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1、九年级全册 Units3-4(总分110分,测试时间90分钟)班级 姓名 得分 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分)1.It seems that Jimmy is feeling bad about the exam. He needs to _. A “C” is not the end of the world. A. cheer himself up B. calm himself downC. let himself downD. warm himself up【答案】A考点:考查动词短语辨析。2. You didnt come by bus, did you?_, I came_a

2、 taxi.A. No, by B. No, in C. Yes, by D. Yes, in 【答案】B【解析】试题解析:句意:-你没坐公共汽车来,是吗?-是的,我坐出租车来的。在回答反义疑问句时,无论问题的提法如何,如果事实是肯定的,就用yes,事实是否定的,就要用no。因为事实是乘坐出租车来的而非公共汽车,所以要用 No;而by后面加交通工具不加冠词,所以用in。故选B。考点:考查反义疑问句的回答及介词的用法3. I feel _ hot because Ive drunk _beer. A.too much;much too B.much too; much too C.too muc

3、h;too much D.much too;too much【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:我感到太热了,因为我已经喝了太多的啤酒了。much too太(修饰形容词或副词); too much太多(修饰不可数名词)。故答案选D。考点:考查短语辨析。4. Do you know the result of yesterdays football game? Yeah, our team won again and there was excitement just before it ended. A. a large number of B. a great deal of C. very

4、D. quite【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:-你知道昨天足球比赛的结果吗?-是的,我们队有一次赢了。就在结束之前有许多令人激动的事情。excitement不可数名词。a large number of许多,大量,修饰可数名词复数。a great deal of修饰不可数名词。very,quite,非常,修饰形容词。根据句意及结构,故选B。考点:考查冠词的用法。5. There are only two apples here. Where are ?A.others B.other C.the others D.another【答案】C考点:考查代词。6. If my uncle nex

5、t weekend, we with him. Sounds great!A. will come; will go skiing B. will come; goes skiingC. comes; will go skiing D. comes; goes skiing【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:如果我的叔叔下个周末来了,我们就和他去滑雪。在if引导的条件状语从句中,如果两个动作都没有发生,为了区别动作的前后关系,先发生的用一般现在时态,后发生的用一般将来时态,即主将从现。根据if后是从句,故用一般现在时,we with him.是主句,故用将来时态,故选C。考点:考查条件状语从句的

6、用法。7. . In our class, of the students girls.A.three fifths,are B.three fifth,are C.three fifths,is D.three fifth,is【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:在我们班,学生们的女生。在英语中的分数,分子常用基数词,分母常用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母要用复数形式。本句主语属复数,所以选A。考点:考查分数的表达。8. .Lisa has _ weight so those trousers are too small for her now. A put on B put off C tak

7、e on D take off【答案】考点:考查动词词组的用法。9. Its pity that we have missed a good chance.A.very,so B.too,such C.so,/ D.a,such【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:很可惜我们错过了一次好机会。very非常;too太;so副词,意思是“如此、这样”,后面常接形容词或副词;such形容词,意思是 “如此、这样”,修饰名词,既可接可数名词,也可以接不可数名词。such a/ an +形容词+单数可数名词= so +形容词+a/an+单数名词。所以选D,表达了说话人对已经过去的事情的感叹,即说话人对此感到

8、十分惋惜。考点:考查副词及冠词。10.Well start as soon as it A.stops to rain B.stops raining C.will stop raining D.has stopped to rain【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:雨一停止我们马上就要开始。stop doing sth停止正在做的事,stop to do sth停下来去做某事。根据主将从现的原则可知该选B。考点:考查从句中的动词时态。11. The head teacher with his students _that park if it _ tomorrow.A. is going t

9、o ;isnt rainy B. are going to; isnt rainyC. is going to; wont rain D. are going to; doesnt rain【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:如果明天不下雨,班主任将带着他的学生去公园。凡是A with B作主语时,谓语动词与A有关,而与B无关。因为head teacher 是单数,所以这里要用单数 is going to。另根据主将从现的原则可知该选A。考点:考查主从句的动词时态。12.-He didnt go to the lecture this morning, did he? -_. Though he

