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1、2007-2008年高三二轮复习之完形填空专练1第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项选择:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该题涂黑。21Beyond _stars, Fei Jun-long, the Chinese astronaut, saw nothing but _ space.A不填;the Bthe; 不填 C不填; 不填 Dthe; the22-Dad, Im confused what I am going to do after graduation. -Youd better

2、first explore your talents and get to know yourself so as to find out _ _ your real interests lie.Awhat Bwhere Cin which Dhow23Since her childhood, she has tried her best to _ her ideals.Alive with Blive up to Clive through Dlive on24_ I admire him as a writer, I do not like him as a man.AAs though

3、BAs much CMuch as DLittle as25The _ look in her face suggested that she _ it before.Asurprising; wouldnt know Bsurprised; hadnt knownCsurprising; hadnt known Dsurprised; shouldnt know26He would never have got the job, _ for the fact that his father had great influence over the company.Ahad it not be

4、en Bit had not beenCit were not Dwere it not27It is how much you read but _ you read _ counts.Athat; that Bthat; what Cwhat; what Dwhich; what28-Guess what! I came across an old friend at the English evening last night. - _Im sure you had a wonderful time together.ASounds good! BVery well. CHow nice

5、! DAll right.29I was thinking of going to see John when who _ appear but John himself!Ashould Bshall Cmust Dwill30They expect us to do whatever they want _ painting, decorating and repairs.Aon the way to Bby way of Cout of the way Din the way of31Rather than _ up his marriage, he told his wife every

6、thing.Ato risk to break Bto risk breaking Crisk to break Drisk breaking32The mans first two _ paintings are now on exhibition in the museum.Alittle red oil Bred little oil Coil red little Dlittle oil red33-Tom, what would you like to eat, some beef? -Mom, anything _ beef. You know, I dislike beef.Ab

7、ut Blike Cthan Dwith34Our monitor _ you more help, even though he was very busy.Amay give Bmay have given Cmight give Dmight have given35-Has Billy finished his homework today?-I have no ideaHe _ it this morning.Awould do Bwas doing Chas done Dhad done第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从365

8、5各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The lady with the white fence taught me to leave the gate to life open.When my husband died of a brain disease, I became very angry. Life was not 36 . I hated being alone. One day, as I was 37 down a busy street in town, I suddenly noticed a new fence, which w

9、as being set up 38 a house. I 39 to the side to really admire the fence. The carpenter had done such a good job that my eyes almost 40 up with tears. I could not 41 myself away. I stopped the engine, went over and touched the fence. It still 42 of fresh paint. I could hear a lady was trying to start

10、 the lawn mower in the back garden.Hello! I shouted and 43 at her. “Well, hello!”. She stood up and wiped her hands in the apron. II came to see the fence. It is so beautiful! I said.The fence is not there for my 44 , the lady explained to me in 45 voice. I live alone. But so many people drive by ev

11、ery day, and I thought they 46 be glad to see something really nice. People see my fence and wave. 47 stop like you and come up to the veranda(走廊) to have a chat. 48 werent you sad when they expanded the road and everything changed so much? I asked.Her reply 49 my life. Change is a part of life and

12、takes part in 50 us who we are. When something we do not like happens to us, we have two choices: to become a 51 person or to become a better person.I carefully left the gate 52 and drove on with a new feeling inside me. I could not 53 what it was, but I could feel the thick stone wall around my ang

13、ry heart breaking off. And 54 a pretty white fence was built. I decided that I would keep the gate open for everything and everyone that came my 55 .36Afair BunhappyCsuccessfulDunknown37AwalkingBdrivingCwanderingDrunning38AnearBbesideCaroundDin39Apulled downBpulled offCpulled throughDpulled out40Awe

14、lledBdriedCtookDkept41Aput BtearCsendDcarry42Afelt BtastedCsoundedDsmelled43AlookedBstaredCwavedDglared44AsakeBstreetCjobDincome45Aan angryBa frightenedCa doubtedDa matter-of-fact46Aought toBshouldCmightDhave to47AEveryoneBNobodyCA fewDFew48ASo BButCThusDThough49AgaveBchangedCchargedDcost50AmakingBl

