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新教材2021-2022学年译林版英语必修第三册学案:UNIT 1 NATURE IN THE BALANCE 教学 知识细解码 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、1harm n& vt.伤害,损害harmful adj.有害的harmless adj.无害的2long adj.长的,长时间的length n长,长度;时间的长短;篇幅,(电影)片长3survive vi.生存,存活vt.幸存,幸免于难survival n残存物;幸存事物survivor n幸存者;生还者4disappear vi.不复存在,灭绝,消亡;消失;失踪disappearance n消失;失踪5agriculture n农业,农学agricultural adj.农业的1variety n不同种类;变化,多样性;变种,变体I was impressed by the variet

2、y of dishes on offer.不同种类When preparing meals, we need to think about variety and taste as well as nutritional value.变化,多样性Apples come in a great many varieties.变种,变体2living adj.活着的,活的;在使用的 n生计,谋生;生活方式She earns her living as a parttime tutor.生计Chinese is one of the most beautiful languages that is l

3、iving in the world.在使用的He is the finest living pianist that I have ever seen.活着的Words and Phrases知识要点1harm n& vt.伤害,损害(教材P1)The human race has done much harm.人类已经造成了许多危害。例1What should be done to punish people who do harm to the animals?应该做些什么来惩罚那些伤害动物的人呢?例2Too much direct sunlight will harm the plan

4、ts.过多的阳光直射会损害植物。造句他们对热带雨林造成了严重危害。They did serious harm to tropical rainforest.知识拓展(1)do sb./sth.harmdo harm to sb./sth.对有害There is no harm in doing sth.做某事并无害处。(2)harmful adj.有害的be harmful to.对有害(3)harmless adj.无害的即学即练单句语法填空Walking in the air full of smog is harmful(harm) to us.Drinking too much doe

5、s harm to your health.There is no harm in saying(say) sorry to him first.We all know that smoking does(do) harm to our health.知识要点2variety n不同种类;变化,多样性;变种,变体(教材P3)The forests different levels support an unbelievable variety of wildlife.雨林的不同层次使种类多到难以置信的野生动植物得以生存。例1We all need variety in our diet.我们都

6、需要饮食多样化。例2Im always pleased to try out a new variety.我一直乐于尝试新品种。造句我们有各种款式和尺码的货品。We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes.知识拓展(1)a variety ofvarieties of 各种各样的;不同种类的(2)vary v.变化多;变化;使多样化vary from.to.从到不等;在到之间变动vary with.随而变动vary in.在方面不同(3)various/varied adj.各种不同的;各种各样的即学即练单句语法填空For various(variet

7、y) reasons,we couldnt attend her wedding.Students are offered varieties(variety) of courses in this department.That sort of thing varies from person to person in African countries.The menu in the restaurant varies with the season.小片段助记I am glad that our students have varieties of questions to ask in

8、 class,and I would love to answer them in various ways.In addition,the questions vary from person to person.知识要点3survive vi.生存,存活 vt.幸存,幸免于难(教材P3)While a significant number of jaguars survive here,they are only one element of this forests food chain.尽管相当多的美洲豹在这里生存,但它们仅是这个雨林食物链的一个要素。例1Is it enough to

9、 have survived for a long time?能保存很长一段时间就足够了吗?例2I cant survive on 20 a week.我每周靠20英镑难以生存。造句很多鸟死于这次严冬。Many birds didnt survive the severe winter.知识拓展(1)survive sth.幸免于;从中挺过来/活过来survive on依靠生活survive sb.by.比某人多活(2)survival n.生存;幸存(3)survivor n.生还者,幸存者名师点津survive作“幸存;幸免于难”解时为及物动词,其后直接接宾语,不用介词in或from。即学

10、即练单句语法填空The old woman survived her own daughter by ten years.If you develop AIDS,your chances of survival(survive) are very small.He is lucky to have survived(survive) the terrible accident.How does the family survive on such a small monthly wage?知识要点4break down 使分解(为),使变化(成)(教材P3)When a jaguar dies

11、,a tiny army of microorganisms helps break down its body and return the nutrients to the earth.当美洲豹死亡时,一小群微生物帮助分解它的尸体,并将营养物质还给大地。例1Peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement reached.两国之间的和平谈判破裂,没有达成协议。例2The computer system broke down suddenly while he was searching for

12、information.在他搜寻资料时,电脑系统突然坏了。例3With the increasing burden of his work, he finally broke down and had to take a complete rest.随着工作负担的日益加重,他的身体终于垮了,不得不好好休息一下。造句塑料袋很难分解。Plastic bags are difficult to break down.知识拓展break up破裂,绝交;解散;破碎break in闯进;打断break into闯入;侵占break out(战争、火灾、疫病等)暴发break through突破;冲破;有

