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1、高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题本站投稿专用信箱:ks5u,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优20062007学年度江苏省泰州市第一学期期末联考高 三 英 语 试 题 第卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where do

2、es the conversation take place? A. In a library.B. In a shop. C. In a college.2. What do we know about the man? A. He often stays up late in the evening. B. He studies hard. C. He isnt attentive in class.3. Why does the man want the bill? A. To check out and leave the hotel.B. To check out after he

3、leaves.C. To carry his luggage downstairs.4. How much can the woman keep? A. $ 4.5.B. 50 cents.C. 45 cents.5. What does the man mean? A. He doesnt want to take the job yet. B. He will accept the job offer. C. He will write a letter to a trading company.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几

4、个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Brother and sister.7. What did the man do last night?A. He went to the cinema.B. He attended a

5、birthday party.C. He went out for dinner.8. Why is the woman calling the man?A. To invite him to a birthday party.B. To ask him for help with her physics.C. To borrow his physics book.听第7段材料,回答第9至10题。9. What has happened to the womans socks and underwear?A. They are broken.B. They are colored. C. Th

6、ey are burned.10. What can we learn about the woman?A. She forgot to wash her favorite T-shirt.B. She put a wool sweater in a washer.C. She didnt separate the white clothes from the dark ones.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. How did Mrs. Smith feel when she saw Mr. White? A. Excited. B. Surprised. C. Sad. 12. W

7、hat was the weather like at last? A. Stormy. B. Fine. C. Rainy.13. How does Mrs. Smith feel about traveling by air? A. She doesnt enjoy flying much. B. She thinks flight is often delayed because of the weather. C. She likes it. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. How did the woman know this film was a good one?A.

8、Her husband told her about it.B. She read about it in the magazine.C. She read about it in the newspaper.15. Why did the woman miss the film?A. Because she was too busy to see it.B. Because she was asked to go shopping for clothes.C. Because she watched another wonderful program.16. What can we lear

9、n from the dialogue?A. The man hasnt seen such a wonderful film for a long time.B. The woman hadnt hoped to see the film.C. The wonderful film has won the award of the year.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. In the past how did you have to dress? A. As you liked. B. Like everyone else around. C. According to you

10、r looks.18. What does the speaker think of appearance? A. Nothing important.B. Sometimes very important. C. More important than anything else.19. What can we know from the passage? A. Wearing jeans for a job interview is wise. B. Doing your hair as you like now is unacceptable. C. Jeans and sweater

11、seem very popular now. 20. What does the speaker imply in the passage? A. Different places, different appearances. B. The same appearance, though in different places. C. Always in the latest fashion.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该题涂黑。 21. China

12、s growth is not threat to others. On contrary, it will bring more opportunities to the world. A. The; a; / B. The; /; the C. /; a; / D. /; a; the22. seems to have been a strong competition in China for school leavers to enter college or university. A. ItB. ThereC. HereD. That23. - Shall I get you a

13、magazine?- I have no appetite _ reading at the moment.A. on B. inC. forD. about24. In fact, the situation was so desperate that, , no one could help another. A. in this way B. in commonC. in other wordsD. in most cases25. We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are .A. looking u

14、p B. coming upC. making upD. turning up26. He told us sadly that more than one person in the case. A. involved B. had involved C. was involvedD. were involved27. - Why bother? There is too much rubbish here. Youll never pick it all up.- Maybe not. But at least this part of the park cleaner.A. was B.

15、 will be C. had beenD. is28. She is a caring and helpful neighbor, all of us will always adore and be thankful to.A. /B. thatC. for whomD. one whom29. Maybe you have been to many famous restaurants, but nowhere else on such nice ducks. A. you can feastB. can you tasteC. you can tasteD. can you feast

16、30. - Why do you work so hard day and night? - my parents expectations. A. To live up to B. To meet the demand of C. To make full use of D. To put up with 31. You were out enjoying yourself when you _.A. must have studiedB. would have studiedC. should be studyingD. ought to have been studying32. - I

