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1、吉林省东北师大附中、长春十一高中、吉林一中、四平一中、松原实验中学2021届高三英语下学期2月联合模拟考试试题(含解析)1.本试卷分为第卷和第卷两部分,共10页,满分为150分,考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,只交答题卡。2.客观题请用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡上,主观题用黑色碳素笔写在答题卡上。第卷(共 95 分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意:回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。第一节(共小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、

2、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the womans problem? A. She is a bit overweight. B. She has got food poisoning. C. She has high blood pressure. 2. Where was the man born?A. In Boston. B. In New York. C. In Los Angel es.3. What is the relationship between

3、 the speakers?A. Schoolmates. B. Fellow workers. C. Teacher and student.4. Why did Lisa visit YouTube?A. To kill time. B. To watch-movies. C. To do research.5. What are the speakers talking about? A. Great works of literature. B. The mans childhood interest. C. The balance of family and work.第二节(共 1

4、5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。6.What percentage of high school physics teachers in Alabama have physics degrees?A. Around 47% B. Over 19% C. Just 9%.7.What does J

5、ennifer think of her physics class?A. Great. B. Difficult t. C. Boring.听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。 8. Why does the woman make the call?A.To arrange a trip. B. To buy an-insurance. C. To cancel a reservation. 9. What do we know about the-womans husband?A.He will take a boat trip. B. He got injured in hi

6、s leg. C.He was away on business.听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。10.How will Henry probably get to the national park?A. By bus. B. By car. C.By taxi11.When should Henry set out for the park?A. About 5:00 am. B.About 6: O0 am. C. About 7:00 am.12. What prevents the woman from traveling abroad?A. Her income

7、. .B. Her busy schedule. C. Her health condition.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。 13.Why is the man talking to Jane? A To make a travel plan. B. To find a hobby . C. To(conduct a survey. 14. What is Jane quite good at?A. Singing. B. Skiing. C. Swimming.15.What does Jane like doing in summer holidays? A. Walki

8、ng along the sea. B. Playing the guitar in a band. C. Enjoying the views in the mountains. 16. What is James favorite subject?A. Geography. B. English. C.History.听下面一段独白,回答第 17至第 20四个小题。 17.When did Tom Daley get spotted by his coach?A. When his records were reported. B. When he was taking competiti

9、ons. C. When he was having diving lessons. 18.What did Tom Daley achieve at the age of 14? A. He won a silver medal for Britain. B. He represented Britain at the Olympics. C. He won the National Novice Championships. 19. What did Tom Daley get at the 2012 Olympics?A. A gold medal. B. A silver medal.

10、 C. A bronze medal.20.How did Tom Daley feel in Rio 2016?A. Stressful. B. Relaxed. C. Disappointed.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhat it doesThe self-cleaning door handle is combining with advanced photocatalytic ( 光 催 化 ) and black

11、light technology. A light source activates the doors handle coating, telling it to start cleaning. It can minimize the risk of infection by contact and improve the cleanliness of a space. How it worksThe working principle of the product is that a thin advanced photocatalytic coating can effectively

12、decompose bacteria ( 细 菌 ) on the surface of a substance. A consistent UV light sourceinside a transparent glass door handleis required to activate the doors handle coating on the outer surface for disinfection, so a generator is used to provide electricity to light up a UV LED lamp by the motion of

13、 an opening and closing door. Then, the door handle can clean by itself.Design processWe made the first version by using stainless steel. However, it caused the door handle to be heavier. Then, we tried aluminum, which made it light and easy to fix. We also improved the generator output which effect

14、ively turned energy from door movement into a light source.How it is differentOur innovative design is simple, effective, and attractive. It has an elegant smooth shape, and its minimalist appearance stands out in todays world of inventions. Nowadays, people use chemical cleaning materials to clean

15、up public areas but it harms the human body. Our design can be used for a long time and is effective. It can self-clean after each use. In the door lock and door handle market, it is a unique design because there are no similar products.Future plansIn the future, we will commercialize the product an

16、d hope that it can compete on the market with similar products. We are going to connect with public properties, for example, shopping malls, hotels, hospitals and public restrooms, where the risk of spreading infection is higher.AwardsIn addition to winning the James Dyson Award, it has also receive

17、d the Gold Award, and in 2016, it was featured in the 44th International Geneva Inventions Exhibition.1. How does the self-cleaning door handle function?A. It controls the door movement automatically.B. It minimizes the risk of infection by less contact.C. Chemical cleaning materials are used to cle

18、an it up.D. The light source tells the door handle coating to clean itself.2. Compared with the first version of the product, the present one is _.A. safer and cheaperB. cleaner and easierC. less heavy and more effectiveD. more attractive and expensive3. What do we know about the new invention accor

19、ding to the passage?A. It has been widely used in public areas.B. It has received recognition for its innovation.C. It is quite competitive among similar products.D. It will replace traditional chemical cleaning materials.BRome wasnt built in a day. And neither was the Roman subway system. Undergrou

20、nd work is slow going, because construction workers often meet with frescoes(壁画) and other valuable stone foundations thousands of years ago. And a few years ago, they found the wooden foundations of a luxurious porch from a Roman building.So local archaeologists called in Mauro Bernabei of the Nati

21、onal Research Council of Italy. Hes a dendrochronologist: someone who analyzes tree rings, which give age and environmental information.We have to study wood because its full, really full, of information! Bernabei and his team found that the wooden planks were oak(橡木). But the woods origin was harde

22、r to determine. So they compared the tree rings in the oak floor to those available in libraries of tree rings that contain timber fromall over Europe. And they found a match for the Roman woodfrom the Jura region of eastern France, more than 600 miles away.The researchers also determined that it wa

23、s used in about 40 to 60 B.C. And some came from trees already up to 300 years old when they were cut down. The details are in the journal PLOS ONE.The discovery is the first clear evidence of oak from north of the Alps being used to build ancient Rome. And its a reminder that the Romans had a compl

24、ex trading network. These trees, for example, likely floated down two rivers, across the Mediterranean and up another river to Rome.Bernabei says Roman archaeologists usually destroy ancient woodits not as valuable as jewelry and vases and frescos. But hes hoping this study might change their minds.

25、Save the wood, yes! And call me,if you dont want to saveplease, call me!He says.4. Why does the subway in Rome go slowly?A. It is hard to dig up the earth in Rome.B. There are many ancient ruins buried here.C. It is very dangerous to work too fast in RomeD. The Roman are not experienced in building

26、subways5. What can people learn from the wood foundations?A. The wealth in ancient RomeB. The trading information of ancient RomeC. The culture of ancient RomeD. The social relations of ancient Rome6. What does the underlined word in paragraph 4 refer to?A. The stoneB. The subwayC. The French woodD.

