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1、The Official UN LanguagesThe United Nations was founded in 1945 after World War to stop wars between countries,and to provide a platform for dialogue.The headquarters of the United Nations is in New York.There are 193 members now.The official languages of the United Nations are the six languages.The

2、y are Arabic,Chinese,English,French,Russian and Spanish.When the UN was founded,five official languages were chosen:English,French,Chinese,Russian and Spanish.Arabic was added in 1973.These languages are used at meetings.They are also used for the dissemination of official documents.These six langua

3、ges are all working languages in the General Assembly and in the Economic and Social Council.They are also the working languages of the Security Council.The working languages at the UN Secretariat are only English and French.Language Days of the UN In 2010,the UNs Department of Public Information an

4、nounced an initiative of six “language days” to be observed throughout the year,one for each official language,with the goal of celebrating linguistic diversity and learning about the importance of crosscultural communication.The days and their historical significance are:UN Arabic Language Day:Dece

5、mber 18th.It is the date on which the United Nations General Assembly chose Arabic as the sixth official language of the United Nations in 1973.UN Chinese Language Day:April 20th.It is also the day to honor Cang Jie,the ancient Chinese mythical figure who invented Chinese characters.UN English Langu

6、age Day:April 23rd.The date is traditionally regarded as the death of William Shakespeare.UN French Language Day:March 20th.It is the date of International Francophonie Day.UN Russian Language Day:June 6th.It is the birthday of Alexander Pushkin.UN Spanish Language Day:October 12th.Its the date of C

7、olumbus Day.Notes1dissemination n散布,传播2the General Assembly联合国大会3linguistic diversity语言的多样性4International Francophonie Day全球法语日Task根据上文完成下列各题1Which two languages are the working languages of the UN Secretariat?English and French.2When do people celebrate UN Chinese Language Day?On April 20th.Period

8、OneWelcome to the unit & Reading.单词自测1vocabulary n词汇2nowadays adv.现在,如今3. mainland n大陆main adj.主要的4occupy vt.占领;占用(时间、空间等)occupation n占领;消遣;工作,职业5consist vi.组成,构成6mixture n混合,混合体7official adj.官方的,正式的officially adv.官方地,正式地officer n军官;政府官员8phrase n词组,短语9. contribution n贡献,促成因素;捐赠contribute vi.& vt.捐赠;

9、贡献;投稿10defeat vt.击败,战胜11replace vt.替换,代替,取代12. entire adj.完全的,整个的entirely adv.整个地,完全地13raise vt.养育,培养;举起;增加,提高;筹募;提及14therefore adv.因此,所以15process n过程;进程16distinction n区别,差别distinct adj.清晰的;有区别的;确切的17accent n口音,腔调;着重点.短语自测1be made up of/consist of由组成(构成)2name after以命名3aside from除之外4take control of控制

10、,取得对的控制5lead to导致.阅读课文,选出最佳答案1Which of the people played the least part in Old English?AThe Celts. BThe Angles.CThe Saxons. DThe Vikings.答案A2What is the main reason for Englishs development?AThe borrowing from other languages.BThe mixing of different languages from different countries.CThe invasions

11、.DAll of the above.答案D3The base of Old English is .ACelticBAngloSaxonCthe languages of Denmark and NorwayDAngloSaxon mixed with the languages of Denmark and Norway答案B4According to the text,we can infer “the Renaissance” resulted in the changes of in English.Avocabulary BpronunciationCspelling Daccen

12、t答案A5The text mainly tells us .Awhen English began to changeBwhen English began to come into useChow English will change in the futureDhow English changed throughout its history答案D.阅读课文完成下表,每空一词TimeEventsBefore the middle of the 5th centuryPeople in Britain all spoke a language called 1.Celtic.At th

13、e end of the 2.9th centuryThe Vikings invaded Britain and brought their languages.By the 10th centuryOld English was the 3.official language of England.In 1066The Normans 4.conquered/defeated England and took 5.control of the country.By the 6.latter half of the 14th centuryEnglish was adopted by all

14、 classes in England.In 1399Henry became King of 7.England and used8.English for all official events.During the 9.Renaissance in the 16th century10.Modern English appeared.阅读本单元Reading部分,试着以约30个词概括最后一段(P23,L5258)的段落大意。Modern English,which is changing all the time,appeared during the Renaissance in th

15、e 16th century.This change will continue and new words and new ways of saying things will always be invented.难句分析The most important contribution was from the Normans,a Frenchspeaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066.句式分析:句中a Frenchspeaking people 作the Normans的同位语,w

