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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2015-2016学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)课时作业:UNIT 17 LAUGHTER PERIOD TWO .docx

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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2015-2016学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)课时作业:UNIT 17 LAUGHTER PERIOD TWO .docx_第1页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2015-2016学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)课时作业:UNIT 17 LAUGHTER PERIOD TWO .docx_第2页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2015-2016学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)课时作业:UNIT 17 LAUGHTER PERIOD TWO .docx_第3页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2015-2016学年高中英语(北师大版选修六)课时作业:UNIT 17 LAUGHTER PERIOD TWO .docx_第4页
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1、Period TwoLanguage Points.语境填词1There are severe d_ on Route 95 this morning because of an accident.2His tastes are in h_ with mine so we often play together.3Grandfather is f_ and often repeats himself when he tells a story.4Nobody believed this news,because everybody thought it too r_.5Nobody can b

2、ring us _(迅速地),painlessly into the promised land.6The teachers explanation _(澄清) the puzzling problem.7The kitchens always so _(凌乱的) after weve had guests. Give me a hand to do it over,will you?8She told us several _(趣闻) about the hospital and the patients.同义词辨析1用overlook,neglect或ignore的适当形式填空(1)She

3、 saw him coming but she _ him.(2)He was so busy that he _ his health.(3)The mother _ her little boys bad behaviour.(4)Its easy to _ a small detail like that.2用mature,ripe填空(1)The peaches are not _.(2)Peach trees are considered _ when they begin bearing fruit.(3)Autumn is coming. Everything is _ and

4、even our love is _ in such a harvesting season.完成句子1Hurry up! _(剩下的时间不多了)2Hardly had she heard the sad story when she _(突然大哭起来)3_(由于) bad weather,the flight _(耽误)4We _(不能忽视) the part that women play in our life.5He is short,so he has to _(挤进去) inside to watch the show.6Did you _(你找到他家费事吗)?.单项填空1It h

5、as been reported that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves that resulted in the opposition in Thailand.Aabuse Btake Cemploy Doverlook2Because of the financial crisis,I have no ready _ on me. Can I pay you tomorrow?Adeposit Bcheque Ccoin Dcash3A

6、t the funny scene,we all _.Aburst into laughing Bburst out laughterCburst into laugh Dburst into laughter4You will _ his address;he is wellknown in this area.Ahave no difficulties findingBhave no difficulty to findCfind not difficult to findDhave no difficulty finding5We should know that we can only

7、 reach the top if we are ready to _ and learn from failure.Adeal with Bdepend onCcarry on Dgo with6Our holiday cost a lot of money.Did it? Well,that doesnt matter _ you enjoyed yourselves.Aunless Bin case Cas far as Das long as7Hes not _ enough to be given too much responsibility.Anature Bold Cmatur

8、ely Dmature8The weather was _ cold that I didnt like to leave my room.Areally Bsuch Ctoo Dso9He opened the door _ a knock.Ain answer to Bin response toCin order to Drespond to10Tom was about to close the window _ his attention was caught by a bird.Awhen Bif Cand Dtill.阅读理解Different types of animals

9、have been disappearing from view on the earth for millions of years. Now, one of them keeps popping up again, thanks to natural human curiosity. Mammoths(猛犸) could walk the earth again.With large tusks(长牙) and a high round head,mammoths were up to 5 meters tall at the shoulder. They were covered wit

10、h long, dark hair and probably weighed from 6 to 12 tons.Two mammoths dug up are on display in Beijing Museum of Natural History from April 28 to July 10.Mammoths are close relatives of modern elephants. Mammoths first appeared in Africa about four million years ago and spread out across Europe and

11、Asia. They slowly evolved into several different species, each adapting to their environment. For example,the hardy woolly mammoth(毛猛犸) lived in the extreme cold of Siberia. Most scientists think that about 10,000 years ago, woolly mammoths died out as a result of warmer weather reducing their food

12、sources.It is believed that 10 million mammoths are buried under the frozen soil of Siberia. In 2007, a Russian hunter came across what he thought was the body of a reindeer sticking out of the snow. With a closer look, the “reindeer” turned out to be a 40,000yearold baby mammoth.Picture it in your

