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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc

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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第8页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第9页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第10页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第11页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第12页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第13页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第14页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第15页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第16页
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天津市六校(静海一中杨村一中宝坻一中芦台一中四所百强校)2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc_第17页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家2016-2017学年度第一学期期中六校联考高一英语试卷 命题人: 静海一中 郭玉芝 四十七中 储慧婷考生注意:本试卷分第I卷(听力)、第卷( 选择题)和第III卷(非选择题)三部分,考试时间100分钟,满分120分。知识分布听力知识运用语篇能力阅读表达单词拼写书面表达总分所占分数15分35分30分10分10分20分120分第卷 听力第一部分:听力(共15分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读

2、下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does Alices father want to buy for her?A. A watch. B. A sweater. C. A red bike.2. What do we learn from the conversation? A. The train will not arrive. B. The train may arrive at 9:15. C. The train may arrive at 9:50.3. What are the speakers talking about? A. Something robbed.

3、B. Something repaired. C. Something misplaced.4. What does the woman think the man should do? A. Tell his neighbors about it.B. Report it to the police. C. Keep it quiet.5. How will the man be paid? A. By the hour. B. By the week. C. By the month.第二节:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 听下面几段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、

4、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。6. Where did the car come according to the man at the beginning of the conversation? A. He borrowed it. B. He won it. C. He bought it.7. What color is the car? A. Blue. B. Black. C. Yellow.8. Whats the d

5、ate today? A. 1st, March. B. 1st, April. C. 1st, May.听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题。9. What does Tom want to become in the future? A. A pilot. B. A college teacher. C. A computer expert.10. Why is Mary studying English? A. She wants to be a translator. B. She wants to make English friends. C. She will move to

6、 the US.11. What is the best way to learn English according to Mary? A. Using the Internet. B. Listening to the radio. C. Talking with the native speakers.听下面一段对话,回答第12至第15四个小题。12. What are the speakers doing? A. One is interviewing the other. B. They are having a friendly chat. C. They are talking

7、about each others family.13. How many subjects did the woman take? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.14. Why was the womans father disappointed at first? A. She did her first job badly. B. She didnt do well in the Art College. C. She gave up her job as an accountant.15. Which of the following is not the wom

8、ans hobby? A. Acting. B. Fishing. C. Reading.第卷 选择题第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节)(满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. -How long are you staying?-I dont know. _. A. Thats okB. It depends C. It doesnt matterD. Never mind17. You should_ the bad habits instead of getting into them. A.

9、 break awayB. keep away C. get onD. get rid of18. She felt uncomfortable; _, she needed a rest. A. Whats more B. By the wayC. In other wordsD. All in all19. Its very important for a student to_ a good state of mind while taking the college entrance examination. A. keep outB. keep on C. keep up D. ke

10、ep off20. Because of having been out of work for months, Mr. Smith now hasnt enough to_ his living costs.A. fill B. cover C. spend D. offer21. Plants need water and sunlight to grow well. , a healthy body requires a balanced diet.A. Formally B. Generally C. Similarly D. Scientifically22. With more p

11、eople the traffic rules, our city is becoming better organized.A. respectB. being respectedC. respectedD. respecting23. A fast-developing China has made a great _ on the foreign guests.A. expression B. emotion C. impression D. instance24. The factory produced _ in 2014 as the year before. A. twice a

12、s many carsB. cars twice as many C. twice more carsD. twice so many cars25. She didnt feel like_, so I suggested_ the day in the garden. A. working; spendingB. to work; to spend C. working; to spendD. to work; spending26. This is the third time that I _ Hongkong. The second time I _ here was on Chri

13、stmas Day last year. A. have visited; have comeB. have visited; came C. visited; cameD. visited; had come27. _ monitor of our class is liked by everyone. But Lihua, _ monitor of your class, isnt liked by others at all. A. The; theB. A; aC. The; /D. /; the28. The_ time the Chinese people spend on lin

14、e is 18 hours a week. A. ordinaryB. averageC. regularD. common29. His remarks _ at us all. Thats to say, he aimed his words_ us all. A. aimed; toB. aims; onC. were aiming; forD. were aimed; at30. _ your homework_ other students, and youll find the mistakes youve made. A. Compare; withB. Compared; wi

15、thC. Comparing; toD. Compared; to第二节:完形填空:(共20小题;每题1分, 满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31-50题中所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Whats the saddest moment in your life? I know mine. It was about five years ago, and I was in Grade 6. I arrived at my school that morning. As soon as I walked into the classroom, immed

