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1、高三英语错题回顾答案和解析1.Id like to learn more about the Doha Asian Games.Better try _ the CCTV website, and you are likely _ the information in no time.A. to visit; to getB. to visit; gettingC. visiting; to getD. visiting; getting try 在这里表示:试试,后面跟动名词,are likely 后面跟不定式。2.If the project should be delayed for a

2、 day, _would means we would be fined $100,000.A. that B. as C. which D. and it that指代上面所说的事情3. - Why bother? There is too much rubbish here. Youll never pick it all up.- Maybe not. But at least this part of the park cleaner.A. was B. will be C. had beenD. is 根据上文的时态Youll never pick it all up.为什么费事?这

3、儿的垃圾太多啦。你是不会把它们拾起来的。 我也许不会,但是起码公园的这个部分将比其他地方要干净些。4.The Chinese government, _ in specific efforts to prevent and control HIV/AIDS, has increasedHIV testing and monitoring among the general public.A. involvingB. involvedC. having involvedD. to be involved He was involved in working out a plan.他专心一意地定计

4、划。 中国政府致力于防止和控制爱滋病,已经增加了对普通人群爱滋病的检测和监察5.I _ in a foreign trade company for five years. Still, I dont regret having given up the well-paid post.A. workedB. have workedC. was workingD. had worked 从后面的Still, I dont regret having given up the well-paid post.可以推断,在一家外贸公司工作五年应该是过去的事6.I have realized the t

5、ruth from my life story that _ suffering kills you, it makes you stronger.A. thoughB. beforeC. ifD. unless =if suffering doesnt kill you,it makes you stronger.大难不死,必有后福7.The little child described his unforgettable experience,in which he almost_being skilled A.closed to B.close to C.closely to D.clo

6、sing toget close to”差点.to是介词;close作为动词“关闭”;作为副词为“近”的意思 closely亲密的8.The great use of the school education is not so much to teach you things _ to teach the art of learning.A. rather than B. than C. as D. nor 句的意思:学校教育的最大用处,与其说是教你事物,不如说是教你学习的方法。 关于not so muchas结构not so much名词as名词说明此句型意为与其说是倒不如说是。相当于ra

7、ther than。He is not so much a writer as a scholar. 与其说他是作家倒不如说他是学者。结构not so much介词短语不定词短语as介词短语不定词短语说明此句型意为与其说是倒不如说是。相当于rather than/。Success lies not so much as in luck as in hard work.与其说成功在于运气不如水果是辛勤的努力。It is not so helpful to give someone some bread as to teach him how to make a living.与其说给人面包很有帮

8、助,倒不如说教导他如何谋生才重要。结构not so much as .说明此句型意为甚至都不。相当于not even .。本句型使用时,要置于之后,即: cannot so much as原形(甚至都不能),do not so much as原形(甚至都不)。He cannot so much as write his own name. (=He cannot even write his own name.)他甚至连自己的名字都不会写。He did not so much as thank me. 他甚至都沒谢我。9._the large amount of time devoted to

9、 listening every day, many students do not listen effectively. A. Because of B. Instead of C. Despite D. Though 上下文有转折关系,而Though充当副词时不可以位于句首。Despite是介词。10.-I hear that you will go to visit the space show soon,wont you? -Yes,September 24,to be_. A.frank B.precise C.honest D.fair to be frank 坦率地说, to

10、be precise确切地说,to be honest老实地说,to be fair公平地说11. - Is he feeling any better? - No. If he had followed the doctors advice,he _ quite well now. A. will have been B. would have been C. would be D. will be于现在相反的虚拟情况12. I was overjoyed at the news of my country so much progress. A. to make B. to have ma

11、de C. made D. having made 很容易误选B。country是having made的逻辑主语=the news that our country has made so much progress.13.The fatty lady jumped off the floor, screaming, as if_ by a snake. A. to have been bitten B.bitten C. being bitten D. to be bitten=as if she was bitten by a snake ,jumped off和bitten两个动作几乎

12、没有先后。对比The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _whether he was going in the right direction.(03年安徽春季)A seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see解析:原句应为-and looked as if he was seeing whether he was-,改为简单句就变成-looked as if to see14.There is no telling what he will_next A.think up B

13、.close up C.bring up D.do up A.相出,编造B.关闭,停业C.抚养,培育,呕吐 D.包扎,整理15.- Jack taken to the hospital immediately. - _, but all efforts made no difference. A. ought to have been; So he was B. ought to be; So he ought to C. ought to have been; So he did D. ought to be; So he was 本来应该将Jack立刻送往医院的。是立刻将他送取的,但是一切