10、 was not feeling very well.A. No, he didnt B. Yes, he did C. No, he did D. Yes, he didnt【答案】B考点:考查反意疑问句。13. I dont have to introduce him to you _ you know the boy.A. until B unless C. since D but【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:既然你认识这个男孩,那我就没有必要介绍了。until 直到;unless除非;since既然,自从;but但是。所以选C。考点:考查连词。14. Her son cola, b

11、ut now he milk.A. used to drink; is used to drinking B. used to drinking; drinks C. is used to drinking; used to drinkD. is used to drink; is drinking 【答案】A【解析】试题分析:be used to do sth,被用来做,be used to doing sth 习惯于做,used to do sth,过去常常做某事。句意:他的儿子过去常常喝可乐现在习惯于喝牛奶。故选A.考点:考查特殊疑问词的用法15.We just need one of

12、you for the game,_you_your brother can join us. A.Both; and B.neither; nor C.either;or D.Not only;but also【答案】C考点:考查连词的用法。二、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 (每题1.5分,共15分)Today ,I want to tell you a story about something I did when I was 14 years old . I made some friends in school 1

13、they turned out to be bad . They were some boys who stole(偷盗) 2 and sold them . Whenever we were stealing a bike , a boy named John would break the lock 3 two other boys were watching out . Then one of us would 4 the bike to a cave (洞穴). The next day ,we would meet there and repaint the bike . When

14、we stole four or five bikes ,we would sell them 5 a few hundred dollars.One 6 afternoon ,we went to an apartment in Bukit Batok. We found a bike on the fifth floor and started to work on the 7 . It was hard to break . We spent 10 minutes 8 it . We were about to escape with the bike when the owner of

15、 the bike came out of the elevator. “ My bike !” he 9 .We dropped the bike and ran down but two policemen nearby 10 us . We were taken to the police station . Our parents were called and our teachers were told what had happened. The police took down what we had done . The next day ,a bright Sunday,

16、I 11 to the Boys Home .Life in the Boys Home was very hard but it 12 me a very important lesson . I learnt that stealing was not right . At the Boys Home ,the officers helped me and encouraged me 13 my ways . I decided to 14 stealing. To this day , I feel so 15 for what I have done . I hope you will

17、 learn something from my story . A. and B. or C. but D. so A. bikes B. books C. Suitcases D. backpacks A. When B. while C. since D. after A. fetch B. Pull C. fill D. take A. To B. with C. by D. for A. Tuesday B. Friday C.Saturday D. Sunday A. floor B. lock C. elevator D. bike A. breaking B. to break

18、 C. break D. broken A. said B. walked C. Shouted D. stopped A. saw B. pointed C. impressed D. caught A. sent B. was sending C. was sent D. would send A. offered B. taught C. told D. passed A. to change B. change C. to keep D. keep A. pick up B. put up C. look up D. give up A. scared B. sorry C. conf

19、ident D. excited 【答案】CABDDCBACDCBADBC考查语境理解及连词辨析。And和,并且;or或者,否则;but但是;so 因此。联系上下文,可知前后是转折关系,故选C,但是他们原来是坏的。A考查语境理解及名词辨析。Bikes自行车;books书籍;Suitcases手提箱,衣箱;backpacks 背包。联系下文Whenever we were stealing a bike ,可知此处指的是偷自行车,故选A。B考查语境理解及连词辨析。When当时;while一边一边;since由于,自从以来;after 在之后。结合语境可知此处指的是一个名叫约翰的人撬锁,其它两个男

20、孩望风。故选B。D考查语境理解及动词辨析。Fetch取来,接来;Pull拉,拽;fill装满,使充满;take 拿,取,带走。句意:然后我们中的一个人带自行车去一个洞穴。故选D。D考查语境理解及介词辨析。To到,向;with带有,伴随;by到为止,通过某种方式;for为了,对于。结合语境可知此处指的是我们将要卖掉它们得到几百美元。故选D。C考查语境理解及名词辨析。Tuesday星期二;Friday星期五;Saturday星期六;Sunday 星期日。联系下文The next day ,a bright Sunday, 可知此处指的是,一个星期六,故选C。B考查语境理解及名词辨析。Floor地板

