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黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市拜泉四中2020届高三上学期期中考试英语试卷 PDF版含答案.pdf

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1、其带钱品u旦分z150分z考试时间:i20分钟i主意事项z1.在卷前,考生各业将自己的姓名飞 准考证号域可在普题卡 P2.回普选择晤时,选山每小堪的杏虽4日,m制笔把杏题卡上对应题目的岱泉际号惊J怪。如需改础,M橡皮接干净币,再选揄其他梓;在怀号。Ir.ii苦非选抨题II才,7梅特来写fr 特题卡上。写在本试卷及审稿辄上无数 e3.考试炜日,将本晴在1捆在题卡 一并交1n,第部卦 E 昕力共两节,j南劳30卦第一节(共5/J、画 每小J哩LS分,满分7.5分)I听卡丽5段对话团 每,段对话后有 一个小题),、盟中所娃”的A、B、C三个j主项中撞出最圭选项,并摊在试卷的相应位置。m完每段对话厨,

2、你都有10砂fil1的时间来问咨有关小题在阅读下 一小题。每段对话仅i主 跑 q上唱That does.the ma帆 what to do?A.Have a pi en ic.B.Val!k in the woodc;_ 2.Why is the man late?A.He got up late.C.Drive to the seaside.B.He 革悦目uk in w。此,巳he was.dela归d by traffic.J.What does the man 飞回l1t to do with the TV?A SeU it.B.Mend it.C.丁阳ow it away.4.w!

3、here are the:s p且kers probaMy?A.Ina r由阳”ant.B.Im a superarkeL巳In.a cafe-.5.Wh四:1 is Jolms flight due?A.At I:00 p.m.B.At 3:00 p 回m.C 嘻 At 5:00p.m.第二节持15,J、:题;每,h且1.5舟,满井22.5命昕下回5段对前!NJl肉。:坪段对话成型lu句后有几个小题,队每题所站的A阜BtC三个选Jffi中逃出最佳选明,开树在国巷的相f,V_位置.,.IJ.ll每段封曰:琪理ll向前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,哥小题 s r咿1,:听完肝,各小题;悔站出5砂钟的

4、作普时间。何段对话戚在g向读I崎iQi市听第6段材料,回答第6至7 题。6.What did the woman want to tell the man on the phone?A.A meetingB.An illne臼7.飞Why did the man fail to answer the phone?A.It was broken.B.It was in the car.的听综合 7段材料,lnl答:第8至9也 8.How many bedrooms are there in the hou四?A.O时,B.丁飞O.9.Wh旧 is the probable relationshi

5、p between the speakers?A.Strange目.B.Roommates.请听第8段材料,回答第JO至12捷l.JO.What do回 the woman like most?A.Coffee.B.Milk.门.What does the man usually add to his co厅ee now。C.An accidenLC.It was switched off.C.ThreeC.Neighbors.C.Tea.A.Milk.B.Nothing.C.Sugar.I 2.What do the speakers agt出 to do in the end?A.Tast

6、e diffrentcoffees.B.Hold a tea dessert party.C.Invite their friends to make co仔lee.iW听第9段材料,问答第 13 至 16 题I 3.What will the man do the following week?A.Take exarr回B.See a mo叶eI 4.Who is the womans daughter?A.JaneB.Alicc.15.What will the woman do at once?A.Bake a cake.B.Buy a gift.16.What 町、吉 the spea

7、kers mainly talking about?A.A meal.B.A celebration.t司、听第10段材梢,问答第17豆豆20题17.W.hat kind ofar剧 do Bill and Sally live in?A.A hot area.B.A high area.I 8.What do Bill and Sally do?人They are gardeners.B.They are d臼igners.19.What is used to protect the delic-dte plant no、.v?A.Trees.B.Glass houses.20.How do

8、es the speaker describe Bill and Sallys work?A.Successful.B.Unsatis也ctory.C.Visit a friend.C.Judy.C.Book a table.C.A show.C.A dry area.C.1hey are builders.C.Fences.C.Impossible.二、阅读理解:(每小题2分,共计40分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Here is yo田 best chance to travel around the UK in 2019:More tha