16、iately I felt the 31 sad and uncomfortable. I knew exactly why the mood felt this way. The people around me were 32 their emotions, trying to keep their 33 steady. Today was the day when our teacher would 34 and move to another school. Mr. Smith was finally saying goodbye to our school after five ye

17、ars 35 here.Mr. Smith was a(n) 36 likeable man. He would tell a lot of jokes during the class 37 so you would remember them. He was very easy to talk with and to have 38 with. He was cool, relaxed, and was always 39 when you would see him. It was 40 hard not to like him. That day began with out clas

18、s song as usual. I felt sad and 41 . I couldnt even imagine how things were going to be 42 him. All the good times Ive had with him, the 43 he told that made me laugh, the countless hours of watching him play the guitar and the warm 44 he kept on his faceThese thoughts 45 my mind, and I became 46 .

19、Why did Mr. Smith have to go? This is so 47 . This is the worst day of my life! I was lost in my thought. “Hey, are you all right?” My friend Peter 48.“Yeah, Im all right. Im just kind of sad,” I 49.“Yeah, me too. I wish he was our teacher forever. Mr. Smith is the best,” he 50. 31. A. blackboardB.

20、headmasterC. atmosphereD. audience32. A. describingB. clearingC. controllingD. forgetting33. A. soundsB. feelingsC. expressionsD. chairs34. A. stayB. loseC. changeD. leave35. A. livingB. workingC. studyingD. choosing36. A. extremelyB. frequentlyC. willinglyD. personally37. A. reportsB. gamesC. meeti

21、ngsD. breaks38. A. troubleB. wordC. funD. time39. A. funnyB. friendlyC. distantD. familiar40. A. honestlyB. fluentlyC. publiclyD. particularly41. A. tiredB. sleepyC. thirstyD. uneasy42. A. withB. throughC. withoutD. around43 A. secretsB. jokesC. storiesD. books44. A. smileB. songC. musicD. gesture45

22、. A. floodedB. botheredC. disturbedD. deserted46. A. inspiredB. interestedC. doubtedD. discouraged47. A. stupidB. cleverC. commonD. ordinary48. A. brought inB. broke inC. brought upD. broke out49. A. refusedB. offeredC. repeatedD. replied50. A. shoutedB. laughedC. roseD. sighed第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,

23、满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项A As I walked into the primary school, I looked down at my new black shoes. I stood at Mrs. Blackstones door. Before I tried the great escape, the door opened. “Weve been waiting for you!” Mrs. Blackstone, my new fifth grade teacher, said loudly. With a smile m

24、y mom walked away and I was left taking center stage in front of a group of students.Over the next few days, Mrs. Blackstone made it her job to find me a new best friend. During history lessons, when I didnt want to speak in front of the class, shed not only call on me but have me stand up to addres

25、s my classmates.One spring afternoon, Mrs. Blackstone asked me to stay after class. “Id like to speak with you, Amanda.” My mind raced. Had I got a bad grade? Had I hurt anyones feelings? “Are you enjoying your new school?” She sat comfortably behind her desk. “I want to tell you something, between

26、you and me, not to be shared with anyone else.” She continued, “I see something special in you. The way you communicate with others , and the kindness you showI think you have great potential (潜力) to be something important.” I listened carefully to every word. “I have been a teacher for over twenty-

27、five years; I can see it. But you must believe in yourself. Thats very important. Remember that and youll go far,” she said.Her voice was music to my ears that day. I walked out of her office, not staring at my shoes, but looking straight ahead with my head high. My teacher saw something special in

28、me! Years later, her words still remain inside of me.51. The author went to school unwillingly most probably because she_. A. didnt like the school at all B. often got low grades at school C. was treated badly by her classmates D. wasnt used to the new environment52. When the author was asked to sta

29、y after class, she felt_. A. annoyed B. embarrassed C. tired D. nervous53. Why did Mrs. Blackstone have a good talk with the author? A. To tell the author her potential. B. To encourage the author to believe in herself. C. To help the author to realize her mistakes. D. To make the author feel cared

30、and loved.54. After talking with Mrs. Blackstone, the author felt _. A. energetic B. happy C. confident D. thankful55. What can we learn from the passage? A. The author came from a poor family. B. The teacher sang a song to the author. C. The author never forgets what the teacher said. D. The author

31、 no longer cared for anybody but herself.B As we all know, there are plenty of different parks to visit in the UK. All theme parks in Britain have cafes, restaurants, picnic areas and gift shops, so youll still have plenty to see and do when you and the kids have been on enough rides. There are usua

32、lly smaller “funfair” rides and games as well, so younger children wont get bored. Several theme parks also have other attractions next to them, e.g. water parks often open all year round, unlike the theme parks.Wherever you are in Britain, theres likely to be a theme park within one or two hours dr

