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06-07年上学期同步测控优化训练高一英语同步检测二十二 UNIT11(A卷)(附答案).doc

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1、0607年上学期同步测控优化训练高一英语同步检测二十二 Unit11(A卷)(附答案).单词拼写1.I made a few (建议) about how we could spend the afternoon.答案:suggestions2.The performance is one of Londons most important (音乐) events.答案:musical3.He took the envelope,tore it open and (展开) the contents on the table.答案:spread4.There is some doubt whet

2、her they can (满意) our entrance requirements.答案:satisfy5.I dont know whether or not Ive (表达) myself clearly.答案:expressed6.Wherever he goes,he always takes his g with him.答案:guitar7.People all over the world d to live in peace with each other.答案:desire8.The singer is very successful.He has made a lot

3、of r .答案:records9.The box c all of the childs toys.答案:contains10.The pilot checked all the i before he took off.答案:instruments.句型转换1.A:These songs are different from those ones.B:There are some these songs and those ones.答案:differences between2.A:Blues music is the origin of jazz and rock music.B:Ja

4、zz and rock music blues music.答案:come from3.A:Todays American music culture contains many different styles.B:Many different styles in todays American music culture.答案:are contained4.A:Latin music has become popular all over the world.B:Latin music throughout the world.答案:has spread5.A:A great many s

5、tyles of music exist in our life.B:There is a of music in our life.答案:wide variety.用适当的介词或副词填空1. the past twenty years,American country music has become more and more popular people.答案:Over;with2.Then the 1960s,song writers turned other subjects.答案:in;to3.Many young people were angry society,so song

6、s were often full anger.答案:with;of4.People loved life the open air.They liked to walk the beauty of the country.答案:in;in5. a good leader,he always thinks well others.答案:As;of6.He decided to take an active part the coming English competition his classmates.答案:in;with7.As it was getting darker and dar

7、ker,we began to worry our safety.答案:about8. 1980,telephones began to go many families China.答案:From;into;of9.The boy was so hungry that he ate the whole cake once.答案:up;at10.They have heard the Grand Canal of China,none them have been it.答案:of;of;to.用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空character tradition process record

8、satisfy agree forget about take turns come fromturn.into1.Did you lock the door when you left the house?No,I am afraid I it.答案:forgot about2.The waste land in the West forests soon.答案:will be turned into3.Good planning is one of the of a successful business.答案:characteristics4.The style of music has

9、 something to do with where it .答案:comes from5. ,women in the West are in long white dresses.答案:Traditionally6.Coal was formed out of dead forests by a long slow of chemical change.答案:process7.The verb must with its subject in number and person.答案:agree8.The famous singer made thousands of in his li

10、fe.答案:records9.Are you with what I have done for you?答案:satisfied10.I dont want to ask all the time.Lets to ask and answer.答案:take turns.单句改错1.What we hear on the radio or see on TV are only a small part of all the wonderful music.答案:areis2.Here is a briefly look at some of the exciting music styles

11、 from around the world.答案:brieflybrief3.The Blues comes from African songs people used to sing them when they worked.答案:去掉them4.For his eleven birthday,Elvis wanted a bicycle but was given a guitar by his parents.答案:eleveneleventh5.Even today,his music is still very liked by people around the world.

12、答案:verywell/much6.Pop music makes people feel easily and forget about the real world.答案:easilyeasy7.They are going on holiday after a few days.答案:afterin8.I think the price of the clothes is too expensive.答案:expensivehigh9.We were made work for ten hours by the boss.答案:made后加to10.The German team won

13、 the Japanese team in the match.答案:wonbeat/defeated.单项选择1.With the rapid growth of population,the city in all directions in the past five years.A.spreadsB.has spreadC.spreadD.had spread答案:B提示:in the past+时间,意为“近时间以来”,此短语要与完成时连用,通常用现在完成时。2.More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it of

14、fers a great of goods.A.varietyB.mixtureC.extensionD.combination答案:A提示:a variety of指“各种各样的”,符合句意;mixture意为“混合;混合物”;extension意为“伸展;扩大;伸长”;combination意为“联合;结合;联合体”。3.The suggestion that the mayor the prizes was accepted by everyone.A.would presentB.ought to presentC.presentD.presents答案:C提示:suggestion,

15、advice,order,demand,request,requirement等词的同位语从句或表语从句中,谓语动词用(should)+v.。4.In Chinese culture,marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.A.traditionalB.historicC.remoteD.initial答案:A提示:句意为“在中国传统文化中,儿女的婚姻由父母做主”。5.The young man his wet clothes on the grass to dry them in the sun.A.s

