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2017届高三英语一轮总复习(译林牛津版)课件:语法11虚拟语气 .ppt

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1、十一、虚拟语气改错。(2015 四川)If you are me,would you talk to them?【答案】arewere(一)概述虚拟语气用于表示主观愿望或假设的虚拟情况。虚拟语气中的说话者所讲的内容往往是与事实相反的或是其现实的可能性微乎其微,甚至没有实现的可能性,但有时为了使说话的语气客气、缓和、委婉,也使用虚拟语气。(二)虚拟语气用于条件句中1.虚拟语气用于条件状语时,主句与从句的动词形式虚拟条件从句谓语形式主句谓语形式例句与过去事实相反had过去分词should/would/could/might have doneIf I had left a little earli

2、er,I would have caught the rain.If we had had time,we would have dropped by.She would have come if she hadnt been so busy.虚拟条件从句谓语形式主句谓语形式例句与现在事实相反一般过去时(be用were)should/would/could/might 动词原形If I were you,I would refuse the money.If we left now,we would arrive in good time.If there were no gravity,we

3、 should not be able to walk.虚拟条件从句谓语形式主句谓语形式例句与将来事实相反一般过去时;shouldv.;were tov.should/would/could/might动词原形If you came tomorrow,we would have the meeting.If he would go away,I would be grieved.If he were to do it,I would do it in a different way.2.条件从句中使用虚拟语气的注意事项事项注意之点例句错综时间条件句当条件状语从句表示的行为和主语表示的行为发生的

4、时间不一致时,动词的形式要根据具体的时间进行调整。If I were you,I wouldnt have missed the film last night.Amy would be alive today if the doctor had come sooner last night.2.条件从句中使用虚拟语气的注意事项事项注意之点例句倒装句条件句中可省略if,把were,had,should提到句首,变成倒装句式。Had we made adequate preparations,we might have succeeded.Should Mr.White call,what wo

5、uld you say?Were you to be fired,your health care and other benefits would not be immediately cut off.注意:如果省略条件句的谓语动词是否定形式时,不能用动词的缩略形式。Were it not for the expense,I would go abroad now.()Werent it for the expense,I would go abroad now.()2.条件从句中使用虚拟语气的注意事项事项注意之点例句含蓄条件句1)用介词短语代替条件状语从句。常用的介词有:with,with

6、out,but for。2)某些副词、连词隐含虚拟条件。What would you do with a million dollars?(if you had a million dollars)Without your help,we couldnt have finished the work ahead of time.But for the storm,we should have arrived earlier.I was ill that day.Otherwise,I would have taken part in the sports meeting.(副词)He tele

7、phoned to inform me of your birthday,or I would have known nothing about it.(连词)I might have given you more help,butI was too busy.(连词)(三)虚拟语气在其他从句中的运用类别解说例句在主语从句中在“Its 形容词(过去分词)that.”这类句型里,主语从句中的谓语动词形式不论人称和数,都常用should动词原形或者动词原形结构,常用于本句型的形容词有:necessary,important,strange,natural,essential等,另外,表示“提议、要

8、求、命令”等动词的过去分词suggested,ordered,demanded,required,requested,proposed,advised,decided等,也可以这样用。几个常用句型:Its 形容词that.It is suggested/requested/desired/proposed/.that.It is important that every member(should)inform himself of these rules.重要的是每个成员应该知道这些规则。It has been decided that the meeting(should)be put o

9、ff.会议已经决定推迟召开。It is important that we(should)do well in our lessons first.我们先把功课学好很重要。It is strange that he(should)not come.很奇怪,他竟没有来。(三)虚拟语气在其他从句中的运用类别解说例句在宾语从句中(1)用于wish后的宾语从句中,表示说话人认为不可能实现的愿望。表示对现在情况的虚拟:从句动词用过去时或过去进行时(be动词一般用were)。表示对过去情况的虚拟:从句动词常用“had过去分词”。表示对将来的主观愿望:从句谓语动词形式为“should/might/would

10、/could动词原形”。(2)在suggest,demand,order,propose,insist,command,request,desire等动词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用“should 动词原形”,表示建议、要求、命令等。should可以省略。I wish I remembered her telephone number.我希望记得她的电话号码。(实际上不记得)I wish I had gone to see him in the hospital.我后悔应该去医院看望他的。(实际上没有去看)I wish it would stop raining.但愿雨能停止。I wish I