16、ho引导一个定语从句,修饰people。自主翻译:最大的贡献来自于讲法语的诺曼人,他们于1066年击败英格兰并控制了这个国家。1occupy语境感悟(1)(教材P22)Then two Germanic groups from the European mainlandthe Angles and the Saxonsoccupied Britain.然后,来自欧洲大陆的两个日耳曼部族盎格鲁人和撒克逊人占领了不列颠。(2)He occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education.他在教育部担任要职。(3)Mom and Dad

17、 were occupied in the garden.(2014四川)父亲和母亲在花园里忙碌。(4)He is occupied in looking after three children.他忙于照看三个孩子。(5)Without creative human occupation,people became disconnected from life.(2014浙江)没有创造性的职业,人们就脱离了生活。归纳拓展(1)occupy vt.占领;占用(空间、时间等);任职occupy oneself with/in (doing) sth.使自己从事于某事;使自己忙于(做)某事be o

18、ccupied with/in doing sth.从事于某事/忙于做某事(2)occupation n占领;消遣;职业即时跟踪(1)The capital has been occupied by the rebel army.叛军已占领了首都。(2)Can you come tomorrow?Im afraid not. Ive been with my essay lately.(2016东台创新高级中学高一月考)Aoccupied BgraspedCdevoted Dhesitated答案A解析句意为:明天你能来吗?恐怕不能。最近我一直忙着写我的论文。be occupied with

19、忙于做;专心于,符合句意。2official语境感悟(1)(教材P22)By the 10th century,Old English had become the official language of England.到公元10世纪,古英语已成了英国的官方语言。(2)You have to get official permission to build a new house.你要盖新房必须得到正式的许可。(3)An official of the local government called to see him.一位当地政府官员来看望他。(4)The matter was pas

20、sed on to me, as your commanding officer.作为你的指挥官,这件事转到了我这里。归纳拓展(1)official adj.官方的,正式的;n.官员,公务员official language官方语言(2)office n办公室;办事处;职务(3)officer n工作人员;公务员;军官易混辨析official/officer(1)official是官员的总称。凡是担任公职的官员、公务员、行政管理人员等文职官员,均可称为official。(2)officer通常指军官和警官,也可以指政府官员、工商企业或社会中的负责人或高级职员等一类地位重要的人物。即时跟踪(1)

21、选词填空His father is an officer in the army.Please give us a hand,officer.The President and the Secretary of State are government officials.(2)English is used as an language in more than 60 countries,making it one of the most important international languages.Aunofficial BofficialCinformal Dformal答案B解析

22、句意为:英语被六十多个国家当作官方语言,这使得英语成为最重要的国际语言之一。official官方的,符合句意。unofficial非官方的;informal非正式的;formal正式的。3contribution语境感悟(1)(教材P22)The most important contribution was from the Normans,a Frenchspeaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066.最大的贡献来自于讲法语的诺曼人,他们于1066年击败英格兰并控制了这个国家。(2)A

23、s mayor,he made many positive contributions to the growth of the city.作为市长,他对这个城市的发展作出了积极的贡献。(3)Our appetite for new products also contributes to the problem.(2015安徽)我们对新产品的渴望也导致了这个问题。(4)She has contributed several poems to magazines.她给杂志投了几篇诗稿。归纳拓展(1)contribution n贡献;促成因素;捐献,捐款make contributions to

24、为作贡献(2)contribute vt.& vi.贡献;捐助(献);(给报刊)投稿contribute to有助于;捐献;促成,导致contribute.to.把贡献给contribute sth.(to/towards sth.)捐助,捐赠;贡献;(为报纸、杂志等)撰稿即时跟踪(1)He has made an important contribution to the companys development.他对公司的发展作出了重要贡献。(2)Various factors contributed to his downfall.多种因素导致了他的倒台。(3)Eating too mu

25、ch fat can heart disease and cause high blood pressure.(2016连云港东海房山高级中学高一期中)Astick to Battend toCcontribute to Ddevote to答案C解析句意为:吃太多的脂肪可能会导致心脏病和高血压。contribute to导致;促成,符合句意。stick to坚持;attend to照料;devote to奉献,致力于。4defeat语境感悟(1)(教材P22)The most important contribution was from the Normans,a Frenchspeaki

26、ng people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066.最大的贡献来自于讲法语的诺曼人,他们于1066年击败英格兰并控制了这个国家。(2) The candidate defeated all opponents in the last election.在上次竞选中这个候选人打败了所有对手。(3)The hopes were defeated.希望落空了。归纳拓展defeat vt.击败,战胜;使落空;n.失败;挫败易混辨析defeat/beat/win(1)defeat多指击败敌军或入侵者。(2)beat

