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2021届高考英语二轮专题训练 模块4 高考题型组合练 组合练3(含解析)新人教版.doc

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1、组合练3.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。“New and improved.” These words are put in so many marketing campaigns that we tend to accept them as linked.But many new drugs arent an improvement over the best existing drug for a given condition,and the fast drug-approval processes in recent years have a

2、dded to the uncertainty about their advantages.A recent report in the British Medical Journal,“New Drugs:Where Did We Go Wrong and What Can We Do Better?” analysed the issue.The authors looked at 216 drugs approved between 2011 and 2017; 152 were newly developed,and 64 were existing medicine approve

3、d for new uses.Only 25% offered a major advantage over the established treatment,and fully 58% had no confirmed added benefit to reduce symptoms or improve health-related quality of life.“This doesnt mean theres no added benefit,” lead author Wieseler said.“It just means we have no positive proof.Ei

4、ther we have no studies or have studies not good enough.” Wieseler and her co-authors work for a German institute which evaluates new treatments and advises on whether the countrys health care system should pay a premium(占) for them.Such organizations,known as health technology assessment (HTA) agen

5、cies,work a little differently in the US,says Sean Tunis,a researcher in Baltimore:“If payers think a new drug isnt better than an existing drug,these agencies will require that hospitals try the cheaper drug first.”Germanys HTA demands trials to prove that a new treatment beats the existing standar

6、d.This isnt always practical.For one thing,such studies can be expensive and time-consuming,with no guarantee of success.Secondly,it can discourage companies from attempting to develop new alternatives.This is already happening.Drug developers are increasingly focused on areas where there are no goo

7、d treatments to compete with,such as rare diseases.This lack of meaningful data to guide patients is a major point of Wieselers paperWith accelerated approval,there are more products approved,with a greater amount of uncertainty about risks and benefits.But there are other solutions besides drug tri

8、als.One idea is to require postmarket studies to track the effectiveness of newly approved drugsa step too often neglected.1What message does the recent report convey?AMany new drugs have no improved advantages.BThe approval processes for new drugs are too fast.CImproved drugs have advantages over o

9、ld ones.DBefore 2017 no improvement was made to drugs.2What will US HTA agencies do when no advantage is found in new drugs?ARemove government premium on them.BGet hospitals to use the cheaper drugs.CArrange financial support for the patients.DPut new drugs on further trials and studies.3Whats the d

10、isadvantage of Germanys HTA trial demands?AMaking drug companies think of illegal ways to cut cost.BPushing companies to try alternatives for existing drugs.CGetting patients to depend on the government for support.DHolding companies back from improving existing drugs.4What is the best title for the

11、 text?AThe Advantage of Existing DrugsBMisunderstanding of New and Old DrugsCA Dilemma with New Drug AlternativesDPeoples Preference for New or Old Drugs【答案】1.A2.B3.D4.C【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了英国一项研究表明,与传统药物相比,市面上不断推出的新药大部分并不具有新的疗效。作者分析其中原因并指出,因为相关机构的要求,加上新药耗时费钱,因此药品公司干脆转向研究罕见病的药品,而不是对已有的药品进行改良。1细节理解题。根据


13、提升。故选D。4标题判断题。全文讲述药品研发的窘境:传统药物的更新未必有新的疗效,即使有新疗效,相关机构的要求使这个更新过程漫长而且费用高,于是很多药企干脆转向研究罕见病的新药,这就使已有药品的更新面临窘境。故C项A Dilemma with New Drug Alternatives“新药物的两难选择”作为标题,符合题意。故选C。.七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2020陕西省西安中学高三仿真考试一)Going to university is a hugely exciting time:youl

14、l meet new and interesting people,live independently,and no doubt have experiences that will stay with you for the rest of your life.But making such a big move can also be stressful. 1 It is helpful to know about the town,city or area youre going to live in before you arrive.Work out where the cente

15、r of town is in relation to your accommodation and the university campus. 2 If not,its a good idea to explore the local public transport so you know what to expect head of arriving.Technology is your friend here. 3 You can join social media groups,chat to other students,find out who is in your halls

16、,and prepare for your course before youve even finished packing.And if you can,keep active.Regular exercise can improve your confidence and help you concentrate,sleep better and feel better.Exercise keeps the brain and other vital organs healthy. 4 Exercise doesnt have to be running miles and miles

17、on a treadmill(跑步机)Street dance,rock and roll class,self-defense and playing a competitive sport can keep you in shape. 5 Both of them can have a long lasting effect on physical and mental health.A healthy diet should include different types of fruit and vegetables,wholegrain breads,nuts and seeds,o

