上文Be silent until your anger dies down. Often you use words to express how you feel when you are angry. People have said things they didnt mean to say. Stay silent when you are angry, which shows you have self-c

61、ontrol.可知保持沉默,直到你的怒气平息。当你生气的时候,你经常用语言来表达你的感受。人们说了一些他们并不想说的话。生气的时候保持沉默,说明你有自制力。由此可知,本句应与该段的首句相照应,对本段加以总结,C选项中的“quiet”与前面提到的“silent”相对应,应选C。故C选项“当你生气的时候练习保持安静”符合语境,故选C。【19题详解】根据上文Avoid people or issues that get you angry. Total avoidance is a very good strategy in managing anger.( 避免让你生气人或问题。完全回避是管理愤怒

62、的一个非常好的策略)以及后文It is a good way of avoiding the negative outcomes of anger when there is little or nothing you can do to get rid of the source of your anger. (当你对摆脱愤怒的源头无能为力时,这是一种避免愤怒带来负面结果的好方法)由此可知,本句与上文这三个句子共同说明要避开令人愤怒的人或事,且E选项中提到的“move away”与上下文中的“avoidance”及“avoiding”相对应,故E选项“了解那些让你生气的事情,然后远离它们”符

63、合语境,故选E。【20题详解】根据后文One good way to handle your anger is to find an exciting activity that you can join in. It could be listening to music, reading, seeing a movie or talking to someone. I have found this particular strategy very helpful. It may work for you as well.可知一个处理愤怒情绪的好方法是找一个你可以参与的令人兴奋的活动。可以

64、是听音乐、读书、看电影或与人交谈。我发现这个特别的策略非常有用。这可能对你也有用。由此可知,根据本段的内容可以概括出本段的主旨,即要让自己做自己喜欢做的事,这样就可以控制住愤怒的情绪,故B选项“参加你喜欢的活动”符合语境,故选B。第二部分 语言运用第一节 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When Lisa was struggling with what to gift her son for his 10th birthday, she was beaten. Her little boy Jorge has a _21_ , who, bor

65、n with Corticol Dysplasia, is unable to speak and his brain _22_ as an 18 months old.Lisa had noticed that during the drive to school each weekday morning. Jorge almost jumped out of his seat _23_ every time they passed a big truck. This gave her the idea to put a post on the local Facebook Sell It

66、page, _24_ a person with a truck to visit their home for an hour and _25_ take Jorge for a ride. Within minutes, Melissa, whose husband Tom drives a big truck, _26_ to be online and contacted Lisa, Jorges birthday _27_ had been organized.But the story doesnt _28_ there. The offers of trucks and time

67、 kept pouring in. Within 5 days, a convoy(车队)of 214 trucks had been organized, with _29_ coming from across the country. Channel 9 Australia was contacted and they too made arrangements to be _30_ on the day.Saturday the 15th December _31_ bright and sunny. The community also _32_ a total of $1700 t

68、oward Jorges ongoing _33_ costs and _34_ the birthday presents was the donation of a tablet PC from the local Telstra shop. Lisa is excited that this can be used to aid Jorge with his _35_ .21. A. toyB. disabilityC. situationD. habit22. A. treatsB. considersC. functionsD. describes23. A. casuallyB.

69、calmlyC. excitedlyD. violently24. A. asking forB. depending onC. sending forD. bringing up25. A. frequentlyB. graduallyC. deliberatedD. possibly26. A. hesitatedB. happenedC. intendedD. pretended27. A. surpriseB. invitationsC. eveningD. dance28. A. endB. beginC. turnD. mean29. A. doctorsB. driversC.

70、clerksD. patients30. A. offB. outC. awayD. there31. A. showedB. wipedC. dawnedD. varied32. A. raisedB. earnedC. wastedD. spent33. A. generalB. medicalC. livingD. travelling34. A. betweenB. atC. amongD. against35. A. decisionB. communicationC. driveD. relationship【答案】21. B 22. C 23. C 24. A 25. D 26.

