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2022届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 未来职业发展趋势个人职业倾向、未来规划等练习(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc

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2022届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 未来职业发展趋势个人职业倾向、未来规划等练习(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc_第1页
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2022届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 未来职业发展趋势个人职业倾向、未来规划等练习(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc_第2页
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2022届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 未来职业发展趋势个人职业倾向、未来规划等练习(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc_第3页
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2022届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 未来职业发展趋势个人职业倾向、未来规划等练习(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc_第4页
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2022届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 未来职业发展趋势个人职业倾向、未来规划等练习(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc_第5页
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2022届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 未来职业发展趋势个人职业倾向、未来规划等练习(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc_第6页
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1、未来职业发展趋势,个人职业倾向、未来规划等一、主题语基拓展练(一)主题词汇盘查(已会词汇,在内打“”;欠熟练词汇,多翻阅识记)broadcast cover reporter emergency interview witness public spread brochure print subscribe monthly media condemn confirm conflict distinguish dismiss current creative (二)主题词汇训练.选词填空(有两词多余)brochure, subscribe, spread, current, creative,

2、public, media, print, cover, emergency1. Hearing mom say, “I cant believe whats printed in the newspaper this morning,” made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself. 2Benefits of eLearning include using technology to provide students with current information. 3The key to becoming a jo

3、urnalist is work experience, perseverance and creative thinking. 4You should always remember that your primary job, first and foremost, is to show the news to the waiting public. 5The brochure offers a wide choice of hotels, apartments and holiday homes in the city.6My main reason for subscribing to

4、 New Scientist is to keep up with advances in science.7The BBC will cover all the major games of the tournament.8The popularity of these messaging platforms is spreading globally. .单句语法填空1Once broadcast (broadcast), the TV play will be very popular with young people.2The man was found guilty of arme

5、d robbery, and condemned (condemn) to eight years imprisonment.3The daily number of newly cured and discharged(出院) patients exceeded that of the newly confirmed (confirm) cases.4Conflicts (conflict) with others are common in everyday life, but we should settle them in a peaceful way.5In consequence

6、of your bad work I am forced to dismiss (dismiss) you.6Reading good books can not only enrich our minds but also teach us to distinguish (distinguish) between right and wrong.7In order to impress at a job interview, you need to bond with the interviewer(s) (interview) right away.8The last 30 years h

7、as/have witnessed (witness) the rapid development of China.二、主题语篇押题练.阅读理解If you are interested in the news, it means you care about what is happening in your community and the world. But sometimes news can be upsetting. If you find out about sad news and it makes you feel worried or upset, what shou

8、ld you do? Dr. Harold Koplewicz, president of the Child Mind Institute, has some suggestions.Sometimes, the news you watch on TV is not completely accurate. The news on TV is fastpaced. When bad news affects our nation, all of us need time to understand and process it. Your parents and your teachers

9、 can be your first sources to get information.Even someone who is strong and powerful weeps when hes very sad. Its part of being a human that sad events make us feel sad. That doesnt mean that we need to fall apart. It means that we just have to admit that were sad and move forward.People respond in

10、 different ways when facing sad news. There are certain kids who are very private and dont want anyone to see how they feel. But if you feel worried, talk to your parents and teachers, which can help you feel more comfortable.If you still feel very nervous, another way to feel better is to take part

11、 in activities that are helpful to others. Go with your parents to the childrens welfare institutions, or think of ways that you or your class can help others.On the other hand, remember to go to sleep at the right time, play with your friends or go to the movies. It is okay to feel sad, but its not

12、 good to stop doing the things you usually do.语篇解读:新闻对孩子会产生影响。对于孩子接触到了负面新闻而变得情绪低落、忧虑这一问题,本文给出了相关建议。1. The passage is written for .Anews reportersBschool kidsCteachers Dparents解析:选B推理判断题。根据第一段中Dr. Harold Koplewicz的身份是 president of the Child Mind Institute以及第二段中的“Your parents and your teachers can be

13、your first sources to get information.”可知,本文的阅读对象应该是学校的孩子。2. What does the underlined phrase “fall apart” mean in Paragraph 3?ACheer up. BAsk for help.CStop being nervous. DHave a mental breakdown.解析:选D词义推测题。根据第三段中的“It means that we just have to admit that were sad and move forward.”并结合上下文语境可推断出,fal

14、l apart是指“精神崩溃”的意思。3. What can be inferred from the passage?AMore sleep is helpful for sad people.BTo admit we are sad will leave us nervous.CDont let sadness disturb your normal life.DChildren should not watch too much news.解析:选C推理判断题。根据最后一段的“It is okay to feel sad, but its not good to stop doing t

