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1、2021届高考英语3500词汇(基础+提升)练01基础练(夯实基础)一、单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的完全形式)1.China will safeguard energy security by resource protection, _(倡导)green lifestyles and consumer culture.【答案】advocating【句意】中国将通过资源保护来保障能源安全,倡导环保的生活方式和消费文化。2.The government will force companies to a_ any possible measure to reduce air poll

2、ution.【答案】adopt【句意】政府将迫使各家公司采取任何可能的措施来减少空气污染。3.Theuprisingordown-fallingofanenterpriseliesinitsmanagementor _(管理).【答案】administration 【句意】企业的兴衰主要在于经营或管理。4.She wont mind your being late. In a_, its hardly your fault.【答案】addition【句意】她不介意你的迟到。另外,这几乎不是你的错。5.Hisrecord-breakingperformancewonhimgreathonoran

3、drespecta_theworld.【答案】across【句意】他破纪录的表现为他赢得了巨大的荣耀和全世界的尊重。6.Only after he was brought to the police station did the boy a_ he had stolen some purses from other passengers.【答案】acknowledge/admit【句意】只有在被带到警局之后,男孩才承认自己偷了其他乘客的钱包。7.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was a_ofcheating customers.【答案】acc

4、used 【句意】句意:店员因被指控欺骗客户而被解雇。8.A_ tothe new plan, students can choose the teacher whose class they wish to take.【答案】According【句意】根据新的计划,学生可以选择他们想上哪门课的老师。9. Onno a_must this switch be touched.【答案】account【句意】这个开关是绝不能触摸的。10.Frankly, I still feel confused about how he could manage without having a_ tothe

5、Internet for such a long time.【答案】access【句意】坦率地说,这么长一段时间没有上网,他怎么能做到这一点,我还是感到困惑。11.Shetriedtoensurehera_wasequallysharedamongallthreechildren.【答案】affection【句意】她尽力确保三个孩子从自己这里分享到同等的爱。12.For his dream to be realized at an earlier date, he must a_ the pace of reform in his company.【答案】accelerate【解析】要使梦想早

6、日实现,他必须加快公司改革的步伐。13.Last night, in the dream, John found himself being chased by a fierce wolf and u_ to escape.【答案】unable【句意】昨晚,约翰在睡梦中发现自己被一头恶狼追逐,而且他无法逃掉。14.It has been revealed that some government leaders _(滥用)their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.【答案】abuse【句意】据透露,一些政

7、府领导滥用权力和地位为自己谋取非法利益。15.Withoutthemyouwillnotbea_tofinishthetasksyouhavebeforeyou.【答案】able【句意】没有他们你将无法完成面临的任务。16.When a new system comes into being, the old one is _(废除).【答案】abolished【句意】当一个新制度形成时,旧制度就被废除了。17.The old couple, a_ tocountry life, were unwilling to move to the city to live with his son.【

8、答案】accustomed【句意】那对习惯了乡村生活的老夫妇不愿意搬到城市里和他们的儿子住在一起。18.Shegivesfrequentperformancesofherwork,both athomeand a_.【答案】abroad【句意】她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。19.He is a man of _(先进的)ideas and he often makes a careful plan in a_.【答案】advanced, advance【句意】他是一个理念先进的人,经常会提前做好一个详细的计划。20.Jack worked hard at his lessons and to

9、his satisfaction, he gained a_to a famous university three years ago.【答案】admission【句意】杰克在学习上努力拼搏。让他感到满意的是,他三年后被一所著名的大学录取了。二、单句语法填空(用所给单词的正确形式填空或填上恰当的单词)1.Please add _the numbers and Im sure they will add up_1000.【答案】up, to【句意】请把这些数字加起来,我确定它们总计将达到1000。2.Due to the popularity of the restaurant, it is

10、advisable that a table be reserved for a get-together _ advance.【答案】in【句意】由于这家餐馆很受欢迎,建议提前预定一张聚会的桌子。3.Mandy had considered _(adopt)since her sons death, but her husband didnt agree with her.【答案】adoption【句意】她儿子死后,Mandy考虑过收养,但是她的丈夫不同意4.With Mike acting _our group leader, we had no trouble finishing the

