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1、四川内江市2015高考英语阅读类和短文改错自选训练(1)(答案)完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Peters job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling anything into the country. Every evening he would see a factory worker coming _1_ the hill towards the frontier, _2_

2、a bike with a pile of goods of old straw on it. When the bike _3_ the frontier, Peter would stop the man and _4_ him take the straw off and untie it. Then he would examine the straw very _5_ to see _6_ he could find anything, after which he would look in all the mans pockets _7_ he let him tie the s

3、traw again. The man would then put it on his bike and go off down the hill with it. Although Peter was always _8_ to find gold or other valuable things _9_ in the straw, he never found _10_. He was sure the man was _11_ something, but he was not _12_ to think out what it could be.Then one evening, a

4、fter he had looked _13_ the straw and emptied the workers pockets _14_ usual, he _15_ to him, “Listen, I know you are smuggling things _16_ this frontier. Wont you tell me what it is? Im an old man, and todays my last day on the _17_. Tomorrow Im going to _18_. I promise I shall not tell _19_ if you

5、 tell me what youve been smuggling.” The worker did not say anything for _20_. Then he smiled, turned to Peter and said quietly, “Bikes.”名师点评这篇完型填空讲述了身为边防检查员的彼得明知一个工厂工人在走私货物却无法抓住对方的把柄。在退休的前一天,彼得恳请其说出真相,结果令彼得恍然大悟。(D)1. A. towardsB. downC. toD. up【解析】D。根据下文这个工人越过边界后,走下山坡,所以到达边界之前应在朝山上走。故选up。(C)2. A. f

6、illingB. pullingC. pushingD. carrying【解析】C。这名工人是在推着一辆装有稻草的自行车,故选动词pushing。(D)3. A. arrivedB. appearedC. cameD. reached【解析】D。这里表达的是到达边界之意arrive, come为不及物动词不可直接接 the frontier,故选reached。(C)4. A. askB. orderC. makeD. call【解析】C。ask与order后接不定式的复合结构时,动词前应有to, make后接不定式的复合结构时,动词前to要省去。根据下文应选make。(A)5. A. ca

7、refullyB. quicklyC. silentlyD. horribly【解析】A。彼得想发现这个工人在走私什么,所以应仔细地检查。故选carefully。(D)6. A. thatB. whereC. howD. whether【解析】D。这里根据文意,应选择表示“是否”之意的whether作宾语从句的引导词。(A)7. A. beforeB. afterC. firstD. so【解析】A。根据常理,彼得应先检查这个工人的口袋才能让他捆起稻草走人,故选before。(B)8. A. luckyB. hopingC. thinkingD. wondering【解析】B根据文意,彼得心中

8、一直怀着查获走私物品的希望,故选hoping。(B)9. A. had beenB. hiddenC. hidingD. have been【解析】B。这里things和hide之间是被动关系,现在分词hiding作定语时表示主动,所以应用过去分词hidden作后置定语表被动。(D)10. A. nothingB. somethingC. everythingD. anything【解析】D。本句中否定词never及文意决定了这里应选 anything。(B)11. A. takingB. smugglingC. stealingD. pushing【解析】B。四个选项从语法上讲都可以,只能从

9、文意上进行区分,smuggling意为“走私”,是正确选项。(C)12. A. possibleB. strongC. ableD. clever【解析】C。固定结构be able to do sth. 意为“能够干某事”。(A)13. A. throughB. thoroughlyC. uponD. up【解析】A。习惯用语look through 意为“彻底检查”。(D)14. A. likeB. more C. thenD. as【解析】D。“as usual”为固定短语,意为“象平常一样”。(D)15. A. toldB. cried C. orderedD. said【解析】D。te

10、ll, order后面应直接接人作宾语表示告诉某人和命令某人,而用say应为say to sb. 故said为正确选项。(C)16. A. crossB. past C. acrossD. into【解析】C这里应选择一个介词构成介词短语在句中做状语。介词past 表“经过”; across 强调“从一边到另一边”;而into 表示“进入到里面”。 根据文意across应为正确选项。(C)17. A. thingB. work C. jobD. duty【解析】C。“on the job”为一常用短语。意为“执行公务”。(C)18. A. restB. back C. retireD. ret

11、reat【解析】C。因为今天是彼得最后一天上班说明明天他就要退休retire。(B)19. A. everyoneB. anyone C. no oneD. someone【解析】B。根据句中否定词not 及文意应选anyone。(D)20. A. momentB. long time C. sometimeD. some time【解析】D。本句说明这个工人回答彼得的问题之前沉默了一会儿。A选项应用a moment; C选项表示某一点时间; D选项表示一段时间或一会儿,为正确选项。阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Its 5:00 in the

12、 morning when the alarm (闹钟) rings in my ears. I roll out of bed and walk blindly through the dark into the bathroom. I turn on the light and put on my glasses. The house is still as I walk downstairs while my husband and three kids sleep peacefully. Usually I go for a long run, but today I choose m

13、y favorite exercise DVD insanity. Sweat pours down my face and into my eyes. My heart races as I face my body to finish each movement. As I near the end of the exercise, I feel extremely tired, but a smile is of my face. Its not a smile because the DVD is over, but a smile of success from pushing my