16、ettledB.hungC.spreadD.opened答案:C提示:由on the grass可知,不能用hung。settle意为“处理,解决”,同句子的意义不吻合。open打开,也不符合句意。spread意为“铺开;展开”。6.The theme song of the 1998 World Cup by Ricky Martin.A.performedB.had performedC.is performedD.was performed答案:D提示:perform意为“表演”,它同song之间存在被动关系,且由时间状语1998可知,应用过去时。7.Today CCTV offers

17、a great of programmes to meet the different needs and .A.variety;tastesB.many;interestsC.deal;likesD.number;habits答案:A提示:programmes是复数名词,不能选择选项C。a great many后不带of;habits指习惯,同句意不吻合。taste是名词,意为“爱好”,又如What are your tastes in music?你喜欢哪种音乐?8.They are sisters,but they have nothing each other.A.likeB.with

18、outC.in common toD.in common with答案:D提示:have.in common with sb.指“与某人有共同之处”。9.The atlas(地图集) forty maps, three of Great Britain.A.includes;containingB.contains;includingC.contains;containingD.includes;including答案:B提示:句意为“这个地图集有四十幅地图,包括三幅英国地图”。including.短语起补充说明作用,可用“three of Great Britain included”替换。

19、10.Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does his boss.A.servesB.satisfiesC.promisesD.supports答案:B提示:句意为“因他感觉到他做的没有什么能使老板满意,他在找另一份工作”,只有satisfies同句意吻合。11.They play music to satisfy the inner .A.energyB.desireC.amountD.process答案:B提示:句意为“他们演奏音乐为了满足他们内心的愿望”。desire作名词讲,意为“愿望;心

20、愿;要求”,又如:He expressed a desire to see the papers.他表达了极想看到这些文件的愿望。12.He his thanks to us for what we did.A.satisfiedB.performedC.expressedD.talked答案:C提示:express指“表达情感(意见,事实)”,又如:She expressed surprise when I told how much it was.(当我告诉她价钱时,她表示惊讶。)express ones thanks意为“表达谢意”。13.Father and mother wanted

21、 to go for a ride;the children,on the hand,wanted to stay at home and play with their friends.A.oneB.otherC.sameD.another答案:B提示:on the other hand意为“另一方面”,是习语。on the other hand常与on (the) one hand相对应,如:One the one hand the price is cheap,but on the other hand the quality is poor.一方面价格很便宜,但另一方面质量却很差。14

22、.Information records,for example of patients with the same illness, on computer now.A.are madeB.are sentC.are keptD.are set答案:C提示:information records要求的动词为keep,且它们为被动关系。15.Grocery stores sell many foods that have been .A.processedB.progressedC.madeD.produced答案:A提示:process指“加工,处理”。句意为“很多杂货店出售加工过的食品”。

23、16.Why did he look so unhappy?He has by his classmates.A.laughedB.laughed atC.been laughedD.been laughed at答案:D提示:laugh at sb.表示“嘲笑某人”。17.The computers to the village school as presents last month.A.are givenB.givenC.were givenD.gave答案:C提示:computers与give是被动关系,且有表示过去时间的标志last month,所以应选C。18.When this

24、 kind of computer ?Last year.A.did;useB.was;usedC.is;usedD.are;used答案:B提示:由答句last year可知,问句应用过去时的被动语态。19.All the preparations for the task ,and were ready to start.A.completedB.completeC.had been completedD.have been completed答案:D提示:独立主格结构与句子的其他部分之间不用连词and,这就排除了选项A和B。and是连词,前后连接的内容需要一致,也就是说当and之后是句子

25、时,and之前也应当是句子,选项C和D都是句子,都有对的可能。又因为and之后用的是一般现在时,从时态前后一致的角度看,and之前应当用与现在有关系的时态,这里用了现在完成时的被动形式。20. David and Vicky married?For about three years.A.How long have;getB.How long have;gotC.How long have;beenD.How long did;get答案:C提示:根据时间状语for about three years可确定应用现在完成时。在完成时态中,非延续性动词如go,get等,不能和表示延续的时间状语连用

26、。.汉译英1.商店里有各种各样的玩具。答案:There are a variety of toys in the shop.2.全世界人民都热爱和平。答案:People throughout the world love peace.3.虽然她们是姐妹,但她们毫无共同之处。答案:Though theyre sisters,they have nothing in common.4.他们在日本时过的是欧洲式的生活吗?答案:Did they live in European style when they were in Japan?5.水可以变成冰。答案:Water can be turned into ice.


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