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四川省2015高考英语人教版一轮讲义:必修2 UNIT 1(1).doc

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1、四川省2015高考英语人教版一轮讲义:必修2 Unit 1(1)Unit 1Cultural relics1rare(adj.)稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的2design(n.)设计;图案;构思(vt.)设计;计划;构思3remove(vt.)移动;搬开4former(adj.)以前的;从前的5worth(prep.)值得的;相当于的价值(n.)价值;作用(adj.)(古)值钱的6sink(vi.)下沉;沉下7debate(n.)争论;辩论(vi.)争论;辩论8valuable(adj.)贵重的;有价值的value(n.& vt.)价值;重视invaluable(adj.)无价的9survive(v

2、i.& vt.)幸免;幸存;生还survival(n.)survivor(n.)幸存者10amaze(vt.)使吃惊;惊讶amazing(adj.)令人吃惊的amazed(adj.)吃惊的amazement(n.)11select(vt.)挑选;选择selection(n.)selective(adj.)选择的,选择性的12decorate(v.)装饰;装修decoration(n.)13doubt(n.)怀疑;疑惑;(vt.)怀疑;不信doubtful(adj.)14evidence(n.)根据;证据evident(adj.)明显的;明白的15explode(vi.)爆炸explosion(

3、n.)16informal(adj.)非正式的formal(反义词)1in_search_of 寻找2in_return作为报答;回报3belong_to属于4at_war处于交战状态5less_than少于6take_apart拆开7think_highly_of看重;器重,评价高8care_about关心;在乎9rather_than而不是10look_into调查1There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time a German city on t

4、he Baltic Sea.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时它是波罗的海海边的一个德国城市。名师指津:There is no doubt that.是固定句式,意为“毫无疑问”。例句仿写:毫无疑问,没有快乐生活将是空虚和毫无意义的。There_is_no_doubt_that life will be empty and meaningless without happiness.2After that,what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.从那以后,琥珀屋的去处便成了一个谜。名师指津:remain在此处为系动词,

5、意为“仍然是;保持”。例句仿写:对大部分老人来说,退休后保持活力是可能的。It is possible for most senior citizens to_remain_active after they retire.3In a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.在审判中,法官必须断定哪些证人可以相信,哪些证人不能相信。名师指津:“疑问词to do sth.”,在句中作宾语。例句仿写:看到舞台下有那么多的观众,他紧张得不知道说什么。Seeing such a c

6、rowd of audience below the stage,he was too nervous to know what_to_say.4Nor do I think they should give it to any government.我也认为他们不应该把它交给任何政府。名师指津:“nor/neither系(助)动词主语”,表示前句中的否定情况,也适用于另一人或物。例句仿写:她解不出这个问题,我也不能。She couldnt work out the problem,nor/neither_could_I.5Frederick William ,the King of Prus

7、sia,would never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世怎么也不会想到他送给俄罗斯人的厚礼会有这样一段令人吃惊的历史。名师指津:“情态动词have done”结构例句仿写:你不可能买一辆这么昂贵的车。你肯定是从一个富朋友那里借的。You couldnt_have_bought such an expensive car.You must have borrowed it from a rich friend.

8、survive vt.比活得长;(经过)活(保存)下来;vi.活下来;幸存;残留(牛津P2036)Of the six people injured in the crash,only two survived.在这次撞车事故受伤的六人中,只有两人活了下来。(1)(2)survivor n幸存者survival nU 幸存;C 残存物It is important for government authorities to provide better service for the foreign invested companies to survive the economic cris

9、is.政府机构向国外投资公司提供更好的服务对其渡过经济危机非常重要。As far as I know,the old woman survived_her_husband_by_10_years.据我所知,这位老太太比她丈夫多活了十年。I cant survive_on 30 a week.It is not enough for my basic needs.我每周收入30英镑难以活命,那满足不了我的基本需求。Some strange customs have survived from earlier times.有些奇怪的风俗是从早年流传下来的。design n& vt.设计;图案;构思

10、;计划(2012山东卷阅读表达)The book is about how to design a website and start a business.这本书是关于如何设计网站及创办企业的。(1)(2)by designon purpose有意地,故意地by chanceby accident偶然的(朗文P547)These exercises are designed to develop and strengthen muscles.这些练习是为了增强肌肉力量而设计的。It is said that the early European playingcards were_desig