33、ive, bus ride or train journey. Several theme parks even have accommodation(膳宿) so you can stay for a day or two if you want to make a trip into a short holiday.Prices for UK theme parks vary considerably; some have an entrance price which allows you to go on all the rides, while in others you have

34、to pay for every ride individually. It can also make a difference whether you go during peak time or not. For example, tickets always cost more during school holidays and weekends than they do during the weekdays.Theme parks always get very busy during the summer months, so if you dont like crowds,

35、its usually a good idea to go earlier or later in the year!If youre thinking of visiting a UK theme park, its worth having a look for special offers on tickets. Products such as chocolate bars and cereals sometimes have “buy one get one free” offers on theme park tickets, so keep a look out in shops

36、 and supermarkets.56. This passage mainly talks about all the following EXCEPT_.A. things to do B. prices for theme parksC. rules to obey D. special offers57. You cant_ in the theme park according to the passage.A. have lunch B. stay for the nightC. enjoy special offers D. have a skiing58. If you go

37、 to the theme park during the weekdays, youll probably_.A. have to spend more B. save some moneyC. have a good timeD. get something free 59. According to the passage, what should you do if you are tired of crowds in the theme park?A. Avoid the busiest months. B. Go earlier or later in the daytime.C.

38、 Choose one with few visitors. D. Go there when no one is in it.60. The best title for the text would be_.A. What to Do in the Theme ParkB. Theme Parks in the UKC. Visiting the Theme ParkD. Introduction to Famous Theme ParksCLife doesnt come with an instruction; Im glad it doesnt. Probably because i

39、f life was that easy we would all walk through it with perfect smiles and happiness I suppose, but something in us would long to make a big mistake.My first child was stillborn(胎死腹中的) in March, 2008. The memory of holding his weak lifeless body is still so clear. I didnt know how I could deal with t

40、he pain of losing him. However, one important day I became pregnant(怀孕的) with my daughter and I started to see a little light. In the end I became a new person again filled with hope.It was a stressful experience, but once I was able to hold her part of my heart healed(恢复). She did not replace my so

41、n, but she gave me hope. That is what life is about, HOPE. We cannot experience full happiness without such life experiences.Of cause not every experience is as painful as losing a loved one. There are people who have lived through it and become beacons(指路灯) of light. I have a friend who lost her 15

42、-year-old son, and she carried on his memory through her photography. She is a great photographer and is able to give so much love and hope to other people.Extraordinary people are usually people who have suffered; they have become strong because they had to. We are all born with inner strength that

43、 we often dont know until we have to unleash it. When bad things happen, people will surprise you - love will come from unknown places to you to help you deal with everything. The only way for us to heal, and to go on living our lives, is to find that strength, and eventually help the next person wh

44、o needs it. Let your experiences change you for the better, dont let your loss ever be in vain, and reach out and give the next person a helping hand.61. We can learn from this passage that _.A. peoples life is very weak and is full of painB. children can give mothers unexpected anxietyC. the second

45、 child of the author gave her new hopeD. the author became a responsible mother because of her daughter62. You cant experience real or full happiness_.A. without beacons of light in your life B. without some sorts of difficulties or painC. with difficulties happening in your life D. with your belove

46、d ones leaving you63. The story of the authors friend tells us the truth that _.A. pains and difficulties are the main part of lifeB. any experience is valuable for our happinessC. when hard times come, it is difficult to see the lightD. how we deal with disasters can make all the difference64. What

47、 does the underlined word “unleash” probably mean?A. Let a strong force or emotion have an effect.B. Have a sense of ones feelings.C. Think about something much more than necessary.D. Succeed in behaving calmly and sensibly.65. What does the author mainly want to tell the readers?A. Let experiences

48、change you for the better.B. We always ignore our inner strength.C. Everyones life always has two sides.D. Time helps to heal our pain and sorrow.第III卷 非选择题第四部分:写作(共四节)(满分40分)第一节:阅读表达 (每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,请根据短文后的要求答题。Speedy eaters are three times more likely to be too fat, a problem which is made even

49、 worse by the popularity of fast food and the decrease of regular dining habits, some Japanese researchers said on Wednesday. The findings, published in the British Medical Journal, pay special attention to how eating styles, and not just what or how much is eaten, can affect an obesity epidemic(肥胖流

50、行病) that is becoming more and more severe because of the speed of the Western-style diet in many parts of the world.The World Health Organization considers around 400 million people in the world as too fat, 20 million of whom are under the age of five. The researchers are concerned that the conditio

