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云南省元谋县第一中学2021-2022学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.docx

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云南省元谋县第一中学2021-2022学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.docx_第1页
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1、云南省元谋县第一中学2021-2022学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题第一部分 阅读理解第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AEach year, there are many new products to be put on the market. We have made a list of some products of this year. Verde G690 treadmill (跑步机) A new exercise machine by the American company SportsArt is designed to help p

2、eople stay fit and also generate electricity. Verde G690 treadmill is operated by people instead of a motor. The company says the machine can capture up to 200 watts of power per hour from human energy. Water from Air WFA6The machine draws water molecules straight from the air and converts them into

3、 water. The water then passes through a sediment filter (沉淀物过滤器) and a carbon filter. It is also sterilised (消毒) thoroughly through 3 UV lights, removing bacteria. The water, produced is pure, safe drinking water that is safe for your body! The company says the machine can produce up to 30 liters of

4、 water per day. InuboxA product design company in Texas recently claimed to have created the worlds first fully automated dog toilet. Called Inubox, its a self-contained toilet system that captures, processes and contains a dogs waste. Inubox knows when a dog steps onto the platform, and it detects

5、the waste left behind. Once the dog leaves, it closes the platform and completes the cleaning cycle in less than one minute. Y-BrushA French company introduced a toothbrush that can perfectly clean a persons teeth in just 10 seconds. The Y-Brush by FasTeesH is a mouthpiece shaped just like human tee

6、th. It has numerous small brushes to clean all teeth at once. 1. What advantage does Verde G690 treadmill have?A. Its size is small.B. Its design is simple. C. It is cheap.D. It is environmentally friendly. 2. Which of the following can best describe Inubox?A. Well-known.B. Energy-saving. C. Intelli

7、gent.D. Elegant. 3. Which product is suitable to be fixed in the kitchen?A. Verde G690 treadmill.B. Water from Air WFA6. C. Inubox.D. Y-Brush. BSocial distancing is hard on everyone, but its especially difficult for retirees in senior living communities, where feelings of isolation are a problem eve

8、n in the best of times. With no way to see each other or visit family members, the residents find it impossible to feel connected. This year is even worse for them. While many seniors have been forced to wait out during the COVID-19 outbreaks in isolation, these retirees have managed to find connect

9、ion and comfort through the airwaves (电波). Radio Recliner is an online radio station that is hosted by elderly DJs from assisted living communities across the United States. The project was launched by marketing firm Luckie back in April as a means of keeping lonely seniors entertained and optimisti

10、c during the pan-demic (流行病). The company only planned on airing new 60-minute shows every day for one month, but since the station garnered more and more listeners, Radio Recliner has also attracted a team of 18 senior DJs to continue recording new shows. In addition to the new shows being aired ev

11、ery day at noon, the station now streams a continuous loop of old content to keep its fan base entertained. On the Radio Recliner website, listeners can also submit song requests and ask the hosts to broadcast audio messages and shout outs to friends and family members. “For this generation, radio w

12、as the original social media,” Luckie chief creative officer Mitch Bennett told The Tennessean. “Offering a song to someone you love, and having them hear it along with everyone else, may be a special way of connecting. Its a great time to bring that feeling back.”4. How do the retirees keep in cont

13、act during the pandemic?A. By turning to a special radio station. B. By playing with their family members. C. By connecting with their friends online. D. By talking to their friends on the telephone. 5. What does the underlined word “garnered” in paragraph 4 mean?A. Consulted.B. Gained.C. Confirmed.

14、D. Acknowledged. 6. What is the main function of Radio Recliner?A. To inform listeners.B. To entertain seniors. C. To enlarge its fan base.D. To educate old learners. 7. What did Mitch Bennett say about Radio Recliner?A. Its programs were funny. B. It brought in many profits. C. Its working mode wor

15、ked well. D. It helped seniors make more friends. CWhether youre interested in green agriculture and rainforest conservation or supporting sustainable sources, organizations worldwide are investing time and effort into various environmental protection projects. Volunteers are always needed to help w

16、ith the different initiatives to protect the environment. The past years have been bothered by an endless report of natural disasters occurring in geographically weak locations. Floods are affecting the places that previously never faced this problem while heat waves, droughts and earthquakes are be

17、coming the norm (常态). Important wildlife and plant species are disappearing and threatening the planets biodiversity. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), there are other problems: deforestation (毁 林), pollution, water scarcity, illegal fishing and wildlife trade. The ongoing industrializatio

18、n and the lack of awareness are taking its toll (毁坏) and its time for that to change. Most people remain inactive, believing small changes wont make a difference. However, there are many ways to help. Small changes carried out by some people do make a difference. Excellent examples of this are organ

19、izations that believe small initiatives have a significant impact. These projects are growing steadily and positively affecting the environmental conservation and influencing the local community. They are creating awareness among others and helping them understand the importance of environmental con

