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2013英语(江苏专用)基础经典题15:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE(牛津译林版必修5).doc

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1、.用所给词的正确形式填空1If I had the chance,I would have a cloned(clone) baby.2I think the scientific advances mentioned(mention) in your article are interesting.3After the robbery,they found the front windows broken(break)4I think its good to do a job that you are interested in.Otherwise you will get bored(bo

2、re)5After the Arab states won their independence,much attention was paid to developing education,with girls as well as boys encouraged(encourage) to go to school.6The soldier rushed into the cave,his right hand holding(hold) a gun and his face covered(cover) with sweat.7Not_having_received (receive)

3、 regular training in nursing,she could hardly cope with the work at first.8I need this article (to_be)rewritten(rewrite) before tomorrow.9Having_worked(work) over six hours,I felt much tired.10The plan having_been_made(make),our next step is how to carry it out.同义转换1Cloning is producing an exact cop

4、y of a plant or an animal using its cells.The definition of cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal by using its cells.2However,in general the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientific breakthrough.However,in general because of their wonderful scientific breakthrough,

5、the scientists were praised.3I am desperate to have a child of my own.I am so anxious to have my own child.4If I had the chance,I would have a cloned baby tomorrow.How I wish I could have the chance,so that I would have a cloned baby tomorrow.5Would anyone say that economic development should be sto

6、pped in favour of nature?No one would say that in order to protect the nature,we should stop economic development.完成译文1我觉得今天能到这里和你们在一起是非常荣幸的。(consider)I consider it a great honor to be here with you today.2如果你继续行窃,终归得进监狱。(end up)If you continue to steal,youll end up in prison.3专家们坚信这个地区的大量癌症病例与新的核电站

7、有直接的关系。(relate)Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly related to the new nuclear power station.4作者只准备讨论这两个题目。(limit)The author will limit himself to discussing these two topics.5经理无法肯定他能否雇到足够的技工。(certain)The manager was not sure whether he could employ enough

8、skilled workers.单项填空1Despite barriers and hardships,they _ the research on cloning tissues.Acome up with Bcatch up withCpush ahead with Dput up with答案C句意:尽管遇到重重阻碍和困难,他们毅然进行克隆生物组织的研究。push ahead with毅然推进。2In his victory speech,_ before a huge crowd of his supporters,Obama declared that “change has com

9、e to America”Ahaving delivered Bto be deliveredCdelivering Ddelivered答案D句意:在面向大批支持者发表的获胜演讲中,奥巴马宣称“变革已经来到美国”。根据语意可知,Obama发表演讲是过去的事且speech与deliver存在动宾关系,所以用过去分词表示被动和完成,相当于“which was delivered”。3Soon after the war,one family who lived in Pennsylvania _ me and brought me up.Ahad adopted BadoptedCwould a

10、dopt Dhas adopted答案B句意:战后不久,住在宾夕法尼亚州的一个家庭收养了我并把我养大。adopted与brought并列作句子的谓语。4The top students _ at the assembly today were awarded a pen and a notebook each.Ato praise BpraisedCbeing praised Dto be praised答案B句意:奖励今天在会议上受到表扬的优秀学生每人一支钢笔和一个笔记本。根据句子结构可知空处用作定语,又praise与students之间是动宾关系,要用过去分词,所以选B。5One shou

11、ld take _ of his strengths to make up for his weaknesses.Aadvantage BbenefitCprofit Duse答案A句意:一个人应当利用自己的长处弥补自己的短处。weaknesses与strengths呼应。take advantage of意为“利用”。6Mike bought an old car cheaply,cleaned it up and sold it at a _.Abenefit Bbargain Cprofit Dprize答案C句意:Mike廉价地买了一辆旧车,把它清理干净后,卖掉赚了一笔。at a pr

12、ofit获利地。7_,youll have a greater chance of finding a suitable job if you have ever done some parttime jobs.AIn particular BIn generalCIn secret DIn sight答案B句意:通常,如果你曾做过一些兼职,就更有可能找到一份合适的工作。in general相当于generally speaking,意为“大体上,总的来说”。8An ant was drinking by a small river when it fell in.It made _ effo

13、rts to reach the side,but made no progress at all.Anegative BtotalCdesperate Dcareful答案C句意:一只蚂蚁正在河边喝水时,突然掉进河里了,它拼命朝岸边游,但没有取得任何进展。desperate意为“拼命的”。9Beijing _ in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games,which made all the Chinese proud.Asucceeded BmanagedCresulted Dshared答案A句意:北京成功举办了2008年奥运会,这使所有中国人感到自豪。succee

14、d in doing sth 表示“成功做了某事”。 10The Chinese government is developing the west of China,which will _ the people there,especially those who are still leading a poor life.Aprotect BbenefitCcontribute Daffect答案B句意:中国政府正在开发西部,这将会使那里的人受益,尤其是那些仍过着贫苦日子的人们。benefit sb 意为“使某人受益”。 11The thief tried to run away fro

15、m the market,but he _ getting caught by the brave people.Agot up Bwent upCturned up Dended up答案D句意:小偷试图从市场逃走,但最后被勇敢的人们抓住了。end up doing sth“最后以做某事而结束”。 12To deal with the problem of water shortages,_ watersaving technology will be introduced to new industrial projects in Beijing and Shanghai.Aadvanci

16、ng BadvancedCadvance Dadvances答案B句意:为了解决用水短缺的问题,先进的节水技术被引进到北京和上海的新兴工业项目中。advanced意为“先进的”。13Mary,dont _ all the soap.Leave me some to wash with,please.Aput up Bgive upCmake up Duse up答案D 句意:玛丽,不要用光肥皂,留点儿让我洗的时候用。use up“用光”;put up“张贴,举起,建起”;give up“放弃”;make up“编造,弥补”。 14He broke the law,and now he must face the _ of his actions.Ajudgement BmoralityCadvances Dconsequences答案D句意:他违法了,现在必须面对自己行动的后果。face the consequences of ones actions意为“面对某人行动的后果”。15You should _ advice from your English teacher on this matter,Tom.Await Bseek Ccarry Dput答案B句意:汤姆,你应该向你的英语老师请教这个问题。seek advice意为“寻求意见,请教”,其它搭配不妥。


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