27、 The Roman foundation7. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Scientists found some information about ancient RomeB. Wood was not as valuable as stones in ancient RomeC. Only the rich people in ancient Rome could use woodD. Ancient Rome could have a rich trading network.CIts no secret that inhali

28、ng(吸入) smoke is bad for your lungs. But now, scientists are suggesting smoke may also carry and spread infectious diseases.The theory,published in Science Magazine, is based on research that found wildfire smoke is teeming with thousands of species of microorganisms. Some of these microorganisms, in

29、cluding bacteria and fungal spores(真菌孢子), are known to cause disease.The new research suggests that when a wildfire burns plant or animal matter and disturbs soils, it exposes thousands of species of bacteria and fungi(真菌) that otherwise might not easily become airborne(空气传播的). You might think the h

30、igh heat from fire would kill these organisms, butone study cited in the article found that some bacteria even multiply post-fire. Scientists say the organisms latch onto smoke particulates(微粒), allowing them to travel thousands of miles across continents.Dr. Peter Chen, director of the Division of

31、Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, is intrigued by the theory but somewhat skeptical that the microorganisms in smoke would actually cause infections. Many bacteria and fungi dont cause lung infections, says Chen, but its certainly possible that a sig

32、nificant amount could worsen symptoms in someone with a pre-existing lung condition.I always thought it was the particulates in smoke that were causing these issues, says Chen, But when I read this, I started thinking: Could it be the microorganisms that are also worsening existing illness?Whether t

33、he microbes in smoke actually cause infection or simply worsen potential respiratory(呼吸的) issues, the article raises a new health threat that is certainly alarming, saysKelsey Jack, an associate professor of environmental and development economics.This is especially true for lower-income populations

34、, Jack says, because people with fewer means are often more exposed to the environment. If smoke is affecting the air quality in a certain area, the people who work outside, or who have to go to the office on foot or by bike, will inhale more smoke than those who drive.But until more research is don

35、e, Chen says the best thing people can do is just follow existing recommendations whenair quality is poor including staying indoors, keeping windows and doors closed, usingHEPA filters(过滤器)and running air conditioning.8. What can we know about the microorganisms from paragraph 2?A. They could be kil

36、led by high heatB. They could possibly travel through air by themselvesC. They could reproduce in large numbers after fires.D. They can easily attach themselves to smoke particulates9. How do most microorganisms affect people according to Dr. Peter Chen?A They will causes lung infections.B. They mig

37、ht worsen lung diseaseC. They will destroy living environments.D. They might damage respiratory system10. Why are low-income people suffering more than others?A. They live in poor areas.B. They drive to and from workC. They have suffered from lung diseaseD. They are exposed to polluted air more freq

38、uently.11. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A. Results of the new researchB. Disagreements between the author and Chen.C. Suggestions on dealing with poor air qualityD. Benefits of preventing smoke from polluting the airDIt should be one of the main goals in todays society to reduce pl

39、astic consumption. Though many of us believe that recycling will solve the problem, and continue using plastic, its actually the opposite. In 2013, 254 million tons of trash was produced in the U.S. alone, and only around 30% was recycled. This means that the rest ended up in a landfill and will sta

40、y there for up to 1000 years.Recently, China has stopped importing trash from all over the world. Before this, over 30% of the worlds waste would end up in China, causing a popular belief that Asian countries are those responsible for creating the majority of the waste in the world. Now, Asian count

41、ries, including Vietnam and Thailand, are looking for new ways to avoid plastic. One of those ideas was a new, eco-friendly way to pack their goods by avoiding plastic packaging.One of the Perfect Homes Chiangmais team members noticed a creative way to reduce plastic that a supermarket called Rimpin

42、g Supermarket was using and decided to take photos of their shelves with his phone. Little did he know that people from all around the world would absolutely love this idea.“I just popped in to get a few items while we were waiting to sign some contracts(合同) with our lawyer, who was delayed. When I

43、noticed the vegetables wrapped in banana leaves and simply liked the idea, I took a few pictures and posted them online” he said.With more than 3.5 million views and over 17 thousand shares, the idea became something people can encourage more supermarkets to implement(贯彻).Some have noticed that not

44、everything on the shelves is completely plastic-free, to which the supermarket responded that they are taking one step at a time, but its not that easy. Many products come to the supermarkets pre-packaged and many companies are interested in wrapping their produce in plastic since it is the cheapest

45、 and the easiest option. Its now up to the shoppers to show the supermarket which they prefer. If every one opts for the banana leaf packaging, they will stop stocking the items in plastic.12. What can we infer about recycling from paragraph 1?A. The author thinks highly of recyclingB. The US did a

46、great job in recycling in 2013C. Recycling has failed to solve the plastic problemD. Recycling helps a lot in reducing plastic consumption13. Why did the man go to Rimping Supermarket ?A. To take photos of their shelvesB. To meet with their lawyer thereC. To buy some itemsD. To sign some contracts w

47、ith the supermarket.14. What does the underline phrase“ opts for ”in the last paragraph probably mean?A. DoubtsB. DiscussesC. DislikesD. Chooses15. What is the best title of the passage?A. Leaf Packaging Goes ViralB. Reducing Plastic ConsumptionC. Recycling Avoids Plastic PackagingD. A Good Option M

48、akes A Difference第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,共19分)Music therapyMusic therapy(疗法)is a form of therapy which utilizes music. _16_Humans have been making music for thousands of years, and many doctors throughout history have proved the idea that music is beneficial to the mind and body, in addition to being enjoyab

49、le._17_ Listening to and making music appears to reduce heart rate andblood pressure, and provide people with a sense of calmness, safety, or security._18_ Most practitioners have studiedpsychologyor psychiatry along with music. Music therapists work in hospitals, clinics, residential facilities, pr

50、ivate practices, and homes.Some specific applications for music therapy include: pain management, stress management,behavioral therapy, treatment forsubstance abuse, and work with people who have developmental disabilities. _19_ And they can include a variety of things, from listening to a piece of

51、music and talking about the feelings it evokes(激发) to playing an instrument or writing songs as a method of personal expression. Like other expressive therapies such asart therapyand dance therapy, the focus of music therapy is not on the end product, such as a musical composition, and people do not

52、 need to have prior experience with music to benefit from this type of therapy. _20_A. This type of therapy has a number of benefitsB. The measures are tailored to the need of the patientC. People can practice music therapy in a variety of ways.D. This type of therapy may involve making music or lis

53、tening to musicE But there are still many fields of music therapy needing to be changedF. In the 20th century, the practice of music therapy improved as researchers conducted studies to learn how music acted on thebrainand body.G. What is more focused on is the process of listening to, creating, or

54、thinking about music.第二节 完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)As an undergraduate in Mumbai, India, Saad Bhamla wanted to do something rewarding for his maternal grandparents: Buy them a pair of hearing aids.But the prices were_21_ high-and far beyond his_22_.Now, 15 years later,the professor has _23_a device

55、to help the old across the globe:A_24_hearing aid.The practical device,_25_ in a new study, could help restore hearing to millions_26_ from age-related hearing loss for less than the_27_ of a bottle of water.The device is the size of a matchbox and can be_28_ like a necklace. At bulk(批量) rates, Bham

56、la says, it would_29_just under $1 to make.In low and middle-income countries, only 3% of_30_ with age-related hearing loss wear hearing aids, and in countries like the United States, the_31_rate hovers(徘徊) at about 20%, according to Bhamla. Aside from concerns about cost, Bhamla says, “a lot of peo

57、ple dont _32_they have hearing loss.and then there is the social _33_of wearing the aid. Those with the aids would be looked down upon.”Bhamla_34_biomedical devices to be as cheap and_35_as consumer electronics. He still remembers the _36_of learning that he couldnt _37_to help his grandparents. “I

58、thought owning a laptop and a cellphone meant I had the means to _38_hearing aids, but then I realized how _39_they were ,”he recalls. “So I understood the world more _40_.”21. A. shockinglyB. increasinglyC. fortunatelyD. dangerously22. A. limitB. meansC. controlD. height23. A. invitedB. boughtC. in

59、ventedD. found24. A. creativeB. flexibleC. potableD. cheap25. A. blamedB. decoratedC. paintedD. described26. A. makingB. escapingC. sufferingD. hearing27. A. priceB. sizeC. capacityD. weight28 A. boughtB. wornC. matchedD. strengthened29 A. donateB. costC. processD. design30. A. doctorsB. grandparent

60、sC. researchersD. people31. A. recognitionB. functionC. adoptionD. collection32. A. expectB. realizeC. valueD. ignore33. A. prejudiceB. prideC. helpD. communication34. A. wantsB. warnsC. viewsD. reminds35. A. imaginableB. visibleC. accessibleD. tiny36. A. joyB. sorrowC. angerD. surprise37. A. stopB.

