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1、1定远育才学校高一英语 3 月周测(3 月 3 日)时间;90 分钟 总分:120 分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is the woman?A.A student.B.A teacher.C.A saleswoman.2.What will the man do on Fr

2、iday?A.See a film.B.Attend a lecture.C.Go to the theater.3.Which character is the womans favorite in Friends?A.Monica.B.Phoebe.C.Joey.4.What is the man complaining about?A.His career.B.His health.C.His kid.5.Whom will the man celebrate the festival with?A.His brother.B.His parents.C.His grandparents

3、.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料回答第 6、7 题。6.Whats the woman doing?A.Making an invitation.B.Asking for help.C.Giving advice.7.What does the man plan to do today?A.Play tennis.B.

4、Go on a trip.C.Help Emily study.听第 7 段材料回答第 8、9 题。8.How much is a ticket?A.3.B.6.C.12.9.When should the woman collect the tickets at the latest?A.At 6:00 pm.B.At 7:00 pm.C.At 8:00 pm.听第 8 段材料回答第 10 至 12 题。10.How many people are there in Peters family?A.3.B.4.C.5.11.When do the whole family walk the

5、dog?A.On Friday.B.On Saturday.C.On Sunday.12.What does Peter do at home?A.Do the laundry.B.Cook food.C.Sweep the floor.听第 9 段材料回答第 13 至 16 题。13.What is the weather like today?A.Hot.B.Cold.C.Cool.14.What does the man like doing most?A.Playing in the pool.B.Playing computer games.C.Reading books.215.H

6、ow often does the man do exercise?A.Hardly ever.B.Once a week.C.Twice a week.16.Where will the speakers be next Saturday night?A.In a cinema.B.In a bookstore.C.At the womans house.听第 10 段材料回答第 17 至 20 题。17.What is the speaker?A.A teacher.B.An editor.C.A student.18.What is necessary for a volunteer?A

7、.Communication skills.B.High scores.C.Experience.19.Whats the best reason for taking the job?A.To learn to write.B.To make money.C.To have fun.20.When are volunteers expected to start working?A.Right after the meeting.B.Tomorrow.C.Next week.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所

8、给的四个选项(A,B,C 或 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASharon,Aged22The most important thing to keep in mind when going into high school is to beyourself.Besides,I dont know what your middle school was like,but high schoolteachers will not care about things such as how much homework you already have inone night.Its

9、 best to just learn to deal with things and manage your time wisely soyou can achieve everything you need to.Frank,Aged21I think almost every kid feels both nervous and excited before their firstday.You will probably love it.I know I did.You should join some sports or activitiesthat will make your h

10、igh school experience more enjoyable.Good luck!Eddie,Aged20When I started high school I was really nervous too,especially since I had beenhomeschooled all through middle school and didnt really know anyone.I suppose thebest advice would be to just relax.The first couple of days can be a little bit h

11、ard,butthings will become easier before you know it.David,Aged19Im not going to lie.The first day is kind of frightening.But youll get used toit.Dont be afraid of anyone;upperclassmen will pick on you more if you let themknow youre afraid.Just take it easy.Making some friends and staying with them w

12、illgreatly help you get used to high school quickly.After the first week its really notbad at all.Dont worry.21.What can we infer from Sharon about high school?A.Teachers are quite strict.B.Students often stay up at night.C.Teachers provide little care for students.3D.Students should make good use o

13、f their time.22.How did Eddie feel on his first day of high school?A.Excited.B.Bored.C.Worried.D.Relaxed.23.Who mentions the importance of friends?A.Frank.B.David.C.Sharon.D.Eddie.BRanjan and Summer were good friends.They went to the same school and werein the same class.Ranjan was not strong.He cou

14、ld not play football or other games with boys ofhis age.All that he did was to watch Summer and other boys play.He usually wentwith them to the playground.When they ran off to play,he would sit under a tree andread storybooks.Books became his best friends.The reading made him successful inall the ex

15、ams.He always stood first in the class.Summer was tall and strong.He spent most of his time running,swimming orriding bicycles.He was an extremely good player in every game.He was a member ofthe schools football team and cricket team.The PE teacher thought he would make itbig in the game when he gre

16、w up.One day,the two friends went for a walk.Ranjan got tired soon.“I have no strength.What is the use of all this knowledge if I am not healthy?I wouldgive away all my knowledge if I could be half as healthy and strong as you,”saidRanjan.Summer was surprised and replied,“So you are not happy with y