71、 B 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. B【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位母亲Lisa为她患病的儿子准备生日惊喜的故事。在大家的帮助下,她的儿子Jorge度过了一个完美的生日,同时,Jorge 还收到了很多生日礼物以及好心人的捐款。【21题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的小孩儿Jorge先天残疾,出生时就罹患脑皮质发育不良,无法讲话。A. toy玩具;B. disability残疾;C. situation情况;D. habit习惯。根据空格后的定语从句可判断出,Jorge生来身体上就有缺陷。故选B项。【22题详解】

72、考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的大脑只相当于一岁半的孩子。A. treats对待;B. considers考虑;C. functions运行,活动;D. describes描述。根据病症的描述来看,Jorge不能讲话,这里应该指他大脑的机能和18个月大的孩子一样。故选C项。【23题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:Lisa注意到在每个周内的早上她开车带Jorge去学校的路上,每当他们经过大卡车时Jorge都会兴奋地从座位上蹦起来。A. casually随意地;B. calmly冷静地;C. excitedly兴奋地;D. violently激烈地。根据空白前“jumped out of his sea

73、t”这一动作的描述可知,Jorge每次看到有大卡车经过时都是很兴奋的。故选C项。【24题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:请求一个人开着卡车来他们家一个小时,可以的话,再带Jorge兜兜风。A. asking for索要,请求;B. depending on依赖;C. sending for派人去叫;D. bringing up养育。这里指Lisa为了让儿子开心,通过社交媒体在当地求助。故选A项。【25题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:请求一个人开着卡车来他们家一个小时,可以的话,再带Jorge兜兜风。A. frequently频繁地;B. gradually逐渐;C. deliberated故意地

74、;D. possibly可能地。根据语境可知,Lisa希望如果有可能的话(possibly),在前一个请求之后,卡车司机还可以载 Jorge一程。故选D项。【26题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:很快,Melissa恰好就在网上看到并联系了Lisa,她丈夫就是开大卡车的,Jorge的生日惊喜就这样安排好了。A. hesitated犹豫;B. happened发生;C. intended想要;D. pretended假装。这里指帖子刚发布,Melissa就碰巧在线并联系了Lisa。happen to意为“碰巧”。故选B项。【27题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快,Melissa恰好就在网上看到并

75、联系了Lisa,她丈夫就是开大卡车的,Jorge的生日惊喜就这样安排好了。A. surprise惊喜;B. invitations邀请;C. evening傍晚;D. dance舞蹈。根据前文提到的Jorge10岁生日将近和下文内容,这正是母亲Lisa为儿子生日准备的礼物或者说惊喜。故选A项。【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但故事并没有这样结束。A. end结束;B. begin开始;C. turn转(向);D. mean意味着。从下文内容来看,这个故事还没有到这里就结束。故选A项。【29题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:五天时间,一个由214辆来自全国各地的卡车组成的车队就集结起来了。A

76、. doctors医生;B. drivers司机;C. clerks职员;D. patients患者。这里描述214辆卡车的来由,当然指司机是来自全国各地的。故选B项。【30题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们也安排好了当天在那里出现。A. off离开;B. out出去;C. away远离;D. there在那里。这里指联系到了电视台的人员,也会安排人到场(报道)。故选D项。【31题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:12月15号,周六的早晨阳光明媚。A. showed展示;B. wiped擦掉;C. dawned破晓,出现;D. varied变化。根据空白后的表语“bright and sunny

77、”可判断出,空处需要系动词。这里用dawn指“黎明变得”,符合语境。故选C项。【32题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:社区也为解决Jorge的医疗费用筹集了1700美元。A. raised提高,筹集;B. earned挣(钱);C. wasted浪费;D. spent花费。从后句的a total of $1700来看,这里指社会人士为Jorge筹集的善款,以帮助他支付医疗费用。故选A项。【33题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:社区也为解决Jorge的医疗费用筹集了1700美元。A. general一般的;B. medical医学的;C. living存活的;D. travelling旅行的。先天

78、罹患脑部发育不良的Jorge,最需要医疗,其费用也应当是在一直要求的。故选B项。【34题详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:而在诸多生日礼物中,还有一台捐赠的平板电脑。A. between在(两者)中间;B. at在;C. among在(三者及以上)中间;D. against反对,紧靠。这里要用among表示电脑是许多礼物之中的一个。故选C项。【35题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:Lisa很开心,这可以用来帮助Jorge进行交流。A. decision决定;B. communication交流;C. drive驾驶;D. relationship关系。Jorge的一个明显缺陷是不能讲话,这里this