15、eavingCfindingDcatching51AbetterBbitterCbestDworst52AopenBclosedCbrokenDlocked53AdiscussBspeakCtalkDtell54AunfortunatelyBbesidesCsurprisinglyDinstead55ApositionBwayCrouteDmethod参考答案单项填空2125BBBCB 2630ACCAD 3135DAADB完形填空3640 ABCBA 4145BDCAD 4650CCBBA 5155BADDB2007年高三二轮复习之完形填空专练2第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第

16、一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Strangely, the two brothers are quite different _ each other in character.Ain Bat Cfrom Dfor22I _ in the countryside ,but now I _ in the city.Aam used to live; am used to living Bused to living; ;am used to living Cused to live; am used to liv

17、e Dused to live; am used to living23This lesson is _ difficult than that one.Aa bit Ba few Ca little much Da bit more24There are many clubs for you to choose. Which one would you like to _?Ajoin in Bjoin Ctake part in Dattend25Nancy is not coming tonight.But she _.Apromises Bpromised Cwill promise D

18、had promised26I dont like the way _ Mr. Wang treats his children.A/ Bin that Cof which Dwhich27I have made a mistake, I forgot _ about it.Atell her Bto tell her Ctelling her Dtold her28_ is known to everyone that the moon travels around the earth once every month.AIt BAs CThat DWhat 29He suggested t

19、hat we _ a walk outside.Ahad Bhave Chaving Dto have30What _ me most in the world is the natural beauty of Guilin.Ainteresting Binterest Cto interest Dinterests31He isnt interested in those texts, _ are too difficult for him.Amuch of which Bmost of that Cmost of them Dmost of which32Recently I bought

20、 a second-hand car _ was very low.Awhich price Bthe price of whose Cits price Dwhose price33The _ expression suggested that he had won the contest.Aexciting Bexcite Cexcited Dexcites 34What do you think makes him so cross?_ the exam.AHe failed BHe failing CHis failing DHes failed35In order to make u

21、p for the lost time, they are working _.Alike crazy Bas crazy Clike crazily Das crazily第二节:完形填空(共20小题, 每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Jules Vernes most famous book is Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. (Aleague is an old word 36 about three miles.) In those day

22、s submarines (潜水艇) had not been 37 but he describes an underwater ship very like a modern 38 . The captain of the submarine in this book is 39 Captain Nemo and he and his men have 40 strange adventures and find many strange things 41 the bottom of the ocean. This book has been made into a film. 42 y

23、ou have seen it. In all his books Jules Verne used his scientific knowledge as well as his imagination in describing future inventions. 43 he was wrong, of course, but 44 the accuracy (准确) of his descriptions is very clever. He was a very good 45 . His characters often 46 surprising and sometimes im

24、possible things but they always seemed 47 real people. Sometimes they are very likeable and amusing 48 . Two of these were Mr. Fogg, the hero of Around the World 49 Eighty Days, and his servant. In this book Mr. Fogg made a bet(打赌) that he would travel 50 around the world in eighty days. This may se

25、em easy to you. Nowadays we go around the world in 51 than eighty hours but in those days there were no planes or even cars. Mr. Fogg and his servant traveled in many different 52 , even on an elephant at one time! If you want to know whether Mr. Fogg won his bet or not, youd 53 read the book. It ha

26、s been written in 54 English which you can easily readThe book has been made into a film 55 . 36Ameaning Bincluding Cmeans Dspeaks 37Amade Bdiscovered Cproducing Dinvented 38Aship Bboat Cplane Dsubmarine 39Amade Bcalled Ccried Dshouted 40Afew Bany Cmany Dlittle 41Ain Bbeneath Cat Dunder 42APerhaps B

27、So CThen DSince 43AAlways BSeldom CSome times DSometimes 44Astill Balways Cnever Doften 45Astory-teller Bsailor Ccaptain Dpilot 46Awanted Bmade Cdid Dhad 47Aare Bto be Cthat Das that 48Acharacters Bwomen Cmen Dchildren 49Ain Bfor Con Dduring 50Ain the way Ball the way Cby the way Don the way 51Amuch

28、 Blittle Cmany Dless 52Aroads Bpaths Cways Dcountries 53Abetter Bwould Cshould Dmight 54Asimple Bgood Ccorrect Ddifficult 55Atoo Beither Chowever Dthen参考答案2125CDDBB 2630ABABD 3135DDCCA 3640ADDBC 4145CADDA 4650CBAAB 5155 DCAAA2007-2008年高三二轮复习之完形填空专练1第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项选择:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从

