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《2014秋备课》2014高三英语上册教学设计:MODULE 1 UNIT 2 WONDERS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(第一课时) 上海新世纪版.doc

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《2014秋备课》2014高三英语上册教学设计:MODULE 1 UNIT 2 WONDERS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(第一课时) 上海新世纪版.doc_第1页
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《2014秋备课》2014高三英语上册教学设计:MODULE 1 UNIT 2 WONDERS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(第一课时) 上海新世纪版.doc_第2页
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《2014秋备课》2014高三英语上册教学设计:MODULE 1 UNIT 2 WONDERS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(第一课时) 上海新世纪版.doc_第3页
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《2014秋备课》2014高三英语上册教学设计:MODULE 1 UNIT 2 WONDERS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(第一课时) 上海新世纪版.doc_第4页
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1、Module1 Unit 2 Wonders in Science and Technology第一课时 一 教材简介1.英语(新世纪版) 高三英语第一学期上海外语教育出版社2. 本课重点介绍了科学技术上的伟大成就。本单元语法现象为虚拟语气在宾语从句中的应用。我们将本单元课文分为两个课时。本课为第一课时,为泛读课,主要理解文章内容。二 教学对象 高三学生三教学目标(一) 知识与技能1. To understand the main idea of the passage.2. To know about the following words and phrases: discovery, d

2、evote, ease 等(二) 过程和方法 3. To understand the passage by reading. 4. Be able to retell the passage or make a summarize of the passage. (三) 情感态度和价值观5.To learn more about great wonders in science and technology.四 教学重点1.To make a thorough understanding of the passage.五 教学难点 1. To make a thorough understa

3、nding of the passage.六 教学方法 1. read, speak, practice and role-play七 教学手段 多媒体, PPT, 小组活动八 课程类型新授课九 教学过程 Step 1 Lead-in 1. Look at the picctures on Page 1 and answer questions on page 2.1) Who are the people in the following picture? Man to step on the moon. As Neil Armstrong placed his feet on the Lu

4、nar surface, he said the historic words, “Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. 2) How much do you know about them? They are using computers: they can be doing exercises; they might also be playing games, chatting or shopping online.3) What does the word “LIVE” mean? “LIVE” mean

5、s broadcasting and showing something while it is going on or happening. Thanks to communications satellites, people can now enjoy live television Step 2. Skimming Skim the passage and find main idea of each paragraph. Answers: 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. F 6. G 7. EStep 3. Careful-reading1. Read the pass

6、age again and answer questions.1) Why was Mrs. Roentgen concerned about his husbands health? He was very devoted to his research and worked day and night.2) To ease his wifes concerns, where did Roentgen take his wife? He took her downstaies to his laboratory.3) What did Roentgen do then? He took a

7、picture of his wifes hand using a new machine.4) What date was the birth of the era of X-rays? On december 22, 18955) Why was Roentgen the first to receive the Nobel Prize for physics? Its a sueprise and significant contribution to the world.6) Why was Roentgens discovery named X-rays instead of Roe

8、ntgen Rays? Because their characteristics are largely unknown.7) What are some of the applications of X-rays? Identify paintings, stamps and coins; check the manufacture of products2. Do exercises on Page 20 Possible answers: a, c, b, c, b3. Summary of the text: fill in the summary on page 22. Possi

9、ble answers: devoted to, day and night, take for granted, applications, employed, commercial product inspection, identify, quality control, benefits, warningsStep 4. Activities1. Discussion:1. Can you name some other wonders in science and technology.Radio / TV Phone Plane / satellite Computer / Int

10、ernetGenetic engineering Cloning .2. Role-play: Suppose you a reporter and you parnter is a scientist, you are supposed to interview him/her. You talk about what kind of technology have the most significant impact on mankind. Make a dialogue about it.Step 5. Homework Write a passage to introduce one of famous inventions.十 板书设计Wonders in Science and Technology1.2.3十一教学反思:通过本课的学习,同学们了解了了一些著名的科学技术成就等。教师可继续通过一些其他资源使学生对科学的发展有更深刻、全面地了解,学习伟大科学家的精神,将来能致力于科学研究。


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