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2014-2015学年《英语测试报》配套光盘 人教新课标必修1教案 UNIT5 NELSON MANDELA--词汇学习.doc

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2014-2015学年《英语测试报》配套光盘 人教新课标必修1教案 UNIT5 NELSON MANDELA--词汇学习.doc_第1页
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1、Section 3 Words and expressions from Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern herodevotev. 投入于,献身1. He devoted himself entirely to music. 他将一生奉献给了音乐。 2. Please devote more time to your work. 请把更多的时间用于工作。 3. He started to study ecology and decided to devote his whole life to the science. 他开始研究生态学,并决心将他的一生献身于这门科

2、学。 4. The noblest ideal to which one can devote oneself is Communism. 能为之献身的最崇高的理想是共产主义。 out of work 失业1.Hes been out of work for six months. 他已失业六个月了。2.He must square up to the reality of being out of work. 他必须正视失业这一现实。3.He was out of work for three years and did not qualify for state aid, so that

3、he was practically on the bread line. 他失业3年了,没资格享受州政府用于地方公共事业的补助费,所以他实际上已在领取救济食品的行列之中。4.Hundreds were thrown out of work. 数以百计的人失去了工作。vote n. 投票,表决v. 投票,选举,投票拥护1.At the end of the meeting, a vote was taken on the motion. 会议结束前对该项提议进行了表决。2.Parliament voted the bill through without a debate. 国会未经辩论就投票

4、通过了这项法案。3.The show was voted a success. 大家一致认为表演很成功。4.UK nationals get the vote at 18. 英国国民18岁始有选举权。5.I vote (that) we stay here. 我建议我们留在这里。6.I suggested putting the matter to a vote, but the chairman demurred to it. 我建议对此事投票表决,但主席表示反对。7.A large vote was polled. 投票踊跃。8.He became a citizen, thereby g

5、aining the right to vote. 他成为公民,并因此获得了选举权。attackn. 攻击,评击v. 攻击,动手,疾病发作1. The enemy attacked us at night. 敌人在夜里向我们进攻。 2. It is reported that this disease attacks the central nervous system. 据报道说这种疾病破坏中枢神经系统。 3. The police are launching a major attack on drug dealers. 警方对毒品贩子发动大规模的攻击。 4. We must move m

6、ore players into the attack. 我们要多调配运动员到攻球区。5. They attacked their meal with gusto. 他们大吃大喝。6. This piece of music needs to be played with more attack. 这段乐曲的开始部分要演奏得更加雄壮有力。7. Englands attack has been weakened by the injury of certain key players. 英格兰队某些主力运动员受伤而使攻球削弱。8. Shall we attack the washing-up?

7、咱们动手洗碗碟好吗? in trouble 处于困境1.You are always getting yourself in trouble. 你总是给自己找麻烦。2.His upset looking gave rise to rumors that he had got in trouble with police. 他不安的神色引发了谣传说他与警方发生了某些纠葛。3.Nothing gives him more pleasure than helping someone in trouble. 没有一件事要比帮助陷入困境的人带给他更大的快乐。4.Do as youre told, oth

8、erwise youll be in trouble. 叫你怎么做就怎么做, 否则有麻烦。5.They stole the car for a lark, but now theyre in trouble. 他们偷了汽车原以为好玩, 现在可惹祸了。6.If I cop you cheating again youll be in trouble. 我要再发现你骗人, 决不轻饶。7.Youll be in trouble if you dont watch your step. 你要是不谨慎从事就要倒霉了。8.Im in trouble with the police over drugs.

9、我因毒品事落入警方手中。turn to求助于,转向1. The child turned to its mother for comfort. 那孩子向母亲寻求安慰。2. We turned to and got the whole house cleaned in an afternoon. 我们起劲地干了起来, 一个下午就把整所房子打扫干净了。3. The parish priest is someone to whom people can turn in difficult times. 牧区牧师是人们在困难时可以求助的人。4. She has nobody she can turn

10、to. 她求助无门。5. The more depressed he got, the more he turned to drink. 他情绪越低落越是借酒浇愁。6. I tried to stand on my own two feet rather than turned to my parents. 我设法自立而不求助于我的父母。 7. Turn to the left and you will find the post. 向左转,你会找到邮局的。 8. Follow the main road until it branches, and then turn to the righ

11、t. 顺着这条大路走,在路的分岔口向右拐。 lose heart 丧失勇气,失去信心1.He fail many times, but he do not lose heart. 他失败了许多次,但他并没有失去信心。2.Difficulties were increasing. Even then we did not lose heart. 尽管困难在增加,但我们毫不灰心。3.He failed many times, but he did not lost heart. 他失败了许多次,但他并没有失去信心。4.No matter what you do, never lose heart.

