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2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修六 UNIT 1 LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR YOU 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc

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2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修六 UNIT 1 LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR YOU 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修六 UNIT 1 LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR YOU 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修六 UNIT 1 LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR YOU 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修六 UNIT 1 LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR YOU 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修六 UNIT 1 LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR YOU 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修六 UNIT 1 LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR YOU 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修六 UNIT 1 LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR YOU 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第7页
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2016届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习 选修六 UNIT 1 LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR YOU 课时跟踪检测B卷 WORD版含解析.doc_第8页
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1、Laughter is good for you课时跟踪检测B卷.完形填空(2015南京师大附中高三模拟)Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces.Each of us must choose which we want to _1_our future and our expectations.We can choose to laugh or cry, bless or _2_.Its our decision:From which perspective do we want to view life?Will we look up

2、in _3_or down in desperation?I believe in the upward look.I choose to _4_the positive and skip right over the negative.An optimistic attitude is not a luxury; its a(n)_5_.The way you look at life will determine how you feel, how you perform, and how well you will get along with other people._6_,nega

3、tive thoughts,attitudes,and expectations _7_themselves; they become a selffulfilling prophecy (预言)Pessimism creates a dark place where no one wants to live.Years ago,I drove into a service station to get some gas.It was a beautiful day, and I was feeling great.As I walked into the station to pay for

4、 the gas, the attendant said to me,“How do you feel?” That seemed like a(n)_8_question, but I felt fine and told him so.“You dont look well,” he replied.This _9_me completely by surprise.A little _10_confidently, I told him that I had _11_felt better.Without hesitation, he continued to tell me how b

5、ad I looked and that my skin appeared yellow.By the time I left the service station, I was feeling a little _12_.About a block away, I _13_over to the side of the road to look at my face in the mirror.How did I feel?Was I affected with jaundice (黄疸)?Was everything all right?By the time I got home, I

6、 was beginning to feel a little nauseous (恶心) .Did I have a bad liver?Had I _14_ some rare disease?On another beautiful day,when I went into that gas station,feeling _15_again,I figured out what had happened.The place had recently been painted a bright,distasteful _16_,and the light reflecting _17_t

7、he walls made everyone inside look as though they had hepatitis (肝炎)!I wondered how many other folks had _18_the way I did.I had let one short conversation with a total _19_change my attitude for an entire day.He told me I looked sick, and before long, I was actually feeling sick.That single _20_obs

8、ervation had a great effect on the way I felt and acted.The only thing more powerful than negativism is a word of optimism and hope.When a whole culture adopts an upward look, incredible things can be accomplished.1A.shapeBdecideCpreview Dtransform2A.forgive BcurseCpraise Dregret3A.vain BangerCactio

9、n Dhope4A.highlight BanalyzeCevaluate Dintroduce5A.necessity BopportunityCquality Didentity6A.Actually BConsequentlyCAccordingly DContrarily7A.rely on Bfeed onCgo on Dtake on8A.familiar BordinaryCodd Deasy来源:Zxxk.Com9A.got BtookCstopped Dmade10A.more BlessCquite Dtoo11A.never BeverConce Dalways12A.u

10、neasy BunconcernedCunsatisfied Dunaffected13A.got BcameCtook Dpulled14A.come up Bbrought up来源:学科网Cpicked up Dput up15A.fine BupsetCsick Dcalm16A.gray BblueCyellow Dred17A.in BoverCoff Dthrough18A.quit BadaptedCanswered Dreacted19A.liar BonlookerCattendant Dstranger20A.positive BnegativeCcareful Drig

11、id.阅读理解(2015徐州第三次质检)The evolution of the first animals may have oxygenated (供氧) Earths oceans. New research led by the University of Exeter challenges the long held belief that oxygenation of the atmosphere and oceans was a precondition for the evolution of complex life forms.The study, published in

12、 the journal Nature Geoscience, builds on the recent work of scientists in Denmark who found that sponges (海绵动物) the first animals to evolve require only small amounts of oxygen.Professor Tim Lenton of the University of Exeter,who led the new study, said: “We argue that the evolution of the first an

13、imals could have played a key role in the widespread oxygenation of the deep oceans. This in turn may have facilitated the evolution of more complex, mobile animals.”Critical to determining oxygen levels in the deep ocean is the balance of oxygen supply and demand. Demand for oxygen is created by th

14、e sinking of dead organic material into the deep ocean. The new study argues that the first animals reduced this supply of organic matter both directly and indirectly.Sponges feed by pumping water through their bodies,“digesting”the tiny particles of organic matter,and thus helping oxygenate the she

