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《2016走向高考》高三英语一轮(外研版)复习:选修6 MODULE 2 课时巩固.doc

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《2016走向高考》高三英语一轮(外研版)复习:选修6 MODULE 2 课时巩固.doc_第1页
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《2016走向高考》高三英语一轮(外研版)复习:选修6 MODULE 2 课时巩固.doc_第2页
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1、第一部分选修六Module 2.单词拼写根据汉语注释写出下列单词的正确形式1This poem makes an (吸引力) to the emotions.2The student is very knowledgeable because he also studies things not in the (课程).3They are not likely to (实现) this aim.4The old man bent with a heavy (负担) on his back.5He told me with (悲伤) that his mother was very ill.6S

2、ome animals have the (能力) to see in the dark.7She has (拥有) a beautiful car.8The children (爬) up the hill.9He watched the cat cleaning the milk off her (胡须).10The headmaster (拍) the pupil on the shoulder.答案:1.appeal2.curriculum3.attain4.burden5.sorrow6power7.possessed8.scrambled9.whiskers10.patted.完成

3、句子1在会上,我们不必记下校长所说的每个字。At the meeting, we dont need to the headmaster says.2看动画片时,所有的孩子都注视着屏幕。While watching the cartoon, all the children had their eyes .3人们通常把威士忌同苏格兰联系起来。Whisky Scotland.4很显然,照片中瘦弱的男孩伸出手要食物。Obviously, the thin boy in the photo _.5请把音乐关了。我感觉很沮丧,我的计划又一次被拒绝了。Please turn the music off.

4、 I am upset, because my plan .答案:1.put down every word2.fixed on the screen3.is usually associated with4.held out his hand for food5.was turned down again.句型训练1句型转换(1)After all the housework had been finished, I had a good rest.All the housework , I had a good rest.(2)He paused as if expecting me to

5、 speak.He paused as if he me to speak.2用if引导的省略结构完成句子(1)Miss Liu likes keeping quiet and reading books. (如果这样的话), wed better not invite her to our party.(2)We are ready to fight for our rights (如果必要的话).(3) (如果可能的话), I want to go to Canada to spend my holiday.答案:1.(1)finished(2)were expecting2.(1)If

6、so(2)if necessary(3)If possible.话题写作根据提示,利用本模块所学知识,完成下面的小作文。1毋庸置疑,奇幻文学在年轻人的生活中起着重要的作用。(doubt;play a/an.part in)2首先,奇幻文学的情节吸引年轻人。(appeal to)3其次,奇幻文学记下了许多年轻人在现实世界中无法实现的事情。(put down)4在奇幻文学中,年轻人想象自己是英雄,毫不犹豫地去拯救别人,甚至是整个世界。这样可以获得一种成就感。(hesitate;attain)5但是,奇幻文学毕竟和现实生活联系不密切。所以年轻人还是应该努力学习。(be associated with

7、)_答案:There is no doubt that fantasy literature plays an important part in young peoples life. Firstly, the plots of fantasy literature appeal to young people. Secondly, it puts down something young people cant do in real life. In fantasy literature, young people imagine themselves becoming heroes, saving others even the world without hesitation. Thus they will attain a sense of achievement. But fantasy literature isnt associated with real life. So young people still need to study hard.


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