79、指代前句提到的tablet PC,Lisa之所以高兴,应当是电脑正好可以帮助Jorge进行交流。故选B项。第二节 语法填空Everyone may have a complex and different process of _36_(grow up). There are many _37_(influence)factors in a persons growth and development of his personality.As for me,what has affected me most in my growth and personality is my family

80、and friends, the two _38_(equal) important factors. As we know, children who _39_(bring up)in a good atmosphere have a better character than those _40_ are not. _41_(fortune), I belong to the former. Besides, friends in some ways affect me a lot. _42_we my have many different opinions and personalit

81、ies, I have really learned something positive from them. In _43_(conclude), I get lots of valuable things from them. My family offers me warmth and cares, _44_my friends give me_45_(strong) and courage. Both of them have influenced me most since I was born.【答案】36. growing up 37. influential 38. equa

82、lly 39. are brought up 40. who 41. fortunately 42. Although 43. conclusion 44. while 45. strength【解析】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了家庭和朋友对我性格塑造的巨大影响。每个人都有影响其成长的因素,对于我来说就是家庭和朋友。我在良好的家庭氛围中成长。尽管我和朋友的性格和观点不尽相同,但是我从他们身上汲取了积极的营养。家庭给了我温暖与关爱,朋友给与我勇气和鼓励。【36题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:每个人都有复杂、不同的成长历程。前面有介词of,后面的动词要用ing形式。故填growing up。【37题详解

83、】考查形容词。句意:很多强大的因素在个人的成长发展中起作用。后面是名词factors,前面要用形容词修饰名词。故填influential。【38题详解】考查副词。用副词修饰后面的形容词important,故填equally。【39题详解】考查时态和语态。句意:那些在好的环境中成长的孩子比那些在不太好氛围中长大的孩子性格要好。Children是先行词,who was brought up in a good atmosphere是定语,抚养是被动的,加be动词。陈述客观事实,所以用一般现在时。故填are brought up。【40题详解】考查定语从句。句意:那些在好的环境中成长的孩子比那些在不

84、太好氛围中长大的孩子性格要好。把句子还原为than those children who are not brought up in good atmosphere,用who代指those children,作从句中主语。故填who。【41题详解】考查副词。句意:幸运的是,我属于前者。副词单独使用,修饰整个句子。故填fortunately。【42题详解】考查让步状语从句。句意:尽管我和朋友的性格和观点不尽相同,但是我从他们身上汲取了积极的营养。结合句意可知,这里为转折关系,故填Although。【43题详解】考查固定搭配。句意:总而言之,我从他们身上学到了宝贵的东西。in conclusion

85、总而言之。故填conclusion。【44题详解】考查连词。句意:家庭给了我温暖与关爱,同时朋友给与我勇气和鼓励。while表示并列。故填while。【45题详解】考查名词。句意:家庭给了我温暖与关爱,同时朋友给与我勇气和鼓励。and连接的是词性相同的词,courage与strength平衡。所以填名词形式。故填strength。第三部分 写作46. 假如你是李华,在互联网上看到美国高中生 Frank希望结识一位中国朋友的信息。请用英文给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括:1.表示愿意和对方交朋友;2.简单介绍自己,如爱好、特长(体育、文艺等);3.希望多了解美国文化。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可

86、以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.电子邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Frank,_Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear Frank,I am Li Hua, a middle school student from China. Im glad to read your information on the Internet that you want to have a Chinese friend.I want to be your friend. It will be easy for us to communicate, because Im good at Engli

87、sh. We can chat in English or Chinese. And I hope to learn a lot about American culture from you.Table tennis is my favourite sport. I also like dancing and travelling around. I hope you can come to visit China one day, and Ill show you around many places of interest.Im looking forward to hear from

88、you soon.Yours,Li Hua【解析】【分析】这是一篇提纲类写作。【详解】第1步:根据提示可知,假如你是李华,在互联网上看到美国高中生 Frank希望结识一位中国朋友的信息。请用英文给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括:1.表示愿意和对方交朋友;2.简单介绍自己,如爱好、特长(体育、文艺等);3.希望多了解美国文化。第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):information (信息);on the Internet (在网上);communicate (交流);be good at (擅长);chat (聊天);hope to do sth.(希望做某事);show sb. aroun