9、n 200 B&Bs(bed&breakfast)across England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland are selected to offer you amazing services for yo田 stay at their lowest prices!Dont miss it.Just collect the vouchers(活动券)in o町B&B Daily printed from 01/04/2019 to 07/04/2019 and book the stays for your travel following the

10、terms and conditions below:The offer includes a room for the night and a breakfast the next morning.The offer is of two kinds:20 per room,valid(有效的)during s阳y period of02/04/2019-31/05/2019 and then again 01/09/2019-31/10/2019;35 per room,per ni酬,valid during stay period ofOl/06/2019-31/08/2019.The

11、offer is valid for a basic twin or double room on1)巳The stay must be booked directly with the chosen B&Bs before 28/04/2019.Each voucher can on1y be used by the holder to book one room for one night.If voucher holders book either the 20 or 35 per room per回ght,any additional se凹icessuch as lunch,even

12、ing meal or activities may require an extra charge.But these are notrequired in order to take up the offer.Please check directly with your chosen B&Bs to seewhat ex位a services are available.Vouchers must be presented on aival.If no vouchers 缸e presented,the B&Bs may reserve(保留)世1e right to charge at

13、 full price for every night of stay.Vouchers may not be used together with any other offer.The voucher holders must pay for the stay in如11 at the time of booking.Additional 10 maybe paid to confirm the booking and will be returned on arrival.The B&Bs reserve the right to re臼se voucher holders bookin

14、gs for people under the age of 18.21.How much should be paid for a two-night stay in October 2019 at a chosen B&B?A.70B.40C.30D.3522.What right do the B&Bs reserve?A.To charge extra 10岛r bookings with no vouchers.B.To charge at full price for stays not confirmed.C.To refuse bookings for guest und町 t

15、he age of 18.D.To request extra charges as tips.23.By taking up the offer,也e voucher holders can choose toA.use the B&B offer together with other offersB.book the s阳.ys through B&B DailyC.have lunch or evening meal without paying extra moneyD.book either a basic twin or double room at the chosen B&B

16、sB Fifty years ago I had a young臼mily of three boys.My husband Johnny and I left them with a 企iend while we made a rare trip to the cinema in Liverpool.It was dark and pouring with rain but with the headlights shining on the road,we saw something ahead ofus.Johnny pulled to a stop and I jumped out,r

17、an to the grass edge and grabbed a small,wet,and企ightened crea阳re.I wrapped it sa岛ly in my woollen hat and insisted that my husband turn back and head f田 home.We thought it was a baby rabbit because it had long ears and was grayish-brown in color.Once home,we filled a box with tom-up newsp叩町and a wa

18、rm towel.We named our new animal Bobsy as we had no idea of its sex.Sadly though,on the third day with us,让caught its back foot in a door and we quickly realized it was broken.We rushed to the vet(兽医),who said,“Its only a rabbit,Ill put it to sleep.”Ourresponse was a very dete口回ned,“No way!”We found

19、 anther vet and told that she was a baby hare.We w町e told we should continue to keep her in her box f田 a week and h町 foot would heal.After her recovery,Bobsy learnt to use the kitty litt町 tray.She would comb h町 long ears with her front paws.The local pap町 heard about this and came to our house to ta

20、ke h町 photo and write a story about her.We had her f町 seven wonderful years before we moved to New Zealand and we will nev町 forget h町24.Why did Johnny stop his car suddenly?A.He noticed something in企Ont of him.B.He came across a丘iend.C.The headlights went out.D.His car broke down on the road.25.What

21、 happened to the little animal on its third day?A.It slept on a door.B.It was stuck in a door.C.Its foot got seriously iniured.D.It fell off丘om the top of a door.26.Which best describes也e familys attitude towards the rabbit?A.Cruel.B.Hopeless.C.Considerate.D.Indi:ff erent.27.What is the passage main