14、努力都无济于事。(没有作用,没有影响)So he was=he was taken to16.-Have you noticed any changes? -It is becoming increasingly_to me that the local people have a strong sense of environmental protection. A.precise B.visible C.apparent D.notable A确切B看得见C明显D值得注意的,显著的17.The bridge looked so unsafe that we all _.A. looked

15、around B. hung back C. fell down D. walked aboutA四下看看 B.踌躇不前/畏缩 C跌到,倒塌.D走来走去,散步.18.- Never before in China _ for the farmers. - Youre telling me. They are extremely content with the new farming policies.A. has so much been done B. had so much been doneC. has done so much D. so much has been done倒装句1

16、9.Whatever the situation is,the fact should not_the people who are willing to take a risk A.be kept up B.be kept in with C.be kept on D.be kept from keep sth from sb向隐瞒,不让知道20.The time is not far away _modern communications will become widespread in Chinas vast countryside. A.as B.until C.before D.w

17、hen 定语从句,先行词为The time21. So interested_in sunbathing that they often go south with their families on weekends. A.is the English B.the English is C. are the English D.the English are 倒装句,the English指全体英国人为复数22. To everyones disappointment,progress has slowed in the peace talks_international pressure.

18、 A.though B.as C.despite D.instead of 参看第9题23. It is said that in no country other than Britain_experince four seasons in the course of a single day. A.one can B.can one C.that one can D.that can one 倒装句24. The young man, when questioned why he_ the law, just looked at the policeman and said nothing

19、. A. had broken B. broke C. breaks D. was breaking过去when he was questioned的过去25. The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally_. A. pulled out B. pulled through C. pulled up D. pulled over恢复健康26. He suggested _a meeting and it may be suggested he _in our plan. A. to hold; was

20、 interested B. 不填; was interestedC. holding; should be interested D. should hold; interested suggested后跟动名词或名词可能一下子选择C(12人),但是分析后面句子中的suggested意义是“表示”之意义,不用should be interested,而用was interested,只有B符合这个条件。27. 30. This book by Tony Garrison is of great use for our course. But I think his latest one is

21、 _ worth reading.A. better B. more C. most D. very只有wel能够修饰l worth,暗含的比较28. _ great achievements China may have in the future, it is likely that many of them will be born in Western China.A. If B. Whatever C. As D. However引导让步状语从句29.Try hard to make what the teacher teach_, and you11 make rapid prog

22、ress in your studies. A. you B. yourself C. yourselves D. yours yours=yourown knowlege30. 34. He came back late,_ time all the guests had already left.A. after which B. by which C. during which D. at which 到那时,后面用的是过去完成时31.The painting is splendid,but_we actually need it is a different matter. A.wha

23、t B.whether C.that D.how 我们是否需要又是另一码事32.The work is not profitable_cash,but I am getting valuable experience from it. A.in terms of B.by means of C.in place of D.in line with A就而言B用,凭借,通过C代替D与一致,按照33. Greater thinkers try to combine new and old ideas in_as possible. A.different ways as many B.as man

24、y different ways C.different as many ways D.as different many ways34._the danger ahead,they hesitated a long time_about what to do next. A.Be aware of,to think B.Be aware,thinking C.Aware of,thinking D.Aware of,to think形容词短语作状语aware of the danger ahead。Thinking作伴随状语35. I was telling them about my tr

25、avels when she_with a story of her own on her visit to Hawaii. A.broke in B.broke out C.broke up D.broke down 插进/插话36. -Shall we go to the mvie tonight? -No,Id rather_at home with our baby.Wed better not leave it to the babysitter at night. A.we stayed B.we stay C.stayed D.staying Id rather后面跟句子时谓语动

26、词要用过去式37. The doctor recommended that I_here for the sunshine before I started for home. A.come B.will come C.would come D.had to come =should come38.How much you read is not very important.It is what you read that_. A.counts B.minds C.depends D.means 有价值39.-How long_in Hainan? -For just weekend.I w

27、as back shortly after the meeting. A.did you stay B.have you stayed C.were you staying D.are you staying 发生在过去的事40. Will you please let me have a look at the note you have_of the lecture given by Mr. Johnson? A.written B.taken C.recorded D.marked take a note of习语41. It only took her three days befor

28、e she found herself to be_with her new co-workers. A.in common B.in company C.in connection D.in harmony A共同B陪伴C联系连接D和谐42. In recent years much more stress has been put_developing the students creative power. A.over B.into C.with D.on put much stress on43. As is well known to us,_a force of attracti

29、on between two objects. A.it always exists B.there always exists C.it always exists to be D.there always exists to bethere always exists=there is always 44. I cant afford a lawyer so I shall_myself in court. A.recommend B.protect C.predict D.defend A评论B保护C预言D保卫,为.辩护45.I have to keep you waiting,beca