61、 forgetC. affordD. agree38. A. updateB. chargeC. wrapD. purchase39. A. expensiveB. heavyC. wonderfulD. wealthy40. A. activelyB. clearlyC. happilyD. desperately第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The earliest exiting collection of Chinese poetry, Shi Jing(Book of Songs),_41_(date) b

62、ack to as early as the 11th century BC, but the history of Chinese poetry may be even longer than that._42_(develop) and changing for thousands of years, Chinese poetry is like a beautiful and fathomless ocean to _43_ Chinese-speaking people couldnt help but keep being drawn.The very ancient poetry

63、that was written 1000 or more years ago was simpler and about common things _44_ love, romance and nature that people appreciate._45_much poetry was written in the eras following the Song Dynasty, it is thought the poets became _46_(increase) academic and abstract so that modern Chinese cant appreci

64、ate the style and meaning.For foreigners, ancient Chinese poetry is more difficult to understand. One of the reasons is the nature of Chinese characteristics_47_(they).Often the words have many meanings, and this make the translation of Chinese into English _48_key part of reading and understanding

65、Chinese poetry. Put simply, good translation is essential to fully understand Chinese poems.If the greatest Chinese poets_49_(name), Du Fu and Li Bai of Tang Dynasty who were _50_(contemporary) and who both traveled widely in China often come up on top. Along with them, another famous ancient poet i

66、s Su Shi of the Song Dynasty.第一节 短文改错51. 假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。With the Spring Festival approached, my classmates and I decided to do s

67、omething special to give our motherland a precious gift. After a heating discussion, we agreed on carrying out a flash mob singing the song “My Motherland and Me” at a local railway station.On the earlier morning of the day,we set out for the station. After setting up the equipments, I took deep bre

68、ath and began to sing. Meanwhile, my classmates sing together with me, playing the musical instruments, what got the atmosphere warmed up. Many passers-by also joined in us, waving national flags. The flash mob lit everyones love for their country. It was really a meaningful but unforgettable gift.第

69、二节 书面表达(满分25分)52. 假设你是李华,上周你们班级参加了学校举办的“爱科学”板报展活动。请你为校英语报写一篇短文,介绍参加该活动的情况,内容包括:1.讨论主题2.准备制作3.展示体会注意:1. 词数100左右;标题已给出,不计入总数2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯_东北师大附中 长春十一高中 吉林一中 四平一中2021届高三联合模拟考试英语科试题(解析版)1.本试卷分为第卷和第卷两部分,共10页,满分为150分,考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,只交答题卡。2.客观题请用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡上,主观题用黑色碳素笔写在答题卡上。第卷(共 95 分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分

70、30 分)该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意:回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。第一节(共小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the womans problem? A. She is a bit overweight. B. She has got food poisoning. C. She has high

71、 blood pressure. 2. Where was the man born?A. In Boston. B. In New York. C. In Los Angel es.3. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Schoolmates. B. Fellow workers. C. Teacher and student.4. Why did Lisa visit YouTube?A. To kill time. B. To watch-movies. C. To do research.5. What are the

72、speakers talking about? A. Great works of literature. B. The mans childhood interest. C. The balance of family and work.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。6.Wha

73、t percentage of high school physics teachers in Alabama have physics degrees?A. Around 47% B. Over 19% C. Just 9%.7.What does Jennifer think of her physics class?A. Great. B. Difficult t. C. Boring.听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。 8. Why does the woman make the call?A.To arrange a trip. B. To buy an-insuran

74、ce. C. To cancel a reservation. 9 What do we know about the-womans husband?A.He will take a boat trip. B. He got injured in his leg. C.He was away on business.听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。10.How will Henry probably get to the national park?A. By bus. B. By car. C.By taxi11.When should Henry set out for

75、 the park?A. About 5:00 am. B.About 6: O0 am. C. About 7:00 am.12. What prevents the woman from traveling abroad?A. Her income. .B. Her busy schedule. C. Her health condition.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。 13.Why is the man talking to Jane? A. To make a travel plan. B. To find a hobby . C. To(conduct a surv

76、ey. 14. What is Jane quite good at?A. Singing. B. Skiing. C. Swimming.15.What does Jane like doing in summer holidays? A Walking along the sea. B. Playing the guitar in a band. C. Enjoying the views in the mountains. 16. What is James favorite subject?A. Geography. B. English. C.History.听下面一段独白,回答第

77、17至第 20四个小题。 17.When did Tom Daley get spotted by his coach?A. When his records were reported. B. When he was taking competitions. C. When he was having diving lessons. 18.What did Tom Daley achieve at the age of 14? A. He won a silver medal for Britain. B. He represented Britain at the Olympics. C.

78、 He won the National Novice Championships. 19. What did Tom Daley get at the 2012 Olympics?A. A gold medal. B. A silver medal. C. A bronze medal.20.How did Tom Daley feel in Rio 2016?A. Stressful. B. Relaxed. C. Disappointed.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和

79、D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhat it doesThe self-cleaning door handle is combining with advanced photocatalytic ( 光 催 化 ) and blacklight technology. A light source activates the doors handle coating, telling it to start cleaning. It can minimize the risk of infection by contact and improve the cleanlines

80、s of a space. How it worksThe working principle of the product is that a thin advanced photocatalytic coating can effectively decompose bacteria ( 细 菌 ) on the surface of a substance. A consistent UV light sourceinside a transparent glass door handleis required to activate the doors handle coating o

81、n the outer surface for disinfection, so a generator is used to provide electricity to light up a UV LED lamp by the motion of an opening and closing door. Then, the door handle can clean by itself.Design processWe made the first version by using stainless steel. However, it caused the door handle t

82、o be heavier. Then, we tried aluminum, which made it light and easy to fix. We also improved the generator output which effectively turned energy from door movement into a light source.How it is differentOur innovative design is simple, effective, and attractive. It has an elegant smooth shape, and

83、its minimalist appearance stands out in todays world of inventions. Nowadays, people use chemical cleaning materials to clean up public areas but it harms the human body. Our design can be used for a long time and is effective. It can self-clean after each use. In the door lock and door handle marke

84、t, it is a unique design because there are no similar products.Future plansIn the future, we will commercialize the product and hope that it can compete on the market with similar products. We are going to connect with public properties, for example, shopping malls, hotels, hospitals and public rest

85、rooms, where the risk of spreading infection is higher.AwardsIn addition to winning the James Dyson Award, it has also received the Gold Award, and in 2016, it was featured in the 44th International Geneva Inventions Exhibition.1. How does the self-cleaning door handle function?A. It controls the do

86、or movement automatically.B. It minimizes the risk of infection by less contact.C. Chemical cleaning materials are used to clean it up.D. The light source tells the door handle coating to clean itself.2. Compared with the first version of the product, the present one is _.A. safer and cheaperB. clea

