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2019英语新一线同步北师大必修四课件:UNIT 10 SECTION Ⅰ WARM-UP & LESSON 1 — PRE-READING .ppt

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1、As the saying goes,money makes the mare(母马)go.Its true that money plays an important part in our life.We cant go without it.Many people are determined to become a millionaire.But money is not everything.Owning much money doesnt necessarily bring happiness.Money can buy food but not appetite(食欲),medi

2、cine but not health,soft beds but not sleep,knowledge but not intelligence,finery(服饰)but not kindness,lustre(光泽)but not cheerfulness,fun but not happiness,friends but not friendship,servants but not faithfulness.So many people take good advantage of their money.Charles Gray is an example.Charles Gra

3、y is a real person from the USA.Years ago he was a university professor and a millionaire.However,he grew disillusioned(不抱希望的)with the wealthy and comfortable life he was leading and started to give all his money away.He thought it was unfair for some people to have so many of the worlds resources,w

4、hen so many people in the world were living in poverty.金钱在我们的生活中发挥着重要作用,我们离不开金钱。但金钱不是万能的,它买不到健康与幸福。对于金钱,我们应拥有正确的“价值观”。读文清障原文呈现Section Warm-up&Lesson 1 Pre-reading“Who wants to be a Millionaire?I dont,”says Charles Gray Angus Deayton interviewsex-millionaire Charles Graymillionaire n百万富翁interview vt.

5、&n.采访,面试interviewer n采访者interviewee n被采访者ex-millionaire n前百万富翁ex-为前缀,意为“前任的,前”,如:ex-president前任总统。读文清障原文呈现determined/dItmInd/adj.有决心的determine/dItmIn/vt.确定,决定dream up凭空想出,构思dream of/about梦见,梦想ways of doing sth.做某事的办法enjoyable/IndIbl/adj.使人快乐的they would do once they got rich是定语从句,修饰all the enjoyable

6、things。省略了关系代词that。A lot of people aredetermined to become a millionaire.They spend half their time dreaming up ways of getting rich,and the rest of their time thinking about all the enjoyablethings they would do once they got rich.But do all millionaires find the 读文清障原文呈现happiness that they thought

7、 they would get when they achieve their goals?Some millionaires continue to beconcerned about money when they become millionaires.They are hardworking to get all that money.Then they are hardworking to make sure they never lose it!that 引导定语从句,修饰先行词happiness。they thought 为插入语。10 achieve ones goal 达到目

8、标concerned/knsnd/adj.担心的be concerned about 担心,挂念concern/knsn/vt.使忧虑;与相关hardworking/hdwkI/adj.勤奋的读文清障原文呈现But there are people who have turned their backs on their millions and found different ways to be happy in their lives.Charles Gray is one example.Sixteen years ago,Charles was a college professor

9、 with a huge six-bedroom house and$2 million.Today he lives in a smallturn ones back on不理睬;背弃,抛弃who引导定语从句,修饰先行词people。with prep.带有,附有读文清障原文呈现dormitory room where there is only second-handfurniture.There are certainly no signs that Charles was a rich man!There is a small garden outside with a few fru

10、it trees.Charles grows some vegetables and a few flowers.He gets his clothes and a lot of other things from charity shops.dormitory/dmItri/n.寝室,宿舍where(in which)引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 a small dormitory room。second-hand adj.旧的,用过的,二手的furniture n家具(总称)that 引导同位语从句,作 signs的同位语。查尔斯格雷说:“谁想当百万富翁?我不想。”安格斯戴伊顿采访前百万

