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2016-2017学年高中英语(牛津译林 江苏专用 选修六)课时作业:UNIT 4 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.docx

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2016-2017学年高中英语(牛津译林 江苏专用 选修六)课时作业:UNIT 4 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.docx_第1页
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2016-2017学年高中英语(牛津译林 江苏专用 选修六)课时作业:UNIT 4 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.docx_第2页
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2016-2017学年高中英语(牛津译林 江苏专用 选修六)课时作业:UNIT 4 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.docx_第3页
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2016-2017学年高中英语(牛津译林 江苏专用 选修六)课时作业:UNIT 4 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.docx_第4页
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2016-2017学年高中英语(牛津译林 江苏专用 选修六)课时作业:UNIT 4 PERIOD THREE WORD版含解析.docx_第5页
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1、Period ThreeWord power & Grammar and usage.用所给词的适当形式填空1If they _ (start) in the early morning,they would arrive in half an hour.2I was too busy then,otherwise I _ (help) you do the work.3They talked as if they _ (be) friends for years.4The picture exhibition bored me to death;I wish I _ (not go) to

2、it.5Id rather you _ (post) the letter right away.6Without electricity,there _ (be) no modern industry.7If only they _ (tell) me what theyve decided.8But for your help,the task _ (not finish) in time.选词填空1I _ stay at home and do some reading this evening.2_ it clears up,well go.3She treats the boy _

3、he were her own child.4Water _ hydrogen and oxygen.5She wont leave the computer _ supper is on the table.6_ these agencies,there is the World Bank Group which includes the International Monetary Fund.单项填空1How I wish I had studied harder when I was in senior school!If you had,you _ a university stude

4、nt now.Aare Bwould beCshould Dwere2I must say he reads very well,and I shouldnt be surprised if he _ acting for a living one day.Ahad taken up Btakes upChave taken up Dwould have taken up3I wish that I _ with you last night.Awent Bhave goneCcould go Dhad gone4The old professor gave orders that the e

5、xperiment _ before six.Awas finished Bwill finishCbe finished Dshall be finished5I would have come to see you earlier,but I _ too busy.Ahad been BwereCwas Dwould be6You didnt let me drive.If we _ in turn,you _ so tired.Adrove;didnt getBdrove;wouldnt getCwere driving;wouldnt have gotDhad driven;would

6、nt get7I lost your address,otherwise I _ you long before.Ahad visited Bhave visitedCwould have visited Dshould visit8Most insurance agents would rather you _ anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.Ado BdontCdidnt Ddidnt do9His face suggested that he _ really tired afte

7、r the long walk.Ahad been BwasCbe Dshould be10Its high time that we students _ even harder at our lessons as the national entrance examination is coming.Awork Bwill workCworked Dhave to work.根据语气特点,用所给词的适当形式填空Dear brother,Im now writing to you for your advice.How I wish you _ (be) here with me!Yeste

8、rday afternoon,I went to a bookstore with one of my friends.After we went out,he showed me the book he had stolen.Considering he was wrong,I suggested he _ (go) back to return it or pay for it.But he didnt listen to me,otherwise I _ (not report) it to his mother.Now Im really regretful.I would rathe

9、r I _ (not let) his mother know it.After all,he is my friend,without whose help,I _ (not make) so rapid progress in study.But it is now obvious that he has begun to hate me.It seems as if we _ (not be) friends before.Can you advise what I _ (do) now?_ (be) you in my position,what would you _ (do)?I

10、hope you _ (can) give me some advice as soon as possible.Yours,Li Hua.完形填空There was once a sad little boy who was in search of happiness,so he wanted to meet God.He knew it was a _1_ trip to where God lived,_2_ he packed his suitcase with cakes,several cans of _3_ and started on his journey.When he

11、had gone about three blocks,he saw an elderly _4_ sitting on a park bench watching the pigeons.The boy _5_ next to her and opened his _6_.He was about to take a drink,his coke,when he noticed the lady looked _7_,so he offered her a cake.She gratefully _8_ and smiled at him.Her smile was so sacred (神

12、圣的) that he wanted to see _9_ again,so he offered her a can of coke. _10_ she smiled at him.The boy was delighted!They sat there all the afternoon,eating and smiling without _11_ a word.As it _12_ to grow dark,the boy got up to _13_ ,but before he had gone no more than a few steps,he _14_ around and

13、 ran back to the old woman,giving her a big,big hug.She gave him the most beautiful smile _15_.When the boy arrived home,his mother was _16_ by the look of joy on his face.She asked,“What has made you so happy today?”He _17_,“I had lunch with God.”Before his mother could _18_,he added,“You know what