11、ned_for entertainment and education.据说欧洲早期的扑克牌是为了娱乐和教育而设计的。Do you think the building was burnt down by accident or by_design?你认为大楼被烧是意外事故,还是有意为之?worth prep.值得的;相当于的价值;n.价值;作用;adj.古值钱的(2013江西卷阅读表达)Fishing lovers believe that their hobby is worth it.钓鱼爱好者认为,他们的爱好是值得的。(1)be well worth 很值得(做)(2)be worth

12、y (3)It is worthwhile to do/doing sth.做某事值得It is_well_worth_making an effort to promote the public awareness of environmental protection.很值得花一番功夫来提高公众的环保意识。In my opinion,the Great Wall is worthy依我看来,长城很值得参观。It is worthwhile_providing/to_provide young children with good education.为孩子提供好的教育是值得的。remove

13、 vt.去掉,开除;脱掉;vi.搬开,移动,搬家(牛津P1684)The news removed any doubts about the companys future.这个消息消除了一切有关公司未来的疑虑。remove.from把移开remove from.to.从搬到remove sb.from school开除某人;勒令某人退学remove ones doubt/trouble消除某人的疑虑/烦恼(江苏卷书面表达)Realizing her mom must be very tired after a days work,the girl helps to remove the ba

14、g from her shoulder.意识到母亲工作一天一定很累,小女孩帮助母亲把包从肩上拿下来。He has removed his family from the countryside to the nearby town.他已把家从乡村搬迁到附近城镇。Three children were_removed_from the school for bad behaviors.三个孩子因为行为不检被学校开除。.完成句子1Teenagers shouldnt_(被勒令退学) just because they fail to study their lessons well.答案:be r

15、emoved from school2The trip to Britain is very expensive,but it is_(感受一种不同的文化非常值得)答案:well worth experiencing a different culture3The Hope Project_(旨在帮助) those children who drop out of school because of poverty.答案:is designed to help4With the husband laid off,the couple had to save every penny _ _(度过

16、艰难的日子)答案:to survive the hard time5. Even though the bill_(在讨论中) now,it will be passed soon.答案:is under debate.单项填空1(2014江苏南通学情调研)Although the car ran into a tree and got badly damaged,the driver_the accident with little injury.AescapedBsurvivedCsavedDprevented解析:考查动词辨析。后半句意为:司机在事故中幸免于难。survive幸存,幸免于

17、难,符合句意。escape逃避;save拯救;prevent防止,都不符合句意。答案:B2(2014成都第一次诊断)Up to now,thousands of red phone boxes,the old image of Britain,_due to mobile phones.AremovedBhave removedCwere removedDhave been removed解析:考查动词的时态和语态。Up to now表示“直到现在”,作时间状语时,谓语动词常用现在完成时,排除A和C;又因为remove与thousands of red phone boxes之间构成逻辑上的动

18、宾关系,应用被动语态。答案:D3(2014山西太原五中四月月考)Why didnt you finish the task?I didnt think it is_the effort.AworthwhileBdeservingCvaluableDworth解析:句意为:你为什么没有完成任务?我认为它不值得付出努力。be worth名词/doing sth.。答案:D4What do you think of the book?Oh,excellent.Its worth_a second time.Ato readBto be readCreadingDbeing read解析:be wor

19、th后接doing,并且用其主动形式表被动意义。答案:C5Dont you think thats a good sort of software_of being downloaded to help with your English?AworthBworthyCworthwhileDworthless解析:be worthy of being done是固定搭配,表示“值得被”。be worth doing(某人/物)值得;Its worthwhile to do/doing.做某事值得;worthless无价值的。答案:B6(2014宝鸡高三质检)I dont think it is_

20、taking the trouble to explain the question to him.AworthBworthyCworth ofDworthwhile解析:句意为:我认为费力去给他解释这个问题是不值得的。It is worthwhile to do/doing.做是值得的;be worth doing.值得做。答案:D7(2014德州模拟)Driving is not so difficult as it is_if you stick to the rules.AimaginedBdesignedCrequestedDappeared解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:只要你遵守交通