22、ly intended to do?A.To remember unusual experiences with a small rabbit.B.To tell the importance of protecting small animals.C.To persuade people to give generously and receive thankfully.D.To make the rabbit widely known to local people by paper.C I didnt know I was unable to see也e difference betwe

23、en some colors until I started school.I had been excited to start school and I loved ev町ything except coloring.I hated picking out crayons.I never asked for a coloring book at the bookstore.My parents didnt question it.They just assumed it was not the thing I en oyed and often joked about the fact t

24、hat I was v町y smart but failed in my coloring test in preschool.That was true.One day I came home臼11 of news about my new企iend,Devon,who was tall,臼nny and green.After hearing what I said,my mom laughed it off at the time,assuming Devon must have been wearing a green shirt.A few days later I attended

25、 my first flag football practice.My mom sat on the sideline watching as I learned for the first time the rules of football.I played with all my heart.At the end of the practice my new coach came up to my mom and me and told me what a good job I had done.When my dad called丘om work later由at day to hea

26、r about my first football experience,I told him how the green coach had praised me.My mom began to question my problem with color after hearing my words.The following day my mom accompanied me into the classroom to meet my Martian”企iend.When I pointed him out,my mom began to坐监盟主.She told me that he

27、was brown,not green.Realizing my mistake,I smiled as well.Within a few days I was sitting in a doctors office taking a color blindness exam and s田e enough I tested positive.I was officially brown-green color blind.Since then I have learned how to deal with color blindness by reading the names on the

28、 crayons or colored pencils.Most importantly,I have learned that the color doesnt ma忧er as long as I wake up each day and experience the wonders of brown grass and green tree trunks.28.What can we know about the author?A.He couldnt tell some colors apart.C.He liked drawing very much.B.He was very na

29、ughty at school.D.He often went to the bookstore.29.What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 3?A.His coach was green.B.His illness was serious.C.His mom was aware of his problem.D.He had no concept of green and brown.30.Which of the following can best explain the underlined word chuckle in

30、Paragraph 4?A.Breathe deeply.B.Laugh quietly.C.Cry sadl予D.Sigh heavily.31.What can be the best title for the text?A.Healing丘om WithinC.My Wonder臼l School LifeB.Gratitude RegainedD.The Color of GratitudeD Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st cen阳巧,but 一regardles

31、s of whether it is or isnt-we wont do much about it.We will argue over让and may even,as a nation,make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments(冠冕堂皇的承诺)to avoid it.But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem,the less likely they are to be observed.Al Gore calls global warming an“inconve

32、nient tru由,”as if merely rec。但zing it could put us on a path to a solution.But the real truth is that we dont know enough to relieve global warming,and-without major technological breakthroughs-we cant do much about让From 2003 to 2050,也e worlds population is estimated to grow丘om 6.4 billion to 9.1 bi

33、llion,a 42%increase.If energy use per p町son and technology remain the same,total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions(mainly,CO2)will be 42%higher in 2050.But thats too low,because societies that grow richer use more energy.We need economic growth unless we condemn the worlds poor people to their

34、 present poverty and 丘eeze everyone elses living standards.With modest economic growth,energy皿e and greenhouse emissions more than double by 2050.No government will adopt serious restrictions on economic growth and personal 丘eedom(limits on electrici可usage,driving and travel)that might cut back glob

35、al warming.Still,politicians want to show theyre“doing something.”Consider the Kyoto Protocol(京都议定书).It allowed coun创es that joined to pu回sh those that didnt.But it hasnt reduced CO2 emissions(up about 25%since 1990),and many signatories(签字国)didnt adopt tough enough policies to h让their2008-2012 targ

36、ets.The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster,the only solution is new technology.Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil也els or dealing with it.The trouble with the global warming debate 扭曲at it has be

37、come a moral problem when its really an engineering one.The inconvenient tru也is that if we dont solve the engineering problem,were helpless.32.What is said about global warming in the first p缸agraph?A.It does not cause the great environmental crisis.B.It is an issue requiring worldwide commitments.C