12、 不管你做什么千万不可泄气。escapen. 逃亡,避难设备v. 逃脱,避开,溜走计算机 换码1. The thief jumped into a car and made his escape. 小偷跳上汽车逃走了。 2. The prisoner has escaped. 犯人逃走了。 3. Where can we go to escape the crowds? 我们到哪里才能躲开这些人群? 4. The fire-escape is at the back of the building. 太平门在建筑物的后面。 5. It wont have escaped your notice

13、 that Ive been unusually busy recently. 你一定注意到了我最近一直忙得不得了。 6. Theres gas escaping somewhere can you smell it? 有什么地方漏煤气了,你闻到了吗? 7. There have been few successful escapes from this prison. 没有什么人能从这座监狱逃走. 8. A lion has escaped from its cage. 有一头狮子从笼中逃走了. educatev. 教育,培养vt. 教育1. He had paid out good mon

14、ey to educate his daughter at a boarding school. 他花了很多钱让他的女儿在寄宿学校受教育。 2. She educated her younger daughter at home. 她在自己家里教育她的小女儿。 3. Where were you educated? ie Which school(s), etc did you go to? 你在哪(些)所学校学习过? 4. The public should be educated in how to use energy more effectively. 公众应受到合理地利用能源的教育。

15、5. Parents should educate their children to behave well. 父母应当教育子女守规矩。6. It is not easy to educate teenagers. 教育青少年不是件容易的事。 7. It is not the way to educate a child by making him do things against his will. 勉强他做事不是教育孩子的办法。 begv. 请求,乞求1. I beg your pardon? 对不起,你说什么?(正式场合用语) 2. The boy begged me not to

16、tell his parents. 这个男孩请求我不要告诉他的父母。 3. He lives by begging. 他以行乞为生。 4. I beg leave to address the Council. 我请求允许向议会发表演说。 5. He knew he had hurt her and begged her to forgive him. 他自知伤了她的心而央求她原谅。6. There are hundreds begging in the streets. 街上有数以百计的乞丐。7. May I beg a favour (of you)? 可以(请你)帮个忙吗? 8. He

17、begged (her) for forgiveness. 他请求(她)原谅。reward n. 报酬,酬谢,赏金v. 奖赏,酬谢1.They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruits and flowers.他们奖给优胜者水果和鲜花。2.He got a reward for helping them. 他因帮助他们而拿到一笔酬金。3.A 1000 reward has been offered for the return of the stolen painting. 悬赏1000英镑寻找失窃的画。4.He grudges you your re

18、ward. 他很吝啬,不愿给你报酬。5.She deserves a reward for her efforts. 她积极努力, 应得到奖赏.6.You have received a just reward. 你已得到了应有的报酬。7.By rights, half the reward should be mine. 按理说, 有一半奖赏应该是我的。8.They promised to make it worth her while (ie pay or reward her) if she would take part. 他们许诺说她要是参加就一定给她报酬。词义辨析 award,re

19、ward这两个词都可以用作名词和动词,作名词时,意义相近,但不是同义词。作名词时,award的意思是“奖品”、“奖金”,其义与prize近似,两者都指因为作出杰出成就而受奖。例:The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an awardHe won the second award of $ 2,000而reward作名词时,其意为“赏金”、“酬金”或一些非金钱的报酬。例:We will offer a reward of ten thousand dollars for information about the case如果有人提供有关案件的情

20、报,我们愿意出一万元赏金。We dont expect substantial rewards我们并不期望得到优厚的报酬。用作动词时,award的意思是“授与”、“颁发”、“判给”;reward则表示“报答”、“酬谢”之意。例:He was awarded the first prize for Outstanding Industrial Design他获杰出工业设计一等奖。set up vi. 建立1.The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world. 华尔街金融滑坡引起世界

21、股票市场的连锁反应。2.A hot drink will soon set you up. 你喝杯热饮料马上就精神了。3.A fund will be set up for the dead mens families. 抚恤死难工人家属的基金会即将建立起来。4.A week in the country will set her up nicely after her operation. 她手术后在郊外住上一个星期一定能复原。5.He likes to set himself up as an intellectual.他喜欢自命为知识分子。6.How long will it take to set up the projector? 把这个放映机安放好需要多长时间?7.Her father set her up in business. 她父亲出钱帮她创业。8.His father set him up as a bookseller. 他父亲资助他做了书商。


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