17、 thought he would give in to me. - Thats . A. what you are wrongB. why you are wrongC. where you were wrongD. which you were wrong33. The positive meanings words in an ad and how they are presented in an interesting way play an important role in promoting a product.A. are attached toB. attached to C

18、. attaching to D. having attached to34. - May I use your dictionary? I need to look up a word. - Its over there. . A. It depends B. Got itC. Feel freeD. No problem35. I wouldnt think it to ask him to the club hell only refuse.A. worthwhile; joinB. worthwhile; join inC. worth; joinD. worth; join in 第

19、二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从文后所给各题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该题涂黑。Once, looking for stories on the back roads of Ohio, we werent getting on smoothly.A beekeeper wed been told about was away from home 36 we called on him. An amusement park where we thought we might find a 37 had shu

20、t down for the season. We began to get a little 38 .When 39 a farmhouse, we found a banner between two trees in the front yard. The banner said 40 huge letters: WELCOME HOME , ROGER! We drove 41 for a mile or two. Somebody said ,“Wonder who Roger is?” We 42 , went back there and knocked on the door.

21、Roger was a soldier on his way home from war. His 43 knew he was coming, but werent sure what day he was going to 44 . We asked if theyd mind if we brought the camera into the house. Rogers mother said it would be all right 45 wed give her a few minutes to fix her hair. We werent there more than an

22、hour, talking to those people who were all 46 about Roger coming home and taking pictures.In the car as we 47 on that afternoon, I wrote a simple story letting Roger 48 all the soldiers coming home from war. We sent the 49 with the story to New York, and Walter Cronkite put it on the Evening news. 5

23、0 has any of our stories caused such a reaction from 51 . The CBS switchboard (总机) kept busy that night with dozens of calls from people 52 by it in some way, and hundreds of letters came in, some of them suggesting that the story be 53 . There was so much 54 throughout that Cronkite had to report a

24、 few nights 55 , “Oh, and by the way-Roger got home!”36.A. sinceB. whereC. becauseD. when37.A. placeB. ownerC. story D. way38.A. discouragedB. disturbedC. satisfiedD. touched39.A. enteringB. visitingC. passingD. searching40.A. ofB. inC. byD. on41.A. outB. awayC. onD. down42.A. got outB. turned aroun

25、dC. drove onD. gave up43.A. familyB. motherC. friendD. wife44.A. leaveB. passC. startD. arrive45.A. if B. whetherC. unlessD. until46.A. encouragedB. worriedC. excitedD. surprised47. A. stayedB. rolledC. tookD. started48. A. expectB. representC. expressD. congratulate49. A. letterB. bookC. cameraD. f

26、ilm50. A. SeldomB. ActuallyC. UsuallyD. Unexpectedly51. A. listenersB. readersC. writersD. viewers52. A. satisfiedB. movedC. knownD. expected53. A. broadcastB. toldC. repeatedD. spread54. A. surpriseB. disappointmentC. entertainmentD. interest55. A. laterB. earlierC. beforeD. sooner第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每

27、小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATourism is booming in China. But the supporting travel insurance industry isnt sharing the growth. As the number of travelers increases, so does the number of accidents. During this years May Day Holiday, for example, 11 major accidents killed 19 peo

28、ple and injured 23. No national statistics (统计) are available on the popularity of travel insurance. According to a report, in Shanghai, only 20 percent of group tour travelers bought insurance coverage and spent an average of 6 yuan. The percentage is believed to be lower for independent travelers.

29、 The limited coverage by travel insurance is partly to blame for this low figure. Most travel insurance plans cover only injuries and medical expenses caused by accidents. Travel mishaps like lost luggage and cancelled trips are not covered. Travel insurance also doesnt cover activities like diving,

30、 skiing and parachuting. These activities are more dangerous and need insurance more than everyday activities. Travel insurance is more widely used in Western countries. For example, in the UK, more than 90 percent of holiday makers take out insurance. Travelers, aged 18 to 25, are the least likely

31、to take out travel insurance. But two-thirds still buy it when they go abroad. Western travel insurance usually covers three types of accidents. The first is trip cancellation due to illness or injury. Insurance policies specially designed for students even include unexpected exams as a reason for t