11、 task ahead of time.【答案】as【句意】有迈克做我们的小组领导人,我们提前完成任务没问题。5.Those who act _the benefit of the people are bound to fail. 【答案】against【句意】那些违背人民的利益的人是注定要失败的。6.In modern education, I think, students should be involved in various _(active), especially those where they can gain experience for growth.【答案】acti

12、vities【句意】在现代教育中,我认为学生要参加各种活动,尤其是那些能获得成长经验的活动。7.In October, the price of the _(admit)to Mount Tai has risen by 50 yuan.【答案】admission【句意】十月的时候,泰山的门票价格上涨了50元。8.This _(acknowledge)can cause employees to feel engaged in their own jobs.【答案】acknowledgement【句意】这种承认会让员工觉得自己在从事自己的工作。9.He couldnt account _the

13、 reason why the money was found in his room.【答案】for【句意】他无法解释在他房间里发现那笔钱的原因。10.Tom was _ to close the windows when his attention was caught by a bird.【答案】about【句意】汤姆正要关上窗户,这时他的注意力被一只鸟吸引了。11.Hehasalsocalledforan_(accelerate)ofpoliticalreforms.【答案】acceleration【句意】他同时呼吁加快政治改革的步伐。12.Modern technology has_

14、(able)us to have easier access to huge amount of beneficial information, which was only found in paper books.【答案】enabled【解析】句意:现代科技已经使我们能够更容易地接近大量有益的信息,这些信息以前只能在纸质书本上找到。13.I cant tell you the way to the Wilsons because we dont have _Wilson here in the village.【答案】a【句意】我无法告诉你去威尔逊家的路,因为我们村没有叫威尔逊的人。14.

15、He abandoned _(teach)in favor of a career as a musician.【答案】teaching【句意】他弃教从事音乐。15._ aboutcamping this weekend, just for a change?【答案】How/What【句意】这个周末野营怎么样,来点新鲜的?16.Who will be in charge in the _(absent)of our boss?【答案】absence【句意】在老板不在的时候,谁来负责?17.Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our scho

16、ol. _(attend)Attending the ceremony of the 50th anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友)from home and _.【答案】Attending, abroad【句意】尊敬的各位嘉宾、朋友们,欢迎光临我们学校!今天出席校庆50周年纪念活动的有来自国内外的校友。18.Advertising often functions as an indicator for what society considers to be socially _(accept)and desirable at the tim

17、e.【答案】acceptable【句意】广告常常是社会认为什么是当时社会可接受和可取的指标。19.Wherever he goes, he readily_(accommodation)to new circumstances.【答案】accommodates【句意】无论他去那里,他都会准备好适应新的环境。20.It is very important for English teachers to have a knowledge of the theories of language _(acquire). 【答案】acquisition/acquirement【句意】对英语老师来说,掌握

18、语言习得的理论是很重要的。21.At no time did they _(act)cheat in the exam. It was unfair to punish them.【答案】actually【句意】他们在考试中实际上没有作弊。惩罚他们是不公平的。22.Living or studying abroad, you are supposed to adapt yourself _new manners and customs.【答案】to【句意】在国外生活或学习,你必须使自己适应新的风俗和礼貌习惯。23.In addition _ the school, the village ha

19、s a clinic, which was also built with government support.【答案】to【句意】除了学校外,这个村子有一个诊所,这个诊所也是有政府支持建造的。24.Most middle schools prefer to buy _(adjust)desks, so they can change to suit students growingheight.【答案】adjustable【句意】大多数中学喜欢购买可调节的课桌,这样他们可以根据学生的身高来调整。25.In _(add), she spent an _(add)one week to fin

20、ish the paper.【答案】addition, additional【句意】此外,她又花了一周时间完成了这篇论文。三、单句改错(每句最多有两个错误,错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改)1.I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertising position as the secretary of English. 【答案】advertising改为advertised, the改为a【解析】position与advertise之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词。这里是第一次提到,用不定冠词。句意:我写信是想表达

