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2012届高考英语一轮单元总复习精品学案:牛津译林版MODULE 3 UNIT 3 BACK TO THE PAST.doc

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1、2012届高考英语一轮单元总复习精品学案牛津译林版Module 3 Unit 3 Back to the pastSpelling.1.Both Pompeii and Loulan became lost c_(文明) about 2,000 years ago.2.This morning we went to a l_ about Pompeii.3.Near the city was a volcano called Vesuvius. On 24th August AD 79, the volcano e_ and lava, ash and rocks poured out of

2、it onto the surrounding countryside.4.It continued to erupt for the next three days. U_, all the people were buried alive, anad so was the city.5.So in 1860, the Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli was made d_ ( 负责人)of the Pompeii dig.6.Tomorrow we aer off to Naples to visit the museum that h_ m

3、any of the treasures from Pompeii.7.Its hard dto imagine how this quiet vocano d_ the whole city!8.This small, wealthy _ (商业的)city existed almost 2,000 years ago.9.An archaeologist from the local _(文化的) institute, Professor Zhang told us this.10.Sven found the r_ of buildings buried under the sand,

4、together with a lot of treasures, such as coins, painted pots, silk m_, d_ and wall paintings.11.The desert was once a green land with e_ trees, but even that didnt prevent the city from being _ by sand- what a pity!12.A saying goes t_ rome wasnt built in a day.13.During these years I have had the c

5、hance to explore many different places in China and t_ the world.14.We went through a 10metrelong p_and we found ourselves in a large burial chamber.15.We saw pieces of material, bones, w_ cups and leather bags. 16.Most of them were in good c_.17.Jack is a concerned c_(市民). 18.Pear Harbor is onne of

6、 the m_ military bases of the United States. 19.The next day, US President Franklin Roosevelt d_ war against Japan.20.A national m_ was built in Pear Harbor just above the remains of the sunk battleship Arizone.21.In 753 BC, the city of Rome was founded, and in 509 BC, it became a r_.22.During the s

7、ame period, there was much c_ and fighting between the groups of people who ruled the different parts of China.23.There is another _ (相似点) between China and rome. 24.It was a different story for China with the _ (形成) of the Sui Dynasty in AD 581, which once again r_ China in AD 589.25.Fifteen years

8、later the Qin Dynasty was _ (推翻).二Fill in the blanks.take over take back take away take off take out take downtake up take charge of take control of take action take in1) He opened the drawer and _ a notebook. 2) He expects to _ the business when his father retires. 3) Can you _what I am saying? 4)

9、Mr. Li _gardening after he retired. 5) _ the notes while listening to the teacher. 6) Who has_ my book?7) Who will _ the class when the head-teacher is away? 8) The Chinese government _to protect the cultural heritage.三、Complete the following sentences.1.The book had a great effect on his life. The

10、book i_ his life greatly.2.They didnt tell me the location. They didnt show me tge map, either.They _ told me the location _ showed me the map.3.Some people tried to escape, some people stayed in their houses. People _ tried to escape _ stayed in their houses.4.It worries the tourists. It keeps rain

11、ing. _ _ _ _ _ the tourists.5.They also _ _ (进行)other experiments.6.When autumn comes, leaves (变成) _ _ orange, red and gold.7.我们对他的健康表示关心。We _ _ _ his health.8._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,(在好心的老人的带路下,用with复合结构做), we arrived at the remote village before lunchtime.9.We gave Peter a nice present _ _ _ (作为对。回报)his

12、 cooperation.10.Its _ _ _ (很难想象)what our lives would be like if we did not have electricity and clean water.11.(众所周知)_ _ _ _ _, China is a country with a long history.12.Are there any _ (相似之处) between Goethe and Byron.13.He is not always on the ball in class because he is not interested in his lesso

13、ns.(写出画线部分的汉语意思) 14.I f_ _ _ (感到荣幸)won the holiday and have made so many friends.15.I was too tired to eat anything we were given. (改成复合句) I was _ _ _ I _ _ anything we were given._ the husband _ the wife tells stories for children every night.(填上适当的连词)四.Translation.1他们要求他对此事保密。(require)_.2谁也阻止不了运动会

14、的举行。(prevent)_.3据说这本书很值得一读。(It is said that)_.4我看见一位老人很吃力地在街上走着,手里还拿着一根拐杖。(make ones way)_5我的电脑上周末被一种未知病毒攻击,因而电脑已坏了一周了。(virus病毒)_五、单项选择1. Dont let me catch you _.A. do that again B. to do that again C. doing that again D. done that again2. We must have an engineer _ the workers build the house.A. to

15、 see B. see C. seeing D. seen3. I dont allow _ in my office and I dont allow my family _ at all.A. to smokesmoking B. smokingto smoke C. to smoketo smoke D. smokingsmoking4. George went hunting for a week but still he didnt find a room _.A. to live B. to live in C. for living D. to be living in 5. T