87、ner and easierC. less heavy and more effectiveD. more attractive and expensive3. What do we know about the new invention according to the passage?A. It has been widely used in public areas.B. It has received recognition for its innovation.C. It is quite competitive among similar products.D. It will

88、replace traditional chemical cleaning materials.【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了结合先进的光催化和黑光技术的自洁门把手。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据What it does中A light source activates the doors handle coating, telling it to start cleaning. 一个光源激活门把手涂层,告诉它开始清洁。可知,光源指示门把手涂层自行清洁。故选D项。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据Design process中We made the first

89、version by using stainless steel. However, it caused the door handle to be heavier. Then, we tried aluminum, which made it light and easy to fix. We also improved the generator output which effectively turned energy from door movement into a light source. 我们用不锈钢做了第一个版本。然而,它使门把手更重了。然后,我们尝试了铝,这使它很轻,很容

90、易修复。我们还改进了发电机的输出,有效地将能量从门的运动转化为光源。可知,与第一代相比,目前这代产品更轻也更有效。故选C项。【3题详解】推理判断题。根据How it is different中In the door lock and door handle market, it is a unique design because there are no similar products. 在门锁和门把手市场,它是一个独特的设计,因为没有类似的产品。以及Awards中In addition to winning the James Dyson Award, it has also recei

91、ved the Gold Award, and in 2016, it was featured in the 44th International Geneva Inventions Exhibition. 除了获得詹姆斯戴森奖,它还获得了金奖,并在2016年参加了第44届日内瓦国际发明展。由此判断出,这款产品的创新得到了认可。故选B项。BRome wasnt built in a day. And neither was the Roman subway system. Underground work is slow going, because construction workers

92、 often meet with frescoes(壁画) and other valuable stone foundations thousands of years ago. And a few years ago, they found the wooden foundations of a luxurious porch from a Roman building.So local archaeologists called in Mauro Bernabei of the National Research Council of Italy. Hes a dendrochronol

93、ogist: someone who analyzes tree rings, which give age and environmental information.We have to study wood because its full, really full, of information! Bernabei and his team found that the wooden planks were oak(橡木). But the woods origin was harder to determine. So they compared the tree rings in

94、the oak floor to those available in libraries of tree rings that contain timber fromall over Europe. And they found a match for the Roman woodfrom the Jura region of eastern France, more than 600 miles away.The researchers also determined that it was used in about 40 to 60 B.C. And some came from tr

95、ees already up to 300 years old when they were cut down. The details are in the journal PLOS ONE.The discovery is the first clear evidence of oak from north of the Alps being used to build ancient Rome. And its a reminder that the Romans had a complex trading network. These trees, for example, likel

96、y floated down two rivers, across the Mediterranean and up another river to Rome.Bernabei says Roman archaeologists usually destroy ancient woodits not as valuable as jewelry and vases and frescos. But hes hoping this study might change their minds.Save the wood, yes! And call me,if you dont want to

97、 saveplease, call me!He says.4. Why does the subway in Rome go slowly?A. It is hard to dig up the earth in Rome.B. There are many ancient ruins buried here.C. It is very dangerous to work too fast in RomeD. The Roman are not experienced in building subways5. What can people learn from the wood found

98、ations?A. The wealth in ancient RomeB. The trading information of ancient RomeC. The culture of ancient RomeD. The social relations of ancient Rome6. What does the underlined word in paragraph 4 refer to?A. The stoneB. The subwayC. The French woodD. The Roman foundation7. What is the main idea of th

99、is passage?A. Scientists found some information about ancient RomeB. Wood was not as valuable as stones in ancient RomeC. Only the rich people in ancient Rome could use woodD. Ancient Rome could have a rich trading network.【答案】4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A【解析】本文是一篇新闻报道,介绍了科学家们在深埋地下的古罗马建筑的木制地基上发现了古罗马的贸易信息。【4题详

100、解】细节理解题。根据第一段“Underground work is slow going, because construction workers often meet with frescoes(壁画) and other valuable stone foundations thousands of years ago.”(地下工程进展缓慢,因为建筑工人经常会遇到几千年前的壁画和其他有价值的石头地基)可知,罗马地铁建设进展缓慢是因为地下埋藏着许多古代遗迹,故选B。【5题详解】细节理解题。根据第五段“And its a reminder that the Romans had a comp

101、lex trading network.”(这也提醒我们罗马人有一个复杂的贸易网络)可知,从木地基中我们能够了解到古罗马的贸易信息,故选B。【6题详解】词句猜测题。根据第三段“And they found a match for the Roman woodfrom the Jura region of eastern France, more than 600 miles away.”可知,他们在600多英里外的法国东部朱拉地区发现了一种罗马木材的匹配物,此处承接上文,说的是研究人员还确定,在法国发现的这种木材在大约公元前40年至60年间曾被使用过,由此可知,it指代的就是上文提到的法国木材

102、,故选C。【7题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段“And a few years ago, they found the wooden foundations of a luxurious porch from a Roman building.”(几年前,他们在一座深埋地下的古罗马建筑的豪华门廊上发现了木制地基)及第五段“And its a reminder that the Romans had a complex trading network.”(这也提醒我们罗马人有一个复杂的贸易网络)可知,本文主要介绍的是科学家们在深埋地下的古罗马建筑的木制地基上发现了古罗马的贸易信息,

103、故选A。CIts no secret that inhaling(吸入) smoke is bad for your lungs. But now, scientists are suggesting smoke may also carry and spread infectious diseases.The theory,published in Science Magazine, is based on research that found wildfire smoke is teeming with thousands of species of microorganisms. So

104、me of these microorganisms, including bacteria and fungal spores(真菌孢子), are known to cause disease.The new research suggests that when a wildfire burns plant or animal matter and disturbs soils, it exposes thousands of species of bacteria and fungi(真菌) that otherwise might not easily become airborne

105、(空气传播的). You might think the high heat from fire would kill these organisms, butone study cited in the article found that some bacteria even multiply post-fire. Scientists say the organisms latch onto smoke particulates(微粒), allowing them to travel thousands of miles across continents.Dr. Peter Chen

106、, director of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, is intrigued by the theory but somewhat skeptical that the microorganisms in smoke would actually cause infections. Many bacteria and fungi dont cause lung infections, says Chen, but its

107、 certainly possible that a significant amount could worsen symptoms in someone with a pre-existing lung condition.I always thought it was the particulates in smoke that were causing these issues, says Chen, But when I read this, I started thinking: Could it be the microorganisms that are also worsen

108、ing existing illness?Whether the microbes in smoke actually cause infection or simply worsen potential respiratory(呼吸的) issues, the article raises a new health threat that is certainly alarming, saysKelsey Jack, an associate professor of environmental and development economics.This is especially tru

109、e for lower-income populations, Jack says, because people with fewer means are often more exposed to the environment. If smoke is affecting the air quality in a certain area, the people who work outside, or who have to go to the office on foot or by bike, will inhale more smoke than those who drive.