13、mind. Woolly mammoths eating grass around the places we are living in. “Our ancestors might have seen them, lived with them, and even hunted them,” said Andrei Sher, a mammoth expert at the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution in Moscow, Russia.You might already have seen a mammoth in the mo

14、vies. In Ice Age , the mammoth couple showed off their power, with the male saving the female from a cave. What a prehistoric romance!But scientists are dying to see real mammoths. The skin and flesh of those dug up are well preserved. Experts studying them hope to find the genetic secrets of the ma

15、mmoth and bring them back to life.1What can we learn from the last paragraph?AMammoths skeletons are difficult to find.BWe will have a chance to see the real mammoth one day.CMammoths will be our animal specimens.DMammoths will be as many as before.2Which of the following is TRUE according to the pa

16、ssage?AMammoths first appeared in Siberia about four million years ago.BIn 2007, a Russian hunter came across a reindeer.CMost scientists think that about 10,000 years ago,woolly mammoths died out as a result of warmer weather reducing their food sources.DThe two real mammoths were found in Beijing.

17、3What do you think the purpose of the last but one paragraph is?ATo provide background information of the topic.BTo offer the basic knowledge of the topic.CTo arouse peoples imagination to see the real mammoth.DTo offer some living features of mammoths.4What is the best title of this passage?ATwo ma

18、mmoths dug up are on display in Beijing Museum of Natural HistoryBThe life features of mammothsCWhere are the main inhabitants of mammoths?DTell us something about mammothsburst out,burst intoburst out与burst into作为“突然起来”时,burst out后通常接动名词,而burst into后通常接具有动作意义的名词。She burst into tears.She burst out c

19、rying.她突然哭起来。答案.1.delays2.harmony3.forgetful4.ridiculous5.swiftly6.clarified7.messy8.anecdotes.1.(1)ignored(2)neglected(3)overlooked (4)overlook解析这一组动词都有“忽略”的意思。overlook多指由于草率、放任或没有注意到而忽视某事。neglect指本该引起注意的事未加注意或应该做的事未能去做,强调未留心而疏忽,后面接sb./sth.,还可以接to do sth.。ignore指有意识地不予理睬,后面可接sb./sth.,但不接不定式。2(1)mat

20、ure/ripe(2)mature(3)ripemature解析mature应用范围较广,不仅指果实、谷物的成熟,而且泛指动植物的成熟。ripe主要用于果实已成熟,可以食用;也用于谷物成熟,可以收获。.1.There is not any time left2.burst out crying3.Because ofwas delayed4.cant overlook5.push his way6.have much trouble in finding his house.1.A考查动词词义辨析。abuse滥用;take拿,带,取;employ雇用;overlook俯视,眺望。根据句意应选A

21、。2D考查名词词义辨析。deposit存款,押金;cheque支票;coin硬币;cash现金。根据语境应选D。3D句意为:看到这滑稽的一幕,我们捧腹大笑。4D表示“做某事有困难”常用“have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth.”,其中difficulty/trouble用作不可数名词;此外还可用“find it difficult to do sth.”,其中it是形式宾语,不能丢掉。故选D。5A考查动词短语辨析。deal with处置,处理;depend on依赖,依靠;carry on进行下去,继续开展;坚持下去;go with伴随,与相配;与持同一看

22、法。根据语境可知答案选A。6D本题是对惯用短语的考查。unless除非;in case万一;as far as就而言;as long as只要。显然D项符合题意。7D句意为:他还不够成熟,不宜给他太多责任。根据句意和语境,首先排除A项;C项是副词;B项与句子的语境不符。8D考查so.that这一结构。9Bin response to作为对的回应。10A句意为:汤姆正要关窗户,这时他的注意力被一只鸟吸引住了。本句是“sb.was about to do sth.when.”结构,该结构表示“某人正要做某事,这时突然”,其中when为并列连词。.1.B推理判断题。最后一段中研究猛犸的专家们希望能破解猛犸的基因秘密,让它们获得重生,也就是说我们有希望见到真的猛犸。故选B。2C细节理解题。由第四段最后一句话可知选C。3C推理判断题。文章倒数第二段展示了一段猛犸生活电影画面,为文章增加了趣味性,激发了读者希望见到真的猛犸的好奇心,为下一段作铺垫。4A标题归纳题。综观全文可知答案为A。


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