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2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修四)课件 UNIT 5 PERIOD THREE .pptx

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1、Period Three 栏目索引 语法专题 构词法交际导航 口语积累运用 写作专题 如何介绍景点 语法专题 构词法英语的构词法主要有三种:合成、派生和转化。一、合成(Compounding)由两个或更多的词合成一个词,有的用连字符号,有的直接写在一起,还有的由分开的两个词构成。语法精析 1.合成名词 构成方式 例词 名词名词 blackboard(黑板),weekend(周末)名词动词 daybreak(黎明)名词动名词 handwriting(书法)名词及物 动词-er/or pain-killer(止痛药)名词介词名词 editor-in-chief(总编辑),mother-in-law

2、(婆婆,岳母)代词名词 she-wolf(母狼)动词名词 typewriter(打字机)动名词名词 reading-room(阅览室)现在分词名词 flying-fish(飞鱼)过去分词副词 grown-up(成年人)形容词名词 gentleman(绅士)副词动词 outbreak(爆发)介词名词 afternoon(下午)2.合成形容词 构成方式 例词 名词形容词 snow-white(雪白的)名词现在分词 English-speaking(讲英语的)名词to名词 face-to-face(面对面的)名词过去分词 man-made(人造的)数词名词 one-way(单行的)数词名词形容词 t

3、wo-year-old(两岁的)数词名词-ed five-storeyed(五层的)动词副词 see-through(透明的)形容词名词 high-class(高级的)形容词名词-ed noble-minded(高尚的)形容词形容词 light-blue(浅蓝色的)形容词现在分词 good-looking(相貌好看的)副词形容词 ever-green(常青的)副词现在分词 hard-working(勤劳的)副词过去分词 well-known(著名的)副词名词 fast-food(专门提供快餐服务的)介词名词 downhill(下坡的)3.合成动词 构成方式 例词 名词动词 sleep-walk

4、(梦游)形容词动词 white-wash(粉刷)副词动词 overthrow(推翻)4.合成副词 构成方式 例词 形容词名词 hotfoot(匆忙地)形容词副词 everywhere(到处)副词副词 however(尽管如此)介词名词 beforehand(事先)介词副词 forever(永远)5.合成代词 构成方式 例词 代词宾格-self herself(她自己)物主代词-self myself(我自己)形容词名词 anything(任何东西)6.合成介词 构成方式 例词 副词名词 inside(在里面)介词副词 within(在之内)副词介词 into(进入)注意:(1)由“可数名词介词

5、(短语)”构成的复合名词变复数时,把前面的名词变复数。例如:father-in-lawfathers-in-law,passer-by passers-by;(2)由man和woman构成的合成名词变复数时,两个名词都要变成复数。例如:woman doctorwomen doctors;(3)由“名词名词”构成的复合名词,在变复数时,只变化中心名词,而修饰名词不变。例如:girlfriendgirlfriends。答案 即时跟踪1 根据构词法,猜测下列句子中画线单词的汉语意思 1.He has invented a sun-powered car which is very friendly

6、to theenvironment._ 2.I have rented a house in the city centre,and my landlady is very kindto me._ 3.She is a very short-sighted girl and she cant consider the interest ofthe future at all._ 4.Dont do it until last moment.You should do it before-hand._ 以太阳能为动力的女房东 目光短浅的事先 答案 5.Perhaps she cant be ad

7、mitted into a medical university because she iscolor-blind._ 6.If you are still having a headache,take this painkiller._ 7.As we all know,most glass is usually see-through._ 8.This is an evergreen tree.I like it very much._ 9.You are absent-minded again.Please listen to the teacher carefully._ 10.Im

8、 told that his newly-bought shirt is dark blue._ 色盲的止痛药 透明的常绿的心不在焉的新买的二、派生(Derivation)派生法是由一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成另一个词。1.前缀 前缀一般只改变单词的意思,不改变词性。分类 举例 常见否定前缀 il-illegal非法的 un-unhappy不高兴的 im-impatient不耐烦的 dis-disappear消失 in-incorrect不正确的 non-nonstop不停 ir-irregular不规则的 表示其他意义的常见前缀 anti-(反对;抵抗)antiwar反战的 sub-(下面的)

9、subway地铁 inter-(互相)Internet互联网 re-(再;又)rewrite重写 en-(使)enrich使富足 pre-(前;预先)preview预习 post-(后的)postwar战后 mid-(中;半)midnight午夜 vice-(副)vicemanager副经理 micro-(微)microscope显微镜 for-/fore-(先;预)forecast预报 co-(共;同)cooperation合作 mini-(小型)miniskirt迷你裙 bi-(双的)bimonthly双月的 2.后缀 后缀常会改变单词的词性,构成意思相近的其他词性;少数后缀还会改变词义,

