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2014-2015学年李庄中学高一年级上学期期末检测二英语 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、2014-2015学年李庄中学高一年级上学期期末检测二(高2014级)英 语本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷1至10页。第二卷11至12页。共150分。考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题 共110分)注意事项:1答第卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。2每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,不能答在试题卷上。3考试结束时,将本试卷和答题卡一并收回。第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时

2、间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)来源:Zxxk.Com听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the woman eating?A. Some fruit. B. Some chocolate. C. Some cookies.2. Who is looking for Bob? A. The manager. B. Mary. C. The woman.3. Where do

3、es the conversation probably take place? A. At a clinic. B. In a gym. C. In a hotel.4. Who will hold the birthday party? A. The mans mother. B. The womans sister. C. The mans brother.5. Why did the woman get the book so late? A. The man forgot it. B. The mans boss forgot it. C. The woman wasnt at ho

4、me.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where does Gregory come from? A. Switzerland. B. America. C. Spain.7. What will probably the woman do this weekend? A. Visit Gregory.

5、B. Go to the mans house. C. Do some cooking.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What does the man think of the product? A. It looks good. B. It is a well-known brand. C. It is of poor quality.9. How much will the man probably pay? A. $90 B. $95 C. $100 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How many girls are there in the band? A. Fiv

6、e B. Four C. Three11. Who wants to go to Hollywood? A. Victoria. B. Geri. C. Celia.12. What will Emma do next month? A. Get married. B. Leave the band. C. Play soccer in England.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What will the man do later? A. Cook dinner. B. See somebody off. C. Go to a cocktail party.14. When d

7、oes the cocktail party start? A. At 5:30 pm. B. At 6:00 pm C. At 7:30 pm.15. What is the purpose of their cocktail party according to the man?A. To celebrate Christmas. B. To follow the American custom. C. To welcome newcomers.16. What does the French phrase “faux pas” mean? A. Friend. B. Social man

8、ner. C. Mistake.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When was Shirley Temple (秀兰 邓波儿) born?A. In 1928. B. In 1918. C. In 190818. What was Shirley Temples father? A. A film star. B. A dance teacher. C. A bank teller.(银行出纳员)19. When did Shirley Temple first appear in film? A. At her three years old. B. At her three

9、and a half years old. C. At her four years old.20. What was the money from her films used for at the height of her popularity? A. Building more film studios. B. Helping to make Fox a major film studio. C. Helping poor people during the Great Depression.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10

10、分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Shall we go out for dinner tonight?_A. You are right.B. It must be funny. C. That sounds great.D. Have a nice time.22. Sally is the girl _ I think is likely to win the first prize in the competition.A. whoseB. whichC. whoD. whom23. Jone, what _ in your

11、hand?Look! Its a birthday gift for my grandma.A. had you held B. are you holding C. do you holdD. will you hold24. It is reported that there are nearly _ overweight children as there were in 1980.A. as twice manyB. as many twiceC. many as twiceD. twice as many25. Take your time. Its just _ short dis

12、tance from here to _ restaurant.A 不填;theB a; theC the; aD 不填;a26. The floods which happened in India last month left about_ people homeless.A. two thousandB. two-thousandsC. two thousandsD. two thousands of27. According to a survey, many people die from illnesses _ to smoking tobacco, such as cancer

13、 and heart disease. A. relateB. relatingC. relatedD. to relate28. Its surprising that your brother _ Russian so quickly he hasnt lived there very long.A. picked upB. looked upC. put upD. made up29. My daughter _ keep asking me questions about her mother, but now she seems to be tired of that. A. was

14、 used toB. was used asC. used toD. used as30. His idea was such a good one _ we all agreed to use it.A. asB. thatC. soD. but第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,然后从31-50各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A 12-year-old boy saw something in a shop window that set his heart racing. But the 31 five d

15、ollars was far beyond Reuben Earles money. Five dollars would 32 almost a weeks food for his family.But hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, Reuben had a(n) 33 . He ran towards the sound and discovered he could 34 the hessian sacks (麻袋) which were thrown away and 35 them for five cents

16、 a piece.Every day 36 , Reuben walked down the town, collecting the 37 . On the day the school closed for the summer, no student was more 38 than Reuben, for he had more time for his “work”. Then one day the time 39 . Reuben ran down Water Street to the store. “Please, Mister. I have to sell the sac

