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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD UNIT 1 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx

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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD UNIT 1 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第1页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD UNIT 1 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第2页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD UNIT 1 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第3页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD UNIT 1 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第4页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD UNIT 1 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第5页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD UNIT 1 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第6页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD UNIT 1 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第7页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD UNIT 1 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第8页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD UNIT 1 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第9页
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《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(人教版必修三)文档 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD UNIT 1 PERIOD THREE WORD版含答案.docx_第10页
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1、Period ThreeGrammar & WritingPart OneGrammar用适当的情态动词填空1He shall have the book when I finish reading.2Even an experienced teacher can make mistakes.3Lets speed up.They might be waiting for us now.4You cant be hungry alreadyyou had lunch only two hours ago!5Would you please post the letter for me?6Mus

2、t I finish the work today?No,you neednt.7Drivers mustnt drive after drinking.8She promised to come by 12.She should be here at any time.情态动词()1can和could的用法(1)表示能力,常译为“能,会”,could主要指过去时间。Little Maggie can dress herself now.I could drive a car before I left school.(2)表示猜测“可能”,一般用于疑问句和否定句。Can the news b

3、e true?It cant be true.Someone is knocking at the door.Who could it be?(3)表示请求、允许(表请求时,口语中常用could代替can使语气更委婉,回答时用can)。Could I come to see you tomorrow?Yes,you can.(否定答语可用No,Im afraid not.)(4)表示惊异、怀疑、不相信的态度(主要用在否定句和疑问句中)。How can that be true?I cant believe my eyes and ears.How could you be so careles

4、s?(5)can可以表示理论上的可能性,指常有的行为或情形,意为“有时会”。It can be very hot here in summer.(6)“can (could)have过去分词”的疑问或否定形式表示对过去发生的事情的推测。could have done还可表示过去本来可以做的事而没做。He cannot have been to that town.Can they have left so soon?2may和might的用法(1)表示许可、请求、允许时,might比may的语气更委婉一些,否定回答时要用mustnt,表示“不可以”、“禁止”、“阻止”之意。You may dr

5、ive the car.May I use your telephone?Yes,you may./No,you mustnt.(2)may常用于祈使句中表示祝愿。May you succeed!(3)表示推测、可能(疑问句不能用于此意)。He may be very busy now.(4)“may (might)have过去分词”表示对过去发生的行为的推测。He may not have finished the work.3will和would的用法(1)表示请求、建议等,would比will委婉客气。Would you pass me the book?(2)表示意志、愿望和决心。I

6、will never do that again.They asked if we would do that again.(3)would可表示过去反复发生的动作或某种倾向。would表过去习惯时比used to正式,并没有“现已无此习惯”的含义。Mum would tell us stories before we went to bed.4shall和should的用法(1)shall用于主语为第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。Shall we begin our lesson?When shall he be able to leave the hospit

7、al?(2)shall用于主语为第二、三人称的陈述句中,表示说话人给对方命令、警告、允诺、威胁等。You shall fail if you dont work harder.(警告)He shall be punished.(威胁)(3)should表示劝告、建议、命令,其同义词是ought to。You should go to class right away.You should be more careful next time.(4)should表示推测、可能。这种推测往往有一定的根据,含有“按道理应当”之意。The roads should be less crowded tod

8、ay.(5)should表示说话人的惊奇、愤怒、失望等特殊情感。Its surprising that Mary should love such a person as Jack.Dont ask me.How should I know?(6)“shouldhave过去分词”结构一般表示义务,表示本应该做到而实际上没有做到,并包含一种埋怨、责备的口气。She should have finished it.I should have helped her,but I never could.You should have started earlier.5must的用法(1)表示必须、必要

9、,其否定式mustnt表示禁止。You must come on time.You mustnt lend the new book to others.回答must引出的问句时,如果是否定的回答,不能用mustnt,而要用neednt或dont have to。Must we hand in our exercise books today?Yes,you must.(No,you dont have to.)(2)表示有把握的肯定推测,只能用在肯定句中,意思是“一定,准是”。She must be tired after such a long walk.(3)表示“偏要,偏偏”。Must

10、 you play the piano at this time of night?(4)“musthave过去分词”结构常用在肯定句中,表示对过去发生的行为的推测。He must have been to Shanghai.选词填空1Im going to Europe on vacation together with John if I can find the money.2Days later,my brother called to say he was all right, but wouldnt say where he was.3I was really anxious ab

11、out you,you shouldnt have left home without a word.4Must you interrupt now? Cant you see Im on the phone?Sorry Sir,but its urgent.5They should have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.6Why are your eyes so red?You cant have slept well last night.Yeah,I stayed up late writing a report.7