27、多指打败或战胜“对手”,后可接人名或地名。(3)win多指赢得比赛、辩论、战斗等。即时跟踪(1)用defeat,beat,win的适当形式填空The challenger defeated/beat the champion in three sets.Im sure that he will win the game.Iraq army was quickly defeated by America in 2003.I could always beat my brother at chess.(2)In 334 BC, Alexander the Great took his army i

28、nto the Middle East and then Egypt, every army that stood in his path.(2016溧水高级中学高一期中)Adefeated Bhaving defeatedCdefeating Dhad defeated答案C解析句意为:在公元前334年,亚力山大大帝带领他的军队进入了中东,然后进入埃及,击败了阻碍他的每一支军队。took是谓语动词,逗号隔开没有连词,根据句子结构可知这里是非谓语动词的位置,排除D。动词defeat和主语Alexander the Great是主动关系,而且发生在took动词之后,所以用现在分词。5replac

29、e语境感悟(1)(教材P23)However,the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons victory about 600 years earlier,which led to Old English replacing Celtic.然而,诺曼征服对英语的影响并不及约600年前盎格鲁人和撒克逊人的胜利对英语产生的影响,那场胜利导致古英语替代了凯尔特语。(2)Have you found anyone to replace me yet?你们找到人来代替我了吗?(3)No on

30、e could take her mothers place in her mind.没有人可以取代她母亲在她心目中的地位。归纳拓展(1)replace(take the place of) vt.取代,代替,替换 replace sth.with/by sth.用某物代替某物(2)take ones place取代;就座take place发生in place of取代;代替即时跟踪(1)Who will take the place of /replace Mr.Smith?谁将取代史密斯先生的位置呢?(2)They replaced their beloved old cars with

31、 expensive new sports cars.(2015浙江)他们用昂贵的新跑车取代了他们心爱的旧汽车。(3)It was a change that took place without being noticed though it was of the extreme importance.(2015江苏)一个改变在没有被察觉的情况下发生了,尽管它极其重要。 (4)John is ill and Jack is going to to keep goal.Atake place of him Bin place of himCtake his place Dreplace for

32、 him答案C解析A项中缺少冠词the;B项为介词短语,不能跟在to之后;replace是及物动词,D项错误;C项相当于take the place of him。6raise语境感悟(1)(教材P23)Therefore,the words we use for most animals raised for food,such as cow,sheep and pig,came from Old English.因此,我们所使用的大多数表示专为肉食而饲养的动物的单词,如“cow”、“sheep”和“pig”,都来自于古英语。(2)I was raised by my aunt on a f

33、arm.我是由姨妈在农场抚养大的。(3)They wanted to raise money for Project Green Hope.他们想为绿色希望工程募集资金。(4)The old witch said she could raise the dead.老巫婆说她能起死回生。归纳拓展raise vt.养育,培养;举起;唤起;提高;增加;使出现;筹集;提及;饲养;种植易混辨析raise/rise(1)raise是及物动词,可用于被动语态,表示“提高,举起,抚养,筹募”,可指工资、数量、价格、容量、地位等增长、增加、上涨、加大、提高等。(2)rise是不及物动词,使用范围较广,可指太阳、

34、月亮、物价、数量、地位、河水等升起、增长、上升、发源,还可指人“起床、起立”等。rise的过去式为rose,过去分词为risen。即时跟踪(1)写出下列句子中raise的汉语意思The farmer raises chickens and corn.饲养;种植They were both raised in the south.养育They are raising funds to help the needy youngsters.筹集He did not raise the subject again.提出,提及He raised his hand in greeting.举起(2)选词填

35、空His long absence raised fears about his safety.The sun rises above the horizon.He rises very early in the morning.(3)He from his seat and answered the question by the teacher.(2016溧水高级中学高一期中)Araised;rose Braised;risenCrose;raised Drisen;raised答案C解析句意为:他从座位上站起来,回答老师提出的问题。rise是不及物动词,过去式与过去分词分别是rose和r

36、isen。意思是:上升,起身,raise是及物动词,过去分词和过去式都是raised,意思是:提出;举起;提高;饲养等。1be made up of语境感悟(1)(教材P22)The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.英语是由这些人带到英国的语法和词汇构成的语言。(2)Some girls in our class like making up so much that they are often late for classes.我们班的一些女生

37、很喜欢化妆以至于经常迟到。(3)Jack can make an airplane out of a piece of paper.杰克可以用纸做飞机。归纳拓展be made up of由组成,由构成make up编造;弥补;化妆;构成,组成make.out of.用做成;把改成be made of由制成(从制成的物体上可看出原料)be made from由制成(从制成的物体上看不出原料)be made into把制成即时跟踪(1)用适当的介、副词填空Butter is made from milk.Many trees are cut down and made into chopstick