17、ks now.” The man took the sacks, 40 into his pocket and placed four coins in Reubens hand. Reuben said a thank you and 41 home. On arriving home, Reuben uncovered the tin can where he 42 the money. He poured the coins out and began to count. He had 43 .Then he headed for the shop. “I have the money,

18、” he told the owner 44 . The man went to the window and 45 Reubens treasure. He wiped the dust off, carefully wrapped (包裹) it in brown paper and 46 it to Reuben.Racing home, Reuben shouted, “Here, Mom! Here!” He 47 a small box in her hands. She unwrapped it carefully. A jewel box 48 . Dora lifted th

19、e lid (盖子), tears beginning to fill her eyes. Dora had 49 received such a gift; she had no jewelry 50 her wedding ring. Speechless, she smiled and gathered her son into her arms.31. A. priceB. costC. worthD. value32. A. buyB. offerC. enjoyD. expect33. A. questionB. tryC. ideaD. schedule34. A. sellB.

20、 collectC. fetchD. bury35. A. pay forB. buyC. sellD. afford36. A. before dinnerB. in classC. at churchD. after school37. A. moneyB. sacksC. paperD. cans38. A. pleasedB. surprisedC. worriedD. tired39. A. passedB. endedC. cameD. wasted40. A. hidB. reachedC. stoleD. put41. A. stayedB. walkedC. gotD. ra

21、n42. A. gaveB. gotC. spentD. kept43. A. noneB. enoughC. littleD. much44. A. calmlyB. honestlyC. proudlyD. angrily45. A. took outB. gave outC. set outD. left out46. A. lentB. threwC. handedD. took47. A. placedB. gaveC. tookD. prepared48. A. openedB. droppedC. appearedD. broke49. A. oftenB. neverC. ju

22、stD. ever50. A. includingB. withC. andD. except第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhile Nick was on the bus, reading his newspaper, the man sitting next to him suddenly pushed a large envelope into his hands. “Here, take this!” the man said, stood up and got

23、off the bus before Nick could say a word.Nick sat there, holding the envelope. It felt heavy. There were papers inside, or money perhaps. “Id better hand it over to the police,” he thought. There was a police station close to his office. But, as he got off the bus, a man came to him. He seemed to be

24、 waiting for something. “He wants the envelope,” Nick thought. Nick began to walk quickly, and the man hurried after him. Nick started to run, and the man began to run, too. But then, just before he got to the police station, Nick managed to lose the man in the crowds. When he entered the police sta

25、tion, the man was no longer in sight.Inside the police station, Nick handed over the envelope to a policeman in charge. The man opened it. The envelope was full of money, false money. “Clearly the man made a mistake,” the policeman said. “He thought you were one of the gang (团伙)!”Nick felt like a he

26、ro. He could already see his name in all the papers. He could imagine an interview on television.“However,” the policeman went on, “Im afraid I must ask you to keep quiet about all this. Were trying to catch some very clever thieves, and we dont want them to know that we have some of the money. So y

27、ou mustnt say a word to anyone not even your boss!”51. The man who suddenly gave Nick an envelope was most probably _.A. Nicks friendB. a thief C. the bus driverD. a postman52. Nick decided to give the envelope over to the police probably because _.A. the whole thing was strangeB. another man was wa

28、iting for itC. he didnt want the money inside itD. the police station was near his office53. As Nick got off the bus, a man came to him because _.A. he wanted to catch NickB. he thought Nick was a policemanC. he wanted to give Nick some moneyD. he thought Nick was one of their gang54. What is the ma

29、in idea of the passage? A. Nick had an unusual experience.B. Nick became a hero.C. A gang of thieves were caught.D. A gang of thieves made a mistake.BStarting high school means many changes in your life. Most teenagers look forward to the first day of high school, but still feel a little bit nervous

30、. In order to make your high school life easier, you can follow these tips.Learn all you can about your first day before the first day. Take part in some activities that are held at the school for new students to know the school better. If parents are invited to these activities, take yours with you

31、. Carefully look over all the materials you receive. Be sure you know where the schools buildings are.Get the things you will need for class. Buy the things suggested on your teachers supply lists and place your materials for each class separately.Keep up with your high school workload. If you find

32、youre not doing well in a subject, make use of after-school study groups or ask your teacher to help you with your schoolwork. Consider private tutoring to get you through a difficult time.Therere more after-school activities in high school than in middle school, such as clubs, music and theater gro

33、ups, student government, and sports teams. Make friends and be seen at such school activities. Join a club or other organizations to meet people and develop friendships. Ask someone in school activities if you dont know how. This is a good time to do what you like doing and an opportunity to try new

