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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:UNIT5 CANADA—“THE TRUE NORTH”单词.doc

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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:UNIT5 CANADA—“THE TRUE NORTH”单词.doc_第1页
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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:UNIT5 CANADA—“THE TRUE NORTH”单词.doc_第2页
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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:UNIT5 CANADA—“THE TRUE NORTH”单词.doc_第3页
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1、教学内容学习目标: 1.知识与能力:To read the new words fluently and pronounce them correctly.To master the usage of key words and phrases.2过程与方法:To master the key words and phrases by group cooperation and slf-directed study 3.情感态度价值观:To enjoy the pleasure of study.学习重点: To master the usage of key words and phrase

2、s .学习难点: To read the new words fluently and pronounce them correctly.【学案使用说明】请同学们熟读unit3课后单词,结合词典完成此学案。学习指导即时感悟【课前预习】熟读单词,纠正发音。【自主 合作 探究】1surround围绕,包围(be)surrounded by/with被-包围surround.with.用把围住surrounding adj.周围的surroundings n环境 He _ a group of young villagers.一群年轻的乡下人把他团团围住。 He didnt pay much att

3、ention to his surroundings._. the surrounding scenes.2. measure measure sth.by sth.用来衡量be measured by/in用来衡量/计算take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事(1) This reward will not be_measured_in money._(2) 我们要采取措施来保护环境。_.3 confirm 证实,证明 It_is_confirmed_that the quality of the products is up to specification._. 4

4、distancein the distance在远方;在远处at a distance of在远的地方_there was a sound of band music.在远方传来一阵军乐的声音。5impress(1)使某人牢记某事物2)be impressed by/with sth.对印象深刻;为所打动3)leave/make/have a(n).impression on sb.给某人留下的印象1)I wish you would _ him _the importance of the action. 我希望你能使他明白这次行动的重要性。2)We _the ruins of an anc

5、ient building.我们对一处古建筑废墟印象颇深。3)Frank _so the manager gave him the job.弗兰克给经理留下了好印象,因此经理给了他这个工作。6.manage to do设法做成某事=succeed in doing somethingtry to do sth.尽力做某事manage it能做到manage sth.经营/管理I can _.我能自己设法完成所有的事。7 catch sight ofat first sight一见就;初次看见时at the sight of一看见就in sight看得见;在眼前out of sight看不见;消

6、失lose sight of看不见了;看漏了;忘了;忽略他对她一见钟情。_.8. have a gift forhave a gift for.be gifted in.对有天赋have a talent for.对有天赋你有绘画的才能吗?三种做法:_._9. rather thanwould rather do.than do.would do.rather than do.宁可而不愿=prefer to do rather than doother than除了or rather更确切地说他宁愿在家里看电视也不愿去听音乐会。_.10.settle down 定居,平静下来Settle do

7、wn to(doing) sth.开始认真做某事Settled 固定的Settlement n. 移民Settler 殖民者e.g. 他开始认真地做起作业来。【当堂达标】.单词拼写1Now we can even make long_(长距离) phone calls on the Internet.2If you want to make a dress,first youll take your_(尺寸)3The hosts enthusiasm makes a good_(印象) on us.4It was by no means_(证明) that he had cancer.5As

8、a child,I was_(包围) by love and kindness.单项填空1What_did the country leave you after a year of your staying there?Well, I think what_me most was the friendliness of the people there.Aimpression; impressedBwas impressed; impressedCwas impressed on; impressingDhad impressed; was impressed2_out of the the

9、atre, the famous singer found himself_by his fans.AWalking; surrounding BWalking;surroundedCWalked;surrounding DWalked;surrounded3How long do you guess the new bridge is?It at least_10 kilometers.Akeeps Bmeasures Ccontains Dsurrounds4He would rather_his life than_damage done to state property.Alose;

10、 to see Bto lose; see Cto lose;to see Dlose; see5Mrs.Taylor has_8yearold daughter who has_gift for paintingshe has won two national prizes.Aa;a Ba;the Can;a Dthe;a6(2013届宁德检测)Though we left home very late, we_the last bus.Amanaged catching Bmanaged catchCmanaged to catch Dtried to catch7We were play

11、ing in the fields when we_sight of a beautiful bird we had never seen before.Atook Bgot Ccaught Dheld8Not until they had been married for years_.Adid they have a baby Bthey had a babyChad they a baby Da baby they had【总结提升】小组互查知识点记忆。【拓展延伸】HomeworkFind out the important and difficult words and express

12、ions to you in the text.答案 Was surround by 他没有注意周围的环境。周围的景色这份奖赏是不能用钱来衡量的。We should take measures to protect the environment.已证实这些产品达到了规格。In the distanceImpress with Are impressed by Made a good impression Manage to do everything by myselfHe loved her at first sight.Do you have a gift(talent)for painting?Are you gifted in painting?He would rather stay at home to watch TV than go to the concernt.He settled down to doing his homework.当堂达标Distance measure impression confirmed surroundedABBDC CCA


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