110、But until more research is done, Chen says the best thing people can do is just follow existing recommendations whenair quality is poor including staying indoors, keeping windows and doors closed, usingHEPA filters(过滤器)and running air conditioning.8. What can we know about the microorganisms from pa

111、ragraph 2?A. They could be killed by high heatB. They could possibly travel through air by themselvesC. They could reproduce in large numbers after fires.D. They can easily attach themselves to smoke particulates9. How do most microorganisms affect people according to Dr. Peter Chen?A. They will cau

112、ses lung infections.B. They might worsen lung diseaseC They will destroy living environments.D. They might damage respiratory system10. Why are low-income people suffering more than others?A. They live in poor areas.B. They drive to and from workC. They have suffered from lung diseaseD. They are exp

113、osed to polluted air more frequently.11. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A. Results of the new researchB. Disagreements between the author and Chen.C. Suggestions on dealing with poor air qualityD. Benefits of preventing smoke from polluting the air【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. C【解析】本文是说明文。

114、科学家通过研究发现烟雾也可能携带和传播传染病,当野火燃烧时,会散播数千种细菌和真菌。文章介绍了这项发现,并给出了相应的建议。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段的“You might think the high heat from fire would kill these organisms, but one study cited in the article found that some bacteria even multiply post-fire.( 你可能认为来自火灾的高热会杀死这些生物,但一篇文章引用的一项研究发现,有些细菌甚至会在大火后繁殖。)”可知,微生物在大火之后可能大

115、量繁殖。故选C。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段的“Many bacteria and fungi dont cause lung infections, says Chen, but its certainly possible that a significant amount could worsen symptoms in someone with a pre-existing lung condition.(许多细菌和真菌不会引起肺部感染,陈说,但肯定有可能大量的细菌和真菌会使先前存在的肺部疾病的人的症状恶化。)”可知,Peter陈认为微生物可能会让肺部感染恶化。故选B。【10题详

116、解】细节理解题。根据第四段的“This is especially true for lower-income populations, Jack says, because people with fewer means are often more exposed to the environment.(杰克说,这对低收入人群尤其如此,因为经济能力较差的人往往更容易接触这样的环境。)”可知,低收入人群比别人遭受更多是因为他们更频繁地暴露在污染的空气中。故选D。【11题详解】主旨大意题。根据最后一段内容“But until more research is done, Chen says t

117、he best thing people can do is just follow existing recommendations when air quality is poor including staying indoors, keeping windows and doors closed, using HEPA filters(过滤器) and running air conditioning.(但在做更多的研究之前,陈说,人们能做的最好的事情就是在空气质量差的时候遵循现有的建议包括待在室内,关闭门窗,使用HEPA过滤器和运行空调。)”可知,最后一段讨论了关于处理空气质量差的建

118、议。故选C。DIt should be one of the main goals in todays society to reduce plastic consumption. Though many of us believe that recycling will solve the problem, and continue using plastic, its actually the opposite. In 2013, 254 million tons of trash was produced in the U.S. alone, and only around 30% wa

119、s recycled. This means that the rest ended up in a landfill and will stay there for up to 1000 years.Recently, China has stopped importing trash from all over the world. Before this, over 30% of the worlds waste would end up in China, causing a popular belief that Asian countries are those responsib

120、le for creating the majority of the waste in the world. Now, Asian countries, including Vietnam and Thailand, are looking for new ways to avoid plastic. One of those ideas was a new, eco-friendly way to pack their goods by avoiding plastic packaging.One of the Perfect Homes Chiangmais team members n

121、oticed a creative way to reduce plastic that a supermarket called Rimping Supermarket was using and decided to take photos of their shelves with his phone. Little did he know that people from all around the world would absolutely love this idea.“I just popped in to get a few items while we were wait

122、ing to sign some contracts(合同) with our lawyer, who was delayed. When I noticed the vegetables wrapped in banana leaves and simply liked the idea, I took a few pictures and posted them online” he said.With more than 3.5 million views and over 17 thousand shares, the idea became something people can

123、encourage more supermarkets to implement(贯彻).Some have noticed that not everything on the shelves is completely plastic-free, to which the supermarket responded that they are taking one step at a time, but its not that easy. Many products come to the supermarkets pre-packaged and many companies are

124、interested in wrapping their produce in plastic since it is the cheapest and the easiest option. Its now up to the shoppers to show the supermarket which they prefer. If every one opts for the banana leaf packaging, they will stop stocking the items in plastic.12. What can we infer about recycling f

125、rom paragraph 1?A. The author thinks highly of recyclingB. The US did a great job in recycling in 2013C. Recycling has failed to solve the plastic problemD. Recycling helps a lot in reducing plastic consumption13. Why did the man go to Rimping Supermarket ?A. To take photos of their shelvesB. To mee

126、t with their lawyer thereC. To buy some itemsD. To sign some contracts with the supermarket.14. What does the underline phrase“ opts for ”in the last paragraph probably mean?A. DoubtsB. DiscussesC. DislikesD. Chooses15. What is the best title of the passage?A. Leaf Packaging Goes ViralB. Reducing Pl

127、astic ConsumptionC. Recycling Avoids Plastic PackagingD. A Good Option Makes A Difference【答案】12. C 13. C 14. D 15. D【解析】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了减少塑料消费应该成为当今社会的主要目标之一。文章提到一种用香蕉叶来包装的方法,但能否成功取决于消费者。【12题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第一段“In 2013, 254 million tons of trash was produced in the U.S. alone, and only around 30% was recy

128、cled.”(2013年,仅美国就产生了2.54亿吨垃圾,其中只有约30%被回收。)可推断,垃圾回收不能解决塑料问题。故选C项。【13题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第三段“ “I just popped in to get a few items while we were waiting to sign some contracts(合同) with our lawyer, who was delayed. When I noticed the vegetables wrapped in banana leaves and simply liked the idea, I took a few

129、 pictures and posted them online” he said.”(“我只是进来买几样东西,当时我们正在等着和我们的律师签合同,但律师被耽搁了。当我注意到蔬菜是用香蕉叶包着的,并且很喜欢这个想法时,我拍了几张照片,并把它们传到了网上。”)可知,他去Rimping超市是为了去买几样东西。故选C项。【14题详解】词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段划线词后句“they will stop stocking the items in plastic.”(他们就会停止储存塑料物品。)可知,如果每个人都选择香蕉叶包装,就会停止储存塑料物品。从而猜测短语opts for应为“选择”的意思。故选

130、D项。【15题详解】主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“Its now up to the shoppers to show the supermarket which they prefer. If every one opts for the banana leaf packaging, they will stop stocking the items in plastic.(现在轮到购物者向超市展示他们更喜欢哪一种了。如果每个人都选择香蕉叶包装,他们就会停止储存塑料物品。)及全文内容可知,人们的一个选择可以解决塑料污染问题。所以“A Good Option Makes A Differenc

131、e(好的选择所带来的影响)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选D项。第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,共19分)Music therapyMusic therapy(疗法)is a form of therapy which utilizes music. _16_Humans have been making music for thousands of years, and many doctors throughout history have proved the idea that music is beneficial to the mind and body, in addition to

132、being enjoyable._17_ Listening to and making music appears to reduce heart rate andblood pressure, and provide people with a sense of calmness, safety, or security._18_ Most practitioners have studiedpsychologyor psychiatry along with music. Music therapists work in hospitals, clinics, residential f

133、acilities, private practices, and homes.Some specific applications for music therapy include: pain management, stress management,behavioral therapy, treatment forsubstance abuse, and work with people who have developmental disabilities. _19_ And they can include a variety of things, from listening t

134、o a piece of music and talking about the feelings it evokes(激发) to playing an instrument or writing songs as a method of personal expression. Like other expressive therapies such asart therapyand dance therapy, the focus of music therapy is not on the end product, such as a musical composition, and