38、.Very little will be done to bring it under con位ol.D.Serious steps have been taken to avoid or stop it.33.According to the au也町s understanding,what is Al Gores view on global warming?A.It is a reali可both people and politicians are unaware of.B.It is a problem that can be solved once it is recognized

39、.C.It is a phenomenon that causes us many inconveniences.D.It is an area we actually have no knowledge about.34.咀1e au由or believes that,since the signing of the Kyoto Protocol,A.politicians have started to do something to better the situationB.few nations have adopted strict measures to limit energy

40、 useC.reductions in en町gy consumption have greatly cut back global warmingD.international cooperation has contributed to solving environmental problems35.What is由e message the author intends to convey?A.Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical one.B.The debate over global warming wil

41、l lead to technological breakthroughs.C.People have to give up c町钮in material comforts to stop global wan回ng.D.be final solution to global warming lies in new technology.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。5 Delicious reasons to visit Pakistan Bordered by China,Afghanistan,

42、Iran and India and with a population of more than 200 million people,its no s田prise由at Pakistan is a country of ge。graphical and linguistic diversity.36 STARTERS These easy-to-make crispy,企ied pies are a classic finger food served as a starter or a side dish.Vegetables are thinly sliced before being

43、 soaked in a seasoned and spicy flour and then丘ied for a few minutes.3 7.If you prefc町 a meatier option,自由is also a favorite.MEAT DISHES Thought to have developed in the royal kitchens of the 16也19由 cen阳ry Mughal Empire,也isrice dish is often served on special occasions.38 咀1e meat and rice are cooke

44、d separately before being lay町ed and cooked together with warming goat c田巧,is often eaten on cold winter mornings.39 Pakistani cuisine may seem meat heavy but there are plenty of great vegetarian options.Packed with protein and fiber,black eyed peas curry,onions,seeds and crushed garlic without stir

45、ri吨,lobia daal is a particularly healthy option as well as a tasty one.DESSERTS This dish is made using a combination of carro饵,nuts,milk,sugar,jelly,b创il seeds and clarified butter.Best served with a scoop of ice cream on the side,也is flavorful but light dessert often makes an appearance at wedding

46、s and parties.40 DRINKS Pink tea,also known as Kashmiri tea,is a traditional beverage made with tea leaves,salt,milk and a pinch of baking soda to give it its distinctive pas臼l color.Often,its topped with crushed pistachios and served with nuts and dried仕uit.Pakistanis are passionate about their cui

47、sine.And they love to eat.A.It is thought that the mix of diverse foods has a cooling e茸ect on the body.B.MIXED DISHESC.VEGGIE DISHES.D.However,theres common ground to be found in Pakistans foodE.咀1eres nothing quite as re丘eshing as a cold mango shake on a hot day.F.Grab them while they 町e hot f.G.I

48、t can be made with lamb or beef but chicken curry is a favorite.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文。从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选工页,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I can safely declare that Im not going to end up on any list of media dirtbags.Like most men I know,I have managed to have a一五L_

49、 career and personal relationships一王三being lazy,selfish,rude or even bad-tempered.I一丘二 my self-awareness on this仕ont一丘生一to being raised by my strong and 一豆豆 single mother.For nearly 16 years growing up,it was just由e two of us.She raised an only son,with no money for vacations and brand-name一且豆一,much

50、 less paid childcare.一且Z一,when I was a kid,she worked primarily as a nann弘so shed be home for me after school when I was young,and that meant she helped raise other kids as well.I recently asked her whether she consciously thought about raising a good male and whether she had any guiding一豆豆 or value

51、s that influenced how she一豆豆 an only son.”Y邸,”shetold me.”I wanted you to be the kind of person other people would like and一豆豆一一because I wouldnt always be around,and youd need other people to help you.So it was for your _21._一一and also for the world.”Throughout my childhood,she revealed what it mea

52、nt to be a gentleman:being-22._一toothers needs and meeting them without being asked.I still think about those一豆豆一.Her guiding-2生一 included being sensitive,一豆豆一,empathetic(察言观色的)and self-disciplined.And she also wanted to一豆豆一”也e best qualities of a spiritual life,if not any particular religion:kindne