18、ily fish and plenty of water.AIs it within walking distance?BEating and drinking well are also of great importance.CIn addition,it is a significant benefit to your mental health.DSpend time building networks and meeting like-minded people.EUniversity should be a time of growth,both mentally and acad

19、emically.FSocial media is also a great way for students to stay connected with their parents.GFortunately,there are a few easy steps you can take to prepare yourself for your new life.【答案】1.G2.A3.D4.C5.B【解析】这是一篇议论文。上大学是一个非常令人兴奋的时刻:你会遇到新的、有趣的人,独立生活。本文介绍了一些简单的步骤,让你为新生活做好准备。1根据上一句“But making such a big

20、 move can also be stressful.”(但做出这么大的事情也会让人感到压力。)可知,此处应说有什么解决办法,选项G“幸运的是,你可以采取一些简单的步骤为你的新生活准备自己。”符合题意。故选G。2根据下一句“If not,its a good idea to explore the local public transport so you know what to expect head of arriving.”(如果没有,那么探索当地的公共交通工具是个不错的主意,这样你就可以知道在到达之前会发生什么。)可知,此处应说与步行有关,选项A“在步行距离之内吗?”符合题意。故选

21、A。3根据上一句“Technology is your friend here.”可知,此处应说利用网络等媒体结交朋友,选项D“花时间建立网络和结识志同道合的人。”符合题意。故选D。4根据上一句“Regular exercise can improve your confidence and help you concentrate,sleep better and feel better.Exercise keeps the brain and other vital organs healthy.”(有规律的锻炼可以增强你的信心,帮助你集中精力,睡得更好,感觉更好。运动使大脑和其他重要器官

22、保持健康。)可知,此处应说锻炼的好处。选项C“此外,这对你的心理健康也有很大的益处。”符合题意。故选C。5根据下一句“Both of them can have a long-lasting effect on physical and mental health.”(两者对身心健康都有持久的影响。)可知,此处应说吃和喝都很重要。选项B“吃喝好也是很重要的。”符合题意。故选B。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(辽宁省丹东市20192020学年高三上学期末)The train wasnt

23、overcrowded when I was on it.Though the four-hour journey was 1 ,the experience would be remembered 2 in my memory.A mother was sitting with her kid exactly 3 me.Both of us were sitting beside the window.A window seat is a(n) 4 ,isnt it? The mother seemed very young and her kid looked 5 with two bri

24、ght and big eyes.After a moment,the kid started staring at me,and I asked her name but got no answer.She just smiled looking at me.Instead,her mother replied.And then I asked them why they were travelling.The mother 6 and replied she was going for the kids 7 course.Being a doctor,it was my instinct(

25、本能) to ask about the 8 .I could notice a little sadness on her face.Maybe because she knew her babys condition was 9 ,she told me her girl 10 the mental disorder and couldnt speak out a word after she was born.I said I was sorry.To 11 the moment,I said,“Your daughter looks exactly like youbeautiful.

26、” I had never spoken as such to any 12 but I was happy I said that.The mother smiled.Then I asked if there were some complications(并发症) during pregnancy.She gave a small laugh and said,“I dont know.I dont give 13 to her.” I was shocked.She 14 my confusion and said she 15 her when she was three.I was

27、 16 and knew it was the love that made her adopt the girl no matter what condition the baby was inlove has no 17 !We didnt speak anything special later on.We were 18 enjoying our peace of mind.I was smiling at the girl while saluting the mother in my head. 19 ,the train stopped for us to get off.I w

28、aved good-bye to them and I thought the journey 20 my day.1A.boringBexcitingCfrighteningDsurprising2A.rarelyBbackwardCslowlyDforever3A.underBoppositeCbehindDover4A.dreamBadventureCblessingDchallenge5A.foolishBstrangeCuglyDlovely6A.noddedBsighedCcomplainedDcried7A.cultureBartCtreatmentDdiet8A.conditi

29、onBbudgetCexpenseDenvironment9A.commonBridiculousCshamefulDobvious10A.dealt withBgot throughCsuffered fromDpassed on11A.lastBlightenCsenseDenjoy12A.strangerBdoctorCfriendDpartner13A.careBhopeChelpDbirth14A.imaginedBnoticedCdeniedDevaluated15A.protectedBadoptedCdevelopedDcontrolled16A.movedBrelaxedCd


