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2021届高考英语二轮复习 组合练(六)阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错课时优化作业(含解析).doc

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2021届高考英语二轮复习 组合练(六)阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错课时优化作业(含解析).doc_第1页
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2021届高考英语二轮复习 组合练(六)阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错课时优化作业(含解析).doc_第2页
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2021届高考英语二轮复习 组合练(六)阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错课时优化作业(含解析).doc_第3页
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2021届高考英语二轮复习 组合练(六)阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错课时优化作业(含解析).doc_第4页
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2021届高考英语二轮复习 组合练(六)阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错课时优化作业(含解析).doc_第5页
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2021届高考英语二轮复习 组合练(六)阅读理解+阅读七选五+短文改错课时优化作业(含解析).doc_第6页
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1、组合练(六)阅读理解阅读七选五短文改错.阅读理解AIn todays short attention span informationoverloaded age, there are new challenges for creative workers.For creators, the news and information cycle is so fast that to earn attention for your work suggests you have to keep up with it all.But the other side of that technologi

2、cal coin is that its easier than ever to make things and distribute them online.Of course the entire planet does not care when yet more media is added to the world.But even 50 years ago, before the Internet, there were more films made each year than anyone could possibly see and more books published

3、 annually than anyone could read.Before the web there was often no way to get your work distributed unless you had permission.Given the choice of a) depending on the approval of others to finish projects and share them with the world, but having fewer competitors vs.b) being able to put anything int

4、o the world, but I have to compete with everyone else for attention, I definitely chooseBAt least I have a chance.At least I can compete, and use my skills at creation as an advantage.Attention from fans matters more than the rest of the world.The most famous people in any media get most of the atte

5、ntion.But the fallacy is that you need to be in that top 1% or 5% to make a living.As a matter of fact, you simply need enough fans and attention to earn you enough money to make a living.A creative life is not the safe and secure path.The more creative the life you choose, the more risk that will c

6、ome with it.It can be wonderfully rewarding, but you are choosing to compete to earn a living, and even if you do everything right, the chances are that you can still fail.I recommend doing it anyway, since you will learn more about life and yourself by taking the challenging path, but you should do

7、 it with your eyes open.语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。如今是注意力经济时代,那些从事创造性工作的自由职业者面临着更加激烈的竞争和挑战。1In what way was the situation 50 years ago similar to the mentioned one?APeople needed to compete for attention.BFew people cared about creative works.CMany people engaged in creative work.DPeople had difficulty in spreadi

8、ng their works.解析:推理判断题。第二段指出,当今时代从事创造性工作者必须努力去争取人们的注意;第三段接着指出,其实50年前也是这样:作品数量总是超过人们的需要。也就是说,它们需要争夺人们的注意力。答案:A2Why does the author choose b instead of a?AHe is afraid of fierce competition.BHe wants to have more competitors.CHe is badly in need of more attention.DHe values the opportunity to compete

9、.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段可知,作者之所以选择b是因为他更珍惜当今时代网络所提供的自由竞争的机会。答案:D3What does the underlined word “fallacy” in Paragraph 5 mean?AA new opinion.BA wrong belief.CA valuable idea.DA strange concept.解析:词义猜测题。下句指出:你只需要有足够的粉丝和注意力就可以维持生活。也就是说,你不需要成为那顶尖的1%或5%。由此可知,作者认为前面的说法是错误的。答案:B4Whats the authors attitude to a crea

10、tive life?ACritical.BDoubtful.CSupportive. DAmbiguous.解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段可知,作者认为,虽然从事创造性工作有很大的风险,但是他还是建议人们去从事这一行业。答案:CBAs a “campesino”a Spanish term for the family farmerGarca Cuenca still grows maize (玉米) on the small farm his mom left him.He also plants beans to keep the soil rich and relies on rain

11、to irrigate his crops.During the rainy season, Garca Cuenca selects the seeds stored in the previous cycle,plants them and cares for the seedlings.This kind of farming has been going on for thousands of years.And the efforts of smallscale farmers, a study suggests, produce the main part of corns gen

12、etic diversity in North America.In the face of more aggressive weather threats, researchers say the finding comes at a critical time.“This takes things a step further.Family farmers are not only preserving the genetic diversity of maize, but they are also contributing more of it,” says Daniel Piero,

13、 a plant geneticist.In the study, Daniel Piero used government statistics from the 2010 rainy season.The team learned about where people still grow and cultivate native varieties.Then the researchers calculated the area where corn is produced in a commercial size.Commercial corn farmers in Mexico pl

14、anted around 3.2 million acres during the rainy season; the restmore than 11.5 million acreswas planted by campesinos.Daniel Piero was also able to calculate that in 2010 alone family farmers in Mexico grew approximately 138 billion genetically different maize plants.The growing of native maize acro

15、ss a wide range of temperatures, altitudes and slopes has allowed rare mutations (变异) to take hold of some maize plants, otherwise they would disappear.“Campesinos are providing an evolutionary service that is essential for them,for the country and for the world, given the global importance of maize

16、,” Daniel Piero says.Gene banks are locations that store plant seeds for use in case of natural or manmade disasters.But there is no guarantee the genetic diversity represented by the seeds there will be relevant to the environment humans will face, say, 30 years from now.That makes campesino agricu

17、lture irreplaceable.If we want to be able to grow food for a growing population, we need an agricultural system that is flexible and can survive the changing conditions.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。在墨西哥,大量以家庭为单位的农民从事玉米种植和育种工作,促进了本土玉米基因的多样性。在全球气候变化加剧的情况下,这种传统的玉米种植模式有着非常重要的意义。5What do we know about Garca Cuenca?AHe g