13、重要发现break away from逃脱;脱离即学即练单句语法填空Its very impolite of you to break in while were talking.His house was broken(break) into last night.When the war broke out,he was only four.My girlfriend has broken up with me.小片段助记Unfortunately,the peace talks broke down in the end.As a result,a war broke out betwe

14、en the two countries.The native people had to break away from their homes and suffered a lot from the war.知识要点5due to 由于,因为(教材P3)Over the past 50 years,about 17 per cent of the rainforest has disappeared due to human activities such as agriculture and cattle farming.在过去的50年里,由于农耕和养牛等人类活动,约17%的雨林已经消失

15、了。例1In the north of India,the population is booming due to high birth rates.在印度北部,由于出生率高,人口正在迅速增长。例2Due to the widespread use of penicillin,many lives were saved during the war.正因为青霉素的广泛应用,战争期间很多生命得以挽救。造句比赛因下雨而延期。The game was put off due to the rain.知识拓展(1)due adj.应付的;应得的;适当的;预期的;到期的be due to do sth

16、.预期/预定要做某事be due to sb.应支付/应给予/应归于某人(2)表示“由于”的词组还有:owing to由于because of因为;由于as a result of由于thanks to多亏;由于on account of由于,因为即学即练单句语法填空The team are due to fly(fly) to Italy next month.The meeting isnt due to start(start) until three.Have they been paid the money that is due to them?The sports meeting

17、 had to be put off due to the bad weather.知识要点6damage vt.& n损害,伤害,损坏,破坏(教材P3) .can we afford to damage the “lungs of the planet”?我们能承担得起损伤“地球之肺”的后果吗?例1The damage is usually more serious on the first plant.对第一株植物造成的损害通常更严重一些。例2As we all know,eating too much fat will damage our health.众所周知,摄入太多脂肪会损害我们

18、的健康。造句暴雨对庄稼造成了很大的损害。The heavy rain has done/caused great damage to the crops.知识拓展do/cause damage to.对造成损害damage ones health损害某人的健康即学即练单句语法填空The earthquake caused great damage to the city.It will take several months to repair the ship damaged(damage) in the storm.As we know,smoking seriously damages(

19、damage) our health.They have repaired the buildings damaged(damage)in the fire.知识要点7build up 逐渐增加,扩大(教材P5)For another thing,due to the Amazons hot climate,it is difficult for the soil to build up enough nutrients.另一方面,由于亚马孙的炎热气候,土壤很难积累足够的养分。例1The secret to oil painting is to build up layer on layer

20、on a canvas.画油画的秘诀就是在画布上涂上一层又一层(的颜料)。例2Traffic is building up on roads into the city.来往的车辆在通往市区的道路上越聚越多。造句当时各方面的压力逐渐增加,那家工厂每况愈下。All the pressure built up at that time and the factory went from bad to worse. 知识拓展build sth.up创建;开发build up ones strength恢复体力build sb.up增强体质build up ones vocabulary增加词汇量bu

21、ild on把建立于;依赖即学即练单句语法填空You can build on his honesty.It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again.She has built up a very successful business.Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere,causing the global temperature to go up.小片段助记He has built up a very successful busin

22、ess. Now he is practicing Chinese kung fu. In his opinion, not only can it build up his health, but it can also build up his confidence.Sentence Patterns重点句式1倍数the size of.(教材P2)With an area of around 6 million square kilometres,the Amazon rainforest is more than half the size of China亚马孙雨林面积约600万平方

23、公里,相当于中国面积的一半以上。句式分析本句中用了“倍数the名词(size/length/width/height/weight.)of被比较的对象”这一结构。例1Beijing is ten times the size of my hometown.北京是我家乡的十倍大。例2This river is three times the length of that one.这条河是那条河的三倍长。造句那架飞机的飞行高度是那只风筝的十倍。The plane flew ten times the height of the kite.知识拓展常见的倍数表示法:两倍常用twice或double,

24、三倍以上用“基数词times”,倍数也可以是分数、百分数。(1)倍数asadj./adv.(原级)as.(2)倍数比较级than.(3)倍数what从句即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子This bridge is five times the width(wide) of that one.The red ruler is four times longer(long) than the yellow one.The city is ten times as big(big)as my hometown.A new iPhone costs about three times the price

25、 of a secondhand one.This table is three times longer(三倍长)than that one.The price of the house this year is twice what it was last year(是去年的两倍)重点句式2“表语系动词主语”倒装句式(教材P3)Above that is the mass of leaf litter on the dark forest floor.在那之上是在黑暗的雨林地面上的大量落叶。句式分析本句为完全倒装句。作表语的介词短语above that位于句子开头,整句进行了全部倒装。正常