17、ourself too?Ialways wished I could have done as well as you did in the studies.I even thought Icould have given away my sporting skills for better grades in those exams.”The twofriends looked at each other and cried out at the same time.“The grass looks greeneron the other side of the hill.”24.What

18、did Ranjan usually do when he went to the playground with Summer?A.He read his favorite books.B.He played with his friend.C.He studied for the exams.D.He took care of the clothes.25.Why did the PE teacher think Summer might become a sports star?A.Summer was very strong.B.Summer was good at doing spo

19、rts.C.Summer was very tall.D.Summer spent a lot of time playing sports.26.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Ranjan was proud of his knowledge.B.Summer could do as well as Ranjan did in the studies.C.Summer was unhappy with his studies.D.Ranjan and Summer decided to learn from each other.27

20、.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?A.Practice makes perfect.B.Nobody knows his own advantages.4C.Grass usually appears greener in faraway places.D.We always want something better and feel unhappy.CIf you think that Internet shopping on a Sunday gets you the best deals,then

21、think again.Tuesday is actually the best day of the week if you want to grab abargain,according to an exhaustive analysis of online shopping.Thursday is thesecond best day followed by Fridaybut Sunday is when you are least likely tomake a saving.The study also looked at months and found that the pre

22、Christmas rush inNovember is when there are most bargains around on the weband not the Januarysales.US retailer(零售商)reporting service Sum All examined 3,000 companies andhalf a billion transactions(交 易)as part of its report.It worked out the averagediscount(折 扣)offered to consumers on each day of th

23、e week and over differenttimes of the year.The best day of the week was Tuesday where savings were 4.81 percent,followed by Thursday on 4.80 percent.In third place was Friday at 4.65 percent,thenWednesday at 4.13 percent and Monday at 4.11 percent.Only the foolish would shopon a Saturday where the d

24、iscounts were typically 3.84 percentand Sunday was theworst with 3.37 percent.The analysis by month is even more surprising as most people think that waitinguntil the postChristmas sales would yield the biggest discounts.In fact,November iswhen you will get the largest savings at 5.99 percent on ave

25、rage.January came insecond at 4.95 percent,followed by May at 4.50 percent.The worst month to buy online was March where you could expect to save just 2.76percent.Consumers and experts have been speculating for years about the best time toshop online.Booking a flight has almost become a science with

26、 some claiming that buyingsix weeks before you travel guarantees you the best price.However,a recent analysisby the US Airlines Reporting Commission found that was not actually the case.Not only did the sixweek window fail to pile up,in some cases the best fares wereon sale as long as 24 weeks befor

27、e departure.The ARC said that booking well inadvance is best advised for busy routes or long haul flights(长途航班),as the priceonly tends to go up.28If a buyer wants to buy cheap goods online,hed better go to the shop onATuesdayBThursdayCFridayDSunday29Most web sellers often provide bargain on the web.

28、Aafter New Years DayBduring Valentines DayCon Mothers DayDbefore Christmas30Which of the following statements is True according to the third paragraph?AThe best day of the week was Tuesday where savings were 4.8 percent.BIn third place was Thursday where savings were 4.65 percent.CSunday where the d

29、iscounts were 3.37 percent was the worst.5DCustomers can get the best savings on Saturday.31What is the meaning of the underlined word“speculating”in the fifth paragraph?AQuarrelling.BObjecting.CSearching.DConsidering.DI am an email user.When I first started to use the email system,I used to readall

30、 my email.I didnt have much mail.I gave my friends my email address.Soon Ihad more mail than I wanted.Some of the mail was junk mail.I was worried.I didntwant my mail to control me.Ive tried some methods to help me get control of my mail.First,I check my mailat the same time every day.Also I try to

31、allow myself only 1520 minutes every dayto process my email.This doesnt always work,but I try.Sometimes I save themessages.Sometimes I just read them,maybe answer a few,and then delete(删除)them.Sometimes Im not at all interested in a message,so I dont even open it.I deleteit right away.This is very m

32、uch the way I go through the mail that the postal servicedelivers to my home.These methods are very simple.I have some friends who are very clever withcomputers.From time to time,they teach me new tricks for managing my email.Imstill amazed at what email can do for me!Im still worried,however,about

33、havingtoo much to read.32The writer used to read all his email becauseAhe was forced to do thatBhe had nothing else to doChe didnt know how to read mailDhe didnt have much mail33Which of the following does NOT belong to the ways of the writers dealing withhis mail?APassing some on to his friends.BJu