38、s.All furniture in this room is made of wood.The performance is made up of five parts.She made a skirt for her daughter out of her old dress.(2)It is said that body language 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.(2016泰兴四中高一期中)Alies in Bmakes upCconsists of Dgoes with答案

39、B解析句意为:据说肢体语言占第一印象的55%,而所说的话只占7%。make up组成,(数量上、比例上)占,符合句意。lie in 在于;consist of 由组成(或构成);go with与相配(或协调、和谐)。2consist of语境感悟(1)(教材P22)Old English consisted of a mixture of their languages.古英语由他们的语言混合而成的。(2)Hilversum is actually in a hilly area with the soil mostly consisting of sand.(2015湖北)希尔弗瑟姆实际上是

40、在丘陵地区,它的土壤主要是由沙子构成的。(3)The beauty of this picture consists in its balance of colors. 这幅画的美在于其色彩的协调。(4)Theory should consist with practice.理论应与实践相一致。归纳拓展consist of(be made up of)由组成(构成),无被动语态consist in在于,存在于consist with与一致即时跟踪(1)One year consists of 365 days.一年由365天构成。(2)The information consists with

41、 his account.消息与他的叙述相符合。(3)The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.这座城市的美就在于它那些宏伟的建筑。(4)This is a really different hotel 19 floors with the roof a hanging garden.(2016盐城中学高一期中)Amaking up of;consisted ofBconsisting of;making upCconsisted of;taking upDmade up of;consisting of答案D解析

42、句意为:这真是一个非同寻常的酒店,由19层楼组成,并带有由空中花园组成的屋顶。根据句子结构可知,这两处都是非谓语动词的位置,be made up ofconsist of 意为“由组成”,在使用非谓语动词时,be made up of常用made up of,而consist 由于是不及物动词,没有被动形式,只能用consisting of。 3name after语境感悟(1)(教材P22)Both the English language and the English people are named after the Angles; the word Angle was spelt

43、Engle in Old English.英语和英国人都是以盎格鲁命名的;Angle这个词在古英语里拼作Engle。(2)Open,in the name of law.以法律的名义命令你打开。(3)He writes under the name of Mao Dun.他以“茅盾”这个名字发表著作。(4)Someone by the name of Henry wants to see you.有个叫亨利的人要见你。归纳拓展name after以命名in (the) name of(in sb.s name)代表;凭借某人的权威put ones name down for报名上(学、课等)u

44、nder the name of用作名字,以假名by the name of名叫的即时跟踪 (1)He was named after his father.他以他父亲的名字命名。(2)Let me thank you in the name of our company.我谨代表公司感谢你。(3)The newlydiscovered star was named a Chinese astronomer his contributions to Astronomy.(2016泰兴四中高一期中)Aafter;in favor of Bfor; in memory ofCafter;in ho

45、nor of Das;in praise of答案C解析句意为:这颗新发现的恒星以一个中国的宇航员的名字来命名,以纪念他对航天事业的巨大贡献。固定搭配:name after以命名;in honor of.为了纪念,向表示敬意。4aside from语境感悟(1)(教材P22)Aside from place names such as London, very few Celtic words became part of Old English.除了像“London”这样的地名外,极少数的凯尔特单词成了古英语的一部分。 (2)Aside from(Except for) that one l

46、ittle problem,the day was perfect.除了那个小问题外,那天过得好极了。(3)Besides,water is usually warmer in direct sunlight than in the shade.(2015广东)此外,阳光直射下的水通常比树荫下的水更暖和。(4)Our monthly talks start at 19:30 on the first Thursday of each month except August.(2015全国)除了8月份不开,我们的月会都在每月第一个星期19:30开始。归纳拓展aside from(except f

47、or/in addition to)除之外易混辨析aside from/besides/except/except for(1)aside from与apart from相同,相当于except, except for以及besides。(2)besides表示除外的部分包括在内,相当于with和plus。(3)except表示除外的部分不包括在内,相当于without和minus。(4)except for表示被除外的部分是不同类事物。即时跟踪(1)用aside from,besides,except,except that,apart from填空We study French besid

48、es/apart from/aside from English.He goes to work except/apart from/aside from Saturday and Sunday.The room is almost empty except for/apart from/aside from a chair or two.Apart from/Aside from/Except this young man, I can find no one to help you.(2)We all admire our English teacher. her beauty, she

