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2020秋高中英语 课时作业1 Unit 1 Art Section Ⅰ Warming Up Reading(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc

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1、课时作业1Warming Up & Reading.单词拼写1He told me not to lose faith in myself.2This advertisement is a typical example of their marketing strategy.3He is not the womans own son; she adopted him twenty years ago.4It was evident that he was not telling the truth.5Who possesses the house? In other words, who i

2、s the owner of the house?6Luckily enough, I met my teacher in the street by coincidence/chance (巧合) the other day.7The artist combines different techniques (技巧) in the same painting.8The aim (目标) of the meeting was to reach an agreement about next years price.9Weather conditions prevented them from

3、attempting (试图) to escape.10Its difficult to predict (预测) what the longterm effects of the accident will be.选词填空a great deal, on the other hand, by coincidence, take possession of, make an attempt, more than, have faith in, aim at1I learnt a_great_deal when I was in the countryside with my grandfath

4、er.2The soldiers have taken_possession_of more than twenty cities so far.3China Daily is more_than a newspaper. It can help us to improve our English.4My brother is really naughty, but on_the_other_hand he is very honest and clever.5By_coincidence,_I met my favourite pop star at the airport yesterda

5、y.6He made_an_attempt to cook the dinner.7The visit was aimed_at developing the relationship of the two nations.8I have_faith_in you. Youll do well.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1What a beautiful car! I wonder who is in possession (possess) of it.2The lazy young man was often late for work. Consequently (consequent

6、) he got fired by the company.3An automotive technician (technique) coming from the USA is ready to help us in science and technology.4A faithful (faith) employee would not like to leave his boss even though the company had been in trouble.5However, there is still no evidence (evident) so far that t

7、he man is guilty of the murder.6The ending of the book was predictable (predict).课文语法填空Art _1_ (influence) by the way of life and beliefs. During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was _2_ (represent) religious themes. Artists were interested in _3_ (create) respect and love for God. In the R

8、enaissance, people focused more _4_ humans and less on religions. Artists tried to paint people and nature _5_ they really were. Masaccio used perspective in his paintings, _6_ made people convinced they were looking through a hole in the wall at a real scene. The Impressionists were the first _7_ (

9、paint) outdoors. They had to paint _8_ (quick) and their paintings were not as detailed as those of earlier painters. Today people accepted the Impressionist paintings as the _9_ (begin) of modern art. Some modern art is abstract _10_ some is realistic.1is_influenced2.to_represent3.creating4.on5as6.

10、which7.to_paint8.quickly9beginning10.while阅读理解ACan you define great art? On the one hand, we can all see that great art is old art which is called great. But how do we know which art of our own times is great, and which will be forgotten? And who decides?These are important questions, for the great

11、art of the past often was not considered great during its own time. When Shakespeare and Charles Dickens were writing, for example, most critics considered them as hack (平庸的) writers with little or no literary ability. Similarly, Van Gogh and many of the other Impressionist painters of the late nine

12、teenth century were not allowed to participate in events involving what were thought to be the “real” painters of the time, and often they were very poor. Yet today their paintings often sell for millions of dollars, while those socalled “real” painters are now barely remembered.So what makes great

13、art? Can, for example, rock music be great art? Music videos? Cartoons and comics? Those who call themselves critics of the fine arts often have been the last to recognise great art in the past, and we can probably expect this to be the situation today.Critics often dont recognise great art because

14、they tend to be prejudiced against what is popular. Popular works, whether they are novels, movies, or comics, are usually considered to be produced for the sake of money only, and not for the sake of art.But popularity, it seems to me, is one of the three signs that a presentday work of art may com

15、e to be thought of as great. The other two are that it is groundbreaking, and that it is inherently (内在地) beautiful.Many works have one or even two of these qualities of being popular, unusual, and beautiful. But having all the three often will mean that a work of art will someday be seen to be grea

16、t, though it may take a good spoonful of time, such as a century or two, to know for sure.本文是一篇议论文。作者在文中阐述了什么样的艺术才是伟大的艺术,并指出它们的特点:流行性、突破性、内在美。1What is the purpose of the first paragraph?ATo explain what kind of art will become popular.BTo introduce some real painters to the readers.CTo introduce the