21、,地面;lock锁,水闸;elevator电梯;bike自行车。联系后一句描述,可知我们开始撬锁。故选B。A考查语境理解及非谓语动词。spend用于sb spend.on sth或者sb spend.in doing sth(in可以省略),spend的主语必须是人,可以指花费时间、也可以指花费金钱。故选A。C考查语境理解及动词辨析。Said说;walked行走,步行;Shouted喊;stopped 停止,阻止。结合语境可知此处指的是,自行车的主人喊道。故选C。D考查语境理解及动词。Saw看见;pointed指;impressed给人留下印象;caught 抓住。结合语境可知此处指的是,附近

22、的两个警察抓住了我们。故选D。C考查语境理解及时态、语态。句意:第二天,一个阳光明媚的星期天,我被送到青少年关爱中心。结合语境可知本句描述的是过去发生的动作,故用一般过去时态。主语是动作对象,故用被动语态。选C。B考查语境理解及动词辨析。Offered提议,出价;taught教会;told告诉;passed 传递。结合语境可知此处指的是,这给我上了重要的一课。故选B。A考查语境理解及动词。结合语境可知此处指的是,教官们鼓励我改变我的生活道路。故选A。考点:考查故事类短文三、阅读理解 (每题3分,共30分)ATea is an important part of Chinese traditio

23、n. Tea has very close relationship to Chinese culture.It is said that Chinese tea was discovered by King Shen Nong. People say that he lived 5,000 years ago. One summer day, while he was visiting a faraway part of his country, he felt very thirsty. The servants began to make water hot enough to turn

24、 into gas for him to drink. Dried leaves from a near plant fell into the water. The king drank some, and found it could make him feel less tried. Also as a scientist, Shen Nong was interested in the new drink. And so, tea was created in 2737 BC.Drinking tea has many advantages. It makes people feel

25、less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight. As you add a cup of tea to your daily life, please check the following helpful advice.l Drink it hot. Tea oxidizes(氧化) quickly, so it is suggested that you drink it hot.l Do not drink too much strong tea. It will probably be

26、 harmful to your stomach and make you feel sick if you make the tea too strong.l The best time to drink tea is between meals. It may not make you have a strong wish to eat when your stomach is full.l Do not drink with medicine. It many change the medical result. You can drink tea two hours after you

27、 take medicine.l Green tea is the best choice for office workers. Why? Because green tea helps stop the bad result of the computer.36. Paragraph 2 is mainly about _. A. when King Shen Nong lived B. where Chinese tea was created C. How Chinese tea was discovered D. why King Shen Nong drank tea37. Dri

28、nking tea has lots of advantages EXCEPT _. A. help you lose weight B. letting you feel less tired C. having a strong wish for food D. clearing heat inside your body38.Mr. Smith is a computer teacher . Hed better drink _. A. Green tea B. black tea C. strong tea D. coffee with milk39. What can we infe

29、r(推断) from the passage? A. Dont drink too much strong tea. B. Not all office workers drink green tea C. Tea is connected with Chinese culture closely. D. King Shen Nong loved creating new things40.The passage is mainly written to _. A. let us know tea was discovered B. give some advice drinking tea

30、C. tell people the history of tea D. advise people to drink green tea【答案】36.C37.C38.A39.D40.B36.C概括归纳题。根据It is said that Chinese tea was discovered by King Shen Nong.可知第二段主要讲述中国茶是如何发现的,故选C。37.C细节理解题。根据 It makes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight.可知

31、喝茶的好处有:它使人减少疲劳,清理体内的热量,帮助人们减肥。故选C。38.A推理判断题。根据 Because green tea helps stop the bad result of the computer.可知绿茶帮助阻止电脑带来的坏影响,因此电脑老师史密斯先生最好喝绿茶。故选A。考点:日常生活类短文阅读。 B Do you know why different animals or pests have their special colors? Colors in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves. Some bir

32、ds like eating locusts,but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colors together with the change of the colors of crops. When crops are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have. Some other pests w

33、ith different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night. If you study the animal life, youll find the main use of coloring is protecting themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They can

34、not be seen by hunters. This is because they have the colors much like the tree. Have you ever noticed an even more strange act? A kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid when it faces danger. While the liquid spread over, the enemies cannot find it. And it immediately swims

35、 away. So it has lived up to now though it isnt strong at all.51. From the passage we can learn that locusts .A. are small animalsB. are easily found by birdsC. are dangerous to their enemiesD. change their colors to protect themselves52. How can pests with different colors from plants keep out of d