34、 things. Who said school has to be all work and no play?Since youll attend more activities in high school than in middle school, youll have to learn how to manage you time.55. In paragraph 2, the writer suggests that we should _.A. ask our parents to walk us to schoolB. ask other students about our

35、high schoolC. prepare all the things we need for our classesD. learn about our high school well before attending it56. According to paragraph 4, what should we do if we are not doing well in a subject?A. We should get help from others. B. We should stop going to activities.C. We should spend most of

36、 our time on it. D. We should give it up if it is not important.57. In paragraph 5, the writer wants to tell us that _.A. every coin has two sides B. the early bird catches the wormC. where there is a will, there is a way D. all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy58. What will the writer most pro

37、bably talk about next?A. How to manage time well in high school. B. Why we need to learn how to manage time.C. How to attend more activities in high school. D. Why middle school is different from high school.CIf the crust (外壳) of the earth were not pretty solid, it would be shaking about and moving

38、up and down frequently (频繁地). However, there are places in the rocks of the earths crust where it isnt strongly held together where “faults” exist. Along the break, one rock might push against another with great force. The energy is changed to vibration in the rocks, so they begin to shake and we ha

39、ve an earthquake!The most famous one in North America was the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. Seven hundred people died and property (财产) damage amounted to about $425,000,000. The greatest destruction came from the fires that followed the quake.One of the most famous earthquakes in Europe took pl

40、ace in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1755. The city was destroyed and at least thirty thousand people were killed. In 1908, in Calabria and Sicily, a quake killed about 75,000 people. In 1915, in central Italy, hundreds of towns and villages were damaged and thirty thousand people were killed.Two great earth

41、quakes that caused damage in Asia took place in Tokyo, Japan, and in Gansu Province in China. The Tokyo quake of 1923 killed more than one hundred thousand people and destroyed the city and the city of Yokohama, too. The Chinese quake in 1920 covered more than three hundred square miles and killed a

42、bout two hundred thousand people.59. The first paragraph mainly tells us _.A. the damage caused by earthquakes B. famous earthquakes in the worldC. where earthquakes happen D. how earthquakes happen60. The underlined word “vibration” in the first paragraph probably means “_”.A. shakingB. forceC. ene

43、rgyD. losing61. Which of the following is the correct order of the years when the earthquakes happened?the San Francisco earthquakethe earthquake in Lisbonthe earthquake in Calabria and Sicily the earthquake in central Italy the earthquake in Gansu Province the Tokyo quake A. B. C. D. 62. According

44、to the passage, the earthquake that killed the most people happened in _.A. PortugalB. ChinaC. ItalyD. JapanDHeres one very simple but lifechanging advice that I first heard from Brian Tracy. Cut down on the TV at night by just one hour. Instead, use that hour to read books that could improve your l

45、ife.If youre a salesman, look for the best and most useful books on improving your sales.This applies (适用) to all fields, not just the work-related (与工作相关的) ones. Maybe you want to improve your health, become a more energetic person. Or maybe you want to improve your study, your relations or perhaps

46、 do some personal development.One hour a day is not much. But if you read for one hour a day on weekdays, thats about 260 hours a year. Thats a large number of books and a lot of useful advice.If you follow the ideas, who knows what great things and feelings could come into your life. Also, all that

47、 information and advice will start to open up your mind. You will start to see more chances in your life.Now, you might think something like this:1. I really dont have the money.Answer: Visit your public library or search the database (数据库). Or look for books that are used in places like .2. I reall

48、y dont have the time.Answer: Buy audiobooks and listen to them in the car while driving to and from work. Or copy them to your MP3-player and listen while riding your bike / bus to work or school. Recently selling audiobooks through MP3-downloads has become popular Shut off the TV a little earlier a

49、nd start reading.63. What is Brian Tracys lifechanging advice about?A. Reading helpful books. B. Listening to MP3. C. Surfing the internet.D. Watching TV.64. If youd like to improve your work, you should _ according to the writer.A. improve your relationsB. become more energeticC. read work-related

50、booksD. improve your study65. What should you do if you really dont have the money to read? A. To download MP3 free.B. To visit the public library.C. To buy some books from .D. To borrow audiobooks and listen to them.66. What is the writers idea about audiobooks?A. They are more useful.B. Listening