15、he things you usually do.”可知,即便是悲伤的时候,也不要打乱自己的生活规律。.完形填空I moved to a new city and took a job in marketing. I didnt really understand whether it 1 me. I enjoyed doing things that I felt had 2 I could see their benefit and feel their impact. As the months passed, I felt it just wasnt for me. I needed

16、to find a way out.A job advertisement for a(n) 3 for a new youth magazine came at exactly the right time. I applied and was 4 . My role was to help teams of young people edit their 5 and help them with their work. I had thought the magazine would be a(n) 6 of games and dull reviews, so I was 7 when

17、one of the first pieces written was about social welfare. 8 , I found something I was interested in. I felt a 9 in me straight away. I had a purpose again. Days were lost to discussing hot topics and 10 the words of their strong and opinionated (坚持己见的) voices. 11 in their world, I could see myself m

18、aking a difference to the teams 12 ability. As our website 13 increased and the work shifted to reflect what our 14 wanted, I developed a greater 15 of what young people might want to read.The biggest change the job brought, 16 , was to my wellbeing. It is rare that you find yourself in a job you lo

19、ve, one that you are happy to 17 each day. I was thriving (充实) in this 18 environment, inspired by the talented young people I was helping to 19 their careers. Now, I realize that there are jobs that will keep you happy, 20 and inspired.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者喜欢做有目的性的事情,因此找了一份编辑工作,在这份工作中,作者得到了快乐和成长。1.

20、 Amessed with Bapplied toCrelied on Dwaited for解析:选B由下文的“I felt it just wasnt for me”可知,作者这时不明白这个销售工作是否适用于自己。2Apurpose BconvenienceCrestriction Dentertainment解析:选A由下文的“I had a purpose again”可知,作者做事喜欢有目的。故选A项。3. Areporter BeditorClawyer Dtypist解析:选B由下文的“My role was to help teams of young people edit”

21、可知,此处招的是编辑。故选B项。4. Aindependent BintelligentCsuccessful Dambitious解析:选C由下文可知,作者在这家杂志社从事编辑工作,所以作者申请工作成功了。故选C项。5. Acourses BreferencesCsoftware Dcontent解析:选D由上文语境可知,作者申请杂志编辑的工作,所以职责是帮助年轻人编辑他们的内容,并帮助他们完成工作。故选D项。6Areplacement BmixtureCsign Dsymbol解析:选B由下文的“games and dull reviews”可知,作者本以为这本杂志是游戏和枯燥评论的混合体

22、。故选B项。7. Aamused BembarrassedCtouched Dsurprised解析:选D由上文语境可知,作者本以为这本杂志是游戏和枯燥评论的混合体,但杂志的作者第一篇写的是关于社会福利的文章,所以作者会惊讶。故选D项。8. ANaturally BGenerallyCFrequently DEventually解析:选D由全文语境可知,作者一开始找到了不适合自己的销售工作到最后申请去当编辑做自己喜欢的事,所以,最终找到了自己感兴趣的东西。故选D项。9Aguilt BshockCchange Dshame解析:选C由下文的“The biggest change the job

23、brought”可知,此处指作者感到了一种变化。故选C项。10. Areading BtranslatingCspelling Dcopying解析:选A由上文语境可知,作者是一位编辑,所以要阅读强烈而固执己见的话语。故选A项。11. ATrapped BHiddenCDrowned DInterested解析:选C由下文语境可知,作者发现自己对团队的写作能力产生了影响,说明作者投入了年轻人的世界,认真地阅读他们强烈而固执己见的话语。故选C项。12. Agaming BmarketingCwriting Dcommunicating解析:选C参见上题解析。13. Ahits BpagesCpr

24、ofits Dadvertisements解析:选A由上文的website可知,此处指网站点击率。故选A项。14. Ateam BsponsorsCcolleagues Daudience解析:选D由上文语境可知,作者是一位编辑,他的工作对象应该是读者。故选D项。15. Adistinction BunderstandingCexpectation Drecording解析:选B由上文语境可知,作者的工作反映他们的读者想要什么,说明作者对年轻人可能想要阅读什么有了更深入的了解。故选B项。16. Athough BinsteadCotherwise Dtherefore解析:选A由语境可知,此处

25、指“不过”,应用though。故选A项。17. Ago into Bleave behindCrefer to Dset aside解析:选A由上文的“a job you love”可知,此处指喜欢且每天都乐于从事的工作。故选A项。18. Atroublesome BcreativeCtough Dconservative解析:选B由上下文语境可知,作者为年轻人工作,写作能力得到了提升,被他们激励/赋予灵感,说明这是一个具有创造力的环境。故选B项。19. Astart BrescueCdiscipline Dfurther解析:选D由上文的“My role was to help teams of young people edit their and help them with their work”可知,作者帮助年轻人进一步发展事业。故选D项。20. Alucky BpopularCenergetic Dhonest解析:选C由happy和inspired可知,此处energetic最符合语境。故选C项。


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