11、could fly to the moon one day.我希望有一天能够飞往月球。I demand that he(should)answer me immediately.我要求他立刻答复我。We suggested that Tom(should)have a rest.我们建议Tom 去休息一下。类别解说例句在宾语从句中(3)would rather 后面的宾语从句常用虚拟语气。在这种结构中,从句中的谓语动词通常使用过去时表示对现在和将来的虚拟,用过去完成时表示对过去的虚拟。常见动词的巧记口诀:“一个坚持,两个命令,三个建议,四个要求”。即:insist order,command

12、advise,suggest,propose demand,require,request,desire注意:当insist的意思为“坚决认为,坚持说”;suggest的意思为“表明,暗含,暗示”等时,宾语从句一般不用虚拟语气。The king ordered that the prisoners(should)be killed the next day.国王下令囚犯明天要实施死刑。They requested that we(should)send them to work there.他们要求我们派他们去那儿工作。The teacher advised that we(should)ma

13、ke good use of every minute here.老师劝我们要好好地利用在这儿的每一分钟。Tom insisted that he hadnt stolen the watch.汤姆坚持说他没有偷那块手表。His smile suggested that he had succeeded in this exam.他的微笑表明他在考试中成功了。I would rather you didnt make any comment on the issue.我宁愿目前你不对此事发表任何评论。I would rather I had seen the film.我宁愿我已看过了那场电影

14、。类别解说例句在方式状语从句中as if/as though 引导的从句所表示的内容往往不是事实,常用虚拟语气,其形式与wish后宾语从句中的谓语动词相同。It seems as if it were(was)spring already.现在仿佛已经是春天了。He behaved as if nothing had happened.他装作若无其事的样子。He spoke to me as if I were(was)a deaf.他对我讲话时就像我是聋子似的。类别解说例句在表语从句和同位语从句中在表示“意愿、要求、命令、建议”等名词后的表语从句或同位语从句中,谓语动词用“(should)动

15、词原形”形式,这类名词有:idea,proposal,suggestion,order,plan,decision,advice,desire,requirement等。My suggestion is that the old houses(should)be pulled down and rebuilt.我的建议是那些旧房子应该拆掉重建。Our plan is that we(should)have a sports meeting next week.我们的计划是下周召开运动会。类别解说例句在定语从句中句型It is(high)time(that).所接的从句用虚拟语气,其谓语动词的形

16、式为过去式或should动词原形。意思是“是某人该做的时候了”。It is time that we went to bed.是睡觉的时候了。It is high time that we should put an end to this argument.我们该结束这场争论了。类别解说例句表示惊叹(1)if only 引导的感叹句使用虚拟语气,谓语动词用一般过去时态表示对现在事实的虚拟,用过去完成时表示对过去事实的虚拟。意为“但愿,要是多好!”If only I could see him now.要是我现在就能见到他就好了。If only I knew the answer.要是我知道答

17、案就好了。If only I hadnt lost it.要是我没把它弄丢了该多好啊。类别解说例句表示祝愿(2)用“may 动词原形”表“祝愿”“但愿”,此时may须置于句首(多用于正式文体中)。May you be happy!祝你快乐!May good luck be yours!祝你顺利!(四)“虚拟语气”在高考试卷中的考点体现高考对虚拟语气考查直接表现在特定语言环境中的用法,名词性从句中的虚拟语气以及在阅读文章中的理解。中译英:(注意使用虚拟语气)1.如果你早听取了我的建议,你在英语学习上应该也早取得进步了。_2.要是我当时认识你的话,我就借钱给你投资了。_3.如果 Jason 在这儿

18、,我们可以征询他的意见。_4.万一发生地震,我们怎么办?_5.如果有机会的话,我会去美国继续学习语言的。_6.奇怪的是他竟然没告诉我们就走了。_7.要是我们邀请了她,她会来的。_8.如果我是你,我就会去找他的。_9.我那天生病了,否则我就参加派对了。_10.没有音乐,世界会很沉闷。_【答案】1.If you had followed my advice earlier,you would have made great progress in English(learning).2.If I had known you,I would have lent you some money to d

19、o the investment.3.If Jason were here,we could ask him for advice.4.Should there be an earthquake,what should we do?5.If I had a chance,I would go further study of language in America.6.It was strange that he should leave without telling us.7.She would have come,if we had invited her.8.If I were you,I would go to find him.9.I was ill that day.Otherwise,I would have taken part in the party./If I hadnt been ill,I would have taken part in the party.10.Without music,the world would be a dull place.


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