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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).单项填空1What is going_?A thief is caught by an old man.AoutsideBon outsideCto outside Din outside解析:on意为“发生”“进行”。答案:B2Nobody knows_in the future.Awhat will it be like Bwhat it will be likeChow it will be like Dhow will it be like解析:根据宾语从句要用陈述语气,可排除A,D。be like中li

2、ke是介词,后需接名词,代词作宾语。答案:B3Its time for class now,but our teacher hasnt arrived_no reason.Aat BinCfor Dwith解析:for a.reason由于原因。答案:C4Read the text to get more_about this topic.Asuggestion BnewsesCinformation Dadvices解析:information是不可数名词。答案:C5I had a really good weekend at my uncles._.AOh,thats very nice

3、of you BCongratulationsCIts a pleasure DOh,Im glad to hear that解析:听到对方度过了一个愉快的周末,应感到高兴才是,故须选择D项。A,C两项多用来回答Thank you;B项主要用于向对方祝贺已取得的较大成绩。答案:D6(on the phone) Hello,_Well,I cant find her telephone number now.Can you get back to me in fifteen minutes?All right,thanks!Byebye.Await a minute. Bhold on.Cwha

4、t for? Dare you there?解析:Are you there?为打电话中沉默了一会儿后(如一方在找人或核对东西),再呼叫时的用语。答案:D7My uncle moved to London_.Ain the fifties Bin the 1980sCin his fifty Din 1980s解析:在他五十几岁的时候应为in his fifties,A、C项均不对;在二十世纪八十年代应为in the 1980s.答案:B8Hi,Mary.Fancy meeting you here.I_you_here.Adont know;are Bdidnt know;wereCcant

5、 imagine;are Dcant believe;are解析:Fancy meeting you here.意为“想不到在这儿见到你”,所以是“过去”不知道你在这儿,用一般过去时。答案:B9Heres my card;lets keep in_.Atouch BrelationCconnection Dfriendship解析:“与某人保持联系”的短语是keep in touch with sb.,该题干中省略了with each other。答案:A10Do you think we can get to the place on time?_AWell,it depends.BWhat

6、s the matter?CWere always doing our best.DIm sorry,but I cant say it well.解析:it depends意为“视情况而定”。答案:A.单词拼写11The suggestion was firmly r_.答案:rejected12Long skirts for women are no longer in f_.答案:fashion13It is important to build up a n_of professional contacts.答案:network14He came up with a new s_at

7、the meeting.答案:suggestion15I always_(幻想) that one day I could have a global travel with my family.答案:fancy16We finally made some_(安排) for the coming holiday.答案:arrangements17It is said that the government has formed a_(计划) to build a new library.答案:project18She has a very_(科学的) method of dealing wit

8、h political problems.答案:scientific19Computers are_(无用的) without electricity.答案:useless20Radio and television are important means of_(通讯)答案:communication.翻译句子把下列汉语句子译成英语。21昨天你在忙些什么呢?(be up to)_答案:What were you up to yesterday?22我们可以在因特网上获得很多的信息。(on the Internet)_答案:We can get a lot of information on

9、the Internet.23你近来学习怎么样?(get on with)_答案:How do you get on with your recent studies?24你能就我们的学习提些建议吗?(make suggestions)_答案:Could you make some suggestions about/on our studies?25我要安排一下我儿子的生日晚会。(make arrangements)_答案:Ill make some arrangements for my sons birthday party.完形填空Yesterday,our teacher asked

10、 us when people could be considered old.David said that when people got wrinkles (皱纹)However,Mary didnt_26_.She thought people might gain wrinkles at an earlier age because of their_27_work.Then Lily said that those_28_their 60s or more could be called old people.This time,Emily expressed her doubt.