49、is smart and helpful.(2016江阴四校高一期中)AExcept from BAside fromCDue to DAccording to答案B解析句意为:我们都敬慕我们的英语老师。除了美丽,她还聪明且乐于助人。aside from除之外(还有),符合句意。except from除了(没有);due to由于;according to根据。5take control of语境感悟(1)(教材P22)The most important contribution was from the Normans,a Frenchspeaking people who defeate

50、d England and took control of the country in 1066.最大的贡献来自于讲法语的诺曼人,他们于1066年击败英格兰并控制了这个国家。(2)With the help of firefighters,they got the fire under control.在消防员的帮助下,火情得到了控制。(3)Who do you let be in control of your class while youre out?你出去的时候,让谁来管理你的班级?归纳拓展take control of控制,取得对的控制lose control of失去对的控制un

51、der control受控制out of control失去控制in control of控制;掌握in the control of受控制即时跟踪(1)Police at present lose control of the crowd.目前警察失去了对人群的控制。(2)The coach,because of the drivers carelessness,was and ran into the river on such a cold winter morning.Aunder control Bout of controlCwithin reach Dout of reach答案

52、B解析句意为:由于司机的粗心大意,那辆长途客车在寒冬腊月的一个早上失控掉进了河里。out of control失去控制,与the drivers carelessness相吻合。under control在控制之下;within reach够得着;out of reach够不着。6lead to语境感悟(1)(教材P23)However,the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons victory about 600 years earlier,which led to Old E

53、nglish replacing Celtic.然而,诺曼征服对英语的影响并不及约600年前盎格鲁人和撒克逊人的胜利对英语产生的影响,那场胜利导致古英语替代了凯尔特语。(2)His carelessness led to/resulted in his failure.他的粗心导致了他的失败。(3)All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。归纳拓展lead to导致;通向(to为介词)lead sb.to do sth.导致某人做某事lead sb.to名词 把某人引向lead a.life过着生活近义词(组)有:result in;bring about;cause。即时

54、跟踪(1)What led him to resign his office? 是什么事导致他辞职的?(2)We want to lead a quiet life in the country.我们想在乡下过着安静的生活。(3)Childrens curiosity may many useful inventions.Alead to Btake placeCgather in Dbring away答案A解析句意为:孩子们的好奇心可能会导致许多有用的发明。lead to导致,引起,通向;take place发生,举行;gather in收割,收获;bring away带走。根据句意可知选

55、A。1even though语境感悟(1)(教材P23)Even though the Normans spoke French for the entire 250 years they ruled England,French did not replace English as the first language.尽管诺曼人在统治英格兰的整整250年间一直讲法语,但是法语并没有取代英语成为第一语言。(2)Even though you disagree with her,shes still worth listening to.即使你不同意她的观点,她的意见还是值得听取的。(3)Ev

56、en though he is poor,she loves him.尽管他很穷,但她爱他。(4) Even if you dont like the job, you shouldnt quit it so quickly.即使你不喜欢这份工作,也不应该轻易辞掉。归纳拓展even though在教材原句中引导让步状语从句,该从句中还包含一个定语从句,即they ruled England,修饰the entire 250 years。该定语从句的关系词已省略。even though意为“即使,尽管”,相当于even if,引导的让步状语从句的内容既可以是事实,也可以是一种假设。即时跟踪(1)

57、Even if/though it rains tomorrow,we wont change our plan.即使明天下雨,我们也决不改变计划。(2)There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely, she was an only child.(2016淮阴师院附属中学高一期中)Aever since Bnow thatCeven though Deven as答案C解析句意为:尽管Kate是一个独生女,但是她几乎没有时间感觉到寂寞。 even though尽管,即使,符合句意。ever since自从;now that既然;even as

58、正当的时候。2while的用法语境感悟(1)(教材P23)After the Norman Conquest,highclass people spoke French while common people spoke English.诺曼征服之后,上层社会的人讲法语,而普通人则讲英语。(2)Why are some people happy and successful while others arent? (2015湖北)为什么有些人快乐而成功,而其他人却不是呢?(3)While I like the color of the hat,I dont like the shape.虽然我

59、喜欢这个帽子的颜色,但我不喜欢它的样式。(4)She skipped over those easy parts while reading.(2015浙江)她阅读时跳过了那些容易的部分。归纳拓展(1)while在教材原句中作并列连词,意为“而,却”,前后分句为对比的关系。(2)while还可以作从属连词,引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然”。(3)while常用作并列连词,意为“当的时候,在期间”,引导时间状语从句。while引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词或表示状态的词,while强调某一时间内主从句动作同时发生,相当于during the time that.。即时跟踪(1)

