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1、Unit 4 Wildlife protectionSection Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending一、写作词汇检测根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子1.succeed1)I believe that I will be in the future.2)他成功地游过了那条河流。答案:1)successful2)He succeeded in swimming across that river.2.harm1)No one believes that the product is to the environment.2)他们不会伤

2、害那个孩子。答案:1)harmful2)They wont harm that child/kid.3.employ1)My friend and I have been by that company.2)我们正忙着做作业。答案:1)employed2)We are employed in doing our homework.运用所学单词或短语造句4.appreciate答案:I would appreciate it if you could offer me the job.5.protect.from.答案:They have to protect the children from

3、 catching a cold.二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,说出黑体词的含义1.What is Mike doing?He is rubbing his glasses.含义:答案:擦2.Can you tell me where you placed the money?No,but I placed it in a secure place.含义:答案:安全的3.I hear that those people live in a cold zone.含义:答案:地区/地带4.They showed no mercy to the poor people.含义:答案:怜悯/同情5.We

4、 should pay attention to the importance of learning English.含义:答案:重要性三、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空die outpay attention toprotect.fromburst into laughterdo harm tohave an effect onin dangerin reliefbe concerned aboutin peace1.What the boy had said his mother.答案:had an effect on2.Many animals have because of much

5、 killing and hunting.答案:died out3.The farmers think the method the crops.答案:does harm to4.We all when we saw the funny performance.答案:burst into laughter5.The doctor told the parents that their son was injured badly,and was still .答案:in danger6.We should take measures to the lake pollution.答案:protec

6、t;from7.Everyone the future of their country.答案:is concerned about8.She tried to what he was saying,but she heard nothing because of the noise in the street.答案:pay attention to9.After finishing the test paper,I went out of the classroom .答案:in relief10.Dont bother me;just let me stay here .答案:in pea

7、ce四、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Nature deserves our (protect) because we ourselves are part of it.答案:protection2.The earthquake caused a great (lose)to both people and society.答案:loss3.Funny and humorous people can bring you happiness and (laugh).答案:laughter4.When he began his college life he realized the (import

8、ant)of communicating with others.答案:importance5.The doctor gave him some medicine to reduce the (power) pain.答案:powerful6.(attend),please!I have something important to tell you.答案:Attention7.His question failed to get (respond)from his students.答案:response8.Whats the (distant) from here to your scho

9、ol?答案:distance9.They were (succeed) in achieving both aims.答案:successful10.The (mercy)king saved the young man from death.答案:merciful五、单句填空1.The book (contain)forty maps,(include)three of China.答案:contains;including2.The films which (affect)us many years ago still have effect on our children.答案:affe

10、cted;an3.Great attention must (pay)to developing education,especially in the countryside.答案:be paid4.We complained to the travel agency about the horrible service during our trip,but no one (respond)by now.答案:has responded5.For the good of money,some farmers often hunted some (endanger) species and

11、killed them without mercy.答案:endangered6.Was it in April,1970 that China succeeded sending its first satellite into space?Yes,thats right.答案:in7.Id appreciate if you could come and help me once more and I always appreciate your helping me with my English in the past.答案:it8.Id prefer (reserve) my jud

12、gement for the moment until I find all the evidence.答案:to reserve/reserving9.To protect the wild animals,the most important thing we should do is let them live peace in the world.答案:in10.Too much drinking will do harm your health;you should take the doctors advice.答案:to六、完成句子1.我们应该保护植物不受冻。We should

13、the plants the cold.答案:protect;from2.她有丧失生命的危险。She was of losing her life.答案:in danger3.他每天都饮酒,事实上,他应该注意自己的健康。He drinks wine every day.In fact,he should his health.答案:pay attention to4.如果我们不采取措施保护野生动植物,有朝一日它们将全部消亡。If we dont do something to protect wildlife,they some day.答案:will die out5.那个婴儿不知为什么大哭

14、起来。Somehow or other,the baby tears.答案:burst into6.这些措施有助于降低生产成本。These measures will help .答案:decrease the cost of production7.我庆幸的是没有迟到。 ,I wasnt late.答案:To my relief8.要是你能参加我的聚会我将非常感激。 you could come to my party.答案:I would appreciate it if七、课文精彩回顾Daisy had always longed to help 1. species of wildli

15、fe.One day she was taken to a 2. land where animals could be found.When Daisy arrived in Zimbabwe,an elephant asked her to take a photo.Daisy 3. into laughter on hearing its words.The elephant told her they were hunted without 4.At that time the government decided to take measures to protect the wil

16、d animals,which showed the 5. of wildlife protection.When Daisy was in a thick rainforest,a monkey watched them as he 6. himself.He told Daisy that he was 7. himself from mosquitoes,explaining that the millipede insect 8. a powerful drug which 9. mosquitoes.He said people should pay more 10. to the

17、rainforest where he lived.Only in this way could people live in peace with wildlife.答案:1.endangered2.distant3.burst4.mercy5.importance6.rubbed7.protecting8.contained9.affected10.attention八、阅读理解A导学号02000036Sitting on the peaceful coast(海岸) of the Galapagos Islands,Ecuador,watching the sun move quietl

18、y into the sea,you shouldnt forget that Charles Darwin(18091882)arrived here in 1835.He stayed on the islands for five weeks,observing various animals.This finally inspired(激发) his famous work,On the Origin of Species.You can certainly follow Darwins footsteps and enjoy a trip from four to seven day