12、Write to me when you get home.I will.8I left my handbag on the train,but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.How unbelievable to get it back!I mean,someone might have stolen it.完成句子1She used to play a trick on(过去常开别人的玩笑) others.2It may be a custom(可能是种习俗)3She cant turn up(不能来了),for her bos

13、s asked her to finish a lot of work today.4Oil will float(漂浮) on water.5We mustnt laugh at(一定不要嘲笑) the old people.6You should forgive(应该原谅) her,for it is not her fault.7The guide suggested that we should set off/out(出发) tonight.8Can you hold your breath(你能屏住呼吸) for 6 minutes?9She must have cleaned(一

14、定擦过了) the table,for the table is very clean.10You should have arrived(本应到达) earlier.Part TwoWriting写作目标Writing a story常用句式1One day,on the way to.2Last Sunday,my mother and I were doing.when we saw/heard.3Long long ago/Once upon a time,there was/were.4About.oclock one evening in.,my.was doing.5Withou

15、t delay/hesitation,I/we dialed 120/119/122.It wasnt long before an ambulance/.arrived.6We tried our best to help.,but.7We make every effort to help.After a while,many people came to help us.At last,.was saved/we succeeded.8Although we were very tired,we felt very happy.典例展示假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,校报英文版正

16、在开展“续写雷锋日记”活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,将你所做的一件好事以日记的形式记述下来,向校报投稿。注意:日记的开头已为你写好。Saturday,June 2FineThis morning, 联想词汇1看起来很困惑look puzzled2将某人带到lead sb.to.3感激某人的帮助appreciate ones help4不久before long5向挥手道别wave goodbye to.范文展示Saturday,June 2FineThis morning,when I was walking on the street,I saw that two travelers w

17、ere reading a map,looking puzzled.It seemed they were lost.I went up to them and asked how I could help.They told me they were looking for the Temple of Heaven.I led them to the nearby bus stop and advised them to take Bus No.20,which could take them there directly.They appreciated my help greatly.B

18、efore long,the bus came.We waved goodbye to each other.Seeing them on the bus,I felt a kind of satisfaction.阅读理解AThere are some special traditions in Hawaii.People are very friendly and always welcome visitors.They give visitors a lei,a long necklace of beautiful fresh flowers.Men wear bright flower

19、ed shirts,and women often wear long flowered dresses.There are traditional Chinese,Japanese and Filipino holidays and all the holidays from the United States.They call Hawaii the Aloha State.Aloha means both hello and goodbye.It also means “I love you”Usually when people from different countries,rac

20、es and traditions live together,there are serious problems.There are so many people living in Hawaii,but in general,people have learned to live together in peace.Hawaiians get most of their money from visitors,and most of the visitors come from the mainland and from Japan.There are so many people li

21、ving in Hawaii now that there are residential areas(住宅区) where there used to be farms.Some of the big sugar and pineapple companies have moved to the Philippines,where they do not have to pay workers as much money.The families of the first people who came from the US.mainland own the important banks

22、 and companies.Japanese are also buying or starting businesses here.1The author wants to show that .Awe should all go to HawaiiBit is possible to learn to live together in peaceCit is not possible to live together in peaceDHawaii is the only place where there is peace答案B解析推理判断题。由第二段可推知,作者的写作目的是通过夏威夷

23、的例子告诉人们不同种族、国籍的人们是可以和平共处的。2A lei is a .Agroup of flowersBbright flowered shirtCway to say hello and goodbyeDnecklace of flowers答案D解析细节理解题。由第一段第三句可知a lei就是“a long necklace of beautiful fresh flowers”。3 plays an important part in the development of Hawaii.AModern industry BAgricultureCThe airline DTou

24、rist trade答案D解析细节理解题。由最后一段第一句可知,夏威夷的收入主要来自游客,即旅游业在夏威夷的发展中起着重要的作用。4A good title for this article might be “ ”AHawaii,the Aloha StateBLiving in peace togetherCThe flowers of HawaiiDThe problems of Hawaii答案A解析标题归纳题。从整篇文章来看,本文主要介绍了夏威夷的风土人情以及其他方面的情况。四个选项中,只有A项能够概括文章的所有内容。BIn American schools there is som

25、ething called Homecoming Day.Many high schools and colleges with a football team have a homecoming game.This can be the most important event of the year except graduation or commencement day(毕业典礼)Students plan Homecoming Day for many weeks in advance.Several days before Homecoming,students start to