31、。1考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管四个小时的车程是枯燥无聊的,但这段回忆将永远铭记在我的记忆中。A.boring 枯燥的;B.exciting兴奋的; Cfrightening害怕的; Dsurprising惊讶的。四个小时的车程应该是枯燥的。故选A。2考查副词词义辨析。句意:尽管四个小时的车程是枯燥无聊的,但这段回忆将永远铭记在我的记忆中。A.rarely罕见地; Bbackward向后; Cslowly缓慢地; Dforever永远。虽然枯燥,但是我将永远记住这次旅游。故选D。3考查介词词义辨析。句意:我对面坐着一位母亲和她的孩子。A.under在下面; Bopposite 对面的;C.b

32、ehind 后边;D.over在上部。根据后文“Both of us were sitting beside the window.”可知她们在车上是坐在我的对面。故选B。4考查名词词义辨析。句意:坐在靠窗的座位是一件幸福的事,不是吗?A.dream 梦想;B.adventure 冒险;C.blessing 好事;D.challenge挑战。坐在靠窗的位置能够欣赏窗外的风景,所以应该是一件幸福的事。故选C。5考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这位母亲似乎很年轻,她的孩子有着一双明亮的大眼睛,非常可爱。A.foolish愚蠢的; Bstrange 奇怪的;C.ugly 丑陋的;D.lovely可爱的。根

33、据“with two bright and big eyes”可见这个孩子的眼睛又大又明亮,所以是非常可爱的。故选D。6考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位母亲叹气,回答道她们去给孩子做治疗。A.nodded 点头;B.sighed叹气; Ccomplained 抱怨;D.cried哭。根据后文“she was going for the kids 7 course.”孩子生病需要治疗,妈妈应该是叹气。故选B。7考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位母亲叹气,回答道她们去给孩子做治疗。A.culture文化; Bart 艺术;C.treatment治疗,对待; Ddiet饮食。根据后文句子“Being a do

34、ctor,it was my instinct (本能) to ask about the 8 .”作者身为医生,本能的询问母亲孩子的病情,可见是带孩子去治疗。故选C。8考查名词词义辨析。句意:身为医生,“我”本能的询问母亲孩子的病情。A.condition健康状况; Bbudget预算; Cexpense费用; Denvironment环境。根据后文句子“Maybe because she knew her babys condition was obvious,”所以“我”询问的是孩子的病情。故选A。9考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我注意到这位母亲脸上的难过,也许因为这位母亲知道孩子的病情很明

35、显。A.common 常见的;B.ridiculous 荒谬的;C.shameful 羞愧的;D.obvious明显的。根据后文句子“she told me her girl suffered from the mental disorder and couldnt speak out a word after she was born.”这位母亲告诉我她女儿由于心理障碍,出生之后不会说话,这个情况是很明显的,刚才作者“我”问她话她也没回答。故选D。10考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:这位母亲告诉我她女儿由于心理障碍,出生之后不会说话。A.dealt with处理; Bgot through通过;

36、 Csuffered from 遭受;患病;D.passed on传递。这里是患有心理障碍,出生后一句话也说不出来。故选C。11考查动词。句意:为了轻松气氛,使得气氛不那么沉重,“我”和她说,她女儿很像她,和她一样漂亮。A.last持续; Blighten 使轻松;C.sense 感觉;D.enjoy享受。根据语境话题很让人感到沉重,为了使放松一下,后文说到“Your daughter looks exactly like youbeautiful.”。故选B。12考查名词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有对陌生人说过这样的话,但是我很高兴我这样说。A.stranger陌生人; Bdoctor 医生;

37、C.friend朋友; Dpartner伙伴。此前“我”是不认识这对母女的,所以她们对于我来说是陌生人。故选A。13考查名词。句意:我问她怀她女儿的时候有没有出现什么并发症。这位母亲说她不知道,不是她生的孩子。我很震惊。A.care关心; Bhope希望; Chelp帮助; Dbirth出生。根据后文句子“it was the love that made her adopt the girl” ,可见这位母亲没有生她,只因为爱,她才收养了这个孩子。故选D。14考查动词词义辨析。句意:她注意到了我的困惑。A.imagined 想象;B.noticed 注意到;C.denied否认; Deval

38、uated评估。根据句子“I was shocked.She 14 my confusion and said she 15 her when she was three.”可见注意到了我的惊讶,然后告诉我这件事。故选B。15考查动词词义辨析。句意:她注意到了我的困惑,然后说在这个孩子三岁的时候她收养了她。A.protected保护; Badopted 收养;C.developed发展; Dcontrolled控制。根据后文句子“it was the love that made her adopt the girl” ,可知是收养的孩子。故选B。16考查形容词词义辨析。句意:听到这个故事我很