19、s to the islands.The islands are certainly a paradise(天堂) for wildlife,as there are no natural killers on the islands and the number of boats and visitors is under government control.Though you cannot walk freely as Darwin did about 200 years ago,each day is as impressive as it could be.The most wel

20、l-known animal of the Galapagos is the giant tortoise,which can be seen moving slowly around the highlands of Santa Cruz,the second largest island in the archipelago(群岛).Some of these creatures are so old that they might have been seen in their youth by Darwin himself.Despite(不管) strict control over

21、 activities and timing,your stay on the Galapagos will be remembered as a chain of incomparable pictures:diving with sea lions that swim and play within inches of you;feeling small sharks touch your feet as you swim;and,most magically,seeing a whale and her baby surface with a great breath of air.Tr

22、avelling between the islands and observing the wildlife that so inspired Darwin,you will feel as though you are getting a special view of an untouched world.At night you will sleep on board the ship,leaving the wildlife in complete occupation of the islands,which are as undisturbed now as they have

23、been since the beginning of time.1.What do we know about Darwins visit to the islands?A.He studied different creatures on the islands.B.He completed his famous book on the islands.C.He was touched by the geography of the islands.D.He was attracted by well-known animals of the islands.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据

24、第一段第二句中“.observing various animals.”可知。2.Which of the following plays a role in making the islands “a paradise for wildlife”?A.Animals on the islands feed on grass.B.Local government forbids killing wildlife.C.People cannot visit the islands as they wish.D.Tourists are not allowed to touch the anima

25、ls.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“.the number of boats and visitors is under government control.”可知人们不能随意上岛参观。3.Your stay on the islands will be most impressive mainly because of .A.the beautiful sea viewsB.Darwins inspiring tripC.a closer view of animalsD.various daring activities答案:C解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中“.your st

26、ay on the Galapagos will be remembered as a chain of incomparable pictures.”以及后面的描述可知,在这里给人留下印象最深的是可以和动物近距离地接触。4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A.A Unique Attraction for Wildlife LoversB.Galapagos as a Paradise for AdventurersC.Charles Darwin as a Symbol of GalapagosD

27、.A Successful Example of Wildlife Protection答案:A解析:主旨大意题。C、D两项不是本文要阐述的重点,本文主要推荐the Galapagos Islands这个旅游景点,全文介绍了这些岛上独特的野生动物,对野生动物爱好者来说具有非凡的吸引力。故A项为最佳选项。BHigh school was wonderful,but I had always felt uncomfortable as one of taller members of my class,standing a head above the other girls and stoopi

28、ng(弯腰)at the back of the line to avoid sticking out.I especially hated being around large groups of people,like during the social hour after the church services.My grandfather would watch me grow increasingly uncomfortable(不舒服的),but he didnt laugh at me or try to comfort me.Instead,he would warn(警告)

29、 me.“Stand straight and tall,” hed say,as I tried to shrink(退缩)myself.And each time,I would obey him.Even at age 15,I understand that his advice was about more than just feet and inches.My grandfather grew up in war-torn Europe.When German soldiers took his hometown,the beautiful and exciting city o

30、f Tarnow,Poland,he joined the Soviet army for his countrys freedom.“Stand straight;stand tall,” meant something else back then.I trusted my grandfather more than anyone else in my childhood.And whenever I was afraid of something,he would tell me stories of his life.After the war,he took a boat for A

31、merica on January 27,1947.All alone in a new country,he was frightened about his future.Still,he marched head-on in the streets of New York.Soon he met other European immigrants(移民),each of them trying to find his or her own way.If they could do it,why couldnt he?“Stand straight;stand tall,” he woul

32、d tell himself.At first my grandfather refused to enter an American church.He was angry with God for the loss of his whole family back in Europe.However,soon he walked into the church that first time;he walked in proudly.5.When the author was a high school student,what worried her?A.The school life

33、was not good.B.Her classmates were more beautiful.C.She did badly in her studies.D.She was too tall for her age.答案:D解析:推理判断题。由第一段可知,作者的校园生活虽然美好,但她由于比别人高一头而感到不舒服。因此,她过高的个头是她上中学时所烦心的事情。故答案为D项。6.When the authors grandfather found her uncomfortable,what did he do?A.He did nothing but watch her.B.He warn

34、ed her to be herself.C.He comforted her in a soft voice.D.He laughed at her for it.答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第三段可知,当作者的祖父发现她的不舒服之后,并没有安慰她,也没有笑她,而是告诫她要站直、站高。由此可推出作者的祖父要她自然地行事。7.What did the author think of her grandfathers advice?A.It was valuable.B.It was useless.C.It was boring.D.It was unnecessary.答案:A解析:推理判断

35、题。由第四段可知,每次作者都接受祖父的建议,认为他的建议不是无足轻重的。由此推出她认为祖父的建议是有价值的。8.What can be learnt about the authors grandfather from the passage?A.He was once a soldier who served in the Soviet army.B.He served as a German soldier when he was young.C.His family moved to the United States after the war.D.He went to the Uni

36、ted States to find his army.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第五段第二句可知,作者曾经为了祖国的自由,参加了苏联的军队。由此可知,他曾经在苏联军队服役。9.The last sentence in the passage shows that .A.the authors grandfather regained self-confidenceB.the authors grandfather became an AmericanC.the authors grandfather didnt hate GermansD.the authors grandfather began to play tricks on God答案:A解析:推理判断题。由句子中的However可知本句和上一句之间存在转折,上一句表示作者的祖父对上帝产生了不信任,不想进教堂,因此本句就应该表示他重新找到了对上帝的信心,即对自己的信心。故答案为A项。


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