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2012届高三英语一轮复习课件(北师大版):M5 UNIT 13-1 PEOPLE.ppt

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1、Part 1 Of 2 以下是有关广州海洋世界(Guangzhou Ocean World)的介绍,请根据以下内容为广州旅游指南写一篇海洋世界的英文简介。面积:13 000平方米总投资:5000万美元地址:广州市先烈路120号概况:成立以来深受好评;每年接待海内外游客100万人次 参观内容:各种海洋植物;海洋动物,如:海龟、鲸鱼、海豚等;了解海洋如何形成;许多专门供小孩阅读有关海洋方面的儿童书籍。乘车路线:201、234、804等多路公共汽车开放时间:每天早上8点至晚上8点【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。Guangzhou Ocean World,located at 120,Xia

2、nlieRoad,Guangzhou,has been well thought of since itsfoundation,attracting more than 1,000,000 visitorsfrom home and abroad every year.It covers an areaof about 13,000 sq.meters,with a total investment ofUS$50 million.People can see various sea plants andsea animals like turtles,whales,dolphins,etc.

3、,andthey can learn how oceans were formed long time ago.Besides,there are lots of childrens books about sea forchildren to read.It is open from 8:00 am.to 8:00 pm.every day,and visitors can get there by busNo.201,234,804 and many others.1.制服 n._ 2.连接 n._ 3.链条 n._ 4.紧急情况 n._ 5.祈祷 vt.&vi._ 6.有天赋的 adj.

4、_ 7.失败 n._ 8.预言,预测 vt._ uniformconnectionchainemergencypraygiftedfailurepredict9.应得,值得 vt._ 10.描述,形容 n._ 11.残疾 n._ 12.联想,协会 n._ 13.个性,性格 n._ 14.控告,谴责 vt._ 15.完全地 adv._ 16.独立的 adj._ deservedescriptiondisabilityassociationpersonalityaccuseentirelyindependent17.职员 n._ 18.喜爱运动的 adj._ 19.精确地 adv._ 20.高级的

5、 adj._ 21.特点,特性 n._ 22.要求 n._ 23.欲望 n._ 24.满意,满足 n._ clerkathleticaccuratelyseniorcharacteristicrequirementdesiresatisfaction25.忧虑,担心 n._ 26.自私的 adj._ 27.过敏的 adj._ 28.证实 v._ 29.献身于 vt._ 30.评估 n._ 31.同志,伴侣 n._ 32.评判 vt._ anxietyselfishallergicconfirmdevoteassessmentcompanionjudge33.瞥一眼 vi._ 34.部分n._

6、35.感激的 adj._ 36.缺点 n._ 37.有罪的 adj._ 38.叹息,叹气 vi._ 39.怒视 vi._ 40.复习 n._ glancesectiongratefulshortcomingguiltysighglarerevision41.减轻,宽慰 n._ 42.天文学 n._ 43.流血 vi._ 44.可能性 n._ 45.锋利的 adj._ 46.助手,助理 n._ 47.不安的 adj._ 48.躲避 vi._ 49.学者 n._ 50.永远 adv._ reliefastronomybleedpossibilitysharpassistantupsetshelte

7、rscholarforever1.三十出头 _ 2.对某人有耐心 _ 3.关心,担忧 _ 4.究竟,到底 _ 5.斥责 _ 6.对过敏 _ 7.结束,告终 _ in ones early thirties be patient with sb.care about on earth tell off be allergic to end up8.怒视 _ 9.愿意做 _ 10.有点 _ 11.涉及,谈到 _ 12.确保 _ 13.说服某人做某事 _ 14.从方面讲 _ glare at be willing to do sort/kind of refer to make sure talk

8、sb.into doing sth.in terms of15.领先 _ 16.对乐观 _ 17.过着幸福的生活 _ 18.与相关 _ 19.起草 _ 20.对心存感激 _ get ahead be positive about lead/live a happy life be associated with draw up be grateful to 1.在自己学术研究的支持下,教授认为人的性格比其智力对成功的作用更为重要。Supported by his academic research,the professorsuggests/believes that peoples char