135、people do not need to have prior experience with music to benefit from this type of therapy. _20_A. This type of therapy has a number of benefitsB. The measures are tailored to the need of the patientC. People can practice music therapy in a variety of ways.D. This type of therapy may involve making

136、 music or listening to musicE. But there are still many fields of music therapy needing to be changedF. In the 20th century, the practice of music therapy improved as researchers conducted studies to learn how music acted on thebrainand body.G. What is more focused on is the process of listening to,

137、 creating, or thinking about music.【答案】16. D 17. F 18. C 19. B 20. G【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了音乐疗法的受众和它的作用疗效。【16题详解】下文“Listening to and making music appears to reduce heart rate and blood pressure, and provide people with a sense of calmness, safety, or security.(听音乐和制作音乐似乎能降低心率和血压,给人一种平静、安全的感觉。)”说明音乐疗法可以

138、通过听音乐和制作音乐的方法。D选项This type of therapy may involve making music or listening to music(这种治疗可能包括制作音乐或听音乐)符合文意。故选D项。【17题详解】上文“Humans have been making music for thousands of years, and many doctors throughout history have proved the idea that music is beneficial to the mind and body, in addition to being

139、 enjoyable.(人类创作音乐已经有几千年的历史了,历史上许多医生都证明了音乐除了令人愉悦之外,对身心都有好处。)”说明音乐疗法之前就已经实行,接下来就应该结合近代社会音乐疗法的发展。F选项In the 20th century, the practice of music therapy improved as researchers conducted studies to learn how music acted on the brain and body.(20世纪,随着研究人员开展研究以了解音乐对大脑和身体的作用,音乐疗法的实践得到了改善。)符合文意。故选F项。【18题详解】

140、下文“Most practitioners have studied psychology or psychiatry along with music. Music therapists work in hospitals, clinics, residential facilities, private practices, and homes.(大多数从业者在学习音乐的同时还学习了心理学或精神病学。音乐治疗师在医院、诊所、住宅设施、私人诊所和家庭中工作。)”说明音乐疗法可以实施在多种方法上。C选项People can practice music therapy in a variety

141、 of ways. (人们可以通过多种方式进行音乐治疗。)符合文意。故选C项。【19题详解】上文“Some specific applications for music therapy include: pain management, stress management, behavioral therapy, treatment for substance abuse, and work with people who have developmental disabilities.(音乐治疗的一些具体应用包括:疼痛管理,压力管理,行为治疗,药物滥用的治疗,以及与有发育障碍的人一起工作。

142、)”说明音乐疗法应该因人而异应该对症下药。B选项The measures are tailored to the need of the patient(这些措施是根据病人的需要而制定的)符合文意。故选B项。【20题详解】上文“Like other expressive therapies such as art therapy and dance therapy, the focus of music therapy is not on the end product, such as a musical composition, and people do not need to have

143、 prior experience with music to benefit from this type of therapy.”(与其他表达疗法如艺术疗法和舞蹈疗法一样,音乐疗法的重点不在于最终产品,比如音乐作品,而且人们不需要有音乐经验就可以从这种治疗中获益。)说明音乐疗法的关注点应在治疗过程。G选项What is more focused on is the process of listening to, creating, or thinking about music.(我们更关注的是聆听、创造或思考音乐的过程。)符合文意。故选G项。第二节 完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5

144、分,满分30分)As an undergraduate in Mumbai, India, Saad Bhamla wanted to do something rewarding for his maternal grandparents: Buy them a pair of hearing aids.But the prices were_21_ high-and far beyond his_22_.Now, 15 years later,the professor has _23_a device to help the old across the globe:A_24_heari

145、ng aid.The practical device,_25_ in a new study, could help restore hearing to millions_26_ from age-related hearing loss for less than the_27_ of a bottle of water.The device is the size of a matchbox and can be_28_ like a necklace. At bulk(批量) rates, Bhamla says, it would_29_just under $1 to make.

146、In low and middle-income countries, only 3% of_30_ with age-related hearing loss wear hearing aids, and in countries like the United States, the_31_rate hovers(徘徊) at about 20%, according to Bhamla. Aside from concerns about cost, Bhamla says, “a lot of people dont _32_they have hearing loss.and the

147、n there is the social _33_of wearing the aid. Those with the aids would be looked down upon.”Bhamla_34_biomedical devices to be as cheap and_35_as consumer electronics. He still remembers the _36_of learning that he couldnt _37_to help his grandparents. “I thought owning a laptop and a cellphone mea

148、nt I had the means to _38_hearing aids, but then I realized how _39_they were ,”he recalls. “So I understood the world more _40_.”21. A. shockinglyB. increasinglyC. fortunatelyD. dangerously22. A. limitB. meansC. controlD. height23. A. invitedB. boughtC. inventedD. found24. A. creativeB. flexibleC.

149、potableD. cheap25. A. blamedB. decoratedC. paintedD. described26. A. makingB. escapingC. sufferingD. hearing27. A. priceB. sizeC. capacityD. weight28. A. boughtB. wornC. matchedD. strengthened29. A. donateB. costC. processD. design30. A. doctorsB. grandparentsC. researchersD. people31. A. recognitio

150、nB. functionC. adoptionD. collection32. A. expectB. realizeC. valueD. ignore33. A. prejudiceB. prideC. helpD. communication34. A. wantsB. warnsC. viewsD. reminds35. A. imaginableB. visibleC. accessibleD. tiny36. A. joyB. sorrowC. angerD. surprise37. A. stopB. forgetC. affordD. agree38 A. updateB. ch

151、argeC. wrapD. purchase39. A. expensiveB. heavyC. wonderfulD. wealthy40. A. activelyB. clearlyC. happilyD. desperately【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. A 35. C 36. D 37. C 38. D 39. A 40. B【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位印度教授在自己读本科时想给祖父母购买助听器,但由于介个昂贵而却步,最终自主发

152、明了一款价格低廉且质量优良的助听器。【21题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:但价格高得惊人远远超出了他的能力范围。A. shockingly惊人地;B. increasingly逐渐地;C. fortunately幸运地;D. dangerously危险地。根据“Buy them a pair of hearing aids.”和转折词but可知,助听器价格贵得惊人。故选A。【22题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:但价格高得惊人远远超出了他的资力能力范围。A. limit有限;B. means方法;收入;C. control控制;D. height高度。根据“But the prices were

153、_1_ high”可知,助听器的价格远远超过他的资力能力范围。故选B。【23题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:15年后的今天,这位教授发明了一种帮助全球老年人的设备:廉价的助听器。A. invited邀请;B. bought买;C. invented发明;D. found发现。根据“a device to help the old across the globe”可知,Bhamla教授自己发明了一种帮助全球老年人的设备。故选C。24题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:15年后的今天,这位教授发明了一种帮助全球老年人的设备:廉价的助听器。A. creative有创造力的;B. flexible灵活

154、的;C. potable适于饮用的;D. cheap便宜的。根据“could help restore hearing to millions_6_ from age-related hearing loss for less than the_7_ of a bottle of water.”可知,Bhamla教授发明的是廉价的助听器。故选D。【25题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一项新研究中描述称,此实用设备,可以帮助数百万因年龄而遭受听力损失的人恢复听力,而且花费还不到一瓶水的价格。A. blamed指责;B. decorated装饰;C. painted粉刷;D. described描