20、servation while creating volunteer opportunities to help the environment. The organizations will learn valuable skills about environmental conservation but most importantly, they are moving towards change. There are enough environmental volunteer opportunities that need your help and theres no time

21、to waste! Continue reading about environmental volunteer programs abroad and take steps toward environmental conservation. There are plenty of options once you decide to become an environmental volunteer. The tasks will depend on the project you have decided to volunteer with and can vary greatly. W

22、ith over 130 projects focused on the environment, youll find projects that match both your skill set and travel preference. 8. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A. The threats the earth is facing. B. The influence of natural disasters. C. The need to know natural disasters. D. The difficulty i

23、n protecting the earth. 9. How do most people behave towards environmental problems?A. They make small changes.B. They help each other. C. They keep sitting by.D. They try to find ways. 10. What can we learn from the text?A. Its easier said than done.B. Itll be all right on the night. C. Where there

24、s life, theres hope.D. There is no time like the present. 11. Whats the main purpose of the text?A. To call on people to be environmental volunteers. B. To show the serious problems of the environment. C. To discuss the ways of environmental conservation.D. To explain the reasons for protecting the

25、environment. DDr. Melissa D. Young is a chemist and Certified Diabetes Educator at the American Association of Diabetes Educators who holds a very personal interest in advocating for annual flu vaccination (预防接种). Twelve years ago, her mother passed away after a flu infection. Youngs mother had a ch

26、ronic (慢性的) lung condition, but she had refused to get a flu vaccine because she mistakenly thought it would make her suffer from the flu. Its a sad, but all too common story. According to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of US adults who were hospitalized for flu in

27、fection in 2018-2019 with additional information available, 93 percent had at least one medical condition. In the US, nearly half of all adults aged 45-64 years, and 80 percent of those aged 65 years and older, have multiple chronic health conditions that put them at high risk for flu-related compli

28、cations, including heart attack, stroke, hospitalization, and even death. To address this public health threat, the medical community is working together to protect the most vulnerable (易受伤害的) patients. Flu viruses cause a reaction that can last for several weeks following serious infection. This fl

29、u-related reaction can make existing chronic conditions worse, including heart disease, lung disease and diabetes. Additionally, adults with diabetes were six times more likely to be hospitalized and three times more likely to die from flu-related complications than people without diabetes. Yet ther

30、e remains low awareness of the importance of annual flu vaccination for adults with chronic health conditions. Despite the abundance of public health guidance urging people to get vaccinated each year, increasing flu vaccination rates has proven extremely difficult. Vaccination coverage among adults

31、 has increased slightly over the past decade, but remains about 40 percent, leaving more than half of US adults vulnerable each year. 12. Why does the author mention Youngs mother in paragraph 1?A. To summarize the following paragraphs. B. To introduce the topic of the text. C. To show the backgroun

32、d of the story. D. To provide some advice for readers. 13. What do we know about flu infection and chronic conditions?A. They influence each other.B. They exist mainly in America. C. They hardly happen to the young.D. They are the main reasons for death. 14. What attitude do most American adults hav

33、e towards flu vaccination?A. Positive.B. Flexible.C. Uncertain.D. Uncaring. 15. What may be the best title for the text?A. The benefits of flu vaccinationB. Flu infection is increasing in the USAC. Flu infection is a threat for American adultsD. The difficulty in carrying out flu vaccination第二节根据短文内

34、容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Have you been thinking about building a corn maze (迷宫), but dont know how? To make your maze to stand the test of time, planning is the most important step in how to make a corn maze. 16 . ResearchThere are many things to consider when learning how to make a corn

35、maze. Here are two questions to research as you begin your planning. First, what type of corn is used for corn maze? Typically, corn for a maze should be drought-tolerant to lessen water usage and able to stand straight on its own. Second, where is the best spot for a corn maze? 17 . Make sure the a

36、rea gets adequate sunlight and has good drainage (排水). Design your corn maze 18 . Professional corn maze design companies offer examples on how to build a corn maze as well as custom options. Others draw their own designs on the computer or by hand. Cut your corn maze 19 . But if youre wondering how

37、 to cut a corn maze yourself, make sure you have the proper equipment and that you cut the corn when its still short. Keep your paths prepared from the start so theyre easy to maintain. 20 At this point, its time to think about how youre going to market and advertise your corn maze. Games, maps, pos

38、ters and digital marketing are all available to inform and entertain your visitors. A. Open your maze to the publicB. To begin with, you should select the seedsC. Here are our step-by-step guidance and corn maze tipsD. Some prefer their design to have a theme or be very complexE. Provide as a large

39、area as possible for a more interesting designF. Youll be able to change a corn maze that will be a labor of loveG. Again, some choose to leave this job to a professional maze company第二部分 语言知识运用第一节阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My brother Ted was attending college in a little town, sit

40、uated on top of a steep mountain. At the start of his second year, Ted called home, saying that he had no 21 of the school because they didnt get the deposit (定金). He had to live in a house for visitors down at the 22 of the mountain. It even didnt have any 23 in cold winter. Moreover, it was also a