15、lf seas that they live in.By oxygenating more of the bottom waters, the first animals actually increased the removal of the essential nutrient phosphorus (磷) in the ocean.This in turn reduced the productivity of the whole ocean ecosystem, lowering oxygen demand and thus oxygenating the deep ocean.A

16、more oxygenrich ocean created ideal conditions for more complex mobile animals to evolve, because they have a higher requirement for oxygen.These included the first predatory (肉食的) animals with guts (内脏) that started to eat one another,marking the beginning of the type of food webs we are familiar w

17、ith today.Professor Simon Poulton of the University of Leeds,who is a coauthor of the study, added:“This study provides a possible mechanism for ocean oxygenation without the requirement for a rise in atmospheric oxygen.It therefore questions whether the longstanding belief that there was a major ri

18、se in atmospheric oxygen at this time is correct.We simply dont know the answer to this at present,which is ultimately key to understanding how our planet evolved to its current habitable state.Geochemists need to come up with new ways to explain oxygen levels on the early Earth.”1The underlined wor

19、d “facilitated” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _.Aprevented BpromotedCinterrupted Dwitnessed2From Paragraphs 4 to 6,we can infer that_.Aphosphorus can keep the productivity of the ocean ecosystemBcomplex animals consume the same amount of oxygen as sponges来源:学科网ZXXKCthe sinking of dead orga

20、nic material into the deep ocean produces oxygenDthe existence of the first animals marks the beginning of modern food webs3From the last paragraph,we can learn Professor Simon Poulton believes that_.Atheir study gives a new explanation for the high oxygen content in the airBoxygen increased greatly

21、 in the air as the first animals oxygenated the oceansCtheir study answers the question of how the earth evolved to the present stateDocean oxygenation does not necessarily require a rise in atmospheric oxygen4The main purpose of the passage is to _.Apresent the view that the first animals played an

22、 active role in oxygenating oceansBintroduce two opposite opinions on how the first animals oxygenated oceansCanalyze how atmospheric oxygen stepped up the evolution of oceanic animalsDexplain how oceanic oxygen determines the amount of atmospheric oxygen.任务型阅读(2015江苏省扬州中学第二学期期中)For years, researche

23、rs have looked into a possible relationship between heat and violence. There are conflicting results over whether there is an actual connection between rising anger and rising temperature, but the murder rate constantly increases during the months of July and August, according to the FBIs annual cri

24、me report. Many police chiefs say they put more policemen on the streets when the heat rises. “Calls for service always increase from May, June, July and August,” said New Bedfords Captain Richard Spiriet. “The longer period of time you have the heat, the worse it is. Its just the opposite in the wi

25、nter time.”Craig Anderson, a professor and specialist in social psychology at Lowa State University, argues the evidence is clear. “As the temperature goes up, people become more uncomfortable. They become easier to get angry,” he said. “That increases the possibility that a small conflict will be i

26、nterpreted as more major.” Anderson conducted a couple of studies looking at crime rates over the course of several years within the same area to see when most violent crimes occurred. He found that violent crimes were more likely to occur on hot days and hot months even hot years had higher violent

27、 rates than cold years, according to his research.Other researchs show it is not so much the physical climate, but rather the social climate, that causes increased violence. “During the summer months, people stay up later. They talk with their neighbors. They party with their friends,” said Jack Lev

28、in, director of the Brudnick Centre on Violence at Northeastern University. “There are more likely to be large numbers of people interacting, and they are more likely to argue.”Perhaps the realization that there is a link will help people who are arguing step back and say, “Lets cool off” both liter

29、ally and figuratively.TitleHeat and ViolenceThemeViolence possibly has a (1)_ with heat.FactsJuly and August witness the (2)_increase of murder rate.More policemen are called in with the heat (3)_People get angry more (4)_ as the temperature goes up.(5)_of the researchFewer violent crimes occur on (

30、6)_days.The (7)_ climate causes increased violence.People usually go to (8)_later during the summer months.There are more likely to be (9)_ when people chat with each other.Conclusion(10)_ the link will help people in an argument cool off.答 案.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。“我”在加油站时,服务员说“我”脸色发黄,得了黄疸,“我”真的觉得不舒适,好像得了