10、变为与原来词义不同的新词。分类 列举 举例 常见名词后缀-er/-or(从事的人),-ese(某地人),-ian(的人),-ist(专业人员),-ism(主义),-ment(性质;状态),-ness(性质),-tion/-ation(动作;过程),-dom(状态;区域)teacher教师 Japanese日本人 musician音乐家 artist艺术家 movement运动 darkness黑暗 invention发明 常见动词后缀-en(多用于形容词之后),-fy(使化),-ize(使成为)widen加宽 beautify美化 realize意识到 常见形容词后缀-al,-able,-an

11、,-ble,-ern,-ful,-th,-ive,-less,-like,-ly,-y,-ous,-some national民族的 reasonable合理的 American美国的 careful细心的 active有活力的 常见副词后缀-ly(用于形容词后表示方式或程度),-ward(s)(表示方向)quickly迅速地 angrily生气地 northward朝北 upward(s)向上 常见数词后缀-teen,-th,-ty thirteen十三 fourth第四 答案 即时跟踪2 用所给词的正确形式填空 1.Many accidents are caused by some dri

12、vers(careless).2.The police are looking into the womans(disappear).3.After a long(discuss)with her father,she decided not to takethe job.4.Rose had left the company after a(disagree)with her boss.5.The boy didnt pass the entrance examination,so his parents were_(happy)about the result.unhappycareles

13、snessdisappearancediscussiondisagreement答案 6.The dictionary is very(help).7.It is said that the highway is still under(construct).8.She thinks the life in the countryside is(comfort).9.The young singers(perform)caught the audiencesattention the moment the concert began.10.The Great Wall in China lef

14、t a deep(impress)on the peopleall over the world.impressionhelpfulconstructioncomfortableperformance三、转化(Conversion)转化 举例 名词 动词 hand手/递,watch手表/观看,smoke烟/吸烟,fish鱼/钓鱼名词 形容词 light光线/轻的,wrong错误/错的,right右边/对的动词 形容词 clean打扫/干净的,close关上/近的,free使自由/自由的副词 形容词 enough足够地/足够的,last最后/最后的,hard努力/困难的读音不同,词性不同 这些词

15、作动词时重音在后;作名词时重音在前:digest/dIdest/v.消化,/dIdest/n.摘要,文摘;permit/pmIt/v.准许,允许,/pmIt/n.许可证 答案 即时跟踪3 写出下列句子中画线单词的词性并翻译句子 1.a.He bought a history book.b.Have you booked your ticket?a.词性:_ 句意为:_ b.词性:_ 句意为:_ 2.a.There are many new houses and shops along the street.b.I always shop on Saturdays.a.词性:_ 句意为:_ b.

16、词性:_ 句意为:_ 我经常在星期六购物。名词他买了一本历史书。动词你订票了吗?名词沿街有许多房屋和店铺。动词3.a.It was only a dream,after all.b.The boy dreams of becoming a pilot.a.词性:_ 句意为:_ b.词性:_ 句意为:_ 4.a.Whats the score?b.Who scored the goal?a.词性:_ 句意为:_ b.词性:_ 句意为:_ 答案 这个球谁进的?名词这终究是一场梦而已。动词那个男孩子梦想成为一名飞行员。名词比分是多少?动词5.a.What is the result of your

17、entrance examination?b.The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.a.词性:_ 句意为:_ b.词性:_ 句意为:_ 答案 名词你入学考试的成绩如何?动词这起事故导致两名乘客丧生。.用所给词的正确形式填空 1.The title will be(official)given to me at a ceremony in London.(2016全国)2.Then,handle the most important tasks first so youll feel a real senseof(achieve

18、).(2016全国)3.Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we takeshort breaks(regular).(2016全国)高考链接 答案 regularlyofficiallyachievement答案 4.Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which _(gradual)turned into chopsticks.(2016全国)5.Chinese scientists(recent)had a chance to

19、study a wild femalepanda with a newborn baby.(2016四川)6.As(nature)architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactlyhow thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on mostdays.(2015全国)7.Some schools will have to make(adjust)in agreement withthe national soccer reform.(2015江苏)adjustmentsg

20、raduallyrecentlynatural答案.单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误)1.My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest.(2016全国,短文改错)2.Instead,he hopes that his business will grow steady.(2016全国,短文改错)3.Lots of studies have shown that global warming has already become avery seriously problem.(2015全国,短文改错)honestysteadilys

21、erious答案 4.Dad and I were terrible worried.(2015全国,短文改错)5.I noticed that the carriage was noise and filled with people.(2014浙江,短文改错)6.I am awfully tired,but I know Ill never fall sleep.(2013浙江,短文改错)terriblynoisyasleep返回 答案 7.This made for the grow in the porcelain industry.(2013新课标全国,短文改错)8.He had a

22、 deep voice,which set himself apart from others in our smalltown,and he was strong and powerful.(2013新课标全国,短文改错)growthhimAsking the way&Giving directions1.Where is the.?2.How far is/are the.?3.How can we get to.?4.Can/Could you show me where.?5.Over there is the.6.Down the path you can see.7.Its abo

23、ut 10 minutes walk.8.Go down this path and turn left/right at the first crossing.交际导航 口语积累运用 答案 语法填空 A:I want to make lots of money when I 1.(grow)up.You know,money means happiness.B:Im surprised to hear that.Why do you think 2.?A:Because with money we can buy new houses and beautiful clothes.Wecan

24、even do a lot of sightseeing.B:I dont think youre right in saying so.Though money is important,it doesnt mean 3.A:Im puzzled!4.?B:Take Einstein 5.example.He asked for a very small salary.即时跟踪 forgrowsoeverythingWhyA:Why?Could you explain that to me?B:Well,to him happiness means 6.(be)able to make 7.