39、感动,然后明白了是爱使得她收养了这个孩子。A.moved 感动的;B.relaxed放松的; Cdisappointed 失望的;D.puzzled迷惑的。对于一个没有血缘关系而且有说话障碍的孩子,这位母亲还能收养她,作者应该是很感动的。故选A。17考查名词词义辨析。句意:大爱无疆。A.gifts礼物; Bboundaries边界; Cproblems 问题;D.choices选择。这位母亲因为爱收养了这个有说话障碍的孩子,作者感叹爱无边界。故选B。18考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们没有说话,只是享受着内心的平静。A.even 甚至;B.also也; Cever曾经; Donly仅仅。根据语境我

40、们没有说话,只是享受着内心的平静。故选D。19考查副词词义辨析。句意:最终火车停了,我们下车了。A.Particularly 特别地;B.Directly直接地; CEventually 最终;D.Immediately立刻。坐了四个小时,最终火车停了我们下车。故选C。20考查动词词义辨析。句意:我向他们挥手道别,这趟旅行让我今天有所收获。A.made 制造;B.finished完成; Cbuilt 建立;D.formed形成。这趟旅行让作者感受到了大爱无疆,作者是有收获的,他认为这趟旅行使得他这一天都是开心的。make ones day“使某人一天非常快活”。故选A。.短文改错(共10小题;

41、每小题1分,满分10分)Mistakes are unavoidable in life.But attitudes towards it may make a difference.I still remember how my spoken English was improved.In a beginning,I always kept silent in our oral class to avoid make mistakes.Before long my teacher got to know about my situation.He encouraged me to speak

42、 out that I thought.Whenever I made mistakes and felt discouraging,my teacher and my classmates would help me figure out how I could have avoided them.I also joined in an English club to get more chances to speak.Practice made perfect.Now I can talk fluent in English.Just as the saying goes,“Every b

43、ean has its black.” Dont afraid of making mistakes.Learn from mistakes,or success is just waiting for us.【答案】1.Mistakes are unavoidable in life.But attitudes towards may make a difference.I still remember how my spoken English was improved.In beginning,I always kept silent in our oral class to avoid

44、 mistakes.Before long my teacher got to know about my situation.He encouraged me to speak out I thought.Whenever I made mistakes and felt ,my teacher and my classmates would help me figure out how I could have avoided them.I also joined in an English club to get more chances to speak.Practice perfec

45、t.Now I can talk in English.Just as the saying goes,“Every bean has its black.” Dont afraid of making mistakes.Learn from mistakes, success is just waiting for us.【解析】这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。主要论述了对待错误的态度很重要,讲述作者如何改变学习英语的态度从而提高了英语水平,因此得出结论不要惧怕错误,从错误中学习才能成功。1考查不定代词。句意:但是对待他们的态度可能会产生不一样的影响。根据句意,此处宾语应为之前的mistakes,可

46、数名词复数形式,宾语应用第三人称复数形式。故将it改为them。2考查冠词。句意:起初,在我们的口语课上,我总是保持沉默,以避免犯错误。in the beginning ,意为“刚开始”,固定结构。故将a改成the。3考查固定结构和非谓语动词。句意:起初,在我们的口语课上,我总是保持沉默,以避免犯错误。avoid之后接V-ing形式做宾语。故将make改为making。4考查名词性从句。句意:他鼓励我说出我的想法。that I thought 作之前speak out 的宾语从句,从句中thought缺少宾语,应用连接代词what。故将that改为what。5考查非谓语动词。句意:每当我犯了错

47、误并感到气馁时,我的老师和同学都会帮助我找出如何避免这些错误。discourage为动词,意为“使沮丧”,此处做felt的表语,主语为人,为被动关系,应用过去分词形式。故将discouraging改为discouraged。6考查介词。句意:我还参加了一个英语俱乐部,以获得更多的机会发言。join in 意为“参加;参与”。此句意为加入英语俱乐部,应用join。故将in删掉。7考查时态和主谓一致。句意:熟能生巧。谚语一般为一般现在时。且主语practice为抽象名词不可数,视为第三人称单数。故将made 改为makes。8考查副词。句意:现在我能说一口流利的英语。根据句意,修饰动词talk应为副词形式。故将fluent改为fluently。9考查句子结构。句意:不要害怕犯错。句子结构为否定祈使句结构,为Dontbe形容词形式。句子缺少be。故在dont之后添加be。10考查连词。句意:从错误中学习,那么成功就会等着我们。前后句为顺承关系,应用and连接。故将or改为and。


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