14、?Shes got the most beautiful _19_ in the whole world!”And when the woman went home,she told her son that she had _20_ with God and he was much younger than believed.1A.shortBlongCnaturalDdangerous2A.soBandCbutDhowever3A.beerBwaterCcokeDvegetables4A.teacherBinspectorCmanDwoman5A.lookedBpointedCsatDra

15、n6A.suitcaseBcarCbagDwallet7A.funnyBhungryCspecialDloyal8A.ateBreceivedCacceptedDcooked9A.herBthatCthisDit10A.In surpriseBOnce againCIn the endDNow and then11A.sayingBwritingCwastingDremembering12A.endedBbeganCcontinuedDfailed13A.sleepBpayCleaveDlight14A.walkedBturnedCsalutedDcycled15A.everByetCstil

16、lDeven16A.frightenedBjoyfulCsurprisedDstruck17A.askedBnoddedCstruggledDreplied18A.shareBrespondCfollowDexplain19A.giftBdressCvaseDsmile20A.secretBbreakfastClunchDsupper“would rather.than.或would .rather than.”句型。(1)The children would rather walk there than take a bus.孩子们宁愿步行去那里而不乘公共汽车。(2)Facing the e

17、nemies,our soldiers would die rather than surrender.面对敌人,我们的战士宁死不屈。(3)Rather than refuse to help you,I would borrow money from my friends.我宁可向朋友借钱,也不愿拒绝帮助你。答案.1.had started2.would have helped3.had been 4had not gone5.posted6.would be7.would tell8.wouldnt have been finished.1.would rather2.If only3.a

18、s if4.consists of 5even if6.In addition to.1.B本句为错综时间的虚拟条件句。从句是对过去的虚拟,根据now知主句是对现在的虚拟,故用would动词原形。2B所给的四个选项中没有一个表示对未来情况的虚拟的形式should动词原形,或是were to do,因此可以断定if引导的条件句在这里是真实的条件句,用一般现在时表示一般将来时,故B项是正确答案。3D本题考查动词wish的宾语从句用虚拟语气的用法。从时间状语last night可以得出,这里假设的是与过去事实相反的情况,故用过去完成时。4Corder表示“命令”,其同位语从句的谓语用“(should

19、)动词原形”的虚拟结构。5C本题考查混合时间句。前句是虚拟语气,是对与过去事实相反的假设,表示原本打算做某事而实际未做;后句是真实语气,说明过去迟到的原因。6D本题考查混合时间句。if引导的从句是对与过去事实相反的假设,从句谓语形式为过去完成时;主句表示与现在事实相反的假设,主句谓语形式为“would (should,might,could)do”。7C本题为与过去事实相反的假设。在以otherwise引导的并列分句中用虚拟语气,时间概念可由语境看出。8Dwould rather 后接的从句要用虚拟语气,表示对现在情况的假设谓语用过去式。C项did为助动词,句子缺少谓语动词。9B句意为:他的脸

20、色说明走了这么长的路后,他真的很累了。suggest作“建议”讲时,后面的从句用虚拟语气;但作“暗示,说明”讲时,从句用正常的时态。10CIts (high/about) time 句型后的定语从句通常用虚拟语气,即谓语部分用过去时或“should动词原形”,should不能省略。.were;(should) go;wouldnt have reported;hadnt let;wouldnt have made;hadnt been;should do;Were;do;can.1.B带上装满蛋糕和可乐的箱子,以备旅途中使用,说明旅途很长。2A前后句子在逻辑上为因果关系,所以用so。3C根据下

21、文“He was about to take a drink,his coke.”可知答案为C项。4D由下文的“.ran back to the old woman”可知答案为D项。5C老人坐在一个长椅子上,同时根据下文“They sat there.”说明他是坐在她旁边的。6A上文提到是用suitcase装着所需物品的。7B给她蛋糕吃,说明她看起来“饿”。8C由“smiled at him”可判断出她“接受”了。9Dit指代her smile。10B前面给她蛋糕时她微笑了,这次给她可乐“又一次”微笑了,所以用once again。11A根据句子“They sat there all the

22、afternoon,eating and smiling.”推知他们没有讲话。12B坐了一下午,天“开始”变黑了。13C由下文可知男孩要回家了,回家当然要从这里“离开”。14B已经从这里走开了,走了几步,这时又跑回到老太太那儿,说明是“转身”。15Aever以往任何时候,曾经。16C由下文“What has made you so happy today?”可知母亲很惊讶。17D“I had lunch with God.”是男孩的回答,所以用replied。18B回答完母亲的话后,又马上补充,因此母亲还没来得及“回应”。19D由上文“She gave him the most beautiful smile.”可知答案为D项。20C由上文“I had lunch with God.”可知答案为C项。


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