26、decorate the school.There are signs to wish luck to the team,and many other signs to welcome all the graduates.Many people still come to Homecoming twenty or thirty years after their graduation.The members of school clubs build booths(摊位) and sell lemonade(柠檬),apples and sandwiches.Some clubs help t

27、o welcome visitors.During the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago.Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy years in school.Everyone soon comes to watch the football game.When the game is half over,the band comes onto the field and plays sc

28、hool songs.Another important moment is when the Homecoming Queen or King appears.All the students vote a most popular student.It is a great honor to be chosen.Homecoming is a happy day,but it is not perfect unless the football team wins the game.Even if the team loses,the students still enjoy Homeco

29、ming.Some stay at the school to dance,and others go to a party.For everyone it is a day worth remembering.5The most important event of the year in American high schools and colleges is .AHomecoming Bthe football gameCgraduation Dwinning the game答案C解析细节理解题。第一段中提到返校节是除毕业典礼之外的最重要的事情。6When do students b

30、egin to arrange everything for Homecoming?AThe day before Homecoming.BMany weeks before the day.CWhen the guests arrive.DIn the days before Homecoming.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第一段的内容“Students plan Homecoming Day for many weeks in advance.”可知。7Which of the following is NOT done on Homecoming Day?ATo see old frie

31、nds.BTo call on teachers they remember.CTo watch the football game.DTo go home to see their family.答案D解析细节理解题。A、B、C三项均在原文中的第四、五段出现,只有D项没有提到。8The underlined word “vote” in the fifth paragraph means “ ”Aattend a meetingBelect or chooseChold a celebrationDhave a football match答案B解析词义猜测题。根据文章第五段最后一句话“It

32、 is a great honor to be chosen.”可知,vote应与choose意义相近,意为“选举”。.语法填空A:Are you going to have a holiday this year,Mrs.Young?B:Yes,we are thinking of visiting my brother Fred,1.who is a farmer.A:2.Farming(farm) is a very nice job,although farmers have to work hard.3.They/Farmers have to get up at 5:00 in t

33、he morning.B:Well,John,as a doctor,youre quite used to 4.getting(get)up in the night.Well,as 5.a matter of fact,I have just received a letter from Fred.Will you please turn the light 6.on? The daylight isnt good enough for reading.A:OK.B:Fred says here that 7.his/Freds corn is ready for harvest.And

34、hes thinking of buying some more fields next year.A:Oh,he must be doing well.B:Oh yes,I think he is.Hes proud of having the largest farm in Kent.A:I expect youre looking forward to 8.seeing(see) him.B:Yes,we certainly are.And I shall have some outdoor exercises.A:You know, 9.when I was young,I was q

35、uite good at 10.ploughing(plough)B:Last time I was at my brothers,I once tried my hand at milking a cow.The result was terrible!Ill never forget the look of pity on that cows face!.短文改错Dr.Einstein was inviting to give lectures all over the United States as soon as he becomes famous.So he got familia

36、r with his driver.One day,her driver asked for Dr.Einstein to let him give the lecture instead of Dr.Einstein.Dr.Einstein agreed because nobody there had never seen him before.When the driver appeared on the platform,he accepted a warm welcome.The driver performed wonderful.But when the driver was a

37、bout to leave,a young man asked him very difficult question.The driver was very clever.He smiled at Dr.Einstein or said it was such easy that his driver could answer it.答案Dr.Einstein was to give lectures all over the United States as soon as he famous.So he got familiar with his driver.One day, driv

38、er asked forDr.Einstein to let him give the lecture instead of Dr.Einstein.Dr.Einstein agreed because nobody there had seen him before.When the driver appeared on the platform,he a warm welcome.The driver performed .But when the driver was about to leave,a young man asked him very difficult question

39、.The driver was very clever.He smiled at Dr.Einstein said it was easy that his driver could answer it.书面表达下列四幅图描述了李华一家某一天的经历。请根据图画及图中的有关提示,用第三人称的口吻写一篇英语短文。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,并展开合理的想象,使故事完整连贯。参考范文It was March the eighth that day,Womens Day.Li Hua had a good idea and told his father that he was go

40、ing to do something to celebrate it.He asked his father to help him.First,they did some housework,which was always done by his mother.Li Hua cleaned the house completely while his father did some washing.Then they made a good meal,cooking fish,pork,chicken,soup and some other delicious dishes.Li Hua

41、 laid the table and set a vase full of flowers in the middle of the table.After that they hid themselves behind the door,waiting for mother so as to give her a happy surprise.When his mother came back and saw the delicious dishes and drinks on the table,she was very surprised and happy.The family had a pleasant festival.


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