89、d (带某人参观);等。第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要应用一般将来时和一般现在时。第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。【点睛】范文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级表达方式,如Im glad to read your information on the Internet that you want to have a Chinese friend.运用同位语从句;It will be easy for us to communicat

90、e, because Im good at English.运用原因状语从句。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。第二节短文续写47. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整短文。续写的词数150字左右。We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.Growing up, I wanted to be just like my mom. Kind and caring, she alwa

91、ys seemed to make people comfortable in her presence. For years she was a volunteer in our community. I loved going to the local nursing home to help with her until I hit my preteen years. Suddenly, I was too caught up in my adolescent world to worry about helping others.One particular summer day wh

92、en I was twelve, Mom came into my room and told me to get up and meet her at the car. I had planned to spend the day at the lake with friends. Why did she have to ruin everything? Eventually, I made my way outside. I imagined the lake water cooling my skin. Annoyed, I climbed into the car and slamme

93、d the door shut. I sat in silence, too upset to make a conversation.“Tasha, would you like to know where we are going?” Mom asked calmly.“I guess,” I murmured under my breath.“Sweetheart, we are going to a childrens shelter, I have been there before and I think it would benefit you,” she explained.I

94、 felt a knot slowly form in my stomach. How was I supposed to help there?When we reached the shelter, I was rather surprised. It was a large white Victorian home. As we approached the large front porch, wind bells played a calming tune while trees and blossoms welcomed us. Maybe this wasnt going to

95、be so bad.Mom rang the doorbell. The door flew open and we were led to the front room, where all of the children were playing. Toys were spread out across the floor. I noticed a baby whose body was scarred with wounds. The majority of the children had noticeable physical scars(伤疤) such as cuts, scra

96、tches and burns. What a terrible life they had before they moved here! My heart sank.As I was looking around, I felt a gentle pull on my shirt._I returned to the shelter with Mom several times._【答案】As I was Looking around, I felt a gentle pull on my shirt. I looked down to see a little girl with bro

97、wn eyes looking up at me. Her angelic face beamed, though, as I could see, there were some scars on her little arms. “Hi. Im Ashley. You wanna play dolls with me?” she asked. I looked over and saw Mom nodding to me with a smile. I bent toward Ashley and whispered, “Sure. Id love to.” Her tiny hand r

98、eached up and took mine, and we walked toward the doll house. Our time together brought her great joy and fun and she also made my day.I returned to the shelter with Mom several times. During those visits, some of the children including Ashley shared their troubled pasts with me in great detail. I f

99、elt sore for what had happened to them and treasured the friendship between us. I would like to do everything in my power to help the children there. At the same time, I learned to be grateful for all that I had. It was a profound time in my young life that I will never forget. It was Mom who taught

100、 me the valuable lesson that summer.【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达考查读后续写。短文叙述了作者想成为妈妈那样的人。她心地善良,富有同情心,在她面前总能让人感到很舒服。多年来,她一直是社区的志愿者。作者喜欢去当地的养老院帮助她,直到作者十几岁。突然间,作者太沉迷于自己的世界,而无暇顾及帮助别人。有一天,妈妈拉着极不情愿的作者去了一家儿童庇护所。【详解】1通读全文,读懂原文。通读全文首先要解决好五个W和一个H的问题, 即理清人物who、地点where、时间when、事件what、原因why及怎样发展how。2构思情节,谋篇布局。按照原文中事件发生的逻辑性,构思好情

101、节发展,发展须符合情节内在的逻辑。应该符合现实发生的真实性。第一段围绕“我”与小女孩的互动展开描写;第二段续写围绕着“我”从这些活动的受益展开描写。3理清逻辑,优化语言。这一部分侧重点为语言逻辑,写作不必追求高大上的词汇,相反,朴实自然、地道、贴切的词语便是好的词语不同的写作对象应采用不同的语言风格,必须采用适当的描写侧重点续写要抓住续这一核心,按照情节的发展进行延续,写作手法上必须以叙为主,描写上以动作描写为重心,情节的发展合乎逻辑地推进。【点睛】续写部分描写详略得当,且使用了大量高级词汇和高级句子,如 I looked down to see a little girl with brown eyes looking up at me.使用了with+宾语+宾语补足语结构;I felt sore for what had happened to them and treasured the friendship between us.使用了宾语从句,长句子为文章增色不少。


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