34、st reading some.CDeleting some.DSaving the messages.34What does the underlined word“they”in the last paragraph refer to?Amessages.Bfriends.Ccomputers.Dmethods.35Whats the purpose of the writer to write this passage?ATo share happiness in using mail with us.BTo share some methods of using computer wi

35、th us.CTo share some worries in using mail with us.DTo persuade us out of using mail.第二节 阅读七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)The beauty of confidence is that it is possible to learn it,no matter who you are!Follow these simple steps to be confident.Consider your strengths and success.36When did you help ot

36、hers?What are you good at?When have you taken6pride in yourselves?What are you working hard for?If you have difficulty thinkingof your strengths and success,ask your family member or a close friend.Have goals.Sitting around and doing nothing will make you feel worse.Start with a smallgoal.37Youll ge

37、t more confidence achieving a small goal.Once youveachieved many smaller goals,you can set bigger goals.38Failure is the mother of success.When you fail,view it as a learningexperience.Often we have to fail on our own to gain experience.By failing,you haveat least taken a chance.Pick a role model.Pi

38、ck a role model that is always confident and always learn from them.Studytheir action,their manners and how they communicate with others.39However,its a great place to start.Smile.Confident people smile often,and without much reason.40It tells thepeople around you that youre comfortable in yourself

39、and enjoying your time.ALearn from failure.BOtherwise,youll get discouraged.CSmiling is a friendly and open gesture.DAfter reaching a goal,reward yourself.EStart projecting a more powerful you today.FIf possible,write them down so that you can look back at them later.GOf course you dont want to spen

40、d your entire life copying someone else.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题1.5 分,满分30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Yesterday,I posted a photo of a pile of cross stitch kits(十字绣)on my blog.Tomy41,many readers say I do well in them.I couldnt use them all,42finall

41、y I decided to give away the rest to ladies in my neighbourhood who like to43a project with their own hands.I44them all up into a box and decided to start with the lady who45apub.Shes perfectly kind and she served me with a cup of coffee.I took her out to mycar and showed her the46I was holding it i

42、n my arms beside my car whenanother car47up next to us with two other ladies in it.Within moments I waspushed against the48behind the weight of three elderly ladies and I had to fightmy way to pick up the empty box.The three ladies had taken every single item in thatbox with49expressions on their fa

43、ces and lots of thanks.One of the ladies has ason who is a firefighter.She decided to give some cross stitch kits to the50station.Her decision did make me pleased.I had in my mind a wonderful picture of allthese51and strong firemen sitting around all working on their cute cross stitchChristmas stock

44、ings while they52for fire alarms to be called in.7Finally,53and laughter all went around,and then I emailed another54,who often visits me and also likes cross stitch kits.She promised to send meher extra cross stitch kits,too.I just know kindness will finally55on to others.41A.mindBjoyCsadnessDgoal4


46、Dstand53A.mercyBhappinessCworryDdebate54A.strangerBvolunteerCforeignerDneighbour55A.holdBtryClookDpass第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。China is a big old country,1.has a history of more than five thousandyears.We are proud of 2.(it)culture and part of the cultu

47、re even influencesthe world 3.(great),for example,the thought of Confucius.As Chineseeconomy develops very fast and plays 4.important role in the world,moreand more 5.(foreign)learn Mandarin(普通话)in Confucius institutions.TheChinese traditional culture can be tested by the time.It unites the whole na

48、tion and nomatter 6.kind of disaster comes,we will fight together for the countrysfuture.Today,many young people lose faith in 7(tradition)culture and theyare crazy about the western culture.They follow the western fashion,8.(think)we are the old style.But some day,they 9.(realize)it is wrong 10.(ab

49、andon)traditional culture.第四部分写作(共两节满分 35 分)第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每题 1 分,共 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。When I was young,I lived i

50、n the countryside.At that time,the trees there werevery green,that left a deep impression on me and the water there was so much clear8that I even could see the fish swimming.When it gets dark,the air was cooler than it inthe daytime.People liked to walk out their houses to chat together.I liked to p

51、laygames with my friends but ran along the village happily.As the moon rose highly inthe sky,the village was lighting.When I looked up,I could see the moon and a fewstar.They were so close to me.It seemed that I could touch them.The life in thecountryside were so wonderful.高一周测试题答案听力15CBBAB610ACABB1