41、 long 24 up that mountain to the school. When winter came, he would have a 25 time walking to class through all the snow. My mother was 26 because she had sent that deposit check. She decided to go there and 27 the thing in order. Mom marched right into the Student Life office, with the canceled che

42、ck in her hand and a(n) 28 light in her eyes. She 29 Ted back in the dorm. The accountant said the dorms were full and there was 30 he could do. My mother stood up, looked at the accountant in the eyes and asked where the college 31 was. Mom 32 to the president why she was there. He 33 right away sh

43、e was not going to leave his office until he had done something 34 , finding a room in the dorm for Ted. He 35 to take care of the matter and 36 Mom out of the door, but she had the last word that she would call him the next week to make sure everything was all right. The next night, after Mom 37 ho

44、me, Ted called us in a dorm. My mother taught me some very 38 life lessons that day: Never take “no” for a(n) 39 . Always 40 for what you know is right. 21. A. registrationB. dormitoryC. qualificationD. diploma22. A. footB. topC. rangeD. area23. A. visitorB. nativeC. staffD. heat24. A. driveB. march

45、C. runD. ride25. A. goodB. freeC. hardD. busy26. A. patientB. calmC. tiredD. angry27. A. balanceB. breakC. setD. skip28. A. determinedB. satisfiedC. confusedD. ashamed29. A. allowedB. wantedC. persuadedD. welcomed30. A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing31. A. entranceB. professorC. preside

46、ntD. town32. A. analyzedB. preferredC. apologizedD. explained33. A. realizedB. imaginedC. predictedD. insisted34. A. generallyB. namelyC. usuallyD. suddenly35. A. promisedB. expectedC. commandedD. deserved36. A. showedB. metC. forcedD. kept37. A. leftB. returnedC. phonedD. missed38. A. painfulB. ser

47、iousC. valuableD. violent39. A. requestB. criticismC. instructionD. answer40. A. hold backB. keep awayC. stick upD. look into第二节阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。While not everyone will have been deep in thought about the subject while staring out of the window during a flight, the question as to why

48、aeroplanes have circular windows rather than square ones 41 (be) interesting. Over the years, aerospace engineering 42 (make) great advances in aeroplane technology, meaning planes can carry more 43 (passenger) and go faster. The planes have also changed shape and many other things to increase safet

49、y, the windows 44 (include). There was a time 45 jets became the main-stream, and the De Havilland Comet came into fashion. With a pressurized cabin (加压舱), it was able to go higher and faster 46 other aircrafts. However, the plane had square windows and in 1953 two planes fell apart in the air, kill

50、ing 56 people in total. 47 did the plane crash? As for the windows, where theres a corner, theres a weak spot. Windows, 48 (have) four corners have four potential weak spots, making them likely to crash under stress, like air Dressure. By curving the window, the stress that would 49 (eventual) crack

51、 the window corner is distributed and the likelihood of 50 (it) breaking is reduced. 第三部分 写作第一节 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线 () 划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者 (从第11处起) 不计分。

52、My exchange year was a great experience for me. I successfully enhanced their language skills. To be precise, my speech experience helped me develop my English speaking skills, thus allow me to understand more about how to make presentations in the public. Besides, I meet all kinds of helpful people

53、 there and had fun. I thanked those people which helped me. I learned to think about things from a different point view. Meanwhile, I learned to give back to societies and serve others without expect anything in return. In shortly, I did gain something value from the trip abroad. 第二节 书面表达假定你是李华,打算邀请

54、留学生朋友Peter来你家做客。请用英语给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1. 你家地址及来访时间;2. 具体安排:饮茶,学包饺子,看京剧节目等;3. 期待回复。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 开头和结尾已为你写好。高三英语考试卷参考答案13 DCB 47 ABBC 811 ACDA 1215 BADC 1620 CEDGA 2125 BADBC 2630 DCABD 3135 CDABA 3640 ABCDC 41. is 42. has made/has been making 43. passengers 44 included 45. when 46. than 47. Why 48.

55、having 49. eventually 50. its短文改错My exchange year was a great experience for me. I successfully enhanced language skills. To be precise, my speech experience helped me develop my English speaking skills, thus me to understand more about how to make presentations in the public. Besides, I all kinds o

56、f helpful people there and had fun. I thanked those people helped me. I learned to think about things from a different point view. Meanwhile, I learned to give back to and serve others without anything in return. In , I did gain something from the trip abroad. 书面表达One possible version:Dear Peter, We

57、 havent seen each other for a long time, so I want to invite you to my home next weekend. My home is located at Zhongshan Road near the city library. You can take a bus in front of your school to get there. To have an interesting get-together, I will arrange some activities for us to enjoy, such as

58、drinking Chinese tea and learning to make dumplings. In addition, watching some performances of Peking Opera will also be a good choice. I have many things to talk with you, so I hope you can accept my invitation, I promise you will have a good time at my home. Please reply to me with your decision. Yours, Li Hua


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