9、acter matters more to success than their IQ.2.人们普遍认为,高EQ的人容易接受新思想。Its generally believed that people with high EQs are open to new ideas.3.回到家两个小时后我才意识到我忘记了。It was only when I got home two hours later that I realized I had forgotten it.4.如果有什么的话,那就是他今天的身体更弱了。He is,if anything,a little weaker today.5

10、.除了电视新闻,她从不看别的电视节目。She never watches TV except for the news.1.influence n.影响,作用,感化力;势力have influence on 对有影响have influence over 有左右的力量The influence of religion on society can not be ignored.宗教对社会的影响不容忽视。Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.听音乐对她有镇静作用。He is a man of great influence.他

11、是个很有权势的人。His parents no longer have any real influence over him.他的父母对他不再有任何真正的约束力了。vt.影响Dont let me influence your decision.不要让我影响你的决定。influence,affect,effect与impact通过说服、举例等方法对行为、思想、性格等产生潜移默化的长期影响时,常用influence。His fathers words have great influence on him.他父亲的话对他有很大的影响。affect所指的影响往往较大,一般引起反应,有时指不利影响

12、。Bright light affects our eyesight.强光影响我们的视力。effect是affect的名词,指效果和影响。impact指重大打击或冲击。Her parents death has great impact on her.她父母的死对她的打击很大。用influence,effect,impact填空1.Under the _ of his uncle,he becamea great pianist.2.The Asian Financial Crisis had great _on HKs economy.3.The advertising campaign h

13、ad much _on sales.influenceimpacteffect2.talk sb.into(doing)sth.=persuade sb.to do sth.=persuade sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事反义词组:talk sb.out of(doing)sth.=persuade sb.not to do sth.=persuade sb.out of doing sth.你能劝他放弃他的计划吗?(一句多译)_ _ _Can you talk him out of the plan/into giving up the plan?Can you per

14、suade him not to carry on the plan?Can you persuade him out of carrying on the plan?3.draw up 草拟,制订;(使)车、马等停住draw up a plan/a will/a contract制订计划/写下遗嘱/起草合同The car drew up at the door.汽车在门口停了下来。draw apart 分开,分手draw away 拉开,离开;超过draw in(火车等)进站draw off 脱去(手套等);撤退draw on 戴上(手套);穿上(靴子等)draw out 拉长,拖长;提款;

15、(火车等)离站4.in terms of 以的措辞;按照,根据;用的思想方法;从方面(说来)to speak of sth.in terms of praise 以赞美的话谈某事to think in terms of materialist dialectics 按照唯物辩证法进行思考A 200-year-old building is very old in terms of American history.从美国的历史来看,200年的建筑是很古老的了。He is rich in terms of money but not love.他在金钱方面很富有,但缺少爱。5.require v

16、t.需要,要求;想要,务必(此义常接动词不定式to do)The emergency requires that it should be done.情况紧急,非这样做不可。I will do all that is required of me.凡是要求我做的,我一定做到。The floor requires washing/to be washed.这地板该洗了。One does not require to be a specialist.不一定人人都要当专家。demand,claim,require与requestdemand暗示要求者专横独断、坚决要求和理所当然提出的命令式的要求,如

17、:demanded payment of the debt 讨债;claim也指命令式的强硬请求,暗示讨回本应属于自己的权利或物品,根据自己的权利要求、索取,如:claim the right to manage ones own affairs 索回自己处理自己事务的权利;require是指事情本身存在紧迫性,或者是由于情况紧急,或者是法律法规的限定,如:The patient requires constant attention.病人需要密切关注。request基本等同于require。6.end up 结束,告终The politician finally ended up his speech.这位政治家终于结束了演说。Our game always ends up in a quarrel.我们的比赛总是在吵架中结束。end up,end with与end inend up有“以告终”之意,常暗含不好或指到达的最终状态;end with 指“以结束”,如:The party ended with a song.晚会以一首歌结束。end in指“在当中结束”,如:The party ended in chaos.晚会在混乱中结束。


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