155、绘。根据“could help restore hearing to millions_6_ from age-related hearing loss for less than the_7_ of a bottle of water.”可知,这里为新研究对该产品的描述。故选D。【26题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一项新研究中描述称,此实用设备,可以帮助数百万因年龄而遭受听力损失的人恢复听力,而且花费还不到一瓶水的价格。A. making使得;B. escaping逃离;C. suffering遭受;D. hearing听到。suffer from遭受。根据“age-related hea

156、ring loss”可知,这里指因年龄而遭受听力损失的人。故选C。【27题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:一项新研究中描述称,此实用设备,可以帮助数百万因年龄而遭受听力损失的人恢复听力,而且花费还不到一瓶水的价格。A. price价格;B. size尺寸;C. capacity能力;D. weight重量。the price of的价格。根据“A_4_hearing aid.”和“a bottle of water”可知,这款廉价的助听器的价格只有一瓶水的价格。故选A。【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个装置只有火柴盒大小,可以像戴项链一样佩戴。A. bought买;B. worn穿戴;C

157、. matched相配;D. strengthened加强。根据“The device is the size of a matchbox”和“like a necklace.”可知,这款廉价的助听器小得可以像戴项链一样佩戴。故选B。【29题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:Bhamla说,批量生产成本不到1美元。A. donate捐赠;B. cost花费;C. process过程;D. design设计。根据“At bulk(批量) rates, Bhamla says,”可知,这里指批量生产的成本。故选B。【30题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:根据Bhamla的数据,在低收入和中等收入国家,只

158、有3%的年龄相关性听力损失患者佩戴助听器,而在美国等国家,这一比例徘徊在20%左右。A. doctors医生;B. grandparents祖父母;C. researchers研究者;D. people人们。根据“with age-related hearing loss wear hearing aids,”可知,这里指年龄相关性听力损失患的人们。故选D。【31题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:根据Bhamla的数据,在低收入和中等收入国家,只有3%的年龄相关性听力损失患者佩戴助听器,而在美国等国家,这一比例徘徊在20%左右。A. recognition承认;B. function功能;C.

159、adoption采用;D. collection收集。adoption rate采用率。根据“hovers(徘徊) at about 20%, according to Bhamla.”可知,这里指佩戴助听器的比例。故选C。【32题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:很多人没有意识到他们有听力损失 A. expect期望;B. realize意识到;C. value珍惜;D. ignore忽略。根据“they have hearing loss”可知,很多人没有意识到他们有听力损失。故选B。【33题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:此外,佩戴这种助听器还有社会偏见。 A. prejudice偏见;B.

160、pride自豪;C. help帮助;D. communication交流。根据“Those with the aids would be looked down upon.”可知,人们对佩戴助听器的人有社会偏见。故选A。【34题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:Bhamla希望生物医学设备能像消费电子产品一样便宜和容易使用。A. wants想要;B. warns警告;C. views考虑;D. reminds提醒。根据“biomedical devices to be as cheap and_15_as consumer electronics.”可知,Bhamla教授想要生物医学设备能像消费电

161、子产品一样便宜和容易使用。故选A。【35题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Bhamla希望生物医学设备能像消费电子产品一样便宜和容易使用。 A. imaginable可想象的;B. visible可看见的;C. accessible可得到的;D. tiny极小的。Bhamla教授希望生物医学设备能像消费电子产品一样容易使用。故选C。【36题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:他仍然记得当他得知自己没钱帮助祖父母时的惊讶。A. joy喜悦;B. sorrow悲伤;C. anger生气;D. surprise惊讶。根据“I thought owning a laptop and a cellphone

162、meant I had the means to 18hearing aids, but then I realized how 19 they were ,”he recalls. ”可知,Bhamla教授还记得当年看到助听器价格,知道自己无法支付时感受到的惊讶。故选D。【37题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他仍然记得当他得知自己没钱帮助祖父母时的惊讶。A. stop停止;B. forget忘记;C. afford付得起;D. agree同意。forget to do忘记做。Bhamla教授没有忘记当年自己没有钱买助听器的情形。故选C。【38题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我以为拥有一台笔

163、记本电脑和一部手机就意味着我有能力购买助听器,但后来我意识到它们有多贵,”他回忆道。A. update更新;B. charge负责;C. wrap裹;D. purchase购买。根据“I thought owning a laptop and a cellphone”可知,Bhamla教授原以为自己拥有笔记本电脑和手机一定能够买得起助听器。故选D。【39题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我以为拥有一台笔记本电脑和一部手机就意味着我有能力购买助听器,但后来我意识到它们有多贵,”他回忆道。A. expensive昂贵的;B. heavy重的;C. wonderful精彩的;D. wealthy富

164、有的。根据“But the prices were_1_ high-and far beyond his_2_.”可知,助听器价格是很昂贵的。故选A。【40题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:所以我更清楚地了解了这个世界。A. actively积极地;B. clearly清晰地;C. happily高兴地;D. desperately拼命地。根据“So I understood the world”可知,正是因为助听器太昂贵,不仅自己没有能力购买,其他能够买得起的人也寥寥无几,这使得Bhamla教授更清楚地了解了这个世界。故选B。第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填

165、入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The earliest exiting collection of Chinese poetry, Shi Jing(Book of Songs),_41_(date) back to as early as the 11th century BC, but the history of Chinese poetry may be even longer than that._42_(develop) and changing for thousands of years, Chinese poetry is like a beautiful and

166、fathomless ocean to _43_ Chinese-speaking people couldnt help but keep being drawn.The very ancient poetry that was written 1000 or more years ago was simpler and about common things _44_ love, romance and nature that people appreciate._45_much poetry was written in the eras following the Song Dynas

167、ty, it is thought the poets became _46_(increase) academic and abstract so that modern Chinese cant appreciate the style and meaning.For foreigners, ancient Chinese poetry is more difficult to understand. One of the reasons is the nature of Chinese characteristics_47_(they).Often the words have many

168、 meanings, and this make the translation of Chinese into English _48_key part of reading and understanding Chinese poetry. Put simply, good translation is essential to fully understand Chinese poems.If the greatest Chinese poets_49_(name), Du Fu and Li Bai of Tang Dynasty who were _50_(contemporary)

169、 and who both traveled widely in China often come up on top. Along with them, another famous ancient poet is Su Shi of the Song Dynasty.【答案】41. dates 42. Developing 43. which 44. like 45. Though/Although/While 46. increasingly 47. themselves 48. a 49. are named 50. contemporaries/contemporary【解析】这是一

170、篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国的古代诗歌以及著名的诗人。【41题详解】考查动词时态。句意:中国最早的诗歌集诗经可以追溯到公元前11世纪,但是中国诗歌的历史可能更长。根据句意,句子用一般现在时。分析句子可知,此处填谓语动词,主语Shi Jing为第三人称单数,主谓一致,故填dates。【42题详解】考查非谓语现在分词。句意:中国诗歌千百年来的发展变化,犹如一片美丽深邃的海洋,不断吸引着说汉语的人们。and连接两个并列的成分,根据changing可知,此处应用develop的现在分词developing,作状语,(动词develop和主语Chinese poetry是主动关系,)注意首字母大写,故填

171、Developing。【43题详解】考查定语从句。句意:中国诗歌千百年来的发展变化,犹如一片美丽深邃的海洋,不断吸引着说汉语的人们。分析句子可知,空格处引导定语从句,先行词为a beautiful and fathomless ocean, be drawn to意为“被吸引”,介词to+关系代词 which引导从句,which指代 先行词,做to的宾语。故填which。【44题详解】考查介词。句意:写于1000多年前的非常古老的诗歌比较简单,是关于人们欣赏的爱情、浪漫和自然之类的普通事物。分析句子可知,此处列举哪些是诗歌经常写作的内容,介词like意为“像;比如”,符合句意。故填like。【