51、to audiobooks is easier than reading books.C. Its dangerous to listen to audiobooks while driving or riding.D. Audiobooks are a good solution to the problem of having no time to read.EIn Canada and the United States, there is a new group of children called “satellite kids”, who live in one place but

52、 whose parents live in another place.Asians are immigrating (移民) to Canada and the United States in larger numbers than ever before. Most Asians immigrate because they believe that they can give their children a better education in the West. In Asia, especially in China, Japan, and Korea, it is diff

53、icult to go to university. Students must first pass the strict national examination. However, in Canada and the United States, it is easy to go to university, and anyone who wants to go can go. As a result, Asian parents decide to leave their countries so that their children can go to university.The

54、 problem is that when Asians arrive, they discover that finding a job and making money are more difficult in the West than in the East. Also, they find that they are very lonely, and that they miss their homes. Because of these two reasons, most Asian parents decide to go back to work while their ch

55、ildren study in the West. Therefore, these children become “satellite kids”, and most of their parents do not know how sad it is to be a “satellite kid”.Only until now are Canadians and Americans discovering the “satellite kids” problem. Because these children do not speak English and because their

56、parents are not there to take care of them, they are often absent from school. To be a “satellite kid” means growing up in a country where you know you are different and where you cannot make friends because you do not speak English well. Also, it means growing up lonely, because your parents are el

57、sewhere. What these “satellite kids” will probably say to their parents is that its better to have parents around than to have a university education.67. Why do some Asian parents send their kids abroad?A. They hope their children may easily find a job there.B. The kids want to improve their English

58、 and make foreign friends.C. The kids may not be accepted by universities in their own countries.D. All foreign universities are better than the ones in their own countries.68. “Satellite kids” refer to Asian kids _.A. without parents B. living abroad alone C. with university education D. who dont s

59、peak English69. Some Asian immigrant children become “satellite kids” because their parents _.A. want them to be independent B. want them to go to universityC. return to their countries to work D. want to leave their own countries70. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Parents feel lonely and mi

60、ss their families.B. Parents want better education for their kids.C. Kids in foreign countries alone are badly in need of care from family.D. Canadians and Americans begin to notice the “satellite kids” problem.第卷(非选择题 共40分)注意事项:1第卷共2页,用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。2答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 短文改错 (共10

61、小题;每小题1分,满分10分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多两个错误;每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下写出该加的词。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出改正后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。 I am very exciting to have received an e-mail from you. Im glad you have made such a great progress that you

62、can write your e-mail good Chinese. I read your e-mail to my parents and show them the photo you sent it to me. How time flies! Our friendship has lasted for several months. We have got to know but learned a lot with each other. Yes, it is clearly that your life in your country is quite different fr

63、om me. Thanks again for writing to me. Im looking forward to hear from you soon. Best wishes to you and your family. 第二节 书面表达 (满分30分) 你的英语老师要求你在班上用英文向同学们介绍你英语写作的方法和心得。请根据下表提供的中文提纲,写一篇英文发言稿。 学 习 方 法 学 习 效 果背诵好的英语文章运用英语思维,进行模仿性写作广泛阅读英文文章吸取语言材料学习英语语法正确用英语表达自己多写日记在写中学多练习说英语提高口头表达能力写作要求 1. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名

64、称;2. 开头与结尾已经给出。评分标准 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。参考词汇 模仿 imitate 吸取 take in Ladies and gentlemen,Now I would like to tell you how I learn English writing._ _ Yours,Li Hua2014-2015学年李庄中学高一年级上学期期末检测二(高2014级)英语答案及评分意见第一、二、三部分1-5 BAAAB 6-10 BBABA 11-15 BACAA 16-20 CACAB (每小题1.5分)21-25 CCBDB26-30 ACACB (每小题1分)31

65、-35 AACBC36-40 DBACB41-45 DDBCA46-50 CACBD (每小题1.5分)51-55 BADAD56-60 ADADA61-65 BBACB66-70 DCBCC (每小题2分)第四部分第一节:Ladies and gentlemen,Now I would like to tell you how I learn English writing.Firstly, I often recite good / beautiful English articles, which helps me think in English when I imitate Engl

66、ish writing. Secondly, I also read English articles widely so that I can take in as many language materials as possible. Thirdly, in order to express myself correctly / make myself understood, I think it is important to for us learn about some grammar. Fourthly, I keep a diary every day so that I can learn by writing. Besides / In addition, I often practice speaking English a lot so that I can improve my oral English.Thats all. Thank you.


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