36、anger?A. They run away quickly.B. Their colors are much like their enemies.C. They hide themselves in the day and appear at night.D. They have to move quietly.53. Bears and lions can keep safe because they .A. have the colors much like the trees B. move quicklyC. like brown and gray colors D. live i

37、n forests54. The kind of fish can live up to now because .A. it is very big and strongB. the liquid it sends out can help it escape from its enemiesC. the liquid it sends out can kill its enemiesD. it swims faster than any other fish55. Which is the best title for this passage?A. The Change of Color

38、s for Animals and PestsB. Colors of Different Animals and PestsC. The Main Use of Colors for Animals and PestsD. Some Animals and Pests【答案】51.D52.C53.A54.B55.C【解析】试题分析:这篇短文介绍的是有些动植物通过改变颜色来自我保护的。51.D综合理解题。通读全文,可知本篇文章介绍的是有些动植物通过改变颜色来自我保护的。故选D。52.C细节理解题。根据Some other pests with different colors from pla

39、nts are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.可知有些有不同的颜色的有害动植物不容易被发现,被其他动物吃掉,因此他们不得不把自己藏起来为了生存,然后在晚上再出现。可知选B。53.A细节理解题。根据Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be seen by hunters. This is because they ha

40、ve the colors much like the tree.描述可知熊,狮子和其他动物安静地穿过了森林。他们不能被猎手看到。这就是为什么他们有跟树很相似的颜色。故选A。考点:考查社会现象类阅读。 C The first time I ever really noticed a disabled person, I was studying in the third grade. I saw some disabled people before, but I never really knew or cared about what those persons go through(经历

41、 ). When a new student arrived in my third grade class, I thought it would just be a common student, but this student was different. His name was Derek and he had autism(孤独症). He sometimes had random outbursts(随意发作) during class and we would stand there, doing nothing because we didnt know why he wa

42、s doing that. When he sat down at desk, we would try to get away from him. After class, we would play jokes on each other, imitating(模仿) Derek, and laughing about it. Then one day, Dereks mom came to our class and talked with us. She told us that Derek wasnt just having random outbursts-he was tryin

43、g to communicate. Then she chose a volunteer and filled that persons mouth with soft sweets. When we found the volunteer had great trouble in trying to speak, the mother explained that was what Derek was going through every day. We all understood her meaning. After this talk, no one tried to make fu

44、n of Derek or run away from him. We accepted his outbursts in class and he became one of our friends. Having a class with Derek has taught me to have an open mind to those who are different from us. My experience in having an autistic classmate has provided me with a good lesson. Now whenever I meet

45、 a family with a child whos behaving differently, I always remember what I have learned in my third grade clams and go up to him or her.What did the author think of the boy before the mothers talk? A. Friendly. B. Humorous. C. Generous. D. Strange. Which order is RIGHT according to the passage?.We g

46、ot away from him. We got on well with Derek. Derek arrived in my class. Dereks morn talked to us. A. B. C. D.According to Dereks mother, Derek_. A. was too shy to be with others B. had problems in expressing himself C. was good at communicating with others D. didnt like the way others treated himAft

47、er Dereks moms talk, we did the following EXCEPT that _. A. we became friends B. we played together C. we played jokes on him I). we communicated with himwhich is the best title for the passage? A. Living with an open mind B. Believing in yourself C. Behaving in different ways D. Making friends with

48、 the disabled【答案】DBBCAD归纳理解题。根据短文第二段描述可知作者认为Derek非常的奇怪,故选D。B细节理解题。根据短文描述可知迪克来到我们班后,我们对他的病感到奇怪,远离他,后来他的妈妈和我们进行交谈,让我们和迪克交流,最后我们和迪克相处融洽。故选B。B推理判断题。根据When we found the volunteer had great trouble in trying to speak, the mother explained that was what Derek was going through every day可知迪克说不出自己想说的话,即自我表达有

49、困难,故选B。C细节理解题。根据After this talk, no one tried to make fun of Derek or run away from him.可知没有再开迪克的玩笑,故填故选C。A标题归纳题。根据短文主要描述的是作者通过和有孤独症的同学的相处,认识到对那些和我们不同的人要用没有成见的思想去接受他们。故选A。考点:日常生活类短文阅读。DEverything happens for the best. my mother said whenever things werent going my way. Dont worry. One day your luck