53、ss,being charitable.”Kids get into trouble when they have too much丘ee time,my mom told me.After-school activities,sports,artistic and literary pursuits and(in my case)paid jobs”help you understand the rules of staying busy in the world,is _2王 she put it.These virtues and一豆豆 lessons I learned from my

54、 mom 町e not just about raising sons.They can be一豆豆一 daughters,of co田se.But it seems clear to me that if we raise young boys to be kind and hard-working and to have a high sense of sympathy as well as self-worth,wed have fewer stories of men behaving badly and fewer victims of that bad一豆豆一.That work

55、begins with the boys.41.A.practicalB.professional C.realD.special42.A.by means ofB.in spite ofC.丘ee ofD.full of43.A.oweB.contributeC.dueD.lead44.A.graduallyB.eventuallyC.generouslyD.directly45.A.supportiveB.flexibleC.excitedD.丘ightening46.A.pianoB.watchC.sneakers D.bike4 7.A.In general B.In factC.In

56、 shortD.In all48.A.biographiesB.philosophiesC.timesD.works49.A.brought upB.rang upC.give upD.put up50.A.argueB.shareC.sponsorD.admire51.A.hobbyB.passionC.safetyD.pace52.A.appropriateB.modestC.greedyD.brilliant53.A.negotiationsB.betsC.discussions D.bargains54.A.classicsB.draftsC.abstractsD.values55.A

57、.mean56.A.work on57.A.which58.A.parentingB.s严npatheticB.move onB.howB.requestingC.romanticC.pass onC.whatC.changing59.A.a曲回忧ed toB.devoted toC.exposed toD.ripeD.hold onD.becauseD.managingD.applied to60.A.ambitionB.compromiseC.punishmentD.behavior第二节:(共 10小题:每题1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词或

58、括号内单词的正确形式。When让comes to November 11,whats on your mind?Well,as to the young generations,its an 一61一一(ordinary)day.They will consider 一62一 as not only the Singles Day but also the online shopping carnival.Online shopping has been increasingly popular,especially after Jack Ma,the CEO of Tmall and Tao

59、bao had the idea一一63一一一一“Double Eleven”was targeted to encourage the single people to celebrate their own festival in 2010.They could go online shopping to relieve their loneliness.It was not long 一64一 both Tmall and Tianmao enjoyed a great success.On November 1户,2018,the two worlds largest mobile p

60、latforms sold out around 50 trillion yuan of goods in 一一65一一(term)of the survey,which astonished the media at home and abroad.一66一一一(apparent),people have more interests in cyber shopping than in spending the night with their single丘iends.China had more than 854 million Internet users at the end of

61、last year and 24 0 million single people.They are the main force of Chinas spending power.Compared with traditional shopping,cyber shopping has more 一67一一一(distinguish)features,which provides great 一一68一一一(convenient)to people and is quite to the young generations tas臼.There is no need for buyers to

62、 go outside.Just click their mouse,and the goods 一一69一一一(deliver)home.What we can predict is that in the future online shopping is not going to fade一70一.Instead,it will boost like the mushrooms after spring rains.第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言

63、错误,每句中最多有两处每处错误仅涉及 一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加 一个漏字符号()并在其下面写出该 加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线。)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词:Today was my father s birth缸瓦which was so a big day for me,so I wanted to give her a surprise.My fa也er always gave me that I wanted.I told my mother that I wanted to cook a de

64、licious dinner for my father and she was very happy to teaching me.I listened attentive at first as it was由efirst time 也at I cooked.However,under my mothers help,I cooked with great caution.I felt much confident than before.Two hours later,my eff田ts were paid off.I felt happy that each of my dishes have a different taste and a U1咀que style.第二节书面表达(满分25分假如你是校学生会主席李华,学校安排你本周末作为导游带领外教Mr.John进行一次远足活动。请你用英语给陆.John写封电子邮件,包括以下内容:1.自我介绍2.出游时间,观赏风景3.需要提前做的准备工作注意:1.词数100左右:2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mr.John,Yours sincerely,Li Hua


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