30、use there are three days_to go until my vacation. A.already B.just C.yet D.ever 还,仍然46. -Which office is Mr.Black in? -Mr.Black? Ive heard of_here. A.no such a person B.such no person C.no such person D.not such a person no such +单数名词(名词前不加冠词)47. All are looking forward to meeting you.You_come over

31、and have dinner with us this weekend A.will B.must C.may D.shall 一定/务必48 He promised to give me such an interesting book _you told me about yesterday.A. that B. as C.which D. whatsuchas结构49 The comments which he made the Super Girls Voice has brought about argument among young people.A.being concern

32、ed B.concerned C.be concerned D.concerning=about50. I dont think this film is by far the most boring, I have seen _. A. worse B. the worse C. a bad one D. worse one worse在这里是副词=I have seen one worse=I have seen a worse one.51. When asked the reason for moving to the USA, Beckham said, “Soccer is hug

33、e all around the world apart from America, so thats _ I want to make a difference.”A. whereB. whyC. whatD. how make a difference 有差别,有关系,很重要.所以那就是我标新立异的地方(跟别人不同的地方) 52. For six or seven months in a year here no work can be done _ the rainy season makes it impossible. A. when B. that C. until D. wher

34、e (因为)那个时候雨季使得工作无法开展。53. Hearing the 2006 Winter Asian Games _, all the people in Changchun Stadium burst into cheers. A. declared to be opened B. declaring to be opened C. declared open D. to be declared open declare是及物动词与the 2006 Winter Asian Games存在逻辑上的动宾关系,要用过去分词,根据下文说明已经开幕,因而要用open形容词表示状态54. Wi

35、th the pressure _, she was off work for weeks because she couldnt stand it any more. A. picking up B. making up C. building up D. putting up 由于压力的增大55 The boss offered me a lift when he was leaving the office ,but my work ,I refused the offer.A.not finishing B.had not been finished C.not having fini

36、shed D.not having been finished 独立主格结构=Because I hadnt finished my work56. I bet Jack _ when we get home.A. is still sleeping B is to be sleeping C will still be sleeping D will have been sleeping将来进行的动作或存在的状态。B答案表示准备打算要做的事57. If they _ what I was saying, theyd know what I was talking about.A. took

37、the trouble to listen to B had trouble listening toC take the trouble to listen to D have trouble listening totake the trouble to do sth费心,不辞劳苦做某事58.I am afraid I cant call on Professor Wang this evening, _ Id like to.A. as much B much as C so much D much so=although Id like to call on him very much

38、, as引导的让步状语从句59.Alice cares most about her clothing, who is followed by Mary, while Della shows _ interest in fashion.A more B the most C less D the least 与most相对应,用最高级表示最不感兴趣60. The grassland, reaching out far away, looks extremely beautiful _ the blue and clean sky.A with B against C through D bey

39、ond以为背景/衬托61.Out there, in the midst of the snow, _ in long, black clothes.A a woman sat B sat a woman C was sitting a woman D a woman was sitting完全倒装句。62.Mr. Smith, boss of the car company, used to go there and watch bicycles_.A to repair B repairing C being repaired D repaired.被动正在进行的动作63. Some pe

40、ople are said to be born smart, while _ born stupid, which is indeed a stupid idea.A others B.the others C the other D anotherSome.others一些人.一些人。the others其余所有的人64. There is too much noise in this street._ , it attracts people from all over the world for its local art.A Still B Though C Instead D An

41、d然而。仍然65. If you are sent to work_ you are not used to the peoples life style, be sure to adapt yourself to them as soon as possible.A what B in which C in the place that D where引导地点状语从句66. Among all these presents _ a very nice watch, which was given by my teacher John.A. is includedB. are included

42、C. includesD. include=A very nice watch,which was given by my teacher,is concluded among all these presents.67. - Excuse me, I was told I could find Dr. Johnson here. - And you _. Anything I can do for you?A. haveB. hadC. didD. do=you have found me here68 Oh, daring, youre wearing a new sweater toda

43、y? It looks great on you. Thanks, Tom, Im glad you _. How nice!A saw B minded C liked D noticed(有意)注意到69. - How long will it be _ President Hu Jintao makes another visit to Russia?- It all depends.A. beforeB. when C. thatD. until过多长时间才70._being a policeman is by no means a safe career,more and more

44、young people are still showing great interest in it.A.Since B.As C.If D.While 引导让步状语71.The comment which he made_the World Cup football match in Germany bored a lot of fans to deathA.being concerned B.be concerned C.concerned D.concerning参看49题72.If in_about which place to travel to,just pick up your