32、rip cancellation. The second part is similar to travel insurance in China, covering medical and accident costs. The third part includes the costs of lost luggage, cash or camera. In western countries, insurance can be purchased online, by telephone, at post offices or travel shops. Besides insurance

33、 companies, large supermarkets also issue their own travel insurance plans, which can be bought at their chains nationwide. 56. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. There are altogether 11 major accidents this year in China. B. We know clearly how many people have purchased travel insurance

34、in our country. C. Independent travelers spend more money on insurance than group tour travelers. D. About 66% travelers in the UK aged from 18 to 25 buy travel insurance when they go abroad. 57. According to the passage, the rate of insurance purchasing among travelers is low partly because _.A. th

35、e coverage of travel insurance is limitedB. most of the travelers are poorC. there are few accidents during travelingD. tourism is booming in China58. Which type of accidents does travel insurance cover in both China and Western countries? A. Trip cancellation due to illness or injury.B. Medical and

36、 accident costs. C. The costs of lost luggage, cash or camera.D. Special insurance policies for students.59. The underlined word “mishaps” means _.A. accidents B. mistakesC. faults D. disadvantagesBPonce de Leon spent considerable time and effort nearly 500 years ago in his unsuccessful search for t

37、he “fountain of youth”. He believed that its water would keep him young for ever. Throughout history, people have tried in various ways to slow the aging process. Now a doctor in California thinks that we may actually have moved a step closer to doing so. Dr. Jaime Miquel says that weightlessness, s

38、uch as that experienced by the spacemen, could enable a person to live longer. They can live with smaller supplies of food and air. In a normal environment, about one-third of the bodys energy is used to deal with the effects of gravity. In a weightless environment, a persons organs dont have to wor

39、k as hard and may last longer. Dr. Miquels research points out that a person could slow the aging process by as much as 10% to 15% while in space. These findings do not, however, show that the key to a long life is to rush out and buy a ticket on the next spaceship. While living in a weightless envi

40、ronment does appear to slow the aging process, it causes other problems. Bones and muscles may lose the ability to function normally. In the case of every spaceman so far, this loss of muscle function has disappeared after the return to the earth. No humans have remained long enough in a weightless

41、environment to show whether or not long-time damage might occur. Your best chance for a long life is to eat and drink properly and get enough rest. 60. For Ponce de Leon, youth lasting for ever _.A. was found in a fountain B. could be got by buying a ticket on the next spaceshipC. existed in various

42、 ways D. was an impossible dream 61. According to the passage, without gravity, a person requires _.A. extra clothes for warmth B. plenty of exercise C. less food and air D. more food and water 62. According to the passage, weightlessness could slow aging because _. A. lighter people live longer B.

43、the bodys organs work less C. people eat and drink less D. only 1/3 of the bodys energy is used63. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. It has been proved that living in a weightless environment is a good way to live longer. B. Living in a weightless environment causes problems.C. The l

44、oss of muscle function has disappeared after the spacemen return to the earth. D. For most people a proper diet and enough rest is the key to a long life. CI recently wrote an autobiography in which I recalled many old memories. One of them was from my school days, when our ninth grade teacher, Miss

45、 Raber, would pick out words from the Readers Digest to test our vocabulary.Today, more than 45 years later, I always check out “It pays to Enrich your Word Power” first when the Digest comes each month. I am impressed with that idea, word power. Readers Digest knows the power that words have to mov

46、e people - to entertain, inform, and inspire. The Digest editors know that the big word isnt always the best word. Take just one example, a Quotable Quote from the February 1985 issue: “Time is a playful thing. It slips quickly and drinks the day like a bowl of milk.”Seventeen words, only two of the

47、m more than one syllable, yet how much they convey! Thats usually how it is with Readers Digest. Small and simple can be profound (意义深远).As chairman of a foundation to restore the Statue of Liberty, Ive been making a lot of speeches lately. I try to keep them fairly short. I use small but vivid word

