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新教材2021-2022学年外研版英语必修第三册学案:UNIT 5 WHAT AN ADVENTURE! 表达 作文巧升格 WORD版含解析.doc

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新教材2021-2022学年外研版英语必修第三册学案:UNIT 5 WHAT AN ADVENTURE! 表达 作文巧升格 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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新教材2021-2022学年外研版英语必修第三册学案:UNIT 5 WHAT AN ADVENTURE! 表达 作文巧升格 WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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新教材2021-2022学年外研版英语必修第三册学案:UNIT 5 WHAT AN ADVENTURE! 表达 作文巧升格 WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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新教材2021-2022学年外研版英语必修第三册学案:UNIT 5 WHAT AN ADVENTURE! 表达 作文巧升格 WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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1、如何写探险类记叙文本单元的写作项目是描述一次探险或者冒险经历,属于记叙文文体。记叙文有六大要素:时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果。探险类文章需要注意重点要放在“探险”上;主人公是有意识地去做的,而不是偶然或者意外发生的事情。另外需要体现探险的意义所在,读过之后能让读者有所启发。通常用过去相关的时态。在文章里要写出自己做了什么,自己看见了什么,以及自己的感受。基本框架1开头(beginning)交代探险发生的时间、地点以及内容;2主体(body)详细说明探险的经过或过程;3结尾(ending)写出对探险的评价以及自己的感受。常用词块1save the earth拯救地球2take the

2、 time machine 乘坐时光机3fly past the stars飞过星球4be transformed into an insect变成了昆虫5be eaten by a monster 被怪物吃掉常用语句精彩开头1When it comes to the adventure story,the Magic School Bus came into my mind first.一说到冒险故事,我首先想到的就是神奇校车。2Speaking of the adventure,I experienced once three years ago.说起冒险,我三年前经历了一次。3If yo

3、u want to experience the travel in space, lets read the following story together.如果你想感受太空旅行,我们一起来读读下面的故事吧。正文佳句1We flew through the tunnel and got into the time machine.我们飞跃隧道,进入了时光机器。2I was swimming in the sea when a big shark appeared several meters away from me.我正在海里游泳,突然一条大鲨鱼出现在离我几米远的地方。3They jum

4、ped into the tree hole and then shrank into a little man of the same size as a mouse.他们跳入树洞,然后缩成了像一只老鼠大小的小人。余味结尾1The little girl came to herself and found she was still sleeping under the tree.小姑娘苏醒过来,发现自己依然睡在树底下。2Till now I still feel frightened at the thought of that adventure.直到现在,一想起那次冒险我依然感到恐惧。

5、3The hero in the movie saved the people in trouble and taught me to be kind and helpful to people around me.电影中的男主角拯救了苦难中的人们,教会我要对周围的人善良,要乐于帮助他们。请用英语写一篇记叙文,描述你的一次探险经历。注意:词数80左右。【学生习作】When I was a child, I had anadventure. I still remember it very well.Being naughty, I and two boys made an adventure

6、into the cave at the back of our village. We were very excited to find some strange stones never seen before. We went into the cave. Soon it became completely dark.We couldnt see anything and couldnt find our way back. We were afraid and cried.Fortunately, my father and some villagers came to find u

7、s. We were safe. I am so deeply impressed that I shall never forget it.点评1.对探险经历描述比较浅显,重点在于“探险”的过程。2.情节的描述不够生动,不能让人读后难忘。【升格作文】As a child, I experienced an adventure when I was a little child.As a naughty boy, I, together with another two boys, was determined to make an adventure into the cave at the

8、 back of our village. We were very excited to find some strange stones never seen before and went further into the cave. However, the deeper, the darker. Soon it became completely dark before we realized it, and we couldnt see anything and couldnt find our way back. We felt frightened and burst into

9、 tears.Fortunately, my father and some villagers came to find us. We were safe. I am so deeply impressed that I shall never forget it.你是新华中学的学生李华,今年暑假和父母去了夏威夷。期间经历了人生第一次潜水探险。请以日记的形式描述自己的这一次冒险经历,并写出从中自己的所思所想所获。1潜水地点是普普克阿海滩公园(Pupukea Beach Park);2我刚开始听说这里有时会出现鲨鱼,有点担心,但因为它们一般不会主动攻击人类,我尝试下水;3这里是一个海洋生物保护

10、区,海里的鱼类非常丰富,还有海龟;4因为海里全是礁石,需要注意安全;5建议想要去的朋友最好选择每年的夏季,海面平静且海浪很小的最佳浮潜季节。要求:1.词数80左右;2内容积极向上,可适当增添细节以使行文流畅。 【参考范文】Today the adventure story is my first diving experience.In the early morning my parents and I went to Pupukea Beach by bus and then to an island by boat.Hearing the basic dos and donts incl

11、uding the information of sharks,I dare not to jump into the sea.After the coachs explanation I jumped in with the guide.At first I didnt see any fish but some corals and seaweeds.Soon I found groups of fishes of all kinds and the turtles.What shocked me most was that I should see some sharks running after the fish groups with my own eyes.Diving experience is impressive and unforgettable.We should be kind to the sea creatures and live in harmony with them.


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