29、A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该题涂黑。21Beyond _stars, Fei Jun-long, the Chinese astronaut, saw nothing but _ space.A不填;the Bthe; 不填 C不填; 不填 Dthe; the22-Dad, Im confused what I am going to do after graduation. -Youd better first explore your talents and get to know yourself so as to find out _ _ y

30、our real interests lie.Awhat Bwhere Cin which Dhow23Since her childhood, she has tried her best to _ her ideals.Alive with Blive up to Clive through Dlive on24_ I admire him as a writer, I do not like him as a man.AAs though BAs much CMuch as DLittle as25The _ look in her face suggested that she _ i

31、t before.Asurprising; wouldnt know Bsurprised; hadnt knownCsurprising; hadnt known Dsurprised; shouldnt know26He would never have got the job, _ for the fact that his father had great influence over the company.Ahad it not been Bit had not beenCit were not Dwere it not27It is how much you read but _

32、 you read _ counts.Athat; that Bthat; what Cwhat; what Dwhich; what28-Guess what! I came across an old friend at the English evening last night. - _Im sure you had a wonderful time together.ASounds good! BVery well. CHow nice! DAll right.29I was thinking of going to see John when who _ appear but Jo

33、hn himself!Ashould Bshall Cmust Dwill30They expect us to do whatever they want _ painting, decorating and repairs.Aon the way to Bby way of Cout of the way Din the way of31Rather than _ up his marriage, he told his wife everything.Ato risk to break Bto risk breaking Crisk to break Drisk breaking32Th

34、e mans first two _ paintings are now on exhibition in the museum.Alittle red oil Bred little oil Coil red little Dlittle oil red33-Tom, what would you like to eat, some beef? -Mom, anything _ beef. You know, I dislike beef.Abut Blike Cthan Dwith34Our monitor _ you more help, even though he was very

35、busy.Amay give Bmay have given Cmight give Dmight have given35-Has Billy finished his homework today?-I have no ideaHe _ it this morning.Awould do Bwas doing Chas done Dhad done第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The lady with the white fence taugh

36、t me to leave the gate to life open.When my husband died of a brain disease, I became very angry. Life was not 36 . I hated being alone. One day, as I was 37 down a busy street in town, I suddenly noticed a new fence, which was being set up 38 a house. I 39 to the side to really admire the fence. Th

37、e carpenter had done such a good job that my eyes almost 40 up with tears. I could not 41 myself away. I stopped the engine, went over and touched the fence. It still 42 of fresh paint. I could hear a lady was trying to start the lawn mower in the back garden.Hello! I shouted and 43 at her. “Well, h

38、ello!”. She stood up and wiped her hands in the apron. II came to see the fence. It is so beautiful! I said.The fence is not there for my 44 , the lady explained to me in 45 voice. I live alone. But so many people drive by every day, and I thought they 46 be glad to see something really nice. People

39、 see my fence and wave. 47 stop like you and come up to the veranda(走廊) to have a chat. 48 werent you sad when they expanded the road and everything changed so much? I asked.Her reply 49 my life. Change is a part of life and takes part in 50 us who we are. When something we do not like happens to us

40、, we have two choices: to become a 51 person or to become a better person.I carefully left the gate 52 and drove on with a new feeling inside me. I could not 53 what it was, but I could feel the thick stone wall around my angry heart breaking off. And 54 a pretty white fence was built. I decided tha

41、t I would keep the gate open for everything and everyone that came my 55 .36Afair BunhappyCsuccessfulDunknown37AwalkingBdrivingCwanderingDrunning38AnearBbesideCaroundDin39Apulled downBpulled offCpulled throughDpulled out40AwelledBdriedCtookDkept41Aput BtearCsendDcarry42Afelt BtastedCsoundedDsmelled4

42、3AlookedBstaredCwavedDglared44AsakeBstreetCjobDincome45Aan angryBa frightenedCa doubtedDa matter-of-fact46Aought toBshouldCmightDhave to47AEveryoneBNobodyCA fewDFew48ASo BButCThusDThough49AgaveBchangedCchargedDcost50AmakingBleavingCfindingDcatching51AbetterBbitterCbestDworst52AopenBclosedCbrokenDloc