48、s: words like “hope”, “guts”, “faith”, “dreams”. Those are words that move people and say so much about the spirit of America.Dont get me wrong. Im not against using big words, when it is right to do so, but I have also learned that a small word can work a miracle - if its the right word, in the rig

49、ht place, at the right time. Its a “secret” that I hope I never forget.64. The passage is mainly about .A. one of the many old memoriesB. using simple words to express profound ideasC. Readers Digest and school speechesD. how to make effective speeches65. It seems that Readers Digest is a magazine p

50、opular with .A. people of all agesB. teenagersC. school teachersD. elderly readers66. The authors “secret” is .A. to avoid using big words at any timeB. to use words that have the power to move peopleC. to work a miracle by using a small wordD. to use small and simple words where possible67. Accordi

51、ng to the author, words that have power can give people .A. hope, courage, and ideasB. confidence, determination, and strengthC. pleasure, knowledge, and encouragementD. humor, information, and powerDChinas college students get okay to tie knotChinas educational authority gave the green light to col

52、lege students planning to get married.Starting from the autumn term, students reaching the legal age for marriage dont have to ask their university for approval when they plan to tie the knot, Ministry of Education officials to announce revised (修订的) guidelines on university students. The current ca

53、mpus regulations were issued in 1990.But it doesnt mean the government encourages collegians to marry, said Sun Xiaobing, director of the ministrys legal office.The ministry lifted the ban to get in line with the countrys new Marriage Law, which came into effect in 2003, said Sun. The new marriage l

54、aw says a person neednt get approval from his or her employer for marriage registration (登记). But sources said only one in every 10,000 students has since registered for marriage.The revised campus regulations also offer university officials more say (发言权) in punishing students who are caught cheati

55、ng in an exam or plagiarizing (剽窃) research achievements.A university can kick out a student if he or she takes an exam for another candidate, hires a proxy (替考者) to take an exam, organizes exam cheating, cheats through telecommunications devices like a cell phone, or steals ideas from a published r

56、esearch paper, the guidelines say.To better protect students rights, the new guidelines allow students to appeal to their school or even the provincial level education authority if they are unhappy with a punishment.68. The Ministry of Education canceled the ban to _.A. better protect students right

57、sB. encourage collegians to marryC. change in the same way as the countrys new Marriage LawD. challenge the current campus regulations issued in 199469. The underlined phrase “kick out” has the same meaning with the word “_” in the passage.A. dismissB. encourageC. liftedD. prepared70. According to t

58、he new campus regulations, students reaching the legal age for marriage _.A. must get approval from his or her university for marriage registrationB. should earn more money to prepare them for marriageC. can decide when to marry at their willD. should concentrate on their studies71. A college studen

59、t may be punished by the university EXCEPT when he or she _.A. is caught cheating in an examB. appeals to the authorities if they disagree about a punishmentC. gets married before reaching the legal age for marriageD. copies ideas from a published research paperELast month, James Connolly, a junior

60、at the University of Massachusetts, stood in front of a local police station wearing a loose garment as punishment. His crime? He was charged with underage drinking, illegal possession of alcohol and very big noise while holding a party. This shaming punishment has increased in the US in recent year

61、s, mostly decided by local judges for less-serious crimes, such as drunk driving and theft. They believe shame is the best small crime punishment. For example, in Tennessee, Judge James McKenzie has made a shoplifter stand outside Wal-Mart with signs that read, “Im a thief put here by order of Judge

62、 McKenzie”.Some experts think alternative punishments like community service and fines dont convey moral condemnation (谴责) of the criminal because they arent shameful enough. Shaming punishments are sometimes called Scarlet Letter punishments. The name comes from US author Nathaniel Hawthornes 1850

63、novel, The Scarlet Letter. In this novel, a woman is forced to wear a scarlet (red) “A” on her clothes as punishment for her adultery (通奸).However, not everyone agrees. Experts said there is an important difference between the shaming punishments of colonial (殖民的) America and those assigned in state

64、s like Tennessee. “Early societies often had a “re-acceptance” ceremony to welcome the offender back into main society, contemporary punishments in America lack this.” Supporters of shaming punishment argue that public shaming is a good way of expressing community values. Some judges say shamed offe

