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1、四川金堂县2016高考英语阅读理解二轮能力选练及答案2016高考训练题。阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Smoking is the worst thing you can do for your health. Fortunately, its never too late to get the benefits of quitting. If youve tried to quit before and failed, its time to make up your mind and try again.Smoking is respons

2、ible for one of every five deaths. That includes 29% of all cancer deaths, 87% of all lung cancer deaths, and nearly 20% of all deaths are from cardiovascular disease. But long before smoking kills you, it ages you. You can see that smoking accelerates the drying and wrinkling of the skin. But there

3、 are fewer obvious effects as well. Indeed, smoking takes years away from your life. Nearly half of all chronic smokers die an average of 20 to 25 years before their time.Besides an early death from cancer or heart disease, smoking can cause lung disorders. People who smoke over a pack a day have al

4、most three times the risk of contracting pneumonia (肺炎) than that of nonsmokers. By lowering levels of estrogen (雌性激素) in men and women, smoking speeds bone less. If a woman smokes a pack of cigarettes every day, she will enter menopause (更年期) with 5% to 10% less bone mass than a nonsmoker.The good

5、news is that no matter what your age is or how long youve smoked, youll live longer if you quit today. The Coronary Artery Surgery Study examined nearly 2,000 longterm smokers over the age of 54. Those who quit had significantly lower death rates six years later than those who didnt. Even the oldest

6、 exsmokers had a higher survival rate. Not only will you live longer if you quit, but youll feel better, breathe easier, and find that you have more energy. Youll have fewer respiratory infections, headaches, and stomachaches. Whats more, youll save money. Your clothes and breath wont smell unpleasa

7、nt any longer. And your habit wont annoy, or threaten the health of the people who live and work with you.1According to the passage, the percentage of deaths due to smoking is _.A20%B25% C29% D87%2All of the following methods are used in the passage EXCEPT _.Agiving examples Bmentioning famous sayin

8、gsCcomparing Dlisting numbers3What do we know from the Coronary Artery Surgery Study?AIt examined about 2,000 smokers who all quit smoking finally.BQuitting smoking is easier said than done.Clongterm smokers who quit smoking can live longer.DQuitting smoking has a bad effect on peoples health.参考答案13

9、、A B C2016高考训练题。阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Sharing cars to work is not unusual. But what about sharing time to raise children together? In Ningbo city of Zhejiang province in East China, young mothers in the same neighborhood pool their children together, and share the responsibility o

10、f being parents. Spending every day together, but not families in this coastal city of East China, three mothers are trying a new way of raising their kids, by pooling them together. Among the mothers are both office workers and housewives. They say they do so not just because of the tight schedule.

11、 Jiujius mother said, “By kids pooling, we mean to create an opportunity for the kids to spend time together so that we can observe our kids, learn more about them. And then we can discuss how to better bring them up.” The three families have been doing so for two years, in school days and holidays.

12、 Their children have grown used to each others company. Chichis mother said, “My son was a bit shy. Weve been talking him to be more active, but he hardly changed. After joining the kids pool, suddenly we found him willing to communicate with others now. When we are not there, he has to rely on hims

13、elf to get along with his pals.” Generally, mothers speak highly about the pooling. The mothers describe the pooling as bringing the running water into a closed pond. It opens a window to a different world for both kids and parents. But there are moments when opinions differ. Xiaoxiaos mother said,

14、“Sex education for example. Kids will be curious about it when they reach a certain age. Personally I want to talk with my child about it, frankly and sincerely. But the other two moms think it better not to bring it up.” Xiaoxiaos mother says her solution is to share some parenting guidebooks with

15、other mothers and let them make the decision. The headmaster of the kindergarten believes such pooling activities test not only children, but also the parents. Jin Hongqing, kindergarten headmaster said, “Parents need to be tolerant and patient. They shouldnt play the blame game when kids fight with

16、 each other. Its better to let the kids solve the issue by themselves. What they can do as parents is to communicate.”1. All the following aspects are the benefits of kids pooling EXCEPT _.A. It saves time and helps relieve mothers burden.B. It offers better education than the kindergartens.C. It al

17、lows parents to learn more about kids.D. It allows kids to learn to share and be independent.2. Why is sex education mentioned in the passage? A. To suggest children are sometimes curious about it. B. To explain sex education is not suitable for children. C. To indicate mothers think highly of kids

18、pooling. D. To show sometimes mothers have different opinions.3. Whats the writers attitude towards kids pooling? A. Unclear. B. Favorable. C. Negative. D. Doubtful.4. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage? A. Chinese parenting. B. Sharing cars.C. Sharing children. D. Kid