18、rows only one type of crop.BHe feeds on beans as well as maize.CHe employs an old way to cultivate corn.DHe never uses seeds from other campesinos.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句可知,Garca Cuenca采用的玉米种植模式在墨西哥有着悠久的历史。答案:C6What can we learn from Paragraph 3?AIt takes more effort to grow native varieties.BCampesinos

19、promote the evolution of maize.CThe trend of smallscale farming grows rapidly.DCommercial farming has no market in Mexico.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段可知,按照墨西哥本土传统的玉米种植法,玉米会根据种植地的气温、海拔和坡度产生稀有的变异。这说明了以家庭为单位采用传统种植法的墨西哥农民促进了当地玉米品种的进化。答案:B7The function of campesino farming mainly lies in _.Aadding to the gene banksBpr

20、edicting the future of agricultureCstrengthening the competitiveness of local cropsDhelping agriculture adapt to the changing environment解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的最后两句可知,墨西哥农民的传统种植模式有助于适应不断变化的外部环境。答案:D8Whats the best title for the text?AMexican Campesinos Keep Maizes Diversity AliveBThe Significance of Planti

21、ng Crops on a Large ScaleCThe Need to Protect the Diversity of Native MaizeDMaize Grown in Mexico versus That in the US解析:标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了墨西哥以家庭为单位的传统的玉米种植模式。这种传统的玉米种植和育种模式促进了本土玉米基因的多样性。答案:A.阅读七选五We all agree that we should recycle more at home, in the office or when out and about.1 Consequently,

22、they can be collected and taken to the right place for recycling.This is what the process of sorting allows us to do.2 And the effective sorting needs to happen first in our own home, and second in sorting plants to which waste is collected.When you put a plastic bottle in the right recycling bag or

23、 bin, you are helping sort recyclable things so that the right material can be fed into the right recycling process.If sorting does not happen, a lot of recyclable materials can end up in landfills (废物填埋地)It will lead to valuable resources lost from our economy. 3 For instance, in Brussels consumers

24、 put plastic packaging, cans and beverage cartons in blue bags designed for recyclable packaging; paper in yellow bags for recycling; and glass needs to be taken to specific collection bins.Somewhat differently, in Vienna (Austria), citizens can expect their paper, metal, glass and plastic to be sep

25、arately collected in different weeks of the year. 4 Once recyclable materials are collected from your home, they are further sorted in specialised facilities which ensure the quality of the recycling process.5 Traditionally, sorting has been done either manually with workers sorting what can be recy

26、cled and picking out the materials to be discarded or mechanically.Today, however, new sorting technologies are being developed in order to speed up the process of sorting but to also cause better results.Exciting technologies using magnets (磁铁) or optical systems are being used to effectively sort

27、materials so more of them can be recycled. AFor effective recycling we need effective sorting. BPackaging is the first step towards recycling.CThis is where different sorting techniques come into play.D. So citizens need to be aware of their local collection system.ECollection systems can be very di

28、fferent from country to country.FThe rest were landfilled or burned even though they could have been recycled or reused.GBut for materials to be recycled, they first need to find their way to the right waste bin. 语篇解读本文介绍了回收再利用时分类很重要,且各国收集废品的方法可能不同,因此居民需要了解当地的收集方法,这样有利于高效地保护环境,同时有利于节约资源。1解析:根据空后的con

29、sequently可知,空后讲“结果”,则空处应是讲“原因”;故G项“但是对于要回收利用的材料来说,首先它们需要找到恰当的垃圾箱”符合语境,与空后一句“因此它们才能被收集并被带到恰当的地方进行回收利用”逻辑关系紧密。故选G项。答案:G2解析:上段讲了回收再利用和垃圾分类,本段讲的是有效的垃圾分类,故此空应填一个过渡句。A项中的effective sorting与空后的the effective sorting相呼应,故选A项。答案:A3解析:本段通过列举比利时的首都布鲁塞尔和奥地利的首都维也纳这两个城市不同的收集废品的方法以表明各国收集废品的方法可能不同,故E项“(废品)收集方法在国与国之间可

30、能非常不同”可概括本段。故选E项。答案:E4解析:空处为段落尾句,起总结该段内容的作用,该段讲的是(废品)收集方法在国与国之间可能非常不同,因此,居民需要了解当地的收集方法。答案:D5解析:空前讲将可回收材料在专用的设备中进行分类,空后是说垃圾分类分人工分类和机器分类两种,故C项“这就是不同的分类技术开始起作用的地方”可以衔接前后句。故选C项。答案:C.短文改错To support the activity name “Green Travel,Start with Me”,I talk to my parents about my ideas.They were very supportiv

31、e,say they would not drive work from then on.In the following weeks, as they promised, I went to school by bike every day, while my parents went to work by bus.Though we were tired, but we all felt happily.Last Friday, the class meeting was held.Some parents were invited, including my father and mot

32、her.We shared our thought during the meeting.All of us held the same view which environmental protection is so important for our life.答案:To support the activity “Green Travel,Start with Me”,I to my parents about my ideas.They were very supportive, they would not drive work from then on.In the follow

33、ing weeks, as promised, I went to school by bike every day, while my parents went to work by bus.Though we were tired, we all felt .Last Friday, class meeting was held.Some parents were invited, including my father and mother.We shared our during the meeting.All of us held the same view environmental protection is so important for our life.


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