51、n raises the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes (糖尿病) and heart problems. For their study, Hiroyasu Iso and the team at Osaka University asked more than 3000 Japanese volunteers (志愿者) who are 30 to 69 years old about their eating. About half of the men and a little more than half of the women sai

52、d they ate until full. About 45 percent of the men and 36 percent of the women said they ate quickly. Those who said they ate until full and ate quickly were three times more likely to be fat than people in the “not eating until full and not eating quickly” group, the researchers found. They believe

53、 that the main causes are both the popularity of eating cheap fast food and bad habits such as watching television while eating. To fight against the bad effect of eating quickly and being too full that can lead to obesity, parents should encourage children to eat slowly and in calm environments, th

54、e study suggested. 66. What did the researchers pay special attention to in the study? (No more than 10 words)_.67. Please explain the underlined word “severe” in English. (No more than 3 words)_.68. What are the researchers concerned? (No more than 15 words)_.69. What should parents do to help chil

55、dren fight against obesity?(No more than 10 words)_.70. What is the best title for the passage? (No more than 10 words)_.第二节:单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)71. The school year is _( 分成)into two semesters.72. Parents should not be too _ (严格)with teenagers.73. The students show great _(尊重)for their English teacher.7

56、4. We saw the _(废弃的) farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.75. He wants to buy a big house with an_(有吸引力的) garden,76. He has been u_ for two months, so he has no income now.77. The refrigerator cant work without e_.78. A balloon will e_ when it is filled with air.79. Buses run f_ betw

57、een the city and the airport. 80. Can you give me a d_ answer by tomorrow?第三节:书面表达(满分20分)假如你是高一新生李津,Ada是你的美国朋友,你很想念她。你给她写一封信,并和她谈谈你对高中新生活的感受和打算。1. 问候并表达思念之情;2. 学习压力较大,努力学习;3. 跟同学相处融洽,互相帮助;4. 多参加课外活动,全面发展。注意:词数不少于100,开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数。全面发展all-round developmentDear Ada,How is everything going?_Best wishe

58、s! Yours sincerely, Li Jin2016-2017学年度第一学期期中六校联考高一英语答题纸第一节:阅读表达(共5小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 66. What did the researchers pay special attention to in the study? (No more than 10 words)_.67. Please explain the underlined word “severe” in English. (No more than 3 words)_.68. What are the researchers concerne

59、d? (No more than 15 words)_.69. What should parents do to help children fight against obesity?(No more than 10 words)_.70. What is the best title for the passage? (No more than 10 words)_.第二节:单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)71._72._73._74._75._76._77._78._79._80._第三节:书面表达 (满分20分) Dear Ada,How is everything g

60、oing? Best wishes!Yours sincerely, Li Jin2016-2017学年度第一学期期中六校联考高一英语参考答案一、听力15 ABCAA 610 BABAC 1115 CABCB 二、单选1620 BDCCB2125 CDCAA2630 BCBDA三、完型31-35CCBDB 36-40ADCBA 41-45DCBAA 46-50 DABDD四、阅读5155DDBCC 5660 CDBAB 6165 CBDAA五、阅读表达66. How eating styles can affect an obesity epidemic. (其他答案无分)67. Seriou

61、s. (其他答案无分)68. The condition raises the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart problems. (少疾病名称减1分)69. Encourage them to eat slowly and in calm environments. (其他答案无分)70. Speedy eaters are more likely to get too fat. (类似答案即可。其他答案无分)六、单词拼写 (形式错无分,没有 0.5分)71. divided72. strict73. respect74. ab

62、andoned 75.attractive76. unemployed77. electricity 78. expand79. frequently 80. definite七、作文Dear Ada,How is everything going? I miss you so much! I have been a senior high student and I have some feelings and plans for the new school life, which I would like to share with you.Firstly, faced with muc

63、h pressure, I will take a positive attitude towards the new life and make up my mind to study hard because theres so much more to learn. Besides, I will make efforts to get on well with my new classmates and help each other, developing our friendship. Finally, I will take an active part in after-cla

64、ss activities. I can communicate and cooperate with classmates, achieving all-round development.What about your school life? Looking forward to your early reply.Best wishes! Yours sincerely,Li Jin附:评判作文参考标准1. 先确定文章档次,再给出合理的分数。2. 本文为一般现在时和一般将来时;时态全篇错减3分,部分错酌情减分;3. 四个要点少一个减2分;4. 单词拼写错误,三个减一分。重复的不累计减分。5. 书写较乱影响交际降一个档,即4分。最高分19分。- 17 - 版权所有高考资源网


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