52、115BCABC1620CBBCA阅读理解 2125DCBAB2630CDADC 3135CDABB 3640FBAGCA【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文中四个人用自己的亲身经历告诉刚入学的新生该如何开始高中生活。21.答案 D解析细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Its best to just learn to deal with thingsand manage your time wisely so you can achieve everything you need to.”可知,Sharon 认为在高中阶段最好是学会处理事情和学会合理地管理时间,这样才能完成你需要做的一切事情。故选

53、 D 项。22.答案 C解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“When I started high school I was really nervoustoo”可知,Eddie 在高中开学的第一天是很紧张不安的。故选 C 项。23.答案 B解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Making some friends and staying with themwill greatly help you get used to high school quickly.”可知,David 认为交一些朋友,和他们在一起,会极大地帮助你快速适应高中。故选 B 项。B【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了两个

54、朋友之间的故事:Ranjan 喜欢读书,成绩在班级总是第一名,但身体不好。而 Summer 喜欢各种运动,身体很好但成绩不太好。在一天两人散步的时候,两人都看到了对方的优点和自身的不足,接着两人相视而笑并说道:“山那边的草看起来更绿。”24.答案 A解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“He usually went with them to the playground.When they ran off to play,he would sit under a tree and read storybooks.Books became his best friends.”可以了解到,在操场的

55、时候,他总是坐在树下,读着故事书。书成了他最好的朋友。故选 A 项。25.答案 B解析细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“He was an extremely good play erin everygame.”和最后一句“The PE teacher thought he would make it big in the game whenhe grew up.”可知,在各项运动中他都很棒,体育老师认为他长大后会在比赛中出9人头地。故选 B 项。26.答案 C解析推理判断题。根据第六段中的“I always wished I could have done as well asyou did i

56、n the studies.I even thought I could have given away my sporting skills forbetter grades in those exams.”可知,Summer 对自己的学习成绩是不满意的。故选 C项。27.答案 D解析句意猜测题。结合文章内容了解到,Ranjan 和 Summer 在一起散步,拿自身的不足之处和对方的优点比较时,都希望自己能够改善个人的不足,做到和对方一样好。故选 D 项。C【语篇解读】也许你认为周日是网上购物的最佳时间,然而调查发现周二才是最佳网上购物时间。28A推理判断题。根据文中第一段前两句叙述可知选

57、A。29D细节理解题。根据第二段“The study also looked at months and found thatthe preChristmas rush in November is when there are most bargains around on theweband not the January sales.”一句可知 D 正确。30C推理判断题。根据第三段所列数据可知周日的折扣最低。31C词义猜测题。根据后面提到的“最佳网上购物时间”可知应该是“寻找”。D【语篇解读】电子邮件越来越多。作者想到了一些方法:读一下,回复一些,然后直接删除,或者直接去掉。但还是有很

58、多垃圾邮件很让人烦恼。32D细节理解题。根据第一段中“When I first started to use the email system,I used to read all my email.I didnt have much mail.”可知刚开始建邮箱时并没有多少邮箱。故选 D。33A细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Sometimes I save the messages.SometimesI just read them,maybe answer a few,and then delete(删除)them.”可知,他并没有把一些邮件传给朋友。故选 A。34B词义猜测题。根据此句的前

59、一句“I have some friends who are very cleverwith computers.”可知,they 是指他的朋友。故选 B。35B主旨大意题。作者写文章的目的是把他处理邮件的方法和大家分享。故选 B。阅读七选五【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了通过简单的几个步骤使你学会自信。36F根据本段的主旨句 Consider your strengths and success.(考虑你的优势和成功)可知,F 项中 them 指代主旨句中 strengths and success,且 look back at themlater 和下文的一系列问题相呼应,句意(如果可能的话,把

60、它们写下来,这样你以后可以回头看)承上启下,故选择 F。37B根据前文和常识可知,此处表示从一个小目标开始,否则你会泄气的,B 项承接上文,故选择 B 项。38A根据文章结构可知,此处选择段落主旨句。根据空后内容可知,当你失败时,把它看作是一次学习的经历,空后的 failure 也是选择主旨句的关键词,A 项(向失败学习)可以概括本段,故选择 A。1039G根据前文(研究行为榜样的行为、举止以及他们如何与他人沟通)可知 G选项中的“模仿其他人”和前文相呼应,且句意(当然,你不想一辈子都在模仿别人)承接上下文,故选择 G 项。40C根据前文的 Smile 可知,C 项中 Smiling 和前文内