60、Im interested in sports while my brother is fond of music.我对体育感兴趣,而我弟弟则爱好音乐。(2)While she was alone at school,she learnt many things.在她一个人独自上学期间,她学会了很多东西。(3) online shopping has changed our life,not all of its effects have been positive.(2016浙江,5)ASince BAfterCWhile DUnless答案C解析考查连词。句意为:尽管网上购物已经改变了我们

61、的生活,但并非它的所有影响都是积极正面的。while引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然”;since既然,自从;after在之后;unless除非。故选C。3whether的用法语境感悟(1)(教材P23)The question of whether English will keep on changing in the future is easy to answer.英语在未来是否会继续变化,这一问题是很容易回答的。(2)I dont know whether/if they will come to help us.我不知道他们是否会来帮助我们。(引导宾语从句)(3)Whether

62、the news is true remains a question.消息是否真实仍是个问题。(引导主语从句)归纳拓展(1)教材原句是一个复合句,of whether English will keep on changing in the future为介词短语作定语修饰question。of后面是由whether引导的宾语从句。whether/if既可引导宾语从句,又可引导主语从句。当引导宾语从句时,两者可互换;当引导主语从句时,whether可置于句首或句末,但if只能置于句末。前面需用it作形式主语。(2)教材原句中的主语the question作不定式to answer的逻辑宾语,

63、不定式用其主动形式表示被动意义。常用于此句型的形容词有difficult,easy,hard,light,heavy,comfortable,interesting,dangerous,pleasant等。易混辨析whether/ifif作是否讲时,放在动词know,ask,care等后面,可与whether互换。在下面几种情况下只能用whether。(1)后紧跟or not时用whether。(2)从句是discuss或介词的宾语时用whether。(3)宾语是不定式时用whether。(4)为了强调,将宾语从句放在句首时用whether。即时跟踪(1)用whether,if填空I dont

64、 care whether/if he comes or not.I dont care whether or not he comes.I dont know whether to go there.(2)It remains to be seen the old lady will like the trip we have planned for her.(2016淮安淮阴区高一期中)Athat Bwhat Cwhether Dwhich答案C解析句意为:老太太会不会喜欢我们为她计划的旅行有待进一步观察。这是一个主语从句,It是形式主语,真正的主语是whether the old lad

65、y will like the trip we have planned for her。根据连词在句中的含义,还有it remains to be seen/provedwhether从句有待观察/证明。.单词拼写1We used to drive our car a lot, but nowadays petrol costs too much.2My grandfather raised(饲养) cattle in Nebraska when he was young.3The mayor is an elected official.4Coal forms by a slow proc

66、ess(过程) of chemical change.5The qualityoriented education will replace(取代) the present education.选词填空1The drivers carelessness led to the accident last night.2Last week the government took control of the nations two biggest housing finance companies.3China is a big agricultural country,and agricultu

67、re plays a part in its national economy.4His family suggested that the robot he had invented (should) be named after him.5This book is made up of twelve separate short stories.完成句子1Even if one makes a mistake(即使一个人犯了错),correcting the mistake in time is a good thing.2Occupied in writing/Occupying her

68、self in writing (忙于写作), she didnt notice me come in.3You like sports, while Id rather read(而我却宁愿读书)4Tim didnt know whether/if he could pass(他能否通过) the exam.5English is easy to learn(容易学).单项填空1More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great of goods.Avariety BmixtureCextensi

69、on Dcombination答案A解析此处构成短语a great variety of “多种多样的”;mixture混合物,混合;extension延伸,伸展;combination结合(体),联合(体)。2He all his time and energy to his work.Aspent BcostCcontributed Dcombined答案C解析句意为:他把他所有的时间和精力都奉献给了工作。contribute.to.把贡献给。3 herself with routine office tasks, she had no time to look after her chi

70、ldren.(2015宝应高一期中)AOccupying BOccupiedCBeing occupied DTo be occupied答案A解析句意为:由于忙于办公室的日常工作,她没有时间照顾孩子。本题中occupying herself with.是现在分词短语作原因状语。4She devoted herself to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.Astrongly BextremelyCentirely Dfreely答案C解析句意为:她完全致力于她的研究工作,这为她在她的领域中赢得了良好的

71、声誉。strongly强烈地;extremely极端地;entirely完全地;freely自由地。5Many people expect that credit cards will eventually paper money for almost every purchase.Atrade BexchangeCreplace Dreduce答案C解析句意为:许多人认为在几乎每笔交易中信用卡会最终取代纸币。replace代替,符合句意。.单项填空1When I called Mrs.Green yesterday afternoon,she was in choosing a Tshirt