17、 writers confusion about art.DTo lead into the following points by arousing the readers curiosity.答案:D解析:推理判断题。作者在第一段中接连提出了几个问题,目的在于吸引读者的兴趣,从而引出后文。故选D项。2What does the author want to prove by using the examples of Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and Van Gogh?AThese masters works have some shortcomings.B

18、These masters wouldnt have been so successful without the critics.CTruly beautiful works of art are never understood when first created.DGreat masters are often not acknowledged while they were alive.答案:D解析:推理判断题。These are important questions, for the great art of the past often was not considered g

19、reat during its own time.是第二段的主题句,即“伟大的艺术往往在自己的时代并不被认为是伟大的”,而后列举的莎士比亚、查尔斯狄更斯以及梵高的例子就是来说明这一点的。故选D项。3According to the passage, what do critics think of popular works?AThey will be out of date quickly.BThey are created for profit rather than for art.CThey might be presented in a popular form.DThey are

20、thought valuable because of their low sale price.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的Popular works, whether they are novels, movies, or comics, are usually considered to be produced for the sake of money only, and not for the sake of art.可知,评论家认为当代的流行艺术是为了金钱利益而创作的,不是为了艺术。故选B项。4What can be inferred from the last thr

21、ee paragraphs?ACritics have changed their attitudes to great works.BCritics comments determine great art works.CThe work of art itself determines its greatness.DPopular works today must become great art works someday.答案:C解析:推理判断题。文章第四段讲的是评论家认为流行的作品不是伟大的艺术,而是为金钱利益而生的。倒数第二段讲的是作者认为流行性与突破性和内在美一样,是当今伟大的艺

22、术作品的特征。最后一段讲的是有上述三个特征的作品总有一天会被认为是伟大的艺术。由此可推断是否能成为伟大的艺术,关键在于作品本身的受欢迎程度、不同寻常的特点和内在的美,而不在于评论家的评判。故选C项。BWhat do you need to do to become happier in life? Do you need a new house? How about a new car or a bigger salary? How can you brighten your mood? What will lift your spirits? In fact, there are many

23、easy things you can do to raise your state of health. Psychologists tell us that feeling joyful, lighthearted, and excited about life doesnt require major soul searching or a large investment of time or money.There are dozens of ways to lift your spirits in a short moment.Smile at yourself in the mi

24、rror each morning. Itll brighten your day. Stand up straight; laziness is harmful to your physical and mental health. Hum (哼) or sing your favorite tune. A shift in brain chemicals will reduce stress and lift your spirits.Dream yourself into happiness. Research reveals that by depriving yourself of

25、at least seven hours of sleep each night could rob you of happiness. Less sleep means that you dream less.Sleep experts tell us that when your brain has fewer hours of sleep, the REM phase of sleep leaves little time to sort through the days emotions. As a result, you easily wake up and feel terribl

26、e all day. So, treat yourself to a good nights rest. Serve yourself by lifting up others. You will find great joy in making others feel good.Have a strong faith. Be confident in knowing that God will direct you to all that you need in life. And most of all realize that your brightest days are those

27、spent in service to God and your fellow men.在这篇文章中,作者提出了让心情变好的几个方法。5Whats the purpose of the questions listed in the first paragraph?ATo introduce the main topic to discuss.BTo make readers answer these questions.CTo attract readers attention.DTo show what can lift your spirits.答案:A解析:推理判断题。由第一段可知前面

28、的问题是为了引出文章的主题。故选A。6According to the passage, which of the following CANT lift your spirits?ADream yourself into happiness.BTreat yourself to a good nights sleep.CHave a strong faith.DBuy a new car or a big house.答案:D解析:细节理解题。细读文章可知,文章说到了几个方法帮助我们。只有D选项没有被提到。7Whats the main idea of the passage?AHow to help others.BHow to lift your spirits.CWhat a happier life is.DThe ways of keeping healthy.答案:B解析:主旨大意题。由第三段中的“There are dozens of ways to lift your spirits in a short moment.”可知文章主要介绍了几个方法帮助我们在短时间内让心情变好。


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