19、s pooling.参考答案14、BDAD 阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。In the UK,most children have their midday meal at school,but in many schools,parents can choose what their children eat.The children can have a school luncha hot,cooked meal;or they can take a packed lunch with them,which usually include

20、s cold food like sandwiches. Often parents prepare lunches on_the_basis_of what their children want.Cathy,a mother of three children,told us,“My children have packed lunches,because they say they hate school dinners.I make 3 packed lunches every morning,so were like a sandwich bar in our kitchen in

21、the morning.” However,another mother,Susan,made her choice based on the nutritious(有营养的)value of the food.She said,“My daughter always has school dinners.I think she probably gets healthier food by having a cooked lunch at school than she would if I made sandwiches.”But how healthy are school dinner

22、s?Kaz,a father,wasnt impressed with them.“Fizzy(有泡沫的)drinks were offered and I think there were a lot of chips.” The question of how healthy school food is was brought to Jamie Oliver,who launched a campaign to improve childrens nutrition,after spending a year working in a school kitchen.The TV seri

23、es about the campaign won an award this week. He was worried about the junk food he saw being served,which included burgers,pizza and chips.He decided to ban the junk,and started cooking good stews (炖菜)and curries for the children instead. Jamie improved the school dinners in that particular school,

24、and trained the dinner ladies to cook healthy food.Then he put pressure on the government to improve the standards of school food across the country.And it looks as if the changes have begun.1What would be the best title for the passage?ASchool Dinners BHealthy FoodCDinners in the UK DResearch on Di

25、nners答案:A标题概括题。全文围绕学校午餐展开,先是对比介绍了学校午餐与自带午餐的情况,接着质疑学校午餐是否有益健康,最后介绍了Jamie所发起的改善校园午餐的运动。所以选A项。2The underlined phrase“on the basis of”in Paragraph 2 probably means“_”Ain spite of Baccording toCas well as Dfor the good of答案:B词义猜测题。根据后面的例子可以推出第一句的句意:父母通常根据孩子们的要求准备午餐。on the basis of“基于,根据”,与according to意思相

26、近。3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AStews are healthy food.BCathys children like school lunch.CJamie Oliver works in a school kitchen.DIn Britain,all children have their lunch at school.答案:A细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句可知,Jamie禁止了垃圾食品,用炖菜和咖喱类饭菜作为孩子的午餐,由此可推知炖菜和咖喱类饭菜是健康食品,故选A项。4What can we

27、 learn from the passage?ANone of the parents in Britain like school food. BFizzy drinks and chips are good for childrens health.CMost schools in the UK offer healthy lunch to students.DSusan chooses food for her daughter according to its nutrition.答案:D细节理解题。由第三段第一句可知,Susan根据食物的营养来给女儿准备午餐。故选D项。阅读理解。阅

28、读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。When was the last time someone did something unexpectedly nice for you?Not someone you knew,but a total stranger?Its happened to me a few times,but two instances really stand out. A few years ago,I was dining out with a person who kept going on and on about himself

29、,completely oblivious to the fact that I was sitting there in misery.It wasnt his company that disappointed me.I was recovering from a broken heart,and just sitting down to dinner reminded me of my last relationship.I could have collapsed in tears right there at the table.When we picked up the check

30、,the waitress said,“Your meal was already paid for.”My friend and I didnt have a clue how it happened.Then I remembered a man coming in out of the corner of my eye.He was dressed in mostly white,sat down at the bar,had a glass of wine,stayed for maybe ten minutes,and then left.The waitress said,“Yes

31、,the gentleman who was in here a while ago paid for you.”Just last year,I was running a halfmarathon.With just 0.1 mile to go,I was out of breath. Runners call it“hitting the wall”;I thought I couldnt move another muscle .Out of nowhere,a teenager jogs up next to me and says,“Whats your name,sweetie

32、?Jennifer?Okay,Jennifer,lets go!Come on! Its just around the corner!You can do it!”And he ran with me until I picked up my pace. I found him at the finish line to thank him for the encouragement only to learn he wasnt even supposed to be in the race that day. He was running in place of someone else.