11、富翁查尔斯格雷第 13 段译文许多人一心想成为百万富翁。他们用一半时间构思致富的办法,用剩下时间来考虑一旦富裕起来要做些什么令人享受的事。但是,当所有的百万富翁达到目标后他们都找到期盼的幸福了吗?有些人成为百万富翁后还在继续为钱担忧。他们拼命工作才获得了财富,他们继续努力以确保永不失去它!但是也有人把自己的百万资产置于一边,寻求不同的人生幸福。查尔斯格雷就是这样一个人。16 年前,查尔斯是一位大学教授,住着有 6 个卧室的大房子,有两百万美元资产。现在他住在一个小宿舍房间里,里面只有二手家具。当然没有迹象表明查尔斯曾是个富人!房外有个小花园,花园里种着几棵果树。查尔斯种植了一些蔬菜和花。衣服和

12、许多其他东西都是从慈善商店买的。读文清障原文呈现But Charles appreciates21 this change.He was pleased22 to give up23the lifestyle of a rich man.He was tired of24being a person who had everything in a world where many people had nothing25.He made 26the choice to give all his money21 appreciate vt.感激;欣赏I would appreciate it i

13、f.如果我将不胜感激。22 pleased/plizd/adj.高兴的,满意的be pleased to do sth.乐意做某事23 give up放弃;投降24 be tired of.对厌倦be tired from.因而感到劳累25 who引导定语从句,修饰先行词a person,在该定语从句中又含有一个where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a world。26 the choice to.的选择,动词不定式作choice的定语。读文清障原文呈现away27.And this,he said,brought him happiness.“A few years ago,”says Cha

14、rles,“I was a millionaire,but was aware28 there were a lot of hungry people in the world.”Therefore29 he gave away all his money to charities.When he had two thousand dollars left,he gave away small bank notes in the streets of local poor areas.Did he feel like30Father Christmas?“It was a lot of fun

15、31,”says Charles.27 give away赠送;泄露(秘密)28 aware/we/adj.知道的,意识到的be aware of知道,意识到29 therefore adv.因此therefore作副词,连接并列句时,通常和and连用,或前面用分号;so作连词,可直接连接并列句。30 feel like感觉像;摸起来像;想要feel like doing sth.would like to do sth.想要做某事31 fun nU乐趣,嬉戏读文清障原文呈现Charles believes that many people want to earn a lot of mone

16、y32 so that they will not have any worries33.However,most people never make much money.Charles Gray decided to drop out34 and has discovered 35 that having only a little32 earn money 赚钱33 that 引导宾语从句,作 believes的宾语,在该从句中,又含有 so that 引导的目的状语从句。so that in order that,当主句与从句的主语一致时,可用 in order to 或so as t

17、o 把复合句转换成简单句。34 drop out 退出,退学35 that 引导宾语从句,其中动名词短语 having only a little money 在宾语从句中作主语。读文清障原文呈现money makes you free36.Are there any things he misses?“No,Im much happier now.I wouldnt go back to37 being rich for anything no way38.”36 make.free 使自由make宾语n./adj./过去分词/省略 to 的动词不定式/介词短语37 go back to 回

18、到,其中 to 为介词。38 no way 没门儿;不可能第46段译文 但是查尔斯喜欢这种改变。他对放弃富人的生活方式感到高兴。许多人一无所有而自己却拥有世界上的一切,他厌倦了做这种人。他作出了把他所有的钱捐赠出去的选择。他说这给他带来了快乐。查尔斯说:“几年前,我曾是个百万富翁,但我意识到世界上还有许许多多忍饥挨饿的人。”所以他把自己所有的钱都捐给了慈善机构。当剩下两千美元时,他便在当地贫困街区散发小额纸币。他觉得自己像是圣诞老人吗?查尔斯说:“这么做极有乐趣。”查尔斯相信很多人想挣一大笔钱以使自己不再有后顾之忧。然而,大多数人根本没挣过那么多钱。查尔斯格雷决定退出,他发现仅有少量的钱财可以

19、使人自由。有什么让他怀念的吗?“没有,我现在更快乐了。什么也不可能让我再回到富人行列中了绝不可能。”1wallet A使人快乐的2second-hand B新闻工作者,记者3hardworking C知道的,意识到的4dormitory D贪婪的,贪心的5businessman E确定,决定6pleased F挣得,赚得7journalist G旧的,用过的,二手的Pre-readingPlease match the words with their proper meanings.8earn H粗鲁的,无礼的9determine I商人,实业家10enjoyable J皮夹子,钱包11co