43、ked53AdiscussBspeakCtalkDtell54AunfortunatelyBbesidesCsurprisinglyDinstead55ApositionBwayCrouteDmethod参考答案单项填空2125BBBCB 2630ACCAD 3135DAADB完形填空3640 ABCBA 4145BDCAD 4650CCBBA 5155BADDB2007年高三二轮复习之完形填空专练2第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Strangely, the two

44、 brothers are quite different _ each other in character.Ain Bat Cfrom Dfor22I _ in the countryside ,but now I _ in the city.Aam used to live; am used to living Bused to living; ;am used to living Cused to live; am used to live Dused to live; am used to living23This lesson is _ difficult than that on

45、e.Aa bit Ba few Ca little much Da bit more24There are many clubs for you to choose. Which one would you like to _?Ajoin in Bjoin Ctake part in Dattend25Nancy is not coming tonight.But she _.Apromises Bpromised Cwill promise Dhad promised26I dont like the way _ Mr. Wang treats his children.A/ Bin tha

46、t Cof which Dwhich27I have made a mistake, I forgot _ about it.Atell her Bto tell her Ctelling her Dtold her28_ is known to everyone that the moon travels around the earth once every month.AIt BAs CThat DWhat 29He suggested that we _ a walk outside.Ahad Bhave Chaving Dto have30What _ me most in the

47、world is the natural beauty of Guilin.Ainteresting Binterest Cto interest Dinterests31He isnt interested in those texts, _ are too difficult for him.Amuch of which Bmost of that Cmost of them Dmost of which32Recently I bought a second-hand car _ was very low.Awhich price Bthe price of whose Cits pri

48、ce Dwhose price33The _ expression suggested that he had won the contest.Aexciting Bexcite Cexcited Dexcites 34What do you think makes him so cross?_ the exam.AHe failed BHe failing CHis failing DHes failed35In order to make up for the lost time, they are working _.Alike crazy Bas crazy Clike crazily

49、 Das crazily第二节:完形填空(共20小题, 每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Jules Vernes most famous book is Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. (Aleague is an old word 36 about three miles.) In those days submarines (潜水艇) had not been 37 but he describes an underwater ship very

50、 like a modern 38 . The captain of the submarine in this book is 39 Captain Nemo and he and his men have 40 strange adventures and find many strange things 41 the bottom of the ocean. This book has been made into a film. 42 you have seen it. In all his books Jules Verne used his scientific knowledge

51、 as well as his imagination in describing future inventions. 43 he was wrong, of course, but 44 the accuracy (准确) of his descriptions is very clever. He was a very good 45 . His characters often 46 surprising and sometimes impossible things but they always seemed 47 real people. Sometimes they are v

52、ery likeable and amusing 48 . Two of these were Mr. Fogg, the hero of Around the World 49 Eighty Days, and his servant. In this book Mr. Fogg made a bet(打赌) that he would travel 50 around the world in eighty days. This may seem easy to you. Nowadays we go around the world in 51 than eighty hours but

53、 in those days there were no planes or even cars. Mr. Fogg and his servant traveled in many different 52 , even on an elephant at one time! If you want to know whether Mr. Fogg won his bet or not, youd 53 read the book. It has been written in 54 English which you can easily readThe book has been mad

54、e into a film 55 . 36Ameaning Bincluding Cmeans Dspeaks 37Amade Bdiscovered Cproducing Dinvented 38Aship Bboat Cplane Dsubmarine 39Amade Bcalled Ccried Dshouted 40Afew Bany Cmany Dlittle 41Ain Bbeneath Cat Dunder 42APerhaps BSo CThen DSince 43AAlways BSeldom CSome times DSometimes 44Astill Balways C

55、never Doften 45Astory-teller Bsailor Ccaptain Dpilot 46Awanted Bmade Cdid Dhad 47Aare Bto be Cthat Das that 48Acharacters Bwomen Cmen Dchildren 49Ain Bfor Con Dduring 50Ain the way Ball the way Cby the way Don the way 51Amuch Blittle Cmany Dless 52Aroads Bpaths Cways Dcountries 53Abetter Bwould Cshould Dmight 54Asimple Bgood Ccorrect Ddifficult 55Atoo Beither Chowever Dthen参考答案2125CDDBB 2630ABABD 3135DDCCA 3640ADDBC 4145CADDA 4650CBAAB 5155 DCAAA


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