21、我对你们最近登广告招聘的英语秘书职位的兴趣。2.If you ask teachers for help, they will give you a lot of advices on how to improve your English.【答案】advices改为advice【解析】advice是不可数名词,故把advices改为advice。句意:如果你向老师请求帮助,他们会给提出如何提高英语的许多建议。3.It is essential to take an useful summer vacation after the exam.【答案】an改为a【解析】形容词useful发音为非

22、元音开头,故用定冠词a。句意:考试后要好好利用暑假是很重要的。4.In order to improve your spoken English, you must take advantage with any chance to speak English 【答案】with改为of【解析】take advantage of利用,故把with改为of。句意:为了提升你的英语口语,你必须利用任何机会讲英语。5.I clapped my hands happily admiration of the pilots beautiful flight on the Air Show.【答案】在adm

23、iration前加in【解析】in admiration of怀着对的赞美 对表示钦佩,故在admiration前面加in。句意:我高兴的鼓掌对空展上飞行员的优美的飞行表示敬佩。6.My mother, in addition to do the work women have to, also does some of the burden of men.【答案】do改为doing【解析】in addition to除了之外,to为介词,后接名词或动词-ing形式,故把do改为doing。7.In addition to, I really appreciate you practising

24、 spoken English with me.【答案】删除to【解析】in addition to“除之外”是介词短语,后面要接名词或是动名词作to的宾语,故删除to。句意:另外,我非常感谢你陪我一起练习口语。in addition“另外,此外”,在句子里单独作状语,一般用逗号与句子隔开。8.The thief was caught and he admitted to enter the lab.【答案】enter改为entering【解析】admit doing承认做了某事,故把enter改为entering。句意:小偷被抓住了,他承认进过实验室。9.It was difficult f

25、or me to adopt myself here because the bad climate didnt agree to me.【答案】adopt改为adjust或adapt, to改为with【解析】adopt收养,采取;“使适应”应该为:adjust或adapt;agree with表示“适宜”,主语常是天气、气候或食物等。故把to改为with。句意:我难以适应这里,因为这里槽糕的气候我不适应。10.Great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the street the beautiful lights add up to

26、 the beauty of the city.【答案】删除up【解析】add to添加,根据句意可知删除up。句意:我的家乡发生了巨大的变化,街上美丽的灯光添加了这座城市的美。11.The kind woman has adapted more than ten disabled or sick babies abandoning by others.【答案】adapted改为adopted, abandon改为abandoned【解析】收养为adopt;disabled or sick babies与abandon(遗弃)之间存在被动关系,应该用过去分词。句意:那位善良的女人收养了十多个被

27、别人遗弃的残疾或生病的婴儿。12.In English classes, teachers encourage students to take active part in discussions.【答案】在active前加an【解析】take an active part in积极参加,active以元音开头,故在active前加an。句意:在英语课上,教师鼓励学生积极参加讨论。13.I must learn as much as I can to get into a good medical college, where I can prepare myself adequate fo

28、r the job of a doctor.【答案】adequate改为adequately【解析】本句中副词adequately做状语修饰谓语动词prepare myself for the job of a doctor。句意:我必须学习我能够学到的尽可能多的知识以便进入一所好的医科大学,在那里我才能为我将来所从事的医生职业做好充分的准备。14.Reaching an agreement so quickly was great achievement of the meeting.【答案】great前加a【解析】achievement“成就”为可数名词,故在great前加a。句意:这么快

29、就达成协议是这次会议的一大成就。15.It universally acknowledged that Li Na is one of the greatest tennis players in the world.【答案】universally前加is【解析】It is universally acknowledged that(众所周知),故加is。句意:众所周知,李娜是世界上最伟大的网球运动员之一。16.The advanced function of the computer can help you complete the work accurate. 【答案】accurate改

30、为accurately【解析】该计算机的先进功能可以帮助你准确地完成这项工作。17.The woman smiled happily as she accepted to her daughters hug. 【答案】删除to【解析】accept是及物动词,所以后面不需要介词,故删除to。句意:女人高兴地笑了笑,接受了女儿的拥抱。18.Evidence shows that absence of a parent adds to the probability that a youngster will commit criminal activity.【答案】在absence前面加the,