25、_(science)achievements.Do you know why many rich people 8.(be)nothappy?A:No.I dont understand.Could you tell me?B:Thats because we cant buy friendship 9.love with money.A:Ah,I see.Thank you for 10.(let)me know so much abouthappiness.B:Youre welcome!返回 答案 lettingbeingscientificareor1.介绍要简明扼要、主题鲜明。需要用

26、较短的、概括性的文字给读者留下深刻的印象。2.要写清地点中各种活动项目的功能或特点、地理位置、交通方式以及收费情况等。3.介绍景点以说明为主,在说明中可以穿插描写和叙述。基础点拨【文体指导】写作专题 如何介绍景点 1.介绍功能或特点(1)The theme of the park is.(2)You will enjoy doing/seeing.(3)It is known/famous for.(4)It is home to.2.介绍地理位置(1)It is located/situated in the centre of.(2)It lies in/to the south/east

27、 of.(3)On the top of.stands.【常用句式】3.介绍面积(1)It has/covers an area of.square kilometres.(2).with an area of.square kilometres 4.介绍历史(1)It has a history of.years.(2).with a history of.years(3).has witnessed too much.in history.5.介绍交通方式(1)You can reach the building/museum by.(2)You can get there a littl

28、e more quickly by.6.介绍收费情况(1)The admission fee is.(2)You need to pay.for the entrance ticket and an additional chargeof.yuan for.(3)They charge to additional fees except the entrance ticket.假如你是记者,请根据下面所提供的信息,用英语为某英语报社写一篇短文,介绍澳门,发表在该报的Local Feature(地方特辑)专栏。佳作构建【写作任务】城市名称 澳门(Macao)地理位置 位于广东省南部,面积不大,四

29、周与广州、深圳、珠海、香港毗邻。人口情况 人口超过60万 历史概括 自古属于中国领土。1887年被葡萄牙人从清政府手中夺走。1999年12月20日回归祖国。注意:词数100左右。参考词汇:葡萄牙人Portuguese;赌博gambling 城市特色 清洁美丽,树木花草满城;街道狭窄,全天车水马龙,但人人遵守交通规则;世界三大赌城之一,每年接待游客数百万。第一步 明确要求 1.本文是景点介绍类文章,向人们展示该地区的风貌,包括地域特点、位置、人口、面积等。2.要遵循一定的写作顺序,使文章条理清楚,中心突出。介绍地点通常采用顺序,即按照事物的空间存在形式,从外到内、从上到下、从前到后依次介绍或说明

30、,反之亦然。【审题谋篇】答案 空间3.本文应用时;语态常用语态。第二步 确定段落 Para.1 _ Para.2 _ Para.3 _ 第三步 词汇热身 1.位于_ 2.有人口_ 3.因为出名_ 4.属于_ 答案 lie to have a population of be famous/known for belong to 一般现在被动进行总体介绍;具体介绍其特点;介绍其历史。第四步 句式升级 1.澳门是一个著名的小城市,每年吸引着来自世界各地的游客。(一般表达)Macao is a famous small city and it attracts many visitors froma

31、ll over the world every year.(句式升级)Macao is a famous small city,_from all over the world every year.(定语从句)答案 which attracts many visitors2.在狭窄的街道上有很多车在跑。(一般表达)There are lots of cars in Macao and they are running in thenarrow streets.(句式升级)There are lots of cars.(分词作状语)3.澳门自古属于中国,曾在1887年被葡萄牙从清朝政府手里夺走

32、过。(一般表达)Macao belongs to China since ancient times,but the Portuguesetook it away from the government of the Qing Dynasty in 1887.(句式升级)Macao belongs to China since ancient times,but _.(被动语态)答案 it was taken away by the Portuguese in 1887 from the government of the Qing Dynastyrunning in the narrow s

33、treetsMacao is a famous small city,which attracts many visitors from allover the world.Macao,which lies to the south of Guangdong,is a small city withGuangzhou,Shenzhen,Zhuhai and Hong Kong as its neighbors.It has apopulation of more than 600,000.It is a clean and beautiful city with trees,flowers,a

34、nd green grass everywhere.There are lots of cars running in thenarrow streets.But all people obey the traffic rules.Macao is also famousfor its gambling,and several million visitors come to tour every year.Macao belongs to China since ancient times,but it was taken away bythe Portuguese in 1887 from the government of the Qing Dynasty.OnDecember 20th,1999,Macao returned to our motherland.【连句成篇】返回 本课结束 更多精彩内容请登录:


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