11、She said that some old people might_29_be full of energy and working on their dreams,which made them appear_30_.The class was over and the teacher asked us to continue to_31_it after class.The _32_reminded me of a saying of JBarrymore:a man isnt old_33_he is pursuing (追求) something.My grandma is suc

12、h a woman who_34_her dream even when shes 70 now.She has kept her dream of being a painter since she was a little child._35_,because her family was poor,she had to_36_her dream.She had to work to raise money so as to_37_her family.Although she had never forgotten her dream,she could hardly find any_

13、38_to make it come true because of the tough work.Fortunately,a(n)_39_came when she retired from her work.She_40_taking painting lessons even though she was already old.At first,I was _41_her idea of attending school at such an old age,but after seeing her paint happily and enjoyably,I began feeling

14、 it a good _42_.She seems energetic and looks _43_.So if we have our dreams and try to_44_them,we aren t old.If we don t know what we want and let regrets be the_45_point of our lives,then we can be considered old.语篇解读到底什么时候才是老了呢?作者认为,只要有梦想,什么时候都不算老。26A answer BagreeCmove Dunderstand解析:根据She thought

15、 people might gain wrinkles at an earlier age可知Mary并不“赞成” David的观点。答案:B27A.exciting Bcommon Chard Dold解析:因为工作“辛苦”,才会在年轻的时候脸上就有了皱纹。答案:C28A.reaching BavoidingCrepeating Dtrying解析:根据their 60s or more可知Lily是说那些快“步入”六十或者六十以上的人能称为老人,故选A。答案:A29A.sometimes BalmostChardly Dstill解析:根据Emily expressed her doubt

16、可知Emily反对Lily的观点,她认为有些老年人“仍然”充满活力并在追求他们的梦想。答案:D30A.attractive Byoung Csmart Dinteresting解析:有些老年人充满活力并在追求他们的梦想,这使得他们看起来“年轻”。答案:B31A.think about Blook forCrefer to Dturn to解析:下课了,老师叫同学们继续“思考”这个问题。答案:A32A.situation Bproblem Cquestion Ddifficulty解析:这里是指前文提到的什么时候才算老这个“问题”。答案:C33A.even if Bin caseCso that

17、 Das long as解析:根据语境可推断J.Barrymore说人“只要”有追求就不算老。答案:D34A.remembers BfollowsCknows Dfinds解析:根据语境可知作者的祖母仍在“追寻”她的梦想。答案:B35A.However BThereforeCAlso DSo解析:根据her family was poor,可知需要一个表示转折的连词。答案:A36A.give up Bsearch forCput aside Dreturn to解析:作者的祖母小时候家里穷,虽然梦想着成为画家,可也只能暂时把这个梦想“搁置一边”。注意:作者的祖母并没有放弃自己的梦想。答案:C3

18、7A.combine BprotectCleave Dsupport解析:根据raise money的语境,可知作者的祖母是在赚钱“养家”。答案:D38A.way BpersonCplace Dservice解析:因为工作太辛苦,作者的祖母没有“办法”实现自己的梦想。答案:A39A.success BchanceCexcuse Dhelper解析:根据she retired from her work的语境,可知作者的祖母退休后,“机会”终于来了。答案:B40A.stopped BconsideredCliked Dbegan解析:作者的祖母退休后,“开始”上一些绘画课程。答案:D41A.on

19、 BforCagainst Dwith解析:根据语境可知作者刚开始是“反对”祖母在这个年纪还去上绘画课的。答案:A42A.choice Bdream Ctask Dpurpose解析:根据after seeing her paint happily and enjoyably的语境,可知作者后来觉得这是一个不错的“选择”。答案:A43A.funny BfineCbored Dtired解析:根据She seems energetic可知作者的祖母看起来很“好”。答案:B44A.satisfy BexpressCchange Drealize解析:这里是指如果我们有梦想,并且设法去“实现”梦想,

20、那我们就不老。答案:D45A.tip BbottomCcenter Dside解析:这里是指如果我们不知道我们想要的是什么,并且让悔恨成为我们生活中的“中心”点,那我们就已经老了。答案:C.自主选做:短文改错Some day I happened to find a chatting room in my QQ,there people were chatting in English.I tried to chat with some of them.To my surprised,I found the oral English of some junior students were b

21、etter than me.I asked them for advice and they told me to practise more on QQ.But every day after that I would spend one hour practise my oral English on QQ.Day by day I learned from many useful words and expressions.With time went by,I found that I could even communicate some college students freel

22、y.答案: day I happened to find a chatting room in my QQ, people were chatting in English.I tried to chat with some of them.To my ,I found the oral English of some junior students better than .I asked them for advice and they told me to practise more on QQ. every day after that I would spend one hour my oral English on QQ.Day by day I learned from many useful words and expressions. time went by,I found that I could even communicate some college students freely.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u 版权所有高考资源网

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