31、病;在另一天去那儿时,才知道黄色的墙壁映衬了“我”的皮肤。乐观和悲观都是强大的力量,我们每个人都必须在这两者之间做出选择,从而给我们对未来的展望和预期染上或明或暗的色彩。1选A句意为:我们每个人必须选择想要一种态度来塑造我们的未来和期望。A项意为“塑造”,符合语境。故A项正确。2选B根据上文“to laugh or cry,bless or”可知,空格处应为“bless”的反义词,curse 意为“诅咒”,符合语境。故B项正确。3选D根据下文“or down in desperation”可知,空格处意思与“desperation”相反,D项意为“希望”,符合语境。故D项正确。4选A根据下文“

32、skip right over the negative”可知,空格处意思与“skip”相反,A项意为“突出,使显著”,符合语境。故A项正确。5选A根据上文“is not a luxury”可知,空格处与“luxury”意思相反,A项意为“必需品”,符合语境。故A项正确。6选D根据上文可知,乐观的态度是必需品,你看待生活的方式将决定你的感受、你的表现,以及你与他人相处得怎样,结合下文可知,此处表示前后对比关系。D项意为“相反地”,符合语境。故D项正确。来源:Z+xx+k.Com7选B根据下文“selffulfilling”可知,feed on oneself 意为“自我喂养,自我实现”,符合语

33、境。故B项正确。8选C根据上文中的问题“How do you feel?”并结合语境可知,这一问题对于两个陌生人来说,问得比较古怪。odd 意为“古怪的”,符合语境。故C项正确。9选B根据上文“You dont look well”并结合语境可知,这使“我”感到很吃惊。take sb.by surprise 为固定搭配,意为“使某人吃惊”。故B项正确。10选B根据语境可知,作者说此话时已不像原来那么底气十足。B项意为“较少”,符合语境。故B项正确。11选A句意为:我告诉他我感觉从未像现在这么好。never 意为“从不,从未”,符合语境。故A项正确。12选A根据下文作者观察自己的脸色以及怀疑自己

34、是否得病可知,作者在离开加油站的时候,觉得有点心神不宁。A项意为“担心的,不安的”,符合语境。故A项正确。13选D句意为:驶出一个街区之后,我把车停在路旁,从镜中审视自己的脸。pull over 为固定搭配,意为“停车”。故D项正确。来源:学科网14选C句意为:我的肝脏出了毛病吗?是不是染上了什么怪病?C项意为“(意外)感染,得到”,符合语境。故C项正确。15选A根据第三段第二句“It was a beautiful day,and I was feeling great.”和该句中的“again”可知,“我”再次感觉良好。fine 意为“好的”。故A项正确。16选C根据第三段最后一句中的“.

35、and that my skin appeared yellow”可知,这个地方不久前把墙漆成了一种鲜亮的、令人不快的黄色。故C项正确。17选C句意为:墙体眏出的光使置身其中的每一个人都像得了肝炎。off 意为“从离开,来源于”,符合语境。故C项正确。18选D句意为:不知道有多少人也曾有过和我相似的反应。react 意为“作出反应”,符合语境。故D项正确。19选D根据第三段第三句中的“.the attendant said to me.”可知,此处指和一个完全陌生的人的一次短短对话竟然改变了“我”一整天的心情。D项意为“陌生人”,符合语境。故D项正确。20选B根据上文“他说我面有病容,很快我就

36、真的觉得不舒服”。可知,这是对方的消极的看法,仅仅是一个消极的看法就大大影响了“我”感觉和行为的方式。B项意为“消极的”,符合语境。故B项正确。.语篇解读:本文是一篇科研报告。研究表明早期低等动物的进化在海洋的供氧系统中起着关键性的作用。1选B词义猜测题。根据文章第三段中的“We argue that the evolution of the first animals could have played a key role in the widespread oxygenation of the deep oceans. This in turn.”可推知,早期动物在深海氧气扩散中起到关键

37、作用,这反过来也促进了这些动物的进化,所以此处 facilitate 与 promote 意思相近,意为“促使,有助于”。故选B项。2选A推理判断题。根据文章第五段第二、三句可推知,磷可以维持海洋生态系统的生产力。故选A项。3选D细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句可知,Simon Poulton 相信海洋的供氧不一定需要空气中氧气的增加。故选D项。4选A写作意图题。根据文章第一段第一句“The evolution of the first animals may have oxygenated(供氧)Earths oceans.”的开篇点题,并结合第三段中的“We argue that the

38、 evolution of the first animals could have played a key role in the widespread oxygenation of the deep oceans”,及对全文的整体理解可知,本文介绍了一项研究表明早期低等动物的进化在海洋的供氧系统中起着关键性的作用。故选A项。.1.connection/relationship/relation/link2constant3.rising/rise4.easily5Findings/Results6.cold/winter7.social8.sleep/bed9.arguments10.Realizing


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