31、activity改为activities【解析】the absence of的缺少/缺失;名词activity为可数名词,用复数形式。句意:证据表明父母的缺失会增加青少年实施犯罪活动的可能性。19.He made his reasons for resigning absolute clear.【答案】absolute改为absolutely【解析】此处是副词修饰形容词,故把absolute改为absolutely。句意:他提出辞职的理由非常明确。20.Hedescribedhisideaabstract,withoutanyillustrativeexamples.【答案】abstract改

32、为abstractly【解析】修饰动词described应该用副词,故把abstract改为abstractly句意:他把他的想法描述得很抽象,没有举例说明。21.He got the useful information on accident from one of his classmates.【答案】on改为by【解析】介词短语by accident碰巧,故将on改为by。句意:他碰巧从他的一个同学那里得到了有用的信息。22.Even a brisk ten-minute walk every day can help according researchers.【答案】accordi

33、ng后加to【解析】according to根据,故在according后加to。句意:根据科学家,即使每天只是轻快的散步也很有益处。23.Susan has been working hard day and night, which stands for her pale face.【答案】stands改为accounts【解析】stand for代表;account for说明的原因。句意:苏珊日夜不停地工作,这就是她脸色苍白的原因。24.The people wanted to accuse him with stealing their purses.【答案】with改为of或acc

34、use改为charge【解析】accuse sb. of(doing)sth.=charge sb. with (doing)sth.控告某人某事,故在him后加of。句意:那些人要指控他偷了他们的钱包。25.Nowadays,villagers are proud of their culture and are active protecting it, which in turn improves the local tourism.【答案】active改为actively【解析】修饰动词protecting应该用副词,故把active改为actively。句意:现在,村民对他们的文化感

35、到自豪,并且积极的保护它,这转而促进了当地的旅游业。提升练(对接高考)一、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I first met Begay at Los Ninos Elementary on “King and Queen Day”, she was wearing a smile ear-to-ear.This morning, though, Begay was 1 . The parent she had been trying to 2 was a no-show again. Begay 3 needed

36、to talk to her. Her boy was smart, but now about a year behind. She 4 there were problems at home. He was always late and had already missed too much school.By 8 a.m. , kids were arriving, and Begays 5 quickly became a beehive(蜂窝)of activity. Forty-five minutes 6 , the little boy finally walked in,

37、shoulders sunk, head 7 . Rather than 8 him in front of the class, Begay welcomed him warmly. He was testing Begays long-held 9 that no child is a lost cause, no matter how 10 he seems. “Its the unspoken 11 teachers start out with,” Begay said.During lunch I sat down with Begays students and asked th

38、em what they liked about her.“ She never gets angry, “ said one girl. A boy 12 :” Shes funny and likes telling jokes.”Before we left the 13 , the shy, quiet girl next to me 14 ,” She teaches me when I dont want to learn.”Her 15 stayed with me. When I 16 it with Begay, I told her that I felt it was a

39、 very 17 thing for a child to say. She agreed.“They never 18 that to me.” said Begay, “But thats what I 19 . I want them to enjoy school. I want them to feel like someone 20 them.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者通过贝吉对待一个经常迟到的小男孩的方式以及午饭时与学生们的闲聊了解到孩子们非常喜欢他们的贝吉老师,虽然他们从来没有向贝吉表达过这一点,但这正是贝吉所追求的。1. A. sensitiveB. worr

40、iedC. thrilledD. absurd【答案】B【解析】A. sensitive敏感的;B. worried担心的;C. thrilled激动的;D. absurd荒谬的,愚蠢的,可笑的。空前一句说当我第一次在洛斯尼诺小学的“国王和王后日”见到贝吉时,她笑得合不拢嘴,空前的“though”表明此处与之前的开心形成对比,因此此处指“担心的”,故B项正确。2. A. meetB. investigateC. enquireD. accuse【答案】A【解析】A. meet会面;B. investigate调查;C. enquire询问;D. accuse指责,控告,指控。根据空后的“no-

41、show again”可知,那位家长又没来,这说明贝吉很想见一见她,故A项正确。3. A. graduallyB. occasionallyC. abruptlyD. desperately【答案】D【解析】A. gradually逐渐;B. occasionally偶尔;C. abruptly唐突地;D. desperately极度地、迫切地。空后一句说她的儿子很聪明,但最近一年成绩一直落后,因此贝吉迫切需要和这位家长谈谈,故D项正确。4. A. clarifiedB. revealedC. suspectedD. acknowledged【答案】C【解析】A. clarified阐明;B.