20、ncern K勤奋的12aware L关于,关系到 13greedy M寝室,宿舍14rude N高兴的,满意的15_ 610_ 1114_答案:15 JGKMI 610 NBFEA 1114 LCDHLead-in()Would you like to be a millionaire?Why or why not?参考答案:(1)(2)Yes.Advantages of being a millionaire:A millionaire can live a comfortable life.To buy what you want(a beautiful house,a nice car

21、.)To do what you want to do(study abroad,traveling around the world.)To help the poor.No.Disadvantages of being a millionaire:To worry about your safety(rob you of your money;kidnap you or your family;kill you.)()Look at the following pictures and answer the questions.(1)What can money buy?_(2)What

22、cant money buy?_参考答案:(1)Money can buy too many things.(2)Love,happiness,friendship,life,time,youth,health.While-reading()Look at the title and the picture and then finish the following question.Whats the main idea of the text?The text mainly tells us something about _.Fast-readingan interview betwee

23、nAngus Deayton and ex-millionaire Charles Gray()Skim the text and match the topics with each paragraph.(1)Paragraph 1:AThe reason why he changed his life(2)Paragraph 2:BDifferent attitudes(3)Paragraph 3:CEnjoying the change(4)Paragraph 4:DAttitude(determined to be a millionaire)(5)Paragraph 5:EDonat

24、ing his money(6)Paragraph 6:FLiving condition(contrast)(1)(6)_答案:(1)(6)DBFCEACareful-reading()Choose the best answers according to the text.1Charles Gray is an example to show_.Athat people can be happy without moneyBthat a rich man can find happiness by giving his wealth away to charitiesCsome mill

25、ionaires will continue to be concerned about money after they become millionairesDif you can dream it,you can do it2What was the sign for Charles to be a millionaire sixteen years ago?AHe was a college professor.BHe had a huge six-bedroom house and 2 million dollars.CHe worked hard to get money.DHe

26、turned his back on his money.3Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?ACharles doesnt have any new furniture in his dormitory room.BCharles is making a living by growing vegetables and flowers now.CCharles can only afford cheap things now.DCharles is now living in a small dormitory room

27、 with a small garden.4How did Charles Gray deal with his huge amounts of money?AHe gave it away to his children.BHe gave it away to local poor people.CHe gave it away to hungry people in the world.DHe gave it away to charities.5How does Charles think about his present life?ATired and worried.BFunny

28、but enjoyable.CFree and happy.DProud and satisfying.答案:15 BBADC()Read the text carefully and then fill in the chart with the information in the text.Exmillionaire:1._16 years agoHe was a college 2._.He had a huge sixbedroom house and$2 million.TodayHe lives in a small 3._ with 4._ furniture.He has a

29、 small garden 5._ he grows some vegetables and a few fruit trees.He gets clothes and other things from 6._ shops.Charles GrayprofessordormitorysecondhandwherecharityHis attitude to the changeHe 7._ it.He was pleased to give up the lifestyle of a rich man.The reason for the changeHe was 8._ of being

30、a person 9._ had everything in a world where many people had nothing.His feelings nowHe is much 10._ now.He wouldnt go back to being rich for anything no way.appreciatestiredwhohappierStudy-readingAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1They spend half their time dreaming up ways of g

31、etting rich,and the rest of their time thinking about all the enjoyable things they would do once they got rich.句式分析尝试翻译 他们用一半时间构思致富的办法,用剩下时间来考虑一旦富裕起来要做些什么令人享受的事。2He was tired of being a person who had everything in a world where many people had nothing.句式分析尝试翻译 许多人一无所有而自己却拥有世界上的一切,他厌倦了做这种人。“课时跟踪检测”见“课时跟踪练(一)”(单击进入电子文档)


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