61、容相呼应,且句意(微笑是友好和开放的姿态)承接上下文,故选择 C 项。完形填空 4145BCBDC4650ADBDB5155CCBDD【语篇解读】本文讲述了作者把自己多余的十字绣分享给邻居,又有人分享自己的十字绣给作者的经历,作者相信这种善行可以传递下去。41B根据“many readers say I do well in them.”得知浏览者们夸奖我绣得好,我很开心。故选 B。42C根据前面“I couldnt use them all”,和后面赠送给邻居们得知,前后是因果关系,故选 C。43B根据“who like toa project with their own hands.”得

62、知那些获得她赠送的人是喜欢用双手创造的人们。故选 B。44D根据“Ithem all up into a box and.”得知我把它们全打包到一个盒子里。故选 D。45C根据“she served me with a cup of coffee.”得知这位女士经营着一个酒吧。故选 C。46A根据上文“Ithem all up into a box and decided to start with the lady”得知给那个女士看那个盒子。故选 A。47D根据“Within moments I was pushed against thebehind the weight ofthree

63、elderly ladies.”得知又有一辆车停在我们旁边。pull up 使停下来;(使)停。故选 D。48B根据“I was holding it in my arms beside my car”得知这里在描述作者被那三位女士推挤到车边。故选 B。49D根据“The three ladies had taken every single item in that box withexpressions on their faces and lots of thanks.”得知这三位女士把盒子里的东西都拿完了还不断感谢我,说明她们很满意。故选 D。50B根据“One of the ladi

64、es has a son who is a firefighter.”得知其中一位女士要把十字绣送给儿子所在的消防局。fire station 消防局。故选 B。51C根据“and strong firemen”得知消防员都是个头很大身体很强大。故选 C。52C根据“sitting around all working on their cute cross stitch Christmasstockings while theyfor fire alarms to be called in.”得知作者想像消防员在等待火灾报警时可以绣十字绣。故选 C。53B根据“and laughter al

65、l went around,”得知最后大家都很开心。故选 B。54D根据“finally I decided tothe rest to ladies in my neighbourhood wholike toa project with their own hands.”得知作者给邻居们分享十字绣。她给另一个邻居发邮件。故选 D。55Dhold 握住;try 尝试;look 看着;pass 经过;传递。根据“I just knowkindness will finallyon to others.”得知作者把自己多余的十字绣分享给别人,又有人分享给作者,作者相信这种善行可以传递下去。pas

66、s on to 传递。故选 D。11语法填空【语篇解读】中国传统文化对世界产生了很大影响,但现在很多人忽视中国传统文化,追求西方文化。作者认为这是错误的。1which句意:中国是一个古老的大国,有五千多年的历史。本句为非限定性定语从句修饰先行词 big old country,并在从句中作主语。故填 which。2its句意:我们为它的文化感到骄傲,其中的一部分文化甚至对世界产生了巨大的影响,例如孔子的思想。根据后面的名词“文化”,可知前面是形容词性物主代词,故填 its。3greatly副词修饰动词 influence,故填 greatly。4an句意:随着中国经济的快速发展和在世界上发挥着

67、重要作用,越来越多的外国人在孔子学院学习普通话。短语 play an important role in“起重要作用”,又因为 important 是元音音素开头的单词,故填 an。5foreigners根据句意“越来越多的外国人”,可知数量不止一个,故填名词复数,故填 foreigners。6what句意:它团结了整个国家,无论发生什么样的灾难,我们都要为国家的未来而共同奋斗。no matter what 引导让步状语从句,表示“不论如何”,故填what。7traditional今天,许多年轻人对传统文化失去了信心,他们为西方文化而疯狂。根据句意可知用 traditional。8thinki

68、ng句意:他们追随西方的时尚,认为我们过时了。they 与 think 是主动关系,故填现在分词作状语,故填 thinking。9will realize句意:但是总有一天,他们会意识到放弃传统文化是错误的。根据前面的 someday,可知使用将来时,故填 will realize。10to abandon短语 be wrong to do sth.“做某事是错误的”,故填 to abandon。短文改错When I was young,I lived in the countryside.At that time,the trees there were very green,thatwhi

69、ch left a deep impression on me and the water there was so much clear that I even could seethe fish swimming.When it getsgot dark,the air was cooler thanitthat in the daytime.People liked towalk out of their houses to chat together.I liked to play games with my friends butand ran alongthe village happily.As the moon rose highlyhighin the sky,the village waslightinglighted/lit/light.When Ilooked up,I could see the moon and a few starstars.They were so close to me.It seemed that I couldtouch them.The life in the countryside werewas so wonderful.


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