72、 for her son.Aoccupied BoccupyingCabsorbing Daddicted答案A解析句意为:昨天下午我给格林夫人打电话的时候,她正忙着给她的儿子选T恤衫。be occupied in doing sth.忙于做某事,符合句意。2I really dont know how many paragraphs the passage .Amakes up Bconsists ofCbases on Drefers to答案B解析consist of在此表示“由组成”,不用于被动语态。若用make up,则要用其被动形式。3Will you go to Marys bi

73、rthday party?No, invited,I cant go to it.Ill be too busy then.Aif BunlessCeven though Dwhen答案C解析由“I cant go.busy then.”可知,此处表达的意思是“即使被邀请”,even though invited是even though I am invited的省略形式。4TV sets will never by computers in the future.Areplace BreplacingCbe replaced Dbe replacing答案C解析句意为:未来电脑永远不会取代电

74、视机。本句主语是“TV sets”,be replaced by意为“被取代”。5She the gun and fired.Arose Braised Craises Drises答案B解析rise为不及物动词,后不能跟宾语,所以排除A、D项;raised与fired是并列谓语,形式上应一致,所以B项正确。6Take care during the holidays!Drinking too much can heart disease and cause high blood pressure.Acontribute to Brelate toCattend to Ddevote to答案

75、A解析后句句意为:过量饮酒会引发心脏病和高血压。contribute to引发,是的原因之一,符合语境。relate to涉及;attend to处理,照料;devote后要接宾语。7 the paintings of Da Vinci,the Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 other European paintings.AExcept for BAside fromCExcept DBeside答案B解析句意为:除了达芬奇的油画,卢浮宫还收有6 000多幅其他的欧洲油画。所以选择B。8His success doesnt his cleverness.

76、Working hard his progress.Alie on;leads to Blead to;leads toClead to;lies in Dlie in;leads to答案D解析句意为:他的成功不在于他的聪明,努力工作是他进步的原因所在。lie in在于;lead to导致。9Society a variety of people.Ais made up of Bis made out ofCis made into Dis made in答案A解析句意为:社会是由形形色色的人组成的。be made up of由组成,由构成,符合句意。10Theres no way of k

77、nowing why one man makes an important discovery another man,also intelligent,fails.(2013新课标全国,32)Asince BifCas Dwhile答案D解析考查状语从句引导词的辨析。句意为:我们无从知晓为何一个人会有重大发现而另一个似乎同样聪慧的人却做不到。while意为“然而”,表示转折,与前一事物形成对比。.完形填空People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th ce

78、nturies.And in the 11 300 years,there have been so many 12 in both places that now people can easily 13 an English person from an American in the 14 he or she talks.Many old words 15 in England but were kept in America.For example,300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something

79、they 16 either a “aucet”,“spigot”,or a “tap”All these words are 17 heard in different parts of America,but only “tap” is still 18 in England.Americans often make 19 new words or change old ones.“Corn” is one kind of plant in America and 20 in England.Also,over the last three centuries the English la

80、nguage has 21 thousands of new words for things that werent 22 before.And often,American and English people used two 23 names for them.A tin can is called “tin” for short in English,but a “can” in America.The word “radio” is 24 all over the world,including America.But many English people call it a “

81、wireless”And almost anything 25 something to do with cars,railroads,etc.has different 26 in British and American English.But now American and British English may be 27 closer together.One thing is that 28 people can hear a large amount of American speech daily in 29 ,on television,or from travelers.

82、Because of this,Americans 30 to be influencing the British more and more.So some day,English may even be the same on both sides of the Atlantic.11A.past BrecentColdest Dlatest答案A解析“in the past/last一段时间里”表示“在过去的多长时间里”,多与现在完成时连用。根据后面的“there have been”可知选A。12A.citizens BinventionsCchanges Dadvances答案C解

83、析句意为:英国和北美两个地方的英语在过去的三百年里发生了很多变化。change可作名词,意为“变化”。故选C。13A.pick BtellCtake Djudge答案B解析tell.from.为固定短语,意为“把和区分开”。句意为:人们很容易从他们谈话的方式上区分英国人和美国人。故选B。14A.voice BplaceClanguage Dway答案D解析根据介词in可知此处表示“以他或她讲话的方式”。故选D。15A.disappeared BstayedCreturned Dformed答案A解析根据后面的“but were kept in America”可知,句意为:很多古老的词汇在英格

84、兰消失了。disappear消失。故选A。16A.said BtalkedCspoke Dcalled答案D解析“they 46 either a aucet,spigot,or a tap”为定语从句,修饰先行词something,且先行词在定语从句中作宾语。四个选项中只有call能接双宾语。故选D。17A.then BhardlyCclearly Dstill答案D解析根据后面的“but only”可知,前面应说的是这些词汇在美国各地“仍然”能听到。still仍然。故选D。18A.necessary BnativeCcommon Dlively答案C解析此处表示“只有tap在英国还能普遍听