14、 body to its extreme limit. Some people enjoy shopping, smoking, food, work, or even chocolate. But I need exercise to get through each day. Some shake heads when they see me run through the town. Others get hurt when I refuse to try just one bite of their grandmothers chocolate cake. They raise the

15、ir eyebrows, surprised by my “no thank you,” or by my choice to have a salad. Over the years, I have learned its okay to just say “no.” I shouldnt feel sorry for refusing food that I dont want to eat.So what drives me to roll out of bed at 5:00 a.m.? What gives me the reason to just say to ice cream

16、? Commitment. A commitment to change my life with a way that reduces daily anxiety, increases self confidence and energy, extends life and above all improve my body shape. This is the point where a smile appears on my face as I look at myself in the mirror or try on my favorite pair of jeans that no

17、w fit just right. Its through commitment and sweat that I can make a difference within myself inside and out.( ) 1.Why is there a smile on the authors face in the morning?A. Because she sees her family sleeping peacefully.B. Because she finishes her favorite exercise C. Because she enjoys the intere

18、sting DVDD. Because she feels a sense of achievement( ) 2. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 2?A. She doesnt treat others politelyB. She likes to make others surprised C. Others dont understand what she doesD. Others try to help her by offering her food( ) 3. What does the underl

19、ined word “commitment” in the last paragraph mean?A. Good health B. Firm belief C.A strong power D.A regular half( ) 4. What can we learn about the author from the text?A. She acts in a strange wayB. She wants to look different from othersC. She aims to develop a good body shapeD. She has difficult

20、getting along with others【答案与解析】【要点综述】本文叙述了作者不辞辛苦地坚持锻炼,有时还不为他人所理解的故事;她只为自己的坚定信念,即通过锻炼来改变自己。【参考答案】1-4、DCBC1. D 细节理解题。从第一段最末一句“Its not a smile because the DVD is over , but a smile of success from pushing my body to its extreme limit.”可知答案为D。【阅读理解】 For those who study the development of intelligence(智

21、力)in the animal world, self-awareness is an important measurement. An animal that is aware(意识)of itself has a highlevel of intelligence.Awareness can be tested by studying whether the animal recognizes itself in the mirror, that is, its own reflected image(反射出的影像)Many animals fail this exercise bitt

22、erly, paying very little attention to the reflected image. Only humans, and some intelligent animals like apes and dolphins, have been shown to recognize that the image in the mirror is of themselves.Now another animal has joined the club. In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, rese

23、archers report that an Asian elephant has passed the mirror self-reflection test. We thought that elephants were the next important animal, said Diana Reiss of the Wildlife Conservation Society, an author of the study with Joshua M. Plotnik and Fans BM. de Waal of Emory University. With their large

24、brains, Reiss said, elephants seemed like cousins to apes anddolphins. The researchers tested Happy, Maxine and Patty, three elephants at the Bronx Zoo. They putan 8-foot-square mirror on a wall of the animals play area (out of the sight of zoo visitors) and recorded what happened with cameras, incl

25、uding one built in the mirror.The elephants used their long noses to find what was behind it, and to examine parts of their bodies. Of the three, Happy then passed the test, in which a clear mark was painted on one side of her face. She could tell the mark was there by looking in the mirror, and she

26、 used the mirror to touch the mark with her long nose.Diana Reiss said, We knew elephants were intelligent, but now we can talk about their intelligence in a better way.1. What can mirror tests tell us about animals? A. Whether they have large brains. B Whether they have self-awareness. C. Whether t

27、hey enjoy outdoor exercises. D. Whether they enjoy playing with mirrors.2. Why does the author mention apes and dolphins in the text? A. They are most familiar to readers. B They are big favorites with zoo visitors. C. They are included in the study by Reiss. D. They are already known to be intellig

28、ent.3. What made Happy different from Maxine and Patty? A. She used her nose to search behind the mirror. B. She recognized her own image in the mirror. C. She painted a mark on her own face. D. She found the hidden camera.【参考答案】1-3、BDB假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一

29、个单词的增加、删除或修改.增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1、每处错误及其修改均限一词。2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。It was Monday. Li Ming was the first come to the classroom. When he came into his seat, therefore, he found his bench was broken. Seen there was nobody around, he decided

30、 to change it with Wang Gangs, and so he did. After a while, Wang Gang came. When he saw a broken bench, he carried it out of the classroom. Li Ming didnt know how he was going to do. So Li Ming came out of and found that Wang Gang has begun to repair the broken bench. Li Mings face turn red. He sai

31、d with Wang Gang, “Lets repair them together.”【参考答案】 It was Monday. Li Ming was the firstcome to the classroom. When he came into tohis seat, therefore, he found his bench was broken. Seen there was nobody around, however Seeinghe decided to change it with Wang Gangs, and so he did. After a while, W

32、ang Gang came. When he saw a broken bench, he carried it out of the classroom. Li Ming didnttheknow how he was going to do. So Li Ming came out of and found that Wang Gangwhathas begun to repair the broken bench. Li Mings face turn red. He said with Wang Gang,had turned to“Lets repair them together.”


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