50、will change. I found mom was right after I finished my college education. I had decided to try for a job in a radio station. I wanted to host a sports program one day. I went to Chicago and knocked at the door of every station. But I got turned down every time. In one station, a kind lady said my pr

51、oblem was that I hadnt got enough experience. Get some work in a small station and work your way up, she said. I went back home. I couldnt get a job there, either. I felt really down. Your luck will change, Mom said to me. I tried another radio station in Iowa. But the owner told me he had already h

52、ad someone. As I left his office, I asked, How can someone be a sports announcer (播音员) if he cant get a job in a radio station? I was waiting for the lift when I heard the man call. What did you mean? Do you know anything about football? He put me in front of a microphone and asked me to try to imag

53、ine that I was giving my opinion on a football game, I succeeded. On my way home, Moms words came back to me, One day your luck will change, Son. And when it happens, youll feel doubly good because of all the hard work youve had. At that moment I knew just what she meant.What job was the writer most

54、 interested in? A. A sportsman B. A sports announcer C.A shop assistant The underlined sentence But I got turned down every time. in Paragraph 2 most probably means _A. But I was successful every time B. But I was refused every time C. But I lost my way every timeThe writer didnt get the job in Chic

55、ago, because _. A. he was too young B. he didnt get college education C. he hadnt enough experienceWhere did the writer find a job? A. In Iowa. B. In his hometown. C. In Chicago.Whats the best title for the passage? A. I Was Lucky to Find a Job B. No One Is Always Lucky C. Everying Happens for the B

56、est【答案】BBCACB细节理解题。题意:作者最感兴趣的工作是什么?A. A sportsman运动员;B. A sports announcer体育节目播音员;C.A shop assistant营业员。由第二段第三句:I wanted to host a sports program one day. 可知,作者最想当一位体育节目的主持人。故选B。B 推理判断题。题意:第二段里有下划线的句子But I got turned down every time.意思是什么?A. But I was successful every time但是我每次都成功了;B. But I was refu

57、sed every time但是我每次都被拒绝了;C. But I lost my way every time但是我每次都迷路了。根据短文,作者在芝加哥找工作时,每次都不顺利,未找到。因此是被拒绝。故选B。.C 细节理解题。题意:作者在芝加哥未找到工作是因为什么?A. he was too young他太年轻了;B. he didnt get college education他没有受到大学教育;C. he hadnt enough experience他没有充足的经验。由第三段里的:In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I

58、 hadnt got enough experience可知,作者找不到工作的原因是工作经验不够。故选C。考点:考查人生感悟类短文阅读。四、完成单词 (每题2分,共10分)Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long (历史)Mrs. Wang,a new (顾客)of our shop,has become my friendPlease put the book back to its (right or correct)place after you read itAll children between the age of

59、 5 and 16 in his country must (go to)schoolIf you go to ,youd better not miss the Opera House in Sydney【答案】history customer properattendAustralia【解析】试题分析:考查名词。句意:莉莉很骄傲,她出生在一个有着悠久历史的城市。根据汉语提示,答案为history。考查名词。句意:王夫人,我们商店的一位新顾客,已经成为我的朋友。根据汉语提示,答案为customer。句意:读过书后请把它放回原处。根据英文释义right or correct正确的,恰当的。故答

60、案为proper。句意:在他的国家5-16的孩子必须上学。根据英文释义go to去,到。故答案为attend。句意:如果你去澳大利亚,你最好不要错过悉尼歌剧院。结合汉语意思,the Opera House in Sydney悉尼歌剧院,可知悉尼在澳大利亚。答案为Australia。考点:考查单词拼写。 五、句型转化(共10分,每题2分)1. Its a very interesting story.(变为两种感叹句)a. What_! b. How_!2. “Does the girl need any help?” he asked me. (合并成宾语从句)-3. I cant affor

61、d to have the digital camera because its price is too high.The digital camera is _ _ for me _ _.4. There are more people in America than in England.The _ in America is _ than _ in England.5. It took him two hours to do the work.He _ _ _ _ the work.【答案】1.What an interesting story it is! / how interes

