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2015-2016学年高一英语人教版必修3课件:UNIT 1 FESTIVALS 6-SB-ISE .ppt

1、Learning about LanguageDiscovering useful structuresDiscovering useful structures Modal verbs such as may,might,will,would,can,could,shall,should,and must are used for many purposes.Find the sentences in the reading passage that use modal verbs.Underline them and explain the meaning to your partner.

2、1 Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather 2 Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals.3 At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find 4.or to satisfy the ancestors,who mightreturn either to help or to do harm.5.For the Japanese fest

3、ival Obon,people should go to clean graves 6.It is now a childrens festival,when they candress up and go 7.the children might play a trick on them.8.Festivals can also be held to honour famous people.9.Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events.10.In European countries,people will u

4、sually decorate churches and town halls 11.Some people might win awards for their farm produce 12.At the Spring Festival in China,people.,may give children lucky money in red paper.13.These carnivals might include parades,dancing in the streets 14.The country.looks as though it mightbe covered with

5、pink snow.Suggested answers to Exercise 1:2.Read the sentences below and discuss with a partner how each of these modalverbs is being used in the situations.Use the suggestions in the box to help you.Some may have more than one answer.ability advice agreement guessing past habit necessity permission

6、 possibility prediction promise request1.can and couldJim isnt very good at maths or science,but he can speak English very well.Our history test was so long last week that no one could finish it.It was the last day of school,but the teacher said that we could not leave early.The hunters have been lo

7、st for days.They could starve.Could you please show me the way to Beihai Park?abilityabilitypermissionpossibilityrequestability advice agreement guessing past habit necessity permission possibility prediction promise request2.may and might What award did you get for the sports competition?May I have

8、 a look?Our football team didnt play very well today,but we might do better tomorrow.permission or requestpossibilityability advice agreement guessing past habit necessity permission possibility prediction promise request3.will and would During the Spring Festival time the whole family will come for

9、 dinner.My uncle was poor but liked fashion,so he would often dress up as a rich man.Are you free this Saturday?Would you like to join my family for dinner?promise or predictionpast habitrequestability advice agreement guessing past habit necessity permission possibility prediction promise request4.

10、shall and should The harvest festival begins on Saturday.We shall be there with our friends.When going by plane,you should arrive at the airport at least one hour early.Its nearly time for class to start.The teacher should be here soon.promiseadvicepredictionability advice agreement guessing past ha

11、bit necessity permission possibility prediction promise request5.must and cant When you eat fish you must be careful with the bones.Wang Feng has won the English competition three times.He must be very smart.A man landed on Mars?You must be joking.That cant be true.advice or necessityguessingguessing

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