65、nders seldom repeat their crimes. Others arent so sure. “There is little evidence to suggest that shaming punishments are successful in preventing people from committing special crimes. And a shamed criminal may face a hard battle to regain reputation in society. So a shaming punishment may force th

66、e offender into more crime to support himself.” 72. James Connolly was punished because _.A. he wore a loose garment in front of a local police stationB. he drank too much and caused an accidentC. he broke the law of alcohol consumption and held a noisy party D. he stole things from a supermarket 73

67、. In early American societies, offenders _.A. had the chance of being accepted by the societies againB. would never gain respect from others C. didnt receive any moral condemnationD. wore a scarlet “A” on their clothes as shaming punishment 74. We can infer from the passage that _.A. shaming crimina

68、ls publicly is a good way of expressing community values B. shaming punishment has a long history in the USC. shaming punishment can always have good resultsD. community service and fines dont convey moral condemnation of criminals75. What is the best title for the passage? A. Doubtful Punishment B.

69、 Successful PunishmentC. The Increasing Punishment in the US D. The Result of Shaming Punishment in the US第II卷(共35分)第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 对话填空 (共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)76. 77. 阅读下面对话,掌握其大意,并根据所给首字母的提示,在标有题号的下边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。M: Did you see the (76) l of books for this course? W: Yes. Dr. Downs sa

70、id he expected us to have the first five on the list. He is going to discuss them in (77) d . M: Are you going to buy them?W: I dont know. These books are (78) e . And I dont have 78. a lot of money (79) o me. 79. M: How about (80) s them with me? 80. W: Sounds good.M: Lets do this. I will buy three

71、 and you buy two of them.: I would rather do it this (81) w_ : we pay fifty-fifty for the books now. 81. And at the end of the (82) c , you can take the books you find 82. more interesting and I will take the ones I like. M: What (83) i we both like the same books? 83. W: Come on. We are not going t

72、o (84) a over that, are we? 84. M: I was just joking. Its (85) d a better idea. 85. W: Then lets get the books as soon as possible.第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)下面的饼状图(pie chat)显示了你对你校学生兴趣爱好的调查结果。请你用英语给Shanghai Students Post 写一篇短文,报道你的调查结果,并对此结果发表你的看法或建议。字数120词左右。首句已给出(不计入词数)。A recent survey shows what the studen

73、ts of our school like to do in their spare time.高三英语答案Suggested answers:听力:1-5 CCABA 6-10 BACBC 11-15 BBCCB 16-20ABBCA 单项选择:21-25 DCDA 26-30 CDDA 31-35 DCBCA完型填空: 36-40 DCACB 41-45 CBADA 46-50 CBBDA 51-55 DBCDA 阅读理解:56-60 DABAD61-65 CBABA 66-70 CCCAC 71-75 BCABA 对话填空:76. list 77.detail 78.expensive

74、79. on 80. sharing 81. way 82. course 83. if 84. argue 85. definitely书面表达:A recent survey shows what the students of our school like to do in their spare time. From the pie chat, we can see 53% of the students like sports, so doing sports is the most popular activity in our school. The second popula

75、r activity for students is surfing the Internet and 36 % of the students have interest in it. Only a few students, about 8 percent of them, take reading as a hobby. And even fewer are fond of playing musical instruments.In my point of view, our school should have more sports facilities built to sati

76、sfy the need of the students. Guidance should be given to students on surfing the Internet and ways must be found to arouse students interests in reading and music.书面表达评分的基本要求:1时态为一般现在时(时态错建议得分在20分以下);2图表描述内容必须包含饼状图中所给的4个活动(reading, playing musical instruments, doing sports和surfing the Internet);3看法

77、或建议可从以下几方面阐述(只要有两个建议就可以了):Reading: To find ways to arouse students interest in reading, etc.Playing musical instruments: To make more students become interested in playing musical instruments, etc.Doing sports: To have more sports facilities built, to pay more attention to the safety of the students