42、 revealed显示;C. suspected怀疑;D. acknowledged承认。空后一句说这个小男孩上学总是迟到,错过了很多学习时间,因此贝吉怀疑一定是他家里出了什么问题,故C项正确。5. A. classroomB. schoolC. canteenD. house【答案】A【解析】A. classroom教室;B. school学校;C. canteen食堂;D. house房子。根据上文中的“Begay _3_ needed to talk to her. Her boy was smart, but now about a year behind.”可知,贝吉迫切需要和那位家

43、长谈谈,因为她的孩子最近一年成绩一直落后,这说明贝吉是一位老师,因此此处是指“教室”,故A项正确。6. A. afterB. beforeC. laterD. ago【答案】C【解析】A. after在之后;B. before在之前;C. later稍后、随后;D. ago以前。根据上文中的“He was always late”可知,这个小男孩上学总是迟到,因此45分钟后才走进教室,一段时间+later表示“多长时间之后”,故C项正确。7. A. roseB. bowedC. noddedD. shook【答案】B【解析】A. rose升起;B. bowed低头;C. nodded点头;D.

44、 shook摇动。根据空前的“shoulders sunk”可知,小男孩上课迟到了,因此走进教室时,他垂着肩膀,低着头,故B项正确。8. A. disturbingB. astonishingC. capturingD. embarrassing【答案】D【解析】A. disturbing打扰;B. astonishing使惊讶;C. capturing捕捉;D. embarrassing使难堪。根据空前的“Rather than”及空后的“Begay welcomed him warmly”可知,虽然这个小男孩迟到了整整45分钟,贝吉没有在全班同学面前使他难堪(没有当众批评他),反而热情地欢

45、迎他,故D项正确。9. A. conclusionB. dreamC. beliefD. ambition【答案】C【解析】A. conclusion结论;B. dream梦想;C. belief信念;D. ambition抱负。根据空后的“no child is a lost cause, no matter how _10_ he seems.”可知,不管他看上去有多么麻烦,没有一个孩子注定要失败,这是贝吉长期以来的信念,故C项正确。10. A. awesomeB. troubledC. innocentD. careless【答案】B【解析】A. awesome可怕的;B. troubl

46、ed麻烦的;C. innocent无辜的;D. careless粗心地。根据上文中的“He was always late and had already missed too much school.”可知,这个小男孩上学总是迟到,错过了很多学习时间,他是一个麻烦制造者,因此此处指“麻烦的”,故B项正确。11. A. commitmentB. assumptionC. proposalD. regulation【答案】A【解析】A. commitment献身、承诺;B. assumption设想;C. proposal提议;D. regulation管理。空前一句说不管他看上去有多么麻烦,没

47、有一个孩子注定要失败,这是贝吉长期以来的信念,这是所有老师从一开始就心照不宣的承诺,故A项正确。12. A. rejectedB. declaredC. addedD. protested【答案】C【解析】A. rejected不同意;B. declared声明;C. added补充;D. protested抗议。空前一句说一个女孩说她喜欢贝吉是因为她从不生气,此处是另外一个孩子补充的一点,故C项正确。13. A. officeB. kitchenC. playgroundD. table【答案】D【解析】A. office办公室;B. kitchen厨房;C. playground操场;D.

48、 table桌子。根据上文中的“During lunch I sat down with Begays students”可知,午饭时我和贝吉的学生坐在一起,因此此处指“在我们起身离开桌子之前”,故D项正确。14. A. shoutedB. whisperedC. criedD. suggested【答案】B【解析】A. shouted大喊;B. whispered低声说;C. cried哭喊;D. suggested建议。根据空前的“the shy, quiet girl”可知,这是一个害羞、安静的女孩,因此她小声和我说话,故B项正确。15. A. commentB. adventureC.