33、I still shake my head when I think of these momentary angels that came to me at my point of need. Do you have any experiences like this? 1Which of the following is the best title for the passage?AThe Kindness of StrangersBAn Unpleasant CompanionCTwo Special ExperiencesDHitting the Wall答案:A推理推断题。文章第一

34、段便是文章的主题,句中的something unexpectedly nice for you则说明了作者想在下文中谈的内容,由此可知答案选A项。其他几个选项,则是文中的细节部分。2Why did the author say he was in misery?ABecause he couldnt enjoy his meal.BBecause he fell into conflict with his companion.CBecause his companion talked a lot.DBecause he was then disappointed in love.答案:D细节

35、理解题。作者谈到自己坐在那里痛苦的样子,后面提到了痛苦的原因是“I was recovering from a broken heart(刚刚失恋了).”,由此可知答案D项正确。3What do you think of the man paying for the meal?AHe showed his kindness for his former girlfriend.BHe is an acquaintance to the two persons.CHe is generous and warmhearted to others.DHe enjoys making fun of ot

36、hers by doing that.答案:C推理判断题。文中讲述的是陌生人的帮助,由此排除A、B两项;作者只谈了这位陌生人帮他们付了账单,并没有说陌生人如何捉弄他们,因此排除D项;帮助不认识的人付账单,说明了这位陌生人的慷慨和热心,由此可知C项正确。4How did the teenager help the author?AHe gave the author a glass of water.BHe gave the author orders firmly.CHe ran after the author.DHe ran with the author.答案:D推理判断题。根据第四段的

37、“And he ran with me until I picked up my pace.”可知,这位年轻人陪着作者跑了一段时间,直到作者加快了脚步,由此可知D项符合文意。5What can we infer from the last paragraph?AThe author still believes his experience today.BThe author feels grateful for the help he received. CThe author thinks everyone is an angel.DThe author often gets help e

38、xpectedly.答案:B推理判断题。根据文章前面的叙述可知,作者对别人给予的帮助充满感激,认为帮助过他的两位都是天使级人物,所以选B项。阅读理解.It was a hot summer day. My dad and I were getting ready to go out for a ride on the boat with my friend Katie and the dog when the phone call came, the call that made that bright, beautiful day a cold, dark, gloomy one.I had

39、 just put on my suit, shorts, and tank top, and packed my bag with sunscreen and everything else I would need for the day. I ran into my parents room to find Dad. When I saw him on the phone, he was crying. Id never seen my dad cry before. My heart sank. What possibly could have happened?Max, Im so

40、sorry, I heard him say. Thats when it hit me. I knew that Suzie had died.Max has been my dads best friend for years. Suzie, his daughter, had a rare disease that mainly affected her body. Her brain was OK. She knew what was going on; she knew that shehad problems and was different from other kids. O

41、nce she told her dad that she wished she could die and be born in a different body. Yet although she couldnt live a normal life ,she was still happy.When Suzie and I were little, we spent quite a bit of time together. As we grew up, we grew apart. She lived in New York, and I lived in the Midwest. W

42、hen Suzie was ten she had to live ina hospital in Virginia. About eight months before she died, Max gave us her number at the hospital and we talked at least twice a week until the end. Suzie was always so excited to talk to us and wanted to know every detail about my life. She wanted to know everyt

43、hing I did and every thing I ate. In a way, she lived through me. After we found out about her death, we made our plans to go to New York for the funeral. When she was alive, I sent her a Beanie Baby and she sent one back to me. I had bought her another one but never had the chance to send it to her

44、, so I took it to put in her casket(棺材).Her funeral was very different from any funeral Id ever been to. After they lowered her casket, each one of us put a shovelful of dirt over her. I remember crying so hard, I felt weak. My cheeks burned from the tears. My whole body was shaking as I picked up t

45、he shovel, but Im glad I did it.When Suzie and I first started calling one another, I thought it would be more of a burden on me, but I was completely wrong. I learned so much from her. She gave me more than I could ever give to her. I will never forget her or the talks we had. I now know that I mus

46、t never take anything for granted especially my health and the gift of life.1The authors family cancelled their ride because_.AKatie couldnt join them for the rideBthe weather was too terrible for a ride Cthey couldnt find their dogDMaxs daughter passed away2What does the underlined part “In a wav,

47、she lived through me.” mean?ASuzie got to know what life outside hospital was like by sharing my experience.BSuzie was financially dependent of me.CSuzie managed to pull through her illness with the help of my family.DSuzie was too weak to live her own life.3Which of the following is TRUE according

48、to the text?ASuzie was the only person helping the author with difficulties.BThe author feared that she might also get the same disease as Suzie.CThe author benefited a lot from talking on the phone with Suzie.DThe author didnt understand Suzie was her true friend until Suzies death.4What is the most important lesson the author learned from Suzies death?ANever let go of a friend even if you are apart.BBe thankful for what we have in our life.CTalking with a friend can cure your illness.DWe can learn more from our friends than they do from us.【参考答案】14、DACB


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