16、he law requires all cars _ for safety and efficiency.A. being tested regularly B. to be regularly tested C. be regularly tested D. regularly tested6. He was just about to jump up when he felt something _ near his feet.A. to move B. move C. moving D. moved7. I would like _ that I dont have a very hig

17、h opinion of you.A. to have you know B. have you know C. to have your known D. having you know8. When he awoke, he found himself _ in the hospital and _ by an old woman. A. lyingbeing looked after B. lyingbe looking afterC. liebe looked after D. liebeing looked after9. The manager promised to keep m

18、e _ of how our business was going on. A. to be informed B. informed C. on informing D. informing 10. If you dont know the meaning of the word, you can _ in a dictionary.A. look it up B. look up it C. refer to it D. consult in11. Neither you nor I, nor anybody else _ content to live in such a lonely

19、village.A. is B. am C. are D. were12. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for Beijing Olympics _ by 2006.A. has been completed B. has completed C. will have been completed D. will have completed13.Two bags which _ to Hong Kong were at this moment being loaded aboard a flight to Guan

20、gzhou.A. should have gone B. should be going C. must have gone D. must be going14. Sometimes we are asked _ we think the likely result of the program will be.A. how B. whether C. that D. what15. It was said that not until the old man had passed away _ to his relatives.A. she let out the secret B. wa

21、s the secret let out C. out she let the secret D. out let the secret16. Mary, its already 7 oclock. Im afraid there is not much time _ for you to _ for the ball.A. leaving; get dressing B. remaining; get to dress C. remained; get dressed D. left; get dressed17. -Is Mr. Stephen in, please? He_ me. -

22、Yes, sir. In the meeting room. A. is expecting B. has expected C. expected D. was expecting18. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _ sickness. A. normal B. average C. regular D. ordinary19. His cousin, who was made _ of the department, was only 28 that year. A.

23、director B. directer C. a director D. our director20. They will give us the money _ we pay it back within half a year. A. on no condition B. on condition C. under the condition D. on condition that21. Not only _ interested in football but _ beginning to show an interest in it.A. is the teacher himse

24、lf, are all his students B. the teacher himself is, are all his students C. is the teacher himself, all his students are D. the teacher himself is, all his students are22. these two countries have a _. They both have a high snowfall during winter. A. situation B. response C. similarity D. condition2

25、3. It is important that we _ with all that _ in the struggle.A. should unite, be united B. would like, can be united C. should unite, could unite D. unite, can be untied24. As we joined the crowd I got _ from my friends. A. lost B. separated C. spared D. missed25. John knocked at the door for nearly

26、 five minutes_ his wife opened it.A. when B. before C. until D. while26. They got the work _ before the rainy season set in. A. to do B. done C. doing D. did27. Please remind me _ some eggs for the coming party. A. buy B. to buy C. of buying D. for buying28. Although John was the oldest in the famil

27、y, he always let his sister _ charge of the house.A. to take B. taking C. take D. taken 29. There was nothing to _ us doing so. A. keep B. make C. let D. prevent30. -Did you listen to Mr. Jacksons lecture? -Yes, I have never heard such a _one.A. more exciting B. more excited C. most excited D. most

28、exciting31.I told the police who came to look into the accident what _ the poor girl.A. was happened on B. was happening on C. happened on D. had happened to32.It must have rained last night, _ the ground is wet here and there. A because B as C for D since33._ to take the English evening course. Ple

29、ase fill in this form. A These who want B Anyone wants C Those that want D People want34.How pleasant the picture is _! A to look at B looking at C look D to be looked at 参考答案:一、 1.civilizations 2.lecture 3.erupted 4.unfortunately 5.director 6.houses 7.destroyed mercial 9.cultural 10.remains, materi

30、als, documents 11.buried 12.that 13.throughout 14.passage 15.wooden 16.condition 17.citizen 18.major 19.declared 20.memorial 21.republic 22.confusions 23.similarity 24.formation, reunited 25.overthrown二、take out, take over, take in, took up, Take down, taken away, take charge of, has taken action,三、

31、1. influenced 2.neither,nor 3.either,or 4.That it keeps raining worries 5.Carried out 6.turn to 7.are concerned about 8.With the kind old man showing the way 9.in return for 10.hard to imagine 11.As is known to all 12.Similarities 13.精神不集中 14.feel lucky to 15. I was so tired that I couldnt eat anyth

32、ing we were given. 20. Either, or四、1.They required him to keep it a secret.2.Nobody could prevent the sports meeting from being held.3.It is said that the book is well worth reading.4.I saw an old man making his way in the street, with a walking stick in his hand.5.My computer was attacked by an unknown virus last Sunday. So it is has been broken for a whole week now.五、15 CBBBB 610 CAABA 1115 ACADB 1620 DADAD 2125 CCDBB 2630 BBCDA 3134 DCBA高考资源网w w 高 考 资源 网


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