45、 phone and call the local travel agency.A.need B.turn C.doubt D.wonder 上述名词跟介词in连用组成的词组意义为A需要,缺乏B轮流C感到怀疑,拿不准D惊奇73.Usually it is the progress and achievements which their students have made that teachers_most.A.consider B.recognize C.imagine D.value 认为最具价值74.As is reported in todays newspaper,America

46、 and China_almost half of the global economic growth last year.A.brought up B.made up C.set up D.turned up占,构成75.Which would you appreciate_your spare time,watching TV at home or having sports outdoors?A.to spend B.spending C.having spent D.to have spent 尽管appreciate后跟动名词作宾语,但本题与appreciate没有关系。动词不定式

47、表示具体的事,上文的Which(那一个)就表示具体,而动名词表示泛指,所以不可选B。76.Doing a part-time job is a good way for students_the world outside. A.observing B.to observe C.reflecting D.to reflect 对于学生观察外面的世界是一个好方法77.As you are a new middle school student,you have to learn to_your spare time. A.employ B.hire C.rent D.charge 只有答案A表示

48、用/使用78._to increasingly grow,what would we do to solve the worldwide food problem? A.if the population was B.Were the population C.Should the population D.If the population should=If the population were to increasingly grow79.The couple had no idea_their son had been up to in Hainan. A.where B.what

49、C.that D.which 从事什么职业80.-You didnt get the ticket for the first train to Tibet? -Well,how I wish I_one. A.got B.will get C.had got D.could get 与过去事实相反81.The expert_us to pay more attention to childrens mental health,which is often ignored by parents. A.ordered B.required C.advised D.persuaded 给提建议82

50、.It was_cash that prevented me from joining you at lunch today.A.lacking of B.the lack of C.lacks in D.a lack of=The lack of cash prevented注意lack既可作动词有可以作名词,说缺什么:lacking sth/lack og sth83.-What makes her look like skin and bone? -_from AIDS for over five years. A.Suffering B.Being suffered C.To suff

51、er D.Suffered =Suffering from AIDS for five years makes her look like sking and bone(皮包骨头)84.The soldier_wounds yesterday,but he will always live in our hearts. A.died from B.died of C.died in D.died for A多指死于受伤或情感方面的原因,B多指死于疾病85.-How does the new secretary_you? -She is an able person. A.catch B.bea

52、t C.strike D.hit 给.以印象86.With the development of tourism,the local economy has greatly_-in the past these years. A.taken off B.put off C.turned off D.gone off 腾飞87.With the important information_,the advertisement will have to be cancelled. A.left out B.to leave out C.being left out D.leaving out =I

53、f the important information is left out88 The Final PK of Super Voice Girl will be broadcast _ on TIV(Hunan Satellite TV).A. alive B. lively C. living D. live 现场直播89.I saw a woman running toward me in the dark.Before I would recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction_she had come. A.of

54、which B.by which C.in which D.from which from the direction从来的方向,in the direction向.方向90.She liked the laptop computer so much that she would like to take it_it costs. A.however B.no matter what C.how much D.no matter 引导让步状语从句。costs是及物动词91.This matter is very urgent.Please deal with it_. A.straight o

55、ff B.straight out C.straight up D.straight away 本题有两个答案A=D马上,立刻92.Lily,let me try to_my idea to you in another way. A.respond B.restore C.represent D.reflect 描述,描绘93.-It is reported that the housing sales will_in the future. -Really? But I think it still has a long way to go. A.turn over B.turn in C

56、.turn around D.turn out A接替,接管 B上缴/交,归还,拐入C(经济)逆转,回升D翻过来,关上,生产等等意义94.The professors speech_very well;everyone present understood his opinions. A.came across B.came about C.came on D.came through 有效果,有说服力95.-Will you be on holiday this summer? -Im too busy to afford_now,but Ill be able to do it one m

57、onth later. A.some B.it C.that D.one 指代同类中的任何一个96.There is a new species of inactive people,_,the“mouse potato”. A.naming B.to name C.names D.namely =that is to say/that is97.-Did you scold her for her carelessness? -_. A.Id rather not do B.Id rather not have C.I shouldnt do D.Id better not do =Id r

58、ather not have scolded her98.His knowledge of English is_for the job,although he is not fluent in the language. A.proper B.adequate C.suitable D.useful 可以胜任。而suitable指尺码大小方面的适合99.I thought things would change for the better,but_they are getting much worse. A.as far as B.as long as C.as it is D.as they were 事实上,实际上,照目前情况看100.Any application form_properly will not be accepted by the company. A.not filled B.not having been filled C.not be filled D.not to be filled =If any application form is not filled properly,it will not be accepted by the company.


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