62、ting the story is!2.He asked me whether the girl needed some help.3.too expensive, to buy4.population, larger, that5.spent two hours doing2.句意:”这个女孩需要帮助吗?”他问我。一般疑问句变成宾语从句,要用if或whether作引导词,并将疑问句语序改为陈述句语序。当主句谓语动词是一般过去时态时,还应变成相应的过去时态。所以要将二句合并成宾语从句,可在改写后句子的空白处填写He asked me whether the girl needed some h

63、elp。3.句意:我买不起数码相机,因为它的价格太高了。也就是说:这数码相机太贵,以致我买不起。所以可在改写后句子的空白处填写too expensive, to buy。考点:句型转换。六、根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。(共5小题,计10分)A: Hello! May I speak to Dr. Bruce?B: (71) _. Whos that, please?A: This is Alice. Dr. Bruce. Im not feeling well. (72) _?B: Sorry, I dont have time this mor

64、ning. But you can come to my office this afternoon.A: OK. Lets make it 3:00 p.m.(At 3:00 p.m. in the Dr. Bruces)B: (73) _?A: I have a headache and a cough. And I dont feel like eating.B: (74) _?A: Two days.B: You may have the flu. Youd better take the medicine. And youll get well soon.A: I think I w

65、ill. (75) _?B: Take the medicine before meals. Two pills each time and three times a day.A: Thanks a lot. Dr. Bruce.B: Youre welcome. 【答案】71.This is Bruce speaking.72.Can I see you this morning73.Whats the matter with you74.How long have you been like this?75.What should I do?【解析】试题分析:71.前句讲:请问我可以找D

66、r. Bruce接电话吗?由下文看出,接电话的正是Dr. Bruce。因此他作自我介绍:我是布鲁斯,请讲。故填:This is Bruce speaking.72.前句说明了“我感觉不舒服”,后句说:对不起,我今天上午没有时间。可以推测出,艾丽丝想今天上午去看病。故问:我今天上午可以来看看吗?故填:Can I see you this morning73.后句回答的是:我头痛、咳嗽。这是对自己症状的介绍。可以推测出,本问句问:你怎么啦?故填:Whats the matter with you考点:考查情境交际。七、阅读填词(10)Travelling is one of the most im

67、portant activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast, so travelling to different places has become much faster than before. Staying healthy while travelling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip? The following i

68、nformation may be useful to you.Before leavingWear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your

69、trip.Prepare proper food. Before you prepare the food, the first thing you need to think about is how long you will travel with the food. If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. They dont go bad quickly. The nearer people can bring meat, fish, eggs, mil

70、k and even salads and vegetables.While travelling Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle.Keep food in good condition. If you take hot food, you should try to ke

71、ep it hot. For example, you can put it in heavy towels. If you need to keep cold food cold, you can put cold food in a box with ice. When you arrive, put cold food in the fridge. Remember: If you travel with food, keep hot food hot and cold food cold. How to keep (51) during a tripBeforeleavingWear

72、comfortable shoes, a hat and (52) . (53) some necessary medicine with you.Exercise for weeks or months (54) you leave . Prepare proper food. Take bread, biscuits and some fruit for a (55) trip or bring meat,fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables for a nearer one. While(56) (57) eat dirty fo

73、od or bad fruit. Have enough (58) to take a rest during your trip. Drink (59) water and always clean the cover. Keep food in good condition (50) to keep hot food hot and cold food cold. 【答案】51.safe52.sunglasses 53.Take54.before 55.long56.tavelling 57.Dont58.time 59.bottled 60.remember【解析】试题分析:本文告诉我们

74、旅途中怎样才能保证安全:随身携带些必要的药品;长途旅行带面包、饼干和水果;喝瓶装水等内容。做到以上几点,你才会有一个健康舒适的旅行。51.通读整篇短文可知文章的标题是旅途中怎样保证安全。故填Safe。52.根据表格的提示在旅行之前应该可知该穿舒适的鞋,帽子和戴墨镜。故填写sunglasses。53.根据短文Take some necessary medicine with you可知。该填写Take。54.根据文中Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip.。可知该填写before。55.根据文中If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. They dont go bad quickly. The nearer people can bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables可知如果是长的旅行应该准备这些动西。应填写long。考点:任务型阅读。


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