78、, etc.Surfing the Internet: To guide the students in surfing the Internet, to forbid students who are under age for net bars to play computer games, etc.高三英语Text 1M: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Lecture Hall is? W: Maybe I can. Actually, I am looking for the Lecture Hall, too. I think its in

79、 the library. Are you a new student? M: Yes, I am. Text 2W: Why did you stay up last night?M: Mum, I had enough sleep in class yesterday afternoon.Text 3M: Operator,connect me with the cashier please?Miss,I want to check outWill you pleasehave the bill ready for me?Ill come down in a few minutes.W:

80、O.K. Sir,Ill bill you right away.M: Operator,sorry to bother you againWill you please send me a porter to carry my luggagedownstairs?W: All right.Text 4M: How much do I owe you?W: Four dollars and fifty cents.M: Here is 5 dollars, you can keep the change.W: Thank you.Text 5 M: Hi, see you here again

81、, Linda.W: Hi, are you going to accept the job offer? M: Im waiting for letters from other companies. Text 6W: Hi, Martin. How are you?M: Fine, but busy. Weve got some exams next week, remember?W: I know. How much work did you do last night?M: None, I went to the cinema. What about you?W: I had no t

82、ime last night. It was my sisters birthday, so we all went out for dinner.M: Have you done any work this morning?W: Some, but not a lot. Anyway, Im ringing to ask you something. Could I borrow your physics book?M: Sure, when do you want it?W: The sooner, the better.M: How about meeting outside McDon

83、alds in High Street at lunch time?W: Good idea. Im very worried about the physics exam. Have you got any old exam papers? Id really like to look through them.M: I havent, but my brothers got some. Ill bring them too.Text7W: Whats wrong with my laundry? All of my socks and underwear are pink!M: Did y

84、ou happen to put a brand new pink or red item in the washer with your white clothes and then turn on the hot water?W: Oops! I forgot that I was supposed to separate the white clothes and the dark clothes! Damn! That was my favorite T-shirt, too!M: Just remember never to put a wool sweater in the was

85、her and dryer. Itll come out looking like something that would fit a Barbie doll! And you might want to separate the whites from the colors next time!W: Very funny! Ill definitely be more careful next time!Text 8 W: Oh, look. Whos that? Mr. White, you shouldnt have come. M: Thats all right. I was to

86、ld the weather was not good enough.W: Yeah, not ideal for flying. M: If it doesnt clear up soon, Im afraid the flight might be put off. W: Lets hope for the best. M: Mrs. Smith, do you like traveling by air? W: For me, there is nothing like traveling by air. It is both speedy and comfortable. Mr. Wh

87、ite, there goes the announcement for passengers to board. M: Oh, good news for you. The plane will take off on time as it is clearing up. W: I think I must go now. Thank you for coming to see me off, Mr. White. M: Its a pleasure. Come again. I wish you a pleasant journey. W: Thank you. Goodbye. Text

88、9M: Did you see the movie on Channel 6 last night?W: No. I missed it. I went shopping for clothes.M: It was an excellent film. It had been made especially for television, you know.W: I read something about it in yesterdays paper and had hoped to watch it last night, but then Rose called me to go sho

89、pping with her. So I went.M: Do you know that this movie is regarded as one of the best films of the last ten years?W: Yes, I know. Ive heard that the movie will win some film awards at the end of the year.M: Well, if I were one of the judges, Id pick it as the best film of this year. I havent seen

90、such a wonderful film for a long time.W: It sounds as if Ill have to see it, if they return it.Text 10 Today society is much freer and easier than it used to be. It is no longer necessary to dress like everyone else. Within reason, you can dress as you like or do your hair the way you like instead o

91、f the way you should because it is the fashion. The popularity of jeans and untidy look seems to be reaction against the increasingly expensive fashions of the top fashion houses.At the same time, appearance is still important in certain conditions and then we must choose our clothes carefully. It w

92、ould be foolish to go to an interview for a job in the civil service wearing jeans and a sweater, and it would be impolite to visit our elderly relatives looking as if we were going to the beach or a bar and some other places like that. However, you need never feel sad if you dont look like the latest fashion photo. Look around you and you will see that no one else does either!共13页 第13页


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