26、语序为The mass of leaf litter on the dark forest floor is above that.例1In the middle of the hall was standing a tall young man.在大厅中央站着一个高个子的年轻人。例2Among the guests is the person you are looking for.你找的那个人就在客人当中。造句窗户旁边是一位悲伤的母亲。Near the window is a sad mother.知识拓展需要完全倒装的情况:(1)当作表语的“介词短语/形容词/分词”置于句首时,句子要用全

27、部倒装,构成“表语(介词短语/形容词/分词)连系动词主语”结构。(2)表示地点、时间、方向等的介词短语放在句首时。常见的介词有:among,between,in,at,beneath等。(3)表示方向、地点和时间的副词in,out,down,up,off,back,away,over,there,now,then,here等放于句首,若主语是名词而不是代词时,要全部倒装。即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子Sitting in the hall were(be) the two astronauts who were very young.Here comes(come) a good chance

28、 that you can use your summer vacation to go on study tours.On the wall are(be) hanging two old paintings.Present at the evening party on Thursday was(be) our English teacher.Here comes the bus(汽车来了)In front of our school stands(我们学校前面矗立着)a tower.1(教材P2) The Amazon River,from which the rainforest ge

29、ts its name,is close to 6,400 kilometres in lengthroughly 100 kilometres longer than the Yangtze River.分析此句为主从复合句,其中from which the rainforest gets its name为 “介词 which ”引导的定语从句,修饰先行词The Amazon River。译文亚马孙雨林得名于亚马孙河,亚马孙河接近6 400千米,比长江还长约100千米。2(教材P3)Each level of the forest forms its own little world,ho

30、me to different kinds of living things.分析此句为简单句。home to different kinds of living things 是名词 world 的同位语。译文雨林的每一层都形成了自己的小世界,成为各种生物的家园。3(教材P3)As the impact of human activities continues to grow and the list of species in danger of extinction becomes longer,we are left with a question:can we afford to

31、damage the “lungs of the planet”?分析此句为主从复合句。其中 As 引导时间状语从句,表示“当时候,随着”。can we afford to damage the “lungs of the planet”是名词 question 的同位语。译文随着人类活动的影响不断增加,濒危物种名单越来越长,这就留给我们一个问题:我们能承担得起损伤“地球之肺”的后果吗?教材高考1.The forests different levels support an unbelievable variety of wildlife.(2021浙江卷)When the explorer

32、s first set foot upon the continent of North America,the skies and lands were alive with astonishing variety of wildlife.2.When a jaguar dies,a tiny army of microorganisms helps break down its body and return the nutrients to the earth.(2020天津卷)Jones idea has been fully realizedthe “HAPPY TO CHAT” b

33、enches help break down the invisible social barrier that keeps people from saying hello.3.As the impact of human activities continues to grow and the list of species in danger of extinction becomes longer,we are left with a question:can we afford to damage the “lungs of the planet”?(2020全国卷) Nutria

34、damage the ecosystem seriously.单句语法填空1Coffee drunk on an empty stomach is not recommended because it can be harmful(harm) to your body.2He was ordered to pay damages (damage)totaling $3,000.3With the price rising so quickly, I find 1,000 yuan a month can hardly cover the cost of living(live)4She is

35、the only survivor(survive) in the accident.5A police officer came to our help when our car broke down on the way.6The bands first album is due to come(come) out this month.7Build yourself up to peak performance on the day of the exam.8The production is now three times what it was five years ago.9In

36、front of our house lies(lie) a river where we used to swim.10The island offers such a wide variety(vary) of scenery and wildlife.短语填空in turn;break down;breathe life into;due to;build up;feed on;in danger of;play a role in;more than;be known as1Increased production will,in turn,lead to increased prof

37、its.2The graduates hired last month breathed life into our business.3As is known to all,the panda is in danger of becoming extinct.4I like her more than her sister.5The country needs new leadership if she is to play a role in future development.6Birds feed on nuts and berries in the winter.7Many peo

38、ple were expecting that the peace talks would break down8This design came to be known as the oriental style.9The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.10She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles.课文语法填空As the 1.largest (large) rainforest

39、in the world, the Amazon rainforest plays a significant role 2.in maintaining the balance of the Earths ecosystem. The Amazon River, from 3.which the rainforest gets its name, supports many different ecosystems, 4.giving (give) this area the richest biodiversity on the Earth.From the tall and ancien

40、t brazil nut trees to the water lilies, the forests different levels support 5.an unbelievable variety of wildlife. The Amazon rainforest is also home to more than 1, 300 species of birds and over 400 species of mammals. For example, the jaguar, can 6.be found (find) here.7. Known (know) as the “lungs of the planet”, the Amazon rainforest 8.breathes (breathe) life into the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earths oxygen. 9.However,about 17 per cent of the rainforest has disappeared due to human 10.activities (activity) such as agriculture and cattle farming.


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