172、45题详解】考查从属连词。句意:虽然宋代以后的诗歌创作很多,但由于诗人的学术性和抽象性越来越强,使得现代汉语不能欣赏诗歌的风格和意义。后文“it is thought the poets became _6_(increase) academic and abstract so that modern Chinese cant appreciate the style and meaning.”和前文“much poetry was written in the eras following the Song Dynasty”语义转折,所以应用从属连词though或although或while

173、引导让步状语从句,注意首字母大写,故填Though/Although/While。【46题详解】考查副词。句意:虽然宋代以后的诗歌创作很多,但由于诗人的学术性和抽象性越来越强,使得现代汉语不能欣赏诗歌的风格和意义。修饰形容词应用副词,increase是动词,increasing是形容词,副词为 increasingly。故填increasingly。【47题详解】考查反身代词。句意:原因之一是中国特色的本质。分析句子可知,此处应用反身代词,作Chinese characteristics的同位语,起强调作用。故填themselves。【48题详解】考查冠词。句意:这些词通常有很多含义,这使得汉

174、英翻译成为阅读和理解中国诗歌的一个关键部分。空格后的名词part是可数名词单数,所以应用不定冠词限定,泛指“一个关键部分”,因所连接的形容词key为辅音音素开头,故填a。【49题详解】考查时态语态。句意:如果说中国最伟大的诗人是谁,唐代的杜甫和李白,他们同时代,在中国游历甚广,往往名列前茅。根据句意可判断为被动语态,谓语动词name“说出的名字;列举”与主语 poets之间为被动关系,应用被动语态,结构为be+动词的过去分词。根据句意,本句这一部分应为一般现在时,故填are named。【50题详解】考查名词和形容词。句意:如果说中国最伟大的诗人是谁,唐代的杜甫和李白,他们同时代,在中国游历甚

175、广,往往名列前茅。分析句子可知,此处contemporary可作为名词使用,意为“同时代的人”,根据were可判断为复数,作表语;contemporary也可作为形容词使用,作表语。故填contemporaries/contemporary。第一节 短文改错51. 假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许

176、修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。With the Spring Festival approached, my classmates and I decided to do something special to give our motherland a precious gift. After a heating discussion, we agreed on carrying out a flash mob singing the song “My Motherland and Me” at a local railway station.On the earlier mor

177、ning of the day,we set out for the station. After setting up the equipments, I took deep breath and began to sing. Meanwhile, my classmates sing together with me, playing the musical instruments, what got the atmosphere warmed up. Many passers-by also joined in us, waving national flags. The flash m

178、ob lit everyones love for their country. It was really a meaningful but unforgettable gift.【答案】1.approached approaching 或With As 2.heatingheated 3.earlierearly 4. equipments equipment 5. 在deep前加a6. singsang7. whatwhich8. 删除joined后的in9. theirour10.butand【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述春节期间作者和朋友们在一个火车站举行快闪活动,给我们

179、的祖国一份珍贵的礼物。【详解】1.考查非谓语动词或连词。句意:随着春节的临近,我和我的同学决定做些特别的事情,给我们的祖国一份珍贵的礼物。介词with后宾语the Spring Festival与approach之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作宾语补足语;或者用连词as引导从句。故将approached改为approaching 或将With改为As。2.考查形容词。句意:经过热烈讨论,我们决定在当地的一个火车站举行快闪活动,演唱我和我的祖国。heated意为“热烈的”,heating意为“加热的”。根据句意,故将heating改为heated。3.考查形容词。句意:那天一大早,我们就出发去车

180、站。根据句意,没有比较含义,且名词morning用形容词修饰。故将earlier改为early。4.考查名词的复数。句意:装好设备后,我深吸一口气,开始唱歌。名词equipment是不可数的,没有复数形式。故将equipments改为equipment。5.考查冠词。句意:装好设备后,我深吸一口气,开始唱歌。此处为固定短语take a deep breath“深呼吸”。故在deep前加a。6.考查时态。句意:与此同时,我的同学和我一起唱歌,演奏乐器,让气氛变得更加热烈。这件事情发生在过去,所以应用一般过去时。故将sing改为sang。7.考查定语从句。句意:与此同时,我的同学和我一起唱歌,演奏

181、乐器,让气氛变得更加热烈。分析句子结构可知,这里为非限定性定语从句,指代前面整件事,所以用关系代词which引导。故将what改为which。8.考查固定搭配。句意:许多路人也加入了我们的行列,挥舞着国旗。join sb“和某人一道做某事”;join in多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等。故将joined后的in删去。9.考查代词。句意:快闪族点燃了每个人对我们国家的爱。根据句意,表达对象应该是“我们大家共同的祖国”,包含作者。故将their改为our。10.考查连词。句意:这真是一份有意义、令人难忘的礼物。形容词meaningful和unforgettable都是同性词,应该是并列的。

182、故将but改为and。第二节 书面表达(满分25分)52. 假设你是李华,上周你们班级参加了学校举办的“爱科学”板报展活动。请你为校英语报写一篇短文,介绍参加该活动的情况,内容包括:1.讨论主题2.准备制作3.展示体会注意:1. 词数100左右;标题已给出,不计入总数2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯_【答案】 A Poster ExhibitionLast week, our class participated in the school poster exhibition with the topic We Love Science. We had a memorable and re

183、warding experience working together.Having been informed of the activity, we had a brief discussion and agreed on the subjects of AI and 5G, since they are the hottest topics of the cutting-edge technologies. After that,we went to the school library to do research into the history and development of

184、 the two fields. With the materials collected, We got down to making our poster, to which we devoted all efforts.On the day of the exhibition, a large number of students crowded into the assembly hall, where our well-designed poster attracted much attention and was highly praised. Filled with pride,

185、 we are looking forward to the next activity.【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达属于记叙文,要求考生写一篇短文,介绍学校举办的“爱科学”板报展活动。【详解】第一步:审题体裁:记叙文时态:根据提示,时态主要为一般过去时和一般现在时。结构:总分法总分法指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。要求:1.讨论主题2.准备制作3.展示体会第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)participate in; school poster exhibition; memorable; rewarding; be informed of; have a bri

186、ef discussion; cutting-edge technologies; do research; devote; a large number of; filled with; look forward to第三步:连词成句1. Last week, our class participated in the school poster exhibition with the topic We Love Science. 2. We had a memorable and rewarding experience working together.3. Having been in

187、formed of the activity, we had a brief discussion and agreed on the subjects of AI and 5G, since they are the hottest topics of the cutting-edge technologies.4. After that, we went to the school library to do research into the history and development of the two fields.5. With the materials collected

188、, we got down to making our poster, to which we devoted all efforts.6. On the day of the exhibition, a large number of students crowded into the assembly hall, where our well-designed poster attracted much attention and was highly praised.7. Filled with pride, we are looking forward to the next acti

189、vity.根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。第四步:连句成篇(衔接词)(供参考)1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。【点睛】高分句型1 Having been informed of the activity, we had a brief discussion and agreed on the subjects of AI and 5G, since they are the hottest topics of the cutting-edge technologies. (运用了现在分词的完成被动式作状语,since引导原因状语从句)高分句型2 With the materials collected, we got down to making our poster, to which we devoted all efforts. (运用了with+宾语+宾语补足语复合结构和“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句)


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