21、规则,开车并不像它想象的那样困难。A项意为“想象”;B项意为“设计”;C项意为“要求”;D项意为“出现”。答案:Ain search of寻找(牛津P1564)She went into the kitchen in search of a drink.她进了厨房,想找点喝的。(1)in ones search for寻找(2)search sth./sb.搜查某物/搜身search forlook for寻找search.for.为找到而搜查The rescue workers removed the bricks and stones with bare hands in search o

22、f any survivor in the earthquake.救援人员徒手移开砖块和石头,搜寻地震中的幸存者。The police searched the suspect but found no weapon on him.警察搜查了嫌疑犯,但在他身上没有发现武器。Police are now searching_for a woman who is reported to have been missing since the flood hit the area last Friday.警方正在寻找一个女人,据报告自上周五洪水袭击这个地区她就失踪了。belong to属于;归属;为

23、的一员(无被动语态和进行时态)(2013福建卷完形填空)It still belongs to a member of the family,but it has not been lived in for a while.虽然这座房子仍为家庭中的一个成员所拥有,但已经好久没有人居住了。(重庆卷)Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future belong_to the welleducated.Williams教授一直告诫他的学生们说未来是属于受过良好教育的人的。As is known to us,China is

24、a country belonging_to the Third World.众所周知,中国是一个属于第三世界的国家。In my opinion,youd better put the book where/to which it belongs.依我看来,你最好把书放回应放置的地方。名师指津(1)belong to表示“属于”,不能用于进行时态和被动语态。有类似用法的还包括:date back to/date from(追溯到),consist of(包括)。(2)belongings n财产;所有物;相关事物After getting off,please check whether yo

25、ur belongings are left on the drifting boat.下船后,请大家检查一下自己的物品是否落在了漂流艇上。in return 作为报答;回报;作为交换,常和介词for连用(朗文P1751)She gave us food and clothing and asked for nothing in return.她给了我们食物和衣服,没有要求任何回报。in return for作为对的回报in turn依次;逐个地;转而;反过来I am always thinking that studying well is the only thing I could do

26、 in_return.我总是认为好好学习是我所能做的具有回报性的唯一事情。He wanted to do something in_return_for the kindness that she offered him.他想做点什么事来酬谢她的好意。Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.理论以实践为基础,反过来又为实践服务。.选词填空in return for;in turn;take.apart;in search of;belong to;think highly of1As is known to us,the

27、Diaoyu islands_China.答案:belong to2He spends too much time on maths,and this_affects the progress of his other subjects.答案:in turn3More and more people from the countryside come to big cities_a job to raise their families.答案:in search of 4I work hard_those who care for me,help me and love me.答案:in re

28、turn for5We all _our English teacher.His humor always makes our class lively and interesting.答案:think highly of 6The machine didnt function suddenly.I_it_and saw if I could find out what was wrong with it.答案:took;apart.单项填空1(2014黑龙江省三市联考)An excellent teacher is believed to be one who devotes himself

29、 to the children but asks for nothing_.Ain turnBin advanceCin shortDin return解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意为:人们相信一名优秀的教师是把全部身心投入到孩子身上并且不求回报的人。in return表示“作为(对的)回报”。前三项分别表示“依次,提前,简言之”,都不符合句意。答案:D2(湖北高考)People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars,and this_creates further problems.Ain shor

30、tBin caseCin doubtDin turn解析:本题考查短语意思辨析。in short意为“总之,简言之”;in case意为“假使,免得,以防万一”;in doubt意为“感到怀疑,被怀疑的”;in turn意为“反过来,依次,轮流”。根据句意要求应选D。答案:D3(2014镇海中学高三检测)World Heritage sites_all the people of the world,regardless of the land on which they are located.Abelonging toBare belonged toCbelong toDbe belonging to解析:belong to属于,不用于进行时和被动语态,故排除B、D两项。分析句子结构可知句中缺少谓语动词,故选C项。答案:C4Suspecting there was something very unusual about the murder,the policeman returned to the scene_more evidence.Ain search ofBin honor ofCin place ofDin charge of解析:句意为:怀疑谋杀有不同寻常之处,警察返回现场寻找更多证据。in search of寻找,符合句意。答案:A。


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