49、 experienceD. discovery【答案】A【解析】A. comment评论;B. adventure冒险;C. experience经历;D. discovery发现。空前一句说我旁边那个害羞、安静的女孩小声说:“她会在我不想学习的时候教我学习”,此处指的就是这个女孩对贝吉的这条评论,故A项正确。16. A. interpretedB. promotedC. sharedD. demonstrated【答案】C【解析】A. interpreted解释;B. promoted提升;C. shared分享;D. demonstrated演示。根据空后的“I told her that

50、 I felt it was a very _17_ thing for a child to say.”可知,我告诉她,我觉得对一个孩子来说,这是一件非常有意义的事情,这说明我和贝吉分享了孩子们对她的评论,故C项正确。17. A. fancyB. comprehensiveC. crucialD. meaningful【答案】D【解析】A. fancy精致的;B. comprehensive综合的;C. crucial决定性的;D. meaningful有意义的。根据上文孩子们对贝吉的评论可知,我觉得让孩子们高度评价自己的老师对他们来说很有意义,故D项正确。18. A. doB. expre

51、ssC. guaranteeD. leave【答案】B【解析】A. do做;B. express表达、传递;C. guarantee保证;D. leave离开。根据上文内容可知孩子们非常喜欢贝吉,对她的评价很高,因此此处是说贝吉说孩子们从来没有向她表达过这一点,故B项正确。19. A. acquireB. secureC. accomplishD. pursue【答案】D【解析】A. acquire获得;B. secure保护;C. accomplish完成;D. pursue追求。空后一句贝吉说她希望孩子们喜欢上学,因此上文说的孩子们对贝吉的那些评价正是贝吉所追求的,故D项正确。20. A.

52、 believes inB. stands byC. acts againstD. fears for【答案】A【解析】A. believes in信任、相信;B. stands by支持; C. acts against违反,违背;D. fears for为担心。空前一句贝吉说她希望孩子们喜欢上学,因此此处是说她希望让孩子们知道有人相信他们,故A项正确。二、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The 12th China Arts Festival will bring a series of art 1 (activity)to the Chinese

53、economic and art center, Shanghai. From May 20 to June 2, more than 50 shows 2 (select)nationwide will be performed in nineteen major theaters in Shanghai, and a fine selection of creative cultural products will 3 (show)at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. The festival will include 4 (vary)art forms,

54、such as opera, dancing, painting and photography. 5 2019 edition is co-organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Shanghai municipal government(市政府). Since 6 (it)beginning in 1987, the festival 7 (change)host cities in each edition, travelling to areas including Beijing, Sichuan, Jiang

55、su, Zhejiang and Hubei over the past three decades.Sales of tickets have opened online, with tickets priced from no cost to 380 yuan, 8 to the organizers. To allow a larger audience to 9 (accessible)the programs, the festival will also be broadcast live online. “We will use new media to bring the sh

56、ows to more ordinary people, 10 will let them know about the modern development of Chinese arts.” said Zhu Di, head of the ministrys arts department.This years festival is also aimed promoting tourism in Shanghai with arts. The local government has released a total of 40 culture-themed travel routes

57、 to guide visitors through Shanghais well-known landmarks.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了第十二届中国艺术节将在上海举行,期间会举办一系列艺术活动。1.【答案】activities【解析】考查名词的数(复数)。句意:第十二届中国艺术节将在中国的经济和艺术中心上海举办一系列艺术活动。被a series of修饰,用名词复数,所以填activities。2.【答案】selected【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:从5月20日至6月2日,全国范围内的50多场精选剧目将在上海19家主要剧院上演,上海展览中心将展出精选的优秀创意文化产品。50