85、到”。common普遍的。故选C。19A.of BintoCup Dout答案C解析句意为:美国人经常编造一些新词或者改变一些旧词。make up编造。故选C。20A.another Bthe otherCnone Dsomething答案A解析句意为:“corn”在美国是一种植物,而在英国是另一种植物。another另外的。故选A。21A.discovered BaddedCimproved Dlearned答案B解析根据后面的“thousands of new words”可知,此处表示英语增加了成千上万个新词。add增加。故选B。22A.accepted BknownCintroduce

86、d Dunderstood答案B解析根据后面的时间状语“before”,可知此处意为“许多以前不为人知的事物”。know知道。故选B。23A.new BshortCdifferent Dsurprising答案C解析根据下句可知,对于新事物,美国人和英国人使用不同的名称。故选C。24A.produced BmadeCdeveloped Dused答案D解析句意为:“radio”这个词全世界通用。use使用。故选D。25A.having BbringingCgetting Dmaking答案A解析have something to do with.为固定短语,意为“与有关”。故选A。26A.ty

87、pes BnamesCdegrees Dparts答案B解析根据上文所列举的例子可知,此处表示“有不同的名字”。故选B。27A.putting BstayingCliving Dgrowing答案D解析句意为:美语和英语变得越来越接近了。grow closer变得越来越接近。故选D。28A.British BAmericanCeducated Dordinary答案A解析根据后面的“American speech”可知,此处应是“British”。句意为:英国人每天能通过电影、电视或游客听到很多美音。故选A。29A.families BbusesCmovies Dnewspapers答案C解析

88、根据后面的“on television,or from travelers”,可知此处应与之并列,选择movie。故选C。30A.need BexpectCseem Dhappen答案C解析此处是对全文的总结,句意为:从这一点来说,美国人似乎越来越多地影响着英国人。seem似乎,好像。故选C。.阅读理解Have you wondered why different animals or pests have their particular colours?Colours in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.Birds,es

89、pecially seagulls are very fond of locusts (蝗虫),but birds cant easily catch locusts because locusts change their colours together with the change of the colour of crops.When crops are green,locusts look green.But when crops are ripe,locusts take on exactly the same brown colour as crops have.Some ot

90、her pests with different colours from plants are usually easily found and eaten by their enemies.So they have to hide themselves in terror for lives and appear only at night.If you study the animal life in any part of the world,you will find the main use of colouring is to protect them.Bears,wolves

91、and other beasts move quietly through forests.They are usually invisible (cant be seen) to the eyes of hunters,because they have the colour much like the bark(树皮) of trees.An even more strange act remains to be noticed.A kind of fish living in seas can send out a kind of very black liquid when it fa

92、ces danger.While the liquid is over,its enemies cannot find it,and it quickly swims away.Thus,it has existed up to now though it is not powerful at all.31This passage mainly talks about .Athe change of colour in locustsBanimals or pests can dye(染色) themselves different coloursChow a certain sea fish

93、 protects itselfDthe protective colour of animals and pests 答案D解析主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了动物有效地避免天敌伤害的办法就是其外表的颜色随周围环境的变化而变化,呈现出一种保护色。故选D。 32Locusts are pests but they arent easily wiped out by their enemies because .Athey change colours with the cropsBthey are dangerous to their enemiesCthey fly very fastDthey

94、are powerful enough答案A解析细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“.but birds cant easily catch locusts because locusts change their colours together with the change of the colour of crops.”可知,鸟类很难抓到蝗虫是因为蝗虫能够随着庄稼颜色的改变而改变自己的颜色。故选A。33The pests that have different colours from plants usually appear at night because .Atheir enemie

95、s can easily find them and eat them Bthey have the habit of coming out in darknessCits easy for them to destroy plants in darknessDbirds take their rests when night comes答案A解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句“Some other pests with different colours from plants are usually easily found and eaten by their enemies.So th

96、ey have to hide themselves in terror for lives and appear only at night.”可知,这样的虫子若在白天出来活动,它们的敌人会很容易发现并吃掉它们。故选A。34A certain fish living in seas has lived through millions of year because .Ait is the most powerful in the sea Bno other fishes can swim as fast as it canCit can send out a kind of liquid which makes its enemies unable to find itDthe liquid it sends out can kill its enemies答案C解析细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,这种鱼可以放出一种液体,这种液体可以让敌人找不到它们。故选C。


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