58、 shows和select之间是被动关系,用过去分词作定语,所以填selected。3.【答案】be shown【解析】考查动词的语态。句意:从5月20日至6月2日,全国范围内的50多场精选剧目将在上海19家主要剧院上演,上海展览中心将展出精选的优秀创意文化产品。“优秀创意文化产品”和“展出”之间是被动关系,用被动语态。情态动词will之后,用动词原形,所以填be shown。4.【答案】various【解析】考查词性转换(形容词)。句意:艺术节将包括各种艺术形式,如歌剧、舞蹈、绘画和摄影。该空修饰名词art forms,用形容词,所以填various。5.【答案】The【解析】考查冠词。句意

59、:2019年版由文化旅游部和上海市政府联合主办。文中表示特指,用定冠词,句子中第一个单词的首字母大写,所以填The。6.【答案】its【解析】考查代词。句意:自1987年它的开始,每一届艺术节的主办城市都发生了变化,在过去的30年里,活动足迹遍及北京、四川、江苏、浙江和湖北等地。文中表示“它的”,所以填its。7.【答案】has changed【解析】考查动词的时态。根据Since its beginning in 1987可知,用现在完成时,所以填has changed。8.【答案】according【解析】考查介词短语。according to“根据”,符合语境。句意:据主办方介绍,门票已

60、经在网上开始销售,票价从零到380元不等。9.【答案】access【解析】考查词性转换(动词)。前面的to为动词不定式,故要用动词access(接近,进入)。句意:为了让更多的观众可以观看这些节目,电影节还将在线直播。10.【答案】which【解析】考查定语从句。_10_will let them know about the modern development of Chinese arts.是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰整个主句内容,关系词在从句中作主语,所以填which。三、短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有

61、两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Applying for a foreign university is a huge project. Here is my experience. I did voluntary work in Grade One. I listed all of my achievement and the voluntary

62、work I have done. After complete the online admission process, I took deep breath and dreamed about my dream college. However, apart from offer from the University of California, San Diego(UCSD), I total got eight rejections. One day, I locked myself in my room but thought about what I had done. Fin

63、ally I understood that I could learn something from the experience even though those rejections were made me sad. I accepted the UCSDs offer and adopted myself quickly. For this attitude, everything I saw of UCSD thrilled me.【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲了作者申请就读外国大学的经历。1.【答案】achievement改为achievements【解析】考查名词的数

64、。句意:我列出了我所有的成就和我所做的志愿工作。文中“我所有的成就”是复数意义,用名词复数,所以achievement改为achievements。2.【答案】have改为had【解析】考查动词的时态。这里含有一个定语从句,先行词是the voluntary work,表示发生在“过去的过去”,用过去完成时,所以have改为had。3.【答案】complete改为completing【解析】考查非谓语动词。complete的逻辑主语是I,它们之间是主动关系,用现在分词作时间状语,所以complete改为completing。4.【答案】breath前加a【解析】考查冠词。take a deep

65、 breath深吸一口气,该用法是固定用法,所以在breath前面加a。句意:在完成在线录取程序后,我深深地吸了一口气,梦想着我梦想中的大学。5.【答案】from后面加上an/the【解析】考查冠词。句意:然而,除了加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)的录取通知外,我一共被拒绝了八次。文中特指“加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)的录取通知”或泛指“一个加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)的录取通知”,且offer的首字母发音是元音,所以from后面加上an/the。6.【答案】total改为totally【解析】考查副词。修饰动词got,用副词,所以total改为totally。7.【答案】but改为a

66、nd【解析】考查连词。句意:一天,我把自己锁在房间里,想着我所做的一切。文中表示并列关系,所以but改为and。8.【答案】删除were【解析】考查动词的语态。句意:最后我明白了我可以从这次经历中学到一些东西,即使那些拒绝让我很伤心。“拒绝”和“让我很伤心”之间是主动关系,用主动语态,所以删除were。9.【答案】adopted改为adapted/adjusted【解析】考查动词。adopt收养,领养,采取,采用;adapt/adjust oneself使自己适应。句意:我接受了加州大学旧金山分校的的录取通知,并迅速调整了自己。10.【答案】For改为With【解析】考查介词。句意:带着这种态度,我在UCSD看到的一切都让我激动不已。文中表示“带着这种态度”,所以For改为With。


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